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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8193425 No.8193425 [Reply] [Original]

Larp thread, can't think of a good title name edition
previous one is in autosage as always

>> No.8193433
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>Replacing gorget with bevor
with something like this?

>> No.8193478

A little consulting:
I'm willing to play a far-east inspired character for the upcoming big LARP in my country. What are some Do's and Don'ts to make it cool but not weeaboo?
Also, if you have any suggestions for an interesting race to play, preferrably mostly humam but with one or two bold visual traits, I'd appreciate that greatly.wa

>> No.8193497
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>What are some Do's and Don'ts to make it cool but not weeaboo?
as with everything: reasearch it. And don't overdo it.
use common sense instead of movie sense

>> No.8193502
File: 91 KB, 600x903, 10321019_879871258730193_3640737071530757474_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Chose a period and stick with it (dont mix periods or else it kinda look like a dude wearing a sallet with a viking chainmail and maximilian guntlet)
-use a bow, Japanese loved their bows
- drink tea (plus, its good)
- Have ladies serve you tea

- Use a shield
- put makeup on your eyes to look asian
- talk japanese unless you really speak it

>> No.8193505

he said far-east not Japanese.

>> No.8193514

We all know they all mean japanese when they say that

>> No.8193521

Also, does anyone know why didn't Asians use shields? They seem to be pretty effective...

>> No.8193524

i really dont know a lot about Asians millitary history.

All i know comes from Shogun total war , so you probably know as much as me.

>> No.8193525

Asians used shields. Japanes didn't used them much.

>> No.8193541

Oh. So which asian warriors did use shields? Thai? Chinese? (Sorry, my history knowledge is terrible.)

>> No.8193543

no 'we' don't

>> No.8193551

I'm pretty sure the chinese used shields sometimes, probably koreans too.
Japanese aren't completely shieldless either but it's more of an exception there as far as I know.

>> No.8193723

Anon asked for tips on not being a weeaboo, assuming they're looking for Japanese makes sense.

>far-east inspired character
So you're not going for a specific time period, just general inspiration? That makes it a lot harder to not be a weeaboo. I think the biggest thing I've ever seen people do is getting cheap shiny satin 'asian' garb like they sell in chinatown, go for muted silks and cottons. Also avoid doing an overpowering asian accent, or being a 'ninja.' Especially don't throw random Japanese words into conversation.
It will probably be easier if you stick to a specific period.
A fun roleplay option, learn how to do formal tea ceremonies (many Asian cultures had them) and do them in game. You'll get loads of people wanting in on it.

>interesting race to play, preferrably mostly humam but with one or two bold visual traits.
Booo! More spiders!
But seriously, if you're going for asian there is a HUGE wealth of mythology you can go to for a mostly-human character. If you want more suggestions on that, I'll need a gender and approximate age.

>> No.8193760
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I think there is a 15yo little girl from a larp who's starting to fall in love with me... this is a bit awkward

this , and because i automaticaly assume that everyone on 4chan is a big weeabo who masturbate on these weird chinaman cartoon porn.

>> No.8193781

>If you want more suggestions on that, I'll need a gender and approximate age.
a photo and bank account number could help too

>> No.8193875
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this super awesome set of manacles that my dad got in Russia in the 50's... Only problem is they're pin-locked.
How do I make these LARP-safe where you can unpin them easily?

>I think there is a 15yo little girl from a larp who's starting to fall in love with me... this is a bit awkward
That's what you get for transforming into a 9/10 with your new facial hair.

Nah man, social security number.

>> No.8193892
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>I have this super awesome set of manacles that my dad got in Russia in the 50's
Woah woah woah there you cant just say your dad got a pair of manacles in soviet russia and not tell us the story.
(Also The Hungarians here lived in Soviet bloc and are slowly trying to make us worship the glorious Avtomat Kalashnikova..wish i already do)

>That's what you get for transforming into a 9/10 with your new facial hair.
Listen i have nothing against getting that new beard wet in teenage juices, but 15yo is too young for me, specialy when her mother goes at the same larp.

I'll by building a period tent with a friend for this summer, i'll take picture of the construction steps.

As soon as the snow melt in my backyard , wich should be in may...FUUUUU

Pic unrelated, it's Ze nun being small as fuck

>> No.8193907
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Just savescum your way until you find the perfect combination of flags and do the gurl and the mom. At the same time.

>that's what my oriental knob polishing digitalized vellums from India taught me

>> No.8193913


>> No.8193934
File: 1.26 MB, 2448x3264, DSC02641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I make these LARP-safe where you can unpin them easily?
it's safe because you can't unpin it easily

>> No.8193935
File: 266 KB, 680x1024, 1292099822004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not judge, for I am of noble blood, thou peasant. Thou cannot even read oriental knob polishing digitalized vellums.

>> No.8193982

My dad is the shadiest person I have ever met. He's lived under like, 6 different names in his life (and at one point he managed to pretend to be a woman for a few years in a D&D game by mail, he only stopped when the DM fell in love with him. He still has the letters), caught art thieves in Africa, owned a night club in New Orleans, forged letters of recommendation from himself for himself and managed to get into college on them, all kinds of lunacy. I didn't believe a lot of his stories for a long time until I met people who knew him back then who could back up his stories. The name he's living under now still isn't his legal name. I honestly don't know the story about how he got the manacles, I just asked him if I could have them and he casually mentioned he 'picked them up' in Russia in the 50's.
For like, half my life I sincerely believed that he had forged my birth certificate as part of a complicated scheme since I was born illegally.

>living somewhere that it snows
>top kek

I live in America where people don't want to be secured inside things that can't be cut off.
I also live in an area where the forests like to spontaneously combust. The two combined mean that I need to make it easily removable.

>> No.8194054

Can you provide more photos of the locking mechanism?

>> No.8194079
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Here you go. It's a simple pin lock- the metal pin goes through the collar and the hob that connects to the chain. The pin sits tightly enough in the metal that it doesn't slide, and to 'unlock' it, you take a nail and hammer the pin out. To relock it, you hammer the pin back in.

I was thinking maybe making a wire catch that I can loop at each end to secure it? I don't know if the wire would hold it closed though.

>> No.8194100

Just weld a loop on one end and you'll be fine

>> No.8194179

>I didn't believe a lot of his stories for a long time until I met people who knew him back then who could back up his stories
I hope you realize that hardcore larpers children will have to live like this too. Think about all the stories you will tell them.

>I live in America where people don't want to be secured inside things that can't be cut off.
>I also live in an area where the forests like to spontaneously combust. The two combined mean that I need to make it easily removable.
You lost me. Your idea is completely alien to me

>> No.8194347

>"What does your dad do?"
>"My dad is the Baron of Everbright, destroyer of undead!"
>"Haw haw, what a loser."
At least my kid will be able to kick that kids ass. My fiance and I were actually having that conversation- how to make it clear to very young kids who grow up with it that the stuff that happens in LARP isn't 'real life.'

>We have a dwarven blackmsmith who plays
>He brings his 2 year old daughter to game. She has a full wardrobe of garb because everyone loves her and sews for her for free, and she loves wearing pretty dresses
>Her dad makes her an armory of miniature boffer weapons but her favorite is an axe.
>Trolls attack our camp, surprising everyone
>Dwarven blacksmith goes out to fight, his daughter stays in the doorway of the cabin with one of the ladies
>Blacksmith goes down in the fight
>Here a screaming sound
>Turn around
>The girl has wriggled out of her handlers arms and is running straight at the trolls with her axe
>The two year old starts beating the crap out of a troll screaming "LEAVE MY DAD ALONE YOU MONSTERS!"
>NPC is astonished, and falls over immediately. Blacksmith is revived.
>Little girl gets spoiled by the camp for the rest of the day, while she tells us all about how she 'beat the monsters that were attacking dad.'

Adorable. Ferocious.

>Your idea is completely alien to me
I'm saying it's all good to keep immersion, but I'd rather not actually burn the witches in a giant sudden forest fire because they can't get out of my manacles.

>> No.8194371
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>I'm saying it's all good to keep immersion, but I'd rather not actually burn the witches in a giant sudden forest fire because they can't get out of my manacles.
sounds like heretic talk to me

>> No.8194505

Thanks a lot, pal. Those are some nice tips and I'm going to look into that tea ceremonies thing.

I'm a 21 years old male. If it matters I can provide a physical description or something as well.

>> No.8194530

Physical description doesn't matter much. I just didn't want to make you a lady-specific ghost, or an old man, or something.

The only specific thing you can do that I can think of that may be cool would be to do the Asian Vampire that had to count grains of rice on the stoop before attacking- be an OCD effectively.

Check out this list:

>> No.8194534

Also, as for period: I've been told a couple of times it's strongly recommended to stick to one period, then it's probably what I'm honna do. I'll do my reading but if you have a ny suggestions I'd love to hear them.

Also, yes I'd rather it to be Japanese, but Chinese or Korean might work just as well if I like it. China has some nice weapon and might work well as long as I won't go "Ahhh yes my Wushu is superior time to feel the wrath of my 29 fingerpalms of cold fiery death haha"ich

>> No.8194833
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If your going to be wearing purple and looking even slightly noble like that, yah gotta put some trim on dat bitch. Pic related, i picked this trim because i thought it would go well

>> No.8194843
File: 131 KB, 768x960, 1407740126578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure exactly what country this dude is from, but definitely asian. he also looks really good.

>> No.8194847

Almost exactly infact

>> No.8195072

>not sure exactly what country this dude is from
Japan, I'd wager. Though it's a bit odd that he's still sporting that top knot in a picture that's so obviously post-Meiji-Reformation.

>> No.8195304

that's so adorable

>> No.8195351


call me ignorant, but why is it obvious that's post-meiji? because it's a photograph?

>> No.8195496

What's the opinion of /hema/ folks at your LARPS?

>> No.8195511

I've been playing the tremolo harmonica for a while now, and I know it's not quite period accurate for a lot of stuff. However, I was still wondering what sort of songs would be appropriate to learn on it if I ever wanted to use it at a larp. Current I have Rosin the Bow and Danny Biy in mind, but I'm still looking for some good folk songs to use. Any suggestions?

>> No.8195549

The low amount of grain and the fairly sharp contrast plus the rather well-done colorisation point to it being made around 1870 at the very earliest (closer to 1900 would be more likely though), and that would be assuming western levels of technology.

>> No.8195744

I think he migth be a Ainous , a russian/japanese from the northern island.

(thats i where you trade iron in shogun 2 lerl)

>> No.8195896
File: 121 KB, 499x304, dgdgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey LARP-fags, I have a question I hope you can help me with:
I recently made my first scale mail armor for a cosplay.

I want to keep it in good shape for as long as possible.
So is there anything I should consider while storing it? (The scales are made from anodized aliminium. However, the edges aren't anodized..)

>> No.8195919

If you want to avoid scratching, hang it up or tuck something around every scale. Otherwise nothing to worry about.

>> No.8195989

Doubt it, Ainu weren't very likely to rock the chonmage.

>> No.8196089
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>> No.8196467

They did, but we don't hear much about it. Not really anything else to say about it. Most Asian cultures did use shields at some point, but the two that most people think of (China and Japan) ended up using large polearm fomartions.

Get a yumi and a yari and use them to their fullest extent.
Better yet, find a surprisingly small horse.

>> No.8196711

Went with this one

>> No.8197421
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you probably won't have any real problem with it as long as you don't leave it out in the rain. But if you want to go over the top protecting it then get a linen cloth or something pour oil on it (linseed oil, for example but technically sunflower oil and stuff liek that could work too) and pack the whole scalemail in that oily cloth. You can may or may not rub the oil on the scalemail too depending on how much OCD do you have.

Also if you chose this be prepared that the stuff will be oily when you next want to use it

>> No.8197441

Aluminum doesn't rust in the same way iron or steel does.

It forms aluminum oxide, however, aluminum oxide actually forms a protective layer. You may be shocked to find out that the anodizing process actually forms aluminum oxide.

It'll be fine. You really have to try to scratch off the anodized coating, as in take a knife and really really gouge into it. It will eventually get marred and gouged up if your rough with it but the coating is very hard and protective.

Don't lose sleep over it.

>> No.8197479

Noob American Larper here. I just started an Alchemist character at my local Larp and I'm looking to make edible potions and other concoctions that bubble, change color and look like stuff is happening when I mix potions at my table. Any suggestions?

I know Baking soda+ a citric acid bubbles, but baking soda makes everything taste weird. Are their any alternatives to baking soda that yield the same effect?

>> No.8197571

What is the purpose of his belly-window? Seppuku?

>weird tasting potions
That's the whole point!

>> No.8197845

lol i didnt even notice that. thats odd.

>> No.8197858

To show you his sick abs while you die

>> No.8198446

That for your Marcher?

>> No.8198653

Yeah. going to combine it with my kettle

>> No.8198821

>tfw plan to show up at first event with lembas bread
Finally, my nerdliness will make me friends instead of chasing people away!

>> No.8198838
File: 92 KB, 960x643, sucrebleu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you offer me lambas it will chase me away.

Have you ever eaten millitary MRE?
Its probably what lambas taste like...

Actually if you offer me any kind of food i will be your friend.

>> No.8198873

"See those guys? If you get into a dangerous situation or think you might be ambushed, stick with them, because they will fuck up anything they see. But if you see them running somewhere, don't follow them, because they're probably running toward something that will fuck you up."

>> No.8199101
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>> No.8199259

the GF and I made our take on lembas for the premier of the first Hobbit movie. Getting so excited about the film was, in retrospect, a mistake, but the bread was nice. It was basically a little loaf of extremely dense bread flavored lightly with honey and brown sugar.

>> No.8199383


If you wanna bake, just bake, no need to shoehorn lembas or anything of the sort for extra references.. In character cooks are welcome everywhere.

>> No.8199534
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>> No.8199717
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This man tell the truth.

There was a cook who made a lot of good stuff you see on the table there.

Lets just say that he got the compliment and praise of all our guild during all the nigth.

And we also helped him cover the cost (wich were pretty low for what we had in quantity and quality, 5$ each person)

>> No.8199754
File: 770 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_2047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm crewing at a small LARP nearby in a month's time (it'll be my second LARP, I'm deliberately going to this one as a practice/warm-up) and I've found out that the prop-basket/dressing up box is fairly thin. Since prop-making is the funnest bit, IMO, I thought I'd volunteer to make a bunch of stuff to glitz up the monsters/NPCs a little, but I'd like some advice on ideas for stuff to make.

The LARP is fairly 40k-ish with the numbers filed off, and the current setting is among a group of feral vaguely-Eldar types (think Exodites, but a lot less elegant and slightly fewer dinosaurs). I've been told that we're going for a vaguely native American look, but a) I feel a bit dodgy with that as far as ripping off meaningful cultural symbols goes b) feathers in hair, tomahawks, and medieval broadswords aren't a good look. So I'm thinking of making some broader aesthetics - stuff that gives a 'made using limited natural materials for ritual purposes' look, but not much direct native American influence/aesthetic-nicking.

So far I've got

- a bunch of culture-appropriate weapons (wraithbone pistols, etc)
- a turquoise 'string of heads' necklace
- a couple of books - one Maya-style codex (stacked leather pages) and one stolen Inquisitorial tome (pictured)
- a carved thigh-bone ritual talisman with bells on (pictured)
- an extra-large artist's mannequin that I'm currently in the process of turning into a weird mummified baby
- a set of weird hooded hessian masks with runes on them, so that we have a faceless grunt squad of monsters

But I'm looking for more ideas about what I can easily make that will look decent/be quick to put together/capture the 'indigenous low-tech communities resisting a Rogue Trader expedition trip. I'm an impoverished student with a relatively small range of tools/can't afford many fancy materials (though I've got a bunch in stock). Thoughts?

>> No.8200115

>Wooden jigsaw puzzle of a very creepy picture
>Witch doctor style decorated bottles (if you have a good gas torch you can also deform the glass into interesting shapes
>Take an apple. Carve it into a head. Let it dry for instant shrunken heads!
>Disgusting jar filled with nasty feeling and looking things (with a magical ring in it)

>> No.8200815

That's gonna look pretty ace. Missing E1 so might use the time to work on my armour setup.

>> No.8200820

Yeah, just bake stuff. No need to put a fantasy spin for no reason. Unless you're actually in a LOTR larp, then it's fine.
Our group has a bunch of women in it who love baking, and brewing both cider and mead.
On the way down we also stop at a service station that's run by the local community and has the best types of pies and other meatstuffs. We buy a crap tonne to eat over the weekend.

>> No.8200929
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Back again from another event. We had fire elementals burning our forest, so they set up heavy duty fog machines and orange lights- looked very real and we could barely see anything in the smoke/fog. It was a great, emotionally intense game.
I got a good 10 or so commissions for garb this game, including one guy who wants a full costume as a death's head moth. I'm very excited about it.

Adding on to everyone else, if you're going to make 'bread that keeps' just call it hardtack and call it done.
Also don't make it if you're not on a 'trecking through the wilderness' game.
Learn to bake homemade bread, and everyone will love you. Some guy this game brought a slow cooker berry cobbler and he was the talk of the town for like, an entire day.

>> No.8202060

Woah, woah, woah. This thread is not going the right way.



>> No.8202183
File: 1.61 MB, 1600x1067, IMG_5108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a right way?

>> No.8202199

one that doesn't devolve into hema/sca people shitposting about "muh full contact"

>> No.8202206

Is that... a ferret?

>> No.8202218


Mostly just away from the final page.

>> No.8202258


it's like you doesn't even like having FUN

I can agree with that

>> No.8202786
File: 122 KB, 1080x720, fabric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings ye olde larpfags - I think last larp thread (?) I asked about using a gold polyester to make a blouse for my sister for her birthday - learned that this is a no-no unless my sister does something particularly evil to me between now and then.
I have some white linen which was recommended to me by an actual larper. Now I need inspiration for blouses! Sister wants to wear hers under a vest. Any help?
All she has specifically asked for is a peasant blouse with a wide neck and ruffles at the top.
I am thinking of doing that, with bishop sleeves and a loose waist and removable lacing in pleather along the front so she can bring it in if she wants to wear the blouse without a vest. Would that be comfortable or too restricting?

Also I took a picture of the fabric with my potato - it is a bit see through but pretty good for linen. Very light and comfy. Ill probably dye it with turmeric to age it a bit.

>> No.8202789

Who's been saying anything about going full contact?

that is a dangerous animal and you are right to be wary.

>> No.8202792
File: 1.14 MB, 964x640, aatpblouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here is a picture of the kind of lacing I meant except on this blouse it is purely decorative and at least on hers it would be useful.

>> No.8203111

Yeah catsnakes are terrifying

Anyone know where to get a Viking or norman beltbuckle that fits a 1.5inch belt. I can only find .5 inch and 1 inch.

>> No.8203361

I don't know if these are accurate or not; viking stuff isn't really my cup of tea, but:


>> No.8203371

>All she has specifically asked for is a peasant blouse with a wide neck and ruffles at the top.
all you need

>> No.8203374
File: 1.51 MB, 1600x1067, IMG_5095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that is a dangerous animal and you are right to be wary.
it has pointy teeth and shit. As ever vigilant city guards we did our duty

>> No.8203396
File: 51 KB, 815x486, moth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started the design for the Death's Head Moth kin character. The client agreed to my price, which was the part I was most worried about.

>Dat mugging in process behind you all
The ferret is going to be become batman now.

Should be fine. I like that fabric. I would use tea instead of turmeric... Tumeric may make it too yellow. Just make sure you don't make it too frilly. I wouldn't use pleather lacings, they're too stiff.

>> No.8203404
File: 995 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_5186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mugging? what mugging?

>> No.8203462

damn youths running around with their bucklers and polecats.

shit that's going to look nice.

>> No.8203469

>Who's been saying anything about going full contact?
No one, which is why this larp thread is so nice.

>> No.8203476

They're only really effective if everyone plays by the same rules.

In japan, Samurais actually mastered their Naginata's over their katanas and generally their tactics resolved around spears, and the only thing that really beats spears is a two handed sword/archery

>> No.8203503
File: 766 KB, 2048x1536, 2015-03-25 11.03.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too frillly
Came up with this design. Hmm? I understand about pleather but I think lacing would still be a cool option if she wanted to wear it without the vest.

>> No.8203523

Looks great. Just use a soft lacing, like make your own lacing out of extra linen or something.

>> No.8203538
File: 51 KB, 634x284, 1394250702124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the only thing that really beats spears is a two handed sword/archery
Oh really?

>> No.8203671

This is a photo from the Peabody Museum at Harvard. They have a pretty extensive collection of ethnological photos/material if you're interested. I remembered seeing it before and figured I'd look it up:

Peabody Number: 2003.1.2223.396
Display Title: Japanese samurai in colorful armor
Inventory Description: Portrait of Japanese samurai in colorful armor
Object Description: Japanese samurai in colorful armor. Print from PA-IN60-41, nineteenth century commercial photographic studio views of Japan. Subjects include portaiture as well as studio se-up scenes of Japanese "daily life." Photographs are primarily albumen prints, many with applied color. Many of the photographs in this collection can be found in "A Timely Encounter: 19th Century Photographs of Japan." Photographs were exhibited in Peabody Museum and Wellesley college joint exhibition.
Date: 1870s-1880s
Artists: Stillfried & Andersen Co.
Materials: Albumen print , Print, hand-colored adhered to Paperboard
Dimensions: Overall: 24.8 x 18.6 cm (9 3/4 x 7 5/16 in.)
Dedication: Gift of Miss Mary Lothrop, 1927
Donor: Mary B. Lothrop
Collector: Dr. William Sturgis Bigelow

>> No.8204403


Not really. Shields in Europe went on the decline as armor became mass-produced and more capable of protecting the wearer from ranged fire. A LOT of professional soldiers continued to carry bucklers in addition to their sidearms, as well. Hell, Rodeleros and their counterparts continued to use actual shields to decent effect well into the era of pike and shot.

I don't really see why people have this bizarre need to reduce combat to a bunch of simple 'x is better than y' relationships. The fact is that certain weapons were used because they were effective for the periods and situations in which they were used.

Also the naginata was not the principal weapon of most Japanese armies was the yari.

>> No.8204432
File: 519 KB, 1424x2144, 16584736469_d17b0f1ef8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you are saying.

But i do think that its all about how trained your army is.

If i have ''veterans'' who are well armored, are not afraid of getting hit hard, and are used to sword and shield, that is pretty good.

But if i have a bunch of dudes who never fougth before and are not sure of what to do.

Grab a spear and follow the leader.

spear is History weapon because every nation used it, everyone can use it even without training.

Think the Ak47
is it a better weapon than ''X''

Nope probably not

Is it easier to use, maintain , replace, fire ?

Would a trained , high tech army use it?
Probably not

So tl;dr = Spear is so easy to use , cheap and to make, its a really good weapon that you cant really go wrong with

Are other weapons better?
if you can use it proprely yes

>> No.8204467
File: 51 KB, 555x372, 1424023024628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


none of hte pictures are loading for me . though i can sorta find the sets elsewhere by set titles.

so thanks. have some sweden ethnography

>> No.8204526


They're dangerous and shouldn't be allowed to play. This isn't personal, mind; I think HEMA is pretty cool. But what happens when adrenaline starts going is that they fall back on their ingrained training, which is almost always going to be HEMA techniques that aren't safe for larping.

I play in Castle and Dystopia Rising in the midwest US, and there's stories around here about a couple of HEMA guys that dicked around in fullplate, and absolutely everyone was terrified of the situation where one of them gets smacked upside the head by accident, and they'd react via a "muscle-memory" shield bash or a wind into a pommel strike to the face or something. Pretty much everyone breathed a sigh of relief when one of them quit and the other significantly cut back on attendance.

It's just not worth the risk. Dystopia Rising Indiana banned them both preemptively on this argument, just in case. I don't know about Castle and the Accelerant game in their area. But HEMA folks are just too dangerous to be allowed to play in lightest-touch larps, simply by virtue of their training.

>> No.8204542
File: 37 KB, 300x512, spirallacing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a look into spiral lacing if you want it to be functional, it doesn't pull and bunch like criss-cross lacing.

>> No.8204585

That's actually a very pertinent concern. That being said, they're obviously pretty shitty HEMA practitioners. Like any martial art, control is the single most important factor. If you can't detach yourself from the situation and stand the fuck down then you have no business in swinging a goddamn sword at people.
Also if you actually do train Kendo or Eskrima or gongfu or HEMA or whatever the fuck you call swordsmanship, the onus is on you to choose a weapon that you have not obsessively trained with.

>> No.8204625

Seconding HEMAfag. Control is essential regardless of practice. Before I started LARPing I did Aikedo and a tiny bit of fencing, and the sword training for that is all head hits and thrusts, neither of which are usually allowed. To not be an asshole, you need to re-learn what you're doing in order to fight safely.

I'm usually more scared of the tough guys who have never LARPed before getting hit in the nuts for the first time and hulking out. At least a veteran HEMA player will hurt me with experience.

What is the worst LARPing injury you all have ever suffered? My worst is a sprained wrist and a dislocated pinky, neither serious, from falling down the side of a mountain.

>> No.8204642

I stepped on a subterranean hornet's nest at SCA once. That was fun. Not exactly the first time that's happened, either.

Anyways to finish up my thoughts on the whole 'HEMA and full contact in LARP' thing, I have beef with 'experienced' larpers who can't take hits without getting red-faced and starting to swing like a madman. They're foam swords. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.8204645

>I don't really see why people have this bizarre need to reduce combat to a bunch of simple 'x is better than y' relationships
it's because most people have a competitive mindset. Everything must be ranked under or over something.

>> No.8204648


Oh, AFAIK they never actually hit anybody. It was just the risk and chance that they might. We didn't want to lose our insurance at DR if they ever did, so that's why they were banned.

>> No.8204651
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Just for the record, two things:
1) this concept of banning someone for something they didn't (and probably would'nt) do is pants on head retarded, it's almost like banning someone for potentially stealing OOC property because they have hands or potentially raping someone because they have access to a penis
2) both of these people frequent these threads.

>> No.8204654


Whoa whoa whoa.

You banned them because they MIGHT use a HEMA technique in the heat of battle? Not because they actually did? What you're saying is that simply having the training is sufficient reason to ban somebody?

>> No.8204655

>I play in Castle and Dystopia Rising in the midwest US, and there's stories around here about a couple of HEMA guys that dicked around in fullplate, and absolutely everyone was terrified of the situation where one of them gets smacked upside the head by accident, and they'd react via a "muscle-memory" shield bash or a wind into a pommel strike to the face or something. Pretty much everyone breathed a sigh of relief when one of them quit and the other significantly cut back on attendance.
sorry but I can't stop laughing.
I actually know those two guys.
Let me ask this: does actually any accident happened? Like actual accident that those two caused? I mean something that ACTUALLYX happened not just "I heard it from a friend of a friend that someone nearly seen something that might be an accident "

>> No.8204657

That's insane, anon. You guys need to rethink your policies.
Added to the list of games to never recommend.

>> No.8204658

even better. They never went to Dystopia Rising. Ever. they just heard stories from a few shitloards and dystopia rising banned them.

>> No.8204660

I... What.
So these guys got preemptively banned from DR because they MIGHT have lost control and hit someone? I'm going to give that chapter the benefit of the doubt and assume that these guys were just assholes with anger issues anyways, because that shit's just absurd otherwise.

>> No.8204661

>What you're saying is that simply having the training is sufficient reason to ban somebody?

I believe that's what I said up here, >>8204526
, yes. HEMA people shouldn't play lightest-touch larps.

>does actually any accident happened? Like actual accident that those two caused?
>Not because they actually did?

No, AFAIK they never actually did anything. Like I said, you revert to muscle memory when under stress, and so by virtue of having the training they were an unacceptable risk.

It's better to ban somebody and be wrong, then let somebody play and have someone get hurt. Our concern is safety. Why would anyone be opposed to that?

>> No.8204664

alright alright let me give you an example.
you ban people who actually KNOW how to fight safely but you don't ban shit tier weapons which is a way bigger safety concern.
Do you see anything wrong with this?

I mean your whole "muscle memory" argument is not wrong but not even right. it's non-factual

>> No.8204667

I... are you a troll?

You're giving people swords and putting them in the woods, safety is inherently compromised. At least the HEMA guys know what they're doing, and when you know what you're doing you're less likely to hulk out.
ESPECIALLY in a lightest touch game where the combat stress level is a minimum.

May as well ban me as well, I'm really tall so I'm predisposed to hitting manlets in the head when I take a normal swing.

>> No.8204668


Then why does the army say differently. That's the whole point of basic training. YOu develop muscle memory, and then under stress you revert to that.

So since they have that training, they're dangerous simply by virtue of being on site and placed in a stressful (game) situation.

People wanted to know what games thought about HEMA people playing larps. Well, that's what we think.

>May as well ban me as well, I'm really tall so I'm predisposed to hitting manlets in the head when I take a normal swing.

Your height is different. You didn't choose to be tall. They chose to persue training that lets them hurt people IRL. Which makes them potentially dangerous, and it's the responsibility of any game to minimize risk to the participants.

Please note I wasn't on the ownership team that banned them. I just talk with two of them regularly.

>> No.8204671

>I... are you a troll?

Oh, and no. Normally I'm just lurking to look at the costumes and get ideas. But since the topic came up, it was something I could directly participate in.

I'm sorry that other games don't take player safety as seriously as we do, though.

>> No.8204672

HEMA guys can be assholes the same way SCA guys can be assholes because 'muh authentic combat' but they're not war veterans going into flashbacks when they get tapped with dick swords.

Would you say the same thing about people who have practiced martial arts? Fencing? HEMA is a contact game and is certainly heavier than your standard touch game but they aren't trying to kill each other, they're trying to develop a skill resembling a sport.

>> No.8204675

>by virtue of having the training
So, do you mean the parts of the training where you're straight up disbarred from practicing with most HEMA groups if you pull that 'muscle memory' shit, or the part of the training where you drill controlling your strikes before you ever even lay a finger on something more dangerous than a nylon waster? Because quite frankly right now all this sounds like fearmongering without any basis in reality.

Listen. The fact of the matter is that people who have trained in this shit are more likely to practice it safely than someone who hasn't.

>> No.8204676

>So since they have that training, they're dangerous simply by virtue of being on site and placed in a stressful (game) situation.
by that logic every veteran larper is dangerous and you should ban everyone who went to more than 5 games
do you also think that soldiers kill people all the time when they get back to civil life?

>> No.8204678
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>worst LARPing injury
I have
- mallet finger on my rigth middle finger
- opened my left ring finger to the tendon wich got cut also. now its okay but i got a cute little scar
- my two big toes had the nail broken from people walking on it in battle (picture big dude with 70lbs more of stuff. now its kinda weird looking. (wearing historical shoes in battle is a bad idea.
- my nose who always get bloody

i remember when it happened ,i was a marshal and i remember a guy falling, then getting up and running away while other people started droping their stuff and running too and i was like....what the...oh...OOOOOOH FUCK!

I'm from Quebec , should i be banned from taking a spear because i may crosschek people because of my muscle memory from hockey? (even if i havent played it for 20 years , its in my blood and muscle memory)

Also i'm just a violent man with a taste for his own blood and pain in general.

>> No.8204679

>I'm sorry that other games don't take player safety as seriously as we do, though.
that's technically correct. Although not in the way you intended

>> No.8204680

>They chose to persue training that lets them hurt people IRL
>They chose to persue training that lets them practice-spar safely in controlled conditions

Here, I fixed that for you. Seriously, having some training in any kind of mock combat is a HUGE safety advantage - we've never, ever had combat accidents caused or suffered by trained people on our larps and battelgames. Untrained people, on the other hand, do stupid shit and either hurt people or get hurt while doing that.

>> No.8204681

>Would you say the same thing about people who have practiced martial arts? Fencing?

Depends on the martial art. Somebody who did escrima would certainly be reviewed, since they're going to be holding direct analogues of their martial arts weapons. Somebody who does tournament karate or tai chi? Probably not.

Fencing isn't intended to hurt somebody in the first place, so again, probably not.

The stuff we'd be concerned about would be people who did stuff like:
>Krav Maga
>Military combat veteran with a combat specialty
>maybe the SCA, I don't know enough about the training they get

Those kinds of people are greater risks simply by the choices they've made and the training they've received. The average officer-worker larper doesn't stand a chance against them if they lose their temper or lose control, and so we have to make the decision that maximizes safety for the greatest number of people.

>> No.8204687

trick question: what about regular people who are strong. If they lose their temepr they can punch people left and right.

>> No.8204691

> The average officer-worker larper

The average office-worker larper usually strikes way stronger than the average HEMA practicioner, simply because they are unaware of their strength and not used to be in control of a large blunt object in their hands. All the bruises I've received during last week's training, for example, were from untrained people.

>> No.8204692

Well, I'm kicked out. I've got Krav Maga, MMA, and SCA.

I think you are mixing up interest in combat with severe PTSD.

Also this >>8204687

Not all LARPers are office workers, man.

>> No.8204693

>Also i'm just a violent man with a taste for his own blood and pain in general.

I would say Dystopia Rising isn't for you, yes.

All things being equal, I'd rather get hit by some out-of-shape officer worker than a trained swordsman who I have to trust isn't going to fall back on his training and actually try to hurt me.

Even one major instance of injury could screw over our ability to get insurance and host games. The untrained officer worker will always be easier to insure, because any injuries they cause are by definition accidental. The HEMA guys, on the other hand, could be excluded from coverage by the insurance coverage, because they should know better than to hurt someone. Which means that if the insurance doesn't cover it, the game owners are liable. And that's not acceptable.

The best solution is to not let the people who actually know how to fight into the game in the first place. That guarantees the insurance will cover any injuries that may occur.

Maybe games in other countries with a different health care system can afford to risk their player's safety, but in America we have to absolutely minimize the chance of anybody getting hurt.

>> No.8204694

Olympic fencing is a derivation of smallsword fencing, which by extension is all about hard thrusts to the face, throat, and chest, fun fact. Hard to imagine that being friendly to DR

But your entire argument is based on the idea that somehow a person trained to shut down and remove themselves from the fight if they get mad is somehow inherently more dangerous than a pasty office worker with no idea of control whipping his sword around by the pommel?

>> No.8204697


Same answer as up here: >>8204668

You didn't choose to just "be strong". Your ability to get strong is ultimately controlled by your genetics, which is out of your control.

These people CHOSE to engage in training that makes them a greater risk to everyone around them. This is a consequence of that choice.

>> No.8204698

>Even one major instance of injury could screw over our ability to get insurance and host games. The untrained officer worker will always be easier to insure, because any injuries they cause are by definition accidental. The HEMA guys, on the other hand, could be excluded from coverage by the insurance coverage, because they should know better than to hurt someone. Which means that if the insurance doesn't cover it, the game owners are liable. And that's not acceptable.
I simply have no words to explain how wrong is that in how many levels. But let's say it's very wrong in a lot of levels. It's basically a textbook slippery slope argument

>> No.8204699

>but in America we have to absolutely minimize the chance of anybody getting hurt.
I'm an American LARPer in the most sue-happy state in the country and we don't do shit like that, and we have insurance.
You're on your own here, don't drag the rest of us down with you.

>> No.8204700

what if they regularly lift? like they go to the gym to be strong. Let's say they are a /fit/izen. Then they actually chose to be strong. So do you ban people who regularly go the the gym?

>> No.8204702

>But your entire argument is based on the idea that somehow a person trained to shut down and remove themselves from the fight if they get mad is somehow inherently more dangerous than a pasty office worker with no idea of control whipping his sword around by the pommel?

Our entire argument is based on the idea that if a person is trained not to lose control, and they did lose control, then the insurance won't cover the resulting injury (which would be worse than an officer worker losing control, because they actually know how to hurt somebody).

So not only would ownership be liable for the injury, the injury would be worse and more expensive to cover.

The smart business choice, and the choice that maximizes safety for our players, is to not let the people capable of causing that serious injury play in the first place.

>> No.8204704

>actually saying 'muh genetics' in reference to ability to get strong
Seriously, are you a troll? That's straight out of a /fit/ fat hate thread.

>> No.8204705

>ability to get strong is controlled by genetics

And the body can shut a legitimate rape down, right?
This guy could run in the Republican primary by the end of the night.

>> No.8204708


This asshole IS from Indiana. The same state that's going to pass that "you can refuse service to anyone based on your religious beliefs and irrespective of their federally protected class".

So yeah, they probably believe this straight-up.

>> No.8204709

They would be carrying guns, after all.
Completely unsafe.

>> No.8204715


The onus is on them to control that strength.

Where it's different from the HEMA guys is that the strong guy loses control and hits somebody with an ultralight, and it causes a welt and pisses the target off for an hour or so.

When the HEMA guys lose control, they're going do put an elbow into somebody's throat, or throw them to the ground, or kick them in the side of the knee, or a ton of other stuff they know how to do to injure the body.

Their knowledge is dangerous.

I spoke badly. Of course strength isn't totally controlled by genetics. But your ability to get strong for greater or lesser amounts of work absolutely is. Some people get strong by hours of lifting. Some people are just strong. There's no way to differentiate the two, so there's no way to treat people equally (banning one and allowing the other).

There's no "magic HEMA genetic code" that makes you good at fighting, so that issue isn't a problem here. They chose to make themselves into weapons. Well, not everybody wants weapons around, even if there's a safety on.

>> No.8204716

so did something like this ever actually happened to a larp? or is this something that is good to scare people with and ban someone every once in a while?
I mean I can understand if people fear the insurance companies for... reasons.
But did someone actually went to the insurance company and asked what would happen in this scenario?

>> No.8204719

alright alright bear with me for a second. What if, I mena what IF the HEMA guy is not as strong as the lifting guy? what if the HEMA guy is actually weak? I mean he tries to do that magic sorcery thing of hurting you by knowledge but fails because he doesn't have enough strength.
What if the lifting guy on the other hand just fairly punch you in the face and cracks your jaw?

>> No.8204720

But a strong guy could punch someone, which is a natural human attack, and kill them, depending on what the person falls on.
Also building muscle is all about how much you eat and lift. I was the skinniest guy for the longest time, no muscle mass, then I started eating lots and lifting a bit, and now im at a reasonable level of strength, much more then ever before

>> No.8204721

I was mad, but now I'm laughing.

>But did someone actually went to the insurance company and asked what would happen in this scenario?
Yeah, you're explanation of that feels fishy, they'd have no way to know or judge individual's combat experience levels, an accident while someone is holding a sword is an accident holding a sword.
Maybe get better insurance? Have all the players pay into it a bit?

>> No.8204722
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i dont know why but i feel like showing videos of past larp i<ve been to get back into the mood.




Also lets not turn this thread in a hippie commie vs evil fascist thing.

You are both wrong.

Guns are great and abortion too

>> No.8204724

So you intend to exclude literally everyone who knows how to do more than tap?

Also I have an honest question: how do you reconcile the insurance policy with DR's use of nerf and thrown weaponry? I know from experience that taking a foam dart to the eye is not pleasant, and that they can do permanent damage to the surface of the eye at shorter ranges.

>> No.8204725


The fallacy you keep perpetuating is the same one as gun-rights people keep doing when they say something like "criminals can always get guns so gun control is pointless".

Just because we can't control for ALL risk doesn't mean we shouldn't try to control ANY risk.

We can't guarantee that nobody, ever, will get hurt. But in this case, we can absolutely confirm that they guys have this training that makes them more dangerous than most participants. We CAN control for that risk, and since we can refuse service to anyone for any reason, then that's just the way it is.

>> No.8204729

If you have to absolutely make sure no one gets hurt ever, you have to lock yourselves in at home and never come out again.

>> No.8204730

nah, I'm just using the same fallacy as you.

>> No.8204731

Yeah no way they actually speak for their chapter. I tend to discount arguments when they start to incorporate pseudoscience.
On the upside, this guy seems like the type to reveal more embarrassing opinions when under stress.

You're a treasure, Frenadian.
Regale us with tales of Bicoline.

>> No.8204732

But say guns are swords (I'm assuming you aren't banning swords any time soon), would you rather put a gun in the hands of someone who was trained in safe and proper handling, or someone random off the street?
Your argument sucks.

I'm missing the next weekender game to come visit Europe. I'm really excited about being back in Europe but I keep listening to my 'get pumped for game' playlist and it's making me sad.

>> No.8204733

>Also I have an honest question: how do you reconcile the insurance policy with DR's use of nerf and thrown weaponry?

If the insurance company wasn't OK with that risk, they wouldn't have written the policy in the first place.

The issue is that until your claim goes to the insurance company, nobody has any idea whether or not the claim will be honored, except in the most obvious circumstances. Ownership felt that these people represented a greater risk than the average participant, and that the insurance company might not cover their activities (it's like if you have health insurance, it usually won't cover risky activities like skydiving unless you get a specific wording). The insurance policy, AFAIK, assumes that people don't actually know how to hurt each other. These guys do know how to hurt people, and so that could be enough to invalidate a claim.

Again, it's better to ban somebody and be wrong in order to better guarantee player safety, than allow somebody in, have them lose control, hurt somebody, get the insurance pulled and/or the game shut down, and ban them after the fact.

I don't understand what the problem with that is. It's the same reason you don't let a mentally ill guy buy a gun. He MIGHT be OK with it, but it's better not to take the chance in the first place.

>> No.8204737

So the insurance company didn't actually dictate anything about combat training? I'm a little confused here. Was it the company or chapter ownership?
Because that might help explain why Oregon chapter's got my type crawling out of the woods.

>> No.8204738
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oh god i dont know what to say.
I have tons of untold stories but normaly i think about them around a fire when people are like...wtf your bicolline experience is so weird , and i'm like...i never seen another type of Bico

to each is bico i guess.


Also , this thread could become a
You are on the battlefield surrounded by ennemies , you charge one last glorious charge, what is the song currently playing?

Mine would be that

Or more realisticaly that one

>> No.8204739


Chapter ownership, because nobody was sure about how the insurance company would react, and paying insurance lawyers to find out is expensive.

>> No.8204745

A few days in Ireland, then a week and a half in Amsterdam crushed into a tiny room with my family.

>what is the song currently playing?
Shit taste incoming, I've been really into 'Warriors' by Imagine Dragons recently.

But the song I always come back to is

>> No.8204746


Nice and bullfight-y

>> No.8204750

That makes a lot more sense. Sorry for all the vitriol earlier. I guess I'll just have my chapter rules and you can have yours. Happy LARPing!

>> No.8204751


I'm still interested if anyone actually talked with the insurance company about this but the
>Ownership felt
part makes me think that doesn't happened

>> No.8204760
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i have a friend who blast music with a small mp3 player and earplug under his helmet.

I was thinking of doing it for just one battle but for various reason i cant , i need to listen on the battlefield and be able to give orders and recieve command and all that . but for one battle i wanted to do it.

I even had a playlist made huhu.

Here is some exemple on what was on it for your battle pleasure

So that is what a frenadian would listen to in battle







(i am well aware of how ironic it is that i like this marching song...)

and this song wich make me feel like a complete badass ready to take over a small town everytime i hear it

Or i could just take some coke like in the good ol' days and blast this shit while wearing a slaanesh suit.

Man... have any idea how hard it is to just stop doing hard drugs and living a really weird lifestyle? huhu

>Nice and bullfight-y
mah boi!

>> No.8204829


It's a little bit of a pre-combat song, but I love it dearly anyway.

>> No.8204839


>Bans someone because they might hurt someone
>treats this like it's the most normal thing in the world

See this? This is why Murrican LARPs are stuck with the image of being filled with fat, pussified NEETs that get mad at people for being too fit to overpower through powergaming.

>> No.8204846

>Your ability to get strong is ultimately controlled by your genetics

Someone call /fit/, tell them they can all stop wasting their time and stay at home.
Seriously, I'm out. There's so much mad inducing in here, it's going to give me PTSD, which would screw up my office job. I think I'll check in tomorrow, after deadlifting 4plate to vent some.

>> No.8204851
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This thread went to places... and it's still far from over

>> No.8204854

>The smart business choice, and the choice that maximizes safety for our players, is to not let the people capable of causing that serious injury play in the first place.

Just checking. Is Dystopia Rising a ball pool?

>> No.8204860

I find it highly amusing how people at that larp are trying to rationalise bullying NEA and pseudo-American to the point that they (semi-)quit the game. The salt is real.

>> No.8204861

if we were good people , we would not be on 4chan

>> No.8204863

if we were good people we wouldn't plan on how to ruin shit larps

>> No.8204886


>It's better to ban something and be wrong in order to better guarantee player safety

Better ban the swords, armour, dubious food and drink, camping, hiking, running, and nature.

Oh wait, now you're just playing PnP. Except for the dubious food 'n drink, of course.

>> No.8204887




>> No.8205188

Oh the places we can go

So either I'm a huge retard or I don't understand the context of this statement.

>Is Dystopia Rising a ball pool?
I went to one game for the Pac NW branch and that's the impression I got. It did feel a lot more like 'babby's first LARP,' but I feel like that's just because the focus on zombies tends to attract more teens.
Anyways the combat was just Alliance rules, but with a couple more stipulations about safety. Funny considering how corseted Alliance is to begin with, but as I said earlier it's their larp and far be it from me go and bitch about it.

>> No.8205223
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>So either I'm a huge retard or I don't understand the context of this statement.
NEA (Not Entirely Anon) and Pseudo American larpfag are two namefags from /tg/ of ye olden times. Although NEA still posts and sometimes you can see pseudo too.
Long story short they had something that other larpers around them don't: standards. They were called upon it a lot of times like they make others who couldn't arse to show up in other than T-shirts look bad. They also do/did HEMA and NEA is/was a fighting coregrapher or something along that line.
Anyway pseudo american larpfag stopped larping when one guy went so much butthurt that he started threatening him to call his superiors at work and say some kind of bullshit that will make him unemployed, basically false charges.
NEA larped a little longer, last time he went to a CASTLE game too but after all the hostility he stopped larping too.
It's important to note that while they had standards they weren't assholes. They helped everyone who was willing to put effort into it. One of them wives even started little sewing workshops and stuff like that but nearly noone showed up.

NEA and pseudo american larpfag is the two HEMA guy who also got banned from the Dystopia rising game that we talked a few hours ago. While none of them ever went to that game. And they never caused an accident ever in any larp either.

I will let that just sink in, but these are just a small part on how the larping community tries to shit on them

>> No.8205280

I have no words.

>> No.8205380

As a trained martial artist (tae-kwon-do), whom has trained along side retired military and active duty police, I call bull shit.
I don't personally have experience with HEMA, but from my martial art experience, I'd say that the worst injury you would end up with from including them is an appendage of few being black blue and yellow the following day. If they go full out crazy, maybe a few scratches.

>> No.8205433

Thanks, I was looking for a name for my kettlebell. From now on, he'll be called "Genetics".

>> No.8205466
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ah man! this is perfect! thanks!

>> No.8205576

>I'm sorry that other games don't take player safety as seriously as we do, though.
>No, AFAIK they never actually did anything. Like I said, you revert to muscle memory when under stress, and so by virtue of having the training they were an unacceptable risk.
>It's better to ban somebody and be wrong, then let somebody play and have someone get hurt. Our concern is safety. Why would anyone be opposed to that?

You're clearly are a troll and not going to be swayed by rational debate. So I'm just going to laugh at you for being such a massive retard.

>> No.8205977

HEMAfag, have you ever considered coming to BOTN?

>> No.8206136
File: 364 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2015-03-25-19-58-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welp, it may be a while, but lets see how full of shit, or correct this guy is. I asked the DR forums if this is true or not.

>> No.8206217
File: 139 KB, 1591x875, Screenshot Screw that Guy - Info Edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HLF, thanks for the heads-up about this thread.


I'd really like to know as well. I was told by word of mouth that both PALF and I were unwelcome to attend DR because they were afraid we'd hit too hard and/or hurt somebody, so Anon's claims sound accurate.

With that said, neither of us have received an official word from a DR organizer that we're banned. It's just that they play about 3 hours away, and it's not worth the hassle of a drive out there only to have them decide to make it "official" and ban us for real. It's important to know that the game is (or was) run at least in part by some ex-NERO people who we made look pretty bad when they tried some quasi-legal shennanigans at NERO Cincy, and they've said in person that they'd never let us in any (NERO) game that they ran...so...

And even if they *don't* ban us, well, the fact that the level of hostility is so high means that we're unlikely to find much in the way of enjoyment out of the game anyway. So it's honestly not worth pressing the issue in the first place.

Larp drama at its finest, I'm afraid. It's just easier to walk away and not give a shit anymore than it is to untangle it. But this sort of treatment by local larpers isn't a new or recent thing to either of us. For example, pic related (FYI, it was Bell's Palsey, not a stroke).

>> No.8206265

>Bell's Palsey
Holy shit dude, at least it was a little better

>> No.8206374

Dayum, that is the bitchiest, most backhanded message I have ever seen.

>> No.8206741

Where for art thou, Gropalope? Does anyone have an email or his facebook?

>> No.8206773

I haven't, but I feel like I will once I learn what it is.

I'll have to level, HEMA has some grappling and legwork that could do some serious harm. Basically anything under the banner of Harnissefechten is not anything I would consider larp appropriate.

It's a shame that happened; you seem like a nice enough guy. That's the midwest for you though.

>> No.8206805

>worst injuries
Dislocated my shoulder rolling away from an attack after being legged. It fucking worked though, dodged the swing and got in another shot on one of them before they got me.

>> No.8206817

Do you also preemptively ban Belegarth and Dagorhir players?

>> No.8206830

To be fair, you couldn't get strong by lifting the kettlebell if you didn't have any genetics.

Or, like, the genetics of an amoeba.

>> No.8206995


Look at dem shiny motherfuckers.
If they showed up in our neighbourhood, we'd know they mean business and welcome them with open arms and open bottles.

>> No.8206999


Jaysus fookin' Chroist, those French Maid frills on the edge of the armour.


>> No.8207067


Yes. Can't have people from better games, they might complain.

>> No.8207078

>Dagorhir and Belegarth
Man, I have only seen pictures, but those two being better than anything feels hard to believe.

>> No.8207088

>those two being better than anything feels hard to believe.
Dystopiafag set the bar pretty damn low.

>> No.8207182

you are young, naive and optimistic then

>> No.8207190

Check it out, Battle of the Nations is the largest Bohurt championship in the world:

You also have HEMA fights in full plate:

There are also loads of VERY good HEMA practitioners that don't partecipate in BOTN itself but just watch and casually duel on the sidelines.

>> No.8207202

Is there a scoring system for the Hema fight, or do they just wail on each other?

>> No.8207209

There is a scoring system, which the referee keeps count of. Hitting them in the head gives more points.

>> No.8207218

if you want to see the specific scoring system then look up the botn page and you can find everything under the rules and regulations.
AHLF tried to post the link for it but somehow he got autobanned because of the link

>> No.8207256

Or I just don't associate with bitches.

>> No.8207262

bitches are everywhere, you don't need to associate with them to see what they do.

Then again maybe it's me who lives in a bigger then average shithole

>> No.8207321

I dunno what this one is, but at my hema group you often bout to first hit, or three hits if you want something longer. It's nothing complex, but I know that most places do scoring stuff.

>> No.8207358


To be fair, while I've seen quite a lot of shit that's more rude, more uncouth and more insulting, it's rare to see something quite that innocuous in its malevolence.

I've never seen anyone try that hard to not be offensive while basically saying "I'm glad you nearly died, and I hope I'll never have to deal with you again", and it sickens me to the core. I'd rather be all out hated than deal with that sort of "no offense, but" cowardice taken to such an extreme.

No, seriously. The tone of that message just leaves me stumped. It's like... Do you really assume me to be dumb enough, to be so absolutely mentally backward that I would read that and -not- see the poisoned barbs on every word, and you -then- expect me to be cowed and spineless enough to not start shit the next time I see you?

>> No.8207380

I think that pretending to be nice and just backstabbing people and never openly confront them about anything is way more backhanded.
At least that guy did a little confrontation

>> No.8207387

LARPs: The Series:

This is all I can watch for my dream of being in a LARP one day, there's no LARPing in my country. LARPing seems so fun..

>> No.8207393

it's not a great series in my opinion and have very little to do with larping.
Also, witch country?

>> No.8207396


Yeah, but it was basically "can't tag me, I'm on the high ground".

>> No.8207397

well then... take a trip to Larp Haven a very interesting facebook group. you will find a few more example of that there.

>> No.8207421

I'm in Hong Kong. Can speak Chinese fluently but I prefer English. Think it is nearly impossible to set up an English LARP here so yeah.

>> No.8207435

well shit. I really don't know larps around there.
But on the other hand you can be the first one to introduce larp there.
(or maybe there are a few larpers but they very well hidden, or just don't want to be found, or they don't know what they are doing is larping)

>> No.8207485


Go hit up any kung fu school if you wanna larp.

*badum tish*

>> No.8207802
File: 346 KB, 1164x1080, Soyj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the?!...
What the hell is that message!?

Yes but i'm pretty sure that ,just like me, he would not apreciate to have is real name or email sent to the internet like that.

Give him time, he's really busy.

hardcore motherfucker.

another instance of french fashion saving everything.

such is life in the zone

"can't tag me, I'm on the high ground".
''You underestimate my power!''

>> No.8207811

>What is the worst LARPing injury you all have ever suffered?
little late but answering to that:
the worst injury is of course was the time when someone shit in my firepit. Scarred my soul and I will never forget.
If you mean worst physical injury... well nothing serious happened ever, few bruises and sometimes I couldn't use some of my fingers properly for a few days but that's all.

>> No.8207886

>Hong Kong
Aren't "mistery rooms" popular in Asia? You can get your friends together for a chamber LARP and just tell them it'll be like a mistery room. Then get them to something outside.
Go to a wushu school (you have those right?) and show them LARP weapons - and tell them that they actually can hit eachother. I guarantee you they will have lots of fun and will want to do it again. Get them hooked on it, and then do a simple battle LARP with little to no roleplay and simple rules. In the next LARPs, slowly add more roleplay elements (roleplay your death, etc).
This is how you do it. You don't wait for LARP to happen. You LARP it to happen.

>> No.8207909
File: 47 KB, 552x828, 10553362_666631296756195_4535352755127966361_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh guys...wow

The green knigth made a comment about how neo-feminist is bullshit on his facebook and now there is a dude from the states who also goes to bico who is going all bleeding heart on him.

'murikans...the hell is your problem with feminists?

The whole world is laughing at you now.

>> No.8207971

You didn't hear? He died in an accident.

>> No.8207979
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>> No.8207986

We always told him to bring at least two crossbowmen when hunting for boars with a spear but he didn't listened

>> No.8207998

thats the worst part, i declined his offer and he went anyways.

I kinda feel bad now

>> No.8208000

worst of all, the boar got away too...

>> No.8208009

He died the way he lived; batshit crazy.

>> No.8208024

at least his little brother Rodrigo will manage his trip on 4chan

>> No.8208040

Does he really have a brother?

>> No.8208045

Yes, three brothers in fact. Rodrigo, Samuel and Esteban. Esteban died years ago in a freak coffee accident. We don't talk about Samuel.

>> No.8208051

Joking aside, Gropey has an estranged older brother and had a sister who died.

>> No.8208057

Im not even which if any post is true.

>> No.8208063

the sister was killed by the evil twin Rodrigez

>> No.8208070


>> No.8208071

You mean Samuel? The time he went berserk during a LARP and fell back on his tai chi quan training and exploded his sister with his Chi?

>> No.8208076

no, Samuel is just simply an asshole, I'm talking about the EVIL twin Rodrigez who was disowned by the family

>> No.8208079
File: 47 KB, 720x477, 312312_463917803662247_331614953_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put on your coolface

Sup Gross piss !

>> No.8208085

>implying that's not Rodrigo

>> No.8208088

ssssh, Gropalops last wish was to honor his memory by pretending Rodrigo is him

>> No.8208089

A reasonable and fairly mild set of complaints were raised, and then every crazy person in America with a bone to pick against men/the system jumped on the bandwagon and for some reason everyone decided that telling them to fuck off wasn't okay and it kinda spiraled from there. Now there are so many bullshit issues that the real ones cannot be fixed.

That or we just have nothing better to argue about.

I gushed about this armor when my fiance came home. I would love the idea of a full plate/LARPer maid cafe, where they wear the frilly aprons over their armor.

Pretty much this >>8207358
I've seen rude messages and death threats before, but this isn't 'I hope you die.' This is 'I'm glad you nearly died, but I'm not going to say that outright.'
Sure a tiny confrontation, but he didn't say "I don't think you're the right fit for this game, and I have beef with you I'd like to work out." Which (imo) would have been best.

Hong Kong anon (wow, that sounds amazing to say!) there's a 45 minute documentary on the game I play in (a different chapter but still) that's fairly good. It's season 2 episode 1 of Crazy Land... the most autistic thing about it is the super imposed weapon sounds they put over the sword fights, and that was done by the company.


I think our chapter is better than theirs, but that's just me.

>> No.8208171

Can I just say whoever started the whole "hema/sca are too dangeous to play" is mindblowingly retarded.

>> No.8208174

no. you can't say it. You would have to be alive for that

>> No.8208182

its okay, he's a poltergheist who can punch the keys.

And tarentula is a jumping spider who jump from keys to keys.

And i'm french

We all have our strangeness

the question is : do we see you in the documentary?

>> No.8208184

That discriminates against the living challenged! You sicken me...

>> No.8208187

you aren't just undead but an unperson

>> No.8208208

Not to say much, but the shoulder is a weak joint. It can be dislocated with just a few lbs of force on complete accident. I've accidentally dislocated a friend's shoulder while trying to restrain them from killing someone. I then apologized to them and reset their shoulder.

>> No.8208250

>do we see you in the documentary?
Nope, like I said it's a different chapter. I'm California, they're... Pennsylvania I think?
I would have loved to be in it though. Hopefully someday *sigh*

Oh I had a guy at last game tell me I was the direct influence in getting him to up his costuming game- he wanted to be as cool as my tarantula, and knowing that I made all my own stuff and wasn't just a rich motherfucker convinced him to go hardcore. Felt really good.

>> No.8208582
File: 83 KB, 461x599, undead yes unperson no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note, does anybody know if there's such thing as a Discworld larp?

>> No.8208693
File: 81 KB, 960x640, 12475_10201599496856817_544060769_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe not in garb or immersion, but 100% garentuee the fighting is better. At least if you like a physical challenge. I also feel its a pretty shitty argument to base Larps on pictures alone. Not to mention that it was probably the worst pictures chosen, rather than the prime.

Heres a good picture. Looks better than half the larps posted here.

>> No.8208779

I've seen Belegarth players who looked amazing and others who looked awful... In this case, though, I was just wondering if I needed to conceal that I normally play games with shield-bashing if I wanted to go try Dystopia Rising.

>> No.8208804

Looks cool.

>> No.8208823


There is an entire camp of the city watch at the larger Euro events. I would love to play in one!

Honestly, that is some of the best US foam fighting i've seen from a US group... but that is the super-minority.

>> No.8208886

Belegarth typically looks really shitty. I will say dag has bel on that aspect, but it really doesnt matter. both games as a whole are making huge strides in garb/ atsmophere/ immersion. I give it another few years untill the norm doesnt look bad at all. The guy in that pic, Tarburz, hes been pushing alot of great political campaigns in the game and the forums in order to encourage garb and armor reformation.

Yeah thats the tull knights from up north, they all have nice kits.

>> No.8208951

I just had a leatherworker offer to trade me all the belts and fiddly pouches for a spider mask.

>> No.8209019

I know Bohurt is until a fixed number of point based on hit location, or until something breaks.

Most HEMA is first hit within reasonable boundaries. Most of the groups I've come cross have had pretty strict rules about voiding 'double hits' wherein two people hit each other at the same time or within the same second, though.

But muh doughy whitebread office drones.
Also what the fuck was that guy doing talking about 'average office worker LARPers?' I've been at a DR game before. You don't really get an 'average' demographic unless you count mild mental disorders and obesity as qualifiers.

Muh disc.

you're going to have to change just about everything you do. Mind you there is very little that carries over from HEMA to Alliance (my defence is amazing, though), and DR is built on a more tightly corseted version of the same rules.

If Belegarth actually develops standards then I'll play.

>> No.8209087


I would. But then my experience may not be typical.

The really big, fundamental difference between something like HEMA and something like larp fighting in the vast majority of the US isn't *really* about stuff like shot placement, striking power, and so forth.

It's the simple issue of timing. Real combat is fought in single time, and larp fighting is generally always fought in double time (terminology varies when discussing this - I'm using the SAFD Stage Combat terms because I feel they're the clearest).

Double Time fighting is fairly simply, and is easily seen by watching fight choreography. It's summed up as: I strike, and you react by purely defending yourself, whether it's a parry, deflection, avoidance, or accepting a hit. The either I launch another attack, or you launch an attack. One thing happens at a time. It's called "double time" because of the "I go, you go, I go, you go:"" nature.

Real fighting always - ALWAYS - wants to fight in single time. That is, I make an attack, and you react in such a way that incorporates both a defense AND an attack.

For example, here's the situation: I start with my longsword in right plow (along the right side of my body, angled forward, with my left foot leading), and you attack to the left side of my head with your own longsword. This is probably the most obvious, open target.

In double-time fighting, I might react by avoiding the blow by stepping forward and to my left, and leaning diagonally forward so your blow passes down the right length of my body. I then straighten back up, and make a punto reverso thrust (supinated lead hand, thrusting in a circle instead of directly at the target) at your now-exposed right-side kidney. You go. I go.


>> No.8209091


In single-time fighting, my play would be to step in a circle with my right foot, away from your sword blow, and bring my sword up over my head, making a moulinet over my head ending in left ox. This does two things - first, it puts my sword in line with your attack and parries. Second, if my distance is right, the process of moving into left ox means that I hit your head with the tip of my own sword. I've made a parry and an attack in the same motion.

In US larping, single-time is all but unheard of, because of the extremely common rule that once an attack touches the other guy's weapon/shield, it's instantly "dead". The rule is there to prevent people from powering through other people's defenses (boffer weapons and latex weapons bend rather more easily than real ones), and it also prevents people from swinging super-hard and either injuring people or breaking weapons. Which, honestly, I kind of agree with. But what it also does is totally kills single-time fighting, because (going back to my example), the attack that I'm making while I move into left ox is instantly nullified the second it contacts your weapon (ie, actually defends you).

Other stuff, like distance gauging, timing, spatial awareness, and footwork/balance, that you'll learn in HEMA actually translate over pretty well. Technique can translate once you adjust your shot placement. For example, instead of hitting you in the head when I move into left ox, I can hit you in the left shoulder or even your incoming forearm via angling the weapon (which is bad for muscle memory, but you can't have everything). Some individual technique simply won't translate over (like a favorite of mine: "de-gloving") - things like winding at the sword or pressure/draw cuts, for example. So you don't use those. But I've found HEMA experience is better to have than to not have when it comes to practically all boffer larping, as long as you can control yourself.

>> No.8209145

>I know Bohurt is until a fixed number of point based on hit location, or until something breaks.

Negative. ACL/BotN/HMC/bohurt is either counted blow for 1 on 1, or fought to submission/incapacitation/three points on the ground.

As an ACL fighter, as well as an SCA armoured combatant and HEMA practitioner, I say this without any favoritism or dick waving: HEMA only guys just are not up for it. They are intrinsically not geared to full force, full target and usually have little to no harness time. So far, team USA is completely SCA veterans who also study HEMA. Its about analogues.

>> No.8209153

Yeah I'd never assert that I'd make a good bohurt fighter as is. Don't get me wrong; I've sunk more time than is reasonable into learning to grapple and I've played full contact sports since middle school, but fighting at full force in harness is an entire new skillset that I have no experience in. Would I like to build the relevant skillset? Hell yes. It is feasible for me to do so at the moment? Hell no.

>> No.8209156

>Looks better than half the larps posted here.

I resent that. Half the larps posted here are masterwork, the rest is posted for shits and giggles.

>> No.8209158

Do it. Also play it off as an IG thing where you give him your shed skin as one of his weird leatherworking fetishes.

>> No.8209163


Are you a teacher, by chance?

>> No.8209164

But I've seriously had IG people go "Hey... You molt right... Can I have your exoskeleton?"
Fuckin' spider fetishists. They keep asking me to make webs too, I tell them I'm not that kind of spider.
My character has sworn off ever finding a nice mate that isn't a fetishist that *wants* her to eat him after sex. Meanwhile my fiancé's gay dwarf character gets all the ass in the world.
...Also the leatherworker is a lady in Virginia.
...But also to be fair she contacted me first because she's a spider fetishist and wanted help making her own costume.
There is no escape from the spider fetishists.

This. That being said, it looks bretty gud.

>> No.8209175


Should've picked a roly poly. Nobody likes those.
I'm suddenly terribly happy I've yet to play a monster race. Orc violin player mite b cool, tho.

>> No.8209181

>not that kind of spider
So wait are you the burrowing kind or the bolas-slinging kind?

>> No.8209198

Burrowing/hunting. I play a B. Smithi (Mexican Red Knee) which only makes webs to make egg sacs and sometimes line burrows.

How does one get the experience of single time? Is it pretty much impossible to 'truly' experience without using steel and smashing each other? In your opinion, is SCA fighting double-time as well?

>> No.8209202


Yes. I teach stage combat, and I choreograph theatrical fights as my job (which also generally involves a fair bit of teaching; only something like 10% of actors have any actual stage combat training).


Well, the most likely way for you personally is likely going to be to find a HEMA-trained person at a larp and ask to free-spar with them without the normal safety rules. Even if you disallow grappling techniques, that would free them up to give you a taste of it. Boffers or steel, it works either way

The EASIEST way to experience it is to find a HEMA or ARMA group nearby.

As for the SCA...it's honestly a mix. See, the thing about single-time fighting is that it's totally a trained reaction. That is, while it's the most efficient use of body motions, the human body almost always reacts (when untrained) in double time. *Get Out Of The Way" first, and THEN you strike back. So with the SCA, which doesn't have an actual, organized, training regime the way a martial art does (like Lichtenauer or MS I.33 - both of which are real martial arts for that that they're not Asian), you get a tremendous mix of people. A LOT of SCA training is done via an "apprentice to the most experienced guy in the Shire" style, and that guy may be entirely self-taught or he may cross-train regularly with, say, ARMA, with an eye toward techniques he can bring back to the SCA fighting and their rules.

So you might get single time fighting in the SCA. If you play long enough, you WILL, because you'll be making an attack and the other guy is going to stop that attack and kill you in the same motion. But in my experience, as a rule, the vast majority of SCA fighters will fight in double time, stopping your shot (or combination) and maybe getting a shot back in in the middle, but most likely just defending until you give them a half-second to seize the initiative.

Does that make sense? Timing is extremely difficult to convey in words - video is almost always best.

>> No.8209204 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 1131x776, 30-minute SOGhawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And since that post was *exactly* 2000 characters, here's why I'm up so late.

Going to a post-apoc larp tomorrow...and realized as I was packing tonight that I didn't have an appropriate melee weapon (just arming swords and so forth) aside from my latex fighting knife. So, here's a SOG-Hawk built in 30 minutes out of the spare parts I had lying around. Hopefully the glue will be dry by the time I get to check-in tomorrow afternoon.

>> No.8209205
File: 79 KB, 1131x776, 30-minute SOGhawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8209202 (You)

And since that post was *exactly* 2000 characters, here's why I'm up so late.

Going to a post-apoc larp tomorrow...and realized as I was packing tonight that I didn't have an appropriate melee weapon (just arming swords and so forth) aside from my latex fighting knife. So, here's a SOG-Hawk built in 30 minutes out of the spare parts I had lying around. Hopefully the glue will be dry by the time I get to check-in tomorrow afternoon.

It's patterned after the F18 Voodoo model (which I was given for being the best man at a buddy's wedding) - same size and roughly the same balance, though obviously lighter weight. I didn't want to put the holes in the axehead to mimic the "usual" SOGhawk style; foam doesn't like that much.

>> No.8209206

Nah, I'm with you. I'm just very intrigued. I'd love to do some more 'hardcore' fighting and was interested in where to go to learn this.
There's a local Ampguard chapter, I may finally go check them out.

>> No.8209207

never heard of a larp like that yet. Although there are a lot of larps where people play characters from discworld. Like on Drachenfest there is a spanish group who bring a very good City Watch every time.
And there was a larp in the UK once where Terry Pratchett played and he was robbed there. He asked for a receipt after it and for a few hours a whole camp was working on finding someone who can write to give him a receipt

>> No.8209208

*Amtgard. It's late for me as well.

>30 minutes
The sock (I'm guessing it's a sock not a coating) looks super janky, especially on the head where the foam isn't entire smooth. When you have more time you should smooth it out and then it will be excellent.

>> No.8209214

The sock (I'm guessing it's a sock not a coating) looks super janky, especially on the head where the foam isn't entire smooth. When you have more time you should smooth it out and then it will be excellent.

Hockey tape, actually. I've got a ton of it, it's not shiny, and it breathes so I don't have to poke holes in the head so the foam can compress. Unfortunately, my last wire for my hot wire cutter snapped as I was making it, so I said "hell with it" and felt I could live with the bumpy head for one game.

I'll probably make an entirely new one after the game. This is absolutely a stop-gap.

>> No.8209217

>Hockey tape
I'm actually surprised why nearly nobody uses it for weapons in the US. I mean that's one of the best things for easily covering up your weapons

>> No.8209227

>Hockey tape
Assuming we're talking about the same thing (a black, fabric based tape used to wrap hockey handles) it's because when it gets hot in the summer it becomes gummy and rips the skin off people like nobodies business. I lost a fingernail-sized patch of skin on my hand to the hockey taped handle of a boffer.

>> No.8209231

that's the stuff although we never had the problem you mentioned. only that the glue on it is kind of weak and sometimes peel of on it own but you can work around that by more glue

>> No.8209240


We're talking about the same thing.

Difference, however, is that what you're describing occurs almost exclusively with the super-cheap tape. Renfrew and Comp-O-Stick tape, for example, does this all the damn time. On the other hand, I've left sticks covered in Howies Hockey tape in a locked car for a full day in July, and not had the slightest give in the tape.

The difference is that I can get a roll of Renfrew for $3. Howies is $7-8.

>> No.8209359

you know, this explains a few things, when US larpers always whine that the methods that works in other places don't work there for magic reasons

>> No.8209393

Yes, sadly american products are often of inferior quality and therefore you have to keep this in mind when providing instructions.

>> No.8209402

it' not that american products are inferior. It's just that people want to cut corners and choose the inferior products. I mean we have inferior stuff too but when you want to build stuff that lasts you have to buy the better stuff

>> No.8209411

Shhh, I'm trying to troll here

>> No.8209416

you suck at trolling

>> No.8209421

>Yes, sadly americans are often of inferior quality


>> No.8209568
File: 36 KB, 720x407, W v W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't really argue.

On the other hand, our country is defined by slightly more than crappy weather, crappy food, a crappy accent, and being the world-reknowned bitches of the dammed *English*, of all people.

So stones, glass houses, and so forth.

>We'll leave the sheep-fucking out of this. We've got Alabama, so let's call it a wash on this point.

>> No.8209654
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>> No.8209665

>we'll leave the sheep-fucking out of this
good, that's my job

>> No.8209674

I may be kicking a hornet's nest here, but Amtgard is generally just a harder variety of tapfight.

I remember back during high school rugby people on some of the local teams would use fabric/hockey tape to hold up their socks or keep their ears flat. Shit turns into sticky sandpaper in heat.

>> No.8209678

>I may be kicking a hornet's nest here, but Amtgard is generally just a harder variety of tapfight.
aren't half of the US larps like that?

>> No.8209689

The two I've given a shot have been gentle tapfights.
Amtgard is more hurried tapfighting.

>> No.8209699

well, amtgard, dagorhir, darkon, etc. These are all battle games instead of actual larps so more about fighting. and henche similar in that manner

>> No.8209710

What do you think of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1kqtdwGLDs

>> No.8209748

Most are. But then again 90% of larps are.

And amtgard is more of speedy pixie tag.

"battle games" they all dress up in nerdy mid-evil garb and hit each other with sticks. Its larp no matter how you look at it. Its just that some of those games focus more on fighting and combat than whatever else it is larps do.

from what ive seen of eurolarp/america's hat larps are really nice garb/emersion yet alot of lighter combat/pulled hits/ or stage fights

(video related, They even have furries!)

What im really hoping from a larp, or what i would like one to progress into, is a larp where you have heavy (safe) combat, with no pulled or choreographed hits, grappling, shield bashes etc etc, with the imersion and garb and all that jazz of something like a eurolarp. the only problem is its really difficult to find a happy medium there. as you cant use say Camacill weapons saftley with full force hits and stabs, and most of the garb of things like drachenfest wouldnt hold up very long in heavy combat.

A man can dream though.

>> No.8209768

>"battle games" they all dress up in nerdy mid-evil garb and hit each other with sticks. Its larp no matter how you look at it
that's not the definition of larp.

>from what ive seen of eurolarp/america's hat larps are really nice garb/emersion yet alot of lighter combat/pulled hits/ or stage fights

>(video related, They even have furries!)
that's an arena video from drachenfest, even more so one with unarmed combat. Of course they will pull their hits and do stage fights. That's the rule for unarmed combet on Drachenfest.
So I really don't know what you want to point out with this

>> No.8209854

Touche sir!

>> No.8210032
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There is hockey tape on the shaft of my spear.
I always wear glove and its not in contact with anyone skin so its okay.

But if i am stupid and dont wear glove , my hands will suffer yes.

>Most are. But then AGAIN 90% of larps are.
Technicaly...bico IS supposed to be about the hit and not the strength of the hit...
but hum...on the frontlines its another story.

>> No.8210033

This. Why are you going into battle without gloves?! That's just a recipe for broken fingers here.

>> No.8210038
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Did i mention that i am a dumbass?

But seriously it's because of the same thing always...

Random dude - ''Hey Montmagny there is a skirmish soon''

Me- *looking everywhere around myself*
''Sorry , cant seem to find a single fuck''

Random dude ''But it's against the Redemption''

Me *Spear in hand* ''The fuck are you waiting for !? lets go!''

Then again, i rarely get hit when i dont wear armor, and if i do, its usually from bow because i am a ''soft target'' and a really efficient pikeman, so i'm a ''high value target''.

So i tend to play very defensive and hide behind shields and take ''sniper shots'' at the enemy.

But my hands they get all sticky and hurt from playing too much with that long shaft i like to poke people with.

>> No.8210043

By the way, does anyone have tips on shipping stuff across the atlantic? I want to come to Bico in 2016 with my full plate, but I'm not sure how to get it over there. DHL maybe?

>> No.8210045

Just put it in your bag.
even if you have to pay extra, its gonna cost less in extra than in shipping.

But i doubt you would have to pay extra if you pack only some clothes and your armor.

>> No.8210048
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Also , i am moving this summer and will have a bigger place.

My invitation for people coming in 2015 is still open for a place to sleep before bico and after depending on when is you fligth.

If you people rob me , please dont take my computer , that is where all my porn is.

>> No.8210051

What airport is closest to you/Bico ?

>> No.8210075
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The hum..err....Pierre-Eliot-Trudeau Airport...

Can i just just how insulting it is to decide to change the name of the montreal airport to the name of a dude who was the prime minister of canada and called the army on quebec in the 70' and declared martial law and put a hold to the men's rigth act just so he could make sure we would not have our independance...

Sorry about that...i just find it stupid and insulting... No talk about politics here huhu.

It's also pretty close (15min car ride) to my home

>> No.8210080

I've an e-friend there who doesn't speak a lick of French yet complains how everyone is trying to oppress her because in the 15 years she's lived there she hasn't managed to learn anything and gets huffy when people refuse to speak English to her.
As someone with a similar issue in his country, that's quite insulting. I really do feel for you lot.

>> No.8210086
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at the same time.
If she is Canadian , we are probably only doing it for shit and giggles.

We all talk english and french.
But Anglo-Canadians are a spoiled minority here and historically they were huge assholes so... yeah.

Sorry i dont speak english! huhu

>> No.8210102

Wouldn't be able to make it this year, but I might look into 2016

>> No.8210154

/ck/ is talking about medieval recipes.

A place to stay while visiting is mighty tempting. I may try to come out one of these years.

>> No.8210161


>> No.8210596

Alright heres an armed battle at drachenfest, hits look pretty pulled and fairly choreographed.

Heres another one from drachenfest

This is the deffinition of larp
a type of interactive role-playing game in which the participants portray characters through physical action, often in costume and with props.

When we dress up in mid-evil outfits and fight eachother are we rollplaying? yes. Is it interactive? yes.

Looks like a larp to me bud.

>> No.8210845

Just a reminder that by this definition, the SCA is also a LARP.
This is also the view I prescribe to.

>> No.8211227


They look half decent from 20 yards away, so that's good. They at least -try- to mulate linefighting, though I get the feeling only the green shields have practice and experience in that regard.

In all, I'd show up.

>> No.8211237


While I wouldn't say average, and it depends heavily on the country, this is what my personal experience with larps is in Europe



Thing is, most LARP stuff that gets to the US is British, and they're also very high on safety, and Dutch, because they have a ridiculous love for the English way of doing things. They rarely seem to duel and really do make it into a sort of play.

>> No.8211239


When we're near you, Frenadian, we won't need porn.

>> No.8211261

Interesting reading material suggested in that thread. Thanks for sharing.

>Captcha: ffood

>> No.8211343


>Alright heres an armed battle at drachenfest, hits look pretty pulled and fairly choreographed.
yep. as the title says it's a tournament fight in the gold camp. Every arean fights and duels are like these because it's mostly for show.

>Heres another one from drachenfest
again, a duel but I like how you linked the one moment in the video where there is a duel
try this one, less then two minutes before it.

but if you want to argue that drachenfest isn't serious because people never hit full force I will give you that, because hitting full force on a larp is kind of idiotic. You don't need to cause any injuries so no reason for a full force hit. Full speed on the other hand is okay.

also battle games doesn't require you to have a character.
Therefore it's not a larp.
And while as >>8210845 said lot of people want to look at SCA as a larp because of this it's not a larp either.

>> No.8211648
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To have a character you do not have to make a new personality. By dressing up and fighting, Pretending that your in a mid-evil world, even if it is you yourself in it, you are characterizing yourself.

thats like saying the main character in an autobiography isnt a character because it was written by the same person.

Regardless of even that, No where does the definition of a larp say you have to have a character. SCA, daggorhir, euro, and Canadian "Battlegames" are all larps. And to the mundane eye, this would also be true. the only thing accomplished by saying its not, other than lying to yourself, is promoting an elitest attitude unwarranted in a game where were all nerds in the end.

>> No.8211667
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I have to disagree here. Battlegames do not require you to act as a character. Dressing up is not roleplaying.
I do WW2 airsoft, I have Red Army kit. I don't speak with a russian accent, I don't pretend to have a different name. I just run around and shoot folks with a PPSH.
This is the exact same as a battlegame. Players dress up (poorly for the most part) and hit other nerds. There's practically no non-combat parts of the game, no character development which to me is what ROLEplaying is about.

However, we have had these discussions plenty of times over the years. Neither side is going to persuade the other. So let's agree to disagree.

>> No.8211810

fair enough. Agree to disagree!

>> No.8211963


by your definition every sport is a larp because every player is their own character and roleplaying that character while having physical action in costumes and with props.

>Regardless of even that, No where does the definition of a larp say you have to have a character.
>This is the deffinition of larp
>a type of interactive role-playing game in which the participants portray characters through physical action, often in costume and with props.

even your own definitions says that the participants portray characters.
Plus SCA, Dagorhir and a fuckton of others says that they are not larps even by their own description.

>> No.8212028
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In that way, Bicolline is a strange place then.

Most people dont roleplay, those who do only do it for their personal enjoyement and the enjoyement of some others.

Since it is so big , there is no way of keeping track of everything the players does.

Quest are sometimes given by Bicolline (but 95% of the time, the True faith is never part of it, we know about them and depending of the situation we get there before everyone and do stuff like steal the corpse of the rival king for shit and giggles and to apease St-Thelulz, pic related)

But most of the time quest are made by their own guildmates and other guilds.

Templars usually provide a lot of quest and roleplay events for people.

Less now, since our numbers have fallen and we just dont feel like putting a lot of effort anymore.

Some group are well known for being really open roleplayers and other are well known for believing that roleplay must be some kind of cereal or something that they never heard of.

And other groups are into roleplay but are so cringeworthy that they dont play with more ''down to earth'' roleplayers.

Lets have some exemple!

Low fantasy roleplayer vs Low fantasy roleplayer = Diplomatic fuckery à la Game of thrones and event like an public execution, a parade, a banquet with ministrel.

Low fantasy vs High fantasy = Low fantasy will be doing an event and the special snowflakes high fantasy will try to tell him about why is character is important and all that and the low fantasy will probably just stay in character and tell him why he despise magic or just break character and go.. OH REALLY!? i'm half Nazgul too what a coincidence!

Low fantasy vs Non roleplayer = *Low fantasy is doing stuff, non roleplayer will either take a picture or just go ''Lol larping!''

>> No.8212048
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now High fantasy vs others.

High fantasy vs Low fantasy =
High fantasy is doing a ceremony, low fantasy is looking in disbelief over how cringeworthy it is but wont say a thing
If Low fantasy is drunk he will scream some stuff wich seem to him to be in character but pretty much sound like ''FUOACK I WANT A POUTINE SO FUCKING MUCH RIGHT NOW''

High fantasy vs High fantasy =
Ceremonial stuff with fat sorceress that pray gaia or something like that, or grimdark people who dress in black and have a lisp or something.
A competition to see who is the most special snowflakes.

High fantasy vs Non roleplayer = High fantasy doing stuff, non roleplayer will either take a picture or just go ''Lol larping!''

>> No.8212066
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Non roleplayer vs others

Non roleplayer vs Low fantasy = Wtf guys its just a larp i already payed like 200$ for that sword i dont have any money for a costume.
Fuck people are such assholes, what the hell is wrong with my white running shoes and my black t-shirt ...the logo is not even on the oustide and i cut the sleeves! its medieval!
also why do they hate when i ask them to take a picture or film them while they are talking weirdly!? , plus their women are all dressed ugly and others are disguised as men....fucking fags!

Non roleplayers vs High fantasy = Man these people are so awesome , they look like lord of the rings but less pretty. ''Hey guys can i take your picture?...no not you...the girl...yeah. now take one where it look like you kill me with your sword that you always have on you for some reason!''
Damn these fat chicks with leather corset are nice!

Non roleplayer vs Non roleplayer = Shit Bicolline is such a nice place to bring my kid! now i can just leave him there and go do something else...other people will take care of him...rigth?..RIGTH?!, shit man a firepit...time to get the guitar out and sing some campfire songs while burning marshmallows.
hey look an event! lets go take pictures of these weird people in white ...lol they wear white!? wtf is wrong with them...black is so much cooler looking.

>> No.8212069
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also this is not the correct pic , i kinda got lost in my mind while writing this. this is the pic of the stolen rival king , after this we game him a little costume and went all ''Weekend at bernies'' with him until Bicolline told us to give it back...

Our plan was to hang him during the nigth on the enemy nation building to spark a war because...Fuck yeah the One God does love some war!

>> No.8212077

meanwhile we hit autosage, I will make a new thread in a minute

>> No.8212084

new thread