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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 119 KB, 477x299, Spooner432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8214895 No.8214895 [Reply] [Original]

because there seems to be no thread, I am disappoint.

Did gulls actually get lives or something?

>> No.8214919

Is that spooner?


>> No.8215969

Well it is like the quiet period now there no significant cons until May MCM unless you count Ame-Chibi

>> No.8215972

Anyone going to mcm in may? What meet ups will there be?

>> No.8216008

Just bought all my shit for MCM. Got a week off for sewing with one of my best mates. So pumped to get this shit done.

>> No.8216030

Is there anyone going to Glasgow MCM, or is it just all about London?

>> No.8216134

IMO London is a cesspit now. Birmingham recently was surprisingly fun and laid back.

Never tried Glasgow because I'm down south and don't need to go all the way up there for decent cons. Maybe it's good though?

>> No.8216291

You motherfuckers, leave my darling Spooner alone. He is a harmless Sanic the hedgehog and a really nice person if you could ignore the rumours and bullshit you have heard about him. Spooner forever!! #insanecombo

>> No.8216294

Yeah I agree, he is an autistic dude and combo breakers his way randomly into people and conversations but honestly means no harm. He disappears into the shadows after 5 seconds so just embrace him

>> No.8216295

I can't wait to get a selfie with him in May MCM, little do you fags know. He is probs the most famous cosplayer in London without even trying lolol get gud

>> No.8216302
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I understand the hate and concern with the guy but tbh I can't forget the time he sent me a print from winning his cosplay competition.

>> No.8216307
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I saw him at a Kyary concert and he got escorted out for saying Combo breaker!

Praise Combo Breaker!!

>> No.8216328
File: 60 KB, 540x540, 10995696_811886652192362_4436391096845527532_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that he's rude to people that aren't his cosplay idols, he stalks underage girls and tries to get their number. Let's hope he gets banned from mcm this may like he did from some other cons for creeping.

>> No.8216332

Yeah he is down with his maid girls and female cosplayers but he can never be banned unless he has actually done something serious to someone and the victim has evidence or reports it.

>> No.8216341

Sure, Liam. I'll make sure you get fucking booted from mcm this time around you fucking knuckle head.

>> No.8216343
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>> No.8216345

He is climbing the ranks though in the scene. Got granted a press pass for hyper japan I think it was.

>> No.8216350


>> No.8216351

Spooner. One true leader of the circle jerk.

>> No.8216354

He posted photos trying to get upskirts of girls at hyper japan.

>> No.8216404

Matt Price is another perv photographer that was removed by the guards for his creepy behaviour and abuse of trust and loyalty to cosplayers

>> No.8216408

He is known as PKSnapsnap on facebook and I believe he is the upskirt person. Always seems to work with female cosplayers and post only females, usually young and cute females too strangely as to Spooner who does nothing except combo breaker

>> No.8216413

Then why was he banned from all the non-shitty cons?

>> No.8216416

Gunna be impossible to kick him out though, the guy is a massive tank and when accused of being a creeper he is gunna dent your forehead with his Sanic helmet.

>> No.8216425

They always seem to be able to enter cons again and again though regardless of bans. Both Spooner and Matt, time and time again after they are told about their behavior will creep their way in to almost any con.

>> No.8216443

Defeating Spooner is also impossible, he is one with the shadows. Appears and disappears at will to almost any location covering London's network.

How do I know this? I've known and seen Spooner's behavior ever since I was attending cons so I've seen all feedback positive/negative about him and he literally is Sonic randomly appearing at all these maid meets cosplay meets etc without fail

>> No.8216445

ugghhh the guy just creeps me out pls somebody get rid of him

>> No.8216469
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>> No.8216486

Spoonerfag can you stfu talking to yourself, you sound as aspie as he does. The guy's just one autistic fuck among many at UK cons, nowt special or worth trying to samefag about goddamn

>> No.8216511

Pk snapsnap i always thought he was creepy, ive had him take photo's of me twice, he starts of with taking loads of extremly low photos like all at once form different angles dose directe me in to a pose or anything just snaps away and then he take normal once where he poses you etc always thought it was a bit dodge

>> No.8216654

He's also been known to refuse to take pictures of anyone that isn't a cute girl.

>> No.8216738

Implying that Eevee cosplay and Battle Bunny Beth are cute girls? Eugh.

>> No.8216943
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>> No.8216964
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>> No.8216977
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>> No.8217001

It ain't a britfag thread without Kelly Jean though or bitchin about some other cosplayer nevermind Spoon

>> No.8217004

What cons does Eevee go to? I bloody love delusional people and wondering if I might see the crazy in action

>> No.8217022

i don't think spooner will get a press pass again for next HJ if he did get escorted out last time.

>> No.8217029

btw, heard LV in london is a bad place recently. Anyone know why. Doesn't spooner hangout there, coincidence?

>> No.8217033

You sure you guys got the right person? Matt Price is PK snapsnap? Just looked through his gallery, i see no upskirt photos, infact they are all as normal as it can get.

>> No.8217059
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I looked through PK's pictures. Why. Just why.

>> No.8217072

Pk snapsnap does take photos however prioritises suitable and safe female shots for his page. The rest are probably saved to his fap archive. He is still a known creeper in the community that is forgiven time and time again after his actions

>> No.8217075

Still not really upskirt so to speak, but yeah i see where you're coming from, not exactly flattering with rolls and cellulite.

>> No.8217081

I've been attending cons in the uk for the past 3 years and i have never heard of him, let alone got any photos taken by him. Is he new?

>> No.8217085

I'm planning on going to mcm and maybe hyper this year and I have no fucking clue what you guys are talking about. Perhaps I'm more normalfag than I ever realised.

>not sure how I feel about that.jpg

>> No.8217091

He seems to be based mainly in London cons and Birmingham as far as I know. He probably is a new photographer in the scene however is still not 100% reliable if you're a female.

>> No.8217094

I suppose if a photographer posts upskirt and or suggestive poses agreed upon with the cosplayer theres no issue and he/she isn't trying to hide anything. It's the ones that don't post them you need to be afraid off.

>> No.8217102

Why not ask to see the photos he's taken after the shoot and ask him to delete the ones you think are boarderline creepy.

>> No.8217104

I am screaming. These girls post in the MCM group and get support? How? WhYY?

>> No.8217118

That Beth Fawn Brookes is a recurring name on my newsfeed, she posts on mcm group too asking for suggestions and gets swarmed by white knights the slime

>> No.8217296
File: 125 KB, 637x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone seen Lady Noctis' newest addition to her terribly photoshopped pictures? I don't know who she thinks she's fooling

>> No.8217403

Whats the difference between Kelly Jean and Kelly Jane? I've seen a lot of people confuse the two in recent threads...

>> No.8217413

What a weird belly button.

>> No.8217963

LOL yeah, I've seen her in person and she is a fat pudding.

>> No.8217976

Anyone else hype for London mcm?

>> No.8217991

yeah, because Spooner will be there

>> No.8218017

Kelly Jean - Uses boobs to get fans whilst playing video games in streams. Does some sexy cosplays?
Kelly Jane - Was/is part of Parle, did a bunch of BL Kingdom Hearts stuff with Jack and got pretty famous in the US. Now mostly a LARPer I think.

Vaguely. I find it pretty lacklustre. This is my first year without a hotel, and commuting from a London house instead. The hotel party was always my fav part though so we'll see how that all goes.
Just didn't want to spend the money this year because it keeps rolling further and further downhill.

>> No.8218036

That bitch will never learn...

>> No.8218096

yeah it's like she tries to posts photos of her body almost naked to feed herself with positive comments and thirsty guys.

>> No.8218235


I am but more because a bunch of my friends are coming from around the country for a meetup there.

I just wish we had more good conventions around here. MCM just seems to be getting more and more cringey these days

>> No.8218249

I think you guys are getting confused with Battle Bunny Beth/Beth Bidoof?

Pretty sure it's the togs that edit her pictures, not her. So you can't really blame her if they're heavily photoshopped. Have any pictures of her as Nebula surfaced yet?

>> No.8218277

But why do the togs need to edit her so much?

>> No.8218279

coz she is fat and loves wearing latex costumes to squeeze the fat and gets a photoshop if she is revealing her tubby stomach

>> No.8218310
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>> No.8218362

holy shit

>> No.8218420

What even...

>> No.8218460

Please tell me this has been badly photo shopped on purpose?!

>> No.8218463

This hasn't been shopped.

>> No.8218465

Oh my god.... it's a shame because the girl who made the costume itself did a really good job, and noctis has just gone and ruined it with her shitty makeup job, along with that terrible arm and weapon....

>> No.8218684

Cardboard and tinfoil. Wow. I wish I could say that was the worst part of this.

>> No.8218687

Dress as Harley, lets make it back and white. Nice move.

>> No.8218705

Don't start that again...theres like 4-5 Beths that pop up in these here threads.

Battle Bunny Beth
Bethh Fawn Brookes

>> No.8218711

Also pretty sure she pays for them, so has to approve them and a tog will never edit their body unless they have been asked to because shes the client, she has the final say.

>> No.8218713

Do you have a list of all of them so we know who's who/related drama to each

>> No.8218719

No, that is what she is in RL. Now you understand whenever she posts images from "professional" shoots how much they have been shopped. Especially her My Boudoir, which she must have paid upwards of £300 for, which is silly and very delusional.

>> No.8218722

I only know them two, but theres also a Beth that entered recent mcm comp? I'm sure the other anons will know.

>> No.8218752

It's much worse when Noctis says she will cosplay the widowmaker from the Overwatch game. A body and big head like hers will just make widowmaker an ugly piece of shit

>> No.8218756

Why is everyone being so mean? That's probably the most badass Grimace cosplay I have ever seen.

>> No.8218762


>> No.8218765

I'm only being honest in regards to Noctis. She only cares about herself and uses people for her own gain in terms of making cosplays since she has no creative skills and then deserts them once she has the costume.
She is also extremely arrogant and uses the likes on her page as a way of establishing her power or status as a "popular cosplayer" when all she really is is just a Harley quinn or latex model

>> No.8218770


She posts here

>> No.8218771

Honey, this is 4chan.

>> No.8218784

wait she's cosplaying widowmaker? fuck this

>> No.8218794

mention her a few times and she will eventually emerge, that or post aperture cosplay and it will have the same effect with Beth.

>> No.8218801

Sadly yes she jumps on any hype train that becomes popular and wants to represent/be part of it. So when Overwatch was first trending in trailers and newsfeed she was already confirming widowmaker cosplays and I was sat there like.... No pls

>> No.8218845

christ... she's gonna absolutely kill this character for me before the game is even released. Incredible.

>> No.8218852
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Do people only read the first sentence?

>> No.8218874

Bethh Fawn Brookes and Eevie cosplay are the new wave version of Zelda/Tif/Kara.

Skin out. Bought, commissioned or badly made quick fix costumes.

>> No.8218941

I have mutual friends with Bethh, they just did a Lol group at Birm mcm and from what I've seen her costumes seem alright. Not sure if she buys them though. But she's just way too thirsty and attention seeking according to that recent drama about her

Eevee on the other hand tears my fucking sides. It genuinely looks like she fucks up on purpose I swear

>> No.8218988

beth bidoof keeps posting in this really bad mcm dating group i joined for shits n giggles it's embarassing all the selfies and like using it as a personal venting group because all the guys are thirsty af

>> No.8219163

Is it a closed group? I wanna see this

>> No.8219264

The key word you are looking for to explain noctis is SJW. That term is her in a nutshell. If its going to atttact any social media attention, you know she will want to be a part, just to get the likes.

>> No.8219428

When Lady Noctis comments to the audience on her page saying she can sell prints of her photoshopped body and face to them. Just no

>> No.8219431
File: 65 KB, 500x272, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eughh imagine waking up and seeing that fat fake pig on your wall as a print

>> No.8219484

Hurt durr how dare someone not be super skinny and want to Cosplay how dare they offend my eyes
Bet you guys look terrible compared to her

>> No.8219516

it's more so the fact that she looks nothing like her photos and it's kinda gross since she's supposed to be a model - imagine turning up to a shoot and the photographer is like what the fuck? you look nothing like your pictures? It's unprofessional and kinda embarrassing

>> No.8219556


If youre gonna be a fattie and cosplay, rock it.
Dont fucking photoshop yourself thin.
You want to be thin, diet like the rest of us

>> No.8219618

Honey all models are photo shopped to shit. They all have spots or love handles or birthmarks etc. The only models that look how they are supposed to IRL are catwalk models, and even then you never see them up close

>> No.8219621

But why not? Where is the harm in her photo shopping herself thin? It makes her happy. What's wrong with that? I agree, she should diet if she actually wants to look that way, but nothing bad comes from her shopping herself.

>> No.8219622

most models look atleast a little bit like their pictures.

>> No.8219632

Noctis does, face wise

>> No.8220001

Even her face looks fat in that photo someone posted.

>> No.8220034

I think she looks hot in that Harley picture. There I said it.

Maybe it is photoshopped to hell, or maybe it's a good photographer. The right angles can really make a difference to how someone looks. The Nebula costume is very unflattering on her and the photographer clearly didn't know what she doing.

Maybe she is fat and ugly IRL, but she does look hot in some of her photos.

>> No.8220072

My thoughts exactly, it's misleading to anyone thinking of getting her to model anything.

>> No.8220079

The point is, she gets them photos done especially for her port and shes nothing like it, if and when the photographer/client requires. Just like seeing a photo of the wig you want, only for it to turn up looking nothing like it.

>> No.8220082

Wait a minute, i remember she dissed this con photographer for editing her body and she often bad mouth editors who edits body.

>> No.8220128

Models work hard at the gym and watch their intake to look the best they can to get work. Shes putting herself out there as a model, but don't want to work hard for it. When you advertise yourself to get work as a model, you are making yourself into a product, per sa. It doesn't take long for agents to work out you don't look like anything in your photos when the word gets round.

>> No.8220163
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Huehuehue photo vs photoshopped version

>> No.8220164

dat arm

>> No.8220177

God that's my local arcade. Before I knew of his infamy I always wondered how he would magically turn up at any remotely weeby event I attended. Then I realized it was not I, but the scent of weeb he followed.

>> No.8220188


Somalian gangs and young white males who think they are cooler than teenage weebs because they go there to olay pool drunk and not much else. Somali shits robbed me, stole a friend's ice skates and mobile phones. Soho has historically been the place to go for booze, drugs and strippers but just recently there have been a few incidents where some dickheads decided to pick a fight with the staff and hang around at the top of the stairs smoking weed, purely to let everyone know they are there. I don't know what tough guy shit they are trying to prove but I've been followed by 4 guys in the last two weeks entering and leaving the building. I got robbed because some dumb Somali kid came down the stairs and immediately asked if I had a boyfriend. I said yes politely (and I'm 6-8 years older than you anyway) and left the arcade when I'd finished what I was doing; 10 minutes later, they decided they'd 'show me'. Had the balls to turn up two weeks later and fucking sit less than 2 meters from me whilst I was playing, arguing with security after I told them about the incident.

>> No.8220193

I just noticed it after you said something.
Poor girl

>> No.8220332

her nose looks horrible in this... like michael jackson's

>> No.8220955
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I'm laughing so hard at her face it looks like she did a huge fart

>> No.8221004

Yes but on the plus side her rack is looking killer these days.

>> No.8221006

Because what's the point? Yeah we've all removed spots or smoothed some lines to polish a good picture but if you're actively taking your size in by a few inches with every picture, you might as well spend that time doing squats and not have to do the editing later.

Either you're the size you are, you like your body and that's that.

Or you don't like your body and you spend more time fixing the fantasy than the reality.

>> No.8221178
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Shhh Tabby looks cool

>> No.8221186


>> No.8221221

It seems everyone boobs are suddenly inflating these days.

>> No.8221265

JNig shared her pre-op padding techniques with KJ who has passed on the knowledge to the others.

>> No.8221416

Do the secruity actual do anything about them people in LV then? Surely they see theyre trouble makers and make a note to keep them out, if not whats the point of them being there in the first place?

>> No.8221430

who and what?

>> No.8221432

Lets play a game at MCM. You have to get a photo of Spooner without him knowing...the stalker gets stalked.

Easy Mode: Take photo of him without him knowing.

Hard Mode: Doing a combo breaker pose (without him knowing).

>> No.8221435


>> No.8221446

Holy cow, where the hell you get that image of the original. I would have thought she would have burnt it to make sure noone can get hold of it.

>> No.8221468

In reply to all the lady noctis posts. I know noctis personally. she is one of thee biggest hypocrites I know. She says that she doesn't belive in editing photos, that she won't work with a photographer that she knows will edit photos, and that if any editing is done it's done without her knowledge and permission. Bull fucking shit. she knows damm well there edited. could choose not to use the images for that reason if she felt as strongly as she tries to make out. But doesn't.

Also she happily bitches about photographers models artists cos players but acts normal to their faces Or then works with them.

she has no talent when it comes to making her own props and everything is always slap dash looking ie the sword n arm. If she's wearing anythin decent looking either paid someone to make it or used friends to get what she needs then treats them like crap.

When it comes to professionalism she is fucking shocking. I have personally seen her criticise and abuse a latex designer because there was one tennie issue with an outfit something that was easily fixed. She put up posts abusing this person and advising people not to use them because of there bad work.

In one word

Oh and fat

>> No.8221473

>Oh and fat

Same thing.

>> No.8221554

thank you for confirming what I've been thinking for a while now
She's so gross

>> No.8221616

See your point about editing is bullshit - the photographers don't edit her pics, she does herself with their permission

>> No.8222094

Yes, this. Finally someone can put into words what ive known her to be for years. She has this image she puts up, as mentioned, which she uses her 'fans' to make them believe shes all good and kind, but it's all just a front.

>> No.8222132

When you bs your way, eventually people will call up on it. I think it gets to a point where they think they can get away with everything once you have enough fanbase.

So how many people actually seen photos of her costumes at conventions? I know alot of photographers stay away from her, so shes holding to dear life to a few that will take photos of her, just so she has something to post, because you know, kind of embrassing going to con and having so many likes on her page and nothing to show for it. I still don't understand why so many idiots follow her and buy into her stories.

>> No.8222202

>if you're taking your photos in a few inches you may as well be doing squats

What kind of logic is that? Clearly less effort is involved in the former. Some people don't care enough to change.

>> No.8222232


Then they shouldnt be models

>> No.8222241

Didn't realise how much Noctis hate there was, I guess if you have a large following you feel you have to lie more to convince people you're all that.

>> No.8222266


Not that anon, but taking in a few inches from photos with very busy backgrounds can be quite tough to get the background to match up again. So rather than "a few moments in photoshop" actually you have to spend some time thinking about your background, on top of learning how to use the liquify tool.

Plus, the other bonus from doing squats is that you'll look thinner in other people's photos that you don't have the chance to touch up.

So I can kinda see the logic there, sorta.

>> No.8222324
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Eevee cosplay is far worse than Noctis IMO. At least Noctis knows how to fake being attractive or good.

>> No.8222371
File: 255 KB, 2048x1152, dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see this guy at London last time? Cosplay quality seems to be going up

>> No.8222381

Oh my gosh I seen that photo a lot on fb and progress pictures. Learn how to fucking fit and iron a costume and not make it out of polycotton before you spew pictures of it all over the internet. Fucking hell.

>> No.8222463

Also the fact that 90% of the photos she had of her cosplays are taken in th middle of very public areas of Manchester

>> No.8222476

We seem to have a hell of a lot of bioshock cosplayers

>> No.8222482


London is Rapture.
When are you going to kill Boris with a golf club

>> No.8222492

Oh god, this. It drives me nuts.

>> No.8222551
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found in the cringe thread. We need a name for this sort

>> No.8222664

Eevee.... no....

>> No.8222865
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Photographers please.....wait your turn. Theres plenty of me to go around.

>> No.8222891
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the full outfit is being revealed tomorrow... please guys, hold back your excitement

>> No.8222919

Comparing these at least she's learnt how to do ears

>that inside part

Oh, maybe not...

>> No.8223130

My point was you could use the time you'd spend editing photos doing squats instead.

In theory, the long term effect would be removing the need to edit the photos that way because doing the squats (or equivalent exercise) has removed the inches.

>> No.8223314


Hitting him over the head with a bicycle, screaming A MAN CHOOSES A SLAVE OBEYS

>> No.8223339

The bike, or the CAGE?

>> No.8223684

I am so fucking confused how she got so many likes. I mean, I get that most of them are probably purchased, but a whole ton of people on my friends list have liked her page so they can't all be robots.
How the fuck.

>> No.8223751



>> No.8224275
File: 108 KB, 960x960, 10952355_664879743617265_8904792178535878855_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big reveal guys.

The wait is over!

>> No.8224280


How does this get popular?
really though?

>> No.8224284


18 of my friends like her page. May have to review these friendships.

>> No.8224295
File: 168 KB, 2048x1365, brush your fucking wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The confusing thing is the playsuit is well made. There are darts in the right places. Then she makes a fucking cloak out of *crushed* velvet and with a straight line neck/hood seam (come the fuck on) and didn't even consider sewing the tail to the playsuit and feeding it through a hole in the cape or something. The whole thing is disgusting and looks nothing like Flareon. And to top it all off she hasn't worked out that EYELINER GOES ON UPPER LID unless you want to look like fucking L.

I can't believe she thinks she needs a cosplay page.

>> No.8224445

I'm thinking she must genuinely have a learning disability. Like that middle age man who keeps putting pictures of himself in women's costumes in the MCM group.
Must have something wrong to think its okay.

>> No.8224454


I knew there was a reason I stayed out of the MCM groups.

>> No.8224482
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>> No.8224484


That's never going to fit.
He should really just let it go.

>> No.8224501

The most they do is try to gently shoo them away. They never call the police. The shocking thing is that they came down and sat next to me arguing with security about 5 minutes AFTER I asked them to confront these kids

The problem is no one wants LV to be unsafe but they don't want staff to come down hard either. When new staff got overexcited and mistook playfighting for actual fighting, stopped people using the mains to charge phones or sitting down for too long, it felt like being in a restrictive place rather than fun. They should have focused on the real troublemakers going around assaulting/filming girls and coming in on drugs trying to kick/lick people playing Pump. Yes, I said LICK.

>> No.8224503
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>> No.8224560

Autistic John travolta

>> No.8224569

Why do people hate MCM London?

Went to it last October and it didn't seem that bad.

>> No.8224576

>That bad

You still couldn't say it was good though.

>> No.8224580

I mean, I went to May and October in 2013. October 2014 could have been better than those but I didn't hate it.

Just don't get what all the hate is all about. It's not the worst thing ever, sure it gets crowded but it's a busy convention.

The fuss about the staff is utter crap too. They tried their best. When your faced with a load of rude weebs for 3 days in a row I'll be pissed off too.

>> No.8224584

But for the cost a ticket, all you get is entrence through the back door into a shopping room. Celebs are the same C listers again and agan, nothing interesting. The con is bigger than SDCC but is so shit. so shit.

>> No.8224595

I guess.

To be honest I might just save money up and go to NYCC or PAX.

>> No.8224603


Honestly it's just a little disappointing these days. It's such a huge event, but it just doesnt seem to live up to that scale.
There arent really any options though outside 'suck it up' or fly to the goddamn states for conventions which isnt cheap.

>> No.8224604

It's hugely overpriced, overcrowded etc but I've been twice a year for the last 7 years and tend to just hang around outside now. I like to picnic with friends, take photos of cosplayers, play DS with people, get high, watch the weebs and the fringe festival shit. I just don't like it when people get drunk and start throwing bottles. I found out my 13 year old brother got drunk there and was stuck at midnight with a 21 year old drunk man who was unable to stand. Security didn't even think to call the police, ambulance or our parents, just chase him off the premises not thinking that it might be an odd or dangerous situation.

>> No.8224615

This is something I've always wanted to do, just hang around with friends.

None of my friends have gone before, people I do know who go to mcm I don't really like anymore.

idk man. I just want to hang around and have fun is all.

>> No.8224623

Maybe we should arrange a seagull picnic, providing the weather is agreeable. I like to bring musical instruments sometimes for animu/game weeby singalongs.

>> No.8224629

I'd be down for that, sure. Anyway of keeping in touch? Probably be best.

I have skype.

>> No.8224633


A waterfront picnic with seagulls would be fun. And / or the bitchiest cattiest group I could imagine meeting, but that sounds fun too honestly.

>> No.8224702

But all with bags over our heads so no one could tell who we were.

>> No.8225443

Ever considered people might have her page liked just to keep up to date with her fails?

That's my reason at least

>> No.8225453

yeah I thought the exact same thing

>> No.8226029

Sounds good to me

>> No.8226250


Ah, so that's why she has so many likes.

>> No.8226254


We done the same at London, we just hung around outside in cosplay. Stuff like MCM London, once you've been in it once, you're not going to see much new on subsequent visits.

Most of the fun is just hanging with cosplay people, and you can do that outside.

(I was the dude as Doctor Doom, letting people try to sing through my voice modulator.)

>> No.8226266

That sounds pretty good, would definitely be up for that, seriously keep us up to date

>> No.8226318

So apparently Nigri is going to London MCM again?

>> No.8226347


>> No.8226354

Why are so many girls cosplaying the eeveelutions? There are hundreds of other pokemon they could choose from, but stick to the same boring few.

One of the few trends I'm getting sick of.

>> No.8226379

Because they're cute, recognizable, work well for groups and popular enough that even girls who haven't given two fucks about pokemon since they were kids know them enough to attention whore with

>> No.8226387

What cons are there between now and May MCM? Small ones included.

>> No.8226388


Dee Con in Dundee is tomorrow.

>> No.8226401
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So kawaii

>> No.8226402
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So beautiful

>> No.8226418

really wish she'd at least brush her fucking wigs

>> No.8226440

Like it or not, she is one of the rising stars of the UK Cosplay scene. I can see her guesting at cons soon.

>> No.8226459

>Like it or not, she is one of the rising stars of the UK Cosplay scene. I can see her guesting at cons soon.

Even worse i've heard that Sunnycon may be wanting to invite her down

>> No.8226600

>>If youre gonna be a fattie and cosplay, rock it.

Got any pics of 'fatties' rocking cosplay?

>> No.8226694
File: 78 KB, 530x628, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master of stealth

>> No.8226700

That's not rockin, that's rocky road.

>> No.8226707

Yeah, but why would we post them on here? 26" waist is considered fat on /cgl/

>> No.8226766
File: 97 KB, 640x960, wth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

52 likes for that.....im at total lost. I've seen way way better cosplay and get less than that...what is this world coming to?!? How??

>> No.8226843

You know how you can find out what city a page's likes come from? I can't remember how to do it but it would be interesting to see where most her likes are from.

>> No.8226858

Only page owners can see that isn't it? Like in the stats bit of their page?

>> No.8226860

Oh I thought there was a way anyone could find it. Didn't know it was owners only.
But there are loads of cosplayers who are much better looking with much better craft who have less than 1k likes. They even do skimpy costumes too, but why they get ignored while this girl has near 14k?

>> No.8226862

As staff at sunnycon, news to me. We've kept the fuck away from UK "guests" because of all the drama.

>> No.8226866

I'm convinced she bought them. I've "followed" her page for a while and she went from like a couple hundred to 5,000 overnight. Whenever she shares other people's pages, they're lucky if they get maybe 1 or 2 new people liking their page.

>> No.8226878

I think there are a few cosplayers who are drama free who could run a good panel or two. But if they brought their friends it could cause issues.

>> No.8226883

Yeah there's been a few who've been looked at, but generally we've tried to keep away from Drama-y people after some issues in the past...and just went after people who people asked for from a bit farther afield.

>> No.8226896

To be honest, I think getting people in from outside the UK pisses people off a bit. Looks like you don't want to support our own, and think that outsiders are better. Unless you've got the lineup LSCC had, thats what people are thinking.

>> No.8226907

It's kind of a lose/lose situation, about 9/10 people who ask for cosplay guests ask for you to bring people they love from aboard, and if you don't you end up disappointing them.

I think the problem is that most of the "in demand" uk guests have a bit of a reputation for being bratty and entitled. And generally that's something we've avoided like the plague because well, aint nobody got time for that.

To be fair though, my knowledge of UK cosplayers is 90% who we people bitch about on here though so it's entirely possible we're missing out on some real gems.

>> No.8226911

So basically Sunnycon think Tabitha and Stacey are entitled brats?

>> No.8226919

Also Noctis and KJ

>> No.8226920

I think you'll find my wording was "most". We've had some people in the past with some spectacularly long list of demands (though nothing on some of the unrealistic requests we've gotten from potential VA guests). Not going to name names on that front because it's a tad unprofessional. But as far as I'm aware those two aren't people we've been in talks with in the past?

>> No.8226923

So you hate most UK cosplayers??

>> No.8226932

I think hate would be the wrong term.

But do I think we should be associated with people who bring drama and stuff and give people more of a reason to bitch? Nah not really. When we're putting ourselves out of pocket I guess it's better for us to get more from it than people going "oh that event we already dislike is getting THEM hah how desperate".

Like idk, it seems cgl and certain other people have an axe to grind with us sometimes. Like are we a perfect event? Nah of course not? But we don't do round pretending we are either.

>> No.8226933

Sunnycon has a pretty high stakes competition, so I'm surprised that they don't offer panels from UK ECG and WCS Reps, at the very least? I'm sure there's a lot they can offer about the competitive scene - I struggle to believe someone like Lex could be considered entitles or drama whoring?

Also the cosplay panels that are offered, don't seem to be very supported by the rest of the con - very sad and unprofessional to see that half way through a cosplayers panel last year someone came into the tent and basically shouted that another event was starting, encouraging everyone to leave.

Time and time again I see people offering feedback and constructive criticism for it to be ignored.

>> No.8226940
File: 92 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evee is Cosplay guest at Sunnycon?

I wonder what panels she is doing. Is she selling prints?

>> No.8226946

To be fair, I think the situation being mentioned there was actually dealt with after the event and like, totally won't be repeated. Last year a bunch of the early stuff on the first day was running late till we made up for it with some creative timetabling.

We'd have people from ECG and WCS in a heartbeat (I think we HAVE had some of them in the past too though I'm goddamn awful with names) but sometimes it's a case of either: Not being able to afford to pay them if they ask because we're already on a tight as hell budget (Something that's slowly improving as we grow and learn where things can be cut) or they can't/wont travel across the entire country to come.

And me at least, I'm always open to feedback like. Most of the time it's listened to and considered. We're slowly digging ourselves into a better position. Come the end of this years event and onto the planning of next years, stuff that I know right now that'll be getting talked about soon will hopefully make things a LOOOOOOTTTT better.

>> No.8226953

No I can categorically promise that no, she isn't.

Oh god, look at that prop tho jfc.

>> No.8226985

I've been to basically all of your events but the boat parties. You need to take criticism on board and actually CHANGE how you run your event if you want to have more respect in the UK.

You seem to pander to kids who want what's cool on the internet instead of wanting to run a respectable event for the UK. I turn up to people watch and have a laugh with friends, rather than the event itself.

That said, do you read up about your cosplay guests? I can't fault Twinfools & Nova, they were spot on, same for Yuka in 2013. But I don't know why you'd invite guests like Ginny McQueen who was already washed up and Nadia last year who didn't even turn up. There was also no announcement about her not arriving... not very professional for anyone who DID want to meet her.

There are so many good cosplayers in the UK. Even then 2 of the British WCS reps live in the next city over. Almost all of the WCS reps in the UK have done events since if you'd only ask.

Even then last year (as mentioned by >8226933 actually), one of the cosplay panelists who was there on the Saturday was very rudely interrupted during their panel by an announcer saying that the "actual cosplay panels" were running in a panel room elsewhere, and to go there instead. She also mentioned that she had prepared a panel, but wasn't given the facilities to run it on the day. If people DO help out, treat them with some fucking respect, they're on YOUR schedule.

Your competition is a whole different subject and jesus that needs work too. Having cosplayers parade inside a tent on crappy wooden floorboards with plastic chairs dotted about is a joke frankly.

People are willing to help, give feedback and go along to your SunnyConVent, but you need to LISTEN to make any progress. You might make ticket sales and get people through the door but you have a bad reputation, work on it.

>> No.8226999

I'd like to supplement this person by saying splitting up the judges - what the fuck are you thinking? How is that ever in any way supposed to be legitimate and fair? Like that fails on the most fundamental level of ANY fair competition, let alone a fucking cosplay comp for a grands worth of prize money

>> No.8227002

I've heard quite a few bad things about Sunnycon and basically they don't give a fuck about Cosplay which has been pretty much confirmed here!

>> No.8227003

also. "creative timetabling"? The panelist there was early and was ready to start for her slot. It was because the screen she was promised never arrived that she started late and nobody actually thought to tell her - SHE asked. I was there from the beginning to watch her panel and was pretty appalled on her behalf.

>> No.8227011

Trust me, if i had all my wishes fulfilled things would be plenty different. But I'm not the person in charge of the budget and all of the planning so often I have to compromise. I don't always agree and anyone on the committee could tell you that much, but more often then not what I want it phased in over time.

As it is a lot of it comes down to confusion and mis-planning and every year having to learn everything all over again because getting a permanent venue has been hell. Which is why I said, wait till you get the announcements for the future after this year. It looks like we'll have stuff pretty much permanently settled in a new venue after this years even if everything goes well.

The issue with Nadia was a super last minute thing that I don't remember the specifics of, but it was in that crush of the 50 million things happening at once over the week or two before and entirely slipped through the cracks.

I genuinely believe in the future of the event though, it's just been through so many shake ups and changes that yeah, whenever we get better in one of our weaker spot we find new places. But in general, I think things are getting better and we're getting better at learning on the go.

It's still got a long way to go but I think we're getting into more good habits than bad.

>> No.8227012

I didn't compete, but have it on good terms from 3 entrants that there were 2 separate rooms for judges with 2 judges in each room. How on earth are judges meant to make a fair decision if half of them haven't seen the nitty gritty details? It's hardly as if you could see them on the catwalk. I think the judges probably did as good a job as they could considering the circumstances but it's kind of pointless having a board of judges if half of them aren't there for pre-judging.

On this too. People were told to bring progress books. Direct from two of the judges, they never got to see some of them. Why make people put extra effort in if the judges don't get to see it??

>> No.8227015

Seeing as I was the person who arranged everything with her yeah, I was entirely pissed off too frankly. Like, I had spent ages working with her to get that panel happening and it was a case of a few things not being brought in the last shipment of stuff to arrive that completely fucked it up. And I have never apologised to someone more in my entire life, which is saying something since if you know me I have had a lot of experience suffering foot in mouth syndrome,

>> No.8227016

I don't care for your budget or who is in charge, it takes nothing to step up at the front and make an announcement if someone hasn't arrived for the sake of your attendees or to treat guests and panelists with the respect they deserve. Being polite is FREE.

>> No.8227017

And I can't speak on the ins and outs of the cosplay contest but this is something I've not heard, and it'll definitely be something I bring up at our next meeting. In fact, generally if there's stuff you'd like to to be brought up I'm more than willing to start a bitch list.

>> No.8227024

I'm glad to hear this, I'm signed up to compete in the competition this year and the things I hear are quite frankly just worrying

>> No.8227025

This guy gives me the creeps, big time. His post being all like 'waaah waaah small children are scared of me???' was the cringiest thing I've ever read. I don't know if he has some mental issue,and I don't care. I just wish he'd stay away from the cosplay scene. No UKIP, he just weirds me the fuck out.

>> No.8227027

Anyway, Sunnycon guy here, I need to go, but honestly I actually appreciate all the frankness and decent constructive criticism here. I'll definitely be saving what has been said here and passing it on, if that's fine with you all?

And for those who attend, who wish to contact me out of here, you should have a fair idea who I am, and if you don't I admin the facebook group and am free anytime to get into the more nitty gritty subjects and bring them up on your behalf if you wish to reach out.

Thanks for not being like some have in the past have been when I've reached out and been all "LOL UR SHIT GO DIE NERDS", the quality discourse has been appreciated.

>> No.8227029

I need a screenshot of this please

>> No.8227074

Sorry it was ages ago on the mcm group. I think it was the day after telford mcm that he posted it. The worst was that all the comments were people being like 'awww babbu u are perf don't change urself!' I nearly threw up in my mouth.

>> No.8227082
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>> No.8227084

He must be mentally ill.

>> No.8227140

Anyone else noticed that the popular or skilled cosplayers rarely do anime costumes compared to US cosplayers?

>> No.8227228

Anime is shit is why

>> No.8227233

US is a big place with more people in it

>> No.8228237

Amechibi next week. Who's going? Any /cgl/ meetups happening?

>> No.8228243

I'll be going. Working on my cosplays right now. It'll be strange having them finished before the con.

>> No.8228278

Wish I knew about it before. I live in Mansfield and it's only a bus away. Wish they did on the day tickets.

>> No.8228287

What makes organisers think it's a GOOD idea to put themselves as being on cgl? Pretty sure you've just lost yourselves a whole bunch of potential attendees, Sunnycon. Well done.

>> No.8228354
File: 135 KB, 960x600, 1610906_673882709383487_7758176688332068803_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this has just made her look worse?

>> No.8228380

Sincerely doubt many people here who would attend would be put off by one of the organisers being upfront and responsive to problems. Better than some of the other cons who jut bury their heads in the sand i guess? It means they at least wanna learn what's the problem to fix it.

>> No.8228401

wtf is her makeup???

>> No.8228416

Spooner found me yesterday. He asked me to step in so he didn't fail a stage on Pump. I held the bar coated in Spooner sweat. Still recovering...

>> No.8228444

Did anyone attend Yorkshire Cosplay Con yesterday?

>> No.8228452


Her face looks photoshopped onto her head.

>> No.8228496

Apart from the underliner the rest of the make up is photoshoped.

>> No.8228510

I know but it just looks so bizarre and stupid

>> No.8228524

yes it was an overcroweded mess of an event that had a few good points. I guess you can't complain for the price though really.

>> No.8228548

There are still tickets available I believe. Last time I checked there were 7 left.

Most conventions will do on the day tickets if you know they didn't sell out, have ID and you ask the right committee member.

>> No.8228549

Can't believe the photographer is happy to put their name on this. How fucking oversaturated are yoour reds jesus fucking christ on a tandem bike with the easter fucking bunny pretending to pedal the rear but actually relaxing and reading the fucking Beano

>> No.8228564

Everyone is jealous of Eevee because she is getting lots of recognition for her cosplays and working with great photographers.

I heard she is a guest at Sunnycon. Good for her. She's doing more than all of you lot bitching on here!

>> No.8228568

>as if that's not the least of the photo's problems
Most digital cameras struggle to not blow out reds at least a little and most people don't fix the color on their screens which mostly run cold so nuclear reds are nothing shocking.

>> No.8228573

Calling anyone 'jealous' for having a negative opinion of someone is no way to win an argument.

So let's review.


Okay, so not everyone in the world has a sewing machine. But that said, I've seen some pretty damn impressive work done by hand.

Points for innovation using socks a arm warmers. It's not new, she's not the first, but it's one way round a problem. However unevenly cut neck ruffles, unsealed edges and uneven central thick running stitches are nothing to be jealous of. It just says 'I couldn't be bothered to do a better job, I just banged this out, but I'm wearing a leotard and I have an okay body so I'm kawaii desu hai?'

And that's without address the mess that is the ears.


A million frayed edges. Okay, that's one way to do a grass hula skirt, but if you're not going to buy an actual hula skirt, at least learn to burn your edges so they don't fray to pieces. It's not that fucking hard.


Flowers for the head accessories? Really?


So not everyone wants to splash £18 on a pair of red gogo boots and let's just argue that she already had the shoes and girl is on a budget....at least spring the £2.50 for a pair of plain red socks. If you really must do it that way. Or edit the socks.


>> No.8228578


I have no idea what this is meant to be. But frayed edges. Frayed edges everywhere.




Minimally modified bought dress. Could have at least sprung for long pile fur that that craft rubbish.


Bought dress. Not even sure this qualifies as cosplay.



This is just me, but I really don't see how any of no sleeve outfits like these are flattering. The crotch element pulls the ensemble down and makes the breasts look low. Us real life girls are expected to compete with our anime counter parts with their boobs up around their arm pits. Girl needs to invest in some clear straps, or a push up bra or some skills.


She says she's improved. Shoulda stuck to wearing bought things. Flinging a bed sheet on oneself and watching the stray threads blow in the wind is not an improvement. Using really thin fabrics like this makes a costume look cheap. Even lining the hood would have helped tidy it up and lent the outfit some weight.


>> No.8228581


For all the tl:dr out there

...basically for a girl whose near entire repertoire is facilitated by store bought costumes or items, she's remarkably lazy even then. Small changes would easily polish off the costume.

Being a cosplay guest means nothing. If there are people that are excited to meet her, that's great. But I can't see her doing any panels, because really, what can she talk about that can't be summed up in five minutes?

Apart from the amazing history of how she's got the likes that she has.

>> No.8228609

She's one of the smartest cosplayers out there and as well experience in making she gives advice on how to get likes and network at cons and with other cosplayers. I think most cosplayers could learn quite a bit from her, instead they just choose to bitch.

>> No.8228614

is everyone ignoring the guy from sunnycon stating she's not gonna be there or are you making a fucking meme of it?

>> No.8228618

Getting likes is really simple. You can ether

- Wear a lot of skimpy costumes and accept that it's cheap attention and mostly for your body and not your work but that's your choice
- Pander to attention and only cosplay from what is new, current and popular to keep up with trends. This is probably one of the hardest to maintain because you're built on volatile fandoms, if you miss the boat you'll fall a long way behind.
- Cosplay from one particular thing and make it your 'thing'. This kind of couples with exploiting an established fandom and only really works if you pick something big.
- Post lots of simple but well finish costumes and/or props and/or some element of cosplay. This may take some time to establish a fan base.
- Post lots of progress and make more time consuming costumes/builds but have really impressive results. Again, this may take time.
- Win lots of competitions and advertise your page.
- Do lots of share for shares, features, anything that basically equates to leaching from anyone more popular than you. Push yourself in groups with your best photos and cute catch phrases. Beg all your friends to like your page, friend everyone you meet and beg them to like your page.
- Buy them
- Admit that it's all a farce anyway and it's just a subculture within a subculture. Know that e-fame does, in no way, grant you any magical skills. It doesn't prove anything either since there's lots of ways to get attention and lots of reasons for individuals to give you their attention.

How to network...it really worries me that this generation is seeing cosplay as a networking opportunity.

Yes people have got jobs and gigs with their cosplay portfolio but if you want to work in the costuming industry you have to have a wide variety of skills. Or be exceedingly talented at 'that one thing you do'. We don't have a massive call for booth babes or legit geek models in this country, wrong part of the industry.

>> No.8228621

Unquestionably she is good at gaining likes, which in its own way is commendable; but likes do not equal skill or ability. Likes are gained many ways, and personally I'd prefer to gain them through people appreciating what I've done rather than consantly doing l4l / s4s campaigns, but if that's her way and what's important to her, so be it and good luck to her.

>> No.8228627

How to make friends at anime convention.

Make friends with friends of your friends. Everyone knows someone.

Fall on someone, spill your drink on them and offer them a change of clothes. Initiate shoujo manga sequence.

If you don't have any friends in the community, start using online facilities such as forums and cosplayisland to join planned groups and events. Talk to the people at these events online, in person and after the event.

Use your scouter to determine their power level is over 9000. Fight to the death to attain your Aryan race transformation. Bring dead people back to life with your balls and make them your friends.

Talk to people that approach you for a photo, offer your contact details.

Attend meets and picnics for fandoms you are interested in, talk to the other attendees who have the same interests as you.

...it's not rocket science.

>> No.8228628

this person gets it. +1

>> No.8228629

Eevee does most of those things so we agree.

>> No.8228643

Yes. I dont think ill be attending again unless they sort out the overcrowding, crappy layout etc. Last year was better and even that wasnt great.

>> No.8228667

Is there anyone else going to Glasgow MCM?

This'll be my first con, and my first cosplay, so I'd love to meet any gulls there.

>> No.8228690

Does anyone get a Beckii Cruel vibe from Eevee cosplay? Like when she was just starting on youtube?

Maybe it's the accent.

>> No.8228810

I don't think Eevee would have the same appeal in Japan and become a big idol there but I see what you are saying.

>> No.8228821
File: 64 KB, 764x720, [Commie] Yuyushiki - 02 [BD 720p AAC] [92FA4665].mkv_snapshot_13.21_[2015.02.27_19.45.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become a big idol there

>> No.8228830


>these pictures

Im doing my first cosplay ever at the MCM in a month and holy shit does this make me feel better.
Like, there's still a chance Im going to chicken out at the last minute but if she gets likes for this stuff...

>> No.8228884

There are ways to make cheap costumes that don't look that shitty too.

Drill and twill are easy to handle. And not too expensive by the meter. It's just important to either finish the edges of twill or double roll the hem as it will unravel forever.

Also if even if it's not perfectly made so long as the edges are finished and your seams aren't splitting apart folk'll at least know you've made an effort. We all have to start somewhere.

Also my friends say patterns are impossible to use but a couple (literally 2) good dress patterns have managed to make me some dresses, tunics and tops. One has side seams and darts, the other has princess seams. I've only been at this a year but I still do well enough to be proud of what I've made.

>> No.8228898


I've only recently made my first cosplay, and yeah, I've found that even basic steps makes it look so much better.

For example: Adding a hem to an edge of a garment instantly makes it look SO much better. Like, with a tiny change like that, it stops looking like a piece of fabric, and looks like an item of clothing.

>> No.8228917

First mega tip.

No raw edges on garments.

Things like satin ribbon can be finished with a match so they don't fray away over time, but even the best of us forget the odd trim end.

But for god's sakes line and hem.

It's not just about finishing the edges so your garment lasts longer, it adds structure and weight.

I know a girl who made Belle's gold ball gown out of satin, and because she was rake-size-tiny said she didn't need lining, let alone boning, in the bodice. So she made this massive ruched skirt (it didn't look too bad) and sewed it to this bodice....and was surprised when the seam ripped and her skirt literally fell away on the day.

Second big tip, learn to use patterns.

People who whine about not being able to understand them when they come with instructions and we have this thing called google are not struggling, they're just being deliberately stupid.

You'll learn a lot of techniques from patterns, and once you become comfortable with a pattern you can manipulate it.

>> No.8228943


All of these, and iron your seams and costumes before you pack them, hang them up as soon as you reach the hotel. Nothing sadder than a creased costume. And un-ironed seams just look hellish.

>> No.8228953

When you get to the hotel, hang them in the bathroom and put the shower on full heat to steam them.

Also, regardless of gender WEAR WIGS AND MAKEUP

>> No.8228961

Anybody got any convention horror stories?

>> No.8228964


>> No.8228965

Was it that bad?

>> No.8228974


Is a wig strictly that necessary? Because I have roughly the same hairstyle as the character I'm trying to cosplay.

>> No.8228983

Whats the character?

>> No.8228990

Wigs are thicker than what 90% of humans are blessed with. Wearing a wig is made more necessary because you'll look like the odd one out if you don't.

But it's not strictly necessary. Some will care more than others but it's a personal choice.

I know someone who can't stand wearing wigs and instead just wears all cosplays with her normal hair.

She enjoys what she's doing and that's all that matters.

>> No.8229068

Yeah, it's funny, I told my sister (she does costume design/making in films and tv) that I was going to be finally working to lose my cosplay virginity and the first thing she said was "if you leave any stray threads Im going to disown you."
So yeah.
I'll show her the finished product so she can slap me and show where I've screwed up.

Makeup obviously, I dont leave the house without it, but are wigs that important?
My hair is decently close to the character that I can probably get away with it, and I was just afraid of the fact that I cant really afford a good wig. Didnt want one that would look crappy.

>> No.8229093

Get one from coscraft. They're cheap.

>> No.8229106

This. Every wig I own is a coscraft. If you're looking for a long curly one get a Jeri not a Charlie though. The Jeri wigs are thicker.

And because they're UK based they ship out pretty quick. And they're not tiny made like some off of ebay.

>> No.8229113

The "fashion" and "character" wigs are tiny and worse quality, because for those they just buy in generic china wigs.

>> No.8229123

Didn't know that. I've only ever bought their own wigs.

Actually that's a lie. I bought one of their fashion wigs. It was supposed to curl under at the ends but stuck out every which way, but I straightened it anyway. It did feel a little snug but was still a comfortable fit. I wore it all day at Brum, and out to the bars after. And I've a fucking massive melon of a head.

>> No.8229131

I feel. 25" head inc hair. Coscrafts own brand or importing from the US are the only options.

>> No.8229136


>And I've a fucking massive melon of a head.

I'm making a bandana/mask thing. Nothing makes you realize how fucking gigantic your own head is than making headwear. Especially when you see it laid out like that.

>> No.8229169

Ooh, ill have to see if I can find one here that works. Thanks much

Yeah I've got this issue too, my head seems to be huge.

>> No.8229183

It's the same as making a bodysuit for a cosplay.

>0_0 do i really take up that much fabric on my butt alone?

>> No.8229192

Melon head anon again. I've had that too. To go with my fathead I've got 40 inch hips. I made my first leotard this year and when I lay out the fabric it was incredible and horrific.

>> No.8229228

Coscraft have the advantage that they've actually been out to see their supplier. So whilst their selection is not unique or a 'signature' range and you can find the same wigs on ebay and taobao if you look around, you know if you buy from Coscraft that they've picked out those wigs themselves.

They're also really open to feedback and trends. If there's something you're looking for you can let them know. If they get enough interest and they find a good wig they'll introduce it.

>> No.8229232


you think you take up a lot of fabric?

>> No.8229244


I know that feel, anon.

>> No.8229247

I always think I'm thin because 26 waist. Then I have to cut out fabric for my butt and thighs and they're the size of a small country.

>> No.8229250

Also, congrats on the bust and hips matching up.

>> No.8229257

It's not great. I'm broad shouldered too, so when I wear anything I've not made myself I look fat as fuck.

I should get a "Wide Load" tramp stamp.

Congrats to you on the butt though. I might have hips but I have literally no ass.

>> No.8229317

Why? Are you one of those people that thinks all of 4chan is /b/ and that everyone here is a smelly neckbeard?

Because in that case I'm glad I don't have to share a convention floor with your silly ass.

>> No.8229320

You get that and I'll get "skinny fat"

>> No.8229364

/cgl/ isn't some secret secret society, if you think there's a single committee of a decent sized and regular con in the UK scene that DOESN'T have at least one person visiting here from time to time you'd be delusional.

Hey power to them for being upfront about who they were and not being like some other committee folk I know who are like "HEY I CAN'T WAIT FOR ____CON OHEMGEE"

>> No.8229589

Yeah and it's not even just the con staff. It's been proven time and time again by specific info leaks and on-the-nose references that everybody in the UK scene either comes on here or directly knows somebody who does. /cgl actually does represent the UK scene as a whole, from convention committees to guests to gophers to randos.

>> No.8230066

No. It represents the >worst< of the community as a whole.

>> No.8230084

Honestly I think it's the best because at least people on here tell it how it is instead of pandering to people's feeling. Honestly I'm gunna lose it if I have to see people white knighting that creepy ass elsa or Anna cross player when someone else tells him he has scared their children.

>> No.8230175

What is the worst convention in the UK? One that isn't MCM London.

>> No.8230178

With conventions I tend to go to them for either cosplay or to just look around and see what stuff there is available to buy (either from general vendors, diy stuff) and to meet various people I'm interested in.

One thing I'm not interested in is comic books. Nothing against them at all. I just have no interest.

I always feel really bad when walking past a stall and some guys are there selling there own comic books and try and sell me it.

Like, they spent there own time to make it, and them spent money booking a stall and spent money printing the comics.

I just don't want to spend £20 on something I'm not interested in. I don't even know anybody who likes comic books so I can't exactly buy it as a gift for somebody else.

>> No.8230196

>Honestly I'm gunna lose it if I have to see people white knighting that creepy ass elsa or Anna cross player when someone else tells him he has scared their children.

>> No.8230220
File: 47 KB, 640x676, 10714860_10206498563889963_1481598222_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we just..

>> No.8230421

Literally who?

>> No.8230450


>> No.8230461



>> No.8230464


>> No.8230469

I personally dont have an issue since cosplay is about having fun, and people are all always about the buff guys cosplaying as girls for a joke.
But still.
I can definitely see the 'you scared my children' problem with a grown man cosplaying didney worl.

>> No.8230470

I get this too. Like, yeah cosplay is meant to be fun and all that but this guy has a very off vibe to him.

>> No.8230484

Yeah. I cant really put it into words, but...yeah.

>> No.8230511

If a middle aged man dressed as a Disney princess upsets your children, you need to be a better parent. Not to white knight him or anything, but there is way worse things at cons than crossdressers.

>> No.8230578

He made a post not long ago about that actually happening though. Some parent told him he made his kid cry and the thread was almost entirely people going boo hoo poor you aren't you such an inspiration and you go girl.

>> No.8230586
File: 82 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be very unnerving for kids. I'm all for teaching people to be diverse but young kids wouldn't understand and he does look really strange. he wouldn't be top of the list to hire at a kids party.

>> No.8230587

>you go girl.

Is this guy actually trans?
Or just a drag queen / crossdresser?
Or what?

>> No.8230589

Because telling your kids to be wary of a guy, who is at con alone, middle aged, creepy, wearing a monstrous version of their favorite
characters, with no self awareness, who seems to be trying to interact with kids, to the point where he's upset if they don't like him.

No red flags there.

>> No.8230649

Not entirely sure at this stage, I'm just thinking mid life crisis to the extreme.

>> No.8230659


That's the kinda vibe im getting too. I guess he's not been public about it.

>> No.8230752

He is incredibly creepy. The face he pulls in pictures (this one especially) just makes me so fucking uncomfortable and I hate it. I mean fair enough if you wanna crossplay but I agree, kids aren't gonna understand. Plus he's dressing as young girls which is.. yeah.

>> No.8230796

>just makes me so fucking uncomfortable and I hate it

It's uncanny valley as fuck

>> No.8230807

I get what you mean. It's mainly his facial expressions and structure. He always pulls such fucking wierd expressions.


If he opened his eyes properly and closed his fucking mouth whilst smiling his face wouldn't look that bad.

Too bad about anything but the face,

>> No.8230813

He just looks super high in every single picture, especially that Luna one

>> No.8231270
File: 90 KB, 720x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god eevee

>> No.8231319

What do you think would happen if somebody straight up told her face her cosplays are awful and her fans are a load of suck ups.

>> No.8231327

So I'm gonna go to MCM london on saturday.

Not to the actual con, like I'm not buying tickets, but I want to just hang around outside and have fun. That kind of crap.

Idk if any of my friends are going though. Is there going to be a meetup group people for people to just chill with?

>> No.8231441

I must be getting old as I have no idea who this Evee is.

>> No.8231489

What happened to Beckii Cruel? I remember seeing a documentary on her in like 2009.

>> No.8231535
File: 653 KB, 599x556, hook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have any of you guys seen Hayley Smith's Hook from OUAT makeup test i am dying here

>> No.8231561

ohhhhh my fucking god I'm dying over here
She thinks she's so amazing at makeup but she isn't. She really isn't.

>> No.8231586

she looks like she applied it drunk

>> No.8231592

So apparently there's going to be a big cosplay geek meet next weekend. Who's looking forward to it? I'm getting some popcorn ready because there's going to be drama

>> No.8231605


>> No.8232489


333 people going at the mo. Doubt everyone will go but that will be interesting.

>> No.8232491

do you think i could just make a really bad costume, and if anyone criticised me i could say i was cosplaying as EeVee cosplay?

>> No.8232530

Do it.

Some of us should just start drama for the sake of starting drama. See how bad it gets.

Does anybody know if eeVee goes to these things?

>> No.8234167

I doubt it cos she dosent live in London. The only times I've ever seen her in London is for MCM only

>> No.8234169


>> No.8234170

I doubt it cos she dosent live in London. The only times I've ever seen her in London is for MCM only

>> No.8234176


>> No.8234176,1 [INTERNAL] 

Touch my photos again and call me a perv and you are fucking dead. I followed up on your ip address. Now becareful what you say when we meet

>> No.8234176,2 [INTERNAL] 

You are all dead

>> No.8234176,3 [INTERNAL] 

Talk about him again

>> No.8234176,4 [INTERNAL] 

Are all of you fucking idiots. Not knowing anything about photography

>> No.8234176,5 [INTERNAL] 

fucker gonna die

>> No.8234176,6 [INTERNAL] 

>>8216404 dead

>> No.8234176,7 [INTERNAL] 

Think someone should explain that you can't follow up addresses?