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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8207057 No.8207057 [Reply] [Original]

My sister and I want to cosplay together, but we aren't sure what to cosplay from. She is 11 and I am 25 and she will be going to her first convention pretty soon. I was wondering if /cgl/ had some good ideas for us! I don't mind crossdressing for it. Im a girl by the way.

Any ideas would be awesome!

>> No.8207062

Height, weight etc.? Some 11 year olds look 25 and some look 11. Is she kawaii loli material? What kind of anime/game/material do you prefer? What kind of costumes, seifuku, magical girl, armour, etc.?

>Not necessarily siblings

>Sheryl & Ranka
>Yoko and Nia
>Godoka and Madoka
>Usagi and Chibi-usa
>Siblings from No Game No Life

>> No.8207162

My sister is super into stuff from guro series to series like Kanon. She has a WIDE range of series she likes as far as genres go. Im kind of all over the place too.

I dont think she has seen Macross. I tried SO hard to get her into Sailor Moon, but she doesn't like it.


Going to have to finally watch No Game No Life. I think she might like Madoka, but personally I hate it. I find it boring as hell. Probably the only person.

She is a swimmer who looks like fucking jail bait. Its so hard to look at her and not think she isnt 15 or 16. Me, I look like I am 18 because of my genetics unless I wear makeup.

>> No.8207313

Talked to her about it some more. She kind of wants to do Annie and Tibbers from League of Legends. What do you guys think?

>> No.8207317
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How about Rikka and her sister Touka from Chuu2?

Lets your sister be chuuni as fuck too

>> No.8207323

oh did you just email me about a kigu...

>> No.8207324

The ONLY problem with that is that we both have freckles all over our faces and are pale/pink, so the black hair will make us both look dumb as shit. Ive made that mistake before with a black wig. Mistakes...So many were made.

She also suggested Corpse Party. : | But I dont know about that. Not exactly wanting to run around with fake blood everywhere.

>> No.8207328
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D: Y-Yes. IM SORRY. Actually wondering if youd be wanting to make her Annie if you have a cosplay slot open too.

>> No.8207330

I'm sorry my commissions are all full. :c

>> No.8207345

but I should add some other anon was going to do kigu commissions I think? No idea who though. :cc Sorry I can't help y'all out.

>> No.8207346

Its okay. Id sew it, but it looks so hard..

>> No.8207356

Mmmn it is one of the more complex ones I've made it has a lot of time consuming details, but it's not technically complicated? Maybe you could make hoodie instead? Even modify an existing brown hoodie?

>> No.8207663

I was planning to do a cosplay with my 11 year old cousin for Sakura Kinomoto and Tsubasa Sakura, maybe you guys might like that?

>> No.8208095

Oooh! That would be really pretty!

>> No.8208125
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>> No.8208149

I.. I REALLY hate FF.

>> No.8208162

You sound picky as fuck anon. Talk to your sister about doing Pokemon or something. Sounds like you have zero costuming experience, so Pokemon gijinka would be great.

Pick something and do the evolutions for it. Like Pikachu and Raichu.

>> No.8208163
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but why anon-chan ;_;

What about Mami and Madoka?

>> No.8208173

Picky bitch already said she hates it.

>> No.8208176

Im not picky, but she doesn't like FF, even FFX which I thought she might like, so I told her my brother was playing it and she got super bored and walked out about a year ago and I just never got into FF.

Im sorry my tastes don't sit well with you. Im asking for suggestions, so of course I won't like some of them. I still appreciate the ideas.

While Im not a huge fan of Madoka, my sister really likes her. Especially Homura. Ill see if she might want to do that and I could be Mami since I have, to be blunt, big tits. Those would be easy to order too and alter if needed.

>> No.8208177

Man. You are salty as hell because I don't like some stuff. You need to calm down and take a seat in the corner while adults talk about childish things in a mature manner.

>> No.8208200
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>older and younger sister
>older sister has big tits

>> No.8208218

It doesn't even look like she likes anything at all to be this picky.Nor does it look like they settled down to talk about it at all with her sister to make a thread about herself.

>> No.8208226

Why don't you just google images from the stuff she likes and figure out if there is a pair you can cosplay from that? It isn't rocket science. She might have some characters she loves.

>> No.8208231

Seconding this. Amazing, and easy to put together. You two would have alot of fun being these characters.

>> No.8208237

Just throwing this out there onee-san, but it sounds like your little sister has a lot more interests/experience with anime. Try talking to her and getting ideas from her end.

>> No.8208255

Mind if I hijack this thread a bit? I'm looking for things I could cosplay with my younger brother. He's a few inches taller than me (I'm 5'1). He's around 15, I'm around 19. We're both kind of baby-faced and Asian; he's tanner than I am. As for genres, I'm into a wide array, while he's more into shounen.

I was thinking Enishi + Tomoe from Kenshin, but I would appreciate other suggestions!

>> No.8208269

>Tfw missed out on the opportunity for cute sibling cosplays when my brother was younger and now he's taller than me and uncooperative

>> No.8208380

Its not so much that I dont have experience.. Its more of an issue of generations. I was into anime so much more when I was younger. Im talking about Sailor Moon, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo, Dirty Pair.. The 90s type of look. I havent watched much lately in the past 4 years besides the reverse harem animes that have come out [Brothers Conflict, Diabolic Lovers, Amnesia to name a few] and here and there series like Free!, Magi, Kuragehime.

She, however, likes all the new stuff in the past 4 years. Kanon, too, but I never could get into it. So she doesn't like the older looking stuff.

This is where the problem is. I can't stand the pandering to death series that come out now and days and she doesn't like the 90s look of series or the more serious tone a lot of them have.

I sat down and talked to her and she really does like the Annie/Tibbers idea. She is really tomboyish [like me] and is excited to wear a dress since its not usually normal for her. She really like playing Ashe, but Annie is a favorite of her's too and she will fit it better because of her age.

She, however,

>> No.8208382

I WISH SHE LOVED PHOENIX WRIGHT! D: SHE HAS A 3DS and I have played ALL THE GAMES! Almost finished with the newest PLvPW! The game was too hard for her to understand. qq

>> No.8208550

Ayeka and Sasami from Tenchi Muyo!

>> No.8208566

Yo that was probably me.

If you're going with the beary Annie, I might be able to help? I made Ursaring a few months ago.

If you wanted another Annie, I might also be able to make one of her dresses, depending.

Only thing I'm a little iffy on is the face on the hood, but I'm sure I can figure it out.

What's your deadline and price range?

>> No.8208592

I'll list some stuff:
>Little sister and Elisabeth - Bioshock Infinite
>Wendy and Mabel - Gravity Falls
>Liz and Patti Thompson - Soul Eater
>Love Live characters
>Kid Link and Adult Link or alternatively, Romani and Cremia - Majora's Mask
>Bitch Sensei and Kayano - Assassination Classroom
>Tendo sisters - Ranma 1/2
>Kagome and Kikyo - Inuyasha
>Mirajane and Lisanna - Fairy Tail
>Nami and Nojiko - One Piece
>Ruby and Yang - RWBY
>Lenalee and Komui Lee - D. Gray-man
>Hikaru and Umi or Fuu - Magic Knight Rayearth
>Child!Ja'far and w/e other character - Magi
>Ramei and Raikou - Nabari no Ou

.....and so on. I just don't like LoL so it's kind of crazy to me that your little sister is so dead set on cosplaying from it. But if she loves it, all the power to her.

>> No.8208611
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>> No.8208659

Do you mind if I ask see what it looked like and do you have a commission page?

>> No.8209774

This is the best suggestion in this thread.

>> No.8209925

I would need it by May 10th. Price range, I was looking at probably $130.00 for it? I dont know what you usually price, so I need to see your work and commission page if you have one.

>> No.8210305
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Michiko and Hatchin?

>> No.8210428

Do this, tell your little sister to get some good taste and force her to like it.

>> No.8210699

I'm a piece of shit and don't have photos ATM, my friend has Ursaring at his place but I'm trying to get it back to take some pics.

>> No.8210769

Was just about to suggest the Skye sisters as well myself!