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8215513 No.8215513 [Reply] [Original]

Lesbian or bisexual lolita thread. Do you have a girlfriend? Are you looking to meet another lesbo lolita online? How hard is it?

>> No.8215523
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I'm worried that bi/gay girls in lolita would all be the tumblr sjw types who chose a different gender based on their mood.
Do any attractive girls want to date me? I'm tall and thin with blonde hair. I'm also starting to lean more towards Gothic. I like classic but don't like sweet.

>> No.8215527

I have a girlfriend, but she has no interest in lolita whatsoever. Which is great, I wouldn't want to date a lolita. Seems to much high maintenance.

>> No.8215529

Bi, but afraid to come out in the community. Constantly wish I had a cute lolita girlfriend to dress up with but will probably never happen.

>> No.8215553

I met a lone lolita while at a function with my parents, who pointedly told me that she had just broken up with her girlfriend. She keeps messaging me inviting me to things. I don't know if she likes me in that way or is just overeager to meet another lolita as she isn't a member of our comm. She is nice, but my parents detest her because she is very blunt.

I have had short lived crushes on a few girls in my comm. The majority of people piss me off, and I could never date someone who is constantly doing things that irritate me.
I am not quite sure what my sexuality is, but it doesn't matter because when I meet the right person I will know.

>> No.8215556

Well I can vouch for being a lone lolita finding solace in finding another
>be lone lolita in city
>last lolita left the fashion just as I started

If I find another, I know not to harangue.

>> No.8215576

i'm bisexual and i'm dating a trans woman. she likes the fashion, but would rather dress in dandy style right now when it comes to going to meets with me, since she hasn't transitioned far enough yet to be female-passing. she's also over 6ft tall too so brand main pieces are pretty much out of the question. my comm is very nice to her though, although i don't think the majority of her know she's trans (which is understandable). at least i know the comm is accepting of trans people though; one of the girls in there is trans and most people know that.

>> No.8215593

Asexual, and praying for a lolita girlfriend to drop from the skies into my arms that requires only my love and affection.

>> No.8215606

Hello, anon.

>> No.8215623
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>tfw 5'6" and usually only attracted to girls taller than me
I'm bi but only really close friends know. Used to dress gothic, classic, and sweet but now I'm purging the sweet from my wardrobe. I'm Chinese but living in Canada and I'm told I'm fairly attractive.

>> No.8215647

I've met a lot of bisexual/lesbian lolitas but I've never been actually interested in them as anything other than friends. I've formed great friendships with some of them as we turned out to have a lot in common(other than being queer and being lolitas).

>> No.8215685

I'm 5'8" ;)
But all the way down in the southwest Most people don't know I'm bi either.

>> No.8215689

Is your name Victoria by any chance?

>> No.8215704

Nope. Much higher in the alphabet.
Is coming out a common thing in lolita? I'm always worried about one of those huge Mean Girls-esque scenes where someone would tell me I can't hand out with them for being bi or something.

>> No.8215708

I love the idea of having a lolita girlfriend with whom I could dress up, chat about releases and drama, and do cute stuff, but I've given up on it.
I don't even know if I'd consider myself bi. I think girls are pretty, and I've been seriously attracted to/in love with a few, but I've never really /been/ with a girl. I'm also so goddamn picky about personalities/behaviors when it comes to close friends/parters and have a hard time even befriending girls (was a huge tomboy until mid-high school, only ever had 2-3 girl friends at a time and have like 2-3 now), so it seems unlikely that I'd ever meet a fellow lolita who I really liked who also just happened to be bi/lesbian. I'm fine with it never working out, but I can't lie that it's kind of like a secret dream of mine.

>> No.8215719

I know that feel.
I dont even know if I want to be with a girl but the idea of doing cute things together and twinning is just so fun that I want to try.

>> No.8215724

What porn do you consume, do you ever imagine sexual contact with girls?
It just sounds to me like you're looking for a close friend, not a lover.

>> No.8215726

I have watched some lesbian porn but I find it kind of odd. I think kissing and hugging would be great, but the idea of rubbing my genitals against another womans makes me squeamish.
Not much more than the idea of having sex with a dude though.

>> No.8215731

You don't sound like a lesbian, you just sound lonely and scared of getting burnt

>> No.8215734

I'm the first anon, and I've watched/gotten off to lesbian porn. A really close lolita friend would also be cool, but what I was referring to there is not only the everyday things good friends might do but also like rolling in the petticoats and frills, if you get my drift.

I guess I should mention that I have fooled around with a girl once-twice (best friend, probably first serious love), but she confused and I was too much of a pussy to really move things forward. Then I moved away for uni.

>> No.8215739

Not looking for a relationship right now but will drop my Skype if anyone wants to be friends

>> No.8215744

Female and male sexuality are different. Male sexuality is more visual/physical, while female sexuality is more psychological/emotional. This is why women are much more likely to be sexually confused.

>> No.8215795

>This is why women are much more likely to be sexually confused.

lol ok

>> No.8215798

And what else did r/theredpill tell you?

>> No.8215807

Oh my, hello! What are the rules and how do I sign up?

>> No.8215817

My ideal relationship would be with another lolita about my age and a man older than us.
I wanna have a bestie to hang out with and talk to all day and bat her boobs around.
But I also want a man to take care of us, and we'll take care of him in other ways for caring for us.
The problem is finding three people who all love each other equally.

>> No.8215820

Emotional attraction doesn't mean no attraction, the result is still sexual arousal and fantasies.

>> No.8215821

And what age would that be? 13?

>> No.8215823

Maturity has nothing to do with age.

>> No.8215825

Yeah right. It has everything to do with age, it's just not a linear equation.

>> No.8215826

I was just keeping it light hearted.

>> No.8215893

I have a man, and want to bring in another female. Before I met him I exclusively dated and was intimate with other women. He won my heart, but I miss ladies, the whole two girls, and one guy thing appeals to me as well...but you lost me at the "older than us" part. Why would he have to be older?

>> No.8215895

Well, I guess him being older isn't really a requirement, I just happen to prefer older men generally

>> No.8215896

I am always looking for a Gothic Loli gf but m6 hubs no approve :(
Who wants to live in my closet?
> Kek

>> No.8215898

>>8215726 here. I have been doing some "research". I find 99% of women actresses in porn to be super annoying. They moan too much. So I am perhaps turned on by the lesbian porn, but the fact that it is two women and they are constantly moaning is really irritating me.

>> No.8215902

Kids plz go 4chan 18+ tumblr is waiting for you

>> No.8215905

Most 15yros do indeed prefer men twice their age

>> No.8215921

Please forward the memo to my neighbour, she doesn't seem to get it just yet

>> No.8215923

>Most 15yros prefer men twice their age


>> No.8215953
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TFW even in a thread about Lolitas who like girls I seem to be the only lesbian.

>> No.8215958

Get daddy's cock out of your mouth and finish your thought if it's still there

>> No.8215985

Feels like me. I can't say for sure I'm bi because I don't want to be mistaken and piss off lesbians (especially since some of them already don't like bis). I sometimes feel 70% hetero but maybe the lack of experience isn't helping.

I've only had one partner who was a guy so I can't say for sure if I'm only physically attracted to women as I only had two crushes (on men) in my life. Dating a lolita seem cool though if she can manage her finances well.

Sometimes I wish I was fully lesbian, it seems easier than navigating dudebros who seem decent at first but then turns out to be douchebags.

>> No.8215987

My girlfriend and I are both lolitas and it's pretty fun planning out coords, going to cons together, etc. We were best friends for a while but just started dating recently.

>> No.8215988


>> No.8216125

Koishi is that you

>> No.8216151

>implying that there aren't girl versions of dudebros
Some of my female friends are completely bonkers in one way or another, or you slowly realize that they totally don't have their shit together.

>> No.8216153

What are some names of lesbian or bi lolitas on tumblr etc? I'm bi myself and love to see happy same-sex couples enjoying lolita fashion, it helps keep me grounded and stay positive somehow (my family aren't that accepting even when I try to keep to myself).

>> No.8216164

This is more or less with how I feel, but I'm happy with my boyfriend. I only really had a 3-5month ish gap where I was looking for someone and the only lesbians in my area were fat gutter trash lesbians.

Though I'd say I'm also very picky. I'm not a tomboy, but I get along better and share more interests with guys so finding new girl friends has been difficult since leaving highschool years ago. I'd also say I'm picker in terms of looks than guys, but when I find a girl attractive it's more so than a guy I find attractive.

I can't really stand straight porn though. Some doujins, but that's it. Even most 3D porn is a turn off because of the jack hammering and moaning.

>> No.8216175

I think siriusc and petitepasserine but I'm not sure.

>> No.8216176

keep your sissy, womanhood-fetishising boyfriend out of the fashion

>> No.8216179

I'm a woman and I don't experience any kind of romantic attraction to people. It's all about sex and conquest and physical shit for me. I know men who are the same as me, just like I know women and men who are soppy romantics. Go back to reddit.

>> No.8216182

why is that a problem, anon?

>> No.8216225

I'm not asexual but I may as well be since I dislike sex. Not even bi but if I'm not having sex with the other person, does gender preference even matter? I could easily see myself spending the rest of my life with another woman or a man.

>> No.8216236

Lesbian here, just stopping by. I and many other lesbians find most lesbian porn to be annoying, fake, cringeworthy etc. because they were mostly made for guys and not girls. Some of the ones made by women for women are also bad for other reasons. You can occasionally find mostly amateur work that is both realistic and hot, but of course you never had sex with a woman before, you wouldn't know what's realistic.
I think a better way to see what you like is to watch some lesbian romances (you can find recommended lists by Google that suit your tastes) preferably with at least implied sex scenes and see how you feel about it. Also, whether you like the kissing, some of the more romantic but non-sexual scenes and whether you're attracted to any characters/actresses. If it's yes to most things, you honestly find two women together romantically to be really appealing, then don't worry about an adverse reaction to porn. It's common to dislike hardcore sex scenes (esp when you have no experience) but still enjoy sex fully with another woman when it happens naturally in real life.

>> No.8216331

>Do you have a girlfriend?
No ;_;

> Are you looking to meet another lesbo lolita online?

Not really. I don't care if my future gf is a lolita, we just need to get along and she can dress however she wants.

>> No.8216386
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So yesterday:
>Going on a date. Not sure if I should wear lolita or not. End up wearing it because why not.

>Date arrives. I walk out and she's sitting on her car. Wearing sweet lolita.

>Point out her clothes. She sort of gets flustered about it. I take off my coat and reveal my outfit.

>The look on her face.

>> No.8216403

That's the cutest shit I've ever heard. Did the date go well?

>tfw no lolita gf to twin with

>> No.8216431

I'm lucky enough to be a lolita who's dating another lolita. The good part is we met and became friends through our other hobbies, and we're the same size so we've pretty much combined our wardrobes now that we live together. I always considered myself about 95% straight growing up, but always said if I fell in love with a girl, the gender wouldn't stop me. Considering our relationship built up for eight years, and we've been dating for three now, I think my sexuality was even more fluid than I thought. I still don't feel any attraction to other women, but hot damn do I when I see her.

I also think lesbian porn is gross and inaccurate, by the way. I wouldn't use that as an indicator on your sexuality. Hell, even straight porn grosses me out. Definitely try the gay romance movies instead, like the anon suggested.

>> No.8216458

I think porcelainsong is a lesbian, if memory serves

>> No.8216472

But how did she not see that you were wearing lolita, even with your coat? Y'know, its puffy...

>> No.8216476


>> No.8216493
File: 1.84 MB, 249x337, almost.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, and hello anon, before anyone steals my thunder, here's my email if you're interested in chatting, or potentially bad and sappy poetry.

>> No.8216501

It went really well! We had a lot more things in common aside from the fashion.

I only wear a petticoat with my outfits if it's a meetup, con, or other events. In "normal" social situations I don't wear it.

>> No.8216503

I'm going to message you as well, if that's fine.
>diff ace anon looking for loli friends

>> No.8216507

I'm a lesbian lolita, my girlfriend isn't a lolita but she's really supportive and thinks the fashion is cute. She always asks to see coords I'm working on.

>> No.8216540

Please, I'm not active in my local comm, so any friends are absolutely welcome!

>> No.8216541

I'm in the same boat, anon, and it's nice. My gf and I are different sizes entirely so if she were into lolita I would feel so guilty about not being able to share my wardrobe. She wears Asian punk styles and looks really cute in them.

>> No.8216556

>we've pretty much combined our wardrobes

One of my favourite parts about being a lesbian, whether it's lolita clothing or not.

>> No.8216565

What is it you dislike?
Honestly. It takes a bit of guts and confidence in yourself to open yourself up (hehe) to another person in such a vulnerable situation.

I dunno, but I thought I might say that to help clear your confusion. Take what you will.

>> No.8216576

Bay Area lesbian lolita here. Wish i could look frilly and qt without losing dyke visibility. I don't even want a lolita girlfriend, I just want a girlfriend who doesn't mind me looking like a princess once in a while ;_;

>> No.8216584

I feel this. I decided eventually that I did identify as an asexual, but I never know how much confusion led to that definition, or just wanting to be able to define myself in general rather than just hating sex as a whole.

>> No.8216602

Good luck, OP. I'm >>8216236 and thought I'd mention I met my current gf the same way a couple months ago on a different board. We had both been on 4chan for years on the same boards, perhaps even taken potshots at each other anonymously, and then I posted a throwaway email for contact. She and I hit it off immediately, it's been amazing to be with someone who shares your interests and also turned out to be fantastic in many other ways. What's strange is that's only the second time I've ever put any personal contact out there on 4chan in over 5+ years and it was the first time either of us had done more than exchange a couple emails with someone we met anonymously so well, it's strange sometimes how things work out.

I wish all you girls the best.

>> No.8216608

I think I'm in a similar situation. I do feel sexually attracted to men and women equally, but the actual act of having sex just grosses me out, for various reasons.

I don't bring my sexuality or romantic attraction into lolita though. I'd like to have a close lolita friend to chat to, twin with, all that, but clothing preference is not what I look for in a partner.

>> No.8216618

Your story is super cute, anon, and congratulations for putting yourself out there and getting so much back!
I really hope I can at least find a couple great friends here, or a lovely lady I can shower with compliments daily. Since I can only occasionally offer any kind of sexual contact(besides kissing and snuggles because those are necessary ok), during a relationship, I do tend to feel behind the pack and not try at all. /cgl/ never seemed a great weapon for meeting people either, ha.

>> No.8216630

Anon, I felt the same way! I identified as asexual for a very long time. I hate to sound cliche but in the end I just needed to find the right person. My gf and I have been together for several years and our sex life is healthy.

>> No.8216645

>tfw you realize you're definitely bi, maybe lez and you've known for years
>tfw when you meet a guy and he's really nice so you fall in love and moved in with him and have been dating for almost as many years (i came out to him before we got together but decided to give things a try anyway)
>attraction to girls actually gets stronger over time and is becoming a daily nuisance of "what-ifs"
>still love him and care for him but the daily thought of sharing everything with a girlfriend sounds so alluring
>don't know what do
>he doesn't want a second girl to join the picture (obviously, it's stupid but the only way i can think to keep him and try dating girls)
>feel like i'm constantly conjuring up reasons in my head why i should break up with him (he can't even take out the trash! etc.)

maybe i'll just kill myself. who wants my brand?

>> No.8216650

Asexuality isn't about hating sex. It's more to do with sexual attraction - which I do experience, hence why I am not asexual. Some asexuals do enjoy and engage in sex.

I just don't enjoy it. Every time I've had sex, I always just want it to be over so I can do something more productive. It's not that I hate it, per se, but I don't derive enjoyment out of it either. It's kind of like going to see a movie you're not interested in. You do it because whoever you're with wanted to go see it, but it just does not interest you at all.

> I do feel sexually attracted to men and women equally
This is where you and I differ, since I have never experienced sexual attraction to a woman. That makes me a straight female who does not like sex, kek. I have pretty much resigned myself to being forever alone. Oh well.

>> No.8216651

>dyke visibility

Ah, yes, the horrors of being femme.
People even suspect me to be straight when I attend gay events.

>> No.8216658

>perhaps even taken potshots at each other anonymously
there's no better way to say 'I love you' than shitposting, anon
The ladies love it, trust me

>> No.8216663

Well don't give into what if's. Grass is greener my friend. If the urge is that bad, you should probably re-evaluate your feelings for your boyfriend. In the end it's just sex with another person, is that really worth not having a relationship with him?

I will give your brandou to a good home.

>> No.8216670

tbh I just lie back and think of England in that case.
I'm not gay so sorry if I'm shitting up the thread or whatever, nor am I asexual, but god damn my bf is fucking terrible in bed and doesn't want to follow my instructions at all. Otherwise he's A+ though so idk what to do.

>> No.8216673

That feel when all the girls like you are outta my league. I'm a 5 feet tall plump bi girl who loves my classic lolita. My mood may be off putting sometimes because I am an open book. I like a quite a few weird things but normal stuff is fine too.

>> No.8216674

Whoa hey I thought I was the only one. I have a boyfriend but I'd really like a lolita girlfriend as well so we can both be totally obnoxious girly dorks together when the boyfriend just doesn't get it. I really like the idea of a triad because there'd be more love to go around.

>> No.8216676

Don't give up anon, fucking everyone is out of my league and I still managed to get hitched after years and years of dating
We're all gonna make it brah

>> No.8216688

If anything, guys are much more likely to be confused and closeted because of 'ew I can't be a faggot' mindset

>> No.8216702

I am happy for you anon <3 Remember how I mentioned I am into weird things? Well I am interested in the possibility of a girlfriend and I am married to a man I love dearly:( I just go to the back of my mind about being able to have fun,
go shopping, dress each other in adorable or sexy clothes, and being able to play with each other,and rub lotion on each other....... I have a very active imagination.

>> No.8216708

me too anon

>> No.8216709

I'm a lesbian sweet/classic lolita. I was dating a girl who dressed dandy-style for a long time but it didn't work out. I fell in love with a man's personality but he recently broke up with me. We were never intimate so it's not like I could've known whether I could deal with his nasty dick. hahahaa

I'm not looking to date right now but lesbian/bi friends who I can scream about dresses with are always good! My tumblr is starcrusherr if anyone wants to check me out. Guess if it seems like we'd get along you can ask for my Skype or something.

Figured I'd put myself out there for whatever good it might do

>> No.8216726

I'm kinda in doubt that my closest friend has (or had) a crush on me; I did too, but she was involved in some weird relationship with a dude so I moved on and never acted on it. Now I'm dating a man, and I'm really happy with him, but I can't stop thinking about what could have happened if I told her my feelings. I also sort of miss vaginas. Not that I'd cheat on him since I'm not a shitty person.

>> No.8216730

Christ, Anon. Are you me?
Exactly the same situation here but I've been having feelings for a girl in my community and I have no idea what to do about it. My bf an I haven't had sex in months and he thinks it's because of my anxiety meds are fucking with my libido...
>tfw you're a terrible person

>> No.8216734

This is probably the fastest moving thread I've ever been to on /cgl/.
Maybe I do have a hope left of getting a qt girlfriend.

>> No.8216740

Sorry chickening out. Hope you meet some nice people anon.

>> No.8216779
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I'm a lesbian lolita ISO fellow fat loli to eat cake with and live the fluffy princess lifestyle
>Tumblr is in name field

Ugh this is my problem too. Scrolling though OKcupid is such a struggle these days

>I'm a 5 feet tall plump bi girl who loves my classic lolita

>> No.8216816

Someday I will rub lotion all over a cute lolita girlfriend in a dimly lit room filled with honeysuckle candles or some other pleasing scents and we will share a most passionate evening. Afterwards take a shower together and bathe eachother <3 T.T

>> No.8216819

Is this a good facial expression? If so I want us to be able to play scrabble and go to gardens together :(

>> No.8216821

i love all your coords, youre super cute

>> No.8216825
File: 79 KB, 960x720, Facebook-20150226-110150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesyesyes I love board games and gardens!
You can inbox me on tumblr if you want? Where are you from?

>> No.8216861
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>upset I didn't date more girls before getting married to guy
Can't have an open relationship if I wouldn't be cool with him dating other people at the same time. Why can't you be a jealous petty bitch self?!?

>> No.8216872

I know this sounds weird and off topic since this is about lesbian lolitas, but I want to date a brolita. I want to suck his dick underneath all those frills. Anyone know of any good brolitas that I can do this with? He's got to have good brand not shitty Bodyline.

>> No.8216882

>upset I still didn't date anyone

I-I will totally find a qt once I start attending a bigger university, r-right? ;_;

>> No.8216885

Thanks, you seem like a sweet girl so I'm sure you won't have problems at least making friends.

I'd say 4chan in general never struck me as a good place to meet girls but /cgl/ seems to me (keep in mind I only visit here occasionally) be an exception. It's not as male dominated and anonymous focused as most other boards, plus it attracts girls with at least an acceptable level of appearance and style. Yes, it's more likely to have tumblr SWJs, but no place is perfect.

>> No.8216890

Yo! Right here man.I'm in the same position

>> No.8216904

I am just a girl from California I'm sorry I don't have a tumblr but if you want you can snapchat me? I am cockatoo4u. .. I love nature and birds :(

>> No.8216914

>and we're the same size so we've pretty much combined our wardrobes

I'm straight and came into this thread just to find out if girlfriends shared their burando.

>> No.8216972

I'm sorry anon. I hope you find a cute loli girlfriend (or even a cute ouji boyfriend!) one day.

>> No.8216974

Yep, we share all of our burando and accessories, though I'm the shopaholic, so mostly she takes my stuff to wear. To compensate I play the video games she buys on her systems, ha. Sometimes we do buy the same dresses to twin though, which is always fun.

>> No.8216979

I can't stand when people are that blunt. I once had a girl come up to me like 'hi, I'm bisexual,' and I was just so instantly put off. It just comes across so thirsty.

>> No.8216982

That's really cute! Do you ever do matching coords?

>> No.8216994

Porn doesn't have anything to do with anything, really. Lesbian porn grosses a lot of people out for various reasons, straight porn is 9/10ths cringe and 1/10ths bizarre, and gay porn is just fucking silly.

>> No.8217008

>sharing clothes and video games

This is all I'd ever want out of a relationship.
Now I only have to find a qt girlfriend. ;_;

>> No.8217076

no sorry

>> No.8217100

haha kill yourself :^)

>> No.8217125

I'm a panromatic demisexual who wears gothic lolita. I'm really shy and have social anxiety so I'll keep too myself, but...

I'm just happy to see other lolitas in the LGBTQA spectrum!

>> No.8217128

I'll date you anon, no cute Lolita lesbians where I live

>> No.8217134

Are you retarded? Women are much more likely to experiment with bisexuality. Female sexuality is much more flexible because it's more psychological. This has been know for a long ass time retard, read a book retard.

>> No.8217144


>Sexual desire in females is both more complex and more fragile than it is in males—less tied to biology, more linked to psychology. It is generally more variable; related to how they feel about themselves, what is going on in their lives, to say nothing of a partner's lovemaking style.

Did you niggers seriously just call me a misogynist for stating what's been known for a decade? As a women who hates beta neckbeards, I'm especially annoyed. I bet you people think men and women have equal physical strength, too. Saying otherwise is sexist, go back to reddit lawl.

>> No.8217152

Male sexuality is just as psychological, they just usually don't understand that aspect as much as
>dick gets hard when x

>> No.8217155

>thinking this is a reliable website

>> No.8217156

this is so gay

>> No.8217164

No? It's a social thing.
Men get shit on for even calling a guy attractive. Bisexual men are just as prevalent as bisexual women, the men are just more closeted because they can get beaten or killed.
People are okay with women being homo because "it's hot" and whatnot.

>> No.8217262


American Psychological Association.

>A large assortment of evidence supports 3 predictions based on the hypothesis of female erotic plasticity: (a) Individual women will exhibit more variation across time than men in sexual behavior, (b) female sexuality will exhibit larger effects than male in response to most specific sociocultural variables, and (c) sexual attitude-behavior consistency will be lower for women than men.

Why are you tumblr cunts so retarded? Why can't you fucking do a little research on your own before shooting down something and calling them misogynists? I consider myself a feminist, but seriously, this is why people shy away from it. You tell people to "educate yourselves and do research" without bothering to do any on your own. If you did just a little research, you would find a great deal of studies that prove what I said correct. (But you wont because it hurts your worldview for whatever fucking reason.) Why are you so quick to deny shit without evidence and accuse people of sexism?

>> No.8217322

Bi, I won't bother to come out to the comm unless I'm dating a woman. Currently dating a man so I'm sure most of them assume I am straight. I'm pretty sure at least half the girls in my comm are at least bisexual based on their responses in conversations about this or that. Even so, I guess I just worry that they will assume that I'm suddenly attracted to them just because of my sexuality. I feel like most people are more comfortable with lesbians over bisexuals simply because it is a solid classification that they can wrap their mind around. Eh, life.

>> No.8217389

I want a lesbian/bi lolita lover. I have never dated a women before and am bi. I'm attracted to women but am down with the whole asexual romance thing (though would still like a little none-sexual affection). I'm shy but can be talkative after getting to know me. I just want kawaii waifu plz respond I'll treat you like princess
I'm also down with traps

>> No.8217623

holy shit anon are you me

>> No.8217639

You're not the only one, anon. I've been in a committed relationship with my boyfriend for almost three years, but we've been talking recently about a third person. Since I would be moving away for college next semester, he told me that he wouldn't mind if I found a girlfriend. Just as long as he knew about her before we would do anything.

>> No.8217640
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>a lolita girlfriend with whom I could dress up
>with whom

>> No.8217651
File: 70 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you see a cute girl
> "wait, what if she's still in high school or younger?"
> I'm 20 years old

>> No.8217666

Why does this sound just like the intro to that video from a once upon a cringe thread..

>> No.8217731

Eh. When I was 14-15, I met a guy who was 21-22. He's never done anything creepy (flirty, but he's quite socially competent so he knows how to respect boundaries) in the a couple of years that I've known him, but I sometimes wonder wth was he thinking associating with teenage weeaboo me.

>> No.8217789


>> No.8217812

> I'm >>8217651
> I'm a girl

>> No.8217837

I guess it's nice to know I'm not alone? Though it sucks that so many of us are in this position.
I also feel that because I'm getting older (23, about to graduate uni), any chance I had/have of figuring out that side of me is slowly slipping away. Weirdly, I never really feel "old" like that in lolita or any other aspect of my life.

Then again, lolita makes me feel incredibly attractive, and seeing a pretty girl frilled out is enough to set my little heart aflutter.

>> No.8217929

Oops, thought I was in the feels thread. Point still stand though.

>> No.8217967

Sometimes it makes me feel bad, but even in lolita, people still seem able to tell I'm a lesbian. This guy once told me I was "like Michelle Rodriguez, you can just tell."
I was a little offended at first, but then I thought, wait, is Michelle even gay?

>> No.8217982

Hellllloooo, there is a chubby-lolita chaser riiiiiiight here.

>> No.8217988

Oh true but I feel more relaxed around women I guess, in terms of aggressive sexuality. I've had my fair share of dudes who pretends to help you out ("Oh no you can't walk back to your place alone, what if a bad guy takes advantage of you ?" => then proceeds to attempt to enter my appartment)

I'm 23 too and I don't think you're too old for that.
We really are a bunch of awkward bisexuals geez. I'd love to experiment having a gf for a while but I don't want to waste anyone's time.

>> No.8218044

I don't think she is but tbh I would anyway

>> No.8218131

Are you me?
Only add to that that my bf can just be a total airheaded oblivious douche at times too.
As soon as I'm about to talk myself into leaving, though, he'll do something really sweet, and I decide to stay again. It starts over again and again.

>> No.8218158

>tfw I have an amazing bf who I love dearly and who I will marry and have beautiful babies with
>tfw I have always known I'm bi
>tfw I lost my virginity to my bf, which obviously means I never got past second base with a girl
>tfw I wish I had hooked up with a girl before meeting my bf because now it's forever too late and I'll forever feel like I missed out on something

>> No.8218236


Oh my life. I've been in a relationship with my only boyfriend for three years. He's 26, I'm 22. I have never seen gender as a factor that would be a dealbreaker so I suppose I'm pansexual, but I've always been hugely attracted to women. However, having been on the recieving end of harrassment I usually keep myself to myself. I blotted out all possibility of a relationship with my closest lolita friend and my bf was scared of the idea of a third wheel at the time. Over a year or two, he changed his mind when HE developed a crush on her, and I started thinking about the possibilities. But then she started dating a mutual friend who is geographically closer to her, a better lolita and way cuter than me. I didn't expect my heart to sink so much when I found out. I think she also liked the both of us but the whole 3 way distance relationship would never have worked. I know I need to suck it up and move on...

>> No.8218237

Dont do it. Like it sounds easy on paper but poly relationships are complex and require a lot of work. He is likely also thinking about it being out of sight out of mind, which isnt a good way to go about anything adding a 3rd person in regardless of how short term you are planning it on being.

Personally I find that any guy who is okay with you being with another girl but not another guy is looking at it as a sexual fling that is interesting, not a new relationship that is being added in. Which is a big sign of the dude not actually wanting a poly structure.

>> No.8218243

I know that feel
>tfw deep in the closet about being bi
>I just wanna touch them tiddies

>> No.8218284

ditto anon. I also feel like a failure bisexual (er whatever the crap that is) because whenever you see prominent, celeb bi folk discuss their sexuality, they often like to dispel myths and discus how it's nothing to do with wanting to carry on relations with two genders at once etc, and how they feel perfectly content to be committed and monogamous. I don't feel like that at all though, I feel this desire to be with a woman that eats away at me even though I love my partner very much. I've never cheated and would never do so.

it's almost as if the bi community is so keen to assimilate and be accepted as the 'norm', that people who identity as bi and possibly polyamorous, get pushed aside and not included because of the fear that their mere existence plays into the hand of existing prejudices.

>> No.8218327

Not who you're replying too, but I've reached a point where I just tend to avoid gay events and spaces because everyone just assumes I'm the token straight girl. Being bi instead of a lesbian doesn't help at all.

>> No.8218330

Would totally date you, but I'm not that attractive, I reckon.
> tfw all cute lez/bi lolitas are out of your league

>> No.8218360

same tbh

>> No.8218367

You haven't 'missed out' on something. And your regret over it is only going to harm your current relationship in the long run, even if you don't act on it. God I hate people like you.

>> No.8218371

Hmm. Interesting. Never thought of it that way.

>> No.8218372

I'm bi but I don't think I've ever wanted to date/been attracted to another lolita. I'm not sure why but it's just the way it is for me.

>> No.8218573

Lots of people feel that way, anon, about all sorts of things, regardless of gender and sexuality. Feeling like you've missed out on something isn't the same as obsessing over it and allowing it to destroy a good thing.

>> No.8218593

Similar situation. I've only ever had sex with a girl once, and it was a bad situation. I've been with my current boyfriend for over three years and love him so much, I'd never cheat or anything, but sometimes I wish I'd had more sexual experiences with women and had had the chance to date one or two. Oh well.

>> No.8218699

How do you even find other les/bi lolitas?
Once I was so desperate to get a girlfriend, that I made an add in a newspaper. Of course only 50+ year old ladies answered.
Trying a flirt chat wasn't working either.

There are not many gay bars in my area and to be honest, I am shy as fuck. I should give up and stay with males, it is so much easier.

>> No.8218846

Thank you!

Added! I have the flu atm and look gross haha - I'll send you a snap in a few days!

Hello me

>Once I was so desperate to get a girlfriend, that I made an add in a newspaper. Of course only 50+ year old ladies answered.
Bless u anon
Where are you from? I generally recommend dating sites and apps for the most success

>> No.8218872

>tfw too paranoid for internet dating since I should mostly likely upload a picture of myself to make it work
>no problem with talking or approaching people in real life
>never met another lesbian/bisexual girl
>don't wanna go out to gay bar alone

I'm doomed, am I.

>> No.8218878

>mfw only attracted to mtf trans boys and agender people
>only cis girls and boys ever want to date me but I'm just not into them
>normal people think I'm retarded
>sjws think I'm fetishizing trans people
>I just can't win

>> No.8218886

you are retarded if you think the brain can actually understand things like mtf and agender
2/10 bait

>> No.8218889

There are no such things as lesbians. Only asexual women and women afraid of men.

>> No.8218893

That feeeeeeeeeeeeel. I've considered myself bisexual since I was about 14 (I'm 25 now) but I've never actually been in a relationship with a girl and I've been dating the same guy since I was 19. Like, I know that I like girls romantically and I find them attractive but how can I be SURE that I'm bisexual if I've never been in a romantic/sexual relationship with one? At times like those I'm like "What's the point of even calling myself bisexual anyway?"

>> No.8218899
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>> No.8218906

oops i mean >>8218878 >>8218889

>> No.8218916

Same. I still get aroused by various things but I don't really have any desire to have sex with either men or women anymore. Still, since I don't completely lack sex drive I still go by bisexual, because I've slept with both and could picture myself involved with either. It's just not something I really want anymore.

>> No.8218924

Typical reaction of the TG activist cult. So ~inclusive~ until you disagree with their dogma, then telling someone to die is perfectly fine.

>> No.8218949

I'm bi and not only did my girlfriend introduce me to lolota, but she also comes with me to meets. We love dating each other because every date where we go out it gives us a reason to dress up. Everyone in my comm knows that we are together and none seem to care.

>> No.8218950

>Bisexual women who chose to date men

Can someone fucking explain this to me? I often find myself wishing that I were into girls so I wouldn't have to deal with male BS.

>Don't have to worry about being used for sex
>Don't have to worry about them faking emotions
>Don't have to worry about secret misogyny or PUA shit
>Much less likely to get horny and cheat
>Know their love is sincere because women don't usually date or sleep with people they don't like


>> No.8218952

Eh, both genders has their own bs. It's more the person you have to watch out for; assholes will always be assholes.

>> No.8218956

that's some romantic bullshit right there.

>> No.8218961


>"I consider myself a feminist"

lol k

If you were really a feminist you'd know that it's not some inherent thing for women to be more open to sexuality than men. It's a culture thing. It's learned behavior. I guess I'm the idiot though for responding to what seems to be either a total moron or a troll, huh?

Back on track, anyone else know of any well known lolitas who are LGBT not yet named here?

>> No.8218973

>Don't have to worry about them faking emotions
>Know their love is sincere because women don't usually date or sleep with people they don't like
>Much less likely to get horny and cheat
what planet have you been living on

>> No.8218990

its because youre stating a pattern of something.
Those studies are based on what have been observed.
A bunch of correlations that are connected to s specific thing.
That meaning, maybe womens "sexuality" are more "flexible" right now because its acceptable to because we have a male dominated world, if they roles were reversed, it may not be the same.
And because womens role in society is becoming much more prevelant, those studies and statistics will change.
Just in recent years, havent you noticed the change in porn, there's tons and tons more of mfm than there was before 2000.
So yes, youre technically correct, those studies are going to drastically change in the next decade or so.

>> No.8218994

Well the studies themselves have more to do with social observations than actual chemical or psychological ones.

>> No.8218997

Lesbians are hard to come by and I really don't want a bisexual partner; been with one, she used me for sex, got horny and cheated on me with a man.

I'm asexual myself and now I'm dating a man even though I really would prefer a lesbian partner. I really like him and we share nearly all of our views and interests but fuck, I can't seem to trust him at all since he slept with his ex before we went steady.

>> No.8219005

> I can't seem to trust him at all
> he slept with his ex
> before we went steady.

just to clarify, I'm confused, he slept with someone before comitting to you so you can't trust him?

>> No.8219008

it's a troll, anon. just a troll.

>> No.8219010

Lovely Lor is bisexual, and OrgasmicYogurt (not sure if I can count them as e-famous) considers themselves genderfluid and gay. That's who I ca think of from the top of my head.

>> No.8219016

Siriusc is opely bi and in a relationship with Deeralice. And Trumie (not sure if it counts but he's relatively-known by association with Cadney) is some shade of gender variant.

>> No.8219021

I've thought of Trumie-chan as well, but I don't know if they're technically genderfluid or just a male lolita. Then again, they've said that they don't have preferences when it comes to pronouns.

>> No.8219045

>how can I be SURE that I'm bisexual if I've never been in a romantic/sexual relationship with one?

Because you feel romantic and sexual attraction towards them? People usually know their sexual orientation before they get into relationships, I mean, otherwise they wouldn't know with which gender to get with. You don't need the experience as long as you got the feelings.

>> No.8219067

I've got to admit I find it weird when people say they aren't sure of their sexuality. That has always been something I've felt was incredibly obvious. Like which hand is your main one.


Not enough information to make that judgement. It could be biological or it could be social. It would probably work best if they researched a few other cultures to see if there is a pattern there. The more cultures that show this the more likely it is not to be social. Though even in that case one would have to see if it was culturally impacted to be lower in any nations that showed lower amounts.

>> No.8219077

Maybe you could find a study on that mexican city where the women are the dominant gender.
I can't find the documentary about it anywhere, but I'm sure it'd be interesting with whatever studies were done on the town.

>> No.8219085

Well we're raised thinking of heterosexuality as the default for everyone and everything. You see someone on the street, and you assume they like the opposite gender because we're raised believing that.
It's hard to know what you are when info is very limited, esp if you don't have internet connection.

>> No.8219093

>we're raised believing that
because the majority of the world identifies as heterosexual
still, sexuality is not an on-off switch, and it's not set in stone.

>> No.8219094

I'm 29, never met anyone I've felt sexually attracted to. I've crushed on a few celebrities and thought yeah, I'd hit that - and that's it. I know plenty of beautiful men and women, but I don't feel any desire for them.

I'm very reluctantly identifying as asexual as I'd like to find out what all the fuss is about, but I've yet to find anyone that makes me feel that way. So alas, not as obvious as ones hand for everyone.

>> No.8219109

Which kind of porn or even stories you like has nothing to do with your sexuality. A straight woman can be turned on by the idea of two woman having sex. Or can simply enjoy a romance novel about two woman (the same goes for straight man enjoying gay porn , al though they'll never admit that thanks to society). If your porn preferences real determines your sexuality, then we have got a big problem with all the straight yaoi loving girls out of there.

>> No.8219113

Good luck with that. Never gonna happen

>> No.8219120

This makes sense to me but it's like all the boxes for bisexuality are ticked until I imagine smooshing our genitals together, and then my brain gets all confused and goes all 'hmm I'm not sure about that'. It doesn't gross me out but I'm not as definite about it as my love for da penis - this is where confusion and ambiguity on my part comes in. All romantic stuff, kissing, cuddling and caressing, emotional intimacy etc seems a lot more clearly appealing in my head. I think that's the trouble, my romantic feelings and general attraction to women is the same as towards men but when it comes to sex stuff I'm really unsure. I'd hate to think some time down the line that I was someone using another as some 'testing the waters' sex experiment.In relation to how I feel, how do I know for sure if I really want sexual intimacy with a woman? Because it seems that my possible bisexuality isnt something that's perfectly balanced, if I had to put a percentage to it I'd say I was 30% gay or some shit.

>> No.8219130

if you don't find the idea of fucking a woman appealing, then you're not bisexual.

>> No.8219138

Pettitepasserine isn't a lolita and she post more selfies in which you she her ugly cry face (sorry, humans are ugly when they cry) because some kind of television show made her cry, than she post J-Fashion coords.

She reblogs also a lot of het art. But if you like her art, it better to follow her art page. Instead of her normal page.

>> No.8219141

sounds like you might be biromantic heterosexual
>inb4 blah blah tumblr
Most of these terms are actually pretty useful for helping people understand their preferences.

>> No.8219168

Guy here. A pretty Chinese girl who wastes her time with other girls when she could be in a real relationship is a damn waste.

>> No.8219174

Being into girls would not give you any of those, in fact gay culture is rampant with people who are looking just for casual sex and 'open' relationships. It is actually harder to be a young gay person and want a relationship that has commitment because the culture is so much of lets fuck everyone for 5 years then look into maybe a relationship. The whole girls with girls being purer love thing is bullshit.

Until Trumaine says he identifies as anything other than a dude, its a bit weird to put words into his mouth about it. He has said he doesnt mind female pronouns, but this is also kinda in the context of a guy who is dressing like a girl. He is however, not straight, so at least you can go on that.

>> No.8219175

For me I've never even thought about sexual orientation for my entire life. Everyone to me is just a statistical possibility until they narrow down their band. Though one is more likely then others. Basically I've always known my entire life just by looking at what I'm attracted to.

Honestly to me just sounds like low amount of hormones. It's a great thing that I wish I had.

>> No.8219176

Any Les/Bi lolitas in the UK?

>> No.8219180

>implying relationships need to be hetero to be real
If she's in a relationship with a girl, then it is a 'real relationship'. Don't be a jackass.

>> No.8219182

Uh. Male here. You know plenty of men are ok with their girlfriends having a one off with another girl as one, its hot and two, we know you won't leave us for them?

>> No.8219186

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a hypocriet.

>> No.8219190


This. I know my girlfriend would never leave me for one of her lovers just because the tongue and vibrators can never replace the d.

>> No.8219195

This is what I call a dutch. Or a bad speller.

>> No.8219200

> Guy here
> real relationship
Nice bait

>> No.8219203

kek, you are either really naive or this is bait. Women are just as bad as men when it comes to most of the shit you listed.

>> No.8219210

We'd been sleeping and living together for six months, never making it "official" because his ex was batshit crazy, she could've done something unpredictable. Then one night when I was away he suddenly called me and asked how serious I was about our relationship, because he'd apparently just slept with his ex.

How come?

>> No.8219211

Here. Here. Seeing two women dating is like seeing two mirrors reflecting nothing off of each other. Till one of the others takes a baseball bat to the other anyway then it just turns into a comedy show.

>> No.8219224

See, I'm a lesbian and I get this, but for me it's when I see a man and a woman dating. All I see is my new gf and her ex. It's weird huh?

>> No.8219230

Lol you can't give her what she really needs. Women need what swings between our legs.

>> No.8219231

That's the thing, it's not unappealing either, I wouldn't rule it out, it's just not clear in my mind in the same way hetro sex is. Perhaps I'm not really bi, but I don't feel very hetro either.

that sounds a bit like me but then I reckon I still could end up surprising myself and wanting to jump some girl's bones later down the line. This is especially confusing for me because intimacy isn't something I find easy in hetro relationships either, as in I have to wait until I really know and trust someone before we have sex.

>oh god I'm going to end up adopting a tumblr-ism for myself aren't I(?)

>> No.8219239

It's the other way around m8, women need someone who knows how to work the clit. Vaginas are mostly numb anyway, that hole is for pushing out babies, not for pleasure.

>> No.8219241
File: 12 KB, 250x260, haaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is bigger, better, vibrates and lights up.

>> No.8219254

Bullshit. You need big big dicks.

>> No.8219256
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>> No.8219262

Oh my god yes please

>> No.8219265


I've always got a kick out of Lesbians.. In my lifetime I've seen so much things happen with them.

I really got a kick out of one time I stole ones GF and she sprayed acid in the women's eyes in revenge.

Basically I've learned you the more of them you gather the more entertaining it is just to pull up some binoculars and watch the fireworks go off. Especially if you get the type that likes to drug people out then bail.

>> No.8219271

your analogies need some work bro.

>> No.8219278

This is so cute omg

>> No.8219282

For what it's worth, I'm this simpering, confused UK fag >>8219120 >>8219231

What I meant to say is, I'm an attractive, 100% knock ya frilly socks off-awesome UK lolita, hit me up if you want.

>> No.8219307
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Yeah you need to have a photo. What are you paranoid about anon? If it's people finding out you like girls then I really recommend taking some time out for yourself to work through this. Having a relationship where one of you is in the closet is really painful and difficult.

Yeah I am. >>8216779 There's quite a few bisexual Lolita's in the UK, not really met any other Lesbians but it's not exactly something that comes up at meet ups haha

>> No.8219319

I'm half out of it bro on enough pain meds to kill a horse.. Though to be serious I am being truthful in that I always find it funny when college age women talk about how great it would be to date other women. Dear lord they haven't seen how crazy some of the people you can pick up are if they're not careful. Though that is universal I suppose.

>> No.8219325

>"I love my boyfriend but I wished I could of explored my sexuality more before I was with him"
>god I hate people like you
now you're just trying hard to be a sandy cunt. its perfectly reasonable to feel the way she does.

>> No.8219401

I think it might be that some of us had a delayed realization of our bisexuality and were already dating men when we figured this out. I know that's the case for me. I started dating a guy and then realized some time into the relationship I'm bi, but I'm kinda too in love with him to leave him for a girl, or anyone. He's cool with me experimenting with girls but I'm too shy around girls. Plus, I don't feel comfortable with being THAT chick that uses another girl for sex.

>> No.8219412

>Though that is universal I suppose

There you go brah, now you need never make any drug-induced logical leaps ever again.

>> No.8219417

I would love to have a 4channer gf (as a girl). Our interests would align better and she has a much better chance of not being an SJW cuckqueen.

Does anyone else agree?

>> No.8219445
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This is exactly the situation I'm in, I just need to find someone else that's in the same boat to avoid the 'THAT chick' situation. Well, that and we need to be compatible in all the other important ways and blah, but this is the already unlikely starting point I need to be in before anything else is considered.

>> No.8219449

NOPE. Two-thirds of the women I've been physical with were using me for sex. Mainly for experimentation purposes, but the point still stands.
NOPE. My god, no. If anything, the women I've dated have been WORSE about this.
Internalized misogyny is a thing, my friend. Not quite what you're talking about, but a lot of lesbians and even bisexuals won't date bisexual women who have been "tainted" by a penis, which is straight up misogynistic bullshit.
NOPE. I hate this, I really do, as a bisexual female, it's like "come on guys", but the only two bisexual girls I've been with, the one I dated cheated on me, and the other cheated on the person they were dating with me (lied to me about it at the time, I had no intention of being a homewrecker).
NOPE. I genuinely don't know what fantasy world you're living in to think that women never use people for sex or even date someone for reasons other than attraction.

Additionally, there is plenty of BS to deal with dating women, and a lot of it is irrational emotional shit, which I suppose some people enjoy more than I do. I'm far more attracted to women than men physically, but every single one I've tried to date all freaked out over the stupidest things and would rather stir drama than just talk to me about what was wrong. My relationships with men have been far more successful for that reason alone, that they don't tend to get hyper emotional and treat me poorly and then blame it on that time of the month or something ridiculous.

>> No.8219452

Poe's law is is strong with this one.

>> No.8219456

a) Don't judge everyone in a group due to the actions of one person. I get feeling burned, but I don't need to explain why that mentality is stupid.
b) Why are you still with that guy? Be good friends, find someone you can trust and would rather be with in general.

>> No.8219463

I'm sort of glad, in a way, to read that someone else has always felt that their sexuality was just something they knew from the get go. Almost all of my LGBT friends and at least a few of my straight ones have questioned it, and I feel like I've just always known I was bi and that was that and thought maybe something was wrong with me for NOT having gone soul searching or whatever.

>> No.8219468

HA. Tell that to my poly friend who's going to leave her boyfriend of ten years for the girl she's been dating for two. I would never date a guy who's cool with me dating a girl because it "doesn't count" and "isn't a threat" or because they find it personally arousing to think of me that way.

>> No.8219476

Bi girls deserve their bad rep my advice only date lesbians who wont jump on a dick the first chance they get

Most so called bi girls are just straight girls experimenting they are fun to mess around with but never a relationship

>> No.8219481

Bi, but have never been in a relationship with a girl.
Everytime I've met a girl I've really liked, she's been straight as an arrow, married even :(
I dont feel comfortable going into the lgbt community for fear I will appear to be just experimenting and using girls for sex.
I also hate that guys get so excited by the concept of my bisexuality and expect me to screw a girl for them.

>> No.8219490

>be a bi girl
>only have negative experiences with other bi girls (though they've mostly cheated with other girls rather than going after the peen)
i'm trying to give us a good name. i know you're out there.

>> No.8219500

This is an odd post, you took issue with that anon's generalisations, but then went on to add your own men vs women anecdotes.

Of course your experience is real and it may have led to your own feelings about dating women, but it's not a universal truth, any more than the very post you took issue with is.

>tl;dr most men vs women shit is just that, shit.

>> No.8219521

I do recognize the hypocrisy of my post, though I am speaking from experience while the OP was not at all. And I'm not totally against dating women, obviously both sexes and individuals in general have their pros and cons, I was just responding to make the point that none of the things the OP listed are universally true of women (or even all that common, I'd say, again from experience) while listing a few such cons you might find dating women. I'm sure that not literally every woman behaves like the ones I described and have dated myself.

>> No.8219522

This is one of the most friendzoned things I've read.

>> No.8219529

No problem, anon. I hope you gain courage in the future!

I'm >>8216493 if you feel like acting on that in the future.

>> No.8219534

Hating myself for all the future references now. Someone please hit me with a good bttf joke. Sage for idiocy.

>> No.8219549

>keks of the keks
Dude, you are delusional. I'm pan but with a guy and believe me i would never get in a relationship if i wasn't attracted physically, after when you know the person comes the feelings but well also girls of every sexual orientation have their sexual/physical preference.
I doubt this would happen, anon.
I don't think you get what means being feminist, kek.
>moshi, moshi beito desu

>> No.8219682

You just have shitty taste in men, anon. I'm sorry. I'm sure if you dated a lady it would be the same deal.

>> No.8219692

But women don't usually pull the PUA shit and make a sport out of womanizing. There's some, but very few. If a women is dating you, you know that it's because she likes you for you.

>> No.8219726

>a lot of lesbians and even bisexuals won't date bisexual women who have been "tainted" by a penis, which is straight up misogynistic bullshit.

HAHAHAHA tumblr gtfo.
1. No one wants a fucking slut
2. Some lesbians only want another women who they know is a lesbian and not just some experimenting college "bisexual".

How the fuck is that "straight up misogyny"? Most straight women don't want a man who sucks dick, it has nothing to do with "misogyny".

>Wheh I got cheated on that means women cheat more wheh wheh

Your cheating bitch ex don't mean shit. Google some statistics on cheating and number of sexual partners by gender. Men are so high it's absurd.
And women are a lot less likely to use people for sex. PUA have their own literature and loads of websites, it's popular among men. Go try to find me some female sites dedicated to women tricking men into sex. I'll wait.

On an unrelated note, I find it really interesting how most men complain about women on predominantly male sites and everyone agrees with them, meanwhile, women on /cgl/ will defend shitty ass guys to the grave and scream about how shitty women are. Why is that? I think it has something to do with women consuming romance novels about majestic princes while men consume porn. A lot of women seem really naive to how men really are. I am disappoint.

>> No.8219730

>A lot of women seem really naive to how men really are
are u a feminazi anon

>> No.8219733

> If a women is dating you, you know that it's because she likes you for you.

Yeah, no. I mean, she might, but it's no guarantee. Also the dating game is full of so much pomp and show, that it's very difficult to gauge someone's flaws; if you're constantly presenting a 'better' version of yourself, then it's kinda like saying 'it's all down hill from here baby'. It's no wonder people end up so frustrated and disappointed.

Some anons here seem to just be discussing assholes of both genders - reducing people to stereotypes based on experience, even if there's some of truth in there somewhere, just seems reductive and pointless to me either way. Assholes gonna ass- er, be assholes basically.

>> No.8219751

*cough* threesome *cough*

>> No.8219756

The majority of the world identifies as heterosexual because a lot of them believe that's what they should be, and exploring otherwise is wrong.
the interesting part about that though, the more people learn about all the different sexualities other than the only one they know (heterosexuality), and the more they surround themselves with supportive people, they realize "Whoah hey I think I might not be heterosexual"
When I was 15, I was terrified when I had doubts about being straight. I forced myself into being straight because I was constantly told from birth that being gay is a sin, gay people don't have equal rights, gay people are subhuman, etc. I was terrified of being treated like that.
I know I'm not the only one who has gone through that. Safe to say the way non-straight people are treated contributes to why most of the world identifies as heterosexual.

>> No.8219760

You literally did not at all address what that anon said in that first point and went spouting your own sandiness. The idea that a woman is somehow less pure after sex with a man, what I believe the prrson you're responding to was saying, is misogynistic. calling tumblr doesn't make your argument stronger.

>> No.8219762

Awww, does truth scare you? Women are the only ones who say things like "tee-hee he hits me because he loves me". I constantly see women putting up with assholes and trying to justify their behavior because of the romance novels and TV shows they watch. They think 50 shades of grey represents a healthy relationship because "~deep down he luvs her~" or some bullshit. It's fucking embarrassing. Men are shitty romance partners and can't feel true love, deal with it you stupid cunt.

>> No.8219768

They never said women cheat more, just that it's not impossible like the original straight person seemed to think. Your ranting is just putting words in other people's mouths. Are you retarded or just extremely salty?

>> No.8219771

Oh I see, never mind, have fun trolling.

>> No.8219779

>>The idea that a woman is somehow less pure after sex with a man
She never said this you retard. She said that some lesbians "and even some bisexuals" wont touch a woman who's fucked a guy. There's a lot of fake bisexual women out there, so lesbians have a right to be weary of a bi girl who has a history with men. It has nothing to do with misogyny.
Inb4 it's empowering to be a fucking slut. Both men and women who sleep around are shitty ass people, don't call someone sexist for not accepting you for being a whore.No one wants to date someone who fucks everything, deal with it. (Or call me a misogynist kek).

>> No.8219785

Why does tumblr always respond to argument they can't tackle with some sarcastic little sentence? Stfu if you can't address someone arguments. Responding with "WHAAA" and "DURRR" just makes you sound like a fucking moron.

>> No.8219797

>Less likely to cheat
That's what the original poster said, which is true. You're the one putting words into peoples mouths and getting offended on behalf of a gender you don't belong too. Tumblr.
More tumblr.
I bet your they type of cunt who says "smh" too.
Fucking shoot yourself.
Or just stfu and enjoy the banter.

>> No.8220011


>> No.8220025
File: 67 KB, 500x491, 1425269434401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only difference between what you have and the vibe in my dresser draweris that my vibe works out my arm muscles.

>> No.8220068

Want to rape the women ITT

>> No.8220071

>Men are shitty romance partners and can't feel true love
k and everyone who disagrees with that is a tumblr sjw right

>> No.8220076

I hope your house burns down and you lose all your brand.

>> No.8220087
File: 16 KB, 600x600, lowqualitybait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8220088
File: 161 KB, 1320x1088, cena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just date john cena
>he loves america
>he respects his dad
>he likes kids
>he supports our troops
>he has good communication skills & respects his fans
>he has spirit
>he never gives up
>he is fearless and strong

>> No.8220092
File: 4 KB, 180x240, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would work better

>> No.8220094
File: 39 KB, 295x390, John-Cena-john-cena-24507822-295-390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8220098
File: 55 KB, 459x600, John-Cena-wwe-33918200-459-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8220104

Lol men invented love. Men do not think good sex is love, like women do.

>> No.8220194

April Fools!

>> No.8220235

At last! :-)

>> No.8220243

The last girl I was dating loved Lolita!
I'm so sad I lost contact with her but my mental health has lead to being anti social for months. I'm trying to start up a conversation a day again and all is going well but she's younger than me and still in school so it's hard to find time to talk when I'm at work and she lives a few trains away.
I feel like this was an okay place to vent sorry!

>> No.8220256

Hello, friends! Single & lesbian here :( I'm not part of a comm right now (basically because I can't be bothered to get my ass on a train every other week for a tiny meetup), but I do feel the pain of not having any lolita friends nearby, or even pretty ladies that aren't straight or "experimenting" on campus. Please tell me it gets better once I graduate in a few weeks. :( :(

>> No.8220630

Oh, I'm not in the closet, everyone knows I'm gay as fuck.
I don't like having my picture taken in general, and putting it up on a public website is even worse.

>> No.8220732

I'm John Cena, and I approve this message.

>> No.8220769

>THAT chick

It's perfectly fine to be /that/ chick if you tell the other woman about how you're only experimenting and it's nothing serious from your side.

>> No.8220906

Ah I understand that. A lot of dating sites - especially ones where it's women looking for women - allow you to block anyone not registered on the website from viewing your profile. I know that Ok!Cupid allows you to stop anyone who isn't a woman looking for a woman from viewing your profile too which is great

>> No.8220923
File: 984 KB, 500x289, tumblr_inline_mxo360TKQY1ra3qjx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly who you are talking about. Eww. No.

She is in my comm though, send help.

>> No.8221214

Then look for a study on your own you stupid shit. Get your information straight before entering an argument so we don't go in circles. This has been studied many times, the one I posted was just the first thing that came up when I searched. Usually, if something is consistent across many different culture (which it is) it tends to be true. You think real scientists wouldn't take environmental factors into account before publishing a study?

>> No.8221248

Aside from what I posted in >>8221214 it makes biological sense for female sexuality to be more flexible. This, in addition to a great deal of studies, points to it being true. Think about your own sexuality. What a woman wants in a guy when she's 13 is pretty different from what she would want when she's 40. Female preference changes greatly with each culture and also changes due to social/psychological factors. It also varies more based on the individual.
Male preference, on the other hand, is more set in stone. In most cultures, men want a woman who looks fertile, young, hips wider than waist, ect. This is because male sexuality is based on "who will be able to survive pregnancy" while female sexuality is based on "who will stay with me and this kid to provide". Pregnancy is hell on your body, so it's natural that women should want a man who's worth all that trouble and wont leave her pregnant ass to die alone without a father.

So, being a feminist means that you need to deny all science and evidence to fit your own interests? In order to be a true feminist, I have to support arguments that have been proven false and ignore all evidence that doesn't agree?

It is an inherent thing for women to be sexually flexible because that's how our fucking brains work you retard. I'm not going to claim that men and women have the same brains when it's been proven false.

>> No.8221316

Many guys are ok with their gfs messing around with other girls
but they may also want a threesome or at least to watch so be aware

>> No.8221768

u aren't funny

>> No.8221786

I'd love a qt to fool around with but I'm practically off the radar because I look like a normie femme.

It sucks to prefer looking normal-girly when I want a lolita or alternative grill.

>> No.8221899
File: 84 KB, 475x700, 1418492307212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been bi since I discovered the word for it.
All my life I've loved girls, and now I have the great guy I never expected to find. He supports me when I need it most, even if some of the things I crave he can't give.

I've been with a couple ladies before, and I know I'll feel this way for life.
It's a blessing and a curse.
I've held out a small hope of meeting a girl with whom I can share the best parts of my life with, who can accept that I won't leave my man, but might like to dress up with me, go out on dates, stay in and enjoy the pleasantness of each other's company.
I'm into a fair share of kinks, and I'm super open about my sexuality when the information is asked for, but what I ache for most is just female company and the closeness that lovers share.
In other words:
Boobs am nice, everything else is layers and layers of awesome on top of that.
Cozy picture not related.

Post script: I'm really awkward about all things related to relationships, but if you want email me, feel free.
I live in California, pen pals are nice too.

>> No.8221943

Yes, yes so much!

>> No.8221947

I really just hate telling people that i'm Bisexual because they assume that i'm Poly. I'm in a long term committed relationship with my Boyfriend but it doesn't change my attraction to women. Part of me wishes i had a chance to officially date a woman at one point but i feel like being happy in my relationship now has made me not care so much. On the plus side, imaginary threesome fantasies are fun. (would never do though)

>> No.8221949
File: 590 KB, 876x910, 1418492289154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad in the newspaper for a girlfriend
Omg anon, that is so adorably awkward. I hope you see this post so you can email me. Or snapchat kreiginabox.
Too fucking cute.
I have a friend that's in the same boat. She would be a man now if it didn't mean giving up on showing the world how being a woman can be just as awesome. She pretty much only digs MtFs and would only consider dating another woman that felt the same way as she does. Odd duck, that one.
Haha, this is so naive. I bet your head is flat from being patted so often.

Such a shame this thread went off the deep end. I was enjoying lurking in it too much I posted too late.

Posting comfy for comfy's sake.

>> No.8221971

You know, maybe I'm just the weird one, but the idea of monogamy is on the same level for me as self mutilation. We cut back the entanglements in our hearts banking on one flower blooming the rest of our lives, when maybe if we learned how, we could tend a little garden. Nurturing two, three loves, let them overflow with more life than we dreamed we could handle.
I'm sorry, I'm... way too gushy for 4chan right now.
There's no reason you shouldn't be happy tending your roses, but if I can, I'll go on waxing poetic into my grave the way Ovid did with heavy drinking and opiates.

>> No.8221979

The human brain just doesn't work that way. You can't love more than one person at a time, and sooner or later your going to develop a preference for one partner over the other. Most poly societies have issues with violence and instability (look at all the issues LDS had with it). I never feel that people in poly relationships are in love. They just seem like friends who fuck on the side to me.

>> No.8221981

Dating you must be a sappy hell with you at the center.

>> No.8221997

Not so much, I'm just really sappy right now because I'm reminiscing.
>can't love more than one person at a time
Well, then I'm a study for you then, because I have before, I will again. I get your point, trying to play catch up when you can't make time for people is a losing battle. You can't all of a sudden decide you're in a menage a trois and expect it to go the way you want it to. It is possible to love as much as you can about two seperate people, good indicator for you though is I have a very limited social life where as time goes by the connections get deeper, but less diverse.

'Self mutilation' is a little too strong a term, allow me to amend my statement. I believe people are holding themselves back from enjoying something really beautiful, that's all. Not saying it's attainable for everyone, but I'd give anything to have that connection between two other human beings at the same time again.

>> No.8222006

I didn't specifically address your point about 'most poly groups' simply because I don't know the people you've seen fall to pieces or why they did. Lots of people have a jealous nature or only got into it because their partner wanted it so badly that it overrode common sense. We might not be programmed to love just one person, but that certainly doesn't mean we haven't been trained to believe it in one way or another.

All I know is that I have a fair amount of time before I die, and there's room enough in my day to day life, and room enough in my heart to give some mutual companionship to someone. If it turns into something more, my heart will just have to get better at it. Humans are amazingly adaptable creatures when they aim to be, there's no reason why I can't love two people just as well as one.

>> No.8222012

All jokes and stupid flowery wording aside, if you want to make this shit happen, all parties have to be openly communicating and willing to play ball. Anyone jealous? Aint gonna cut it. Be honest, be adults, and work shit out together, do what you do for love, make time for one another and you'll do fine. It's not rocket science.

>> No.8222015
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>allow me to amend my statement
>I'm sorry, I'm...
>monogamy is on the same level for me as self mutilation
>We cut back the entanglements in our hearts banking on one flower blooming the rest of our lives
*fedora tipping intensifies*

>> No.8222020

>5'11", 115 pounds
>Don't dress in lolita but very casual gyaru
>Girl friends always gush about being tall and elegant, long legs etc
>Tfw no lolita gf

I'm dating a guy at the moment (I considered myself gay, but then I ended up having a crush on this guy and....) but I kind of miss dating girls. My last relationship with a girl was a LDR and she didn't care less about how she presented herself. I want a cute girlfriend that I can coordinate outfits together with.... Dressing my boyfriend up in nice clothes just isn't the same.

>> No.8222026

>Girl friends always gush about being tall and elegant, long legs etc
They're just being nice. At your height and 115lbs, you likely look like a skeleton.

>> No.8222027

It never works in the long term. People in shit countries usually just enter these relationships because they have to. Once you fall in love with someone, you're going to feel jealousy. Monogamy is common in most societies because it works. It's simple and you're less likely to see someone you care about get hurt. Why not just keep these other people as close friends and have one lover?
You sound like the type of retard who "falls in love" every two weeks. Love doesn't share itself with the world. If you loved someone, it would eat you up inside to know that they were in love with someone else. It would also be hard to get attached to other potential partners when you're already in love.

>> No.8222036

You sound like a qt.
>also long legs
>tfw no lolita gf

Shut the fuck up, fatty.

>> No.8222039
File: 107 KB, 490x653, 1423203851765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am gay, I find that it makes a lot of sense...mi'loli.
I just dialed it back a few notches, I think of it on that same rung, but self mutilation isn't as high on my list of horrible things, like it might be for some people. Pardon me for trying to be more relatable.

What I'm really saying here is if you can make any relationship work, you can have a successful polyamorous one, but if you fall into the trappings most relationships end with, yours will end too.

>> No.8222056

I have a major crush on this girl I work with with your build, she's way into cosplay and is a total geek like me, I've almost convinced myself she's out of my league, but I got her phone number the other day.
Little panic attacks.. just little ones.

>> No.8222100

No seriously. I'm 5'3" and you weigh less than me and I'm already considered a bit underweight at 110lbs. You probably look sickly.

>> No.8222121

Eh whatever I pull it off well I think. My hips are naturally wide and my waist is small.
Lol I do this with everyone I have a crush on. I think we just idolize them and it gives us a complex.

>> No.8222127

108lbs at your height is medically underweight, even if it's all muscle. Gain some weight & work out, nobody is specifically trolling you because they're insane HAES people or whatever you're thinking rn.

>> No.8222134
File: 729 KB, 787x1409, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gain some weight & work out
Don't you want to look like John Cena?

>> No.8222142
File: 692 KB, 955x836, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doot doo doo doo

>> No.8222143

I'm just really awkward, talking to cute girls gives me butterflies, even though I'm generally considered one of those cute girls.

>> No.8222146
File: 67 KB, 600x373, John-Cena-Never-Give-Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never give up anon

>> No.8222178

I'm >>8222020 and I've found that gaining weight just doesn't come that easy. I eat anything and everything and exercise very little, but even when I did have a very clean diet (lots of protein -- chicken, nuts etc) and undertook regular exercise the weight didn't really add on. My measurements are 33-25-32, so it's not as if I'm any smaller than your average thin azn girl.

As long as we're not starving ourselves I don't particularly see what the problem is, frankly.

>> No.8222179

Haha. "Average" and "thin" are two very different things, dear. How do fatties feel about how, fifty years ago, no one was fat? Most people back then would be considered "medically underweight" by today's' standards because their food wasn't filled with chemicals and sugar. It's called being thin, make dealings. If you're 5'3", knowing how my own body looks, you're probably chubby.

>> No.8222753

I'm not a marshmallow loli (I'm super small) but I do like to eat cake in small doses! I'm too nervous to go out and date people though.
Hate to sound creepy but I just checked out your tumblr and your hair and coords are just lush OMG you cutie.

>> No.8222773

In pretty similar
>5'9" 110lbs 32-25-34

During high school I was 5'8" and never got past 98 lbs. I would get a lot of comments and questions if I was sick. In my early 20s I finally gained some more weight which added 2" to my hips which, while I understand I am still thin, look really good. I wouldn't mind If I gained more weight either but for the most part, I don't really care anymore because I definitely look and feel better than before, and I get more compliments than negative comments when I dress up.

>> No.8222989

> acting like weight and height alone is a conclusive way to judge body composition

>> No.8223029

>tfw 5'8", 110 lbs and 37-24-35

When did my boobs ever get so disproportionally big?

>> No.8224664

Thank you! You are welcome to PM me to chat anytime
I love all girls so I'm not just into chubby ones haha don't worry