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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8223142 No.8223142 [Reply] [Original]

How bad is El Ken at his job edition

>> No.8223301

Welp, there's dude in the group bitching about his ticket arriving already

>> No.8223434

They're probably "trolling" or thier autism is going haywire again.

>> No.8223706
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I still haven't finished my cosplay. Someone who was going to work on my prop kept insisting that they are going to do it but never replies back on time or showed any pictures so now I have to make it myself in less than a month along with four other props. I also don't have my contacts, my wigs, or anything at all.

>> No.8224234
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I'm in that stressed out mode where you haven't started the most crucial parts of your cosplay and your money is slowly dwindling.

>> No.8224460
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Been trying to get a job for months with no luck. If I do get this job I've been gunning for, I'll have 2 weeks (or 1 depending on when my first check is) to have everything shipped to me before the con since I know everything I need. Amazon is more pricey but I'll have to just select same day/1 day shipping if I have any hope of getting everything on time and making sure it looks right. I usually buy off ebay, but I'd have to have ordered everything last week to get it on time.

>> No.8224507

Is ACen ghostable if I just want to show up and cosplay, or is it like Otakon where I need a ticket to get in?

>> No.8224520

For the dealer's hall, rave, and Acen sponsored events (arcade, panels, ect) yes you need a badge. But you can still show up and hang around the Hyatt, or go to photoshoots. Aside from buying stuff, I didn't even need my badge last year since I didn't go into any panels and spent most of my time in the Hyatt lobby or walking to and from the convention center. No one can stop you from entering the convention center itself either since it connects to the hotel skywalk and security will only stop you if you try to enter the dealer's hall.

I recommend finding a friend who does have a badge and just borrowing theirs if you want to get inside some place. though good luck with that since anyone will be skeptical if you ask to borrow their $50 piece of plastic.

>> No.8224522

The last time I went to acen was in 2006, so take this with a grain of salt, but they are pretty strict on checking badges, even on the floor. I would tuck mine into my costume whenever someone asked for a photo then forget to untuck it. I was asked at least 3 times by different staff members to show my badge.

>> No.8224528

Nah, I just want to hang around the Hyatt with friends and go to photoshoots. No interest in DA/AA/rave/panels. Thanks!

>> No.8224943

>AV heavy panel
>haven't even shot video for comedy segments
>or picked out series, doujin, and manga to snip clips and screenshots from

yeah I should uh...probably get on that

>> No.8226479

Anyone here ever go to a VA panel or autograph signing? I passed up Laura Bailey last year because I didn't want to stand in line for 3 hours just to nervously say hi and ask her how she felt as playing Kaine. How long do people on average get? What did you have them sign?

I've also seen the chance of running into someone by pure chance. When I saw a video of someone managing to catch Quinton Flynn he looked ready to jet. Are they really all that ready to run away from you?

>> No.8227514

>Are they really all that ready to run away from you?

Usually yes.

>> No.8227562

I tried going to laura and travis' autograph session on sunday. Got over there as soon as vendor hall opened and got told they couldn't let anyone else in the line. I heard people had to line up before the hall opened just for the autograph session. Also, i hated that they had laura and travis together at the same autograph session. I remember El ken stating afterwards that "it was a probably a bad idea" but he had just gone along with travis and laura because "they asked if they could." Sorry, but at such a large con you shouldn't be putting two large VA's together.
On another note, i know most VA's get bombarded outside of panels or signings considering there's 29k+ attendees, you're bound to have alot more crazies

>> No.8230401

A little over a month to go.
Got a group of 4 just gonna pregame before we go to the Hyatt bar because fuck those hotel bar prices.

>> No.8231098

No AP again this year? They finally do shit right and then never do it again.

>> No.8231499

Is the panel schedule up yet?
I can't find it on the ACen site.

>> No.8231542

I don't think it's up yet. I hope the gathering schedule is up soon. That Google Sheet is killing me.

>> No.8231546

No lolita guests, no indie or brand fashion show, maybe one panel, hopefully not run by that one walmart ita.

>> No.8231557

acen doesn't care about lolita shit anymore, chicago comm will probably try to do something like a meet/brunch thing, similar to last year.

>> No.8231571

Wow, nothing? What the hell happened?

>> No.8231591

>hopefully not run by that one walmart ita.
I'm not familiar at all with the lolita scene. Please elaborate.

>> No.8231880

They definitely just announced a lolita guest - Mike Takeuchi, a gothic lolita designer

>> No.8231914


They've gone through like five draft versions and have yet to release a final schedule. I'm really concerned about my time.

>> No.8232052
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I haven't had any motivation or money to make a new cosplay and planned on wearing last year's again but I've gained 50 lbs since last year and everything is tight as shit ughhhhhhh

Atleast I'm trying to make an effort by going to the gym 3 times a week but still gotta fix my diet

>> No.8232085

Calories in, calories out.

That feel when lost 60lb from last year and still need to lose 20 more to get to my goal weight for my cosplay.

>> No.8232105

I'm god awful at keeping count of calories but I've been thinking of keeping a food diary.

I've been thinking of chubby characters I could cosplay to atleast make use of my shape for now but there's none I honestly care for except maybe Pochaco.

>> No.8232113

They just don't care about lolita. There are always complaints in the forums that "lolita is taking over the con" since they brought AP (which is ridiculous).

I'm assuming the so-called Walmart ita is this girl who usually runs one of the basic lolita panels at Acen. She is anti-brand and does a lot of "lolifying" of things and never really attends the local comm meetups. The fashion panels at Midwest are better in general.

>> No.8232121

Apparently it's Mika, not Mike. They couldn't even get Naoto this year? We get someone nobody's ever heard of who used to work for Naoto?

>> No.8232138

Just use MyFitnessPal. I've been using it for a year and it's absolutely 100% the reason I've kept to losing weight. Though, to make sure you do well, I highly recommend a food scale. Being autistic about it can only help!

>> No.8232153
File: 13 KB, 162x200, toad ready to party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I'm downloading it right now. I went to a fat camp when I was younger and was also told to be really obsessed about portion control in every way to the point of carrying measuring spoons with you everywhere which I should try too.

>> No.8232203

Measuring spoons is a bit much. Just get a 10-20 dollar food scale off amazon and make sure your portions/servings are correct to the gram. That's all you really need other than a balanced diet and exercise.

Best of luck!

>> No.8232229


Oh, and try to eat 500 calories under your TDEE. That is about the limit for safe weight loss. That's 2lb a week, so it's still a lot.

>> No.8235045

>panel is after super lat Saturday night

honestly can't decide if that's good or bad.

>> No.8235058

It better be a lively one. Wouldn't do to sit in a quiet room with a handful of people with the excitement of watching drunk/high teens fall over themselves because of the rave.

>> No.8235135

Does anyone know where the panel draft is

>> No.8235364

Instead of bringing the same designers like he always does, he has to try even less by booking a loser that nobody's heard about. Why does El Ken even bother at this point?

>> No.8236101


it is a secret to everybody


so he can make a long, whiny post on the forums about how hard he works and how little people appreciate him

>> No.8236174

The guest list is such a huge disappointment this year especially when you compare it to who the dances are bringing in ( which El Ken despite his whining has little to do with).

I really want to give Anime Midwest a try this year but my husband is going to be out of town and I'll have no one to go with. Would it be worth it to go solo or is it really not that great?

>> No.8236211
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I've heard VERY good things about Anime Midwest. It's apparently like early ACen--intimate and fun.

But the fucking baka faggot assholes have decided they're important enough to take up 4th of July weekend, so I dunno when I'll ever have the free time to go check them out.

>> No.8236389

Next year it's July 8-10 and the 2017 is July 7-9 according to their website.

>> No.8236409

Seriously, this is really disappointing. I was okay with no lolita guest because I'll get that at Midwest, and I figured we'd get Naoto as always. Not a Naoto knockoff.

>> No.8236465


Huh. Well, doesn't do me any good last year or this year, but good to know I'll be able to go eventually.

>> No.8237215

I'm not too worried about the Fashion or Music, I always have a good group of friends to go to ACen with, we usually have a lot of fun at the panels.
Anyone know any good returning panels this year or is that all still hush hush?

>> No.8237517
File: 10 KB, 155x202, 1426392395859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been to Acen in four years. I'm so excited. Both of my cosplays are about 90% complete.

Have things changed a lot in the last four years? I've heard mixed things about Soap Bubble.

>> No.8237530

They don't allow people to bring in bags to the rave anymore... Which really sucks considering last year my friend had an asthma attack and he lost his inhaler in the crowd. He was okay, but we had to leave early... could have easily been avoided though if he was allowed to bring his bag in.

>> No.8237748

I'm really excited too, anon. My first year was last year and I went solo so I was a little scared. I made quite a few non-weeby, mature con friends! And despite a few hiccups, I had an overall great time. I hope this year is just as fun.

>> No.8238787

Anime Midwest is bringing back BTSSB/AATP this year for a tea party. They released the tickets for the tea party yesterday. I know I got mine. I have to swing by Chicago on a biennale basis to meet with the Chicago Comm. I'll be in Italy for two weeks when ACen occurs.

>> No.8239540
File: 231 KB, 500x587, 1425966812319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my badge. And got thejob I was gunning for. Only the first paycheck is May 5th. Only way to get everything would be to order from Amazon with a seller located in the state or neighboring state with 1/2 day shipping. Looks like all the money I'll work for will be spent in an instant.

The things I do for this con.

>> No.8239758

>can't drink for medical reasons
>green was a way to take the edge off, now not allowed to do that for 6 weeks either, even though the doctor admits it has essentially no effect on my epilepsy
>doing ACen alone and completely sober

fucking fuck a duck. at least I can still have coffee.

>> No.8239784

>can't drink for medical reasons
Don't complain. I did the same thing and last year turned out fine. Not drinking wont kill you.

>> No.8240080

Find a group of Drunks to hang out with. Laughing at them is the most fun when sober!

>> No.8240636

This is my first time going to acen and it's by myself. I have social anxiety and I'm already so nervous. Advice please.

>> No.8240776

I think you'll be fine drink lots of water have your phone on you it's what I do when I get anxious. Have your friends to text see if you can find some people to hang out with!

>> No.8241215


>any good returning panels


Just kidding. Lemme see here...

Let's Play Oregon Trail
Let's form a stand alone complex (never been but it's well-regarded)
THE BAD ANIME PANEL (I fucking love this one)

and nearly all the hentai panels are back, especially Hentarmageddon which all the cool kids go to including me because I run it

>> No.8241250

Shoot me an email if you'd wanna hang out. I'm bringing a friend who will also be a first timer.

>> No.8241256

Last years acen just solidified the fact that I'm done with cons. Spent a good bunch of money to go to some really bad panels. Not being able to find any photoshoots because they moved without really informing anyone where they were, shitty guests.

I realized I was spending like $400+ just to go to the god damn dealers room. Which had pretty much all the same artists in the artists alley as two years ago anyway

>> No.8241551

Thank you very much. I don't have any friends going since they aren't into anime, but I really want to get over my excessive shyness and have a good time. Did you find it relatively easy to make friends when you went? Are people generally friendly at this convention?

>> No.8241743

From my experience most people are friendly unless you appear to be one of those "I'm going to shoot up my school" types those totally exist there

>> No.8241753

Finally skipping out this year and heading to midwest instead. Last year the panels were bad, the guests were bad, the dealers room was bad...so I'm putting my money where my mouth is. If I regret it that much I'll just go next year. Last year one of the guests was sharing his birthday cake in the bar which was pretty cool, but 75$ spent is not saved by free cake.

>> No.8242005
File: 21 KB, 441x396, 1383105104795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell me how the fuck to register and pay for my damn tickets? I have spent like 20 minutes searching the site.

I thought I might need to register a new account, and its telling me I need a badge number. What a shitty site layout.

>> No.8242015

I think I had to create an account and then add a membership to my account. I don't think you need a badge number to create a new account.

>> No.8242058
File: 100 KB, 720x480, 1380499887828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it, thanks for the help. I see they wanted you to make up a badge name before you actually buy it.

>no one mentioning R07 attending
I guess thats modern /cgl/ for you.

>> No.8242084

It's really sad, only reason I ended up deciding to come to this con aside from friends is that R07 is coming

>> No.8242092
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Ditto, are there any 7th Expansion groups meeting up for the event? Would be cool to meet up with some being as I am going alone.

>> No.8242113
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>Join us in welcoming Richard Epcar as a Guest of Honor to ACen 2015!
>mfw Ansem is gonna be at Acen
Oh gob I am so getting him to sign my copy of KH DDD. I wish I bought 1.5 too but I just had no interest in replaying KH1 or CoM to which his voice gets the biggest use.

Are signings of multiple items allowed? I'd be down for him signing 2.5 anyway.

>> No.8242193

I've only gone to a signing once, and this was two years ago. But she (Yuu Asakawa) had some people bring 2-3 things and nobody pitched a fit. (Con people or the attendee's)
But, her line also wasn't gigantic.

>> No.8242271

Online registrations are done. You will need to buy your badge at the convention at this point.

>> No.8242380

nah, I figured it out. I will have to pick the tickets up at will call but I did manage to prepay. I also managed to find lodging within 3 miles for $40 a night suckaaas.

>> No.8242423
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I'm sort of iffy about how many people will want a signing. I mean, I expect a lot, but I honestly only know 2 of his roles. Ansem (and that was after replacing the original voice Billy Zane) and a smaller role in Drakengard.

>> No.8243245

You mean, everyone on staff.

>> No.8243897

Richard was super cool to hang out with. We had him for kitsune kon in wisconsin. Him and Ellyn both were both very sweet. Richard just had a full knee replacement a month ago. He might not be walking around as much.

>> No.8243983

I know that a different friend and I are going desperately and we're probably going to try and get a higurashi/umineko photoshoot going for ourselves, so others may join up with us

idk I'll keep you posted

>> No.8243987

Online says that you can buy them online until like the 5th of May; You just have to pick them up at the con itself???

>> No.8243998

I haven't been there in a while. Is the lighting in the hotel 2nd floor decent during the evenings?

>> No.8244018

Has anyone got their cosplay lineup done? I'm still debating.

>> No.8244019

full retard moment, meant separately

>> No.8244022

nope have not

>> No.8244236

>friend I'm going with suggests that we take an Am track instead of driving
>while staying at a Motel 6

I mean we might as well reserve a nicer hotel with the money we'd be spending on the am track and the taxi fees

>> No.8244365
File: 196 KB, 2048x1360, 10830459_797523546959890_6092110549908928635_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Just wearing the usual.
>Lulu from FFX (Friday)
>Wander from Shadow of the colossus(Possibly late friday)
>Silent hill 2 nurse (all day saturday)
>Toothless kigu (sunday)

It's tentative atm. I'm not really sure how long i'll wear my nurse again this year. Pic related is my and my friend. I'm the one with the badge on my collar. I do the makeup for both of us and it takes a god awful long time but damn. It's worth it in the end. I still keep tweaking the makeup on this occasionally. I need to pick up an airbrush one of these days.

>> No.8244689
File: 16 KB, 271x251, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my hoodie for one punchman cosplay. Dam im excited!

>> No.8244752

I just finished reading OPM. Oh god the art is so amazing. I hope to see a Genos. Even if the arms aren't great, the eyes should be.

>> No.8244770

find me at acen ill be wearing the oppai hoodie handing out Saitama faces

>> No.8244807

My badge arrived today so anyone else who picked the mail out option, be on the lookout!

>> No.8244934

Got mine a few days ago lol

>> No.8244982

I just got mine!

>> No.8244990
File: 44 KB, 500x709, avatar_1404389947482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a 07th Expansion planning to meet up. They're on the ACEN forums ot something.

>> No.8246242

>tfw when all the music guest for acen have been garbage since they started their "anime related music only" rule.

that being said, I remember seeing scandal when they came for Japan Nite and they were actually decent, haven't listened to any of their anime music though.

>> No.8246414

The panel schedule for the guidebook app should be up by now

>> No.8246432

Sure do! Will be doing Maria from Maria Holic, Ayumu from Kore Wa Zombie, Hori from Nozaki Kun, and Oshino Meme from Monogatari. Only one left to complete is Hori which should be ez pz

>> No.8246614

I got my Kosaku Kawajiri Cosplay done.
I'm trying to finish up a Gelgoog Helmet for my other one.

>> No.8246648
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This is going to be my first ACen and I'm fairly excited, partly because I haven't been to Chicago in foreverrrr. I know it's technically not in Chicago but stillllll. In fact, this is my first out of state con since high school.

>> No.8246935

As someone who's attended since their first con, they've definitely stepped up their game in the past two years. Yeah, the con staff themselves are pretty shitty, but they know how to get good guests and keep with decent programming.
Dealers hall is so/so, getting bigger, and meetup shoots are nice as there's not as many people as ACen and you don't have to be out of a certain spot super quickly.

But I think solo should be fine if you really want to go though anon! Last year I just went with 1 friend as compared to my usual crew of like, 10, and it was still a fun 4th weekend.

>> No.8246980

This is my first out of state con since 06.

>> No.8247043

>graduating the weekend of ACen
>no fucks given

this was my first convention way back when, but I'm surprisingly not that bummed about missing it this year.

See everyone at midwest, then!

>> No.8247074

I'm debating as well.
Makoto Kikuchi(Idolmaster) and Homura Akemi (PMMM.) No clue for the third day, and I'm starting to panic.

>> No.8247131

What do you think are going to be the most popular/overdone cosplays at this con? I'm thinking it's going to be a tossup between KLK or RWBY.

>> No.8247135

Ah, what outfit of Makoto's will you be doing? Most of her's are pretty darn cute.
I'm happy to see im@s cosplays wont be completely killed by love live this year as I'll be cosplaying Yayoi either Friday or Saturday.

>> No.8247139

I sort of wonder; last year it was Attack on Titan and I'd imagine it is going to be bad this year too

>> No.8247148

I'm placing my bets on Love Live or Tokyo Ghoul tbh.

But also half of ACen's crowd seems to always be slow to cosplaying the popular stuff so I wouldn't be surprised if Homestuck, SNK or KLK will still be incredibly overdone. Also Hetalia cosplays never seem to never end. Please weebs, just let it die.

>> No.8247161

I would like to see Homestuck die, and it always amazes me how many people actually fucking do it

>> No.8247181

Ever since I heard some of them were crawling on the power boxes at the photoshoot last year (or the year before?), I have no tolerance for them as a whole. I'm sure there's always the exception, but in groups they are so loud and irritating.

>> No.8247187

Ahh, forgot about them. You're probably right. Also forgot about Five Nights at Freddy's. Most likely going to see quite a few of those as well.

>> No.8247188

Whenever I see groups of them sitting around the Hyatt lobby I just get so sad at imagining the poor custodian who has to clean up all of their shitty, unsealed, body paint from the nice chairs and couches.

>> No.8247193
File: 13 KB, 320x241, 1420678635017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm imagining either Love Live or KLK.
I'll be doing the streethopper outfit! I'll be going as her Friday evening for the Idol anime photoshoot (if the draft is still accurate), but again, it'll probably be nothing but Love Live.

What outfit will you be doing?

>> No.8247201

If there are a lot of good idol cosplays I will be very happy

>> No.8247217

I'll be wearing her Pink Diamond outfit!
Oh god, you have no idea how relieving it is to find out that I wont be the only im@s at that shoot. I'm ready to prepare for the worst with that many Love Live cosplayers in one place.

>> No.8247244

omg I am ridiculously happy rn. Willing to bet $5 that we'll be the only im@s motherfuckers at that shoot.

>> No.8247374

The final programming schedule has just been released. Thoughts?

>> No.8247641

Not at all.

>> No.8247646

I'm expecting more of the photoshoots to be overrun by stucks since the guy organizing all the shoots this year is one himself.

>> No.8247647

It's funny to see the big green stripe down the middle of the schedule and the only panel in it is Oregon Trail. I'm assuming that's the large ballroom and nobody else can fill it.

>> No.8247660


Where? The guidebook app?

>> No.8247849

anyone else going to the idol anime shoot on friday? i feel like it's going to be overrun by love live and push away the others

>> No.8247862

Honestly they really should've just made a separate Love Live shoot, I don't know how much "Nico Nico Nii" I'll be able to handle before going crazy

>> No.8247877


>> No.8247880

yeah someone on the forum told the coordinator that and they promised everyone would get the same amount of time and treatment.

...even though she's cosplaying LL and has admitted to either hardly watching/not watching other shows.

>> No.8247897

That gross person cosplaying Takane from iM@S hasn't even watched all of it. Does everyone there have the attention span of a 5 year old? I guess I may have a pole up my ass about finishing anime before cosplaying it, but...

>> No.8247903

nope! i'll be going as iori with a yayoi and hopefully a makoto and miki. after the shoot i'll be changing into ranko, though.

i'll claim my $5 now~

>> No.8247906

>complains about filler im@s episodes
>love live literally all filler

but that's just my bias

>> No.8247911

I wanna go as Haruka, but this con is so last minute for me I don't know how well I could get one of the outfits I like done since I have a few more outfits to do.

Guess we'll see.

>> No.8248107
File: 356 KB, 565x669, 17126929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I guess I will stick around in these ACEN generals so don't be afraid to update on what you and your friend are doing. I am going EGL not really cosplaying if that makes a difference.

I have checked the forums a couple times and failed to notice any meetups for 07th. You got a link or something?

>> No.8248202

Holy shit, a Ranko? I hope I bump into you at some point. Which outfit are you planning?

>> No.8248233

her cd outfit! i'll be doing her friday evening and all day sunday most likely

>> No.8248276
File: 56 KB, 500x500, NEOGDS-73484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It better be this Ranko

>> No.8248285
File: 148 KB, 480x600, rank2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i had the skill ;_;

>> No.8248496



>> No.8248612
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Again, great to know that there will be im@s cosplayers there!

>> No.8248652

Going to be my 1st time at ACEN. Before this the only other convention I've been to is ASTL. How big is the dealer room at ACEN?

>> No.8248704

Yayoi/Yukiho here! I'll be at the meet but I'll most likely end up leaving since I don't really do meets/group shoots. I'll be with the Iori/Ranko here and possibly with a Miki and Makoto in Schoolgirl Wear!

>> No.8248721

Awesome! I'll definitely make sure to be on the lookout for you!

>> No.8248753

First time acen, are there many easy women?

>> No.8248838

>consider last-minute cosplay
>realize all I can pay off is Isshin Kurosaki in civilian clothes

eh, why the fuck not

>> No.8248851

If you mean dudes dressed as women, then yes

>> No.8248867

they passable at least?

>> No.8248922

depends how drunk you are

>> No.8248972

Big enough

>> No.8248975

That fact that someone is cosplaying Yukiho makes me very happy
Depends I guess, but my friend got laid a few years back so I don't know

>> No.8249486
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Are you built like a dilf with a handsome face?

>> No.8249525
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>> No.8249586

>That feel when you don't even have your cosplay yet and your lineup depends on what arrives or not before Acen.

>> No.8249643
File: 22 KB, 451x289, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stressing over multiple things at once and my lack of cosplay isn't helping. Due to how the payment system of my job works(I'm a new employee), I have a span of 8 days to have everything shipped to me. And because of that 8 days, I'll have to pick 2 day shipping for everything. Pic related is an estimate of the price I'll have to pay if I want to cosplay all 3 days and this doesn't include the $100 guns I want.

I'm honestly thinking about doing a general, no skill needed Tifa Lockheart and dropping the other 2 just so I wont spend the entirety of my check on it.

>inb4 that's not a lot
I'm poor.

>> No.8249755

This still pisses me off.
Well, if you do pull the trigger on that order then you may as well just pony up for prime at that point. It's only $20 more and you get free 2-day shipping for an entire year with no minimum, plus better access to their ecosystem.

>> No.8249880


Built, nah. Got the broad shoulders but not the height and I've gained some weight since a shoulder surgery. But I've got a handsome face in my opinion.

I'd be ruined if I tried to pull off the Shinigami uniform, but his Hawaiian-shirt-under-a-doctor's-coat outfit would look okay.

>> No.8249923

I had student prime, but then it ended and I was charged $99 for basic prime without knowing. Blah blah blah banking business and what not. Not dealing with that again.

>> No.8250328

>Have cosplay for Kanji
>still can't get his scar right
>my spirit gum has been delayed
>pants for Kanji are a bit tight and makes me look like I have a big gut
>I'm going to be wearing this at a con this weekend

I'm pretty sure everything will work out by ACEN but I'm still a bit stressed about this shit

>> No.8250348

If you're a young girl dressed as someone like Envy, Vic will stay around and hoverhand with you.

>> No.8250413

I'm too old and I'm not white. Even if I wanted his attention (which I seriously do not) I know I'd be on a perma last name, arm distance basis.

>> No.8250483


>spirit gum has been delayed

There aren't any costume shops near you? That shit is pretty common


ffffffucking Vic

>> No.8250534

I live in the middle of Missouri in a no name town. I have no clue where the nearest costume shop would be

>> No.8252319

How long are the badge pick-up lines on Friday morning normally?

>> No.8252338

Usually very large, but they move really fast.

>> No.8252574

How early? I got there at 4-5am my first year and there were about 15 or so people standing at the doors. After 6 you got awhile to wait but it's better than 7am onwards.

Think Six Flags roller coaster line for the Superman or one of the big name rides.

>> No.8252754
File: 1.21 MB, 500x408, Aoi donut donut lets go nuts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Crowne Plaza (right across from the convention center) just opened up some rooms tonight. Anyone still looking should scoop 'em up fast.

>mfw I just reserved the room

>> No.8252803

A bit pricy for a room unfortunately

>> No.8252831


Yeah but being at the center itself is invaluable. I cant stand taking the bus or subway or even going home. It just feels so wrong.

>> No.8252838

So I still need to find a room for Friday and Saturday night (I'm open to staying thursday as well). I was wondering if anybody here had space. I'll be doing my own thing the whole weekend between panels and hanging out with friends and I will treat you to booze + snacks. I'm 22, male, hygienic, not creepy and easy to get along with. I've been thinking about official forums but I would rather room with 4chan friends. Shoot me an email or post yours if interested

>> No.8253800


Join the contingent at the Motel 6, anon. Join us as we huddle in our rooms on our feculent hotel pillows, trying to ignore the sound of gay cosplay orgies coming through the particle board walls.

>> No.8254216


But it's so far!
Yet also close to the Denny's.
What a conflict.

>> No.8254246


A 10-15 minute walk is far?

...well, I guess in the dead of night, maybe...

>> No.8254355

wait can the cosplay dudes pass as grills

>> No.8254365


Judging by the passing level of the crossplays I've seen at ACen thus far, no.

>> No.8254416


Depends. Are they named George Foreman? XD

>> No.8254786


I can second this.

I've gotten laid at that hotel almost every year I've gone to acen and I've been going for almost 15 years now.

>> No.8255423
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>you will never get con strange

I've had good sex in cosplay with preexisting romantic partners and I'm very happy I'm engaged, but sometimes I hear about all this wild con sex shit and wonder if I missed out

>> No.8255799


I mean I'd rather be going steady with someone if that's any consolation to you.

It's just sex really

>> No.8256198

>wonder if I missed out
On HIV, infections, clingy teenagers, and weirdos who will stalk you like an animal permanently in heat. Not to say it will always happen, but there there was this one guy I messed around with who wouldn't stop wrapping his arms around me and trying to grope me every time we met by chance. It got annoying because I like fresh meat and new targets, not to be held onto like I'm their gf.

>> No.8256251


Yes, it is far in a practical sense. At the Embassy Suits/Hyatt/etc I can stop in my room and still be in the center of the con. At the motel 6 you're pretty isolated from the event since its so far away.

>> No.8256354

Dude just roleplay with your fiancee.

>> No.8256420
File: 3 KB, 194x205, A_game_of_pretend_emoticon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, in reality I know I haven't missed out on anything. Having someone for forever is better than all the random hookups you can get. Plus as >>8256354 says we can always just play a game of pretend.


Eh, true. I'm actually leaving most of my shit in a friend's room in the Hyatt for that exact reason (booze, snacks, etc). The motel's just a place to pack a bowl and crash at the end of the night.

>> No.8256421

this nigga gets it

>> No.8256610

Okay I came here for advice since you guys may have attended more than I have,
I may have misplaced my badge as I recently moved. I am aware that I can pay $20.00 for a new badge and I need to bring my ID.
I emailed ACen and they told me to bring my ID so they can confirm my information. My badge had my nickname, but the envelope the badge was in had my actual name. Do you think they will question me about that? I even still have my order receipt when I preordered back at Sept.

>> No.8256659

Your actual name will also be printed on your badge, its really small and near the bottom for ID purposes. So no worries anon! Sad to hear you misplaced your badge though!

>> No.8256979
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>Your actual name will also be printed on your badge

Yeah, cause why respect people's privacy and anonymity at a gathering of deviants and underage strangers.

>> No.8256991

Any chance of fashion brands coming? I finally get to make it out there again for the first time in 6 years and no burando. That makes me sad on so many levels.

>> No.8257017


>actual name on badge
>running comedy/porn panel
>genuinely did not know this until now

well fuck me, I thought I was anonymous

>> No.8257034

You will always be anonymous to me

>> No.8257222

So is the Rosemont area safe? Or at least the area around the convention?

>> No.8257224

Generally yes

>> No.8257230

I've found it to be pretty safe. Someone was telling me before my first time there that the place gets surrounded by hobos who beg for cash and I got paranoid. I didnt have any problems with that. People are genuinely nice. At night i would say just be more aware. They don't have police at night stopping traffic for attendees.

>> No.8257320

There's AKIRA (idk if DISACODE is going or she'll be wandering by herself) and Mika Takeuchi (past designer for H.Naoto and has her own brand). Hopefully they put up a model application soon?

>> No.8257488

What do you mean that my real name is on the badge and its really small? I remember the badge showed my nickname but not my full name.

I even still have my order receipt back when I preordered so I'm thinking about bringing that as well since it has my real name.

>> No.8257942

It's there, check a previous year's badge and look. For one year the real name was printed even smaller than recent years.

>> No.8258131

3rd ACen, should be fun like usual.

I'll be cosplaying as Ness. All I need is the shorts and I'm good to go

>> No.8258165



Upper-middle-class white area.

>> No.8258476

>Upper-middle-class white area.
>implying that means being safe
I have a cousin in Utah who lives in a picturesque suburb complete with neatly trimmed lawns, big houses, and sidewalks clear of trash of any kind. Still listed how many rapes and stabbings were reported each year.

It doesn't matter if you're in the city, suburb, or even a village. If there's people, there's someone who's going to want to violate you.

>> No.8258481


Utah is full of crazy fucking mormons though.

>> No.8258555

No I meant like BABY, H.Naoto or Angelic Pretty. At this point, a month out, probably not...

>> No.8258718


Please, stats don't lie. White areas will never be as violent as minority areas of the same economic status.

Rosemont is safe as shit.

>> No.8258728


As long as you don't do things you're not supposed to, or interact with people you know you're not supposed to, it's a pretty good area. Of course always try to travel with at least one or two other people, but that's just something you should do anyway.

>> No.8258749
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>stats don't lie
/pol/ pls go.

>> No.8258759
File: 48 KB, 350x345, 1263232606995_Reaction_faces_part_1-s350x345-151481-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Rosemont.

>> No.8258766
File: 36 KB, 511x509, aoi really smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


eben meme picture
You should go post it on Reddit for them free upboats

>> No.8258771

Yes, and? Doesn't mean someone hasn't been killed there before. I think the idea of flocking to some place with the idea of it being safe only because white people with money living there is stupid.

>> No.8258776
File: 1.65 MB, 544x686, Akane Happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>black girl getting butthurt because people are rightly pointing out that white areas (especially wealthy ones) have less crime than black ones

It's cute, in a way. Fix your own neighborhoods before projecting your own insecurities on ours.

>> No.8258777
File: 124 KB, 1920x1080, best jojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice comeback. Did you copy and paste from /a/? Your next post will be "you're a faggot"

Oh shut up, I can bitch all I want.

>> No.8258780

Rosemont is very safe. Just do exactly what >>8258728 says and just have common sense. I've walked around at night plenty of times before and never felt worried or unsafe.

>> No.8258996


take your bait and get out of this thread

also rosemont's a boring shithole

but it's pretty safe as long as you're not retarded

>> No.8259097
File: 104 KB, 500x267, tumblr_inline_n4c7rlCAyY1qffpz9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like an idiot for not deciding to go to ACEN sooner. I guess I wasn't expecting them to get Taku Takahashi.

>> No.8259380

>as long as you're not retarded
And Acen goers aren't? I remember a guy being hospitalized after a fight Thursday night. People are drunk, high, loud, and pretty much asking for a beat down because they're young and think they're invincible. Such a high concentration of deranged people is asking for trouble.

Not to say it's a guarantee you'll get mugged or assaulted, but the probability rises when there's no hold on alcohol and drugs being distributed in such a small area.

>> No.8259602

Honestly your safety depends on who you surround yourself with

>> No.8260036

I can vouch for the safety of the Rosemont area.

The other anon said it was an upper middle class white area and that's true.

It's also developing economically in a lot of ways. They just opened that big up-scale fashion mall right by the Hyatt. So yes - you won't really see a lot of trashy people there (normally, but since it's a con...).

Anyway. You have to consider most of the people at the con can afford to be there, so it's not like crime is running rampant or anything.

Late night parties can get a little rowdy of course - lots of alcohol - but I've been going for many years, and never felt unsafe in the hotels. In fact, late night is the best time to be out and about IMO. Lots of fun people-watching to be had.

TL;DR don't listen to stupid SJWs trying to derail - Rosemont is a very safe, upper-class area.

>> No.8260690

Last year, on Saturday night, somebody came up to my friend and groped her chest roughly and instantly ran away. Sucks to not be safe from creeps. Stay safe.

>> No.8260837

That person should have just gone to the orgy instead

>> No.8260992

Didn't this include an attempted suicide last year?

>> No.8260997

What, I just knew about the drunk dude knocking on doors asking where the orgy was

>> No.8261028

I think it did, I remember hearing about Ambulances and someone being rushed to the hospital for "severe cuts"

>> No.8261051

Wow, disappointed I missed it

>> No.8261874
File: 1.10 MB, 320x240, e00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish ACEN would get rid of their current staff and get people on board who can actually bring in good guests again. I didn't go last year, and I will not be going this year either because it is such a massive let down and waste of money.

>> No.8262024


when did it all go to shit, anyway? did ken not used to have so much influence? or did they just get lazy/overwhelmed once they hit like 25k+ attendees?

>> No.8262200
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>tfw no filthy weeaboo cosplay sex

>> No.8263022


I'm gonna go as Ging Freecs and Old Joseph. My sister is going as Neferpitou and Johnny Joestar. I hear the cosplay meetups are HXH on Friday and JoJo on Saturday.

>> No.8263091
File: 178 KB, 638x1000, HxHfans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh oh oh! I hope I can see you. Last HxH shoot was pretty dead. Just Gons, Killuas a Kite and Hisoka. I hate I'll probably never find that one Leorio cosplayer I met year before last. His sister is on tumblr, but that's all I know.

2015, still suffering.

>> No.8263259


Ken is the newish guy IIRC. They had someone else in charge of guests 2011 and prior.

He used the "Im new" excuse up to last year I think.

>> No.8263300


Well, at least there's gonna be two more cosplayers this year.

>> No.8263308

Your image is too real for me. I've been a fan since around 2005.
>tfw HiatusxHiatus

>> No.8263607
File: 81 KB, 800x450, HxH fans 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will never stop being relevant.

>year long hiatus
>finally new chapters

>> No.8265271


>36 guests
>18 guests

Granted we got Abe and Uematsu last year but what the fuck is happening, there's fewer guests each year and he never announces them until a week or two beforehand

>> No.8266113

Any hotels open up near the con?

>> No.8266308


The Crowne Plaza is right across the street and its got 4 rooms left m8

>> No.8266391

Any rooms for 2 or just 1?

>> No.8266593

I think the guy in charge of the past guests is now the manager of the Lake Zurich Panda Express. My boyfriend applied there a couple of years ago and had a conversation with him. I think his last name is Lee?

>> No.8266596

No wait his last name was Kim.

>> No.8266648

So about the badges. When will they stop using that 16 year old on deviantart style? Is there a designated artist? Or is it a contest sort of thing?

I'm not vet or anything, but I'm not too fond of the artwork I've seen thus far.

>> No.8266827

How difficult is it to navigate the Rosemount area? I know it's outside of Chicago but I just want to make sure

>> No.8266896

Depends on which direction you are coming from. Trying to get on to River Road from off the expressway can be a pain in the ass, especially going eastbound. I just avoid the expressway since I live in the northwestern burbs. Once you get onto river road the area is pretty easy to navigate. River road runs north to south because it follows the Des Plaines river.

>> No.8266903

Has a room only on the 16th unfortunately

>> No.8266931

so if I'm staying at a hotel in North River Road I should be fine them right?

>> No.8268315

You should be fine. Most of the roads around there run east to west and intersect River Rd perpendicularly. Basically if you see the river, you're always near River Rd.

>> No.8269980

Debating if I wanna cancel my hotel for Thursday and just go for Fri-Sun to save money for bullshit (booze mainly) or just say fuck it and go Thur-Sun. If i go do my Thursday route, i would have to take a 5:30pm train to Chicago and won't be in the Rosemont area until after 12:00am, missing most of Day Zero (yay finals) but at least i won't waste time travelling on the road with my dude on Friday morning. I'll be at the spot.

There's also the option of me bullshiting on my final by rushing through in thirty mins to an hour and rushing to the Amtrak station and take the 3pm train and get to the con and my hotel by 10.

>> No.8271345


Your final is more important than an extra few hours at a convention

>> No.8271398

I have some space at the Hilton for Thurs to Sun if anyone is willing to pay.

Also, how hot does the convention center? Will I die of the heat if I were to bring a thick, covered cosplay? I ask cause some cons dont anticipate the body heat from the masses so it ends up very hot indoors

>> No.8272098

It was moderately hot last year and I was wearing a sweatshirt and shorts. I'd think twice about doing something really thick but you'd probably be fine tbh.

>> No.8272348

Do you mean sharing a room or just a room in general?

>> No.8272573

Congratulations on the job you wanted anon-chan

>> No.8272753

Jesus what happened to the gatherings this year? That schedule looks like shit.

>> No.8272790

The person who normally organizes it just had a baby and is on maternity leave or so I found out.

>> No.8272793

Is a Motel 6 a bad idea?

>> No.8272911

Friend waited until the last minute so does anyone know where a good deals are near the convention for hotels?

>> No.8272944

Motel 6 isn't too bad. Just keep your valuables in your car when you're not there

>> No.8273063

Need a spot to sleep over the weekend? Im looking to fill my room since I may be going solo

>> No.8273149

I'm with a friend and, while I appreciate the offer, I have to decline. I just have major trust issues

>> No.8273347

No worries

>> No.8273514

Good for her! Too bad the guy who took over can't schedule worth a damn. There isn't even a CLAMP photoshoot!

>> No.8273550

Biggest issue last year was the heat in the walkways from the Hyatt to the convention center. They had the heat on in those tiny walkways. Not just lukewarm air but HOT air. I hope they don't have it this year because I would come out of the walkways drenched in sweat.

>> No.8273562


The convention isn't generally that hot, but anywhere that you're tightly-bundled with a lot of people (walkways, vendor hall, RAVE) will be quite warm with lengthy exposure.

>> No.8273565

My mobile messed up my code again bleh

Anyway, if it gets too hot in the walkways, just walk from they Hyatt to the con center from the outside, I think it's faster too.

>> No.8273567

Costume is almost finished, just need to sew one small piece, finish filling/sanding/painting prop and buy the last pieces that will require pretty much zero modification.

It's my third year going, although second time in a row. Can't wait to see you all there!

>> No.8273735

Thanks. If I wasn't so lazy I'd have the body I was working towards too, but sickness happened and I stopped exercising, couldn't bring myself to keep going until recently. I even had visible abs, it's back to flab again.

Thank my genes for being skinny anyways.

>Can't wait to see you all there!
So you gonna carry a sign that has a seagull on it or something? I've honestly met anons in person without even knowing it. Worries me slightly if one of my older pictures will pop up in a bad cosplay thread.

>> No.8273765


you've already met me there before

I honestly think it's better to meet people on the down-low. meetups/gatherings can get a bit goonish.

>> No.8274598


well, shit, looks like I'm carrying my computer around all weekend, then, since I don't have a damn car

>> No.8274852

If it were up to me I'd rather stay at one of the nicer hotels near the convention, but pretty much every hotel for the ACEN block is booked and there is no way in hell I'm paying $270 for a room

>> No.8275404
File: 94 KB, 649x654, 1429279055335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ACEN block
>mfw I got a discount even cheaper
Anon you gotta talk to the right clerk or ask for the manager. They're not tight lipped on discounts and deals if it means they can get your business. One clerk gave me false information, I spoke to someone else, and problem solved.

>> No.8275543

Wow, acen's really scraping the bottom of the barrel on guests this year. First acen for me was 2013 but i had checked out prior years. It feels like it's just declined something fierce in quality and quantity.

>> No.8275788

Who going to see Scandal?

>> No.8277459

at least we have taku takahashi

it doesn't completely make up for the drought of guests but it makes things a little better

>> No.8278048
File: 27 KB, 500x362, 1427336271709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only three more weeks until the con
>Still procrastinating on working on cosplays

>> No.8278759
File: 1.54 MB, 354x270, 'MERICA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so much work to do. How am I going to do this? To make things worse, I finally downloaded the Love Live game on my phone and I'm procrastinating even more.

>> No.8278766
File: 775 KB, 500x235, going to lose it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got last weekend off work
>got this weekend off work
>got half of next weekend off work
So help me christ if my boss doesn't give me Acen weekend I requested off because I already had a bunch of weekends off in a row when I didn't even ask for those...

>> No.8279110


Who can finish a costume when you could spend the time blowing up the moon?

>> No.8279466
File: 14 KB, 375x281, mr-show-blow-up-the-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all the money I spent on this god forsaken cosplay, I don't have enough money to blow up the moon.

>> No.8280138


It's all that stupid monkey's fault...

>> No.8281026

>tfw forgot to register in advance
well at least I won't have to wait in line quite as long

>> No.8281030

Why's that? Showing up on Thursday?

>> No.8281038

You can still order now and just pick up from Will Call instea of waiting 10 thousand years in the registration lines.

>> No.8281047


>tfw you have an exhibitor badge and don't have to wait in those lines in the morning

>> No.8281189
File: 27 KB, 500x362, 1400122616736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get your badge in the mail

>> No.8281963

Did everyone get some good work done on their costumes this weekend? Or are you finished already? Or are you [spoiler]not going to be ready[spoiler]?

>> No.8281984

I literally decided I was going to cosplay like a week ago. Hoping I can get everything done in time.

>> No.8281988


Good luck to you! I should be finished ahead of schedule this year, but I was sewing up to the last minute last year due to schedule constraints. You can do it!

>> No.8281992

Have you guys ever picked up your badge on Thursday? how crowded is it and how long does it take for you to get your badge? What time would the registration be empty because I don't want to wait for more than an hour.

Also, where is the cheapest parking? Or can I just let someone come with me and they sit in the car while I pick up my badge?

Sorry first timer here.

>> No.8282040
File: 196 KB, 1694x894, How to get to Will Call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've never done will call for ACEN, but I imagine it won't be too bad on Thurs. Maybe like 15-20 minutes without any hiccups? Will call is usually in the vendor hall, so you may be able to have someone car-sit in the circular pickup/drop-off at front (RED CIRCLE, covered in map by roof). Just enter the doors in front of you, and then go through the doors on your left to Will Call (RED SQUARE).

Hope that makes sense/helps.

>> No.8282046

I got my helmet all fiberglassed. gotta bondo it, get sanding and painting and I'm done!

>> No.8282200

I finished mine a couple weeks ago and wore it at another con. Actually went better than expected

>> No.8282470

Are u a grill?
Can you pass?

>> No.8282478
File: 120 KB, 80x160, 1421238133950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sat down to finally continue working on my cosplay
>Make good progress
>"I will finish these pants today even it's the last thing I do!"
>Last needle breaks

>> No.8282483

I have the last piece of my cosplay still somewhere in the mail. It better arrive soon I need to dye it.

>> No.8282834

So did anyone apply to do that model thing? I wont be there to see the results, but I can smell the rage/disappointment from the rejects.

>> No.8282884

>Have a friend who works on staff so I always get in for free.
That's good!
>Have to carpool with friends who never want to stay past 9 so I miss out on parties/bar meetups.
That's bad.

Also no idea what costumes to bring. I'm doing Bray Wyatt for the WWE shoot on Sunday but other than that I have no plans for other costumes. I suppose I could always dig out my Jake Blues.

>> No.8282904


Go for it bro!

>Follow the Buzzards, disregard Illinois Nazis

>> No.8282933

The only problem with that is my beard. I actually grew out my beard for my Bray this year instead of wearing a fake one.

>> No.8282965

Just a heads up if you haven't been in the convention center skybridge since last Acen - they remodeled it and got rid of the creepy old paintings. Mourn accordingly.

>> No.8282967

What the fuck. Art is dead.

>> No.8282972

The whole yellow/brown section now has sterile white/red/black colors, with a row of B&W photos (mix of old/modern). The connecting hallway closer to the convention center has pictures of aerial views of Rosement over the years. The windows facing the rooftops have frosted decals.

On the plus side the ceilings aren't leaking yet.

>> No.8283321
File: 70 KB, 394x431, Victory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to Acen before but this is the first time I'll be going to a con by myself! What do people do if they're not going in groups? I'll be cosplaying Jojo all weekend, if anyone wants to hang out, it'd be appreciated. It's overwhelming going to such a big con on your own.

>> No.8283332

I-I'll hang out with you, anon.

But I'm also curious on the topic, even though I'm not going alone. Also will I get raped if I try to meetup with seagulls? I'm quiet and shy and this'll be my first time cosplaying.

>> No.8283335
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ACEN is fucking dead

>> No.8283337
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At least we'll have the memories...

>> No.8283396

Cool, shoot me an email and we'll talk :^)

And I've met up with a couple people from other boards, but never anyone from /cgl/. I'm sort of curious what the average seagull looks like.

>> No.8283554

I've gone alone and just attached myself to other people. If they turn out to be unsavory, I just claim there's something else I want/need to do and go off my way. Politely of course and thank them for their time.

Rinse and repeat.

>> No.8283658

Also curious about this.

Has anyone ever made good friends by just randomly meeting up and hanging out? I'm shy like >>8283332, so I'm a little worried I'm going to end up getting stuck to some insane weeb that doesn't understand nonverbal cues.

>> No.8283934

Is Elk Grove Village a safe area?

>> No.8284011

Extremely. I work in the area and it almost has a small town feel ( everyone knows everyone) which hotel are you staying at?

>> No.8284032

Most likely the Motel 6 since it's cheap

>> No.8284064

If it's the one on Oakton you won't be too far from mitsuwa or tensuke ( really good Asian grocery shops). It'll still be a bit of a drive to the con though ( maybe 15 20 minutes). It is a really good neighborhood though.

>> No.8284139

So where is the orgy this year?

>> No.8284143

I want to make new friends as well. Anyone know if there's gonna be a cgl meet?

>> No.8284734

If you are cosplaying JoJo go to the JoJo panel and the JoJo photoshoot, you'll at least meet people that you have something in common with. The panel is Friday morning and the Photoshoot is Saturday afternoon.

>> No.8284872

FUG. Just realized Richard Epcar is going to be there. Looks like I need to bring my copy of MKX for him to sign.

>> No.8285087

I am so hype. Kingdom Hearts is pretty much 60% of my life. I'm gonna hate standing in line. Wish I had a collapsible chair or something so I can just scoot up when the line moves.

>> No.8285115

I'm the co-host of a power ranger podcast and since he's done voices for the show in the past (along with other guest Tony Oliver), my co-host and I are going to see if we can get some quick audio for the show. Plus we'll just do some general ACen coverage, since so many fans of PR/Sentai are going to be there.

>> No.8285144

Walking around that creepy skybridge while drunk was amazing. :(

RIP Creepy Paintings

>> No.8285157

Does anyone have any advice for checking into a Motel 6 while under 21?

>> No.8285183


Mitsuwa is the shit. That bakery is God-tier.

>> No.8285188


Jojo shoot last year was fantastic, I almost wanna fix up/bring my Johnny for it again this year but I don't want to juggle three costumes. All of the guys and gals at the Jojo shoot were bro as hell. Seriously, if you're dressing up for a series that's having a shoot, go to it!

>> No.8285199

First time going to ACEN. What all should I check out? Also wanted to go see Scandal Friday night but I don't know where they're playing

>> No.8285201

In actually staying at that Motel 6. Had a friend who said it was better than the Motel 6 that's closer to the con

>> No.8285204

I'm bringing a folding chair with me. Mainly because it goes with my cosplay

>> No.8285337

my homeboard is /fit/

>> No.8285349

You would be on the bottom anyway fucboi :^)

>> No.8285481

I really wanted to go to that panel. Why the heck did they make it during such a bad time? You'd think with how popular Jojo is, they would have at least made it on Saturday.

>> No.8285600
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I'm cutting it REAL close. I think I can pull it off. I hope.

>> No.8285633
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Does anyone have recommendations as to who to buy prints from? Sunday is best day, but all the best stuff is usually gone Saturday.

I want to get more from zzyzzyy (did pic related), but the pricing of prints in general seems excessive when you can get official posters and calendars for even less.


>that guy jumping in and getting in everyone's way
Could have been better.

>> No.8285752


>> No.8285822

Does anyone have rooming space for 2 more people? It's fucking impossible to reserve decent rooms at this point.

>> No.8285897

Just bite the bullet and reserve a room at motel 6. It's not as bad as you think

>> No.8285965

I tried to reserve online and it said they don't have any rooms open.

>> No.8285985

Do the Motel 6 at Elk Grove Village. They still have rooms. Only downside is it's about 10 minutes away from convention by car

>> No.8286055

Yeah I'm going to the panel and shoot, I just mean in general.

>> No.8286072

Do you have to be in Jojo cosplay to attend the panel?

>> No.8286074

Nah, it's just a panel about Jojo.

>> No.8286076

I'm so tempted to go, but I'm still on part 7 and I really don't want to go to a panel where they'll (unintentionally) spoil 7 and 8.

>> No.8286089

Hey, you've got almost 3 weeks to catch up, get reading

>> No.8286093

I looked at what time it started. I probably won't get to the con until around the afternoon that day.

>> No.8286096

I was at a HunterxHunter panel my first year and not everyone was caught up with the series. It was incredibly awkward trying not to spoil anything. But it was also a really small crowd. I'd imagine a JoJo panel to be full of spoilers and a bigger crowd.

I'm only about a third or fourth into Part 5 (that guy with the mirror stand) and I'm not ready to marathon again. But I'd still like to go.

>> No.8286224

I'm not working on my cosplay until after finals...which are next week. I'll have less than a week to pull my cosplay off.

>> No.8286315

Ask one of the Touhou cosplayers.

Question: What's with all the latest cringe bullshit with folks asking people out for prom on the ACEN group?

>> No.8286370
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>Touhou cosplayers.
>mfw all of them were men
>didn't see a single female cosplayer

>> No.8286495

>tfw you want to joke cosplay Reimu

>> No.8286510

>tfw you want to joke be part of the orgy

>> No.8286511

>tfw you get joke STDs

>> No.8286518

>tfw you ironically masturbate to gay porn

take that, faggots!

>> No.8286524

What if I unironically masturbate to gay porn?

What now faggot!

>> No.8286565

How long does it usually take to have your forum account activated?

>> No.8286833

Why would you need the forums?

>> No.8286836

To find people to room with who are close to the convention center.

>> No.8286884

If you're a grill you can room with me.

>> No.8286889

If you've never been to ACen before at least check out the Oregon Trail Panel. It's big every year and always fun.

>> No.8286918

When is that?

>> No.8286924

I wish I was a grill

>> No.8287094

Friday night, starts at 11p.m.

>> No.8287225


and its gonna be fucking awesome

>> No.8287371

what is the most /cgl/ panel at ACen?

>> No.8287376

Probably one of the 5 Lolita Panels.

>> No.8288303

Its already the 29th and my pass still hasn't come. Am I fucked?

>> No.8288536


Probably not. I think I got mine within a week and a half of the con last year.

>> No.8288800

