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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8215359 No.8215359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lolita comm thread! What's your comm like? What are your meets like? Are they fun? What kind of things do you do? What do you wish was different about your comm?

>> No.8215367

Is there an Arizona comm somewhere? How can I get involved with it? I can't make a facebook for other reasons, so I can't see what kind of events go on. I also feel like it would be weird to just show up without a lot of online activity. What do?

>> No.8215382

my comm is really chill but there's a lot of itas

>tfw bodyline-chan asked me if my brand dress was bodyline

>> No.8215386

>I can't just make a fake name facebook and privately message a moderator to explain

>> No.8215436

>tfw people keep asking bodyline-chan if she's wearing brand.

Although it's become a joke here.
I don't even recognize half the stuff ours wears as bodyline because she has really old stuff.

>> No.8215437

Really don't want to make a fake account, it's shady as fuck. Just wondering if there's another way to contact them. Really wish livejournal was still a thing.

>> No.8215445

Pretty decent comm, I don't attend things often.
>larger lolitas (who look fabulous)
>brolitas (with facial hair)
>transgendered lolita always begging me for money for transition
>lots of drama once you get to talking to people

I still like my comm because I know it could be a million times worse

>not many itas
>this means I'm the ita right?

>> No.8215451

I'm the only one who wears brand on a regular basis. It's like 90% bodyline. And everyone else wears sweet, too.
Sweet isn't inherently bad, but... they don't make it good.

>> No.8215459

A lot of girls have accounts for just lolita related things.
Why are you being so sketchy about it lol.

>> No.8215460

Is that a replica? Why is it so short on her? She doesn't look that tall.

Anyways from Vancouver comm

Things seem pretty chill\, but I don't really know anyone very well yet. Couple bodyline-chans/nitpicks, but overall everyone is dressed cohesively and nice. I've only seen maybe two itas(they both wore bodyline, and didn't really coord or style themselves well).
I haven't really heard of much drama, and at the very least I'm not aware of anyone who's particularly cringey. Worst I've seen is 2 messy explanations to the old Chinese people who are wondering what the fuck we're wearing, and someone who was acting a bit "do please pass the butter dear" fakey.
In general the atmosphere is just very "Vancouver" i.e people are friendly, but not very personal and you'll likely find yourself leading conversation for the most part. It's a lot of them listing an opinion on a topic, or you asking them questions, but they don't ask back

Easy to make acquaintances, kind of difficult to make actual friends since it really takes the extra effort. Literally no one just hangs out at home. It's kind of weird in that way, and while people get very defensive about that here, soooo many people tell me the same even if they live only an hour away form the city. Especially foreigners.

Meets generally revolve around food(very Vancouver), they're nice. I'd like to find something else to do once in a while, but there isn't all that much to do here unless you're being physically active or eating or don't mind spending $$$ on an activity that will just lead to no one wanting to show up because they have no money or they don't feel like it's worth it.
If I was to change something, it'd probably be the frequency of meets and the inclusion of something a bit more "fun" (like some games or something even though we're mostly 20 somethings) so the conversation opens up a bit more. We have one coming up that seems like it'll be a lot of fun so I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.8215467

The Holy Lantern OP looks like a long shirt on most people.

>> No.8215476

How old are you exactly? I don't see any reason why you can't make a facebook. You could just make one solely for comm reasons.

>> No.8215477

I like my comm. It's small and... not the best dressed, but the people are nice.
No one really shows up to meets and that sucks. I've tried to help it be more active, but I think there's really nothing to be done. I'm moving soon and I haven't told them yet. I'm hoping where I go, the lolitas are more active.

>> No.8215478

Ah, that's a shame. Maybe I'll get something similar in shape commissioned sometime. It's mostly the collar/bow/sleeves I like from it.

I knew it was short, but that's quite extreme.

>> No.8215482

My comm is nice, but they can't dress to save themselves. It's all meh tier or ita.

>> No.8215487

Why do my reasons matter? You don't see a reason because I haven't told you any.

>> No.8215492

That's my issue too.

At least I look better in comparison? My coords are pretty simple but they make me look good.

>> No.8215495

Well, for reasons, the easiest way to get associated with a comm is online, generally through facebook.

>> No.8215497

You know you don't have to use your real name in your facebook name, right? It shoukd never be an issue as long as it sounds like it could be a name and no one reports you. Use an email address unaffiliated with your real name, friends, job, etc. You're making this harder than it has to be.

>> No.8215498

My comm's pretty nice; decently sized and well distributed throughout the state, friendly people in a wide age range. Not the most consistently well-dressed ladies, but we have a few good gems. My only wish right now is that our mods were more proactive about arranging meets instead of leaving responsibility to the members - all of the meets I can remember in the past few months have been member-initiated with absolutely no mod input or attendance.

>> No.8215502

every single picture I've seen from AZ lolita community everyone is fat and ugly as hell.

>> No.8215505

Hey anon! I'm in the comm. Add I'm sure you are aware our lj page is dead. As other anons have said, you can make a strictly lolita facebook. Without having a face and a name i probably wouldn't feel very comfortable giving out private meetup information to you since we have a few underage girls in our group.

>> No.8215691

Defensive much? This is an 18+ site you know.

>> No.8215697

In the Edmonton comm and Vancouver comm because I go back and forth between provinces. The Vancouver comm FB seems to be almost entirely sales posts and the meets are very casual. The Edmonton comm is pretty friendly but has a ton of drama. The Edmonton lolis have had some really cool meet ideas though.

>> No.8215707

I used to live in Edmonton, but I wasn't into the fashion until I moved here. From what I gather the drama that does occur is pretty minor and mainly stays between individuals. I've met one girl who said she left the comm a couple years ago because of some drama, but that's it really. I'm hoping meets will pick up a bit when summer comes.

>> No.8215733

Anyone from CO comm? How is it? A bunch of itas or drama or pretty chill?

>> No.8215737

My comm is somewhat inactive but alright. There are a few decently dressed girls and then we've got fugly Penny and the comm mod is nice but also a black supremacist and militantly anti-bullying (WE DON"T KICK OUT ANYONE IF THEY ARE CONSIDERED "ITA" BY SOME CYBER BULLIEZ).

>> No.8215754

That's always a perk.

My comm apparently thinks that it'll be ok if they can squeeze into something. Literally nothing fits anyone's body shape.

>> No.8215762

Arizona attracts the weirdest fucking people. The first post in these threads are always about Arizona and it ends up shitting up the thread for being really fucking retarded for no reason at all. Is something weird in the water there or something?

>> No.8215766

>You know you don't have to use your real name in your facebook name, right?
You do actually according to facebook's terms of use. It's just that you can get away not doing that most of the time.

I didn't know you had to be 18 to make a facebook account though.

>> No.8215776

You can send pic and name to just the moderators.

>> No.8215781


4chan is 18+ not facebook you newfag...

>> No.8215787

And here I assumed you assumed they were under 18 because they didn't want to make a facebook account. Guess it was just a random insult then, anon.

>> No.8215989

Any plus sized lolitas in the GTA comm? Not a chubb chaser just wondering if there are any to relate with. I think I've seen one on the group but don't want to name drop incase she is just chubby in photos and lurks here. Also is Eriol a CD guy? It's knickers got in such a knot because spevial tumblr snowflake wasn't a gender option on the survey. I kekked out loud.

>> No.8216108
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My comm sucks... There are so few girls, most of them poor fags.
There was a fight way before I got into lolita and the comm is split in two: one part leaded to replica-chan and the other lead by bodyline-chan... Replica-chan is nicer and better dressed than bodyline-chan, not that it takes too much of an effort anyways, but her mother is batshit crazy. Bodyline-chan is batshit crazy herself and has been posted in the ita threads here so many times...
Replica-chan looks like a dude dressed up as a ppg. And all I can see is a guy dressed as a ppg and everyone that doesn't know lolita sees a fucking ppg and it annoys me so much.

So I decided to go solo.

>> No.8216135

Why did the last com thread get deleted? As I posted on the last thread I love my com except for one whiney, bratty girl who acts like a spoilt child at every meet. If the anon from the other thread who thought I was talking about their com is reading this I'm in the north uk.

>> No.8216173

The core group of my comm is absolutely brilliant, the problems come when we get newbies coming in. For some reason, all the newbies we've had come in have either been creepy sissy men, 13 year olds who bring their parents to meets, or narcissistic brats who try to dominate the comm. I'd actually love it if we could be more open and welcoming, but it gets very difficult to do that when the only times we see new people, they're awful.

>> No.8216256

My local com is the Vagina/CLAM one in the North of England and urgh, I don't wanna get involved. I joined the FB group but after seeing all the bullshit and petty arguments that goes on on BtB it's put me right off.

>> No.8216258

Where in the north are you? I'd recommend joining one of the other UK comms, like the Midlands one or even the Welsh one. Drama free even if you have to travel further.

>> No.8216262

I'm at uni in Manchester but am originality from the south so occasionally go back down. Is the Welsh one more in north or south wales?

>> No.8216292

Edmonton's drama stopped entirely when the "main" moderator stepped down.
Every issue we've had stemmed from her and her inability to run things properly or take criticism.

Everybody seems pretty happy now. I'm actually looking forwards to meetups again.
Hoping the fashion show this year isn't a train wreck though.

>> No.8216380

Try the Leeds comm anon, they're amazing and a super fun bunch of girls to hang out with. A couple of girls travel from Manchester to Leeds regularly

>> No.8216409

Same here. There are several girls who squeeze themselves into AP that really obviously doesn't fit but then consider themselves better than Bodyline/indie chubby/tall-chans because they're wearing glorious burando. Anyone who suggests that their dresses look like maybe they don't fit comfortably or hardly cover their crotch is declared a body-shamer or jelly. It's really fucking annoying.

>> No.8216418

The Nottingham comm is awful from what I hear. I've met a few of the girls who overlap with the midland group and the notts group, apparently they have one Ita that ruins everything.

>> No.8216448

I have brand and indie but still wear a lot bodyline if it fits the theme or I just like that particular piece. I get asked if it's Baby or Meta every single time.

>> No.8216462

I feel like my comm is a bit of an oddball. They mostly wear gothic or dark colours classic, where-as I wear sweet mostly.
Also most of their wardrobes are taobao, bodyline or cheap brand nobody wants. They're all mostly fat, too.

>> No.8216468

I've been hesitant to join it too, and I think a few other girls are as well. I'm starting to wonder if there's enough people that feel this way to make another community.

>> No.8216470

it depends what you consider plus size. Theres a couple of above size 14 girls in SOL. if you want to reach out to them they are quite nice. If you consider anything over a size 8 plus size well... I cant speak for those girls. But generally speaking minus a couple sjws in SOL everyone is polite to talk to so dont be afraid to ask questions. Join the comm and just ask them about plus size lolita fashion. Im sure someone will help.

>> No.8216585

Damn that'd be good. I feel bad but I see the photos of them on BtB I just think "eurgh, do I really want to end up in those photos with them?"

>> No.8216591

Why do people pull this shit? Can you imagine someone whining about how they couldn't make an lj account?

>> No.8216607

the girls posting all the shit on btb aren't in CLAM, all the photos are old, theres plenty of comms in Yorkshire and the Midlands which are drama free and pretty good from all accounts

>> No.8216612

My comm is like anarchy (no admins) and most of the veteran Lolitas left the comm.

Very close knit and little to no drama

>> No.8216625

>>You know you don't have to use your real name in your facebook name, right?
>You do actually according to facebook's terms of use. It's just that you can get away not doing that most of the time.
Which is why my very next sentence was
>It should never be an issue as long as it sounds like it could be a name and no one reports you.
All anon needs is to make contact to get the ball rolling.

>> No.8216789

I'm so sorry you have to deal with that, anon. I honestly don't know how they think an ill-fitting dress is decent enough to leave the house.

>> No.8216793

My comm is pretty close knit and very friendly. There's probably one person or two who dresses really well while everyone else dresses pretty decently. The ones who are ita probably only show up once or twice before never showing up again.
No drama at all.

>> No.8216801


The first meet I went to with them it was small (about 6-8 lolitas) it was calming and nice, I never gotten thrown into the drama like most say.

No admins there (as far as I know). I was a nice first step before I would take a leap into the brown palace I hear they throw every year.

I only saw 2 ita there (bodyline dress shared from sister and had to closet dress the rest and another one with no blouse on a jsk) but I don't nitpick in the meet.

>> No.8216834

Oh no, someone call the waaaaaaaaaaaahmbulance. Someone on the internet thinks people are ugly!

>> No.8216842

At least you have us Hans Solo-chan!

>> No.8216843

You have to be 18 to be on 4chan. What I'm having a hard time understanding is why a legal adult can't make a facebook, which is why people are thinking you're underaged.
There is literally nothing stopping you if you're a legal adult. With the name thing, facebook doesn't actually enforce that unless your name is something like "Meme Poop Balls" and it's obviously fake. I've been using a fake last name for years, so do the majority of AZ Lolitas. Even our mods don't use their real names. A lot of Lolitas also make completely separate facebooks under fake names specifically for lolita.
If you actually explained your "reasons", we could help you. Because we would love to have you. You just have to work with us. Especially on an anonymous forum.

>> No.8216846


>> No.8216847

Do I look like a nerd to you?

>> No.8216853 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 220x270, iw rose panel black jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DS: Innocent World Rose Panel, $250 shipped in the US, only tried on

Crystal Dream Carnival OTKS in blue, $50 shipped in the US

email in field, pics available

>> No.8216855 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1536, 2015-01-04 20.53.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only pic I have uploaded at the moment from wardrobe post

>> No.8216857

Sorry girly, everything is organized via the fb group. You can suck it up and make a fake name and slap an animu picture on your profile, or you can enjoy being a rone rori, but there is no one who is going to just spill meetup info here or even privately for reasons already mentioned.

If it makes it any more appealing, aside from some questionable newbs flooding the page with questions, the group is very nice and welcoming and we do some fun stuff together.

>> No.8216860

I'm fucking fabulous hdu

>> No.8216870

Not that anon, but fb has it's own issues, I could understand not wanting to make one. I was going to delete mine until I found there's no other way to connect with lolita comms. Now I'm stuck using it.

On another note, how is the Seattle comm?

>> No.8216988
File: 1.79 MB, 500x200, Han Solo-chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.
Have this crappy gif.

>> No.8217047

I don't see why you can't post event stuff publicly... Aren't you supposed to be welcoming to anyone interested in lolita?

>> No.8217061

That'd be nice and all, but unfortunately in the real world...
"Anyone" includes: pedophiles, stalkers, creepers. and people who are banned for doing horrible things to people in the comm.

>> No.8217286

Yes, Mexicans.

>> No.8217287

Why are you mad? All I did was tell you what you are, lose weight if you don't want to be called fat. (Which I'm sure you are, considering the anger).

>> No.8217289

There's underage girls everywhere you fucktard. Hope people don't have access to the mall because there's underage girls there oh no lmao.

>> No.8217302

Can you read?
>private meetup
private meetups such as tea parties and gardens=/= public places such as malls
Also you completely missed their point. The worst combination is an underaged girl dressed in a fashion called Lolita + Possible pedophiles seeing the words "Lolita Meetup"
If you've ever run a private Lolita group on FB, which you probably haven't judging by your attitude, you would know that about 80% of requests to join are from old men who obviously aren't interested at all in the fashion.
I have to deny about 8-10 of those requests a week.
If these groups weren't private and anyone had access to group members and meetup info, we would be putting young girls and everyone else at risk.

>> No.8217311

what does that have to do with anything

>> No.8217327

Lol post some caps (you can obscure names if you're worried, I just want funny)

>> No.8217328

Arizona is just an overall shitty state

>> No.8217336

I actually think I know who your talking about. Is it NYC?

>> No.8217344

Nope, sorry anon.
But I feel bad for the NYC comm now.

>> No.8217347

The hell is wrong with the NYC comm? Nothing is wrong. Seriously, stop stirring drama.

>> No.8217349

Nigga, everything is wrong with NYC comm. How new are you?

>> No.8217353


Hey anon! I'm from Vancouver too. I know a couple girls who post on /cgl/ so I might know who you are.

I agree about the meets, I find they are really infrequent and I would love to see different meet ideas. I know it would be expensive so not many would go, but seeing an orchestra at orpheum theatre I think would be awesome. I saw the Final Fantasy Symphony there and it was amazing. The building is also really pretty.

I'm also really excited for the next meet up, I'm happy for the games and everything that are planned out!

>> No.8217356

Nothing is wrong with the group I hang out with. My group is ok.

>> No.8217359

Which group might that be? Because all of the ones I've heard of are terrible in their own special ways.

>> No.8217366
File: 198 KB, 500x398, 1423737304451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, chill. I was referring of having a fucking girl rush looks like a guy dressed as a ppg in your comm.

>> No.8217367

>I was referring of having a fucking girl *that* looks like a guy dressed as a ppg in your comm.

Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.8217368
File: 53 KB, 600x450, 1352615189650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm not telling you the group because you'll just start stirring drama about us. I will tell you it's not the group associated with simply26.

Pic related, it's simply26.

>> No.8217371

>referring of having a fucking girl rush looks like a guy dressed as a ppg in your comm


>> No.8217377

>Well I'm not telling you the group because you'll just start stirring drama about us
Hell of a leap to make there, I'm not even from New York. I just know that the two main groups in NYC are pretty well-known for their drama and general shittiness.

>> No.8217393

Which comm is the one that split into itas and good loli? There was that cunt screaming about how bodyline is best quality and u pay 2 much 4 brand.

>> No.8217402

I don't think Replica-chan comes to cgl... Or any of the girls in my comm as a matter of fact. But I'm really afraid of posting them because the comm is really small... And her mom is batshit crazy. And she sued Bodyline-chan for saying shit about her daughter. Also, Replica-chan is a sweety. Looks like a fucking amazon in a frilly dress, but she is super nice.
That being said, I'm gonna post another ita from here that I don't care about so I don't leave you hanging.

>> No.8217405
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>> No.8217491

What's going on with the NYC comm? I'm in it but I guess not social enough to hear all the drama.

>> No.8217496

I haven't heard anything either. Wth is going on? All I know is that someone supposedly made a porno film, but that was months ago. Seriously someone is trying to stir up drama on the eve of AM. Jfc.

>> No.8217530

Holy crap, that just opened up a can of worms for me and suddenly a lot of things make sense...

>> No.8217539
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her legs look like sock monkey legs holy shit

>> No.8217546

I know a few as well. That would be lots of fun, hopefully something will come up in the summer?

I am too, it sounds like it'll be a lot of fun.

>> No.8217549

She is so awkward and weird. I remember her going to Misako's tea party when Misako came to New York. Same thing happened when Tokyo Rebel reopened. Just standing outside afraid to come into the store. LOL.

She claims that lolitas bully her. She's just paranoid and did this to herself back in 2008. Every other post was about her was on GetoffEGL.

>> No.8217626

She stood in line for 3 hours and wouldn't even go in??? Jesus..

>> No.8217700

I'm from the Van comm too. I find it hard to come to meets because I'm out of the city and the meets are so infrequent.
I also don't want to arrange meetups because I don't know anyone in the comm due to never being able to come to meetups. I really wish meets were more frequent, but oh well.

>> No.8218135
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw Briscomm has so many more private meets now. Keeping out the itas, obnoxious young girls and people who won't shut up about their abuseive bdsm relationship. Thank god for the pretty ladies that dress well and are genuinely nice people, I love evey single second I spend with you ladies <3

>> No.8218177

Aren't there a few of those?

>> No.8218199


I hear you anon. I don't live in Vancouver at all, I actually live across the bridge. I wish meets were more frequent as well but I'm generally too nervous to create them myself.

I laughed when someone asked if there was a separate hangout group for the Van comm.
>lol no, we just never organize anything

>> No.8218334
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I love you to!

>> No.8218430


Right now, the Vancouver community isn't super cohesive. It seems to be made up of a few smaller friend groups who have their own personal meets.

To be honest, I hang out with the friends I made through Lolita out of it more often I than I hang out with them in it. The city's conservative attitude about fashion that isn't Lululemon and rain boots can be a bit much sometimes.

>> No.8218466

I wish there was a good way to bring people a little closer together. I think maybe some introduction games or something might be good?

I've never had any issues out in lolita. I've had a few compliments and some girls ask for a photo, but I'm more gothic/bit classic and don't really wear prints so maybe people don't notice it/care as much. My hair dresser really likes it though and always comments on how cute "those dolly girls" look.

However I did have a rude person take sneak photos on the bus back into the tri-city area. I can't imagine what it's be like if I wore it to langley or surrey.

>> No.8218467

Waow there's so many of you here.
I feel like the reason why there isn't many meets is because the age bracket is a lot older. I, personally, can't attend our 4 meets a year most of the time because of school. I do try and go to every one though, but in general our events are always holiday related. Some of the girls in the comm also wear Lolita everyday/almost every day, so going out as a group is less of a novelty I think.

A while back I heard drama from the Vancouver area, but I don't think the girls are -in- the comm, just from Vancouver.

>> No.8218485

I only ever get nice things in Lolita. A few creeper photos here and there. The snarkest comments are from teens/uni students who thinks the world revolves around aritzia.

>> No.8218656

It's super chill. Not much drama at all, really. Meetups are kinda sparse though.

>> No.8218697

I'm curious on how is the Long Island comm doing?

>> No.8218841



>> No.8219047

I'm thinking about visiting the St. Paul/Minneapolis area sometime in the summer and I'm curious if there's even a comm up there.

>> No.8219050

Yeah, there is one but they're not very active? There were some lolitas at the Novala thing in October.

>> No.8219060

I'm gonna be visiting Chicago for a week in July, and am thinking about attending a meet while I'm there. What is the Chicago comm like? Would they let me join even though I don't live in the area and will only be visiting for a short time? Their FB page seems pretty strict about applicants needing to live in Chicago.

>> No.8219083


I live a ways from Chicago, but I've found them to be pretty welcoming, even if you are just visiting for a little while. It's a huge and pretty active comm with meets occurring every month (ranging from a casual brunch to RSVP tea events), and so even if you aren't going to Anime Midwest on Independence Day weekend, as long as you ask with enough time ahead, I'm sure you'll have people offering their time to hang out and show you around. I would just message a moderator before joining. I think that having a profile photo of yourself in lolita helps them decide, too.

I don't think that the Chigothloli mods are terribly strict about being Chicago specific. A majority of the members actually live in the suburbs, and we've had a few members who live further out, but occasionally attend meets and cons in the area.

>> No.8219123
File: 291 KB, 200x177, me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really helpful, thanks! I'll probably end up doing that then. Thanks for the advice, anon!

>> No.8219132

I'm new to lolita and I'm working on my first coord, if CLAM worth going to? what do they do at meets?

>> No.8219148
File: 714 KB, 480x193, whothefuckareyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My comm is mostly drama free and is laid back.
But there's one girl who just really bugs me.
She just seemed to appear in the comm one day from who knows where and started acting like she runs the comm and is some kind of lolita guru. She's badly dressed and all I can see every time I look at her is her bushy manbrows (which going to sound super petty but they are very hard to miss).
Pic related, my reaction each time she posts

>> No.8219161

I met her at an event and all she did was talk about how the other group bullies her all the time. Even when the subject changed.

>> No.8219164

Does anyone know if the Dallas comm is dramatic, or is it chill and welcoming?

>> No.8219222

My comm's gone to absolute shit lately. It's a real shame considering how great it used to be.

>> No.8219249
File: 496 KB, 500x212, tumblr_lsrox9Ab4U1qkyz1oo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always that one fucking girl that thinks she is the shit. And loses every fucking opportunity to be quiet.

>> No.8219269

My comm just died a firey death tonight. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.8219276

>How is the Seattle comm?

Lovely for the most part. There's almost no drama, more well dressed girls than itas, and there's only one person in the group that everyone hates, and she generally only comes to about half the meets so it works out.

I have noticed that it can be hard to get people out to come to the meets though. There's tons of us, but the meets I've been to average out at about 5-10 girls, but the cocktail parties tend to draw a lot more than that. Just depends on the event and the venue.

You should join!

>> No.8219279


>> No.8219290

I'd go and give it a try, stay out of drama and don't gossip about anyone even if some one tries to instigate it with you. If you can travel then maybe visit the Leed's comm - they are lovely. Big UK events are fun too so if you go to a few CLAM or Leeds meets then you will have people to travel and hang with while you are there

>> No.8219292

All but one of the admins just left my comm and from the looks of things it's all going to go downhill (more like down a fucking cliff) from this point on. Would not be at all surprised if the comm died altogether at some point.

>> No.8219306

Abandon ship!!

>> No.8219308

As if it wasn't fragmented enough, now this shit. Hopefully the good dressers keep the fun rolling outside of the main comm. I've felt like we've been stuck in limbo for months so it wasn't unexpected.

>> No.8219310

Elaborate! You tease!

>> No.8219315

The two well-dressed mods just bailed out of the blue within a few days of each other and now the comm is left with an ita on a power trip who all the good dressers seem to not want to associate with. I wonder fucking why.

>> No.8219317

Yowch. My sympathies to your comm, anon. Hopefully you can scrape together a sort of Lifeboat Comm from the shipwreck that is the old one?

>> No.8219320
File: 944 KB, 500x200, god fucking dammit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to dish on comm but too many people in it openly browse cgl
someday i will make you proud ladies...someday

>> No.8219331


I thiiiiiiink you're in my comm.

>> No.8219372

Many times an ill-fitting dress is the best that I can get. I love Lolita too much to not enjoy putting on a Lolita dress, even if it is ill-fitting.

>> No.8219390

Anon, every single comm is going to have drama. It's best to go check it out yourself.
Take it from someone in the AZ Comm. I thought it was a terrible and awful comm because of everything on /cgl/. But then I went to my first meetup and realized that all of that drama was just a tiny part of the comm, and no one even cared or talked about it irl. They all ended being super sweet and I felt bad for judging an entire off of a few shitposters on /cgl/.

>> No.8219402

There's this thing called custom sizing anon, maybe you've heard of it.

>> No.8219441


>> No.8219446

Posting about buy replicas on the community facebook page. Okay or not okay??

>> No.8219464


>> No.8219501

not okay

>> No.8219505

I would think you were in my comm except the eyebrows.

>> No.8219759


Creates too much drama anon, not worth

>> No.8219908

Thanks! Will do. Is Emma as insufferable at meets as she is online?

>> No.8220030

Australian comm?

>> No.8220109
File: 33 KB, 473x360, maximumoverwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only brolita in comm
>dedicated, friendly mod
>always has full sets and amazing coords, good makeup and wigs, awesome attitude
>posts on comm page they're stepping down, leaving the comm, leaving lolita

it's not even for april fools, they left the comm already. why though? it's so sad to see such awesome potential, and an awesome lolita just quit. has this happened to anyone else? :( i'm really really sad.

>> No.8220190


>> No.8220198

Aw just do it anon.

>> No.8220230


>> No.8220241
File: 1.84 MB, 380x340, 1417742426562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-how can I join you, anon? I've only recently started to bother with the idea of a comm and joined the fb group - And while I know that there's some awesome girls around all I see is obnoxious younger girls going to meets lately.
I'll probably tag along to the Easter meet with something delicious.

>I just really want to make some genuine frilly friends in this city.

>> No.8220248

Just talk to us anon. If you're not a weaboo and just treat us like normal people you'll be fine, I actually like to talk about things that aren't lolita believe it or not. It takes a lot for us to stop liking someone honestly, but alas that's why private meets are necessary so we don't have annoying replica chans and fatties who squeeze themselves into the same dress over and over turning up and ruining the conversation. There's recebtly been a few girls that have become much more active in the comm and they are great people and are really good lolitas. Just be you anon and keep your power level out of everyone's faces

>> No.8220273
File: 322 KB, 390x572, Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 1.03.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess my comm is similar to the comm described here >>8218135 in that it seems to be split into nicely dressed mature girls who have private meets and obnoxious itas who make up most of the attendees for public meets.

I don't blame the private meet girls for keeping the itas out but since I'm relatively new to the comm and super socially awkward (read: shy and quiet) I get stuck next to some weeaboo replica-chan squealing about thin privilege and smexxy anime boiz every single time. I've actually stopped coming to meets because of this; it's hard enough for me to connect with strangers, and if these strangers have absolutely nothing in common with me there's really no point and it's just a huge stressor. The FB groups are the same, with a private discussion group for the girls who hold the private meets and a public group full of "Kyaa~ look at this kawaii rorita dress I found on eBay!! >_<"
I wish I wasn't so painfully shy so I could actually try and establish a connection with some of the more mature girls without having to 'prove' myself in the ita cesspool first. I also worry that I'm actually obnoxious or ita myself somehow and just don't realize it.
>pic unrelated
>Naruto soup?

>> No.8220279

I'd rather wear fitting, flattering normalfag clothing, than a ill-fitting lolita..

>> No.8220295

Are you near Abbotsford / Maple Ridge by chance? I've always dreamed of meeting another loli closer to home.

>> No.8220323

Nope. UK

>> No.8220352


What Aust comm?

>> No.8220357

What comm is this?

>> No.8220361

they just said 2 posts above that it's a UK one

>> No.8220364

It seems like it's getting better? Or maybe just that there are more people so the awfulness is more diluted. But Nicole Oliva is filming a new movie.
>Lace Monster
>Auditions in April
>I've read the audition sheets
>They are everything you would expect

>> No.8220365

I think a good chunk of you are in my comm as I just logged in to see most of the active members have bailed

>> No.8220369
File: 824 KB, 620x1738, ny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not from new york
>making statements about comm you are not a member of based on other 4chan posts

I never heard about any porn, probably because no one cares? NYC comm is really only a comm in the loosest sense these days, there are too many people to know everyone, or even most members. When people make open-attendance meetups usually only a dozen or so show up. The only drama is ancient jerky beef between specific people that literally no one else in the comm cares about because it's incredibly dumb.

It's not the NYC is chill, it's just that we all busy with our own hustles to be worried about people that aren't our close friends.

>that feel when you know better than to go to BBG Sakura Matsuri
>that feel when you still want to go anyways

>> No.8220384

Which one, holy shit?

>> No.8220395

Not them, but I think I know who they are. They're not from either, but pretty close by car.
I'm from ridge, though I live in Vancouver right now and only go back to visit.

>> No.8220464

Think I know who you mean! Leeds? Openly admitted to what tantamounts to voter fraud last year on a display pic?

>> No.8220496

Yeah, there's a comm. It's not too active compared to other comms. You could still contact someone and meet up with some girls.

>> No.8220670


To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the big meet format either so I tend not to go to those too often. It would be nice to have a smaller, casual meet each month at a tea room on the cheaper side so it`s less of a commitment. But the FB groups are so dead, I feel like it would be difficult to get up and running.

>> No.8220702

There are a ton of weebs and itas but also well dressed lolis. Just freaking go and have fun, what's the big deal?

>> No.8220735

It's not the itas and the otaku I care about, its the thousands of other people there, treating the Lolitas like a zoo, and BBG "parasol parade" or whatever it is and the attention thirsty itas who encourage randos to get up in our business taking pictures without asking, interrupting conversations with mocking or rude questions and generally harshing the mellow, not to mention the hundreds of people climbing or shaking the trees, trampling the flower beds, churning the fields into muddy messes. Thanks anon, for getting me to talk myself out of it again.

>> No.8221426

You must be in the SFcomm.

>> No.8221573

If the alternative is staying at home bored to death, just come out. I've never been due to work but finally going this year. I'm sure it will be weeby and annoying at times but just meet up with a friend and enjoy. If you need a crew, fuck let's make a salty 4 Chan crew. But if you have better, more fun, things to do, don't bother going. Nothing is fun if you anticipate misery.

>> No.8221580

Every year I go, most of the cherry blossoms have already fallen, so I strongly suggest going a week before. It's quiet and beautiful. I don't mind the BBG parasol society but the people asking to take photos are ridiculous. Last year there were people making lolita's hold their babies for photos. Ew.

>> No.8221834

Post pic so we can lol

>> No.8221954

diff anon, but, i kinda don't mind if someone wanted me to hold their baby for a pic. I'm having that "i want a kid" feeling for a year now.....putting that aside, why would anyone want a stranger holding their baby? or even pet?

>> No.8222062

>nothing to do
>in Vancouver
try going literally anywhere else in Canada. my city is a shit hole

>> No.8222069

Most of the time when people say that, they aren't really looking all that hard and just want someone to chime in with idea for them.

>> No.8222077

there's an excited overactive noob posting in my comm's FB page. it kinda makes me chuckle but it's also kinda annoying because sometimes i feel like she makes suggestions/says things without thinking and also just has that general newbie thought process. like, asking if people knew about the bodyline yen trick, lol. i guess, her heart's in the right place though? i don't wanna be too judgemental about her right off the bat i guess/completely dismiss her cause like i said i feel like everyone had the same kind of vibe when they were new.

>> No.8222090

How are the midwest comms? My bf's boss wants him to relocate to an office in Michigan within the next three months and it'd be nice to reach out to any area comms before the move. All I've heard is that Chicago can be a shitfest at times and that Ohio had drama in the past but it's died down.

>> No.8222227

My comm here in Cali has a good chunk of good lolitas, a few that are kinda getting there, a few that seem really weaboo, some that I've never seen in lolita during a meet, a few trans?, and enough little teenagers that have their rich parents buy them clothes. One of them is a girl that a lot of people in the comm think that there's something wrong with her since she's so overly sensitive and will just sit and stare at you at meets. One of the newest comm members I swear has the face of a pornstar. But the good lolitas that are there make having all these less than stellar lolitas not so bad. It's a pretty big comm since its one of the most known cities here in Cali, but I just wish there were more actually good lolitas like the other comms i've seen around the country/world

>> No.8222406

Michigan comm is great. No drama to speak of. I'm relatively new and it wasn't difficult to make friends. Meetups at least once a month. Generally meets are more on the casual side.

>> No.8222581

Sounds like sf, right?

>> No.8222587

Relatively nothing. There are things to do, but it's mostly eating, hiking/some kind of sport, or whatever show is happening at the theater. Going out to eat is nice but it gets a bit boring.
There's events once in a while, but there isn't that much to do in Lolita that you can plan to do at your leisure besides eat out or go to the mall.

I'm from a small town and I'm not comparing the two. For a large popular city like Vancouver, it's lacking compared to a lot of places in Europe and Asia (especially Singapore, Japan, and Korea)
Everything closes way too early on weekends.

>> No.8222601

That's great to hear, anon - what are the members/mods like, besides drama-free? I mean in terms of age range, most popular substyle, coordination ability, etc. I don't have the biggest wardrobe, so a relatively casual comm sounds nice, though I hope that doesn't translate to frumpy.

>> No.8222610

Aw, that's kinda sweet. Hopefully she'll figure things out.

>> No.8222643


I'm not in Vancouver, but seriously, organizing meets and finding fun stuff to do is not hard in the Google era. Took me 20 seconds to find this site: http://www.boredinvancouver.com/

Which includes monthly events listings, free stuff, and this list of six different board game cafes/bars: http://www.boredinvancouver.com/listings/board-game-bars-vancouver/

>> No.8222667

I understand your pain, anon. I absolutely refuse to use fb even with a fake name due to their privacy rights issues and not wanting family/others to find me, and even though I have plenty of other social media any time you mention you don't have/want a fb people go insane like in this thread. It's like an addiction in the lolita comms, you HAVE to have fb or you're a creeper/underageb&/whatever.

Anyway I've gone to some meets with the AZ comm, the main core of girls is lovely. I don't know much about the newer girls though.

>> No.8222676

I always hear great things about the SF comm but when I looked at some of the most recent photos of their meetups, I was incredibly disappointed....

>> No.8222685

Most of the older members are pretty chill. Almost everyone dresses nicely, too. There are a few new members who are still getting the hang of it and obviously need a bit of guidance....

We had a spoiled brat and mommy try to start a shit storm recently but afaik, they left entirely.

Attendance at meets varies from 8-40, and is largely dependent on who is organizing the meet.

>> No.8222825

A bunch of newbies joined recently, I hope they either disappear (like they often do) or improve.

>> No.8222845

Atlcomm is one of those.
There's either god-tier lolitas (coord, face-wise) and then there's fat itas.

Nothing else in between

>> No.8222857

Fat ita reporting in. Can confirm.

>> No.8223645


A whole pack of newbies have joined so not many of the good lolitas really wanna associate with them. The monthly meet ups arent that great, but some meet ups, such as the recent Lovejoy Tea room one turn out great. Some of the good lolitas i'm friends with don't like getting their picture taken either, but for the most part we haven't had any good meet ups in the past couple of months and its really sad

>> No.8223982

All the 21+ meetups all turned well. There should be more of them.

>> No.8224169

Just moved out to California and Sacramento is the closest comm. Are they okay? Looks mainly ita at first glance.

>> No.8224416


that's because the fat ugly itas drove everyone who was worth a damn out of the comm

>> No.8224424

No, just Dominique. Who is worth nothing to anyone. Literal trash.

>> No.8224441


she drove herself out. nobody's complaining about that though.

>> No.8226135

You could've written that without being in our comm.
Nice try.

>> No.8226143

For any decent meets people usually come down to the bay.

>> No.8226368

I'm meeting mine today for the first time...pretty nervous.

>> No.8226396

Lace Monster is going to be a wild ride. Other than that, we've actually had active meetups as of late so that's always good.

>> No.8226432

I'm sure they'll be great, anon! What comm, if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.8226464

anon just accept you're either gonna have to make a facebook account or be a lone lolita, stop being a little bitch about it.

>> No.8226480

she left? So happy. I would avoid every meet up she was going to. I gave her three 'first impressions' and she never left a good one.

>> No.8226482

I heard that Michigan was full of itas. There was some stuff about it a while back.

>> No.8226500

> actually saying "Cali"

>> No.8227264

I'd say it's improving a lot. Things are more active though there are a couple of persistent ita hamplanets orbiting the group.