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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 479 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nl964txiFe1qhtqfao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8185182 No.8185182 [Reply] [Original]

Last one disappeared into the archives

>> No.8185197

I'm starting to get the feeling that OP is the same person making multiple threads amd always fucking up "Name" and "Subject". Do you bother to read the post form even once?

>> No.8185207

Mint socks, blue blouse, yea this makes me frown a bit.

>> No.8185212

>mint socks
>blue blouse

Anon-chan, it sounds like your monitor is off.

>> No.8185218

Blouse looks white in my screen....

>> No.8185231
File: 33 KB, 307x352, 1426538117679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like your contrast/brightness is too high.

>> No.8185235

...looks like anon has never worn white in the shade before.

>> No.8185239

picture itself looks white to me, just in shadow. If anything, the socks may be cream

>> No.8185246

Is it blue/black or white/gold?

>> No.8185255

This girl always rubs me the wrong way because she's also posted pics styling herself as "the other lolita" in the lolita fashion tag. I was actually surprised to learn she knew about lolita the Japanese fashion as opposed to the Western pedo-pandering variant.

>> No.8185263

I will concede that the blouse COULD be white, although I really do think it's a very pale blue (the white in her dress is also in shadow and it looks white to me, even the lace and bows on the sleeve are whiter than the shirt...). I don't see how the socks could be cream.

Regardless of whatever the hell the actual colors are, can we all agree that none of it actually fucking matches?

>> No.8185265
File: 83 KB, 819x463, huhwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is nitpick, can I ask for some advice? Is mismatching pinks still an awful offense? Trying to find some summery headwear for Fancy Melody, have a straw boater I want to decorate but also found this one by AP. Will this combo land me in this thread in the future?

>> No.8185269



>> No.8185284

OP can't even spell 'tread', it's spelled 'thread' anon. Stop being such a fucking pleeb anon.

>> No.8185317

doesn't match

>> No.8185326

Her face looks uncanny.

>> No.8185335

Decorating the straw one it is.

>> No.8185342

maaaaybe if you had shoes and a bag that match the hat to tie it together? but honestly yes it's really mismatched

>> No.8185346

she looks constipated

>> No.8185403

Her blouse is bodyline, they don't do blouses in a blue that pale, it's just white. The lace and bows of the blouse, and the white in her dress are offwhite, and her socks are ivory.
But yes, she needs to learn not to mix ivory and whites

>> No.8185415

In this case, it is an offense. The hat is a warm pink, while the jsk is a cool pink, so wearing them together isn't going to look good. You could probably get away with it if they wee both warm toned or both cool toned, but you could easily end up in a nitpick thread with this.

That hat is to die for though!

>> No.8185733
File: 95 KB, 1079x808, FB_IMG_1426558102417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help me. I absolutely hate this outfit but I have no idea why....
I don't dislike OTT sweet either so I really can't pin point why I don't like this coord

>> No.8185742

I hate that fucking smile she makes so fucking much can someone tell her to stop omg.

>> No.8185767

Looks fine to me.

>> No.8185771

It's probably because she's practiced posing so much, she's great at it, but I think that's why her smile looks forced.

>> No.8185775

hmm. I love it. Maybe it's the lack of headwear?

>> No.8185783

I had that blouse. .trust me, it doesn't come in light blue.

>> No.8185785

For me it's the "round" spaces. The lack of headwear with the very solid wig with bangs looks weird, and the ankle socks cut her off at the wrong place, making her calves look very large.

>> No.8185791

The top of her head looks so naked, and the short socks make her legs look kind of clumsy. She definitely needs something to balance out that helmet hair.

>> No.8185792

The wig makes it look off to me, but I personally really don't like wigs so I might be biased.

>> No.8185808

she reminds me of lzzy hale from halestorm.

>> No.8185809


Thank you anons. looking at it again, I'm pretty sure it was the lack of headwear

>> No.8185829

>unflattering empty spaced glasses
(never understood why a lot of sweet lolita opt for white frames - instead of going with the pastel palette, it just works against the person)
>as other anon said, ankle length socks that makes her calves look big
>non-matching necklace (is this supposed to be a statement piece?)
>Should have opted for a single head-bow

I feel like extra accessories is a bane of lolita's existence. Didn't Chanel say something about taking a second look and taking off an accessory before leaving the house?

>unflattering wig: looks like young Bieber's hair with clip on pigtails
>unusually wide wrist cuffs

>> No.8185834

makeup seems to make her face look puffy, possibly a lack of contouring or bad lighting, otherwise the rest of the coord looks nice to me. maybe more accesories on the arms or less on the neck as it looks a bit unbalanced.
imo i think its the fact that the bangs hit the glasses which looks all kinds of stupid, the dumb face she's pulling and the oversized bows in her hair, the wig could possibly work if she styled it a little better despite the 'helmet head' thing going on.

>> No.8185840

Her pose is driving me nuts. I think she's trying to look like a kawaii living doll-chan and instead she just looks fucking constipated.

>> No.8185850

It boils down to the dress being too short and a fugly mug for me.

I know the skirt hits her at an acceptable length, but something about it makes it seem like the dress is a tad too small for her. Maybe it's the ankle socks and flat heels making her legs look thick, idk. The shot with her legs cut off looks much better.

She's not ugly either, but she's making such strained faces in both photos. I think this is one of the few photos that could be improved if the photog told her to stand up zone out.

Oh, and the pink strap cutting across her body isn't doing her any favours either.

>> No.8186872

She isn't ugly, but got the wigs she chooses to wear... they make her become ugly.

>> No.8186908

This girl always has the most awkward expressions and poses. Doesn't help that she also has a case of the man-face.
Also, no petti?

>> No.8186913

iirc isn't she physically disabled, so that could be affecting her pose?

>> No.8186916

see >>8186913 re: no petti and pose

>> No.8186918
File: 64 KB, 840x702, maryruby3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reminds me of Ruby.
Pic related.

>> No.8187045

ugh she's so fucking gross with her nymphet shit

>> No.8187058

who is she?

>> No.8187100

>I feel like extra accessories is a bane of lolita's existence. Didn't Chanel say something about taking a second look and taking off an accessory before leaving the house?

naw, you wouldn't want your coord to look like the dreaded basic would you?

>> No.8187113

The famous Chanel, not the ita Chanel.

>> No.8187139

Go on.

>> No.8188597

Oh god you noticed that too? What annoys me most is that dehydrate same tag for lolita fashion and for her nymphet shit. If you're into "the other lolita" okay fine whatever but if you're into both then shouldn't you know to keep the two separate? Makes me feel like lolita fashion is just an extension of her fetish for her.

>> No.8188599

>supposed to be "she uses"
wtf phone u cray

>> No.8188982
File: 442 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nikeibeCSD1qhtqfao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is SO fucking uncomfortable to look at.


>> No.8189494

OT but absolutely loved that movie!

>> No.8189497

That wasn't too bad from the thumbnail, but how do you fuck up eyeliner that badly. Blend it, if you're bad at precision.

>> No.8189532

I would drown a toddler for those full natural eyebrows.

>> No.8189533

same same. I really didn't expect it to be as totally awesome (plot wise, acting, costume) was it was. 10/10 would recommend

>> No.8194346

the blouse seems to have white bows on the arms that are much brighter/more white than the body, suggesting you're right

>> No.8196232
File: 904 KB, 500x532, 1406169250156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to rori but an extreme neat freak. That bench looks so dirty/weathered. I think the worst thing about this is that she's sitting on it with such a pretty dress. I'm cringing, gulls, is this common? I am too nervous to even sit in one of my dresses in public because of a chance that there could be something unseen on a seat. Help.

>> No.8196236

Well, I'm not going to wrap myself in bubble wrap. I'm more careful with my nice lolita clothes, but it's still just clothes that can usually be cleaned.

>> No.8196242

Same tbh
>tfw sparse orange invisibrows
Thanks, juhnetics

>> No.8196259

"omg i dont want to sit on a bench cbecause ill ruin my sweatshop costume that cost 20$" get over it dude, if not then just switch to gothic lolita

>> No.8196263

Bitch you got issues.
But then again I want to put together an extremely white shiro coord and I'm considering bringing something to sit on for whatever meet I attend.

>> No.8196326
File: 620 KB, 1232x1920, tumblr_nja5sovIdf1qhtqfao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wtf is up with her legs? please tell me it's photoshop

>> No.8196330
File: 70 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1426974323782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she seems to really like sweet, but this girl really needs to find another substyle.

>> No.8196343

>youre average jealous /cgl/ fatty trying to talk crap about slim girls

>> No.8196345

Yeah right, just regular slim. Her arms are thicker than her legs. She looks like she spent her entire life in a wheel chair.

>> No.8196349

I'm on mobile, and I can still tell what a shitty shoop job that is.

>> No.8196352

i saw this and new immediately it would get posted here somewhere

i feel bad, she does seem to really love sweet. but it's just so unfortunate looking...

>> No.8196363

she has potential to be conventionally pretty. She just just needs to loose some weight, pose better, and do something to her eyes.

>> No.8196370

If this is a picture of OP, she does have to use a wheelchair because of her illness so it'd make sense. When I was lurking she had some pics standing too, so I don't think the wheelchair is exclusive but she does use one.

>> No.8196381

Looks like severe muscle atrophy. Maybe as a result of mostly using a wheelchair for whatever reason she has to or maybe there a different illness causing it and that's why she needs the wheelchair. Either way I can't speak for the girl but I imagine she'd rather have thick legs and walk and pretending she's just pretty slim is distasteful.

>> No.8196393

omg... is american even your first language? jesus christ i couldnt understand one thing you literally just said.

>> No.8196396

I'm just on mobile and too lazy for punctuation.

>> No.8196404

It's English, you dipshit. American is not a language.

>> No.8196405

top kek

>> No.8196413


She seems nice and honestly, I think she has improved a lot. She toned down the make-up which is a big change.
I like her wig, but the bangs need to be fixed.
She wears too many rings and bracelets. Her dress is too tight and too short.
She doesn't really suit OTT sweet tbh, she'd look better in more towned down stuff.

>> No.8201099

lol dummy