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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8196461 No.8196461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what's the story behind mostflogged? I've seen her mentioned negatively in two different threads.

>> No.8196463

i thought threads like these were a bannable offense now

>> No.8196468

>Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of cosplay/lolita/j-fashion.

I'm not maliciously attacking her, I've just never heard of her until seeing her name twice in recent threads. Looked her up and her cosplay seems alright, just wondering what the deal is.

>> No.8196491

It would be better to discuss this back at the "toxic people in cosplay" thread
Having an entire thread about her is asking for trouble
>she lurks /cgl/

>> No.8196492

which one is she the ryuko with manjaw or the pan-faced imbred thing on the right?

>> No.8196507

MF is the Ryuko with the witch nose
The rat faced Mako is PsychedelicPaprika

>> No.8196575

Just read this entire thread:


And don't make cosplayer-specific threads from now on.

>> No.8196847

she's a CEO of a "company," Anime Trash Swag

As the name says, it's trashy crap ripped off animes and sold to cosplayers

>> No.8196969

here's some highlight if you're too lazy to find it (regarding MF)
>She punched her ex bf in the face and stomach multiple times because he told people she was abusive. Let that sink in.
>Last year she threw a soda in someone's face and prior years she's snatched the wig off people she didn't like heads. She's fucked up
>she threw a drink on another cosplayer after harassing her all weekend.
>Let's not forget the stunt she and her (now ex-) boyfriend pulled where they printed out all those prostitution flyers with her ex girlfriend's full name and cell phone number and distributed them all over a con.
>Can confirm, personally witnessed back in the day. Her (now ex) be was banned from that con for life. Was a different girl than got the drink pulled on her.

>> No.8196972

She's a drama queen, who makes everything about her and has no respect for others.

She ruined people's props and been one of the most obnoxious drunks to be around. Ever.

>> No.8197047

Dif anon adding in.
The nyc comms are alive with talk about helping newbs avoid her bs.
>masturbated on a former friends chair, didn't tell her, it soaked in and ruined said chair
>her apartment is covered in crap. There's literal dildoes laying about and rats scurrying around.
>handed out altered valentines at a katsucon to cosplays that weren't up to par. Valentines basically told them the sick and go home.
>brags about knowing anamanaguchi but honestly just spread her legs and let them do the rest.
>acquires "friends" like mookie and sewthoughtful to use for rep by proxy and exclusive use of designs.
>competitively contacts people she knows cosplaying the same shit as her or something she wants to do. Will bully them via comparison of attention until they drop their plans. (Has happened twice that I've seen. )

She's just a bully and a scummy person covered in year old smegma. She'll use the "haters gonna hate" shit to seem cool and tough.
If you see her snatch her by the back of the head and slap her shit.

>> No.8197061
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If this is all true why do so many people still follow her?
>Her sewing skills?

>> No.8197065
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holy shit, that's messed

>> No.8197066
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mostflogged just seems like the alpha bitch and the rest of you are all beta bitches. either man up or keep crying about it on an anonymous anime forum ffs...

>> No.8197078

Hi Jenni, ruin any good chairs lately?

>> No.8197098

>her apartment is covered in crap. There's literal dildoes laying about and rats scurrying around.

hahaha what

>> No.8197099
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Never heard of any of this before >>8197047 is a little harder to believe
>masturbated on a former friends chair
>literal dildoes laying about and rats scurrying around.

Like what? mfw. but I've honestly not heard about this before, I guess it's more of a nyc comm thing.

>> No.8197109

I have no clue about the rats thing, but I know the dildo thing is true for sure.

Anyways, I know a lot of dirt on the both of these two from people from all over, but I can't really say because I said I'd stay tight lipped and it would be obvious who I was if I said anything. Just try to avoid them if possible. A lot of their friends seem pretty chill, though. I don't know what's up with that.

>> No.8197114

this is what I imagine people on lolcow to be like

>> No.8197121

>If this is all true why do so many people still follow her?
This has always been a mystery to me.

I look at the related friends who follow her page and 5 out of 6 of them I know go here.

>> No.8197124

Shut the fuck up, you said that the last time and you changed your numbers.

No one gives a shit about what you have to say.

>> No.8197146

you guys act like owning dildos is disgusting and wrong, seriously, stop acting like youre fucking devout christians or something. get a life and stop trashing on others just because they have carefree, non-autistic personalites. i never realized how pathetic some /cgl/ people really are, i hope you can see that

>> No.8197153

i keep my dildo just thrown around in my room. obviously if i had company over i'd put it up, though, which is think is the issue.

>> No.8197156

I don't think it was the fact that she owns dildos it's the fact that dildos are literally sprinkled all over her house for everyone to see. If you don't find that gross then you are the one with the issues honey.

>> No.8197158

>wymyns should be allowed to display their dildos any time anywhere!!!
>eww nudies and masturbation sleeves!11! that's disgusting! groce menz.

>> No.8197162
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>non-autistic personalites
Anon.. Anon did you read the thread?

>> No.8197164

Lel hi there MF. Butthurt because you are being called on your disgusting habits and pathetic life?

>> No.8197166

>"I have 6 friends who follow MF and four go here, so you guys must be lying about cgl hating her"
>Nobody gives a shit
>"I have 6 friends who follow MF and FIVE go here, so you guys must be lying about cgl hating her"
>Still nobody gives a shit

Do you ever get tired of everyone here thinking you're a raging idiot?

>> No.8197178

as a dude, why should i care about any of those?

>> No.8197204

Oh. I have heard of PsyPaprika. I thought she sounded familiar. She was brought up in a cosplay commission thread and it turned out she stole the money for a commission and never gave the product to the person who tasked her.

If ya want all the details, talk to Lady Kitkat Cosplay

>> No.8197208

how about not being a disgusting slut and hiding your fucktoys then

>> No.8197212

Cole didn't get permabanned from that con because of the fliers, it was because he got caught making fake badges.

>> No.8197225

The fuk is that thing?!?!

>> No.8197229

Feel stupid just having to say that its a different Anon, but seriously. A lot of cosplayers kinda live alone and are hermits outside of cosplay and their friends that they have at conventions and such. Its no shock to think a lot of the girls have just toys strewn around.

>> No.8197230

crazy cat lady but with dildos......

>> No.8197233

>owning toys makes you a slut


>> No.8197235

I'm surprised no one has mentioned her menstrually bleeding on her friends prop.

>> No.8197243

More info pls.

>> No.8197246

this is pathetic, random jealous anons hating on a succesful and attractive cosplayer when you should be supporting eachother. maybe thats why youre not famous because you hate on people behind their backs and act like cowards irl , especially around her for example.

lets see you guys cosplay pictures ok? or maybe they are already for show in the bad cosplay thread.

>> No.8197247

Maybe she was retouching the paint job? xD

>> No.8197251
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>> No.8197256

Stop trying to defend yourself. You look like a loser.

>> No.8197271
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Jenni pls seek help , everyone knows you're a psycho

>> No.8197275
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>> No.8197281

I was actually just thinking that. In this community no one cares about your attitude despite all the talk. You are still 'famous'. So where is everyone's photos who are talking shit? Where are their sewing skills and stuff? I was wondering if anyone was going to speak up against this bullying. Its not just about this person, who mind you, Ive never heard of. Probably because I don't go to conventions they attend or have been invited to. Don't even know if she's been invited to conventions.

But come on. Someone asked me in another thread about what I meant when I said the community has gone to shit. This is what I mean. All the comments on here. More than 99% of them involving people who have pretty surely only heard rumors and lies from other congoers.

>> No.8197286

You make it seem like this is new? Shit talk, anon on forums isnt new. There's a reason though why it's on repeat with certain people and its not cuz of jealousy like one automatically thinks. There are scammers, fakes and people who pretend to be nice fucking people but are two-faced, turds who wanna just be popular and get money. Whiteknights are fake too cuz they just want da p00sy, they arent genuine, just feggits who want something they cant get ultimately. This is the nicer of the boards on 4chan btw. Go to random. Its a happy lil sodamy like place who will chloroform you online. ^_^

>> No.8197295

Its not new. I know its not knew. It just plain sad.

>> No.8197296

omg just sftu already jeez, where are the mods so they can delete this thread and ban all these people breaking the rules

>> No.8197304

Clearly you care enough to comment, so...

>> No.8197326

lmfao! The mods are dead, these few weeks proved it.

>> No.8197336

Several threads have been deleted for being straight up attacking threads. However, a 24hrs - 48hrs stand is usually the go ahead for those threads before deletion from what Ive noticed unless they are completely out of hand or have no relevancy for /cgl/.

>> No.8197339

OP if you're out there, just read the link in:
It should answer you're questions
>I recommend deleting this thread now because there's not much else to it

>> No.8197344

you can't delete oldass threads anymore.

>> No.8197351

Advice for when you see a drama/attack thread about someone you know and like:

1. report thread
2. Sit and wait. That's really all you can do about it. Whiteknighting, while good intentioned, often only harms the reputation of person you're trying to defend. Don't make a big deal out of it unless extremely personal information such as contact info, workplace info, or nudes are posted. It may feel "cowardly" but seriously staging an all-out defense only makes you look like a tryhard idiot.

>> No.8197451

I know you are probably fourteen or fifteen and really don't have experience outside of tumblr, but this is the way the cosplay community has always been. We don't tolerate scum.

>> No.8197468

>thinking 4chan is any better than tumblr

>> No.8197538

>implying it isnt
go back to tumblr

>> No.8197570

Hi decade

>> No.8197590
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>> No.8197591

Is she the one that had some guys tell her she dressed slutty in NYC and instead of ignoring them she spit on one of the guys and was surprised he punched her in the face. Dumb bitch, spitting on someone is assault and she deserved to get hit.

>> No.8197616

and if you called her a dumb bitch to her face i bet she would deservingly spit on you too, get over it you crybaby. some women are not weak cowards and actually have spine

>> No.8197853

>just rumors
But they're not? Jenni herself posted pictures of the valentines that were altered and given out at katsucon. She has a ton of house photos where sex toys are haphazardly thrown about, and she's had more roomates and ex boyfriends than she's had proper showers in the past five years that find out the hard way she's lazy, dirty, and lives to use people.

The bottom line is avoid at all costs. Don't give her attention. If she seems like an easy fuck to guys, remember that's the easiest way to catch the clap. And don't buy her $400 bunny suits with the half finished hems.

>> No.8197910

Can confiem all of this, as someone who still hangs around her. She also has a trio that's just as shitty as her, PsychedelicPaprika and Tatto. The new trend is their private Twitter accounts, used to talk shit.

>> No.8197920

And that's why she cried foul when she got punched. If you physically assault someone first don't cry like a baby when you deservedly get hit back. Unfortunately, those guys could talk all the shit they want to her and cops can't do shit but the minute you make it physical it becomes assault and technically the cops wouldn't have done a damn thing about her getting punched or would have arrested her for starting it

>> No.8197939

Shut your mouth, Tatto does nothing wrong.

>> No.8197958

Tatto seems to be socially awkward and unable to say no at the worst.
And to my knowledge she's not a weed whore like jenni is.

>> No.8197987

I always thought she was a good cosplayer but good god, she sounds like a nightmare. Her white knights lol you guys make things worse. Unliking and unfollowing, pretending she never existed.

>> No.8198047

Don't forget about Takisiski, she's the newest addition to their group. She's looking for a taste of MFs cooch, I'm sure.

>> No.8198050

What are you trying to prove with this you autist? Both your quotes are still in active threads with different numbers.

>> No.8198104

I wish more people talked about how shit PP is when it comes to cosplay commissions. Though I'm glad it's less of a vendetta now and more of a "wow so she steals everyone's money?" she and MF deserve each other.

>> No.8198213


Tatto is fine from what I know. Taki has an attitude problem like the other two but at least she's up front about it instead of being two faced.

People don't really call them out with a name or face attached because it's kind of futile. Jenni has quite the following and social influence. Unless it's someone who is just as well known as her, it can just be swept under the rug.

>> No.8198235
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>If anyone doubted stories, maybe this will prove something

>> No.8198240

This only proves Sonni is a raging bitch...

>> No.8198276

Sounds like it was deserved though, since mostflogged was badmouthing her on her Twitter and still is

>> No.8198279

These threads on /cgl/ are amazing.

I don't use social media, but I can come here and get drama overload like crazy.

>> No.8198289

who needs celebrities gossip shows when you have drama whores right here?

>> No.8198293
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No experience with her commissions, but I can confirm psychedelicpaprika for shit human being

>Earned the name "drunkroxy" in her homestuck days because she would constantly show up to meetups/cons wasted off her ass
>Loud, drunken nuisance
>Constantly tried to buddy up to popular cosplayers. Eventually tried it with MF and it stuck.
>Backstabber and shit-talks people being their back. Lost most of her local friendgroup in 2014 and now is stuck to MF's side like glue. It's a match made in heaven.

One of her more popular stories:
>Gets wasted at the Otakon before last
>Puking in the bathroom with a huge circle of her friends freaking out outside the stalls
>Security eventually comes to escort her out of the con and to her hotel

>> No.8198368

Even if it's in character, that make up looks like something a drag queen could pull up better.

>> No.8198371

Oh god I swear threads like these give me so much life. A++ entertainment.

>> No.8198379

And she makes it public... why am I not surprised

>> No.8198401

>Anonymous 03/22/15(Sun)02:39:48 No.8197235▶>>8197243 >>8197247
>I'm surprised no one has mentioned her menstrually bleeding on her friends prop.
more on this?

>> No.8198409

Iirc, she was on the rag, and posed with one of friend's props (a giant carrot, I think?), and when she gave it back it had a spot of blood on it.

>> No.8198411

If I recall she said she "thought" her period was over so she wasn't wearing anything (which is fucking incredible considering how many layers she would've had to have bled through). Then again this is also the girl who insists that it's impossible for her to wear underwear with high-cut cosplays.

>> No.8198415

she was "spotting" and went commando in a playboy bunny version of a cosplay and when posing with a giant carrot she bled on it

>> No.8198472
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>> No.8198489


>commission her for cosplay
>give her 6 month notice
>"i have other commissions to do but will let you know when i work on yours"
>wait a month
>finally a pic of materials
>wait another month
>have to email her for the progress pics she promised, get one picture
>get the final cosplay the week before the con so i have to express ship a wig (didn't want to get a wig if the cosplay wouldn't be there in time)
>cosplay is shit. can't fit it onto my body, torso is too long, unfinished hems and shitty seethrough fabric, everything that could go wrong went wrong
>ask for refund
>"i have to pay for an aa table, plane ticket, can send you another but will have to wait on refund"
>"also i was hesitant on sending it in the first place"
>she sends me $20 first and promises to send the rest of it over monthly payment which is whatever
>don't hear from her for two months
>threaten legal action just to get my fucking money back
>TELLS ME she used my money for her own cosplays travel to cons and shit and was super rude to me once i POLITELY asked for a refund

basically never got my money back and stuck with a piece of shit costume.

>> No.8198504

Someone I know had a very similar experience with her except that she was too scared ask for a refund. Props to you for sticking up for yourself.

>> No.8198506

there's a lot more to my story like what was in the individual emails but that's basically what happened. normally, I'd be scared to ask for a refund but at that point I was out over $150 on a con weekend especially with having to express ship the wig and I was pissed.

>> No.8198541

why are her and jessi even friends? does hating sonified really unite them so much?

>> No.8198546

don't underestimate the power of mutual hatred to bring bitches together

>> No.8198559

as someone who knew psychedelicpaprika back in her kuroshit days, this thread makes me happier than anyone can imagine.

>> No.8198564

How was she then? She looks like she would be one of those cringy Grell/pink dress Ciel cosplayers

>> No.8198572


worse. she cosplayed beast when she was...... 15? i think she was 15.

that cosplay was about 150% pure cleavage, man.

>> No.8198576
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>> No.8198581

yup. that's what i remember.

she was an absolute asswipe to one of my other friends the first otakon we ever went to, and i lost contact with her soon after.

>> No.8198597

Do you have a picture of the cosplay she made you? I know she has lots of shit on her already, but more proof to stay away from her would be good

>> No.8198601
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>> No.8198604
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I only have a worn picture so I'm gonna see if I can find it. I threw out the actual outfit itself after I gave up trying to fix it. It was supposed to be a PMMM uniform. And this was about two years ago so while I've given up any chance of ever getting my full refund, I never give up a chance to share the story if it keeps people away from her.

I'm 5' exact and I gave her all my measurements and it was almost like she sort of did what she wanted instead.

>> No.8198610

What the fuck...? How did she fuck up that badly? This looks like some eBay-bought shit from a Chinese sweatshop...

>> No.8198612
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I'm sorry you never got your full refund back, anon.
That "commission" is atrocious

>> No.8198616

....Holy shit is that shirt just a TUBE?

>> No.8198620
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also here is a screencap of what she sent me when I first asked for a refund/told her what was wrong.

>> No.8198622

I'm afraid to ask how much she charged you for that

>> No.8198626

only $80 so it wouldn't be a huge loss now but around the time of the con I had quit my job

I had no idea how to put it on at first I was like uh.............zipper? no? okay. I also had to pin the skirt because it didn't have any elastic in the waistband.

>> No.8198631


I'm surprised nobody brought up the time she got period blood on that other cosplayer's prop. Don't know if the rumours about her not wearing underwear with costumes is true though.
Also, at some point she was selling an im@s swimsuit. Some girl asked if there was a liner or something to keep it hygienic and MF replied with something along the lines of "I had it on for 30 seconds I don't think there was time for it to get unhygienic." Ew.

>> No.8198632

Kitkat here. At this point I should just make a copypasta of my experience.

>Commissioned her March 2014
>Had a measly paycheck so paid in increments
>Finished full payment of $120 at beginning of May
>Wanted it done by end of May for convention
>She said she didn't have it done
>I let it slide thinking it was because I took a while to pay
>Give her new due date of July
>Her excuse this time is because she had trouble with a part of the costume
>She says she scrapped it, wanting me to have a good product
>I try to stay understanding because I really want the costume done but am also stressing
>Give her final due date of September
>Date gets closer, she ignores my emails, its like pulling teeth getting her to respond
>I realize I never got any progress pics, so I ask for some
>She says she will upload some but never does
>Tells me Monday of the con that she is sending the costume out
>I ask for a tracking number
>She doesn't reply until that Wednesday saying she hasn't sent it yet and she's overnighting it
>Costume doesn't arrive
>I'm livid
>I tell her I want a refund
>She expresses she's had a bunch of hardships and will have to pay me back in increments
>I ask if the costume was even made in the first place and she dodges the question
>Next 4 months are me having to be on her ass about paying me
>Meanwhile I see that she is getting all these extravagant things
>Finally am given the last payment with an extra $15 on top of that
>I see her at Katsucon one week later and give her all the death stares I could muster

Psychedelic Paprika is a joke. I commissioned her thinking her work was clean and had no idea how badly I would be scammed. She's immature as fuck.

>> No.8198639

previous anon here. that was the WORST was having her say she'd pay in increments and watch her go to conventions in different states, buy new merch, cosplay new things etc, all while she had her own "hardships" and couldn't refund me fully at the time. Glad you finally got your money back though.

>> No.8198645

I even confronted her about it too and she replied "its a gift from a friend"


>> No.8198647

she's lucky I don't live NE or go to those cons because I honestly would punch her in the face if I ever saw her. she makes me so angry. so I started disliking MF by association until I saw all the shit about her too.

>> No.8198678

>its totes cool to leave your unwashed sex toys laying out

You're gross.

Go clean your room.

>> No.8198681

Taki may not be as bad as PP and MF but she's practically a drama magnet and loves to play the victim. Her passive aggressive posts and constant shit talking about her ex
(who moved on a long time ago and no longer acknowledges her existence) is exhausting.
Ever since her boyfriend dumped her and as a result lost a lot of friends on the west coast (because they took her ex's side), she managed to latch onto MF, mostly because she's famous and not to mention it's convenient to have a friend who has great sewing skills.She's just trying to garner as much attention as possible..

>> No.8198690

Why the fuck did this make me laugh so hard.

On this note, why the fuck don't we have a mod yet.

>getting commissions from people that don't do commissions for a living or people you just don't know
Not even once.

>> No.8198703

when I saw her at Katsucon I had to be held back from confronting her because I saw her constantly. It was difficult to bite my tongue.

>> No.8198708

I kind of knew her through mutual friends who had actually been friends with her too, so that's why I commissioned her. Otherwise no way in hell.

>> No.8198712

This is why she gets away with scamming people. Because people like you and all the other anons refuse to confront her shit so she's gonna keep doing it.

>> No.8198714

>On this note, why the fuck don't we have a mod yet.

If Janitor-chan is any indication of the type of mod we'd have, I think I'd rather deal with this.

>> No.8198731

I mean if she actually followed up on any of her promises, than it'd be a little bit better, but since she just crapped out on you and went AWOL without giving your money back, then...

We do have a mod, and all they do is not let us have pixyteri/dakota/drama threads

>> No.8198744


I thought we didn't have our own and had "janitors" that would shoot requests to a mod to come clean up.

>> No.8198784

In my view she put on a face and never intended to actually go through with anything. My biggest regret was never calling her out on her shit publicly.

>> No.8198787

I always intended to put her on blast but wanted to wait until I got all my money back. Now that I have, I just have put it on the back burner. People seem to be doing it for me.

>> No.8198798

>n't use social media, but I can come here and get drama overlo

>> No.8198840

Nah, remember back in the day, before the great purge? The mods we had all of the sudden began hardasses and deleted every thread not strictly adhering to the rules. Now, I think things have eased up, but it's still iffy having a thread like this.

Damn, that's ridiculous. Sorry you had to go through that.

>> No.8198975

LOL You think I'm her BF.

>> No.8198988

Ya know, we got a person who lives in Florida WHO DID THE EXACT SAME THING

>> No.8199012


>> No.8199025

Oh shit Im in that. I only asked about Tatto because of everyone lumping her in.

Tatto is alright. She's not on FB as much, but her and her bf have always been chill to me. Good people.


Things like this are reasons I don't trust most commission cosplayers anymore. I have had leeches like PsyPaprika rip me off and caused shitstorms cause of it when I have confronted them.

>> No.8199038

because of this incident I have chosen only to commission from close friends or professional tailors.

>> No.8199062

curious to know how you know this is true cuz this seems pretty random

>> No.8199080

Hahah, I was actually the one who asked MF about that. Was super tempted to respond to what she'd said too, but I figured it wasn't worth the energy.

Doesn't matter if you tried it on for thirty seconds or five minutes, swimsuits in retail stores have liners on them for a reason....

>> No.8199086

Psypaprika posts on /soc/ lol

>> No.8199091

I know nothing about Heaven. I was talking about Bridoof Cosplay.

>> No.8199092

Know anyone you could recommend?

>> No.8199093
File: 284 KB, 245x183, tumblr_ndznx49eTE1rtmyqbo3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need proof of this because reasons

>> No.8199099

I can absolutely believe this lmao

>> No.8199108

Turns out Heaven isn't from Florida. I don't know why I thought that.

>> No.8199214

Here you go http://fgts.jp/soc/thread/21486312/#q21486335

>> No.8199239

yeah they can't jack off to them unless they know

>> No.8199249

blackmail material my friend. this community thrives on it.

though the link other anon gave is not what i suspected.

>> No.8199262

"Everyone says I look 12 lol help me"

Yup you keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8199264

I sorry anon, that's really shitty. I appreicate you posting all of this for future reference. People need to stay away from her for sooo many reasons.

>> No.8199299

not nudes, but it is proof that she posts there
i wouldn't be surprised if she has posted nudes on there before, but is probably smart enough not to show her face. there's enough cross boarders that someone would be bound to recognize her

>> No.8199312

>underage teeny bopper posts to soc
someone alert the media

>> No.8199501

You'd have to go back a while, but MF's formspring definitely answered/gave proof on the carrot. Typical MF answered along the lines of "lol I'm not embarrassed, it happens!" That is very real

>> No.8199524


Aren't mods the biggest shitpost ing contributors on 4chan?

>> No.8199561

Jesus this was painful to read.

>> No.8199645
File: 181 KB, 1117x599, mf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8199661 [DELETED] 

Thirding, proof please.

>> No.8199665
File: 165 KB, 1038x629, mf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read >>8199214

>> No.8199961

I agree with this 100%. I hate JNig but I respect her body, at least the parts of it that aren't plastic. I also think she is a smart businesswoman.

>> No.8200088

You even talk like him, good god

Decade pls

>> No.8200712

This seems pretty harsh considering how she looks

>> No.8200733
File: 64 KB, 533x800, 01-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because Lexi Belle actually covers her tits in her porn costumes.

>> No.8200750

And? Lots of people lurk cgl and post here. The best stuff is when people talk about /cgl/ in a negative way like, "Oh I never go there, I never post there." Biggest lie a cosplayer can make when they act that highly about the topic lol.

>> No.8200792

Or when they say stuff like "So some people told me 4chan was talking about me..."

>> No.8200808
File: 28 KB, 141x160, 1322460597881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone guesses she's in her mid 20s and says shes trying too hard to look young