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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8219881 No.8219881[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No feels thread?
Now feels thread?

>> No.8220097

>tfw a man has money and does anything besides spend it on women
It should really be illegal or something.

>> No.8220101

hey /r9k/ hows it going

>> No.8220218

You all said it last thread, not me.

>> No.8220292

Does anyone know why the last one got deleted?

>> No.8220298

>cosplay i planned for a long time with my best friend falls through because after long waits we still can't get our costumes in time
>i ask her to wear lolita with me instead (she's a normalfag)
>says no, she'll wear a cosplay she hasn't worn in a while
>says i could ask someone else to wear lolita with me
>tfw she's the only one i actually trust with my burando

i just want a friend who will wear lolita / ouji with me and will take care of things i lend to them. the people i'm acquainted with from my comm are lovely, but they're in tight knit groups already and probably have plans

>> No.8220305

Probably because the mods finally realized feels threads are 90% off topic shit.

>> No.8220334

why are we the only board that gets moderated to such an extent, though? there are legitimate cgl-related feels and these threads shouldn't get deleted just because people from OTHER boards like r9k and fit troll us. it's not fair that people who don't even belong on this board ruin it for everyone. i'm sure fit has feel threads that consist entirely of non-board-related shit like >tfw want to suck another guy's dick, but they don't get deleted. i hate to cry sexism, but seriously - this shit's sexist. we're constantly targeted for being the "girl board" and it's not fair. fuck this shit.

>> No.8220345

You can't blame it on /r9k/ and /fit/, half the feels in these threads are seagulls whining about their terrible boyfriends and other bullshit no one cares about, yet their posts are the only ones people reply to.

As for why our board gets such strict moderation, it beats the fuck out of me, especially when there are other boards that desperately need the mods attention (/lgbt/ for oone).

>> No.8220353
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>tfw my mother just called one of my burando JSKs a "work of art"
Pretty sure she's exaggerating because it's not THAT amazing but I still appreciate the sentiment.

>> No.8220359

Well maybe you could go someplace you belong like tumblr. Nobody will judge you for crying sexism there. In fact they'll actively encourage it at every opportunity.

>> No.8220366

>You can't blame it on /r9k/
>half the feels in these threads are seagulls whining about their terrible boyfriends and other bullshit no one cares about
i can kind of blame it on /r9k/ since it's the designated feel board and they're the reason seagulls feel here instead of there. if we whined about our bfs on there, we'd be called 'normie sluts' and told to get off their board. we need somewhere we can talk about this stuff.

our board culture was completely destroyed by mods a long time ago, and we're not even allowed a single thread that -might- have a few off-topic posts in it? delete those posts then, but not the whole thread.

i was only half-serious with the sexism thing, but you can't deny we're targeted specifically for being the resident "girl board". it's been going on forever.

>> No.8220371

>we're not even allowed a single thread that -might- have a few off-topic posts in it?
While I can't say for sure since I'm not on here all the time I'm pretty sure that last thread was the first to be deleted in a while. I've seen plenty of threads with way more offtopic and trolling go to the bump limit just fine.

My overall point being they don't seem to get deleted nearly as much as you're making it look like.

>> No.8220376

Well I was completely-serious about the "go to tumblr" thing.

>> No.8220381

>bullshit no one cares about
>only ones people reply to
You might want to rethink that.

>> No.8220382

>we need somewhere we can talk about this stuff.
Yeah, and it shouldn't be here either. It's annoying as fuck watching an entire thread derail just because several seagulls are too stupid to dump their shitbag boyfriends and decide to complain here. This board isn't a place for you to rant about your personal life unless it has something to do with cosplay and lolita.

>> No.8220383

You're right. I'll keep one chunk of my thoughts on one form of social media, because that's the containment site for my delusions. Seems right.

>> No.8220385

It was deleted because it was mostly /r9k/ shitting up the thread and coming to whinge about MUH WIMINZ PRIVILEGE and how all women are gold digging whores.
So, like any other thread on /cgl/.

>> No.8220388

>it's impossible for women to call other women gold-diggers if they leave their boyfriend because he doesn't have and/or won't spend money on her

>> No.8220391

>Off topic posting is so fucking annoying!
>don't mind me, just gonna have this annoying off topic argument about how off topic shit pisses me off because I'm too retarded to filter these threads

>> No.8220394

Didn't see the thread.
How interesting was the dramu in ?

Also yes, it's true there are women who shit on other women saying all women are shit but obviously her the special snowflake is different...

On the gold digging issue. It's preferable to not have to rely on men financially. Have your own money to spend as you please.

>> No.8220403

Basically some girl complained that her boyfriend wasn't ambitious enough or didn't make enough romantic gestures.
Someone posted a screenshot of some other girl (on yahooanswers or something) talking about how she left her boyfriend because she thought he was poor and had no ambition, and then when she found out he was actually rich as hell but just lived super frugally, wondered why he didn't tell her or ever treat her to expensive things.
Argument broke out, some people saying saying he was entirely at fault and was actually the lazy mooch himself, other people calling the girl and the people defending her gold-diggers themselves (or at the least similar to them)

Then the thread got deleted.

>> No.8220533

>discussing feels threads in a feels thread
>"off topic"
You just blow in from stupid town?

>> No.8220540

Here's a tip dumb dumb: Discussing off topic feels is still off topic.

>> No.8220543

>tfw you can't deal with all this April 1st shit

I mean fuck, I just want my normal routine.

>> No.8220592

No it's not because it's discussing feels threads within a feels thread. It would be off topic if I was ranting about my little girl problems because I have no friends IRL to turn to, which you clearly do since you're getting this defensive.

>> No.8220618
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>mom finally notices the two dresses on my wall
>"where did you get those!!"
>uh online, it's called-
>"how much were they?"
>well i bought them secondhand, it's a japanese fashion called-
>"they're gorgeous! you should wear this one for Easter!"

She hasn't seen me in full frills or anything and still doesn't know what it's called, so I don't really know how she'll take it. But that went pretty well at least.

>> No.8220625

tbh even if they're loaded, I wouldn't start a family with someone whose only contribution to the relationship is potato soup and complete disregard for their SO's life goals

>> No.8220649

>tfw the dishes need done but you'd rather just eat off the lid to a plastic container and use the time to plan a coord for the next meet.

>> No.8220654

>tfw my apartment is barely livable and I'm using spare time to detangling a wig

>> No.8220668

>tfw laying in bed with period cramps and tampon is leaking all over my sheets but I can't drag myself away from the ebay thread and stop bidding on cheap bracelets to change it so i just balled up the blanket at the end of my bed and shoved it between my legs
i think this is the equivalent of a piss bottle

>> No.8220674

I do couple cosplays with my boyfriend, and as much as I enjoy it and enjoy sharing my hobby with him, there's a hole in me that aches for a cute female friend to do cosplays with.

How do people even find their cosplay groups?
>in addition, tfw living in the middle of nowhere with no close-by cosplay pals

>> No.8220675

tfw the laundry pile is so huge it covers half your room but you'd rather spend the money on dress materials than at the laudromat

>> No.8220685

>tfw can't wear tampons
don't abuse the privilege,friendo