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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8197080 No.8197080 [Reply] [Original]

Joann/Michaels/Hobby Lobby/Hancock/etc. employees, can you usually tell when someone is a cosplayer? If so, how? The last few times I've gone, the lady at the fabric counter has asked "What are you making?" and I mumble mumble "My cousin's in a play" or "I'm altering a sun dress" and wonder if they're judging me for buying so much tacky satin trim.

Otherwise, craft store stories. A while back there was a great thread of employees telling stories about craft stores and I have a hankering to relive the magic.

>> No.8197085

I was buying some nice floral print fabric for a classic jsk and I was in line at the cutting counter just chillin.

You know how craft store bitches are, "what are you doing what are you making?" So I asked the lady in front of me what she was going to do with 50 yards of muslin, because who buys 50 yards of muslin?

"I work in a mortuary; it's for wrapping dead bodies."

Never going to make polite conversation in a craft store line again.

>> No.8197100

Its part of their job training to ask. Its not fair to call them bitches unless they pry for more and you're making it clear you don't want to go into it. I'm sure they don't actually care.

>> No.8197111

Anon who works at Joann's and I can just say you are correct.

I literally don't give a shit about people's projects unless they are doing something cool.
>Tfw it's almost never cool, just baby blankets

>> No.8197112

>can you usually tell when someone is a cosplayer?

It's easy because cosplayers always travel in herds

>> No.8197116

Not true.

You never have anything useful to say.

>> No.8197117

I occasionally run into my old sewing teacher from high school in hancock fabrics.
I kind of wonder what she thinks of me because the first year I spent time sewing extraneous shit that wasn't an assignment or was constantly helping my table mates so I got pretty bad assignment completion.
Then second year class I was one of 3 people to pass the end of semester test because apparently I'm the only one that pays attention. Also probably one of the few from that class that sews at home.

OT but anyone else have no respect for quilting? It's easy mode as fuck because it's still some sort of blanket and you know most of them don't even experiment.

Idk I just don't see the allure in it.

>> No.8197119

Same Joann's anon, and I can say usually the cosplayers that come into my store are either normal looking or covered in shit you can get at an AA, never in the middle.

None of the cosplayers I get know I cosplay myself despite being one of the younger looking employees. Feels great that I have no power level on the clock.

>> No.8197120

Do you ever shut up?

>> No.8197123

>salty about a harmless civilian on /cgl/
>squeamish about death
If anything, that's a cool story. It's not the usual "making drapes" or "making a tie blanket" that cutting counter people hear.
Also, pretty rude of you to call service employees "bitches" when they're paid to ask about your project (to find out if there are notions or whatnot that you may have forgotten to pick up).

>> No.8197125

Ignore Cockwork Faggotry, he's fucking cancer.

>> No.8197128

Once again you're full of shit. Not a single one of my cosplay friends texts us all to say "ZOMG GUIS LETS GET FABRICS TOGETHER"

>> No.8197133
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>tfw you're trying to keep your power level down but your friend is definitely NOT

>> No.8197139

I always ask my friends and I've only had one shop with me ever. Nice try though.
If anything I'd say buying craft foam would be a giveaway. I bought some with my 25% off entire purchase coupon and one of my friends who was working the register asked if I was making a lot of armor.
Truly just saving it for later just in case.

>> No.8197141

>You give them the "shhhh" motion but they still giggle like a huge weeb.

>> No.8197165

I don't respect the way they take 20 fucking minutes at the cutting table

>> No.8197170

I'm usually really low-key about my cosplay when the cutting counter ladies ask; I'll describe the outfit in pieces, like
>"oh, it's for a sundress"
>electric blue taffeta and satin trim
>"I'm making a sort of ...tea dress"
>twelve yards of chiffon and purple stretch denim
>"it's a shirt"
>gold brocade
My town is near a convention city, though, so sometimes staff are aware of upcoming cons and will ask me if I'm attending. (Not a JoAnn's story, but weirdest thing is once after I'd just driven back from a con and had stopped for a drink (still in full cosplay and feeling a little awkward) - the guy who served me knew about the convention and we talked a little about it.)

>Idk I just don't see the allure in it
I think its appeal is in how mechanical it is, with the option to vary it up if you're more creative or experimental with shapes/colour. I made a quilt once (had a bunch of printed t-shirts I stopped wearing but kept for the memories, and it was the freezing dead of winter) and the process was just chugging away between the machine and iron. It's brainless but you get a nice end product, which would probably gift nicely.

>> No.8197173

>I'm at the local JoAnn's so often that the floor manager recognises me and asks about my projects when I visit
>at the store an hour before closing one night, last customer there
>floor manager is working the cutting counter and makes conversation with me
>find out that she has degrees in civic engineering and nursing
>she'd started out working at a friend's craft store but then had a daughter and worked as a nurse until her daughter left home for college
>with daughter gone, figured that she wanted to do something that was fun (after the stress of working in a hospital and watching infants die) and applied for JoAnn's
>A+ backstory and I don't remember her name

>> No.8197194

Okay, listen, usually we are understaffed like crazy. We actually prefer that we not take that long.

>Be patient
>Grab a number
>Walk around and shopp till we call you, bitch

>> No.8197197

This. My closest store has a stupid long cut and register wait on even normal days due to poor management and understaffing. I grab a number before I even pick fabric especially on big sale days.

>> No.8197216

I think anon meant that as joke, considering how she herself also asked that question to a stranger.

>> No.8197223

You're being overly defensive and anon wasn't even talking about the employees, she was complaining about quilters.

>> No.8197675

I'm a former Michael's employee, so I understand why they ask about my project. If they ask me directly I say "It's for a costume for a convention coming up". They usually are pretty nice about it. I did have one lady once give me this strange look because i came up with a shit ton of white fabric, trim, and fur, all for different projects. She kind of rudely asked me if I was making a snowman or something (it was in her tone and she kind of scoffed at the end). I just politely said it was all for different projects that I was trying to finish up. Aside from that? Everyone else has been pretty sweet.

>> No.8197680

>OT but anyone else have no respect for quilting? It's easy mode as fuck because it's still some sort of blanket and you know most of them don't even experiment.

Oh man I have helped my mum on some quilts and they can be difficult. If it's all just large squares then yea it's easy as fuck but there are some insane mode stuff out there. There's people who do hardcore traditional - only traditional colours, patterns, etc, then people who go nuts and come up with new stuff.

Anyways. I get shitty at people who take fabric up to the counter, and there's a massive line, and their asking the assistant "do you think this is enough? it's for <some vauge-ass description>". Worst.

>> No.8197687

I don't work at a craft store, but there's a girl at my local Michaels who dressed up as Bob Ross the Halloween after his death, and I'm convinced that she must be in the scene.

I've also been stuck in the fabric cutting line between a boy screeching about how the rhinestones at Joann's weren't right for whatever cosplay he was doing while his deflated looking mom tried to calm him down telling him that they could go to Michaels after.

I honestly also assume that anyone over 10 buying model magic is a Homestuck.

>> No.8197696

I get these texts all the time. I am actually going to Joann with my friend today to grab some interfacing.

>> No.8197725

I actually do respect, and a lot.
My mom is a quilter, and since we're pretty close we end up going to quilt expositions and stuff.
I see many pieces and projects that I honestly have no idea how one could make, and I find choosing fabric for a quilt something really hard.
But I'm talking about advanced quilts, not the square ones.

>mom is making me one that has japanese dolls in the center, not one of them looks the same

>> No.8197736

I grew up with my grandmother and great grandmother making quilts (great grandmother also hand made incredibly complicated lace), and they never made "easy" quilts. It's all really complicated patterns with tiny pieces that all have to be cut and sewn perfectly evenly. So, it takes some skill, but once you get that level of skill, it's a lot of keeping-your-hands-busy kinda of work. They enjoyed it.

>> No.8197822

I find it hard to respect quilting, too. I grew up believing that quilters are just people who gave up on garment sewing, and that it's stupid to buy all this fabric just to shred it up into little pieces. The very same person who told me all that then proceeded to give up on garment sewing and become a quilter... and the quilts are so basic and ugly and stiff and uncomfortable. I know there are nice quilts out there but all I've seen are nasty ones so I just instinctively recoil from all things quilting.

>> No.8197849

>Joann/Michaels/Hobby Lobby/Hancock/etc. employees, can you usually tell when someone is a cosplayer?

Worked at Micheals and oh man are cosplayers super easy to spot. If the phone straps and keychains with their husbandos aren't a dead give away it is the stuff they buy. Spray paint and flag poles were a popular combo. I admit I did have some harmless fun with them and ask them what they were doing with a big goofy smile on my face and laugh when they would try to come up with an excuse. Of course I would always end up telling them I cosplayed too so they didn't feel like total idiots.

>> No.8197879
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I don't quilt, but I think quilting, like sewing clothes or cosplay, can be really stupid and simple or really intricate amazing. I love quilts that "paint" with very small cut-outs of fabric.

>> No.8198455

Great Grandma is 90 and has been quilting with her mum since she was old enough to sew.
She has bags full of blue ribbons.
She is the quilting Queen

>> No.8198469

Used to work for Joann's for about 6 or so years (I worked at a few locations due to moving around the city).
I would say 7 out of 10 times I could pick out who was a cosplayer, especially when I got to work at the store closer to the downtown/university area.

>> No.8198481

I just encountered a few cosplayer-types on my last trip actually
>3 plus sized chicks
>one with a tardis backpack, bad roots
>one literally wearing a tangled, bright purple wig
>could hear them across the store
>another girl with her mum
>wore a bowler, glasses, and elbow patch plaid sport jacket

I'm sure if anyone actually heard the heated debate my bf and I were having about whether model magic is appropriate for making head accessories they would've connected the dots. I'd like to think that we weren't as obvious but then again he was wearing a VGA tee. Generally my local Joann's is frequented by older women and moms, so anyone in our age demographic is out of the norm.

>> No.8198510

Wash out that sand, anon. I'm pretty sure that other anon was complaining about quilters because they usually bring 15 carts full of bolts of fabric up to the cutting table and get a bazillion little pieces cut. Like some other these other anons, I respect quilting but damn are quilters annoying. Many of the quilters I know are sort of snobby about how much greater their skill is than everyone else's. Often times if I'm chatting with someone in line for cutting (and can't tell right off the bat that they're a quilter so I can avoid them) as soon as I say I sew apparel they go on a little tirade about how easy it must be for me to just work off a pattern and they turn the tides to talk about their latest creation.

>I mumble mumble "My cousin's in a play" or "I'm altering a sun dress"
I tend to have no shame about it. I proudly proclaim that I'm working on a cosplay or lolita. The older ladies are always delighted to hear about the details and most of the younger people cosplay as well so they get ecstatic. There's a girl at my Joann with purple hair and an undercut with a Totoro tattoo on her head and she's awesome AF.

And a little OT sewing feels
>mother and grandmother raised me sewing and crafting
>always looked up to them as god-tier
>realized they have only the most basic skills in apparel
>In Joann with my mother the other day
>Anon, this is pink with bows on it! This would be perfect for a dress!
>Anon, can't you just pick a lace that matches close? -picks up raschel-
>Helping my mother and grandmother sew costumes for my sister's school play
>They don't line up the edges or iron before cutting
>They go by measurements on the pattern envelope rather than just measuring the pieces
>They expand a pattern by widening it. Only widening it.
>so much quilting cotton
>mfw I have surpassed my sensei
I had to hop out early because my OCD was going nuts. I get that these were costumes for kids for a high school/middle school play but come on...

>> No.8198599
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Quilters in general are okay, the ones that bug me are those old ladies who ask for the exact to-the-inch measurement they need for their square and loom over me going "YOU BETTER CUT THAT STRAIGHT I WON'T HAVE YOU SHORT-CHANGING ME I NEED EXACTLY SIX INCHES". Like seriously, we're using scissors not a fucking computerized laser, if your measurement is that crucial you can sacrifice a few more pennies to buy a couple extra inches and rotary cut it yourself.

Most customers are cool, the worst part of my job is the corporate bullshit and ridiculous under-staffing leading to situations like pic related on a regular basis.
>staring at mile long line of angry faces and calling for backup every five minutes even though you know nobody is coming

>> No.8198615
File: 105 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ncfuujH7821txg6mqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just vomited in my mouth a little, anon. my god.

Here, have some photo evidence of the fucking ELEVEN CART CARAVAN that showed up the night before Black Friday a few years ago. They then, left it for us to cut, and came in on Black Friday to pick it up for the Black Friday sale. Apparently this is a common thing, because our store had to make a deal with these people. It was either do this, or they come in on Black Friday and not give any shits about who they tied up.

>> No.8198629

>walk into joann's
>store manager yells "hey, no we don't have any more rivets"
>start walking towards buckles
"we don't have any more buckles either
>stand there just staring at her
"we get shipments on tuesday, for the love of god I ordered twice as many for you"
>god I love my local joann's

>> No.8198640 [DELETED] 

>I'm pretty sure that other anon was complaining about quilters because they usually bring 15 carts full of bolts of fabric up to the cutting table and get a bazillion little pieces cut.
Diff Joanns anon, but I can confirm this shit It's so fucking annoying to cut.

>My closest store has a stupid long cut and register wait on even normal days due to poor management and understaffing. I grab a number before I even pick fabric especially on big sale days.
Also, it's fact that we are always understaffed, thus wait times are soooo long. At my store, we get reprimanded for not asking "what are you making?" at the cutting counter.

I can tell when someone is a cosplayer by how they dodge questions. I either say "for a cosplay?" or jsut leave them alone. I hate asking what the fuck people make, it's usually just baby quilts, purses or newbs in sewing that think they can make a victorian dress or a suit for their first sewing project.

>> No.8198649

>Needing that many buckles and rivets
>Getting them at Joanns instead of a wholesaler

>> No.8198651

>I'm pretty sure that other anon was complaining about quilters because they usually bring 15 carts full of bolts of fabric up to the cutting table and get a bazillion little pieces cut.
Diff Joanns anon, but I can confirm this shit It's so fucking annoying to cut.

>My closest store has a stupid long cut and register wait on even normal days due to poor management and understaffing. I grab a number before I even pick fabric especially on big sale days.
Also, it's fact that we are always understaffed, thus wait times are soooo long.

At my store, we get reprimanded for not asking "what are you making?" at the cutting counter.
I can tell when someone is a cosplayer by how they dodge questions. I either say "for a cosplay?" or jsut leave them alone. I hate asking what the fuck people make, it's usually just baby quilts, purses or newbs in sewing that think they can make a victorian dress or a suit for their first sewing project. But another give away is them being total weaboos... but that's a given.

Wow, I thought my store was bad.... I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.8198658

The only time I've gone to my local Joann's I bought some faux fur fabric for a stuffed animal to go with my cosplay and every single person that helped me was so cold and what felt like they were judging me hard. It was quite an awkward experience.

>> No.8198659

they only stock like 5 of them...

>> No.8198683

>newbs in sewing that think they can make a victorian dress or a suit for their first sewing project

Hey anon, prom season is coming up! You excited for the girls who think half a yard of the shiniest satin is enough for their dream Elsa-inspired ballgown?

>> No.8198695
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They weren't judging you, they are just broken souls who care about nothing.

That's just how working retail/food service works.

>> No.8198697

>dog salon owners who buy 10 whole bolts
>non-english speaking people who ask for meters/cm
>tutu/loofah season
>people looking for foam for chairs they didn't measure
>local fashion students who swatch

>> No.8198760

>dog salon owners
i am so glad that this is not just me. they're always so fucking smug too.

Speaking of smug
>Etsy shop owners
>charity people

One lady without fail (and has come in the last 3 days because of the 60% off coupon) always comes in at the last possible second. Ten minutes to go, or less. Usually she comes in right when the closing announcements are being made. She then goes through the entire linen section and takes whole bolts at a time, and piles about 10 of them on the table. She used to pull a scam where she'd say "Seven yards and a quarter" knowing full well that the bolt had 8+ yards and we'd give her the discount. My managers caught on to this and called her out on it, so now she doesn't do that. But she rushes us, snatches fabric from us to fold it herself and is super abrasive, and brags about how she has two people working for her, and that her last months' orders from Etsy were over $7000. Then fucking wholesale, lady.

Similarly, people like >>8198615 who make shit for charity, and get obscene amounts of fabric and don't give a shit who's behind them. We also used to have a lady who, when Symphony was on sale low enough, would literally steer six carts back there, fill them up with the entirety of the wall, and then would stand there and brag to everyone who went "what are you -doing- with all of this fabric?" that she was making "shorts for children in third world countries. they don't have anything and they're naked!" when I asked WHICH country, she had no idea. It took two of us an hour to measure almost 600 yards of fabric. My managers eventually begged her to do special orders instead, and honored the price, no shipping, just to spare guests in line on the same day, and to keep her from utterly emptying our Symphony wall.

>> No.8198783

oh my god that sounds like a lady that frequented our shop all the time. Without a doubt every time red tag would go on sale she'd get 50-100 cuts of fabric. I rang her out every so often and she'd always wave her tax exempt info in our faces even before we tried to scan her stuff. She was listed as running some miniatures store but I almost wondered if that was a front for hording

>> No.8198791

What's the story behind dog salon owners?

Reading stories like this fill me with a strange sort of frustration that makes me want to strangle people, lecture people, or cry at people, or a combination of the three. Why don't people wholesale? Why??? Why don't people have any fucking regard for other people who need that fabric, for other people in line, for the people behind the counter? Have they somehow managed to live their entire lives without ever having to be on the other end of the situation?

>> No.8198799

Not that poster, but in my experience they always get a bunch of cotton prints to make little bandanas to tie on the dogs after grooming.

>> No.8198808

Oh. Those are fucking stupid, my dog always ends up eating them and I've told the lady not to put them on him.

>> No.8198825

That's my point though. Why are you going to joanns when you could probably get them cheaper online and in bulk?

>> No.8198843

>Have they somehow managed to live their entire lives without ever having to be on the other end of the situation?

Poster from >>8198760. My experience, yes. The store I'm in is on a kind of white upper middle-class area. The kind where their purses cost more than my monthly salary kind. Though Linen Lady doesn't seem like that, just like someone who knows we're cogs in the retail machine who she can scream at and use. Linen Lady, who, by the way, found something she didn't like on the receipt after she kept us open for 20 minutes after close, walked out, and then turned around and banged on the locked doors, and then started calling us. We went out the back.

>> No.8198846

I think they were using bitches in the sense of referring to ladies/women/females, not dickfaces..

>> No.8198951

oh man I have so many stories I don't even know where to start.

I work at joann and like clockwork, almost every saturday evening we have homestucks come in in full grey bodypaint. I don't know why. I don't want to know why. I want them to stop touching things. but they touch all the things with their grey ass hands.

also I currently work with 2 other weebs, so between the 3 of us, we can pretty much sniff out any cosplayers easily. and even if we don't we are forced to ask what they're doing anyways.

we have the same problems at my store. I fucking hate tie blankets and shit like that and the fucking volleyball team that comes in every christmas with 12 carts wanting 50 yards and 70 custom cuts when there's only 2 people at the table. and people like that always seem to come in right before we close.

I don't even trip about the quilting ladies anymore. we have this lady who makes dog blankets who requires all of her fabrics (which are always cut at 31") to be perfectly straight. I always have about 10 write-offs after I help her and she gets loud and mean if you don't gush over her.

I know that feel anon. one time I had an 8 hour shift and spent 4 of those hours completely alone with no backup and a 30 person line. i work in a big store layout (just below superstore) and we had only 2 employees and a manager that refused to work cut table or help at all. all of the managers used to completely refuse to back up cut counter even with a hug line, so I've managed the back half of the store alone more than a couple times.

>> No.8198969

A homestuck who works at Joanns. I live in fear one day they'll find me and come in with unsealed grey paint and touch everything.

>> No.8198990

So I usually go with my 2 friends and we all get cosplay fabric at the same time.
one is a talked, and man she loves to talk to the cutting ladies.
>What are you making?
Oh well I'm doing _ from _ it's a cartoon (trained her to say this over anime) and we go to conventions
Oh like comic con and stuff, just smaller ones. Wanna see a picture? *fishes out phone and goes through a picture of each of our characters*
While she's doing this I'm usually over lusting over soft stuffed animal fabric I don't have the money for to make plushies.

oh and an actual story:
At Joanns with friend, we have probably about 4 different fabrics to get cut, have our number and have been waiting. We're on a time limit.
>This old lady walks up to use with 2 huge bolts of fabric "hey can I go in front of you?"
>"No, you need to take a number because we're next and there is someone behind us as well"
>"Oh you take a number, I've never been here before...can I go in front of you? I'm in a hurry and only have 2 things to cut"
>"No we're on a time limit too."
She stands there glaring at me while we continue to wait. Cutting lady is done and about to call number.
>Old lady throws her fabric on counter and starts to talk to her
>"Hey we were next on the numbers"
Cutting lady sees tag and tells her to get a number and wait. We can hear her complaining about young people having no respect.
>Lady after us is done before us, so old lady is next to us getting her fabric cut now
>"I need 15 yards of this and 10 of this one"
Oh yeah that would of been fast you crusty cunt.
We go get some thread and pick out some zippers, somehow end up outside at the same time as the old bitch. I'm not really paying attention but say in my normal voice "Man that old lady was a cunt, like our time's less important than hers" and look up to see her loading stuff into her car and glaring at me.
It felt good.

>> No.8199042

diff anon. my senior winter dance for high school was right after frozen came out and the sheer number of girls in blue dresses claiming to be elsa was fucking terrifying

>> No.8199078

I don't know about anyone else but usually fabric choice/color is a dead giveaway, and I guess demeanor? Especially if they look shifty about what they're buying it for. Everyone younger tries to buy symphony broadcloth for everything because it's cheap too.

>> No.8199084

fuck, you're right. yayyyyyy!
>what's the hard stuff in dresses that make it have good shape?

>> No.8199130

I'm praying I'll be able to bail before the big rush of terrible camo prom dresses.

>> No.8199133

Definitely. Shifty eyes, brightly-colored fabric is almost always a dead giveaway. It's always kinda funny if I can guess what it is just by looking at colors. I've been steering people away from the Symphony broadcloth since I started there.

>> No.8199136

People actually buy that shit? JFC why do I even live in this country of glorified hicks?

>> No.8199176
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Just sold this yesterday. I asked the girl if she hunted. She just said she liked camp. She was making a top.

>> No.8199178

Liked camo, rather, fucking mobile.

>> No.8199186

Worked as a shift leader at a ghetto ass Hancock for six months. Cosplayers stood out like sore thumbs, but the newbie lolitas were even more obvious. ALL the raschel lace and floral quilting cottons, man.

But the worst were the "fashion designers" we had. One of them told me he went to FIDM. He pronounced it "FIDO" like a dog's name.

>> No.8199190
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>> No.8199314

/cgl/ is an 18+ board.

>> No.8199742

What part of that makes you think she's underage? The fact she didn't let that woman walk all over her as 99% of other seagulls would have?

>> No.8199764

>"Man that old lady was a cunt, like our time's less important than hers" and look up to see her loading stuff into her car and glaring at me.
It felt good.

Immaturity at it's best. It's one thing to stand your ground and bitch about it in private, it's another to say it within known ear shot of the person.

>> No.8199768

>live in the town where Duck Synasty resides
>The daughters have a clothing store called "Duck and Dressing"
Rumor has it that it's mostly camo shit in there.

>> No.8199769


>> No.8199789

But she didn't know... Did you miss that part? She WAS talking about it in private, it just so happens that the lady happened to be there without her noticing.

>> No.8199848

Wrong, I usually shop alone to avoid waiting for other people unless I need a ride

>> No.8199908

>>Walk around and shopp till we call you, bitch
This wouldn't be a problem if the employees actually called the numbers. They don't even flick to change the number displayed half the time. At my store, it's wait by the counter or risk losing your spot in queue. I understand that they're severely understaffed but c'mon, when it gets to the point where you are trying to see other people's numbers so you know where they're at for the counter, there's a problem. in any case, I never buy fabric on weekends anymore if I can help it; 10 minute shopping trip usually ends up taking 2 hours on Sat-Sun.

>My cousin's in a play"
this, in addition to prepping a small backstory in case I'm asked more in-depth questions. Power level is so low it's in the negatives.

What the shit. I'm so sorry, anons...

>> No.8199925

I used to till I started english paper piecing with the scraps I have left over. Oddly relaxing.
I've also been designing sewing and crocheting travel cases that incorporate small shapes, so it's something to do when I'm in a sewing mood but can't use my sewing machine.
I personally don't care if someone doesn't like quilting. To each their own and all.

>> No.8200028

I'm fucking cringing at all these stories, sorry you anons had to go throught that shit. I'll contirbute a good story to this thread since most of them are cringe worthy
>have depression and anxiety
>been having a shitty few weeks because my meds were all messed up
>have to get fabric for an upcoming con coming up
>doesn't want to go anywhere because my depression and anixety is that bad
>decide to go anyways because I know I would be even more anxious if I didn't have my fabric for my cosplay
>go to JoAnn's and get my shit
>be waiting in cutting line
>having an internal breakdown due to stress and anxiety
>my numbers next
>cutting lady sees my face and how I'm tearing up
>asks me for how much fabric I need
>quietly tells her how much while some tears escape my eyes
>cuts fabric but gives me a few inches more than I need
>"oops! My hand slipped- I hope this is enough"
>Charges me for the fabric I asked for and excludes the extra inches she gave me
>winks at me and says she hopes I feel better

Tl;dr - JoAnn's lady sees me having an emotional breakdown and gives me some extra fabric without charging me to make me feel better

>> No.8200114

Omg what a sweetie.
I'm a joann's employee and I usually work cutting counter myself, and whenever the customer is really nice or looks like they're having a bad day I also do nice things like that for them.

>Since I work at joanns i hate buying fabric myself
>Only gets fabric cut whenever the co-workers I like are working the cutting counter
>Mfw I only work with the cool co-workers and never get fabric cut

I'm terribly awkward and shy, and even though everyone at work knows I'm a cosplayer I still don't talk about it ever.

>> No.8200156
File: 23 KB, 200x303, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the same thing from some hag over faux fur at fabricland.
>hey can you help me get this bolt down it's kind of heavy
>UH that fabric is 50$ a metre!
>mfw it was 40, on sale 50% off and I only needed enough for trim

Will I ever get to the point working in service where I'm so crusty that I will refuse to help a customer because I suspect them of not having $12?

>> No.8200169

People make fun of me for shouting the numbers on busier days, but then it's very satisfying to hear someone shout from the other side of the store, "that's me, I'm coming!"

However that's still not enough sometimes. I could scream my head off and give last calls, and still some old bat will storm up with a number from 5 minutes ago and say we skipped her. I've also called the number six times with the people standing right there and they're either fiddling with their phone, talking, or just completely spacing out.

>> No.8200237

Do you want to sew a snowman?

>> No.8200264

>Duck and Dressing
that sounds delicious

>> No.8200273

Why would you ever think a fabric store trip would take 10 minutes. like. I work there and it still takes me at least an hour. Then again I get stopped off the click a lot because the customers know that I actually know what im doing now. Without tha, its still a half an hour.

We get a lot of impatient guests at my store that expect everything to go quick and literally dont want us to call the numbers, even though we are required to by corporate and, at least at my store, can be written up for not doing it. ive seen people steal abandonded numbers off the floor to cut the line. We also go by the letters before the nunber at my store because it happens so often.

I dont know what your stores deal is, but at the same time. Any fabric store trip is gonna take an hour. unless you grab your ticket early, but youre still only cutting off a little bit of time. I usually grab it before I go look if its 10 back. We also will feed past numbers in At my store (even if I dont want to).

But yeah. I dont know if its this way at others stores. But the fear of getting written up is constantly looming over our heads. The whole store gotten written up for not signing a time correction sheet that got put up 2 hours before it was due. And I got a verbal warning for my handwriting on the DUL log. we gotten threatened a write up if we didnt clean up the store more, even though we're the cleanest, most colorized store in the county.

>> No.8201482

holy shit, i am so glad that my STLs are so chill. We don't get written up for shit. One of my (former) coworkers was caught roaming around outside during his shift once. Just hangin' out. Outside. When he was asked what he was doing he just shrugged and said he needed some air. I don't think he got written up, either. Now everyone is entitled to take a 15, but we were utterly slammed and had no clue where he was. This guy was famous for taking off his radio and just ignoring us.

>We also go by the letters before the nunber at my store because it happens so often.
Yikes, Anon, where are you? That's so intense.

>> No.8201534

JFC I feel bad when I'm getting more than two different fabrics, employees must love my 4 bolts, 2 yards each compared to some of these nightmares.

I feel like an ass every time I buy fleece for kigus though. I should really just buy whole bolts when I do kigus.

>> No.8201542

>go to JoAnns looking for a deep blue-purple color knit
>look through many sections, even look at non-knits
>only one fabric is even similar in color
>it's perfect, amazing drape, stretchier than spandex without losing its opacity
>it's for a tight skirt so this is important
>lady up front asks if I've seen their online coupons
>there's 60% off
>thank you based counter lady

>> No.8201749

oh god I do kigu commissions and it's such a pain, the bolts take up so much room in the cart and on the table. Sometimes I end up having to order the main body color online, but I hate doing that because it ends up costing a bit more. Buying fabric for more than one kigu at once as well as other projects is hell, sometimes I can barely see over the cart. (I'm short)

>> No.8201785

wow. they would have been fired immediately if that was my store. actually that's happened and they were called and told not to come back.

I work in southern california. I've heard our district is especially strict and our store is technically the best in our district, so there's a lot of pressure to perform well. but pretty much everything we do is wrong in the district managers eyes.

recently, they played a game of managerial musical chairs and my boss was switched (basically demoted) with an STL from the small store a couple miles away. the write up threats were worse with the old STL. the scheduling was also much worse with him (I was also the one that worked alone with no backup for 4 hours). but even though the new STL brings us food and sweets and sodas, he follows corporate policy so closely and by the book that it's super inconvenient for both employees and customers. we never used to follow the locked office, employee cuts, or checkout policies and now that we do, we're wasting so much damn time. now I gotta wait for the managers that avoid the cut counter like the plague to show up just so I can get a radio, get fabric cut (poorly because they never fucking cut), or even to just clock out.

>> No.8201830

Sheesh, Anon, what a nightmare. Godspeed to you. With this dude they were waffling a way to tell him to GTFO but right now we are so desperately understaffed, he was literally better than nothing only by a slim margin. Thankfully for all of us, he quit before the store could figure out a way to fire him.

>> No.8201839

Another Joann's employee here. Most of the cosplayers I get aren't actually very cagey about their intentions. I'm a weeb so I can usually pick them out pretty fast and ask if it's for cosplay, anyway. In my experience, the people most likely to be vague about what they're making are drag queens.

It's both refreshing and depressing to hear that my store isn't the only one with understaffing issues. We frequently get lines of 30+ people on weekends with only two people on the counter at any one time. Though looking through this thread, I'm really thankful now about how great and helpful our STL and managers are.

Honestly, the thing about fabric store customers that gets me most is how utterly they destroy our bathrooms on a regular basis.

>> No.8201848

Joann's employee here, and usually i don't mind the 2 yard cuts.
What gets me are the people who want 10+ yards of muslin/tulle or want 8 yard cuts of fabric that only comes on 6 yard bolts.

Also knits are the worst to cut, and usually people who get knits are the most meticulous about their fabric.

>> No.8201881

Man, we hd to have lock put on our bathrooms last week. Someone's been flushing things and flooding both bathrooms on a regular basis. Also last week someone shit in the urinal.
Gotta love working 40 hours and not being able to pee unless I leave the store or track down the key.

>> No.8201900

>Two years ago, be in high school and 18
>Anxious but trying to branch out, get a job at JoAnn
>Super nervous, already got yelled at first day, lots of customers and lots of stress
>someone on the radio asks if any employee could sew
>I'm the only employee that knows how to sew
>Cosplayer needs help picking out fabrics for a cosplay, makes my first day so much better
>Fast forward to con season, see him at every con in the same hot-glued Love Live costume
>always grabs my hands and puts them on his sock-stuffed bra, once lifted his dress to how me his shimapan
>mfw hairy legs with thigh acne

>> No.8201909

Oh my god. I am so sorry anon.

I live in the same town as a major con, and during con season we got a lot of them in. Since I work at Joann's I know a bunch of the cosplayers that are in my area, and whenever I see them at events they always point me out and thank me for helping them. It feels good.

>> No.8201931

oh my god but really. someone broke our toilet. like literally the thing fell over. and people have smeared shit on the walls and put water in the soap dispensers more than once. last week someone tried to flush a diaper down the toilet. a diaper.

I constantly thank god that we employees get our own bathroom. because I nope the fuck out just passing by the customer bathrooms.

thanks. at least it usually doesn't feel as bad as it actually is. at least I get acknowledged for my hard work considering the challenges. I'm one scissor pin away from the golden scissors.

and we have a couple people like that. they're on workers comp and milking it for all it's worth. they're cutting hours to nothing and waiting for their write-ups to build up so they can fire them and not pay out unemployment.

>> No.8201947

>girls who think half a yard of the shiniest satin is enough for their dream Elsa-inspired ballgown
OT, but I was at a friend's place once when her housemate came back from Halloween fabric shopping.
>he's never sewn clothing before
>wants to be one of those Barbie cheerleaders from the Most Popular Girls series on Youtube
>has a yard of the cheap tissue-thin pink dupioni (the girl he'd been shopping with had tried to get him to buy the casa glitter satin instead, but he'd gone with dupioni)
>one yard for a cheerleading outfit with a Madonna-level stuffed bra and pleated skirt
>mfw he's planning on hot-gluing the costume onto himself "because drag queens do it all the time!"
>take pity and sew him the outfit, using some sturdier pink satin scraps I have when the dupioni runs out (surprise!)

>> No.8201978

I already suspected as much but it's interesting to know that craft ladies = disgusting bathroom trolls is a universal constant.

We once had a lady come in who wanted to make a costume for the local Ren Fest. She picked one of the biggest and most complicated patterns, bought $200+ worth of the thick brocades and home dec fabrics, a bunch of trim, everything. As my coworker printed her fabric ticket, the customer revealed that this was her first sewing project and she was planning on gluing the whole thing together with Stitch Witchery.

>> No.8202164

>go to JoAnns looking for a deep blue-purple color knit
>look through many sections, even look at non-knits
>only one fabric is even similar in color
>it's perfect, amazing drape, stretchier than spandex without losing its opacity
If i ever finish the rest of the work on the costume I'm making, I'll need something similar for a bodysuit to wear under the costume. I'd love to hear what fabric it was that you got.

>> No.8202287

I remember once someone shit all over the floor. We were in the first superstore in my state and they only put one bathroom in. Fucking cheapsskates.

>> No.8202329

I didn't even know Joann had (customer) bathrooms.

>> No.8202520

We also had an issue where a woman was stealing by placing things in the basket of her electric scooter. She smelled so much and had an old lady beard. No one could call her out on it so she got away with it. I asked why they didn't check the cameras and apparently corporate controls them or some bullshit so she just kept putting stuff in her scooter basket.

>high point : meeting attractive civil war re enactor buying material for repros
>low point : almost being followed home by 30 year old creep who wanted to know if I was married and asked me out for coffee after my 9pm shift ended (I was probably 17)

>> No.8202535

I feel so bad because I'm so shy when it comes to meeting new people, and when the people at Joanns ask me what I'm making at the cut table I always freeze up and stutter. But there's this girl at my local Joanns who is a few years older than me and obviously a cosplayer, and you guys have a 6th sense for sniffing cosplayers out. And she's just always so nice to me and gives me these knowing smiles and I want to be her friend but I'm so bad with meeting new people.
>Too shy to talk to Joanns senpai

>> No.8202543

When I go after work, I'm pretty much one of three people in the store and the cutting counter is always empty. Most of the time I know what I already want and can just get my fabric cut and go.

Y-your store sounds scary and I can't imagine how stressful it must be to work there. I'm amazed at your ability to not spaghetti all over the place.

>lady up front asks if I've seen their online coupons
>there's 60% off
>thank you based counter lady
>at checkout
>show them app coupon
>"There's an online coupon too, I'll wait while you pull it up."
>"Are you signed up for our texts as well?"
>"Did you get the one in the mail? No? I have an extra one back here."
Too bad I was only buying buttons and shit, but it was still amazing.

>> No.8202560

I was a mall janitor once.

The shit I've seen.

Some of the security guys were into conventions though so that was cool.

>> No.8202564

No, try again. If someone is an outright asshole to you, you aren't under any obligations bashfully keep quiet to protect their precious fee fees. If more people called out entitled shoppers' shit behavior, I guarantee that you'd have less dick customers. They only act like this because they know they can get away with it. When someone is an outright dick at a store and cuts the line, bitches out the employee, etc, I make a point of talking about them in an effort to shame them.

>Next up in a very long 7 person line.
>Guy wanders over with some items. Stares at us and idles off to the side, a little ways away from the register where someone is being helped.
>"Hey buddy, the line starts back there."
>Guy stares, doesn't move.
>Cashier calls for the next person and go walks over and puts his items on the counter.
>Power walk up and put my items next to his, sliding them front and center and pushing his shit out of the way.
>Cashier: "Are you together?"
>"No, he's just trying to skip the line."

>> No.8202569

Genuine question, what do you want someone to do who needs 10yds of tulle? There isn't always an unopened bolt, and when I say to just give me the whole bolt, the cutter says she HAS to measure it out even if it's been uncut. Sometimes people just need lots of fabric, thems the breaks.

>> No.8202580

>Go into local fabric store today, Spotlight.
>Need 3m chiffon, and three lots of 2.5 in varying fabrics.
>Weary of how much is on the bolts, but I really needed it today.
>Guy unrolls one - A quarter yard short.
>Unrolls another - A quarter yard short.
>Don't bother with the third and just get the two that I knew had enough.
>Feel really bad as I'm walking past on my way out and he's re-rolling the bolts.

At least the store was otherwise empty.

>> No.8202583

10 yards ain't bad, Anon! I only stare when someone needs 40+ yards of tulle, and then while I'm counting it, asks if she can return it tomorrow if she decides not to do the project. And sometimes people DO just need the whole thing, it's cool. It's more to do with your attitude when you come up. I will happily measure a million yards for someone who is pleasant and chatting with me like a human being about what they're making.

>> No.8202631

Yeah, I'm totally cool with people who need a lot of fabric as long as they:

-know how much they want (please don't ask "how much tulle do I need to decorate my wedding?" I seriously have no fucking idea, just buy a shitton of it and come back if you need more)
-actually buy it after I spend the time measuring it

I do wish we had some "by the bolt" tulle (like in shrinkwrap so you know it hasn't been cut) for the wedding people though, it would save a lot of time for both employees and customers.

>I constantly thank god that we employees get our own bathroom. because I nope the fuck out just passing by the customer bathrooms.
I wish we got our own bathroom...Ours aren't too horrible most of the time, but every once in a while we get the shit-apocalypse in there. I shudder to think what these people's houses look like, unless they just come into Joanns to live out their wild poop-flinging fantasies.

>> No.8202641

I hate my local Joann but it's the only physical fabric store around. I always have to wait at an unmanned cutting table for one of the grouchy old ladies to decide to do her job.

Hate shopping online, but it's actually easier at this point.

>> No.8202649

> buying some fabric for a cosplay
> cutting counter lady asks me what I'm making
> give usual vague response - "oh, a costume" - which usually satisfies most people
> lady asks what costume it's for
> turns out Joann's lady used to cosplay and has a totally bitching anime tattoo on her upper chest

Thanks for being okay with my shyness and showing me your awesome tat, miss.

>> No.8202677

The Jo Ann's I've been going to for years never used the numbers. There was hardly anyone in the store so they never bothered. I started going to a new Jo Ann's that opened that's closer to where I work. I didn't know I had to get a number, so I wait at the cutting counter for about five or ten minutes waiting for someone to come up. Someone else walks up just as the employee does. The employee doesn't even look at me, calls the number and the other lady walks up. "Excuse me, I was here first." Then the employee says to me in the most condescending tone that I needed to get a number. I was so humiliated. I always had horrible experiences there. It's the only Jo Ann's I've ever been to where the employees have serious attitude problems. It's not even worth going there even though it's 10 minutes down the road from work. I started going to the one that's 30 minutes away again. Never going back to that one. Oh and one of my friends works at the Jo Ann's I like and she says whenever she calls that store the employees are really rude to her too.

>> No.8202711
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 1414474064767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who does their shopping in the fabric district, I don't know how anyone shops at Joann.
The prices on everything are OP as shit, even with your crappy coupons.

>> No.8202716

I used to always hide it but then I stopped giving a fuck and it's been fantastic. 90% of the time the little old ladies replying with something along the lines of "oh my niece does this!" Or "my granddaughter really likes anime!" The other 10% they just nod their head and cut your fabric and you leave. Usually you can tell who'd be cool about it. When I was in Newport News they'd always ask me how my progress was going or they'd give me tips.
Although I have run in to cosplayers who work at Joanns and they're honestly usually worse than the little old ladies. Yeah, I see the costume satin is a lot cheaper than what I'm buying, I think I'll pass. I've had one insist that she was going to be famous while telling me about her Lolita Attack on Titan cosplay.

Story time as to why you shouldn't be vague with what you're doing:
>waiting to get my fabric cut
>man at the cutting table asking about fabrics
>"it's for a dress, how much should I get"
>no patterns, references, anything.
>"well sir, that depends on the dress and the size"
>starts motioning with hands "well it comes down to here but it's longer in the back and the front is like this and the top is like this, etc."
>"uh okay, what's the size of the person the dress is for"
>more vague descriptions, awkwardly pointing at various women ("her height" "about her size I guess, a lough maybe a more like this other woman")
>this whole conversation goes on about ten minutes as the store is approaching closing time and there's only one clerk cutting fabric
>just kill me

Also there's a 50% off coupon of one cut of fabric til the 28th. Go forth my friends and buy that $20/yd fabric you've had your eye on.

>> No.8202717

>Says someone who has clearly never lived in a city where Joann is the only option.

Fabric districts are very uncommon, anon, no need to brag. I live in one of the top ten largest cities in the USA and we don't even have one.

>> No.8202727

Any so-called quilter who buys their fabric at Jo-ann is a rank amateur. Real quilters go to specialty quilt fabric shops. The stuff Jo-ann sells is not good enough quality. We only bother with chain stores for notion sales/coupons.

>> No.8202773

I may live near NYC, but I sure as hell would rather buy at joann's or online

>> No.8202778
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>Tfw I'm a bit salty as I had an interview last month that went really well at the Joanns I frequent (imo) and didnt get it (among many other interviews in those couple of weeks actually)

God damn, if there was one place I was bitter about not getting the job for, it was there. I dunno I thought I was a good fit as opposed to how many rude, older ladies work at my local one. Plus I need to get something there to finish a cosplay in 2 weeks...Oh well, I kinda wish I knew what I did wrong.

>> No.8202829

When I was 19 I worked part-time at a local fabric store. They haven't updated any of their technology in decades. We had to write out receipts by hand and use calculators, which was time consuming and of course meant that customers would always want to "check the math" to make sure we weren't overcharging them.

My worst experience working there was cutting for this 900 year old Portuguese lady. She was such a fucking witch about how I was folding her fabric that I actually had to let somebody take over because I started crying. It's an embarrassing memory. My manager took me aside and told me to never let a customer see that they make me upset, because then they see they've "won." That was pretty cool of her in retrospect.

Aside from all the Indian ladies making saris, for some reason there were a lot of religious people who shopped there. In particular Amish (or some similar sect) ladies with the weird hair bun bonnet thing and the really frumpy dresses that were all identical but in different colors. Buying fabric to make more frumpy dresses, I'm sure. Maybe it makes me sound like an asshole but I got a weird cult-y vibe from them.

How far did they travel from to get to the city? Are they allowed to use sewing machines? There are so many questions.

>> No.8202847

you do realize that sewing machines can be electrical right?

>> No.8202866

do you mean non-electrical?

>> No.8202886

>lol all these stupid peons are so beneath me because I shop at REAL fabric stores for REAL sewers.

>> No.8202890

I'm at work right now at a Michaels in Orlando but haven't seen any people getting ready for Megacon, only heard about it from coworkers. In other news, giving my two weeks notice today because I hate this place, whoo.

>> No.8202917
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I hate this kind of attitude. The closest fabric or garment district to me is about 7 hours' drive away in Chicago. The next closest is Atlanta.

Maybe I'm just salty because I'm a JoAnns employee, but. Our city used to have an old five-floor fabric store that had pretty much everything. That was, if you could find it. Piles of bolts messily folded and unlabeled, none of the staff were friendly if you were under 40, unless you came with your grandmother. (Photos here from 2006.) They didn't adapt with the times, balked at anything to do with the internet, and refused to innovate or make room for younger sewers. (Also unless you had a Bernina or a Babylock, you were a filthy peasant.) They went out of business a few years ago and people scrambled to find fabric. When JoAnns moved in, we were it.

No, we're not Mood, or designer fabric. Nothing made with our shit will ever be considered high fashion or couture. But dammit, for 85% of the sewing people in this city- housewives looking to make things for their children, kids learning how to sew, costumes, fun home projects or things fir shits and giggles, JoAnns shit is just FINE. Hell, if you know what to look for, get basic solids or dye it yourself, I'd say it's comparable to some of the nice fabric I've gotten at garment districts. (I lived in a city of 4million for a while with an awesome fabric district.) People who want really fancy fabric and want to pay the extra bit and time to find it, awesome, cool. But it's not necessary to come shit on people who can't get to anywhere else.

>> No.8202936

It's not just you - people who look down their nose at other cosplayers or crafters because oh you shop ~~~there~~~ need to remove the sticks from their ass and get off their high horse because being blessed with amazing, cheap fabrics doesn't somehow transform you into a "better" crafter. And usually the people that they're laughing at are ones who would give a leg to have access to a garment district or even just a discount fabric store that isn't an hour away. I'm fortunate enough to have a cheaper store with better options that's a doable haul away, but I'm thankful for my Joann's around the corner so that I don't have to make a giant trek every time I need cotton. And if someone actually likes Joann's selection, who gives a shit? There's a difference between helping show cosplays the different options and gloating.

>> No.8202939
File: 45 KB, 483x389, kuma_sailor-363_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stories like this always make me smile. I confess I don't really hide my power-level at work, if only because I want cosplayers and beginning cosplayers to feel comfortable there. Sometimes I wear my kumacraft necklace (pic related), or fan-related earrings. I have a lot of kids come in with exasperated parents who are embarrassed and put right on the spot by their parents. (When I ask what they're making, the parent whips around and says, "Tell the lady the thing you're making!" in the most condescending tone possible.) It's nice to be able to pull my necklace out or point at my earrings and say, "It's cool, I get it. Who are you making?" I guess some people don't like it because they'd rather not be so obvious or don't want to talk to the cutting counter people, but I dunno, I always find it sort of nice to find another geeky person behind the counter that isn't gonna give me the side-eye.

>> No.8202943


There you go, anon. I didn't notice the gold until I got home, but if you sew it on the inside you can't see it, and it's not uncomfortable. Looks like the price has dropped as well.

It was a little more purple than I'd have liked, but it was the best I could do.

>> No.8202947

Just go at a time when they won't be busy if you can.

>> No.8202951

Amish/Menonite are sort of lenient when it comes to certain things like sewing machines. Stricter ones will have the foot pedal powered ones, but there's an amish-run dry goods store near me and the ladies up front are always sewing on the electric machines, quilting or making dresses or pants or whatever. It kills me though, they use quilters cotton to make thier frumpy dresses. If they used nicer fabric the dresses might look nicer.

>> No.8202985

I don't know anything about it so this is interesting to me.

Do you live in Pennsylvania? I was surprised that we have people like that coming to Chicago to shop.

And if quilter's cotton is what I'm envisioning (kona cotton), what a terrible fabric choice for garments, especially a long dress. It's thin and it wrinkles. Reminds me of how a friend thought broadcloth was a great choice for a tight fitting bodysuit after I told her many times that it was an awful idea. Some people just don't get the picture.

>> No.8203027

Yeah, I'm dead center dutch country, there are Mennonites everywhere. The store I mentioned earlier is full of nothing but quilter's cotton with weird prints on it, I only ever go in for thread and notions, but the ladies are super nice.

>> No.8203058

I was so happy to quit Joann's to go to college. Then I graduated and got a "better" job that was shitty in new ways. It almost makes me miss the old days.

>> No.8203085

10 yards is nothing. it takes me 2 minutes to measure out that much.

it's weird that they have to measure it out I'm >>8201785 and that's pretty much the only corporate policy we don't really follow. but we've been getting some real sketchy shit lately so I've been measuring out since I'm pretty quick anyways. the manufacturer has been shorting us on the green foam and cutting huge holes in the fleece and overlocking and piecing everything.

y'all need to clear the sahara out of your vag. I'm an equal opportunity fabric buyer. in my area, I'm 2 hours from the closet garment district, there are 2 quilt shops accross town, and our competitors, yardage town, beverly's, designer fabrics and discount fabrics. that's a lot of options. now i'm going to tell you why joanns is still sometimes the best option in my specific area.

the garment district is not a good deal once you factor in gas. not only that, almost all of the stores focus on quincenera fabric and cheap special occasion. and 50% of it is sun damaged and warped. I only buy wholesale like lace, twill, and muslin there.

the quilt shops have the same premiums and basics as us, but everything is $5 more expensive.

yardage town and beverly's is just plain rude and dirty. I've gotten some deals at Ytown, but the ladies are so mean unless you listen to their hour long lecture on plastic bag macrame (spoiler: I did. 0/10. would not freeze up in bored terror at the yardage town again). the other competitors don't keep regular stock and are a half an hour. I'm not driving and potentially ending up in traffic to maybe find what I'm looking for.

the fact is, even if you have other options, sometimes Joann is the most comfortable and easy option. it shouldn't be looked down upon if Joann is your go to. if I need interfacing at 9 in the morning, I'm not driving 30 minutes to a competitor that might not even have what I want. I'm going to go to joann's that 10 minutes away.

>> No.8203118

I thought the point of their dresses was to not look nice or fancy? I feel like they go for the least luxury fabrics they can still make decent clothes out of.

>> No.8203178

Anons, can we share couponing secrets? I think I have my couponing game down, but I want to see if I've missed anything
- they take competitor coupons from Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and Hancock
-you can't use % off total transaction competitor coupons
-you can only use 1 %off total transaction coupon per transaction
I can usually use
>Michael's app coupon
>Michael's coupon from website
>Hobby lobby coupon
>Hancock text coupon
>Hancock website coupons
>Joann mail flyer coupons
>Joann text coupon
>Joann email coupon
>Joann app coupons
>Joann website coupons
>Occasional Joann in store coupon
Those are all the ones I can think of. Also, is my store just not following the rules because online it says you can only use 1 of each competitor coupon per transaction, but the ladies at my store just let me keep couponing until I run out of items.
I wish I could find a way to get cheaper fucking patterns without having to wait for all their sales.

Why are patterns so expensive anyways? It's just a bunch of paper but I'm sure there's a reason so I'm curious.

>> No.8203186
File: 428 KB, 450x447, Majestic-Mosaic-small-for-blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly quilting is just like any other craft. You got the pleb level people who do very basic unimaginative work, the people who are decent and play a little with the theme but don't stray too far out of the box, and the people who are god tier and create everything from the pattern up. Like yeah there's the grandma block quilts but then there's shit like this where each tiny bit of color is another sliver of fabric worked into it. I have the same respect for the average quilter as I do for the average cosplayer. If you're shit, you're shit. But there's always going to be someone god tier.

>> No.8203196

I just wait 'til they go on sale, or I buy vintage/used, or I but pdf patterns from indie companies (usually $10)

>> No.8203211

Thanks. The metallic gold might even help with what I have planned.

>> No.8203234

>>Joann app coupons
Can I just say what a massive piece of shit this app is now? I used to love it because I hate printing things out/wasting paper/forgetting the coupon at home, but it enrages me when there's a huge sale with tons of coupons and literally nothing is in the app but 50% off a class. And then the store has no circulars and the cashiers won't give you any coupons that you know exist. Are they trying to kill the app or something? I don't get it.

>> No.8203236

I eBay my patterns, Anon! Yeah, it's sometimes a pain, but If I'm not in a hurry and know what pattern I need, I go straight to eBay or Etsy. I've gotten most of my patterns- even out of print ones- for $5. Most I ever paid was $25, but it was a super specific, out of print pattern and I just stomached it.

It's a good idea to look for dupes too, depending on how complicated the pattern is, there may be really really similar ones in Kwik sew or New Look.

Other than that, best thing I can tell you is wait for the sales and then hoard away anything that looks even remotely interesting like a squirrel. I have TONS of patterns for things that look hideous but the shape is useful.

>> No.8203265

just remember that you can only use competitor coupons on items they also carry. no michaels coupons on fabric. and I believe it's 10 per transaction.

patterns are expensive because they're paying a lot of other people for their work. pattern makers, sample makers, marker designers, and even shipping, manufacturing, and warehouse costs. it takes a lot to make a commercial pattern. but the pattern sale allows 10 per each transaction, so just stock up then like everybody else does.

yeah it's super shitty. they're really pushing text coupons right now more than anything. the website and email have better coupons now. and corporate just killed the in-store ad. honestly I don't expect the app will get better again. at least not until the text campaign stops.

>> No.8203280

I wrote a guide on it though you seem to have the hang of things. Also they do price matching if you can show them a competitor's sale ad.

>> No.8203286

You,realize that in the bible it is a sin to wear garments that mix fibers right? Like, it's either 100% cotton or you are sinning. There are a bunch of smaller sects that still harshly abide by bible rules, but they still use electronics and stuff. Like they aren't amish and can own a car and a TV and such.
The christian Religion is odd to me, it's all Christian, but everyone has different rules. Whatever makes me happy I guess

>> No.8203293

*them happy, no me. Ha

>> No.8203302

you are a god
thank you

>> No.8203321

Nah just cheap. But you're welcome!
>mfw I'm getting into otome and there's no way to be cheap about brand.

>> No.8203329

I honestly like Joanns, it's very relaxing shopping there. Plus, I like to experiment with fabric on the side to see how different fibers react to certain chemical treatments and such for fun. I usually make out very well with coupons, unfortunately I don't have a fabric district near me. I feel like my crowning achievement was making Lothlorien cloaks from some really nice grey suiting wool, but I wanted them to be greenish like in the movies. Managed to dye them to be the exact shade of green I wanted while looking grey under certain light, it was a week long process but I learned a lot about handling wool and dyes. Thank you based Joanns

>> No.8203345

There's 100% cotton fabric that isn't awful though.

The amish/mennonites are cheaper than jews, and richer than jews.

>> No.8203354

The amish are a very very small percentage of American Christians. the ones who try to follow the Bible exactly are Jehovah's Witness, who are more like a branch of it and are pretty culty.

Not necessarily a horror story but I was as Michaels today when:

>waiting in checkout line
>family at one register with a bunch of wedding favors items
>Cashier calling other Michaels in the area
>"So you may be able to find some of what you need at the Redwood City store but otherwise you will have to order more. We can have them here by next monday"
>"But my wedding is Sunday!"

>> No.8203368

>rich amish

Really? How?

>> No.8203379

>I dunno I thought I was a good fit as opposed to how many rude, older ladies work at my local one.
You may've not been a good fit for the job at this particular location because of that--too young, too this, too that--the person hiring you could've felt your personality wouldn't mesh well with current workers or may've felt threatened by you for any number of reasons.
>Oh well, I kinda wish I knew what I did wrong.
Sometimes it's not about you. It's shitty, but sometimes people have already been selected for jobs (they know someone that works there, etc.), but they have to go through the motions of interviewing other applicants. It's hard to not take it personally, but if you know about some of the BS that goes on behind the scenes then it's easier to brush it off faster.

Best of luck in your job hunt.

I live in GA (USA) and we have plain-dressing Mennonites. I've since learned that there's many different denominations of Mennonites, but the ones in my area wear plain dress and use electricity and cars.

>> No.8203403

Another joann employee here.
I got interviewed by the same guy twice and he completely forgot about me. I wore a similar outfit and said the same answers and he definitely didn't remember me. But, the second time I got hired so oh well I guess.
I also never got officially trained, everything I know is from asking questions and guessing.
One time this lady spilled a bunch of shit and when I went to clean it up she told me that that'd teach me to go to college. I hate people.

>> No.8203410

They make everything for themselves, and they grow their own food, etc. and they sell all the extra they don't need. S2G they're loaded. I have a family member who married a mennonite guy (they got divorced, go figure) and they were LOADED. They guys also often go into construction and similar work that pays a LOT, their families own a lot of land so they don't really pay for that, they build their own houses and save on labor costs that way, and they generally just don't buy a lot of shit. Think of how much you spend on your internet, smartphones, tv, whatever luxuries that they just don't use.

>> No.8203415

>she told me that that'd teach me to go to college

You should have told her you're in college and have to live in a car to get by.

>> No.8203422

It's because old ladies were complaining that "you have to have a smart phone to get coupons!" and bellyaching that all the young people were getting more coupons and it wasn't fair, and we tried to explain that they still have the paper ones... So JoAnns' solution was just to axe them.

Same thing with the in-store coupons.

>> No.8203448

I told her I did go to college (well, I kind of stuttered it at her because I was so taken aback) and she flipped right around and was super sweet and asking me what my major was and shit. I just stormed past her and flipped out in the break room till I calmed down enough to go back out and clean up her mess.

>> No.8203472

It depends on the sect what they can use. In general Mennonites are more lenient than Amish, but there's extremists and moderate groups in both. Cotton is the most popular fabric because its easy to sew, easy to wash, cheap to buy and is comfortable in most weather. The local farmers market is owned by a moderate Amish family and they seem more concerned with modesty, frugality, and practicality than the strict traditional style. The women are able to wear just about any color they want as long as its cotton, the ones staffing the kitchens have short sleeves and mid-calf skirts because of the heat, and I've even seen some simple tone-on-tone patterns in the fabrics used. Men have a plain cotton button up shirt and plain cotton or linen slacks. Kids definitley have more freedom and I've even spotted the under-10 kids of both genders wearing plain tshirts and bermuda style shorts in the summer. Some of the teen and young men wear button-fly jeans too if they're doing outside work, I guess its just more sturdy.

>> No.8203500


quilting is an artform. replicating costumes someone else designed for a chinese cartoon is not. you sound like a fucking tool.

>> No.8203501

Haha that's hilarious.

My guess is she was actually buying bulk muslin for patternmaking and was trolling you, but you never know.

>> No.8203540


>> No.8203611


>fabric district in chicago

it includes a joann's so like

>> No.8203834

>figuring out how to take these ridiculous costumes designed to be purely fiction and turn them into something that looks presentable IRL is any less of an artform than sewing together shapes into a giant rectangle

>> No.8203951

>Chinese cartoon

I'm calling bait.

>> No.8203959

Yeah, don't they know this is a polynesian image board?

>> No.8203967

This is great! Out of curiosity, are there actually places that carry the same brands as Joanns, and which ones? I never thought there would be, even if that sounds totally stupid of me.

>just remember that you can only use competitor coupons on items they also carry. no michaels coupons on fabric. and I believe it's 10 per transaction.
I hadn't known about the ten per transaction, but they've never had any problem with the coupons I use besides Michaels on fabric. Other than that, they've let me use Michael's on notions and sewing supplies.

>> No.8203973

They are mostly shit, but there's almost always a 5 off 30 or 15 off 75 or whatever, so I'm able to use one of them.

>tfw no such thing as a quick trip to Joanns for one or two things.

Also, have any of you anons every noticed how people say Joanns instead of Joann? Or is it just people in my region?

>> No.8203988

Will you share with us your wisdom, anon? I'm actually looking to help my friend with her larp gear and she said she wanted a Lothlorien cloak, oddly enough. She's super sweet so I'd love to make her something extra special and awesome.

>> No.8203994

Well yeah any other fabric store is going to carry the same items like "blizzard fleece" or "special occasions fabrics" even if they aren't the exact same brand. And usually sales aren't brand specific, they're for categories like I listed.

>> No.8203998

Fuck old people. They're going to die soon anyways, they should just amass their knowledge, give it to us, quit being cranky assholes and just get out of our hair.
Not really, but that's how I feel sometimes.

>> No.8204003

OOh, okay, I was thinking in more of a regular couponing mindset. Like, if you want to use a competitor's ad to get the same price at Walmart, it has to be the same brand and size, etc.

>> No.8204045

Duck Dynasty has everything imaginable marketed now so I'm not surprised. Saw on TV the other day they've got a video game and a musical is coming out.

>> No.8204072

What I don't get is that they used to have the coupons that were in the circular were in the phone?? So who cares? I know that technically you could use both at once because they were different codes but then they should've just made them the same code, not fucked the smartphone users by removing all the app coupons.

The kicker is that the website now has all the coupons on it. Unless you try to access it from a moblie phone of course - it actually displays a smaller selection of coupon commotion ones in mobile view. It really boggles my mind.

>> No.8204091

I like to call the different 'branches' of Christianity FLAVORS!

"Oh, you're Christian? Which flavor?" for example.

>> No.8204097

You must be 18+ to use this website.

>> No.8204110

You're adorable.

>> No.8204113

It's also a sin to judge and be a hypocrite, so I guess all of /cgl/ is going to burn in hell.

>> No.8204114

"Chinese cartoons" is an /a/ meme.

>> No.8204123

Scan ads from JoAnns, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and Hancock and you'll see what I mean (also I guess any other big fabric/craft stores that are around you).

>> No.8204298

>One time this lady spilled a bunch of shit and when I went to clean it up she told me that that'd teach me to go to college.
>I told her I did go to college (well, I kind of stuttered it at her because I was so taken aback) and she flipped right around and was super sweet and asking me what my major was and shit
Fucking hell. I hate the bullshit stigma that service employees are no-ambition dead-enders who don't deserve respect. People who buy into that anal cheese need to have their comfortable middle-class lives upturned so they can understand what it's like to NEED a job just to keep eating and have a roof to sleep under.
You handled that woman well though, anon, considering employee conduct rules and whatnot. Sage for anger.

>> No.8205102

There is no fabric district in Chicago.

>> No.8205109


On roosevelt near UIC's campus there's the remnants of the former fashion district. There are at least 2-3 wholesalers in that area (one of which is mostly upholstery but it still counts) and also a huge Joann in the weird high-rise shopping center . The district used to be much bigger but there are definitely still resources concentrated in that area.

>> No.8205584

In the local big fabric retailer store, there's a swimmable mermaid costume hanging up on one wall along with other random projects. I swear every time I go in there someone else is making some kind of drama over it. Many times its been someone complaining because the store won't sell it and doesn't teach classes or have kits to make their own. At least once I saw a girl ranting over how it wasn't the proper way to make it and they were "misrepresenting the mermaid community as a whole".

>> No.8205817

I had similar bullshit pulled on me when I worked part time at a fabric store. Telling them that I had double major undergrad degree, but had lost my job due to illness usually made them do a complete 180. Which sucks. Because no one, whether they have a degree or not, deserves to be treated like shit for the work they do.

And this is why I always tip waiters and housekeeping. Because fuck people who think that that kind of work is just for "lazy" people or underachievers. Half the women I worked with at that store had other jobs on top of the fabric store, or ran sewing and alterations businesses out of their homes.

>> No.8206143


I almost never hear Joann, it's always Joanns. When people get our their phones to look for coupons or something on the website, we always have to remind them that it's just Joann.com without the s.

>> No.8206181

Those same parent usually cut ties with there kids after 18 (therefor wouldn't even know how there struggle would be) or Not allow their kids to work during school.

>> No.8206213

The mermaiding community is seriously insane anyways, so I could see it happening

>> No.8206225

You know I JUST did that today. I punched in Joanns on the search/address bar on my phone and it brought Joann.com as the first thing.

>> No.8206298

you know how when you get fabric cut at joann, they have the number system?

so it was a really busy day for the line and I pulled a number and waited a good 20min for my turn. Now, THIS BITCH, pretends they have my number and gets their fabric cut when I run up to the table. This messes up the system to where they just skip me, and I'm off to the side trying to tell them they skipped me and then this lady (who is obviously next) sees me and probably thinks I'm trying to sneak in?? So she starts to stand in front of me/ right behind the people who cut me, but I gave no fucks and right when the person who cut me got done I told them they skipped me and that I'm next. (waited another 10 min at this point because they took damn forever)

just why

>> No.8206312

Maybe it's because the other two big stores have an s at the end: Michael's and AC Moore's.

Odd note: I say Joann's, but if it's the full name, I say Joann Fabrics.

>> No.8206427

I know for me it's a carryover from Michaels, since Michaels is the full store name and I was into crafts long before starting cosplaying. I think it might also be a language thing that's built into branding culture, since a lot of stores that use a single name have a possessive appended to the store name.
>Lowes, Sam's Club, McDonalds, Wendy's, Carl's Jr
>so many of these are fast food places but I promise I'm not a greasy slob; when you start thinking along one theme of stores you kinda get stuck there

That's happened to me a few times, but I'll hop onto the next number and show my ticket at the next person in line. They're usually pretty understanding.

>> No.8206457

>apply to Jo-Ann's for night shift remodel
>keep me afterwards for regular hours since I sew
>no one teaches me the rules
>get written up for labeling a remnant wrong
>cutting fleece for young mom
>"you cut that so carefully did you cut it the exact measurement I needed?"
>manager threw away my apron/name tag because I hung it next to the fridge instead of the other side of the break room
>stopped getting scheduled
>guess I got fired?

It's funny since there was an older employee who was a total bitch to me when I worked there but now that I'm just a customer she is SO nice to me. They're always understaffed and I have to wait forever just for someone to walk up to the register to check me out.

>> No.8206475

I hate this print so much. My college is very agricultural so all the girls in my classes have the pink version of this. What makes people think this looks nice? You're not blending in with that pink (or purple in your pic), so what's the point? I saw swimsuits with this print in an ad for Academy Sports....

>> No.8207629

>>stopped getting scheduled
>>guess I got fired?
Fucking stores that do that. At least tell me, not this passive aggressive bullshit.

>> No.8207657

...I do this quite frequently with one friend. Mostly because I sew most of our projects and she never knows how much to get, so its usually "hey wanna go get fabric later today?" (aka "please help me") And an hour later we're debating trim and trying to decide zippers or elastic.

I've run into a few friends, and a cosplayer I was following on dA was working at one once. Ran into another cosplayer when she noticed we were buying 12 yards of ribbon and satin for "just two jackets".

>> No.8207703

>About 6 months ago
>At cutting counter
>Buying sheer, glittery, purple fabric to make wings
>Woman at the counter:
"Ya makin' a toga?"
>"....... yes"
>why did I say that?
"Ooooh! What shool are you going to?"
>Name a random local college
>In to deep. The lies can't stop
Oh yeah! My brothers all went there......"
>She looks at the fabric with deep concern
".....honey this material is awfully sheer for a toga don't ya think?"
>".................... It's gonna be a good party."
>Leave counter

I'm not even in school right now.
And now I'm nervous when I go back to Joann's from fear I might have to continue my lies.

>> No.8207714

I know this is off-topic but god please give me dramu links. This sounds delicious.

>> No.8207717

I don't work at Joanns, but we do that at work when people call off too much and are just bothersome pains in the asses or don't seem to care. We recently did that to a kid who never called back about coming in for extra shifts, was horrible at work, terribly socially awkward, never listens or pays attention when we're trying to properly train him. We've also done that to people who call off a lot, but now the store manager is just big on just firing everyone who calls off excessively. But yeah usually for us it's because you're being a pain in the ass who doesn't seem to care so we don't care either and we give the hours to people who do. Not saying anything about you, but that's what it tends to be from a management perspective anyway.

>> No.8207724

The goal here is to force you to quit, rather than outright fire you so that they have to write up reports/justify it/pay out unemployment/all the stuff they're supposed to give you.

I have no idea if some states have a minimum hours/week law, but they should.

>> No.8207776

You know. It reminds me how during one of the training sessions at Disney. They had changed Disney's California Adventure, to Disney California Adventure. They said it sounded to possessive. Like it's suppose to be the guest's adventure, not Walt's. I guess it's also like the whole Berenstain/Berenstein bears thing.

>> No.8207809

I've been interested in mermaiding, is the community something I should stay away from?

>> No.8207816

You were too sick to party, and some bad stuff happened just prior, so you'd rather not discuss it.

>> No.8207866

I never heard anything, and the last time I was in I thought I was going to be back next week but nope. Guess not. The place was pretty bad though. They once had a guy on the schedule, he came in the they said oh wait sorry you're not on the schedule that's an error and he had to go home. 4 hour two way commute for jack.

>> No.8207893

Macy's did this to my brother but he didn't care since he only wanted to work there for the holidays. He just got to enjoy his employee discount until they officially let him go.

Kek. Same thing happened to me, and what's worse, she left the counter to ring me up as well.
>tfw you're in too deep now and can only continue the charade

>> No.8208225
File: 22 KB, 299x307, 33099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's any consolation, I don't remember 90% of the customers I cut for, even when they come up and go "hey remember that project I started last time?" and I'm like "Uhhh...oh yeah totally!". After a while everyone starts to look the same.

>> No.8208465

It's.... just AC Moore.

Not Ac Moore's.

>> No.8208492
File: 141 KB, 640x481, 333862026_c112c53e6d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A kind of happier story for all the horrors in here.

>My friend and I in a Joannes late, just buying a few things
>Go to get something cut.
>Some guy in front of us is getting two whole bolts of black fabric, which all has to be measured out.
>JFC its 8pm. My friend and I just stare
>Finally get our one thing cut.
>In check out line, that guy is in front of us
>Cashier asks him what he's making
>He's from Busch Gardens and one of their gorillas just had a baby, they needed to make giant curtains to shield them from light and annoying guests
>immediately regret judging him

He was cool, we all talked for a few minutes before leaving.

>> No.8208623


They also don't have to pay property tax, since they're living on what is considered "holy grounds"

>> No.8208624

Macys did that to me. They had some kind of mix up where they hired too many people at once, so they just kept giving people shitty hours until they either quit or asked for transfers. There was a period where I only worked one or two days a week for 3 months then they called me in a panic on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving asking if I could come in immediately. Was literally in the process of boarding a plane at that moment so took the opportunity to just finally quit.

>> No.8208646

>go up to counter with a mess of fabric and trim
>lace, sheers, organza, tulle, jersey, lingerie stretch net, spandex, microsuede, silk ribbon, beading, etc
>getting less than a yard of everything
>(it was a slow day, i know my cuts are a pain in the ass)
>girl at counter looks at my mass of stuff with wide eyes
>she gets visibly more excited with every bit she cuts
>looks me right in the eye about halfway through
>"this is going to be the CUTEST baby blanket ever"
>just kind of nod and smile back
>dont have heart to tell her its for pokemon themed bras

>> No.8208665

They're great for sharing information, and there's some very nice people. But there's a pretty high amount of ridiculous. Its kind of split between the performers that are in character 100% of the time, the naturally catty bitches that are in any female oriented hobby, the crafters that will start fights over who invented this style of seashell bra, and the honest to goodness mermaid-kin who think they are the fucking Lorax of the sea. Honestly just kind of hold everyone out at arms length and you'll be fine.

Also just fucking avoid Raina.

I'm not involved enough to have found the /cgl/ of the mer community, but on MerNetwork there is a thread called Bitch or something in the Chatterbox section. Its a bit disjointed since they move posts from other threads there when drama comes out. Basically instead of actually deleting fights they just reroute them and let them duke it out in there. Pretty sure the entire forum is public view so you dont need an account or anything to see it.

>> No.8208831

>>8206457 here. Makes sense, I guess I was just a lazy employee then? It was my first job and I was more concerned with school so I never asked for more shifts, but I never called in. I guess I should have noticed something when they scheduled me to come in while I was still in class and didn't really give a crap that I showed up late because of it. I gave them my school schedule but they kept scheduling me that way.

Now that you mention it, this is what the animal hospital I worked for did. There was an employee that ALWAYS called in sick and left us shorthanded but never got in trouble. Then my boss talked with her and the employee decided to leave. I guess she could never find a babysitter? Anyway, my boss kept shitty employees, knowing they were shitty, I guess to avoid paying unemployment.

>> No.8209781

Really don't wanna go into work today, guys. This fucking 20% coupon, and we're hideously understaffed.

>> No.8209820

I have a choice between two stores today to use that. A tiny ass one that's close and horribly staffed and a big one I've never had problems at but 20 more miles of driving. I'm definitely going with the latter.

>> No.8209889

Despite the coupon we're not bad, it was actually ugly slow for a while. but they have me tagging and resetting home dec and backup for everywhere. So.

Yeah nevermind. Its bad.

>> No.8209935

>girl at counter looks at my mass of stuff with wide eyes
>she gets visibly more excited with every bit she cuts
>looks me right in the eye about halfway through
>"this is going to be the CUTEST baby blanket ever"
o-oh my god, that's actually adorable

>20% off total purchase coupon
I'm so sorry for doing this to you, anons...

>> No.8209996
File: 74 KB, 366x486, mb_ff[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you gulls navigate a fashion district? My parents' house is about a half-hour away from the LA Fashion District, but I've been way too intimidated by the traffic and the variety of stores to try to shop there when I'm visiting my parents.
>did you go with a seasoned veteran on your first visit?
>how did you find your favourite stores?
>how different is the experience from the retail experience at JoAnn?

I'm kind of nervous/stressed-out enough that I might end up only doing the 20-minute drive to JoAnn for the sale this weekend to make some purchases I've been meaning to get.

>> No.8210001

if the L.A. fashion district is anything like the NYC one, I would go with an experienced person. if you're claustrophobic, or easily overwhelmed by variety, or anxious about finding employees to cut stuff for you, go to Joann's.

>> No.8210009


In LA, went for my first time a few weeks ago.

I went on Sunday, so most of the stores (including Mood, which isn't even in the fabric district though) were closed, but there was still plenty of selection and less foot and vehicle traffic. I was referred to it by a seasoned veteran, but brought a friend who doesn't even know how to sew, just for the trip.

The thing is that it's harder to just browse like Joann, you have to know what you're looking for and ask for it. This will also save you a lot of time.
Most things are sold by yard and prices aren't generally listed. More yards are cheaper.

>> No.8210011

You guys should try shopping on Goldhawk road. Small-Medium size shops filled to the ceilings with fabric, one or two walkways about 2ft wide. It's madness. Always go alone.

>> No.8210014

I appreciate the 20% off coupons, but I always want to go shopping on Wednesday, and the coupons are always Thursday-Sunday.

>> No.8210016

Wear good walking shoes, stand tall and be ready to be aggressive. also bring bring a bottle of water, snacks and sunscreen. If you like a place, take their card. The second time is always easier because youre mre used to it.

>> No.8210049

Thanks so much! I'm not claustrophobic or anxious about employee interaction - I've shopped at large indie fabric stores on my own before, but never an entire district! I'm going to try diving in tomorrow or Sunday.

>> No.8210082

>o-oh my god, that's actually adorable
i still dont know how she looked at a pile of fabrics entirely from formal/apparel/lingerie sections and went "Definitely a baby blanket".

>> No.8210431
File: 21 KB, 350x217, Los_Angeles_Bead_Store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture for ants, but this place is the fucking bomb if you need beads and stuff.
I usually start out on Maple Ave. and branch out from there, that area has a pretty good concentration of large-ish stores and I don't feel like I'm in danger of being murdered.
Don't bother with Santee Alley, it's a mobbed tourist trap filled with shitty knockoff purses and hot dog stands every 3 feet.

>> No.8210498

Do you think you could make a macro like LA Fashion District Guide for Cosplayers? Heroes of Cosplay was shit but at least it gave me a peak of what that area has to offer and it looks amazing.

>> No.8210500

welp I know what I'm doing this weekend.

Moved to OC from Manhattan. Always wanted to try the LA fabric district but never knew where to even start or what a good plan of attack was. One minute fabric stores, next minute tiger blankets and gigantic fleece blankets with horses spray painted on them.

Any hints on good trim stores? I heard there was an excellent one but got busted because it turned out to be a front for a cartel. Sucks because it was the one store I went to and they had beautiful beaded trims.

>> No.8210509

holy fucking shit this would be awesome.

Contributing Ace Sewing Machine shop.

Claustrophobic, hot as hell, but excellent inventory for things like dress forms, pressing tools, clappers, cutting boards, etc.

214 E 8th St
Los Angeles, CA

Mood fabrics is the one fabric shop I've been able to get to and I loved it but I am really hunting for more fabric shops.

>> No.8210833

Used to live in new York city. Even when I was younger and didn't know about the fashion district you pretty much had the same indie shops in the outer boroughs so I was used to the set up. In NYC the shops are all pretty much set the same, like fabrics grouped together, trend fabrics right in the center if shop, and all the "costume" fabrics all in the back ( pleathers, furs, etc). I got so used to cheap fabric and the most expensive thing I found would be ten bucks.

Now I moved and I cry all the time. All there is here is a joanns... And never in all my life I would have guessed that i would... End up working there. Oh the horrors of horrors. Good thing is I got hired as a cashier and only touched the cutting counter twice. Its fun but fuck... In the past month I've worked ... Five hours lol

>> No.8210986

Ok since we're talking fabric districts, is there anything decent in Portland? I've gone to the big Fabric Depot and found the one Mills End near Uwajimaya, but are there any neat small shops I'm missing out on? And is it worth it to stop at the other Mills End actually in the city, the parking seems awkward.

I just keep thinking there must be more crafty places hidden since everyone and their mom is an ~artiste~

>> No.8211083
File: 24 KB, 500x375, goddammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working about 40 hours now
>Part Time
>Two other jobs to try and scrape by
>Axe my hours periodically, unpredictably just so they don't have to pay my for healthcare benefits
>No asking off any days till June


>> No.8211086


I wish we had more cosplayers come into our store! I'm jealous. One of my co-workers was actually banned from a large con in our area for stealing merchandise, but other than that we don't get too many of those types. Mostly just old ladies and suburban white mothers.

>> No.8211092

How "unique" are the fabrics at garment districts? I have been searching for a specific faux fur print for probably a year now and the closest I've been been able to find is velboa. I really don't want to handpaint the pattern on 2yds of long pile fur...

>> No.8211101

It varies. You'll see some of the same in each shop that sells fur and others that one shop has but the other doesn't.

There's actually a directory for the fashion district


Also, my personal favorite shop with one of the better selection of fabrics and trims is L.A. Alex Inc. When I hit the fashion district with friend's we ALWAYS hit that shop. There's a few specific shops we like to hit. There's one that's got buttons(it's the shop that has the wings hanging on the wall)

>> No.8211158


Also, when you pay cash in the smaller shops, count your change right there. I've been suspiciously shortchanged a buck or two before, so be on the lookout.

>> No.8211226

Not really a "weird" story, but one time I was out with my dad really early doing errands and asked to stop at Joann's when the opened at 10. We ended up getting there like 10 minutes before they opened the store and it was kind of funny waiting there, in a line, on a cold Sunday morning, with like 6 other old women, for the store to open. I was the youngest person there.

Anyways, I always wonder what I'm going to say if someone asks what I'm doing but I always just say I'm making a costume and people tend to leave it at that. I've just recently started sewing so I hadn't gotten too many questions actually the past few times I was in there except for one of my most recent visits when I had iron-on applique paper, some purple and black kona cotton, and a huge bag of fiber fill. I found it kinda weird since considering the other past purchases I've made, the items were all much weirder in relation to each other (floral foam shapes, fabric, craft stuff) I thought.

Which reminds me, in that same visit with the kona cotton, the lady cutting my fabric was asking what was I doing, suggesting possible lengths for me since I wasn't sure on one of the fabrics, etc. and I think got busy trying to input into the little price gun a discount on some of the fabric since I ended up buying the last yards on the bolt, she forgot to scan my black fabric...pretty sure I got at least like $20 worth of fabric for nothing. I felt bad but my friend told me "people make mistakes" and to just forget about it. Should I have gone back?

>> No.8211291

I live in north NYC and I don't have a car. The nearest Joann's is in jersey so I rely heavily on local places when I don't wanna take an hour train ride to the city for bias tape.

>local craft and fabric store is run by old Hispanic women
>the traffic is mostly women between 35-60 something.
>no one is social. No one wants to chat or ask if you need help.
>went to the ribbon wall looking for a purple finish on a dress
>take it to cutting counter and lady says "why are you getting this one?"
>she walks over to a bin I hadn't seen and grabs an entire spool of ribbon in the right color.
>"it's clearance. This spool is a dollar. Better than paying a dollar a yard, yea?"
>tfw 50yrds of ribbon for many projects and I spent a dollar. Bless you Hispanic cutting counter lady.

>> No.8211361

I love Goldhawk road, if I'd had a bigger budget the last time I went I could've bought all the fabric I needed for my cosplays this year. Plus their prices match those that are on eBay especially for plain solid fabrics, it's awesome.

> tfw when I have a fabric store much closer to me than goldhawk rd but it caters almost purely to middle aged and older ladies who wanna make cushions and blankets
>fleece, florals, and printed fabric with things like jam jars at £39.95 a mtr on them
>no faux furs, only solid fabric is literally a poor selection of the cheapest polycotton and costume satin jacked up in price
> go there but almost always leave with nothing

Was buying off eBay for a long time and wasting money since sometimes the shade of fabric was entirely wrong, until I discovered goldhawk.

>> No.8211533

I knew someone in high school who bragged about stealing stuff from anime conventions. She had problems.

>> No.8211535


Whoops, meant to reply to >>8211086

>> No.8211710

In chain retail store situations, I'm worried that if an employee accidentally gives me something for free, they'll take the blow for it. If retail stories have told me anything, it's that corporate doesn't see its employees as anything more than manipulable dolls to schedule here and then that can be punished whenever one of them breaks or makes a mistake.
>some theatre chains will fire employees who are taking out the trash and find outside rubbish (like a Chipotle wrapper)
>all they did was take out the trash

The event's passed so don't worry too much about it, but maybe keep that in mind in the future.

>> No.8211730

Not the street you need. But the street you deserve. Do always remember to talk them down though. And I do find it funny how if you go at the weekend you can find some more cosplayers.

>> No.8212052

i always see people stealing small keychains and stuff. i wonder if they have a shrine of keychains and small pocketable shit

>> No.8214422

>Should I have gone back?
Let me tell you a story anon...
>A few weeks ago at my local Joanns
>got several yards of very expensive upholstery fabrics cut
>walked around with the first receipt for a while, grabbed other things, then realized that I needed other fabrics
>went and got them cut and these were much, much cheaper
>about ten minutes before the store closed, so I went to leave
>to make it easier for the cashier girl, stacked all the fabric up with both receipts on top
>she is hurrying, says she has date with boyfriend
>She must have only scanned one of them, though
>what should have been a $150 transaction came to about $35
>I had used a boatload of coupons and was used to having differences like that so I didn't think much of it
>driving home and realized that the upholstery fabric had already been on sale and wouldn't have been couponable.
>holy shit I just got a hundred dollars worth of fabric for free!
>go back to store a week or two later
>tell girl who usually checks me out what happened with closing shift girl
>she says not to even worry about it and don't say anything to manager or else everyone will get in trouble.
I wasn't going to argue with it.

>> No.8214674

Don't go back. For something like that, there's no way to track which employee let it go, and when inventory is done it will just be written off as theft or whatever. If you go back management will know specifically that she screwed up.

>> No.8214690

>mfw I'm at the check out and the cashier who has to be about 16 is like *wink wink whats all this foam for* and I'm like... a costume
>"what kiiiinnd of costume"
>sigh... a costume for a convention (at this point I know where this is going and I just wanna buy my dang foam)
>*whips out dirk homestuck glasses from pocket I shit you not*
>"I love cosplay what are you cosplaying have you ever read homestuck what cons are you going to oh my goodddd"
>just give me my fucking foam kid

>> No.8214817

I've been in Hancocks and heard customers gasp-shriek and whine when they see the $30/yard price on the fluorescent fun fur they were already piling into their carts. Also heard some ask the cutter to put it back after she pointed out the price. I bet cutters universally hate the fun fur. People expect it to be $5/yard because you can get a whole plush for $1.

>> No.8214822

>using "*" while green texting
you're doing it wrong

>> No.8214835

Yeah that's an unfortunate side-effect of the majority of customers being totally clueless and assuming that "DIY=cheap".
There's this one Frozen print polyester that's $30/yd for no apparent reason when all the other character prints are half that or less and I always tell people the price before I cut it and most of them get all googly-eyed and don't buy it. The fur prices are pretty clearly labeled though, so I don't worry too much about those except around Halloween when we get hordes of clueless people who have never been in a fabric store before.
I try to be tactful about though like, "this one is on sale today for $X.00", not "Hey poorfag did u know this is some expensive shit rite here?".

>> No.8214858

> They laugh even more while saying "Anon, be more open!" in the middle of Joann.

>> No.8215516

thanks to this thread i went to the LA fashion district today and I found motherfucking silk goddamn motherfucking taffetta for $10 a yard. Right weight and passed the burn test, it was the real deal. Also found embroidered chiffon for $10 a yard. I still can't believe it.

LA gulls, you guys are fucking saints goddamn. I thought Mood Fabric was the promised land, I had no fucking idea.

>> No.8215568

Hell, I don't even work at a fabric store and I hate the fun fur. A Facebook acquaintance of mine who I don't have the balls to unfriend recently had a fucking meltdown over how a Joann's employee had cut her craft fur "wrong" and that it caused it to shed everywhere. Bitch, it was shedding everywhere because you chose cheap craft fur. I'm pretty sure she was expecting the cutting counter employee to flip the fabric over and cut it on the wrong side with a razor blade, which is a pretty tall order for a minimum-wage worker who has corporate breathing down their neck. Just buy a few inches more than you need and don't be a dick to overworked employees.

>> No.8215574

Oh god this reminded me of what happened on black friday last year
>be at target
>pick up some batman/justice league movies because why not for $2 a pop
>checking out and cashier is very overweight, horribly greasy hair, can practically see the stink waves
>m-maybe she just looks like that because of the hell of black friday
>upon seeing the dvd titles, immediately starts testing my cape knowledge
>had never, up til this point, actually interacted with a hambeast
>"u probably don't even know when batman first appeared"
>a little insulted so I reply "detective comics"
>biggest mistake, I should've just let her assume I'm a casualfag
>tests me about superman, who my favorite robin is (dick grayson), tests me about said favorite robin, etc.
>visibly uncomfortable and giving really curt answers
>lady behind me in line keeps giving me sympathetic smiles
>cashier still taking for-fucking-ever to ring up the transaction, still asking me cape questions
>finally the receipt prints and hands me my bag
>oh thank fuck
>grabs my arm before I can get away
>"Dick Grayson is MINE"
>as I'm escaping she is STILL trying to ask me questions, meanwhile completely ignoring the next person in queue
>nopes the fuck outta there
This is why I never let my fucking power level show.

>> No.8215667

hey everyone. >>8201785 is back with a brand new story because yesterday pretty much summed up the entire 2 years I worked at joanns. also found out one of my coworkers is a gull, that was fun (Hi K!).

> be me. 8 hour closing shift (to 9).
> it's 90 degrees outside and the AC still is broken
>it's been broken for 3+ years
>the heater is on in the front half of the store
>it's slow despite the 20% off total purchase
>gull coworker is asked to walk around the store and sign people up for coupons even though we all know she's shy.
>I see my manager setting up chairs and a table
>fuck me it's a make it and take it day
>end up getting roped into it like always. sit at a table of screaming kids for an hour making alien puppets.
>afterwards, get these obnoxious 10 year olds that tell me that they want to make dango costumes and that I don't know what that is.
>I do and that's dumb
>this is only the first 2 hours.
>managers decided to call the next scheduled person and tell them not to come
>Gull Coworker is asked to go clean up the 500th coffee spill in fabric and gets a horrible allergic reaction to our cleaning gloves.
>they send her home when she gets completely red and puffy, boss is having a little tantrum about this being the 2nd claim this month.
>then realize the person they told not to come was the closer.
>there's now 5 cashiers and 1 cut table worker (me).
>people get switched around. someone gets a surprise closing shift.
>there is no one in the store. we're all doing busybody work.
>the heater is still on and everyone is getting sleepy and weird from the heat.
>local cosplayers come in and act all puffy like they're annoyed that I recognized them even though I only know them because they're in a group with my friend.
>fish the key out of the bathroom twice. ignore the colony of paper towels on the floor.
>still close 5 minutes late because we couldn't get some lady out of the fairy garden section in seasonal.

yeah. weird day.

>> No.8215699

That's why we're supposed to quote the price for everything before we cut it. People are to stupid to read the bolt.
Also we universally hate fun fur because it makes a fucking mess. I swear it gets stuck in my lungs.

>> No.8215705

it took me a few years but I now consider myself a vet and a lot of my fav shopkeepers know me and ask about my projects and such.
It is good to go with a vet your first time because it can be really frustrating not to find something you really want because you haven't looked in every nook and cranny.
My favorite stores are usually ones with dependable stocks and prices that I just keep coming back to.
It's very different. First, you can haggle which is great if you're feeling up to it. Second, you can almost always find the same product cheaper in another store if you know where to look. Third- bulk discounts.
Also sat isn't always the best day to go since a lot of store owners are jewish and are closed.
Hell yeah I love Alex. Except I feel like they haven't been as good recently. Their stock hasn't been what it was.

>> No.8215732

D-do you work in an Alhambra store? I was there on Saturday when the Home promotional craft thing was happening and the air conditioning was definitely not on.

>there are like two dozen stores in the SoCal region
>throwing this out there anyways

>> No.8216077

I never bother trying to haggle because the prices are always so low. Got quoted £8 for brocade but at the counter turned out it was £2.99 (and yet still decent brocade? wha?)

Love Goldhawk

>> No.8216163

>closing any store ever

It's always the worst shift, no matter what.

I work fast food and they just switched me from closing to opening, it's so amazingly easy.

>> No.8216275


>> No.8216884


You've made me feel better. When I was buying fur for my Squirrel Girl costume, the woman told me three times how much it cost. I'm generally forgiving of people assuming I'm poor. I look like a teenager. Nice to know she didn't *just* think I had no money.

As to the fur - I think I left a trail of it all the way home. I was freaking out thinking I was going to have a bald squirrel tail!

And, why does everyone balk at telling what they're making? I just show a printed picture of what I'm making. I tend to carry one when I'm working on a project, and it makes those conversations that much easier.

"What am I making? This."

While I've got your attention guys, I was thinking of applying to a local JoAnn. Will they toss my application when they see blue hair and a nose stud? I'd hate to waste the time and paper.

Thanks everyone, and happy crafting.

>> No.8216893

ignore, hide and report bait like related. always.

>> No.8216895

Depends on the area. My Joann is the headquarters store and full of young people with all sorts of hair colors and piercings, but it's also the closest Joann to the second or third biggest college in my state, so the whole area is crawling with edgy youngsters.

>> No.8217020

Aww gawd, people who understand me *little tear of joy*

I work for a major UK fabric store and I can always tell the cosplayers. It's always fun to help them, and usually they seem pleased someone knows what cosplay is and the characters they're doing.

Now I swear if I had a penny for every time I get asked "I need fabric to make x for an average __ " I'd have hundreds of pounds by now.

Or by people blatantly ignoring the queue signs or the "no food or drink" in the shop sign. Yes lady, that includes the crisps your small child in the pram is eating.

>> No.8217040

Thanks. I'll give it a try. Can't hurt, right?


>> No.8217041

>*little tear of joy*
4chan is 18+

>> No.8217079

What even?

>> No.8217088

Really? I've always found closing shifts the best and most fun, personally. Maybe that's why I'd get scheduled for them so often in my last job, since no one else wanted them...what exactly do you find so bad, just the annoying last minute customers like >>8215667 's fairy garden lady? (also canadafag with no joann's here, what even is that?)

>> No.8217129

>"Major UK fabric store"

Not counting GDHK, there are about 3 other 'Major' stores around the UK. Yes, there is the guarantee of always running into other cosplayers, but you don't work there. They're 99% run by grannies.

>> No.8217160

Not that anon and I don't work at a Joann, but closing shifts at retail stores tend to suck so much since you're stuck cleaning up everything that's been messed up throughout the day and helping customers until they goddamn leave (which could be after your posted closing hours depending upon how assholish the customers may be). When I was a cashier I remember being stuck waiting for a customer to finish up shopping almost 30 minutes after close.

As an opener you just clock in, everything's all nice and set up for you, and when it's the end of your shift you just clock out and leave the headache for the next shift. Personally I also prefer opening since I feel like I can still do something with my day after clocking out, unlike when I close.

>> No.8217162

I interviewed there before I found my current job and I'm SO GLAD I didn't accept the position.
They're embarrassingly understaffed but new employees get <20 hours a week starting and they're always <6 hours a day so they can't take a lunch break. I don't know if every Joann's is like this or just the one in my town.
The manager even told me after my interview that I didn't want this job. I really, really didn't want this job.

>> No.8217200

When it comes to a fast food place, you have to clean up everything from the entire day, plus get shit ready for the AM prep crew, plus take care of customers. We have 30 minutes after the store *actually* closes to clean the fryers, floors, shake machine, and all foodmaking equipment. You can do it early, but then there're always those dicks who come through at 11:55 when we close at midnight and order 12 sandwiches (true story), then you have to re-do everything.

Plus more assholes tend to come out at night.

>> No.8217204

I don't. I don't want to give my location away too much, but I'm much farther south. but it's a common problem. when things break they almost never get fixed. our front door was taped open for a week when the automatic opening function broke.

but it always magically fixes itself when corporate walks through.but that's probably not going to happen again considering our AC unit smells like burning hot glue.

I actually don't hate closing shifts that much. I'm actually quite good at them. but as >>8217160
kind of touched on, when I find chocolate (I hope to god it's chocolate. please let it be chocolate.) and starbucks cups shoved in between bolts and a whole section of suitings on the floor, it's a real bummer. and there's always someone that literally doesn't care that you're closed and refuses to leave the store. but once the customers are gone, it's not bad. I put my jpop on and just do my thing.

also fairy garden is this dumb ass section that the old white ladies are obsessed with right now in seasonal. it's like little archways and chairs and shit. and they all keep freaking out about it because it's on clearance for like 40% and there's no sign.

>> No.8217213
File: 87 KB, 500x564, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I walk in Joanns and be like

>> No.8217251

I guess I should contribute.

>be at Hancock, short and shy teenager, pretty nervous all the time
>gets stuff cut, makes idle talk with the cutting girl
>"so, tell me, are you a cosplayer?"
>start sweating
>"cool, I have page on facebook"
>i do too, but i never figure out what hers was
>finally find it months later
>is pure weeboo, no actual punctuation in anything she writes

another one, but with a better ending
>be at hancock again, do you see the trend
>buying fabric and trim for another cosplay
>sees one of my fb friends working, really jarring since he's really tall
>says nothing, just idle chat
>finally asks nervously just to be sure
>"oh yeah i run () cosplay"
>"oh so you are __! I'm anon"
> starts bitching current work in progress, i feel
>"it was nice meeting you! I love your work"
>oh shit
>shyly says "thanks" and pays for my stuff
>man i got a stupid grin on my face but I feel a lot better
>friend quit a couple months later, but it was still nice

>> No.8217361

I've worked at Michaels for almost 9 years. I never really see cosplayers in the store, except very rarely. I've had once a loooong time ago some kid cosplaying inu yasha around christmas.

Found him some really cool beads for the bone necklace he wears.

There are so many things I see at the store that I think would be cool for cosplay, or at least helpful. And if you are a cosplayer but need help finding stuff, just show us a picture or give us an idea of what you're doing.

Most of the people (at least at my store) are fairly nerdy and fairly knowledgeable of products. (Not so much the cashiers since they don't spend a lot of time on the floor).

>> No.8217580

No lie that shit is terrible for you, especially the shorter densely woven stuff. My mom used to make marionette puppets with fun fur and there was a point where she was sneezing out pink fuzz. After that she started cutting it outside on the porch while wearing a dust mask.

>> No.8217620

Ah fair enough, that all makes sense. I worked at one of those super-sized Petsmarts for a while and we'd close at 9pm, I'd usually be scheduled in until 10. The store would usually be an absolute wreck by the end of the night, and I'd often have to clean and face the entire thing myself within that hour, but I was honestly really good at facing/resetting stuff so I never minded. I think there was just something really satisfying about turning the customer-induced hurricane into something pristine for the next morning, even if it meant literally wiping dog shit off the floor more often than not and hunting down cans of cat food people wouldn't admit to having opened. I can totally understand how that would be hell for some people though.

>> No.8217629

I think >>8216893 might have misquoted and was referencing the post above yours, with the super b8 "eww."

>> No.8217696

Non-Joann anon again. It'd be cool if I were scheduled past closing, but our cashiers, lot associates, and customer service associates are only scheduled until closing time--having to stay after for however long is frustrating and mentally exhausting since we're never really sure when we'll be able to go home. After that we may be locked into the building for as long as 20 minutes off the clock if our manager's already started walking the perimeter. It's not all bad, but it's not as convenient as opening shift.

>> No.8217739

We have a bigwig coming into our store tomorrow, so we didn't get out till 11pm tonight. We opened up the door jams and scrubbed them, the works. My everything hurts from scrubbing and crouching.

Morning shifts sort of suck sometimes because getting up early and fighting commutes, but I like them because there's still some day left, and as you say, you get to just sail out of there, say sayonara, suckers.

>> No.8217804
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I was really tired and read that sign as "experience the captivity" which seems to be accurate according to all of the employees here.

>> No.8217900


Fuck fun fur.
Fuck minky.
Fuck anything that produces clouds of lint when you cut it. Ugh.

>> No.8218275


Use a box cutter to cut fuzzy and furry fabrics. It will minimize the shred 'n' shed.

>> No.8218374
File: 44 KB, 670x501, Sleeping-Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I close almost every night, and we stay until 11:30. It sucks.
On the other hand though, doing thorough recovery satisfies my mildly OCD cleaning habits like other anons have said.

But then it's kind of soul crushing to come in the next evening and see my perfectly organized tulle aisle all fucked up again because our customers are wild animals with no appreciation for beautiful things.
Biggest peeve is people who change their mind about cut fabric pieces and just jam them onto random shelves or under them on the dirty floor like they're trying to hide them. Just leave them at the cut table, it's so much easier to process them that way.

>> No.8218579

>when they schedule you close to open
>close, get home at 12:30+
>have to be back in the door by 8AM

We're waiting on an inspection, it was supposed to happen by the end of March so I assume they'll show up today. Thank god I have off. The boss gets so neurotic when we have anyone higher up than him in the store.

>> No.8218696

>go to a JoAnn with my mom once
>looking to get fabric for a cosplay
>I had previously commissioned this cosplay from somebody from coscom (that was the only time I did that and I regret it) and it turns out it was from China and also a piece of shit
>while I'm getting it cut, the person cutting it talks to me, we end up getting on the topic of cosplaying
>turns out she's a fantastic commissioner, she loves to cosplay
>commission the cosplay from her
>it turns out really great

>> No.8219015

That makes sense. Thanks. It's always dis-concerting to think I've pissed someone off and didn't know why.

I'd like to give a thanks to all you hard-working souls at JoAnn. I had to go there yesterday to pick up a spool of thread and -my god- .... you all deserve a raise. Or two.

>> No.8219146
File: 48 KB, 480x640, tumblr_njvjrmCwRH1u3dyrio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Augh, I always hated that.

>Ex-HobbyLobby workfag
>October-January is hell
>mfw "Anon, where's your Christmas spirit?!"
>It died back in August when we started putting it out.
>There are no magical elves that stock the departments at night. It all has to be done in one day.
>sure, we got paid well, but skeleton crew
>dealing with bullshit
>Thankfully didn't have to deal too much with weaboos.
>End up breaking down Christmas week
>Fired day before Christmas Eve
>Probably the best thing to ever happen in my life.

>> No.8219263


Grannies? If you class people between the age 20 and 40 as grannies sure, as that's the average age range of the workers in the shops. You must be 13.

There, I work for Fabric Land. Happy?

Back in topic, funny stories:

My favourite so far has been someone ringing the shop to know if we sold white fabric.

There's also a scary number of college fashion design students in their final years who can draw edgy clothes but have no idea how to make them or what materials to buy for them.

Also I wonder how so may teachers teach textiles in schools without knowing how to sew. Over half the students turn up with a piece of paper vaguely saying what they need and instructed by their teachers to ask the ladies at the fabric shop how much they need and what to chose.

>> No.8219309

As someone who works in a fabric store and is majoring in fashion design, i can tell you that it is almost impossible to get a good textiles teacher. Ive talked to people from 5 different schools and no one learned anything when they took textiles, myself included. Most students give up pretty quickly.

The super generic fabric questions are my favorite.

>> No.8219313
File: 191 KB, 463x344, buratino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not joanns related but holy shit can i just vent for a second about shitty training

>get hired for holiday crew at kohl's department store, first job in my life
>they try to put me on a register with 1 hour of training
>panic, finally get someone to let me ghost during their shift so i can at least see how things work
>huge store with huge staff, no communication from store managers, only find out when i'm doing shit wrong through gossip from shift managers
>want to go home every day and cry
>christmas rolls around and i'm sick as fuck, snot dripping from my nose and a frog in my throat
>struggling to do job without being disgusting
>"hey anon can you work the day after christmas"
> say i've been feeling really ill and can't
> never get called in again
> no one officially tells me i was let go
> may still technically be on the employee roster to this day, who fucking knows

i still get nauseous just driving by that fucking store

>> No.8219342

Baer's fabric?

>> No.8219471

Really? Because I'm a fashion student and all of my teachers seem to go from one class to the next each semester (eg. illustrations teacher will suddenly teach sewing), and we're all required to know how to figure out what fiber each garment is composed of, what the properties of the fabric are, how to care for them, etc. Did I just get lucky and go to a good school or something?

>> No.8219537

that sounds wonderful. you are lucky and I am relieved to hear that somewhere, they are actually teaching textiles right.

when I took it, the teacher would make groups of students teach the lectures (with no help on what we were supposed to do, she would give us a chapter number and that was it.) every week. and at the end of each presentation she'd stand up and say "well that's wrong" and then not correct what was wrong. we never even used the swatch book.

the class was peer graded so everyone got As. because I got an A, I can't actually retake it at my new school because it transferred over.

all that stuff is expected at my current school, but few people actually know that stuff.

>> No.8219550

This is what scares me about getting a job. I already have major anxiety as it is.

>> No.8219559

Ding ding!

>> No.8219561

No. Don't be scared about getting a job. You're never going to get one if you think a particularly shitty event at some retail store is going to give you an anxiety attack.

Shitty things happens at EVERY SINGLE JOB IN THE UNIVERSE. And great things happen too.

>> No.8219566

It's more my anxiety making me physically ill just at the thought of being in a stressful situation. I don't do well under pressure at all.

>mfw I wish I could just run an at home business forever
I don't make a lot but it's better than nothing.

>> No.8219599

Try getting a job at a library. At the one in my city those bitches just sit around reading magazines all day, and when you want to check something out they stay and finish the article they're on before sullenly stomping over to the counter to scan your book in complete silence while avoiding eye contact.

>> No.8219603

no, library jobs are not like that at all, anon. they actually have way more customer talking and contact than alot of other retail jobs.

>> No.8219610

Wow, that's really shitty, I'm sorry anon. I absolutely hate when teachers pull that stuff because half the kids in the class can't even speak english and/or can't even speak well enough. I guess at this point, all you can do is read the text book and do all the tests yourself

>> No.8219620
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We do have one in town I've been wanting to apply to. It's just a total downer how many places in this small country town I'm in has help wanted signs and every time I pass by one I think about applying and then I remember "Nope. You'd break down in tears the minute someone asked you to do something above stocking merchandise."

Up until now I've had a small reselling business, worked summer programs at the library, petsitted, and had some teachers assistant opportunities in daycares/pre-k thanks to a high school course but I'm not qualified to actually be a teachers assistant without two years of college, which I can't afford.

I mean, I know the worst thing that can happen is that I'll be fired but even though I know that, my anxiety just kicks into overdrive and the last time I had a job interview and was legit about to get a job, she told me she wanted to start me out as a cashier despite me applying over an overnight stock job and no amount of telling her "No, I need the overnight job. I'll even take the day shifts for product stocker." would change her mind and I seriously started crying in the interview. Needless to say, I didn't get the job.

I'm going to try though. Going to channel my inner /cgl/ bitch and suck it up and just go for it.

>> No.8219640

That sounds fucking awful.

Did the captcha system get changed again, because I have a dancing robot telling me I'm human and I don't remember that happening before?

>> No.8219670

It's probably for April Fools tomorrow.

>> No.8219822

Having a home business isn't going to help your anxiety anon, take it from me. You will constantly be running dozens of deadlines through your head, who to call, what to finish, what to wait on. You'll always fear that your customers won't be as happy with your product or service and with a home business, you can't ever just leave you work at work. You're clicking away at your phone to keep in touch with customers at dinner, you're crunching numbers in your head when you should be paying attention to the movie you promised your little sister you'd watch with her, it never ends. I'm so high strung that my anti-drug fiance suggested I start smoking weed. It may be a different kind of stress than the pressure put on you by a manager or coworkers, but it's way more.

>> No.8219830

Anon you're replying to here. Actually for me it's really nice because I'm control of it. I mean, I just resell stuff on FB and I don't make a lot of money since it's not paying for my bills or anything (I live with and care for an elderly relative) but it gives me enough money to go to conventions and travel a bit which also helps with my anxiety because it makes me get out and do stuff I've never done. Your home business, whatever it is, does sound stressful though. I hope you can sort all of it out some how so it's not so bad.

>> No.8219909

I usually buy the fabric if it's a group cosplay because my friends are cheap fucks who pick out ugly fabric. Woman, a magical fucking girl would not fight crime in shitty broadcloth. They just pay me for the fabric because I know how coupons work.

>> No.8219922
File: 278 KB, 500x333, lets not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aunt "commisions" me to make costumes for her kids
>goes to Joanns with me to pick fabrics
>told me she had their measurements
>we pick stuff out and start to head to counter
>I ask for measurements to start calculating amount needed
>she holds up fabric and stares at it for a while
>"well they're about this big"

>> No.8219923

I live in bumfuck nowhere so it's my only choice. We don't even have a decent fabric store in my state.

>> No.8219927

They are probably menonites. They can use electricity and stuff but if you live in the Midwest they're rampant.

>> No.8219955

There's a cheap "vintage" fabric shop on Gleason, close to 60th. I can't remember the name of it but it has cats on the sign and usually has good lace.

>> No.8220102

Ah, that does sound nice, anon. I'm really happy it's working out for you! I'm sure after this next convention and the school semester are over, I'll feel so much better.

>> No.8220432

>When I was a cashier I remember being stuck waiting for a customer to finish up shopping almost 30 minutes after close.

At the grocery store where I worked, we were allowed to be a bit more brazen and I've always liked that. That is, we'd tell straggling customers that was close our registers at 11:00 so if they don't finish by then, they'll have to come back tomorrow.

I used to close every Thursday because of how my classes worked out, and almost every week this couple of people came in. I think they were brother and sister, and shut ins, or something: they'd arrive at 10, 10:15, and fill two huge carts to overflowing. They would never go to the register before 10:59. All their shit would take nearly 15 mins for one person to ring through and bag (and they never ever helped) so usually my supervisor would come down to help me deal with it. Just a small annoyance in an otherwise simple shift though. Cashiers have it easy at grocery stores since all the facing is done either by night crew, or the department people who stock the shelves.

>> No.8220779

How often do people buy 6 inches of a fabric?
Girl in front of me at hobby lobby just bought 6 inches of several fabrics...

>> No.8220893


Quite often. More often than not it's either quilters or schools. The quilters tend to be penny pinchers and very fussy. I've had people argue why they couldn't just buy 5cm (about 2 inches) of fabric as "but that's all I need". Tho tbh I get the feeling these are not the hardcore quilters. The schools tend to whine about how much money they're expending (lol no £20 is not a lot of money).

My words nightmare is when I see someone coming with 20 rolls of fabric and then proceed to ask for the minimum cut. Lots of work for little profit and increase the queue size.

>> No.8220914

Eeey!! I've always wondered if there were any Louisville seagulls! I wish I had been able to appreciate Baer's more while it was still around. So many middle school Halloween costumes were born from their scrap room (the room in your pic, I believe) but that was about it. I took a few sewing classes there when I was 13, it was fun but damn those ladies were cranky. Now that I'm finally getting into garment sewing, there's a lot of wistful Baer's memories in the air. Oh jo anns, you tease me so with your adorable prints only available on quilting cotton. Sigh.

>> No.8221166

Hardcore quilters will probably buy in bulk if they like a fabric so that they can use it in more than one quilt.

>> No.8221229

Pretty sure this thread is in autosage, just making sure before starting a new one

>> No.8221434

New thread