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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 448 KB, 768x1024, boobchere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8214264 No.8214264 [Reply] [Original]

Know anyone that had their cosplay ruined at a con? Horror stories? Infamous malfunctions with boob tape? How do you keep your cosplay in place and/or ensure your armor/props/whatever can hold up all weekend?

>> No.8214325


I had a prop that had a bunch of spikes coming off of it. I set it down for a minute to take a picture with a friend and someone walked by and accidentally kicked the spikes off :(

>> No.8214345

Not so much a malfunction of a cosplay, but of day three of a convention, while getting ready to head out to the ball that was being hosted, I went to put on my makeup and I had gotten an allergic reaction to some new chapstick I bought.

:| I had to leave the con early and go to the doctor and be on antibiotics for about a month. RIP Burts Bees. Make me look like I had 10 lips procedures at once. They were so swollen. Missed out on the rest of the convention and I never got to wear that beautiful dress.

>> No.8214370

Someone got excited about the character I cosplayed and grabbed me and ripped two layers of my Cosplay off due to being a horny hambeast weeb. Thank god it was the end of the day, but I had to spend about $30 having to recover it.

>> No.8214384
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I guess you could say you got the... bee-stung look.

Really though, that sucks, I'm sorry.

>> No.8214397
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>> No.8214407

Jfc that sucks, I would've cut a bitch

>> No.8214438

Antibiotics? For an... allergic reaction? o.O

>> No.8214441

>Wearing oversized headgear
>Has to be secured by an attachment on back
>About to go on stage
>Ask gopher to secure it for me
>"Are you sure it's fastened?"
>"Yes anon, it is."
>Go on stage
>Gopher didn't fasten it at all
>Falls off on stage in front of 2000 people
>Laugh and wave to crowd
>Absolutely die inside

Seriously, fuck gophers.

>> No.8214452



go and stay go

>> No.8214498

Probably means anti histamines.

>> No.8214529

KJ has famously flashed every part of herself at conventions via a mixture of ill-fitting clothes, not enough tape, short skirts with see-through underwear and overpadding to bursting point. Since she got famous from it nearly every other girl at UK cons tries the same 'accidental' garbage now.

>> No.8214563

I went with a carnage get up I bought, tried it on once before(halloween which I spent the whole time standing) which was a mistake ended up splitting it when I sat


What's her full name? for reasons, couldn't find her with just KJ

>> No.8214571

KJ = Kelly Jean. Not to be confused with Kelly Jane, another UK cosplayer.

>> No.8214589

just to prevent an infection from popping up when your immune system is fighting for its life.

>> No.8214629
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someone exposed Micro Kitty's vag when she was wearing Red Sonja

>> No.8214646

I once had a gopher break my stage prop before going on stage, so when I grabbed it on stage it was broken and half of it flew down the stage.
He then told me after he might have heard it crack when he put it on its mark on stage.
Thanks for telling me AFTER dude.

>> No.8214665

Wearing my OYW Char Aznable cosplay. Someone asks to try on the helmet, seemed like a nice enough person, so I agreed.

Turns out my head was smaller than theirs, and they forced it onto themselves so hard it cracked straight down the middle.

Like, it wasn't exactly flimsy, but they apparently tried to cram it onto their melon of a head so hard it made the whole thing crack.

>> No.8214995

I would have cracked their head.

>> No.8215017
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>cosplaying character who punches things to do earthbend-y stuff
>photographer asks me to do THAT Tifa Lockheart pose, the one with one leg extended and one hand punching the ground
>I get down into the pose
>Pleather pants rip across the ass because they apparently weren't meant for acrobatic poses

And I'd gone out of my way to buy them instead of making them because I thought they would be sturdier :\

>> No.8215018

After enduring an entire weekend of "Don't fly away HARHARHAR!!!!" jokes as a castiel with 10' wings at a particularly windy Katsucon, my wings snapped literally in half at the harness on Sunday.
I still half blame the girl that was hogging the gazebo after cutting in line in front of me, forcing me to attempt to make my way to The Awakening.
The wings looked like shit anyway, but I was still super bummed.

>> No.8215026

Sage for double post but I forgot to mention that I am somehow always surprised that people will come up and touch random parts of my props/costumes without asking. Or straight up grab things, pick up props, lift random things or try to pull stuff off. Like I know conventions are full of people with no idea of how to interact in society but for real. Don't touch stuff that isn't yours.

>> No.8215034

She exposed her own vag.

What kind of moron wears something like that with no underwear at all?

>> No.8215042

protect Kelly Jane at all costs. she is the polar opposite of Kelly Jean, who is disgusting.

>> No.8215046

>walking around in a crowded public space with 10' wings

>> No.8215051


This though, a girl dressed as Namine ran up to me once when I was Xion and tried to grab my keyblade from me and run off with it.

I gave her a very stern talking-to about taking things that don't belong to you and iirc she might have cried but hey. At least she didn't try to steal any more props.

>> No.8215070

>people will come up and touch random parts of my props/costumes without asking
I am so so so sO SO SO SO affraid of people touching my props. I wouldn't mind if I broke my own things and I'd be fine throughout the day but knowing somebody else ruined my items makes me panic at an impossible level

>> No.8215107


>> No.8215141

I need this story. For reasons.

>> No.8215170

that's...not how that works. at all.

>> No.8215172

tl;dr she was on her period at a con, thought she stopped bleeding so she went commando and bled on a friend's prop.

lels were had

>> No.8215175

worthless without photo evidence

>> No.8215194

What is it with all these stories about MF getting her various vag fluids on other people's stuff. She needs to literally stick a cork in it.

>> No.8215199

was it steroids, like prednisone?

your doctor is an idiot if he gave you antibiotic prophylaxis after an allergic reaction.

>> No.8215203

>made Vi for a con
>built up shoes
>stress tested for weeks leading up to con
>stress tested after unpacking AND the night before
>day of con
>someone kicked my heel
>support piece rips

Had to tape them together but it last the con. But I don't understand. I was jumping in them to ensure they were fine.
Also involving someone else's prop:
>was Sora
>her key blade was fragile
>KH fans asked to "look" at it; was told look don't touch
>here splintering sound
>fan had picked it up and surprise! It broke in half
>luckily wood glue had been bought to fix before going on stage

Seriously people even get told and still do what they like.

>> No.8215257

Did you kick him appropriately?

>> No.8215297

did she sit on it or something?

>> No.8215310

was doing god tier Roxy and made her big ass portal gun. Had the barrel cut in half to let me carry it easy.
Get stopped for a picture on way to meet up I'm running. Quickly try to put gun together- snap back handle in process.
I was so mad at myself that I just left the gun at the con hotel. I didn't care after the hours I had put into it.

>> No.8215335

Worst thing that's happened to me malfunction wise was when I was talking to my friends, sitting in a circle. As I was looking down to check my phone I finally noticed one of my boobs had escaped their prison. That of course was my fault because I was positive the strapless bra under the dress I was wearing was tight enough/big enough. I'm pretty sure someone noticed and I was pretty embarrassed. Only time it's ever happened thankfully so never again.
I've yet to have to deal with any prop problems. A lot of the characters I cosplay either don't have one or have normal objects (like an umbrella).

>> No.8215344

*I shouldn't say big enough. More like actually fit. It being "big enough" was probably the problem

>> No.8215358


>not using tampons or menstrual cups

>> No.8215374

>Implying that you can't still leak using tampons or menstrual cups.

>> No.8215683

Yeah. We honestly STILL don't know what was going on. Took about 3 months for my lips to go back to normal. Since then I have not been able to use Burts. We aren't sure what was in it, but I can use other champsticks.

My lips just tingled Sunday morning and I figured it was nothing important. So I put more chapstick on, left for breakfast, came back to get ready for the convention, and my lips were 3x their size. It was so embarrassing. Went to the doctor and was given an antibiotic cream which I had to use for several months. It took place of my chapstick and finally it went away.

This was two years ago. We really have NO clue what the hell it was. It wasn't the peppermint either. No, not STIs or STDs. My doctor and I are still confused.

>> No.8215696


>> No.8215702

My lips did that once. Your dr. didn't give you steroids or even an antihistamine? With prednisone and an antibiotic my lips went back to normal in a few days. They said to cross reference the ingredients in the lip balm that caused the issue with products that I'm ok with to find what I'm allergic to.

>> No.8215709

Honey if your menstrual cup leaks you should sue the compagny.

>> No.8215711

The thing is is that it would go away after a few days, then come back for no reason and my lips would be hurting a ton. I really don't remember what the ointment my doctor gave me was. It was two years ago.

I just know it hasnt happened since it went away three months after I started the ointment. I was told to stop using it when my lips would go down, but it would always come back. I had to throw away all my chapstick and lipstick and buy everything brand new.

>> No.8215712

>being more concerned about what the person uses vs not wearing anything and no panties to a damn convention under a skirt.

>> No.8215713

>wore Morrigan from Darkstalkers to con
>supporting bodysuit strap breaks during photos
>nip slip
>runs to bathroom to fix

This was in my early days, thankfully I had nude coloured pasties just in case.

>> No.8215725

No, if it leaks it means that it's not put in properly.

>> No.8215758

Or you have to change it because you haven't fucking changed it in forever

>> No.8216405

wtf wear a tampon and tuck the string

idk about you but I'd rather have someone laugh about my tampon string than have my nasty body liquids everywhere. plus thats super unsanitary and you could spread or catch something.


>> No.8216473

Please get back on topic, no one wants to read this bitchfest about bloody tampons.

>> No.8216543


And? Your point? People don't wear underpants all of the time.

>> No.8216553

>go into con rave
>leave Battle Bunny Riven sword with bags outside
>exit rave
>someone snapped the handle off my sword
>try to repair it with combination of safety pins, fabric tape, and super glue
>super glue melts giant hole in sword
>try holding handle into sword for rest of con
>look even more autismo next to all the good Rivens now

>> No.8216675

She was jokingly flashing people throughout the con.

Not to mention, the person who "exposed her" was mentally disabled / handicap. The guy had the mentality of a child and started crying and apologizing when she yelled at him. He got separated from his caregiver and even the caregiver apologized and ensured him they would give him a fair punishment and she had him arrested. Then she went on Facebook and complained about it. Received tons of attention and gifts from white knights, while avoiding to mention the fact that the guy DIDN'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND.

He wasn't just some regular joe-schmoe. I actually feel bad that a young man with a mental disability will now be considered a sexual predator on his criminal record. She should've worn some damn underwear.

It was that day that I saw what a despicable person she really is and unliked her page / stopped following her work.

>> No.8216684

I remember this story but never heard this side of it. That's all kinds of shitty.

>> No.8216687
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I remember that! Really fucked up, and her response really made her sound like an asshole.

>> No.8216694

But why didn't the guy want his carers to know what he did? Maybe he knew it was wrong?

>> No.8216703

Because she was mad?
I think it doesn't really matter if he knew it was wrong or not. If he does actually have the mental capacity of a child and needs a caretaker, you don't seriously get the police involved except to scare him.

>> No.8216711

Wow, the ol' "I have X friends so I think I know what I'm talking about" excuse in the wild. If she actually does have autistic friends, then she should know that shit comes on a spectrum. What an asshole.

>> No.8216712

He likely realized what he did was wrong when he received a negative response back. I can also understand him not verbally apologize at the time, he likely hit a sensory overload.

All of this is also dependent on his exact condition and severity. But an adult with a caregiver can let you know that this wasn't a high functioning individual.

>> No.8216745


Wow. Guess she was trying to make an example out of him. But if he doesn't have the mental capacity I don't understand why she got him arrested. I'm a female cosplayer and am thinking of what I would do in that situation, and my knee jerk reaction would be to be pissed but once I found out he was autistic I don't think i'd escalate the situation.

>> No.8216763

Holy shit what an absolute cunt

>> No.8216769

Fucking this
When I wear a short skirt for cosplay, I always have spandex shorts or something spandex on under it.

Wind, douches, getting your skirt caught on things, or glass staircases are actually things

>> No.8216771

She's lying. As soon as she got angry and he saw a negative response, he started crying and apologizing profusely. I felt so so bad for him. You could tell he REALLY didn't understand what was going on when she started telling at him. He looked like a terrified child.

>> No.8216796
File: 215 KB, 1000x664, Wondercon21260_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this Scarlet Witch at WonderCon last year. For almost all the con pictures of her that turned up her push-up bra was hanging out of her chest armor, and half the time her gel padding was slipping out of the bra too. Wonder if she ever figured it out but I was so embarrassed for her when I saw all the pictures turning up. Pic related, bra hanging out and you can even see some of the gel padding. So many of her pictures look like this that I wonder if she didn't know it was happening or knew her bra was showing and said fuck it cause she couldn't fix it.

>> No.8216817

I really hope Micro Kitty reads this. The bitch stalks this board and posts frequently.

>> No.8216822

So you witnessed it, anon?

>> No.8216832

I, along with a group of my friends had seen it going down.

Does she? That would explain a few of the potential self posts I'd seen. You'd think she'd learn from her past actions.

>> No.8216836

What does she post about?

>> No.8216837

what's so embarrassing about bras
especially under a costume which is basically a bra itself

>> No.8216852

I've mainly just seen her defending herself and/or her friends. Never screenshotted any of it but I know her and Dollicious always tag team on here and cause a scene. Happened in a thread a while ago about Danielle Beaulieu.

>> No.8216867

I dunno, i kinda like that cosplay actually. I dont think the bra showing a bit really detracts from it all that much.

>> No.8216869

But MK and dolly aren't even friends. And haven't been friends for almost a year now, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.8216877

Last time I checked they were friends because they both associated with Danielle. Unless it's just Dollicious posing as both herself and Micro to cause drama... which wouldn't surprise me at all.

>> No.8216976

Someone seems to have a vendetta against Dollicious. It would be MK posing as Dolly, if anything. Danielle and dolly are friends. Not MK and Danielle. MK hops into photos with Danielle and friends but MK hasn't been a part if Danielle's group for a long time, either.

>> No.8217450

because those are not supposed to be visible if the cosplay doesn't really require it. And because it seems sloppy most of the time
Is like when your shapewear or your binding is showing. Yes, everyone has to use it at some point but it doesn't mean you want to flash everyone...

>> No.8217452

That's why you use fashion tape too

>> No.8217462

>everyone has to use it at some point


>> No.8217572

At least her bra was the same color. I've seen people with pink bras under black and what not.

>> No.8217581

hi dolly. I'm actually surprised we have yet to have someone post something of yours here

>> No.8217596
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>> No.8217642

dat caved in ass

>> No.8217655
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The lengths they go to damn, you can even see her pubes.

>> No.8217685


I plan to straight up tell her what I personally think of her in person if I run into her at Animeboston. Pretty much tell her shes a bitch and idgaf who is with her that day. In b4 she makes a status later on.

>> No.8217688

If you wear underwear to conventions, and don't openly flash others, this shouldn't ever be an issue. She went out of her way to make this happen. If a man did this he would have been banned, tasered, and permanently branded as the creep. She achieves fame un-equally. She made everyone at the convention uncomfortable, she's the creep, not the sap for pointing it out. As far as I'm concerned, she should had security called on her. She only semi-apologized after she got flack for not putting on some fucking underwear. Entitled bitches I swear.

>> No.8217707

I don't think it was a mistake since she obviously covered the bra in her own fabric (as you can tell by the fact that it matches her arm warmers). Doesn't really detract from the look imo. The shoddiest thing I see here is a tiny microscopic piece of original uncovered bra strap poking out, and some fraying on one of her own red straps.

>> No.8217738

A few years ago at anime expo, I had a jacket with large spiked shoulders and someone knocked my spikes off and broke. They hit me pretty hard and I yelled, and they fucking sprinted away. I was in the middle of paying for a commission but I was pissed off because I was supposed to have a photoshoot that day.

>> No.8217744

Real talk though, half the people here talk shit about getting glomped by hambeasts and shit that probably fall somewhere on the spectrum, whether it's just from social ignorance in a sheltered upbringing, or through a diagnosed problem. You're not their caretaker, and they aren't your problem.

You're just to beta to do shit about it so you go home and bitch on the computer, she had something happen, and did something.

If things went differently this could easily have been a story about how she's a slut for getting felt up in public

>> No.8217745

Nah, i think she is right actually. I work in a situation where I deal with people who have developmental issues like autism, they know better. They often try to manipulate people and get away with things because they know they can. Even mid-functioning people with autism generally know better but will sometimes push the limit. They will ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

>> No.8217746

Had an old field pack with quick release straps, but they had shitty tolerances, so the bit that two rings together kept slipping loose and it would end up being held in place by naught but a single snap, which would inevitably fail. Ended up getting it tailored after the convention so that it won't happen again.

>> No.8217753
File: 7 KB, 100x76, EYE C U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Kitty.

>> No.8217762

Not dolly. I just respect her. Shes super sweet and actually has craftsmanship skills.

>> No.8217763

When she makes it, screen cap it. And come tell us about your glorious story.

>> No.8217780
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>> No.8218869
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Guess you weren't kidding, anon.
>Herp-a-derp. Typical "I love my haters" post, when you know she's really salty as fuck.

>> No.8218898

I love how she mentioned in the comments that Dolly is posing as her, when we literally just speculated it from previous threads.

>> No.8218926

She'll always throw the blame on someone else. If she stalks this board, she sure as hell posts here.

>> No.8219007

>slutty fucking megaman


>> No.8219041

Not even her costume. Just sluttified someone else's well made costume for print sales. Her amount of complaining, begging and pandering makes me sick.

>> No.8219046

Every person who posts about ignoring their haters is actually thinking intensely about them and no one, save for stupid preteens, sees past their shitty facade.

I don't get it.

>> No.8219171

I brought an automotized little robot that Shimakaze has that broke down

>> No.8219435

who's this?

>> No.8219579

This is why I am scared for my upcoming sora cosplay. My roommate are making really detailed, intricate wood keyblades, complete with stained glass. I am so scared that someone is going to break it that I almost don't want to take them to a convention

>> No.8219586

>stained glass
have fun not getting through prop check.

>> No.8219634

So you got some mad dsl's then?

>> No.8219959

The same reason for sexy Dorothy, Alice, Mario/Luigi, and pizza.

Not really a malfunction but the strap for my airsoft gun suddenly snapped when I was walking and the barrel to the sniper rifle snapped and broke when it hit the floor. Had to fix it up with some black tape and nail glue. I'm still mad since it was worth $100 but I got it for like $20 and can't find a replacement that cheap anywhere unless I get an entirely different model.

>> No.8219970

This is legitimately worse than MF what the fuck

>> No.8219973

you missed out on the best sexy costumes tho. Sexy Spongebob and Patrick.

>> No.8220293


Have a ball. Some of the costumes are blatant vidya or Disney characters tabled under "plumber" or "dark princess" like a Chinese bootleg. Would be a hit at a con though if J Nig is anyone to go by.