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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8195209 No.8195209 [Reply] [Original]

Started up because I miss the old Disney thread and I want to punch this dress in the face. This movie gave me a whole new appreciation for the old movie. I now consider this dress to be an inaccurate cosplay.

>> No.8195218
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Only pic I had in my Dosney folder.

>> No.8195219
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>I want to punch this dress in the face. This movie gave me a whole new appreciation for the old movie. I now consider this dress to be an inaccurate cosplay.

Wow, how dare you. The dress in the film is gorgeous.

>> No.8195225
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How would you make it anons?

>Throw paint at it
>Applique like a boss

>> No.8195226

Are you blind? It was fucking Windex blue and had a poof level that even sissies would find excessive. The skirt was literally assaulting everyone in the ballroom. Her dead mom's shredded dress looked better than that oversized monstrosity.

And yes I'm salty. Sandy Powell just had to fuck up on the most important dress in the entire damn movie.

>> No.8195227
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This is a gorgeous dye job but not what you want if you're looking for accuracy.

>> No.8195229

That's a gradient shoop anon

>> No.8195238
File: 241 KB, 640x560, 1426087451_cinderella-costumes-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this. It was also not the old dress anymore whatsoever after she made such a big deal about keeping it. And the sisters barely tore the old one. She and hte mice could have fixed that up in no time, especially since she thought she was going to see an apprentice guy, not the prince. Also she was fucking moaning when the transformation was happening. It was basically dress porn for little girls.

I actually liked the movie for the most part, especially for all the other costumes, but the more I think about the plot they went with the more problems I see.

>> No.8195239
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Are youb lind? It was gorgeous. And the volume was magnificent. To paraphrase Sandy Powell, the softness of the skirt coupled with all those layers made it chase behind her, not drag or trail. Fantastic.

>> No.8195244

I just wish they gave her gloves and a choker. Or at least something on her neck. It feels so incomplete.

>> No.8195247
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I wish they had incorporated more of the old dress, like at least keeping a similar sleeve style. I like how they added the butterfly touches, from the butterfly toy her father gave her, but it needed more of her mother.

They did a good job incorporating her mother into her wedding dress, though.

>> No.8195249
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>> No.8195251
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>> No.8195252

I panicked for a minute in the last scene when at first glance it looked like her dress was sleeveless. It was a relief when I was the sleeves were there but sheer.

I just love how smooth these bodices are.

>> No.8195254

Oh shit I love the iridescent organza in the skirt. With the glitter "stars" in the skirt in the skirt it looks like the sky.

>> No.8195255
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Tremaine et al's outfits were so on point it actually hurt, and honestly I didn't even mind Cinderella's regular dress so much. The prince's stuff was moderately blah but nobody actually cares about menswear in princess movies so it's understandable.

I basically watched it for the costume and special effects porn, and boy did they deliver.

>> No.8195257
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to me the blue dress looks best when it's moving. Still it looks just pretty but in motion, my god, the layers! the floof! the sparkle!

>> No.8195258

I'd legit wear this to my wedding ugh.

>> No.8195262
File: 25 KB, 590x350, Prince-Charming-Richard-Madden-cinderella-2015-38174669-590-350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one outfit bugged me because it's so close to Beast/Eric's ball outfit but that's about it.

Though I had to wonder how Tremain had such blatantly good taste but let her daughters dress like that.

>> No.8195264


I mean Adam. I always get the Prince's names mixed up.

>> No.8195295

Haven't seen the movie yet. I initially kind of hated the dress, but seeing it in previews and screen caps has me dying over it. It's beautiful and fits the tone of the other costuming. I love it so much.

>> No.8195390

I love the blue dress and wedding dress as concept dresses, but not as canon Cinderella dresses. I appreciate all the technical and beautiful parts of them (the fucking LAYERS and how gorgeous they look in motion, sweet hell), but for some reason they ring really discordant with my image of Cinderella. I get that the directors probably didn't want to look like the movie was directly piggybacking off of the animated version, but if the same studio is presenting the same movie again, it feels like a gaudy ripoff without a nod to the original.

>Disney just shifted the demand on JoAnns from blue glitter fabric for Elsas to blue glitter fabric for Cinderellas

>> No.8195436

I like every other dress much better tbh.

Whoever did the hair here is amazing

>> No.8196016
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i wish they'd kept the black choker. it was striking.

>> No.8196024
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>> No.8196126
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Are we gonna post cosplay or not?

>> No.8196133

Print the fabric.

>> No.8196135

Fuck, Degas did a few good things, I like LauTrec more

>> No.8196136

Goofy pulls it off somehow but the Donald looks ridiculous.

>> No.8196228

I am so shocked anyone could feel anything other then love for the dress. It's the most perfect princess dress straight from my childhood dreams. No its not an exact replica of the original but I personally feel as lovely as that dress was it wouldn't fit in the movie they were trying to make. Alot of people complain that this cinderella was a remake of the classic. I disagree. I see it as a love letter to fairytales and magic, beauty and dreams, a movie that respects what came before. Everything about this dress was perfection. But I understand everyone has different opinions. It just makes me kinda sad because I loved it so so much.

>> No.8196234

Agreed. And it couldn't be more princess-y

>> No.8196245

>liking the gaudy iridescent monstrosity of a fairy godmother dress
>not thinking the stepmother's dresses were completely anachronistic pieces of crap with random couture touches thrown in just for the hell of it
>disliking the beautiful floating godlike cornflower blue dress
Confirmed for shit taste

>> No.8196275

>fairy godmothers are allowed to be tacky as played by actresses known for kitsch value. not like Cinderella's dress was any less iridescent or gaudy.
>acting like the costumes were historically cohesive in the first place.
>piece of shit ballgown was unnecessarily cumbersome, too large for lily james' frame, and the colour of windex.
Confirmed for even shittier taste.

>> No.8196312
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I'm not sure how I feel about these, I think I really like them, but something is off

>> No.8196321

>It begins

Cute idea but I'm really thrown by the proportions of the drop waist corsets + too-high hemlines. It makes everyone look like they're 4 feet tall.

>> No.8196356

Yeah not sure if hems were designed that way to keep them off the ground or they didn't consider petticoats during patterns.

>> No.8196478

I'm really glad with who they casted, because her ungodly chin shape gives me hope for mine.

>> No.8196481

Who are these supposed to be?

>> No.8196571

If this is a Ren Faire, they're completely out of place.

>> No.8196572
File: 275 KB, 855x1600, lfcindcfp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

response to that 'historically dressed princesses showing off their outfits and blowing cocaine around' video that floated around for a while. thoughts?



>> No.8196592
File: 31 KB, 625x471, 225b8be872528da4592ed18a395e6f08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like some of these but there's something off-putting about Belle.

>> No.8196594

*Some of these as in some of the original cocaine video. The response article was too lazy to bother re-drawing the outfits in the right color palettes so there's nothing to even compare to.

>> No.8196608

The shape of the dress for Belle seems like something out of the 1740s or 1750s, while her hair looks like it's from England in the 1770s.

>> No.8196613

The white hair can fuck off, Belles hair can be accurate and brown, just powdered fucking roots. They powered their hair to make it look lighter, and absorb grease so that the complex style would stay. So her hair should be brown, just with white/grey roots.

>> No.8196616

Nah they match, just the hips need to be wider. Think Rococo

>> No.8196621

The Belle in the video looks like she's wearing a cheap Halloween costume and wig, so that drawing reflects it, I guess?

>> No.8196643

.....sauce? I've always read that mid 18th century panniers were some of the widest, so I don't get where you get 1740 at all. (not that this excuses the fact that she doesn't appear to be wearing undergarments period).

>> No.8196644

Shoomlah's are much better. You can still tell who they are at least and she cites the fashion trends down to what half of the decade

>> No.8196745

Anon... You know how this is the 21st century despite only being 2015, and the 1900s were the 20th?

Keep thinking about it.

>> No.8196787
File: 100 KB, 540x600, 2006AV6187_jpg_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've always read that mid 18th century panniers were some of the widest

It depends! The super big boxy panniers from 1730s-1760s were pretty much reserved for very formal court dress and nobility/wealthy people's weddings.... and then there's variations depending on the country and the type of ensemble it was (formal, casual, morning, evening, etc).

like this French day dress from 1730-1740 (sorry the size is for ants)

>> No.8196790
File: 13 KB, 236x338, 47d830dbef2d0933f996753e153ab6fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, wrong image

granted the undergarments for this one aren't quite correct

>> No.8196799

What are you talking about? Person #1 said that the dress (which isn't very wide) looked 1740s. Person #2 is saying they read that panniers from the mid 18th century (aka, 1740s) were very wide, so they don't know where the person is getting that decade from.

>> No.8196803
File: 135 KB, 600x900, disney_by_supernovadobe-d75h37e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what the fuck are you talking about? The discussion is about Belle's 18th century (that's 1700s, dearie) gown.

>> No.8196824

I think they thought that the other person didn't know that the 18th century = 1700s.

>> No.8196870

this picture makes me chuckle

>> No.8196876

hips don't lie

>> No.8196884

...How? 18th century and 1700s were mentioned in the same reply.

>> No.8196888
File: 89 KB, 640x640, 11055953_861899910566351_1855582724_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8196908

Not too many requests for this Cindy dress yet, actually. Mostly have been other cosplayers/ party princesses.

However, we've already had three little girls making Elsa's new spring dress from the 7-minute short.

>> No.8196916

Because they misread? Why else would they be passively aggressively telling someone how to understand how centuries are measured.

>> No.8196920
File: 87 KB, 890x897, grand_pannier_by_ladycafelfenlake-d46m99v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagining what was under it makes me laugh

>> No.8197010

Hans looks like Nicholas Cage

>> No.8197070

Dolan and Gooby are seriously freaking me out

>> No.8197093
File: 85 KB, 734x960, 11012683_972347589465394_5878639436374623034_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8197127


Holy fucking shit you guys must have entire fucking sandboxes in your vaginas.

>> No.8197130

/cgl/ stands for "cunts, grit, and lace"

>> No.8197136


Petticoat shape types:

Cupcake, A-line, tea lenght
and a sofa.

>> No.8197175
File: 50 KB, 640x960, 10943643_642852159159756_3047501698267095712_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elyon cosplay did this dress and I feel it turned out pretty damn awesome.
Managed to make the pink and blue work nicely together. Also I am a sucker for anything with lights on it

>> No.8197188


Sweet skirt and gradient dye job, but what the heck is happening with the fitting of that bodice? The way it uses the dark pink glitter at the bottom that matches the top of the skirt, it looks like the triangles (which aren't well ironed) are sitting strangely low on her hips. Doesn't help that I'm far from a fan of corset busks as dress front closures. Lacing, sure. Busk? Looks like undergarments.

Nice use of lighting in the picture to show off her skirt without plunging her into darkness. Pretty crown. Neat wig. Boring necklace.

>> No.8197245

I need both of the step sisters dresses in my life. I need fabric like that too it's amazing.

>> No.8197293

It looks like she was trying to reuse an existing corset as a base.

>> No.8197308

Is the person in the black culottes and tank top a friend or just an onlooker who wanted a pic with them?

>> No.8197547

I'm into the sissy outfit stuff on the fetish side and I have to say, I also find this dress an insult to Cinderella, but it is not that poofy that it'd be excessive for that "style".

>> No.8197866
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>> No.8197868
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>> No.8197875

cute prom outfit.

>> No.8197877

Anyone know where this was taken? It looks so familiar

>> No.8197882
File: 13 KB, 280x280, tumblr_inline_n92ruoaaQO1s8maw4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch just slapped on a white stole over some shitty store-bought prom dress. This barely even counts as cosplay.

>> No.8197892
File: 47 KB, 305x400, Official Flavour Of CGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like you need to stop eating these.

>> No.8198016

She's cute, but the least she could have done was add the straps and slit. The rest is passable embellishment imo.

>> No.8198372

to all of those being sandy about the new cinderella blue dress...

>sandy powell wasn't trying to replicate the animated film costumes

jesus, read any of the articles on the costumes and you'd notice that she went for a “a nineteenth-century period film made in the 1940s or ’50s,” angle.

>> No.8198389

Are self posts allowed? This thread needs more cosplay.

>> No.8198399

Doesn't mean we have to like it.

>> No.8198664
File: 286 KB, 540x600, 64h53g4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern version

>> No.8198862

>“a nineteenth-century period film made in the 1940s or ’50s,” angle.

Sounds like the same bullshit the costume designer for Anna Karenina tried to pull to justify why the costumes were all ill fitting and lacking in any sort of creative design.

Are costume designers somehow stuck on this idea that there was no creativity or design during the New Look era of fashion?

>> No.8198871
File: 587 KB, 1552x2112, Annex - Leigh, Vivien (Anna Karenina)_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she went for a “a nineteenth-century period film made in the 1940s or ’50s,” angle.


Pictured: Anna Karenina (set in the nineteenth century) movie that was filmed in 1947

Not pictured: boring generic prom ballgown

>> No.8198879

I just wish it was more silver like the original Cinderella. I would have appreciated that throwback a lot more. I'm considering doing a mashup between the two for a cosplay but I don't know if anyone would get it? Think the materials of the new dress in the silver of the old, with the signature choker and a curly updo?

>> No.8198880

For the skirt, blue/pink iridescent taffeta under layers of blue and pink chiffon, similar to the film Cinderella.

>> No.8198930

Fuck. It was like 4am when I read that; I thought that anon was one of those awful people who thinks 1700s = 17th century, 1800s = 18th century, so on.

>> No.8199571

>>Ugly sisters not even average.

Excuse you Disney. Where are my homely bucktooth girls at.

>> No.8199579


While I like the amount of poof and the construction of the skirt.. I feel like it just misses something. For me the top just doesn't do it and I just feel like it misses that 'wow' feel the original dress does have. I guess because she isn't wearing long sleeves and a hair accessorize so it just feels bare in some way.

Mostly I just wish it wasn't that awful shade of blue .

>> No.8199642

They're not supposed to be ugly. It isn't a literal adaptation of the cartoon.

>> No.8199650

what is it with all these princesses having angry thick eyebrows?

>> No.8199668

I don't see what you're seeing. They look nicely balanced to me. Must be one of those tacky people who like tweezed to nothing eyebrows.

>> No.8199669

All those fluffy layers.

I love that they had the dress made out of organza/organdi like in the cartoon.

>> No.8199672
File: 47 KB, 500x375, Desktop71[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone with ridiculous Groucho Marx/Lily Collins eyebrows, I agree with the first anon.

Lily Collins pulled them off well in Mirror Mirror. Amy here has way too much contrast between her light hair and the eyebrows.

>> No.8199680

and you must think that your 'eyebrow game is on point' when you look like a caveman
see, I can project too

>> No.8199681

idgi. she looks fine?

>> No.8199683

her hair is too blonde for those eyebrows, it looks fake

>> No.8199690
File: 76 KB, 479x720, Anastasia_DLP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like other anon said, in most adaptations the stepsisters aren't physically ugly, just ugly via bad personalities and makeup. Even in the facecharacters are very pretty if you take all of the makeup and their hideous expressions away.

>> No.8199692


Yeh, okay. That doesn't change anything. I didn't even mention the animated film.
The staple of the fairytale is that the sisters were ugly. Their character names are literally 'the ugly step sisters'.

Why even change that.

>> No.8199697

I just get bored with all these dollfaced actresses. I didn't want pantomime dames or anything, but it does explain to their character (overbearing mother never happy with them because they can't match up - immediately jealous of girl who is naturally graceful and gorgeous because always considered failures). Do they have a character outside of 'mean'? I haven't seen the movie yet but if they're going to drop the defining physical trait they had better have some stellar backstory/motive going on.

>> No.8199699

Hmm I loved the costumes in that movie. Over the top in all the right ways.

>> No.8199700

that's what they call 'hollywood ugly', anon

>> No.8199734

>The staple of the fairytale is that the sisters were ugly
Bro, have you even read the fairytale? The sisters were actually beautiful, just nasty bitches. The "ugly stepsisters" thing was completely invented by Disney and a few later versions of the story.

>> No.8199976

Can you imagine the tumblr outrage if they actually made the stepsisters honest to god physically ugly? They'd start a thing called beautyshaming or faceshaming or something.

>> No.8199979

I'm more bothered by the character in the dress and it sort of kills the dress for me.

>"Be kind and have courage!"
>Has no courage to turn away from her abusive family despite being able to ride a horse and having access to town and other friends
>Doesn't try to free herself from attic at all even when people are at the door. Prince has to save her

Yeah real fucking courageous she is.

>> No.8199987

original Cinderella was a bit more proactive.

>> No.8200027

And every pantomime version ever, and will be what every regular person would expect.

'Bro', her father isn't trying to raise her dowry and her stepsisters don't cut off bits of their feet and her mother's grave isn't growing a magic tree, either, but they don't seem to have been involved so I guess it's almost like this Disney movie is based off the last Disney movie.

They even used the same names so this whole 'it's not the animated version' argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.

>> No.8200042
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>> No.8200134

Why did you change your argument completely? You went from

>Yeh, okay. That doesn't change anything. I didn't even mention the animated film.
>The staple of the fairytale is that the sisters were ugly. Their character names are literally 'the ugly step sisters'.

to the complete opposite

>so I guess it's almost like this Disney movie is based off the last Disney movie.
>They even used the same names so this whole 'it's not the animated version' argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.

And the Grimm version of Cinderella isn't the only version of Cinderella. The Disney film is based on the French Perrault version. Though in neither the Grimm or Perrault version are the stepsisters "the ugly stepsisters." In fact, in the Grimm version that you are talking about, they are very speifically described as being beautiful. "They were beautiful to look at, but in their hearts they were proud, arrogant, and evil."

And "They even used the same names so this whole 'it's not the animated version' argument doesn't have a leg to stand on." makes no sense. It isn't the animated version. It literally isn't. It is a live action adaptation inspired by the animated version. That doesn't mean everything has to be the same and, in fact, if everything was the same it'd be pretty damn stupid because you may as well watch the cartoon.

>Doesn't try to free herself from attic at all even when people are at the door. Prince has to save her

She didn't know anyone was at the door. The narration specifically said that in the film.

>> No.8200211

can you call it tumblr if it has a point? disney doesn't have any heroic ugly chicks.

>> No.8200217

Media in general doesn't have ugly hero chicks. Worldwide and in every form of storytelling.

>> No.8200225

Brosephina baby bro, I was specifically replying to your completely incorrect claim that "The staple of the fairytale is that the sisters were ugly." I haven't seen the new movie and don't intent to, and there's plenty of modern versions (like Into The Woods) where the sisters are attractive.

I was going to mention the fact that the Brothers Grimm cut off their feet version isn't the only one out there, but >>8200134 already said it better than me. Stay salty.

>> No.8200291

In a way that makes me kinda sad. Even if she isn't 'pretty' it'll somehow involve her turning into a beautiful person.

>> No.8200300

The media in general doesn't favour ugly girls. If someone disappears and you hear about it, it's a pretty white girl 100% of the time.
The only reason that girl from Bulgaria that was found with some gypsies in Greece story got any tract is that she was a pretty blonde girl and they thought she was kidnapped. If a gypsy girl was kidnapped they wouldn't even investigate it let alone report it.

>> No.8200323
File: 171 KB, 500x750, cinderella-cosplay-12[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She didn't know anyone was at the door. The narration specifically said that in the film.

I think what anon was trying to get at was that she had a chance to escape out the window, regardless of whether or not the prince was there, and she just kept singing because she was content on staying where she was. She probably could've scaled the wall or made a rope from the stuff that was left in the attic or something.

I'm pretty mad about this too because the 2015 adaptation took away the last bit of agency that Cinderella had in the 1950 version.

also more Cinderella cosplay as an apology for furthering the derailment.

>> No.8200342

>I think what anon was trying to get at was that she had a chance to escape out the window
>She probably could've scaled the wall or made a rope from the stuff that was left in the attic or something.

But what indications are there that she could have "scaled the wall" safely? She's not shown as particularly physically strong, and you would need an extremely long rope or a whole bunch of thick sheets just to reach the ground--much less reach the ground safely.

>and she just kept singing because she was content on staying where she was.

She was "content" because she knew that her stepmother wasn't going to get to use her to hurt the prince and the kingdom, and because she--unlike her stepfamily--didn't let the negative experiences in her life make her bitter. Instead she used her happy memories to make herself happy, rather than breaking down, which is what her stepmother wanted.

>> No.8200346

Yeah.. I watch some of those disappearances tv shows in the background and if it's a girl that went missing one of the first things they'll say "SHE WAS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL GIRL" like it just seems to be the default for girls.

>> No.8200348

But it always boils down to "good girls should always be positive and happy and kind and have absolutely no agency in their life whatsoever because that's for nasty dykes"

>> No.8200363
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>The actress – who stars in the live-action remake of the fairytale classic – found herself in a bit of a tight situation: The signature blue Cinderella ball gown had a constricting corset, which made eating a challenge.

>"When [the corset] was on we would be on continuous days, so we wouldn't stop for lunch or a lovely tea like this. You'd be sort of eating on the move. In that case, I couldn't untie the corset," the 25-year-old Brit told E! News.

>"If you ate food it didn't really digest properly, and I'd be burping all afternoon in [Richard Madden]'s face, and it was just really sort of unpleasant. I'd have soup so that I could still eat but it wouldn't get stuck," she said.

wtf why was this necessary? the original cinderella has a fairly average waist as far as animated princesses go

>> No.8200373

I knew there was a reason why I felt her torso was disproportionately small in that dress.

>> No.8200377

>But it always boils down to "good girls should always be positive and happy and kind and have absolutely no agency in their life whatsoever because that's for nasty dykes"

The point isn't "Cinderella was singing because she was happy no matter what and had no agency." Her singing, her not breaking down, was her agency. Despite her abuse, despite being locked in the tower, she chose to use her happy memories--of the prince, of the ball, of her parents--to keep herself from becoming like her stepmother: bitter and selfish. It was her choice to be kind and her choice to remember the happy times that saved her. Her being kind to the animals her whole life, and treating them with more compassion than anyone, that led them to love her and get the window open. Her memory of her mother's love, and the song she used to sing, led her to sing it to comfort herself and--when the window was open--be overheard.

It's really frustrating that people think because Cinderella wasn't scaling down the tower with a rope made rags or slapping her stepmother and running away or whatever that she has no agency. Cinderella endured emotional and physical abuse and despite the abuse, despite the degradation, she chose to not let it change who she was inside. The stepmother became a cruel woman because of her own bad life experiences. Cinderella became the kind, compassionate person her parents taught her to be, despite experiencing much worse than her stepmother. That is agency.

And heck the new film pretty much exemplifies the moral of the Perrault fairytale, which is that kindness and graciousness are more important than anything. "Without it nothing is possible; with it, one can do anything."

>> No.8200391
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>> No.8200407

So, I think that Disney uses ugly and pretty to describe 'good and evil' in a really simplistic way for kids. Little girls are more likely to relate to someone who reminds them of their mom, and mom is beautiful in a young girl's eyes.

As far as general media, ugly people are actually distracting from what's going on, while pretty people are less of a focal point. Plus, humans as a species enjoy looking at pretty or attractive people because that's how we're wired. Social justice bullshit doesn't seem to realize any of that and only thinks "daww the entertainment industry is just putting uggos down for no reason" without doing any research. I mean, every person obviously has different tastes but there are people who are atleast average looking in the eyes of the general populace.

>> No.8200412

>Despite her abuse, despite being locked in the tower, she chose to use her happy memories--of the prince, of the ball, of her parents--to keep herself from becoming like her stepmother: bitter and selfish

So accept your abusive situation and keep your chin up?

I much prefer the old versions way of "show don't tell" in that her kindness towards the mice manifested in them making the dress for her while she was overwhlemed with work. It made her own situation seem more desperate and it felt like so much more when she was elated for finding the dress and shattered when it was destroyed.

In this version her kindness led to...the mice opening the window for her when she was too gone mentally to try and escape? While in the original it was her action and calling her companions to arms that saved her.

Also giving the fairy godmother milk wasn't that much of a kindness because it was right there and the steps weren't around to scold her for it. So it wasn't hugely kind or courageous to do it.

I would like to state that as a whole I enjoyed the movie but they actually took a few too many steps back in her character.

>> No.8200413

At a guess, because that was the style of the period. Any kind of corset with even a 2" waist reduction is going to make it more difficult to eat, but I agree that cinching it to the point of being incapable of eating ANYTHING is ridiculous.

>> No.8200426

>she knew that her stepmother wasn't going to get to use her to hurt the prince and the kingdom

That's another thing. This was a poor premise because if she was truly intelligent she would have just lied and gone along with the stepmother's plan and had her banished the moment she was with the prince. That's what she ended up doing anyway.

>> No.8200435
File: 139 KB, 627x850, elsa_and_anna_graveside_by_nasubionna-d7dluso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beauty and the beast was the definition of a disney film...ugly beast man was a good guy. hunchback of notre dame....quasimodo is ugly freak and also good guy, moral of story is to look past appearances. frozen...hot guy was the villain. this is not something kids are too dumb to understand.

>> No.8200446
File: 1.01 MB, 3000x2000, Cinderella_2015_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her waist looks ridiculous.

>> No.8200451

>So accept your abusive situation and keep your chin up?

That's not what I said at all.

The stepmother went through some hard times, and was a selfish, cruel person because of it.

Cinderella went through even rougher times, but did not let her abuse and poor treatment change who she was inside.

>I much prefer the old versions way of "show don't tell" in that her kindness towards the mice manifested in them making the dress for her while she was overwhlemed with work.

So you prefer the old version in which she had less agency, then? And in which the mice made her a dress from stolen bits and bobs from the stepsisters? As opposed to Cinderella mending her beloved mother's dress, which was ripped not because the stepmother made the stepsisters notice that Cinderella's dress was made from their things, but because the stepmother was just that heartless.

>Also giving the fairy godmother milk wasn't that much of a kindness because it was right there and the steps weren't around to scold her for it. So it wasn't hugely kind or courageous to do it.

How was it not a kindness? Here was Cinderella, who moments before was elated to go to the ball wearing her mother's dress. Who had her dress cruelly torn by her stepmother and stepsisters. Who was told she would not go to the ball, for no real reason other than her stepmother's cruelty. Who, after trying to be courageous and make the best of things, has finally felt like she's lost hope. Who, when a complete stranger asks her for something to eat or drink, immediately forgets her own sadness and grief and goes to get them something. Even shrugging away her pain, saying, "oh, it's nothing" when the stranger asks why she had been crying. She did the same thing with the man brought the news of her father's death. Notice how she took the time to remark on his grief, as well. "It must have been very difficult for you."

>> No.8200458

Looks like a Barbie waist, which I guess is the look they were looking for.

>> No.8200470

Not arguing that kids aren't too "dumb" to understand, but ugly men in movies is a lot more acceptable/forgivable than ugly women. I'm sure they exist but I am really hard pressed to think of an unattractive disney female who wasn't a villain or a mother figure.

>> No.8200477

*are too dumb, fuck

>> No.8200481

You must not be blonde. Actual blondes, including myself, actually have darker eyebrows than their hair color. I'm sick of people accusing me of dying my hair because my eyebrows are darker.

>> No.8200647

This. All of this a million times yes. Also she explains why she puts up with everything saying that her parents taught her to love the home that her family has lived in for over 200 years.

>> No.8200660

I'm a blonde and my brows are the same color as my hair. So are my friends'.

>> No.8200663

Whelp you heard it here folks: this girl and her friend's brows are the standard for all women everywhere. No variation possible, please go home.

>> No.8200689

I've got black hair and blonde eyebrows. You can go the fuck home.

>> No.8200700

Yes, I'm the standard for everyone because I live in a country where most people are blonde and not once have I seen mismatches eyebrows and hair without the girl having dyed it. And I've never seen it on a guy, so you're lying.

>> No.8200722

I'm not your original anon fyi. I too have seen plenty of blonde haired people with darker eyebrows, stop deluding yourself just because you personally haven't met anyone like that (especially if most people around you are blonde, dumbass, darker-hair genes clearly aren't that common in that case).

>> No.8200736

> I've never seen it
> So you're lying

Kek, are you two?
> what is object permanence

>> No.8200741

I'm not 'deluding' myself, you can't have dark eyebrows without having dark hair, end of

>> No.8200746

Someone obviously has never taken biology.

> sage for OT

>> No.8200756

My little sister has that "corn silk" color of blonde hair and black eyebrows.

She's seven, pretty sure she didn't bleach it.

>> No.8200785

natural plat blonde here. Id dig up a photo of myself when i was younger, but as i grew older my eyebrows started turning dark brown.

>> No.8200797

I have near invisible eyebrows and dark blonde hair, while my friend has black eyebrows and blonde/brown hair. It happens anon, even if you don't ever see it.

>> No.8200799

Maybe that's the gene pool in your country but I've seen plenty of blond girls with naturally brown eyebrows.

>> No.8200803

Someone can't into genetics it looks like.

>> No.8200853

>As opposed to Cinderella mending her beloved mother's dress, which was ripped not because the stepmother made the stepsisters notice that Cinderella's dress was made from their things, but because the stepmother was just that heartless.

I like that they incorperated more of her mother. Too bad the dress she insisted on wearing to the ball looked completely different after transforming.

Also I'm not very happy with how they made the steps evil "just because they are." Previous Tremain was subtle in how twisted she was. This one literally had evil cackles. That scene at the breakfast table where she was told she wasn't good enough to sit with them anymore was perfect up until she and the sisters literally went AHAHAHA POOR CINDERELLA SUCKS TO BE YOU.

People aren't black and white good or evil. They have motivations nad experiences that drive their decisions. When the sisters saw stolen bits sewn into their dress they had a moral choice and chance to let it go. In the new version just ripping it BECAUSE WE SO EVIL just creates one dimensional foils to make Ella look even more pure and nice.

>Hey Ella you should move into the attic so one sister can use your room
>Later shows them living in the exact same room

Don't know if error? I'm pretty sure Ella, who takes care of the whole house, would have noticed.

>> No.8200879

Unless you're an albino or 10 years old there is no such thing as a natural platinum blonde, hair gets darker as people age.

>> No.8200914

clearly you have never been to Scandinavia.

yeah, blonde does get darker as you age but not on everyone and sometimes only so much.

>> No.8200918

>People aren't black and white good or evil.
Some people are. anon. Some people are.

>> No.8200921

I used to know a girl who's hair was straight up white. She had two sisters and her mom and they all had natural white blonde hair.

>> No.8200922

Reminding everyone that "Ever After" is best Cinderella interpretation.

>> No.8200928

Most of them highlight/bleach their hair.

>> No.8200952
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>> No.8200989

This is not disney general. This is a "Let's talk about the new cinderella movie thread." Personally I want more cosplay, less talk!

>> No.8200998

Sometimes people are just cruel. The stepsisters were following their mother's example during the dress ripping scene. I think in the new film, the foil for Cinderella is her stepmother, not her stepsister's.

>Don't know if error? I'm pretty sure Ella, who takes care of the whole house, would have noticed.

Hm? In the film the stepmother says that the stepsisters need a bigger room, because they are so used to sleeping in the same room. That's when Cinderella suggests her room, and when the stepmother pushes her into the attic.

>> No.8201014

I thought the idea was for them to have separate rooms. But in the dressing scene it was still shared.

>> No.8201019

you can "lolno" all you want....sandy's fucking QUOTED in the damn article as saying that. whether or not YOU think it's correct is another thing entirely.

>> No.8201032

An Kenneth Brannaugh said he was going to make a Cinderella that wasn't a damsel in distress. Doesn't mean he made it happen.

>> No.8201053

What happened with the stepsisters is hte same thing htat happened to the good fairies in Maleficent.

>Let's make these other characters complete idiots to make our protagonist look even better by comparison.

The stepmother was an antagonist more than a foil. They don't have to be one in the same character.

>> No.8201055

She says that the two are used to sharing a room, but their current room was too small. Meaning they need a bigger room they can share.

>> No.8201060

>Let's make these other characters complete idiots to make our protagonist look even better by comparison.

But.... the stepsisters were talentless bitches in the original cartoon. The only thing that changed was their appearance.

>> No.8201062

I think what bothers my most about these is they don't reflect the characters at all, in any way. They're just people in historical dress, nothing about it says Snow White or Belle etc. There's more to costume design than just what's 'historically accurate'

>> No.8201069

the blog posts are just using contemporary paintings, I don't think they're not meant to reflect the character's personalities.

>> No.8201074

The change was more slight than the fairies it was more like their bitch meter was taken from 10 to 11.

>> No.8201093

How were they any bitchier in the live action than in the cartoon?

>> No.8201126

Not an sca event, also festival of fantasy weekend with lots of steampunk and other non related events. I've given up all hope for these events to be accurate.

friend of the group, she's in civvies because she's one of the mermaids on break.

>> No.8201170

Led lights would be so cool

>> No.8201300

I dreamed that I made her dress out of leds last night. It was beautiful anon.

>> No.8201367

In the cartoon their actions were more to do with their mother's influence and competitiveness. In the movie they're just being bitches with no further development into the why.

You can have a character who's straight up evil, but they still need a reason why. Is it revenge? Do they simply enjoy the suffering of others?

>> No.8201421
File: 74 KB, 540x960, cindyfitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the other recent cinderella? Cosplay progress to get this thread back on track.

I'm just about to cut the tabs on this bodice, that's why it looks so weirdly long and ill fitted. Only 15 more boning channels to go, then decorative topstitching, then bias tape for miles...

>> No.8201445

>In the cartoon their actions were more to do with their mother's influence and competitiveness. In the movie they're just being bitches with no further development into the why.

How are the cartoon versions any more developed than the live action? They clearly follow the lead of their mother in the live action, how is that not indicative that their behavior is influenced by their mother's?

>> No.8201453

>how to get back at all the guys with their legs spread on the subway

>> No.8201455

Ew my God. What is that fabric?

>> No.8201490

...I know what you're going for, but please tell me that this is just ungodly bad lighting and you did not use the shiny stretch lame from hancock/joann's.

(Also you probably want to add two more bones to the center front to stop that buckling. If you're using the pattern I think you are, it doesn't call for enough)

>> No.8201538

You're an idiot. I know plenty of people since I was little who have had it their entire life. They have blonde eyelashes and eyebrows. There are many different shades of blonde.

>> No.8201630
File: 826 KB, 1092x638, fabric detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's awful fluroescent dorm lighting and poor white balance choices. I specifically sought out formalwear-grade fabric instead of tissue or stretch lame. This fabric is 78% black silk and 22% lurex, and has the same up close texture as this movie cap. There is no stretch to this fabric, but it's super slinky and has a lot of movement.

None of my chest boning channels are sewn (which I mentioned) and there aren't even stays in the ones that are here... sorry, I guess I shoulda held off on pics. My bad.

There will be 24 half inch spring steel bones in the final, and at least 8 more half inch plastic bones, and topstitching between all of them. There are two layers of stiff bottomweight linen under the top fabric of the bodice. I made a fully boned and fully laced mock-up of middleweight cotton before any of this --there will be none of this awful buckling, promise. The pattern is this one: http://www.marquise.de/en/1700/howto/frauen/18corset.shtml

>> No.8201635

I'm sure my brunette friend purposely dyes her eyebrows blonde, then pays to do them brown again on a regular basis when we get our hair done because she just wants to.

I have no idea what's going on but I'm curious for the end result!

>> No.8201648

Wow I am really astounded by how badly this photographed. I'm curious to see this in natural light.