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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 868 KB, 751x559, LOVELIVE new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8209310 No.8209310 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread in in autosage >>8154051

>>8209182 Reposting the info from this post here

NEW Love Live anime? http://gs.dengeki.com/news/23497/

I think the girls look really cute! Hope it will turn out good.

>> No.8209363

Totally devoided of any unique characterisitic, except for color and style in hair and eye...and I'm really starting to hate the promotion of X legs in anime....

>> No.8209373
File: 1.72 MB, 1500x2250, 155_B003_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat. I really wanna travel to Japan to watch the movie, whenever that may be. I'll miss the original cast.

>> No.8209383

Wow, you can already tell who they're supposed to be just from the promo image...
[L to R] Nico, Maki, Rin, Hanayo, Honoka, Umi, Kotori, Eli, and Nozomi in different bodies. They could at least change the personalities.

Of course I could be mistaken when it comes out but I have no hope yet...

>> No.8209384

why they didn`t choose a characters from the game?

>> No.8209391

Making the usual desperate plea for Pripara or Wake Up Girls

>> No.8209438

they all have the exact same face and the exact same body. it's like the same girl clone stamped with different wigs on. boring as fuck and extremely disappointing. will not be checking it out.

>> No.8209724
File: 672 KB, 795x429, redditguess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone on Reddit guessed this.
Anyways, I honestly don't care about this new series if it has nothing to do with μ's. I'd rather just have no new content than this sort of thing, but money is what makes decisions in the world. Eurgh.

Anyways, would this thread be an appropriate place to ask for a character suggestion if it's just from this series?

>> No.8209728

On a related note, Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls is getting a second season, too. Does anyone have characters that didn't get much screen time before that they'd like to see in the second season?

Also, does anyone have some Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls cosplay photos?

>> No.8210443
File: 228 KB, 768x1080, N_191_Kasane_Hasekura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think middle girl really looks like Kasane

I will at least give it a try, if it's bad I'll just pretend it never existed

Feel free to ask for suggestions

>> No.8210485

The one with red hair looks like Erena from A-Rise and it's really starting to bugging me.

>> No.8210514
File: 56 KB, 616x399, Ayase_Arisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>labeling Eli's sister nico

Its just a guess, but she looks way too similar. She's nothing like nico.

>> No.8210516

they mean in terms of personality

>> No.8210520

Wait is it only about N girls or..?

>> No.8210568
File: 568 KB, 660x432, ipulledthesealloutofmyass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i pulled most of these guesses out of my ass so please don't hate me for getting any grossly incorrect

if they make an anime just for the normals i think i'd be ok with that

>> No.8210576

There was a poll for the N girls and the top 9 were going to be in the anime.
So you were almost right.

>> No.8210608
File: 122 KB, 960x640, 10672409_708059572598398_9108365810890096537_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like Arisa, but wouldn't they include Yukiho if they were doing that?

This makes me feel a little bit better about the whole thing.

I ended up asking previously mentioned subreddit, but I guess I might as well just crosspost the imgur album I linked there. Seems that most people are suggesting the cool aspect girls or Kotori

Posting pic of some cosplay to contribute something more substantial.

>> No.8210920


But her sister and Honker's sister went to the school featured in the first series, the uniform and location is different so these are new girls at a new school.

>> No.8210999
File: 207 KB, 1010x1783, download_-76681361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8211007
File: 705 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2015-01-07-00-12-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love auto correct sometimes.

>> No.8211318

I think both Maki and Eli would fit you really well! Umi would also be a good choice

>> No.8211327

Could I request Good non-asian Love Live cosplays? A bit tired of seeing the same Photoshop pictures

Preferably of the Mogyotto and the Wonderful Rush outfits

>> No.8211499

Not that anon but tons of people call Honoka "Honker", myself included. I also call Kotori "Kooter" but I haven't seen very many people who call her that

>> No.8213346
File: 575 KB, 2048x1366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are these guys

>> No.8213414

They are cute but I don't like the look of the light blue fabric

>> No.8213420
File: 252 KB, 730x1095, idolm_ster___jougasaki_sisters_by_itchy_hands-d6ri07l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo I love WUG~

Omg, Koume and Mika! I'd love to see more of them. Also, I'm really excited to see lots of the other girls who aren't in the main 14 animated. Posting some lovely Jougasaki sisters cosplay~
When the image first appeared, middle girl was the only one there, and /a/ thought it was Kasane
Why would they change the designs so drastically though?
lmao that isn't autocorrect tho

>> No.8213851

I really love Miku, even though she got a lot of screentime this season I want to see more of her
I also didn't really like her and Riina's episode.

I really want to see more of Mayu though.

>> No.8213855

> coco made it

Finally some good taste.

>> No.8214922

I can't open the twitter for some reason. Can someone screencap it and post it as an image?

>> No.8216014

Is anyone else in a dance group, specifically the leader of one?
Im the leader of a love live group and all the members do shit nothing and I'm too much of a pushover to actually lay down the rules or kick anyone out

>> No.8216048

Grow a pair

>> No.8216550
File: 323 KB, 589x601, jrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8216947

Give them ultimatums. Do the work, attend practices, get your shit done, or you will be replaced. To make a successful dance group, you need to treat it like a business and not worry about hurt feelings. If someone sucks and is being lazy, you can't sugarcoat it. That, or find someone else to run your group.

>> No.8217042

>auto correct
You must be new to LL.

>> No.8217073


I have something idol related for this issue! I recommend watching all the video parts for this performance. Most of the members are pretty good, but you'll notice the Haruka is off in all the dances she's in.


When everyone else is on point and you have that one person ruining it for everyone, it really sucks.

You just gotta tell em what's what, whether they're skipping out on practice or they just aren't cut out to perform.

>> No.8217131

that was so hurtful to watch. She was off in every dance and I felt so bad for the other group memebers because that ruins the performance for them a well

>> No.8217429

This was the general consesus over on Reddit, too. I don't think I want to do Maki as a lot her outfits would look very unflattering on my body type, but I'm also a little hesitant to do Eli or Umi (despite my love for them) because a close friend of mine was really looking forward to cosplaying those two but can't go to any cons this summer any longer due to a surprise financial situation. I don't want to decide (seemingly out of nowhere) to do one of them and potentially rub a salt in a wound. Maybe I'll talk to her about it. She'll probably fine with it because she's a rational person, but I'm always nervous about how people will react considering some of the crazies I have met who cause drama over things that really do *not* matter in this community.

The other character people suggested was Kotori, but I don't know if that was just because I had gold lenses in in one picture. I do like her sheep outfit, though. I have no clue what style of bell to look up for it, though.

Communication is key. I was supposed to be part of a dance group for AB that crashed and burned due to lack of communication. While I was on the same page as everyone I talked to about the group, people were definitely all over the place. As the leader, you really need to make things clear as possible. You should also remember that others may not have as keen intuition or insight with regards to whatever you want to address.

>> No.8217463
File: 198 KB, 640x901, Fruits Girl (T).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started planning to cosplay pic related.
What color should I use for Maki's top..? My fashion senses are telling me not to wear black with brown, and dark grey would look worse. I was thinking a really-dark blue, but it doesn't look blue.

>> No.8217482

It's kind of a blueish grey. There's so many colors in this, it might not translate well irl.

>> No.8217502

Stop trying to be a unique idol cosplay group to suck in attention.


>> No.8217507

I'm pretty good with color theory, so I'm not going to match colors exactly like the image.
I'm just trying to get a good feel for the dark color, since it seems to tie everything together.

>> No.8217659

Its Navy, it matches Eli's

>> No.8217668

I feel like that Rin would make a better Nozomi. Those droopy eyes.

>> No.8217691

idol cosgroups are alot more more nowadays

>> No.8217703
File: 70 KB, 500x730, LL-W28-003_260883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes back hours later to find that I've dropped my pic

This looks navy to me.

There will always be some people who want to do things solely to seem unique/get attention, but have you ever considered that dancing might just be really fun?

>> No.8217873
File: 70 KB, 453x468, CBaF-sRU0AAvIjX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cards are out for LLSIF

>> No.8217878

>come with me if you want to live

>> No.8217914

Ahhh that Kotori card is so cute!! Has anyone gotten the card from the event going on in the game right now?

>> No.8217920

>Rin Honk and Maki in this set
thank fucking god. those 3 are in the shit tier for me so im glad theyre not in the same set as Hanayo. Trying to get the UR Hanayo from the last set with a 50 roll got me two of the fucking Honk in the same roll. I worked so hard for those Loveca man....

Enough of that though, what do you suppose the theme is? theyre a little too varied for me to guess

>> No.8217932

Looks like it's careers again? But with nicer transformations
Kotori is a Police
Maki is a Stewardess
Rin is a Nurse
Honoka is a News Reporter?
And Nozomi looks like she would be a weather forecaster, but from the unstransformed I would guess a Grid Girl

>> No.8217933
File: 83 KB, 474x520, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better quality shots of the idolised UR

>> No.8217936
File: 53 KB, 400x520, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the normal UR

>> No.8217939

God dammit this kotori is so cute, and I don't even cosplay as her, but I so want to do this one!

>> No.8217947

Nozomi is one of those race girls?? What do you call them? Look at the bottom left, the unidolised version shows her with a bike helmet.

And I feel like honoka is a teacher?

>> No.8217949

Yes more people that know Honoka is worst girl.

>> No.8217950
File: 168 KB, 1022x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops my bad, weather lady is right

>> No.8217956
File: 74 KB, 600x800, normal_Grid_Girls_Moto_Gp_GB_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes a Grid Girl she is, that's what they are called

I think it wold have been cooler if they gave her a "non-looks" based career like the others. Grid Girls are like Booth Babes, only there to be good looking. I think Nozomi should've had another career, like Astronaut maybe?

>> No.8217960

Astronaut sounds cute!!

For the next set id say
I'd say Eri would be scientist
umi is lawyer?? (Not that there's any particular outfit for lawyers though)
hanayo as kindergarten teacher
>nico is a fucking idol

>> No.8217964

Maybe Umi as a dance teacher, since her family owns a dance studio?

Nozomi as an astronaut would be so adorable, I'd lose my shit

Or, maybe Nico as a dance trainer/producer...

>> No.8218126

>That Rin, Maki, and Kotori

So it's as I thought. Thanks.

>> No.8218263

DAT idolized Making looks like she's in a shocking party costume. Hnnnnng

>> No.8218314


Watch Eli being a nun again.

>> No.8219079

There is new information on these girls
>mfw one is a demon

>> No.8219104
File: 397 KB, 508x489, 20120218_live02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well a lot of the girls looked like shit in promotional pictures before too.

>> No.8219150


These designs are from years ago, when I'm sure 99% of this board had never heard of love live. This was way before the anime and game, you can see this style in a few of the early pvs, but thankfully they updated them pretty quickly.

>> No.8219172

>mfw none of those girls look like a muscle-chan

>> No.8219187

A literal semen demon.

>> No.8219197

rin and umi look like drag queens
also kotori's hat is falling off

>> No.8219212
File: 12 KB, 49x60, Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 3.25.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8219363

>>mfw one is a demon
Not a real demon, silly, she's chuuni.

>> No.8221233

what are x legs?

>> No.8221269

I don't really like LL but these are way cuter than the current ones...

>> No.8222386

sure it's fun, until you start acting like Dance Hitler like you are trying to win Nazi Live!

Not to mention people have shit to do during a con, not practice dance moves all god damn night. For 30 minutes or photo shoot.

>> No.8222629

what is google

>> No.8222692

The only thing good about these designs is that Umi had an ahoge tbh

>> No.8222783

Sounds like someone didn't win Naxi Live!

>> No.8222789

x legs is not a term people normally use for BOW LEGGED fuckers

>> No.8223102

it doesn't matter, you can still google it

>> No.8223120

X legs just gives me chairs.

>> No.8223215

What's naxi live?

>> No.8226267

A typo

>> No.8226298
File: 1.45 MB, 1127x753, Screenshot_2015-04-04-12-40-35-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im planning on cosplaying Fruit Fresh Nozomi but I can't find a hat suitable and it seems impossible to make one without a load of pro millinery equipment
Should I just go for a hat like Nico, Rin and Honoka's or should I put the time and effort into a little hat?

>> No.8226302

Eyy I'm doing Maki! Good luck.

For Nozomi, try looking on eBay for mini bowler hats. Those would make a good base.

>> No.8226335

Make a hatblock. Find something with the dome shape you need and follow this tutorial


You'll need to get a hat body or some hat wool to block with.

Other option could be to look for doll hats in a similar shape.

>> No.8226409
File: 583 KB, 2000x976, sailor_body_types_by_loveablechaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. I've grown bored with all the sameface/samebody in moe anime. I get why they do it. It's way cheaper and easier when you literally only have to change the hair style, boob size, occasionally eye shape, and swap out colors on your entire cast. But then you're left with a lifeless show that I can't be bothered to watch anymore. It's something that Japan fails with by comparison to the West. Furthermore, it's rather challenging to feel particularly connected to any girl when they are all so interchangeable. When they're all based off the same template, what makes them special?

I think a way more exciting series would have different and distinct body types for all the girls. So that if you make them all bald, you could still easily pick out one character's silhouette from another. And no, I'm not suggesting to make them fat. Just use different body shapes. Then we could get into stupid fan debates over superior petites vs. high test and other such nonsense.

>> No.8226446
File: 232 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2015-04-04-16-35-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found one that's really close but its a normal size and in no way a doll hat
Can I just pass it off?
Can I just omit the hat completely and claim I left it at home??

We need just a Maki to complete our group what

>> No.8226449

Sometimes you can get taobao sellers to sell you only a piece of a costume. Get one of the shopping services that has high English capability and maybe try buying the hat alone from a cosplay set?

>> No.8226486

I'm in Texas...

>> No.8227252
File: 59 KB, 500x500, kb911elope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you search for mini bowler hat on ebay, a few black and brown ones come up. Make you can color one/put fabric onto it

>> No.8228167

I agree with what you're saying but did you really have to use that picture to prove your point?

>dem horrible proportions
>body types are either skinny or pear shaped
>some of them make no sense (Michiru? Minako?)
>Regardless, making Venus etc chubbier than Moon
>totally ignoring that western and asian body types are built very differently and the idea of what's chubby or fat can be very different as well
Believe me, I'm all for this and I'd love to see characters who are different and more realistic (not to mention I have a thing for squishy girls) but damn if this isn't bad...

>> No.8228353

I didn't bother searching for a picture and just grabbed that one off the other thread that was about diff. body types so people would know what I was talking about. Please ignore it if it's derailing from my point.

>> No.8228393
File: 72 KB, 1022x468, somebody fed all the normals to nozomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8228405

Why do they all have man faces?

>> No.8228409

I thought you were exaggerating because of tumblr style but shit, they straight up have male faces. Kotori looks like the guy from Doctor Who.

>> No.8228414

All their noses are massive western noses and what happened to nico why is she tiny Indian boy all of a sudden.

Eri looks like a Chinese man.

I don't mind characters with different body types but this is trying to force western body types onto Japanese anime.

additionally creating the same sort of characters all the time means good sales , companies would rather stick with what sells than go out of the comfort zone anyway.

>> No.8228419

This is some unappealing artwork.

>> No.8228423

Nozomi's foot is bigger than Nico's head.

>> No.8228426

I laughed too hard at this, nozomi is chubby but that amount of flab on a Japanese girl would be seen as unhealthy jfc

>> No.8228433

>this set of body types
>being a successful idol group in japan

I don't like LL's penchant for sameface but at least it's sort of accurate as the idol industry goes

>> No.8228434

That is just unfortunate.

>> No.8228454

I like when artists make characters with different body types and faces, like in Steven Universe.
But all of these are just weird. By western standard they would be more correct, but for japanese, no. Also why do they all such big ears? And my har their boobs so weird. Boobs in a bikini soesn't melt out on the sides like on Kotori, Honoka, Maki and Hanyo. They are kept IN the bikini. If they were naked sure, but not in a bikini.

Also, why does the tall girls all have such long faces?

>> No.8228460
File: 790 KB, 1200x674, tumblr_nm8t5r9k9M1r6a1vco2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sure Eli is a man now

>> No.8228477

That is literally a trace of Benedict Cumberbatch's face.

>> No.8228481

was this drawn by a man? inexperienced artists always seem to draw characters of the opposite sex like members of their own sex.

>> No.8228484

>dem knock kneed characters

fucking pedophiles. knock knees are only normal on very small children.

babies are often bowlegged, then a little later knock knees are common. having knock knees past age six is a sign of trouble.

>source: http://www.childrensorthopaedics.com/BowlegandKnockKnees.html
>tfw slightly knock-kneed with hyperextension

>> No.8228491

Because MUH DIVERSTIY. Tumblr tends to forget that most anime characters are eastern asians and they just try to push western diversites onto them.

>> No.8228497
File: 63 KB, 500x335, Professor.Layton.500674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think Level 5 does a pretty good job at diversifying characters for an anime style. Obviously the younger girls all mostly have the same body types but I still find the characters more interesting to look at than most moeshit.

>> No.8228499

Nah, not a biological one, anyway. I'd bet money it's just some Tumblrtard trying to push "muh all body types r beautiful" bullshit on the fandom.

>> No.8228506

nobody cares lol

>> No.8228508

nico looks like beast boy gone wrong

>> No.8228521

yeah, they're fairly memorable without coming off as 'we have to shove as much DIVERSITY in here as we can!' like some Bioware games do.

>> No.8228551

the armpit hair on rin and honoka...

>> No.8228842

Have you ever looked at Japanese model? For some biological reason it seems very common in teens and grown women, over there.

>> No.8228934

Yeah.. I like body and face diversity too, but idol groups? Nah. Idol groups have to be cute with petite bodies. Nozomi's the oddball-out and it's not even that bad.

My sides--

Go be muh divercity in some other series.

>> No.8228936

Ah dammit fucked up the formatting.

You get my point.

>> No.8229476

I always thought it was funny that Honoka gets shit on for being chubby in the anime, but Nozomi is drawn pudgier like Hanayo.

>> No.8229627

Because Tumblr seems to think you can't have big tits unless you're fat. Nozomi's pretty trim aside from being top-heavy.

>> No.8230137

what the fuck even real humans dont look this ugly

>> No.8230182

Just finished watching Wake up Girls,from repeated metions in the idol thread, so /r/ing some cosplays for them!

>> No.8230349
File: 535 KB, 1944x2592, O-legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that's because most eastern asians naturally have bowlegs, while westerners are more straight. So the kawaii knocked knees anime thing is kind of spot on. Pic related, I remember reading about this in the manga Swan some time ago because they were lecturing the main girl about how hard it is for japanese people to be ballerinas because of their legs.

>> No.8230568
File: 86 KB, 675x960, 6JEyN5O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nozomi is a bit curvier than most of the girls, but she isn't really pudgy or drawn that way.

But it seems like, as with any community, people generally like the way fanart is drawn. Usually nozomi is drawn chubbier.

>> No.8230689

bowlegs and knock knees are not the same thing
they are opposite things

>> No.8231629

I always thought it looked like they were drawing the bowlegs, not knocked knees.

>> No.8231709

I'm mildly bowlegged (just my shins are bowed, thighs are straight) and I get knock-kneed if I point my toes together, like in that cute way that's popular in Japan.

>> No.8232540

To be fair, in some official art (think her standard pure card with the school uniform) her stomach seems pudgy. I've also seen *Japanese* fanart where she's described as chubby (in particular, being a shipperfag, I remember one with Eli getting upset because some students were calling Nozomi fat).

>> No.8232582
File: 1.13 MB, 500x240, tumblr_njd77trvPa1un5iauo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the "real" Love Live idol group?

>> No.8232589

>Mfw I'm shorter than Nico
This sucks.

>> No.8232598
File: 152 KB, 640x901, tumblr_n1sd65s4pS1t35kwso2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no best girl

>> No.8232628

Same. I just cosplay alone instead of in groups.

>> No.8232634

as in...the seiyuu? I love watching their lives its like the whole group has come to life!

>> No.8232635


I dont think your height really matters as long as the relative height is similar in groups and you can sort of muck around with the heights using heels

>> No.8233239
File: 57 KB, 426x599, 426px-Nozomi_pure_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8233328

I would assume the opposite, that men would always try to draw women with ideal feminine figures.

>> No.8233502

Short girls are cute.

>> No.8233514
File: 1.38 MB, 1423x1405, rufflebutts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's definitely thicker, but "fat" or even "chubby/pudgy" is a stretch.

>> No.8233640

Love them to bits. The seiyuus have so much fun during the gigs it gets even me excited, and it's wonderful to see the dances executed perfectly and with high energy! I also love the fact that Sora Tokui (Nico's seiyuu) is the tallest among the group, yet it doesn't hinder her Nico-ness at all. Inb4 this thread demands a new seiyuu for Nico because "omg Nico can't be tallest my assburger if they're not perfect heights!!111!"

>> No.8234104
File: 101 KB, 238x360, 1351974766974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8235107
File: 205 KB, 469x480, 1426478881257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even notice that

>> No.8236873
File: 1.96 MB, 2051x1740, 1419913193480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8237349

And isn't Eli the shortest?

>> No.8237405

Yeah you don't need to EXACTLY match her height so long as you're still visibly the shortest.

Unless you're like, the only 6 foot girl in a group of 7 footers. In which case maybe the love lives simply aren't for you.

>> No.8238284

Please check out the "Nozomi" in the plus-size thread.

>> No.8238745

I'm an obsessive LoveLive!fag and god no
Kussun, Nozomi's VA, is shortest by far. I'm not sure on Eli's VA's height but she seemed on the shorter side of the middle
The shortest 3 in anime are the tallest irl though

>> No.8238855

This is so fucking bad.

>> No.8238905

Sorry, I meant smile, not pure, anyway, personally I'm totally ok with people drawing her consistently thicker than others, I think with official art it's one of those cases where they want a 'thicker' character but still want them to look typically appealing, so her shape varies depending on the outfit.