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File: 107 KB, 1024x768, DSCN2677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8203636 No.8203636 [Reply] [Original]

Ever buy burando only to find moldy oranges in the box? Trade cosplays and the other person didn't wash it before shipping? Had a commissioner from hell?

Share your pics, stories, and whatever else here!

>> No.8203642
File: 116 KB, 142x1017, egl_comm_sales-NEEDRENTMONEYAPFruitsparlormetablouseetc_1296519853066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caps from the OP situation.

>> No.8203645
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>> No.8203646

And of course it's tiny as fuck.


>> No.8203654
File: 998 KB, 500x306, tumblr_n9531fq6ve1thb0nvo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this happen today.

Buyer asked if my wig for sale was heat resistant. I didn't know so I told them that since I've never used curlers or straighteners on my wigs so I never look if wigs I buy can handle it.

>Is there any way you can check real quick? With like a curler or hair straightener?

I tell them no, I don't want to use either one on a wig I'm trying to sell. They ask me more questions for a bit and then..

>So you won't test the wig to see if it's heat resistant in anyway?

So I asked them if they'd take a piece of heated metal and risk burning/destroying a wig they're trying to sell.

>Probably. Most people want a wig that's heat resistant. I'm not trying to be rude or difficult. I'm sorry

>> No.8203655

>once bought a dress my AP but they called my mom before I could buy it.
>Got my plastic mask and precious MJ photos taken from me because of it :c

>> No.8203659


>> No.8203681

>Crap typos

It's hard typing when you're cross eye'd

>> No.8203689

I can't even figure out what you were trying to say.

>> No.8203692

What does your plastic mask and Michael Jackson photos have to do with anything??

>> No.8203696

A picture for ants and an out of order album. Better luck next time.

Whatever happened to the people in this situation anyway? Did the buyer ever get their money back?

>> No.8203715

I think the buyer got their money back and got to keep the items.

>> No.8203766

They were talking about Chanel anon

>> No.8203797

>baaawwww unemployed!
>abloobloo my medicine
I would have demanded the full price back. What a stupid bitch, I hate sob stories so much.

>> No.8203938

Anon, you aren't going to ruin the wig to take 5 hairs from the underside and test them on the low settings of a curling iron. I get that that person was being a bit annoying, but you're kind of just being a douche.

>> No.8203946

Considering the wig was $10 and like I told them, I'd never done that kind of thing before, I wasn't going to risk ruining the wig and having to throw it away because they changed their mind on buying it because of it.

>> No.8203956

Not the same anon but that's why you test it on a tiny bunch somewhere inconspicuous. It doesn't ruin the wig, takes about a minute to test and you learn something new. Whether a wig is or isn't heat resistant is pretty important imho...

>> No.8203970

How would I even be able to tell whether it had worked or not? If I smelled stuff burning or what?

>> No.8203977


>$10 base wig

>> No.8203981


It sounds an awful lot like you maybe shouldn't be commissioning wigs?

>> No.8203985

..never said I was commissioning? The OP says Buy, Sale, Trade, Commissions. It was just some wig I got off Ebay that I didn't want and needed to get rid of.

>> No.8203997

The fibers melt and stick together, might be some burning. Always use your lowest setting.

>> No.8204008

Thanks. I guess I'll try this from now on but even then I can see someone getting mad and demanding a refund because they used a higher setting than I did. That's another reason why I prefer to just say none of my wigs are heat resistant or I don't know (since a lot of the times I honestly don't).

But I'll try this on my personal wigs now that I know to try it. Might just make them look better.

>> No.8204031

Shit <----- Your reading comprehension level

>> No.8204400
File: 68 KB, 408x347, co-ja-pacze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay back in increments
>$5 per week

How did she afford $190 in clothing to begin with?! And wouldn't she try to make most of her money back if they were really on such a tight budget?

Most of all, how the FUCK do you not notice a piece of orange in a plastic bag before packing clothes into it?

This isn't real. This can't be real. Nobody is that fucking stupid.

>> No.8204805

It's real, anon. Sad as it is.

>> No.8204813
File: 81 KB, 640x572, 10385590_10204066376450261_9215313891991699188_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a horror story but fuck why are people so rude.

>> No.8204820

Damn, how salty can you be

>> No.8204822

>Not realising most people apologise as a courtesy.
>Being this salty when you don't get your own way.

>> No.8204827
File: 11 KB, 225x225, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow such passive aggression but I'm wondering if it was your godawful emoji use that enraged them?

>> No.8204828


They were being a rude asshole because I didnt want to split the items? How does that make me salty?

>> No.8204834

they're calling the other person salty anon.....but I agree you need to not use emoji's like that. I get that from buyers who back out a lot and it enrages me.

>> No.8204835

Wow, what a salty cunt.

>> No.8204836

woops misread, thing is this excerpt is kinda the end of the longer convo, I use emojis pretty frequently (along with smileys and whatever) so its not like i used it just to tick her off.

>> No.8204838

It's not that you're using them to tick her off, it's that they're annoying on default in that context.

anyways just ignore it and mozzy on down

>> No.8204841

jfc this is so bad, I just recently brought a cutsew and when I received it, it had faint stains at the under arms, so I mentioned it to her just because I thought it was something that should be listed when put up for sale but they really went all that noticeable, and the seller sent me $15 to pay for dry cleaning. It's so surreal the difference between sellers.

>> No.8204842

Biggest pet peeve is when buyers ask me a ton of questions including basic info that's in my sales ad and then don't even act like they want to buy the item until you ask them point blank "Did you want to buy this?" and then most likely they'll give you some terrible "It depends on the answer to this question I asked 30 minutes ago" or "Can you hold it for two weeks because I don't have any money?" excuse.

>> No.8204844

>How did she afford $190 in clothing to begin with?!
This bugs me a lot. Why do poor people try to have an expensive hobby? Even Bodyline is as expensive as "normal priced" normalfag clothes and you need a bunch of things to have a complete outfit.
Really, this is just.. so stupid. I currently have no money to spend on lolita myself, because I'm saving up to move out with my bf. So what do I do? I cut down all unnecessary expenses and take a lolita break.

>> No.8204847

>"What is the lowest you would take?"
This question is so fucking rude. Not only their attitude pisses me off, but this very question.
Of course you want if for cheap and I want to sell it for the highest possible. But you can haggle if you are very nice about it.
Especially in lolita, some people would rather keep it than sell it for a very low price.

>> No.8204855

Does help they kept asking me a tonne of questions beforehand like where I bought it, how much I bought it for etc.

Then a few day later she came back showing me she bought one of them cheaper than I was selling for, but couldn't find the other one.

>> No.8204867

>Then a few day later she came back showing me she bought one of them cheaper than I was selling for, but couldn't find the other one.

This is really shitty and childish. I once witnessed a girl trying to sell her Totoro phonecase she bought in Japan but never used on Facebook. Apparently it was an original from the ghibli museum (?). Then some stupid bitch with unreadable grammar chimed in and linked to an ebay auction where you could get one cheaper with "same quality". She legitimately picked a fight with some other girl that defended the seller, got all personal about her japanese boyfriend and all that shit.
Some people are just plain rude.

Just yesterday someone tried to sell a Son Goku wig in the same group for 30 euro. Someone immediately had to say he could get a good-quality Son Goku wig for 20 euro. Yeah, sure.

>> No.8204868


just baffles me how people can be so rude to an admin? If i were really salty i would have banned her sorry ass.

>> No.8204876

Didn't call ya salty, meant to call the other chick salty, but that's fine. I don't mind the emojis as much.

>> No.8204906

I had this exact same thing happen to me back on Coscom many years ago.

I was selling my used Clow Book and had two girls who were interested. I hadn't sold much at that time and it was before Paypal was widespread so at the time all I took was checks and carefully concealed cash.

Buyer 1 was interested but asked to think it over because I didn't have paypal.

Buyer 2 contacted a few hours later and wanted to buy it from me so I told her yes, since Buyer 1 hadn't contacted me back. Buyer 2 then stops responding.

The next day, Buyer 1 messaged me and told me that she wanted to buy it and would send a check so we got everything sorted. Buyer 2 contacted me a few hours after that and I apologized and explained the situation saying that Buyer 1 had been there first and Buyer 2 had stopped contacting me without getting my address to send payment to or anything like that.

Buyer 2 got super upset and told me to tell Buyer 1 they were out of luck and to refund them because Buyer 2 wanted the item and I had already told them they could have it. I apologized again and tried to explain the situation and told Buyer 2 that they hadn't even told me how they planned on paying so the item wasn't even theirs yet.

>> No.8204907

2/2 Buyer 2 then ignored all of that and told me they would pay more for the Clow Book than what I was selling it for and gave me an email address and told me to send a paypal request to them so they could pay... completely ignoring that my sales post had said I didn't have paypal. I told them that Buyer 1 had been there first, I wasn't going to cancel the sale even if it meant more money, and that my sales post said I didn't have paypal so they couldn't have bought it anyway.

The next day when I logged in to Coscom I had a bunch of messages from Buyer 2 linking me to Ebay and Amazon listings for the item I was selling and bragging about the prices on them saying "If you had sold to me I would have paid this price!" and I responded back that if they were willing to pay that much for one then they could just buy one of the ones they had linked and be done with it.

Buyer 2 got real prissy about it and made some sarcastic remarks but after I threatened to report her she finally got huffy and told me off about my selling practices and then stopped bothering me.

>> No.8204918
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Same chick but cap is from a friend. Probabaly turning into a vendetta at this point but they're such an entitled asshole I don't care.

>> No.8204944
File: 368 KB, 640x640, secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to think of last weeks secret when I read your stories.
Why do buyers not understand that not-complete sets won't sell?
I sold my mangas last year and my One Piece collection already was a little clustered after volume 20, since I tried to buy them in chunks second hand (you can't buy them new when there are already 65+ volumes). I wanted to sell them as whole and one girl approached me and wanted to buy 2,3,4,12,13,14, and that's all. She wouldn't understand that it would be impossible to sell it with even more gaps and even was pretty arrogant about it. She told me to "come back to her when I change my mind" since her price was the "best I would get".
Sold them on ebay for a reasonable price.

>> No.8204976

It's that entitled retail syndrome. The whole "the customer is always right" thing. They think even online they can get what they want because they're gracing you with their presence and money so as long as they give you something, they deserve it with any conditions they come up with.

>> No.8204985

Hahah what a butthurt bitch.

>> No.8205018

When people ask me this, I just say, "Well I paid x for it, I wouldn't want to lose too much on it, but I am open to offers."

>> No.8205063


Do you one better, two girls did this and then added "btw this is my dream dress" along with the request to hold it until they get paid.

Sweet revenge is that they took so long to ask so many dumb questions, by the time they asked for a payment plan the dresses already sold from under them. One did it on an egl sales post where another girl was openly commenting about buying the same dress.

I am starting to think any buyer who says "dream dress" might be an opportunistic leech hoping to take advantage of kind sellers, though.

>> No.8205074

I like to mention it, but usually not until after the sale has happened.

Like "thanks so much, this is a dream dress of mine and now I've finally bought it."

I'd like to know if I helped some girl get her dream dress, you know? It'd make me feel nice.

>> No.8205094

Well, you can get a pretty decent Son-Goku wig if you're willing to DIY it with a bunch of bananas and possibly some black paint. So really, 20 euros is way overpriced.

>> No.8205175


I've done that as well, though I think the sellers I mentioned it to didn't seem to care either way.

I've also mentioned it in the middle of sales to explain why I definitely wanted something shipped EMS, and shipped ASAP, and indicated that I would pay extra for it. Dream dresses are a really lame excuse to use to try and beg for free shipping, discounts or payment plans, if it's really your dream dress, wouldn't it be the dress you're willing to pay extra for?

>> No.8205555

>"What is the lowest you would take?"
Fuck yes this annoys me too. At least throw me a price. Haggle or something.

>> No.8207910
File: 584 KB, 600x338, ixPl0B2E85IK6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me ask you a hundred questions about this item
>Can you priority ship it because I have a convention next week
>Oh can you also hold it until tomorrow night?
>Sorry I didn't pay in 24 hours or even update you but I actually don't need the item anymore
>Hehe sorry about that

>> No.8208021

Fucking this
It's so rude to do this, haggling is always better.

>> No.8208037

on more than one occasion:
>seller puts up potato-cam pic of item I am possibly interested in
>request to see clearer photos
>take a look, not really what I'm looking for, especially for that price
>inform seller of this, "thanks anyway and good luck on your sales!"
>"but anon, it's only $X"
Why can't some people get the hint? It may be worth it for someone to pay that much money for an item, but obviously it isn't to me. Move on and stop trying to push the sale onto me.

>> No.8208576

your friend was kind of a cunt though

>> No.8208609

any tips on haggling?
When people tell me to offer a price, I freeze up because I don't want to offer too low and insult them, but I also don't want to offer too much and get ripped off.
Especially at Otaku Closets, where I have no idea how much something is worth right then and there.

>> No.8208629

>am the commissioner
>have someone ask me to make a prop
>pays for materials so I can start
>agreement is once I start I post pics for them
>is aware I'm sewing 2 other commissions for same con plus my own stuff
>will message things like "so have you even started? I don't think you'll finish on time"
>always reply with the agreement
>"lol sorry thankyou for this"
>has asked to "borrow" the prop for the day to flake out on the rest of the agreed payment
>told I won't start it unless I know the money is good
>"sorry I can get the money I'm just so poor lol"

I'm not commissioning after this for a long time

>> No.8208648

really? I thought it was reasonable, since splitting things usully ends up with one never being sold. Sellers bunldle things cheaper for a reason.

Just beacuse that chick thinks shes entitled to having it cheaper doesnt mean she can.

>> No.8208652

Only buy supplies after 1/2 deposit. Best way to pick out flakers

>> No.8208666

Yeah I got half of it. She just doesn't want to pay the part where I slave over it because she wants more money for the con. I only really have one girl I'll 100% make for now every year since I know she's good for the money and her plans are always fun. She never bugs me either knowing I have other things to do

>> No.8208878

Depending on what it is, I usually will offer $20 less, so technically, I'm getting the shipping for free if it's in the same country as me.
I usually look it up on LM to see what it's roughly going for and haggle based on that

>> No.8209011

Nendoroids will typically always sell by themselves and those three were never a set to begin with. Your friend is a fucking asshole and you're a dumbshit if you think otherwise.

>> No.8209018

Dude they're a set, they're all from steins;gate. That's why the buyer wanted them in the first place, so she could have a set? Who shoved a rod up your ass

>> No.8209023

Not that anon, but it really depends on the nendo. Sometimes certain ones really will just sit and sit.

The seller makes the terms. Lolitas often say "I will only split the set if I have buyers for all pieces" - this is hardly a strange selling practice. The buyer needs to take no for an answer if the seller's terms are not what they want. If she'd been that desperate for the other nendos, she could have purchased all of them and sold off the extra herself.

>> No.8209079

>Buyers who ask questions without reading rules then demand said shit and get angry when I said 'no' in the description.

>Buyers who ask stupid questions like "will the bangs cover my forehead". Not even given their measurements.

>Buyers who want to keep the wig but still issue a refund that isn't allowed in the rules in the fist place.

>Buyers who fuck up styling their wig, claim I did it, try for a refund only to fail because I took pictures before sending it.

>Buyers who get angry when I don't accept cash.

>Buyers who get angry when I don't stop someone else for purchasing that wig because they can actually pay me.

>Buyers who don't pay on time when you show leniency.


And that was all in one day, not even going into the dresses. If you're this serious about $30-$10 being sold for over half off I don't fucking want to hear it. Buy it off eBay for full price you shits.

>> No.8209085

Yep. I couldn't sell my 2010 Snow Miku despite selling it for what I thought was a reasonable price ($60+ship since it's LE and other 2010 ones go for about $80+ship). I wound up bundling it with several other Snow Mikus and sold them all as a lot of $200 shipped internationally and it literally sold within 25 minutes of me posting the listing.

>> No.8209099

Well I mean they were both asses about it, that chick was entitled but your friend was wrong. Really she should have just looked elsewhere, though, if she wanted them for cheaper.
Nendos will sell even not as a set. If you can't sell them you aren't pricing them correctly. $60 + shipping is fucking exorbitant for 2010 Snow Miku, I'm not sure which ones you bundled her with but 2013 and 2014 sell for a lot more. Do people not know how to use MFC?

>> No.8209108

Using mfc is only a guideline, if you paid more for a nendo or you think it's worth more you sell it at that price.

Why would you sell it to make a loss? And yes, nendos sell but after how many months of waiting? Some people don't have the time wait for the right person to come around.

>> No.8211230

>used one harmless emoji that made the message seem friendlier
>"godawful emoji use"

>> No.8211255

That shit annoys me too, if I don't know what someone wants for something and don't know how much it should go for, I ask "What kind of price are you looking to sell it for?" instead of "OMG WHATS CHEAPEST PRICE"

>> No.8211328

This shit is why I don't fucking do art commissions outside of conventions. Alternatively, I spent over $100 on supplies + $100 payment for labor, shipped everything to someone I was commissioning and never got shit back. Cunt completely up and vanished. So it can go either way.

>> No.8211424

Woah, honestly I think your response was very sweet and much more polite than pretty much anyone I've bought from. How could they possibly misinterpret you that extremely? Did they not understand the crying emoji and think it was a weird winky face or something? >;)
>i am overthinking this way too much

>> No.8211588

I once had a WTB looking for lolita berets in specific colors. Someone offered me a white offbrand one. After I kindly declined, saying it was not my preferred color (I actually didn't like it as a whole) she offered to dye it for me. Took me some lines to convince her I didn't want it.

>> No.8211628

Aw thank anon!
I try my best to be kind to buyers and I'm only rude if they're really rude back to me either that or I'm not in a great mood.

I think they were just a bit huffed becuase they wanted to item and I wasn't giving it to them. Either way I sold the items to a very nice buyer later

>> No.8211666

>David Wong
>paid $100 for art commission
>1 year pass with no response
>call to check on update
>hasn't start on it yet. "been busy"
>gave up and demand money back
>had to corner him at con to physically get money back

>> No.8211688

Yep it was 2013 and 14. Again, I just saw a lot of people selling her for $80+shipping so I just took that and made it lower.

>> No.8211697

>post WTB in local lolita sales group
>WTB: red headbows, the kind that stands up on your head only. Looking to spend $30+shipping or less on each one.
>girl comments she has some in her sales album
>click link
>"headbows" are like those barrettes made of grosgrain ribbon that toddlers wear
>"no thanks. I was looking for real headbows, not barrettes"
>"Anon, what do you mean? These are headbows I made myself"
>"They're not what I was looking for, but thanks for the link!"
>"Anon are you telling me you think that my bows are shit?"
>"No there just not what I'm looking for"

This continues until I just delete the post because I don't want to deal with her anymore.

I see her at a meetup 2 weeks later and she spent the whole time glaring at me.

>> No.8211723

holy fuck you are a cunt.

don't be a merchant if you can't provide competitive services.

>> No.8211732

tbh, I can't make heads nor tails of that emoji. It looks like two winking faces, but also a crying face with a weird bracket.

>> No.8211745

Who was talking about merchants? It was about second hand sales. A retail store has to put up with every shit for their future reputation, a seller on LM surely not.

>> No.8211748

difference between "being a merchant" and an individual sales album

>> No.8212619

That's just straight up retarded whether you're a merchant or not.

Merchants don't have to give into a buyers every whim. That's hardly 'competitive services'.

>> No.8212856

I've fucked up /cgl/

>have listing on lacemarket
>someone messages me asking a few questions and if I could hold the item for a week
>say I'm cool with that, want them to message me back to make sure that's what they want to do
>someone else buys the dress
>have to spagetti out a message to first person

What do

>> No.8212882

Just tell the buyer that wanted the hold that someone beat them to the punch before you could take down the listing.

>> No.8213235

>>say I'm cool with that, want them to message me back to make sure that's what they want to do
If they took more than a day or two to (not) respond, it's on them. Nobody should have to hold an unconfirmed non-purchase.

>> No.8213251

holy shit