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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8184443 No.8184443 [Reply] [Original]

Previously on AA:


>Taobao/Alibaba services

Con season's a go. Feeling the heat?

>> No.8184485

>that image
Thank you Digit <3

>Con season's a go. Feeling the heat?
Yeah, now that I'm confirmed for some tables I'm in the process of getting started and whatnot.

Gonna buy that Silhouette Cameo in a couple weeks. I was hoping there would be a sale at some point between Halloween and now, but I guess it doesn't happen ever.

Anyone have any suggestions for additional accessories to buy? I'm only buying it to cut out paper (my DS cases) so I don't have to do it by hand anymore.

>> No.8184497

>Con season's a go. Feeling the heat?
Yeeep~ One of the major con's changed their payment T&C's so now I have to pay earlier for their conventions and it's thrown all my budgeting out of whack! ah well. I'm sure i'll figure it out and can go back to making stuff.

>> No.8184814
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I need some advice. I want to start opening booths for leathercraft.

I've got about 20 things I think I could sell, that'd work well.

I sold my stuff on etsy before, and was so busy with the buisness that couldn't keep up. So this time, I'd probably be focusing on smaller easier projects instead of big huge ones.

Anyone ever got a booth before? I'm A dallasfag if it helps.

I'd like to make money for school. Before, when I had my etsy, I was making a decent amount, but I kind of want to do cons too.

Any advice would really be appreciated.

I posted this on the progress threads a while back. I'd probably want to do steampunk stuff, here's a suit I made recently if it helps determine skill

>> No.8184823
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My only thing is, I worry that steampunk is too full a market and too trendy to really be successful. It's something I really like, and have for about 6-7 years, but I feel the market is already over saturated.

I thought about handbags, but at that point, I'm not really doing stuff that's appropriate for a convention. I'd like to do more cosplay pieces.

I'd probably need to verge into more garb.

here's a jetpack I did for someone. Though it's not leatherworking exclusively granted.

>> No.8184875


Which cons are you thinking of applying to? I've seen leatherworkers in the A-fest AA before. Not sure how well they sold, but my steampunk friend looked at a lot of their stuff and was interested. Steampunk has always enjoyed a lot of success at A-kon in terms of programming, but their AA is full. Maybe shoot for A-fest?

In terms of merch, it would be nice to have a variety of items to appeal to both steampunk and casual fans. Some accessories could be popular for lolita. If I see cute jewelry or accessories, I will always stop and look. However, there are always a lot of jewelry and accessories dealer. I'd say if you can find a distinct style or something to make yourself stand out, that would be good. Be it your style, your prices, your wares, etc. Don't sell yourself short or sell crap, but people do still pay for steampunk style accessories.

If you want to work in leather and handbags, consider leather totes that feature fandom items. No logos, but a nice leather tote with an embroidered symbol from say Zelda or FMA, if you keep it classy, there are mature fans who will pay for that.

Just keep it marketable and relatively affordable. People will pay for good work and good quality, but there's a happy medium with all those and the price. Stuff like the armor and jetpack are very nice pieces, but wouldn't really find an audience. Doesn't mean you couldn't still display them or try to sell them. Heck, seeing that armor would really call attention to your booth!

>> No.8184889

I really appreciate the advice.

I guess the issue I face is that I worry if I have multiple things, my stuff will seem all over the place. I'd like to have a centralized theme. My shop name is Cogs n' Cords, but I could change it if I needed to. I was thinking of going towards steampunk, and LARP stuff specifically, though I don't know if there'd be enough demand for non-anime at an anime convention.

I don't know much about Lolita so forgive me if I come off as ignorant. I assumed a lot of lolitas were big on brands? Leatherworking is what I feel I'm good at, so it'd have to be handbags and things of that sort. if they were cute, beit not covered in vomit lace and whatnot, would people buy non brand?

I agree with the armour and jetpack, I guess I was just trying to show where I am currently. My problem Is i'm not very fast.

The idea about the handbags is actually a great Idea! It'd almost be nice to have some that could be used for office jobs with subtle fandom items. More young people are entering the corporate world now than ever!

Do you know how much booths normally run? Sorry for the lack of research on my end, I had a hard time finding information.

>> No.8184946

I have a question.
I'm new to the whole AA thing, and won't be getting my table till later this year, but do any of you mid when people take pictures of your tables?

I just want to get an idea on how to set mine up based on ones that I like seeing at cons.

>> No.8184961

Ask the table owner before you take picture. Asking here is kind of pointless because our opinions won't be the opinions of the AA people at your convention.

>> No.8184973


Subtle fandom leather bags seems fantastic. Booths at A-fest were $90 last year? I think with the extra badge it was about $120. It's not uncommon to pay close to $200 though at bigger cons, if not more.

I still think for display purposes and to attract people to your booth, you need something flashy. If you're selling wearables, consider dressing up a mannequin with stuff to show people how to style it.

Honestly, it won't look so all over the place to have multiple things since you are working within one general style (steampunk or semi-steampunk for some items) and/or in limited materials (i.e. leather and metal). The materials will be one unifying factor, as well as the abundance of steampunk that you have. Like I mentioned earlier, steampunk seems to be very popular in DFW but I can't speak for how it sells (but theoretically it does sell because it's still going strong at A-kon and A-fest). Keep in mind that A-fest is much more anime and Tumblr fandom geared, the last few years at least. The audience is much younger, so having those small accessories and jewelry items (think earrings, brooches/pins, etc) will be within most budgets and is something they can even if they're not full on steampunk fans.

I don't think you need to cater to lolitas per se, but I could see a cross over audience with classic and some gothic lolitas. The styles cross over with the Victorian aspects. It would be a big gamble to make purses, so I'd say no (lolitas do love brand, but we're either going to pay $$$ for brand or pay $ for Chinese knockoffs). There may be a few who would bite at a lovely handmade leather handbag, but your audience would be slim. However, if you have any non-gears and cogs over-the-top steampunk stuff, there IS a market for beautiful, antique-esque accessories for classic lolitas.

Given that cons have a wide range of audiences, in my opinion it does make sense to have a bit of variety.

>> No.8184978


Continued because I'm long winded and don't know when to stop.

Essentially, I see it like this. Have your steampunk stuff. It will sell. But if you are good at leather craft which you seem to be, people will pay for good leather craft. People will buy bags and wallets and other leather goods with a fandom flare. Keep it classy and keep up the quality and people will pay.

>> No.8185017

>Essentially, I see it like this. Have your steampunk stuff.
Saved. That's some really really good information. And that's not as bad as I was expecting for booths. I'd probably start small in that case. Id imagine it'll take me at least a year to get a product line up and going, and get enough to be comfortable for a four day convention like afest.

thank you for all the help! like I said, my booth is Cogs n cords :) If i get it up and running for a-fest, (that's a possibility) and get a booth come find me!

I'm not really expecting to make bank the first year to be honest. really i'm just trying to get started somewhere. It's so overwhelming to someone who's never done it before!

>> No.8185122
File: 107 KB, 950x487, artist_alley_101_by_blix_it-d50z3qu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually able to support yourself doing aa (pay for bills,rent,hobbies etc) and how often do you do aa,and how many of you just go to big cons and do you feel you make more there than small cons? How much do you usually make per con (after investment)? If some of you don't mind answering. I really want to make this a full time thing

>> No.8185204

Not really an answer to your questions, but if you're considering fulltime you should look at it the same way freelancers do. Calculate your expenses for a year including the cost of each con you're thinking of attending so you'll have a general understanding of how much you'll personally need to make on average at each convention. (assuming that you haven't already calculated this, that is)

I've seen people post wildly varying amounts before and having a baseline number for comparison will be far more helpful than just collecting random numbers.

>> No.8185221 [DELETED] 
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>My old display
>Lyin's trade image


>> No.8185229

>Are you actually able to support yourself doing aa (pay for bills,rent,hobbies etc)
I often use my profits from cons and put it towards my figure collecting hobby, pay some bills, and to buy new AA things to make my turnaround faster for cons (new cutter, better supplies, etc). I bought my new laser printer and button maker one year with just profit from one con.
But I don't think I could handle the stress of not having my paycheck at my day job and having to travel con-to-con to just do AA full time. I know lots of people who do it full time and love it though.

>>how often do you do aa?
I used to be just 2 cons a year, but I may up that to 4-5 this year if I get my acceptance to the others and can take time of work.

>>how many of you just go to big cons and do you feel you make more there than small cons?
I've done both, and I definitely make more at larger cons, but I get a lot more personable with customers at small cons. I tend to have lots of small sales at large cons, and fewer but larger purchases at small cons.

>How much do you usually make per con (after investment)?
Large con -> up to $2000ish
Small con-> $800ish was my best for a small con, mostly because I had lots of stock leftover from the con before it so didn't have to stock up as much so the investment was smaller

Word of advice anon, do your research. Make sure you can handle this to avoid getting burned out after the initial first set of back to back cons you might have to do.

>> No.8185289

Thanks for the insight.

>> No.8185358

Didn't get an aswer last thread, but is it really true fanart is banned from the mcm AA now?

>> No.8185542

So besides jimiagency where can I get prints and stickers that are holographic, and that are based in America?

>> No.8185563

Aw man thank you for sharing anon! I was going to keep this as a secret until I was able to buy it myself and test it but I'm off funds for a while so I guess I can share it will you all. I've been doing some extensive search on taobao about this holo film for stickers or prints and I found this:
Which is basically adhesive holographic film for cold laminating. It's not as pretty as JiMi's but it could be useful! If someone buys it please review it.

>> No.8185595

But anon, its just film. Its not transparent. It's for wanting a holographic cutout or film to laser etch into. :c Jimi uses a printer that offers a transparent light film applied over the images.

>> No.8185600

Huh, it's transparent. You can film regular paper or regular sticker paper.

>> No.8185610

The word 镭射膜 does not narrow down the difference between the hot stamping and cold lamination transparent type is what I mean. Searching with it brings up both types. If it is a colored film, it is likely hot stamp.

>> No.8185616
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>> No.8185617

Oh...I see. Damn, thanks for letting me know.

>> No.8186702
File: 1.68 MB, 4752x3168, IMG_3981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh random updatish situation I did get an epoxy charm example done and Coco sent me a photo sample of it last night. I won't be able to tell how much better it is until I have it physically but here it is with an 1 sided charm for comparison. I'll keep you guys updated as I fill out my order so you know what price points things are.

>> No.8186742

Sad anon here from >>8179277

>Are you actually able to support yourself doing aa (pay for bills,rent,hobbies etc)
It's complicated, I make enough to cover my portion of rent, bills, and all my personal expenses, but I also live with my fiance in an apartment that was fairly cheap to begin with and he is still the primary breadwinner. I would not have felt comfortable taking the leap of faith into doing it full time if he hadn't still had a full time job- too risky.

>how often do you do aa?
2 or 3 times a year, not counting random street fairs. Most of my sales are online.

>how many of you just go to big cons and do you feel you make more there than small cons?
Large cons make more, but also cost more.

>How much do you usually make per con (after investment)?
>>8185229 has the right of it.

>> No.8186834


Looking awesome! Can I ask exactly which options you chose?

>especially for epoxy, was it the double sided epoxy 2 thing or whatever?

>> No.8187149

Steven is a 2.5 inch two-sided epoxy, and the blue girl is just a single sided double acrylic which is pretty sturdy and priced reasonably. Tried the keychains I made already at local events and they sold well at 8 dollars each. I paid about 40 a charm so that's cool.

>> No.8187162

Where did you get them done at?

>> No.8187507

Question to veteran anons. Do you feel at some of your local AA, where some staff and the local popular artists tend to behave like it is their personal playground, basically a clique among themselves.

>> No.8187522

Where do you do online sales?
Do you have any recommendations/advice for websites?

I was thinking of picking up online commissions/shops since sitting at a table for 3 days straight bothered me.

>> No.8187545

I apologize if this isn't the appropriate place to ask, but I not sure where the appropriate place to ask is.

I'm a professional facepainter with four summers of experience, and I'd really love to try my hand facepainting at conventions (I'm a big comic fan, but I'm willing to try anime cons too).

I've seen face/body art offered at conventions before, but they have been the very elaborate special effects makeup that go for $60+. I'm more interested in doing pay per face cheek art/full face designs without prosthetics priced between $5-20. My designs all take less than 7 minutes to do, and if I'm painting non-stop, I can paint anywhere from 10-20 faces an hour. I live in California, and during the summer there are cons (large and small) seemingly every other weekend.

I do have a day job, so I'm not looking to make this a full-time gig, but I'd love to be able to fund my cosplay and weekly comic habit with this extra money.

Would an artist's alley booth work for this sort of service, or would I need to look into an exhibitor booth? Has anyone seen this at a con, or tried to do something like this?

>> No.8187548

I think you'd have to ask the convention staff.
I'd aim it more for comic/family conventions.

>> No.8187560

I'm would certainly do that before applying since its such an odd service, and I think I'd definitely need the ability let people behind my booth in some way so I could actually reach them to paint them (which most of the time artists don't need).

Definitely agree. I'm perfectly happy to paint people of all ages, but children are definitely the target demographic.

>> No.8187569

It's doable. In my area, there's a corset company that's commonly in the Dealer Room, and their booth is organized to let people try their corsets on or get fitted. It's just table placement.

Good luck, I think you'll be able to do pretty well.

>> No.8187578

Cool! I knew I couldn't be the first one who wanted to have a set-up like this.

>> No.8187652
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Sounds like fun, and makes me think of pic related. Not the same idea but it's a sort of rare niche of a table. I don't know where they'd place you, dealer's hall vs. artist alley...

>> No.8187729

There was a face painter once at one of the family cons I went to, but they weren't in AA. They have a vendor's booth.

>> No.8187805


Awesome! Thank you so much for the info. I find the way they show examples plus the options is a bit confusing/not clear. So I'm happy to have a better idea of what I want to order~ .40 a charm, was that including the shipping?

Read the resource/alibaba google docs. The name is Vograce i think

>> No.8187855

Do you guys mind uploading some of your favorite AA tables. (can be yours thats cool too)

>> No.8187875
File: 1.77 MB, 2560x1920, 20150127_174559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I did my pokemon series I remember paying around 150-160 for my entire order. And that was with 250 charms. I think my shipping was around the $30 mark. Most options came with tracking and got to me in under a week.

Also I find that they print best at larger sizes. So a charm 6cm (their default) or larger is good.

If you get finishing services they'll prepackaged you charms, but I usually end up repackaging them myself.

>> No.8187887

Problem with their normal double sided is it's basically layered, *acrylic paper paper acrylic*, and I not sure how long a charm like that will last. If it was sealed, like I'm trying out with the epoxy, that won't be an issue.

>> No.8188177


Okay awesome! Thank you so much for all the insight, especially about the size. I would have probably tried to get some pretty small and then be disappointed with the result.

Also thank you so much for the cost breakdown, its nice to have a general idea of it before starting an order.

>btw I think your art is awesome, I especially love the way you do eyes like on your human characters

>> No.8188215
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On the note of this (same anon with the holo papilio paper), I did get a chance to use some transparent foil from Stampee. I think it would work best with a heat laminator but spray adhesive + some light ironing yielded decent enough results (though I'd like if my spray adhesive would actually dry eventually instead of being tacky forever).

I'll probably invest in a laminator soon-ish, though ordering from an Australian store who can only take int'l orders via email is a bit of a pain. A lot better for smaller scale/quantity stuff though imo.

>> No.8188233

just got 4 prints done in 1 and a half weeks, i'm completely spent but it's so worth it to have a couple days before the con just to relax. 2 of them being pretty demanding as far as realism goes. how fast have you ever churned out some prints for impending con doom, fellow artgulls?

>> No.8188238

wow magic

>> No.8188312

I did a print the night before the convention last year.

>> No.8188707

It was for all my merch in 2010 actually, but I slept a total of 14 hours the whole week before the con.

Never again.

>> No.8188997
File: 23 KB, 570x428, ring6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here design jewelry or know someone who does? I'm looking to commission the design (but not the construction) of a pair of filigree wedding bands. I've googled already of course but haven't found anything I like

>> No.8189027

It's a rule they've had for a while. However I've never seen it enforced.

Take your fan art to the AA/Comic Village, but just know that there may be a chance someone could come along and ask you to take it down

>> No.8189103


Question, did the adhesive never dry at all, or was it just still tacky when you applied the foil and ironed it.

Also, would this be something that could be attached to a shrinky dink charm?

>> No.8189164

Ohh okay I see! How well does original even sell there?

>> No.8189535

Did you want the filigree design to go through the ring? Just looking at the pic if that's just a sample...2 barrel ring guards with a filigree design center.

I work at a jewelry production facility, so I could offer some info. Are you looking to have your design created, wax-milled, and casted?

>> No.8189539

A friend is graciously letting me display some stuff at his table at Hanadoki Con this weekend since I didn't get in. Here's hoping I make decent sales, considering I bought supplies before knowing my status (granted, they were about 2 months late on acceptance/rejection emails).

>> No.8190447

Ffffffuuuuuuck what a hustler.

I'm still struggling to finish like two and the con's next weekend. It's so much harder to draw... and do inventory.... and package..... when you have a regular job... ughhhh....

One day I hope I can get on your level, anon.

>> No.8190592

So, some friends and I were thinking about producing a zine together. Do you think this kind of thing would sell well at conventions? We'd distribute it via our own tables, so there would be four or five tables all selling this thing. We'd also have an online store.

Basically the theme is egl and other j-fashion. We'd feature indie brands, have some style tutorials, street snaps, and event reports. Essentially we're going for a much smaller version of the GLB.

What do you think? Any suggestions, tips?

>> No.8190704

I think it's a cool idea. People may question what makes you guys qualified to to give tutorials and jank, so if you have a blog following or some kind of online fanbase/blog it might help.

I'd like to see western zines who feature j-fash and stuff like there were a lot of western online gyaru zines.

If it's cheap I'd def pick one up and I can't see why others might not be interested.

>> No.8190729


I might personally buy one if I saw it at a covention but I'm not sure the mass of con goers would be. But I dunno

>> No.8190779

I really like knitting and have been teaching myself how to knit dolls, pokeballs ectera and right now trying to make a digimon. I know knitting stuff isn't that popular from what I've seen. Is it because they are expensive? When I've gone to alleys I think they are selling for too much even though knitting does take a lot of time. what are people's opinon about knitted products? And depending on size and detail what is a good price?

>> No.8190892

How cheap is reasonable? Printing costs are currently looking pretty monstrous, so we're thinking about £6-£7 right now.

>> No.8191015
File: 85 KB, 500x500, ring7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For mine I would like the filigree to look like the original picture in that there is space where the finger shows through. For my fiance's, he would like his to be raised off a flat background with no finger showing, like the attached pic. The filigree design itself would be the same, so it would have to work for both a man and woman's ring.

I was originally thinking for only commissioning the design of the filigree itself and taking it to JBR to have it made but if your company offers the same service, I would like to hear about it!

>> No.8191124

Ah a J-fash magazine for US would be interesting like an OtakuUSA without the Anime/Manga instead.

I'd think this would be possible if US side could maintain some contacts to some possible hobbyist/freelancers in Japan that write/interview/photo the j-fash industry from their pov. (and eventually once grows mainstream - corp takeover and heavy ad branding takes over).

>> No.8191252


I sell mostly original work and have always done well at MCMs (only have a handful of fan art pieces, so if I was asked to take them down it wouldn't really affect me)

There's also the option of getting a dealers table if you were worried about the rule, they're much more expensive though

>> No.8191303
File: 184 KB, 900x602, a_sea_of_amigurumi_by_hiro_chan28-d4nk18m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depending on size and detail what is a good price?
Pretty much. I crochet and last year was my first time bringing amigurumi to my table (usually it's just sewn plushies), and to much surprise it worked out. Stuff weren't flying off my table, but they were well received and I sold some.

It's rather difficult to price since knitting and crochet are pretty time-conscious; don't want to make something that took 2 hours and sell it for $6. Just try to price what is fair to you, time, materials, etc. and it might work out.

pic sorta related, someone's 3 months of work for an AA table.

>> No.8191408


I hope one of you is a professional graphic designer. Otherwise, if it doesn't look professional I can't see anyone buying it.

>> No.8191884

I cross posted this to the current taobao thread. Also, checked the resources linked here and nothing helped.

Does anyone have any taobao resources for things to decorate your AA table? Like tablecovers, displays, even those little cake/cupcake holder things I see people incorporate. I look around a few regular sites but everything started adding up after a while.

Also, are there any shops for packing materials? Cute little boxes and those organza and cellophane bags?

>> No.8192008

search for 'cupcake stand' on alibaba, some cute stuff in the search options. (make sure to set your search term for min 1 order quantity). Same goes for the organza. But try local fabric stores if you want to see everything up close before buying.

For cellophane bags, a lot of people really like clearbags.com, and if you're looking for something with cute designs, search 'cute cellophane bag' I got some cute polka dot ones last year that I really liked :)

Check out Michaels too if you have one nearby, they might have a lot of this stuff, at least the cute small boxes.

For everything else I haven't really found one store that has it all, I search retail suppliers a lot. And I've noticed some of the displays I really like are mostly made by the artist (things like flags, custom shelves, etc)

Good luck anon!

>> No.8192150

Thanks, anon.

I'll post this from the other thread:

This keyword for packaging: 礼品袋


>trays and things




>> No.8192329

haha i know, this is 4 prints on top of having a regular job. i slept 11 hours last night, so tired. i started on a 5th but... no.

>> No.8192364
File: 298 KB, 1753x1029, armandleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sample design ring you got in the pic (old-english scroll/leaf pattern) can be done by most jeweler shops. As far as pricing it will vary but I would guesstimate under about a $1000/ring for 8mm 14k white (pending gold/value at the moment and the custom jeweler themselves) probably less if they are a jewelry-wholesaler.

The company I work for only does its engraving deepcut by hand and this will probably cost an arm and leg (sample pic of the scroll detail on a test-bar). If you know your ring sizes, and I'll see what my manager would price it at - estimating for 8mm? One filigree-design, barrel ring and one raised-design flat ring, with polkadot. 14K white gold. I know our engraver usually moans about the filigree jobs since he has to keep digging into the gold to get them holes and scalloped edges in the design.


Same here...I lol'd I am trying to finish up just 4 more fanart pieces for an upcoming con too (16 total, more like 12 at this point mostly new fanart themes for this year).

>> No.8192401

What are you guys doing your prints on? I'm also working on a few right now, but I'm really slow.

>> No.8192420


Can someone please add this to the resources google doc or something? Maybe make a new category for packaging.

>> No.8192445
File: 572 KB, 389x600, CeJoWeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the one i just finished two nights ago, the other ones i don't think 90% of cgl would know about because they're purely canadian.

>> No.8192502

These look amazing! I was wondering how you were able to indicate where the hole should go on your image files? Is it like zapcreatives where you just indicate the approximate location with an "x"?

>> No.8192626
File: 83 KB, 476x509, 0316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's pretty good at sending work in progresses during making your order and she'll send over the cut files before hand to approve them. Though you probably could just send over a psd with where you want them also.

Also all accessories like keychains, cell phone straps, and bead chains are free and they'll assemble them for you so take advantage of that.

>> No.8192771

I see. Thank you so much for the info!

>> No.8192836
File: 413 KB, 624x939, Screenshot 2015-03-19 12.24.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting rid of my old Steven Universe print for a newer one. Hoping to work on a Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso print this weekend.

>> No.8192909
File: 131 KB, 672x750, wips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Live and Steven Universe! Trying to finish these two and a really silly Thor print by Kawaii Kon next week. If I can slam out a 1D print I might do that too.

>> No.8192934




>> No.8192979

..people still like them?

>> No.8192991

Not that anon, but i still really dig their first album.

>> No.8192999

Their new album is different from the rest and less boy bandish so they're popular again.

I won't stop liking them until Zayn stops being the sexiest man on earth though

>> No.8193002

12 year girls go to conventions too, anon

...Haha, nah, in all honesty it'd probably sell like shit but I don't really care.

>> No.8193033

Awww, I wish Fanime didn't bone me out of going. I totally would buy your Love Live print.

>> No.8193506


Thank you! Embarrassingly enough for me, we are both a size 7 ring. He wants 8mm white gold, I want 5 mm platinum.

>> No.8193828

not sure if anyone cares or if it exists outside of the uk but the shop evolution is closing down and are selling everything including all the wooden blocks paper hangers card hangers and perspex stands in all sorts of sizes from like 75p

>> No.8193878

it was tacky when i applied the foil and ironed it, but after removing the plastic it was still tacky.

And I did test with a shrink charm and I didn't have any luck unfortunately.

>> No.8193988


Hmm, that's unfortunate. It wouldn't really work as a print then if the adhesive doesn't dry.

Did you apply the film to the shrink charm after it was shrunk, I'm presuming? I was hoping it would work and look cute for charms, but this foil doesn't seem like it's working.

Thanks for the tips anon.

>> No.8194268

i'm hoping that if i go without adhesive and just use a thermal laminator that it'll work out (i did tests without adhesive and it worked but the heat made the foil wrinkle), so if you have the time to experiment it couldn't hurt.

and yeah, it was after it shrunk. i know that joann's carries a holo glitter embossing powder that i'd used for shrink charms if you still want a fun effect of some kind though.

>> No.8195555

I'm sure this has been asked before but I'm new to artist alley. What are your opinions and experience sharing a table for the first time? (The con I'm going to is small so getting a table should be fine and its roughly $100)

>> No.8195599

It's good if you share with someone you're comfortable with and doesn't have a history of being weirdly competitive. Make sure that both of you plan beforehand how you will set up your half of the table (prep for 3' if the table is 6', etc). Kindly remind yourself AND your partner to have change before the con begins so neither of you eat up each other's change when you need it. It would be nice to do food/drink runs for each other. Have fun!

>> No.8195637

Can someone post some cute AA display tables?
I'd love some inspiration

>> No.8195786

ah I love this, I wish more artists where I live would do Jojo stuff

>> No.8195871
File: 1.37 MB, 986x983, New.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently finished up my new prints for AB and a short oneshot comic and I'm so glad I'm finally done for this one sdffsdf I might make a couple more button sets if I'm able to though..

>> No.8195927


Oh, that sounds promising. Do you know the name of the powder? I'm just thinking of something to do on my Free chibi charms to maybe make them more special.

>> No.8196012
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>> No.8196014
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>> No.8196403

Oh man, those are really cute!

>> No.8196489

>Touken Ranbu
My nigga. Please tell me that you're gonna make more stuff.

>> No.8196651

anons do you have a paper stock preference? i am snooty with paper but i feel like customers arent so much. is 80lb gloss cover stock usually the norm for prints? i own one matte print from an artist and i really love how it doesnt show any damage or glare but i feel 90% of customers arent going to worry about it are they?

>> No.8196692

I'm with you anon, matte paper prints are my favorite. Gloss tends to show fingerprints which I hate

>> No.8196694


Anon I love everything you do to death but please get a different printer for your charms, the back of the double sided ones feel flimsy as fuck.

>> No.8196926

So I see that A-fest has Artist Alley info up on their site, but can you register yet? I don't see the packet to download.

>> No.8197269

I use 80# gloss cover myself, the print doesn't look to shiny, more like a satin-matte to me (may depend on the shops machine I think) I used to recall how some color had this obnoxious shiny sheen before or a cheaper shops color toner texture bumps on the paper surface.

The next paper stock I saw was 100# cover. I judged their color sample and it dithered on that paper stock compared to 80#, should try my own test though.

In the end, I do bag all my prints, so fingerprints aint too much a problem, just handle them carefully by the edge.

>> No.8197376

I always print with the matte. I really like it. Most customers won't care at all. It's all about personal preference.

>> No.8197585

Any tips on where to get merchandise made for Europeans other then Zap?

I wouldn't mind getting things based in the US or JiMi if I didn't have to fear import fees so much. Or shipping in general.

>> No.8197599

Thank you!!
I want to make some wooden charms of some of them!! There's so many guys tho that it's gonna be hard to pick.. aaa
! Thank you so much holy shit. Yeah, I was thinking after this round trying out vograce because of a lot of factors (price, assembly, quality) since even the printing quality has been kind of putting me off.

I definitely want to find an alternative, even if it takes a little longer to get to me..

>> No.8197819

People tend to keep whether they break even or not on the down low
My friends always ask if I do. How many times have you broke even compared to the lot you haven't. For me it was really only my first table because I spent a lot of money on buying essesnitals that I still use today so it ended up as a win

>> No.8197857

I've never not broken even, and I find that most of the artists I've been seated around are totally good sharing that information. Beyond that y/n number though, its generally in bad taste to say how much or ask how much you made.

But yeah, some cons are gonna be flops and its good you're taking it as a learningexperience.

>> No.8197890

Does vograce have a minimum number for orders/designs?

>> No.8197938

> I was thinking after this round trying out vograce because of a lot of factors (price, assembly, quality) since even the printing quality has been kind of putting me off.

who did you get charms through previously Sie?

>> No.8197995

May I ask, what settings/brushes do you use?

>> No.8198003

Zap creatives uou

>> No.8198225

It's by Ranger, it was a lone powder that was sitting with the stamping supplies. I recommend getting a clear ink pad/pen and a heat gun if you can so that it'll go on better. If you just dump it all on and bake in the oven it'll yellow pretty bad and it's a pretty big waste.

>> No.8198423

Does anyone here sell or have sold tote bags before? Do they sell well and how much do you charge for them? Do you think they would be something you would buy depending what design was on it?

I think tote bags would be a nice addition to my booth because I primarily focus on buttons but I'm having a hard time finding a place that will make them for cheap.

>> No.8198530

I make my own using tshirt transfers and plain tote bags, they cost me $5 to make and I sell them for $20 and they sell well.

>> No.8199272

digit this is kind of a weird question to ask but did you ever get colored acrylic charms from inkitlabs? The only time I ever saw something like that was on your twitter and now I can't find any information on it.

>> No.8200680

How do I transport my items if I'm flying to an out of state convention? Not sure what options there are other than taking everything with me by plane, but I know it's going to be too much luggage to handle.

>> No.8200817

Might have to ship items to the hotel you stay at or see if the con has its location ready to receive shipments like for vendor goodies. I've seen some big cons give info for vendors in case they gotta ship all those things to the con location itself.

>> No.8200977

I was thinking of mailing items to a nearby mailing center and carrying or sending the remaining items back when its over, didn't know about those options, thanks.

>> No.8201063
File: 647 KB, 1000x677, promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally done with the ship girls charms...
AN is gonna be the death of me

>> No.8201291

This works if you have a buttload of items boxed, super convenient $$ to have it at the convention location.

On the cheapside, luggage everything - peace of mind you have everything. Pain in the ass side you have to drag it to every stop up till the convention setup day.

>> No.8201315
File: 1.22 MB, 1157x1532, Ink It Labs Colored Acrylic Swatches_frosted one side_shiny other side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they're from Ink it labs. I emailed them asking if they had frosted acrylics similar to what Zap offered and they sent me this swatch.

They have really nice colors but they're more expensive than their clear charm options just in case you go for them. You can get it 1 design in a set of 25 though.

>> No.8201318

There is something off about most of these chibis. Probably eye placement and weird neck area. Right and middle are cute though.

>> No.8201348
File: 572 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-03-23-21-58-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More samples from Vograce.
Sorry if they're phone screen shots the actual photos are too big to upload from it, but I will when I get home.

I'm going to okay the order so I can see how they look physically. I do like the idea promoting that their epoxy coated to protect designs.

>> No.8201420

>Probably eye placement and weird neck area
I can see the neck area displacement for the first chibi
If it's not too much to ask, can you help me for the eye problems? I'm not seeing it right now...

>> No.8201433

Neck displacement on the second row of chibi too. For blondie on the left (the one facing towards the others), her eyes need to be higher up and shifted to my right. For blondie on the left (facing the other way), eyes need to be up and towards my left and her mouth a bit lower in the same direction. Yellow bandanna next to her is fine, but the winking eye could use a push to the center (I think; it might be her too far right eyebrow that's throwing me off).

>> No.8201449

> row
I meant column, sorry.

>> No.8201467

Ohh ok thanks!

>> No.8202033

I finished 3 prints and started lining one all in one day this past Saturday. It was a weirdly productive day for me.

>> No.8203764
File: 502 KB, 912x684, 7301955222_352508257a_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you artists tabling at Sakuracon? It'd be cool to check out some seagulls while I'm there!

>> No.8204142
File: 177 KB, 500x280, cry erytime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish! My lovely friend Newsha will be in the Guest Artist section though, definitely worth checking her stuff out.

>H-hopefully next year I will make it back to my hometown's convention.

>> No.8204331

Should I get my otakon badge mailed to me? Whats the otakon registration lines like? I'm in the AA and I don't get into Baltimore til Friday morning.

Sorry for the lack of actual AA questions, wasn't sure where else to ask this.

>> No.8204380

linecon the reckoning (at least last year)

>> No.8204404

How much does it cost to get it mailed? If it's just a couple of bucks and it includes your AA pass, I'd go for it.

>> No.8204485

How do you manage to get your colors to come out so vibrant? Sadly a lot of my charms ended up rather washed out when I had to convert to CMYK...

>> No.8204502

So, I'm thinking about starting to sell mugs at cons [no place to order from yet, just trying to decide if it's worth it]; designs on them would be original cute stuff, not kawaii style and I don't have designs to show at the mo'.

Questions is, how much do you guys think people would be willing to pay for mugs at cons that aren't fandom related? Before I even go further on this, I need to figure out if it would be cost effective. I'm thinking between $8 or $10 right now, but I might be cutting myself short.

>> No.8204504

it's a ten dollar fee, total being 95 dollars for registration. I don't believe it includes the AA passes/flags/whatever they use.

I don't mind the extra fee but I think it's strange, they sent the artists an email with the registration link but discouraged them from using it. Saying "We do not recommend having your badge mailed to you as it will not save you any time for Artist Alley check in"

>> No.8204506


Opps, forgot to mention that this would just be standard 11 oz white mug with shit printed on it.

>> No.8204525
File: 3 KB, 184x172, 1284432062672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whaaaa I wish you were there! I adore your books and the like. I'll check out your friend's stuff for sure, it'll be my second time checking out Sakuracon (first time was just the AA area while borrowing a badge). I don't even know if I'll attend again next year, depends on how this trip goes...

>want to meet some fabulous /cgl/artists from these threads
>from BC, Canada

>> No.8205148
File: 77 KB, 700x525, tumblr_nlpu5oOvUW1r9s42bo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know how this artist made her pins extend beyond the pin itself?
I would like to do that for some of my pins... What she did just looks so cool.

>> No.8205189

Shop link? Searching for the sardine jewelry store just brings up thesardinebox with rock jewelry.

From the looks of it though, they look like resin.

I'm a little bothered by the crystal, since I do that too, but i guess i did get the idea from someone else.

>> No.8205221

So friends and I are planning for our first table at a con in late fall. Do bookmarks sell? I'm thinking of making some with simple (anime-related) patterns on them,

>> No.8205230

Bookmarks sell low amounts for me, but do sell. I probably sell 50 total at an average con.

>> No.8205237

Alright, thanks! Might as well, then.

>> No.8205238

You are probably going to have to go into your art and redo some colors. Sample the color area in question. Look at the 4 cmyk sliders. Does it include all 4 inks? If it does make a new swatch using only 3 inks. Try using only 2 colors cmy for brighter colors. Pull back the ink mix and make it lighter if too dark. Unfortunately some colors can not be actually printed in cmyk.

>> No.8205241

It's from them, I went on their etsy and they have a pin section.
And yeah you're right, I found their links and it indeed looks like resin. My bad. I thought they did some magical gimmicks and attached more surface onto the pin or something...

>> No.8205252

The materials also list shrink plastic. So it's just shrinky dinks with a resin coating.

>> No.8205255
File: 243 KB, 601x281, Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at 1.54.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about metal bookmarks?
I guess some people would buy print bookmarks and use them like a print, but you can't use a metal bookmark like that...
(also, how much would you pay for one?)

>> No.8205264

If it's anything like last year (which from the email it seems like it is) you have to stand in line to check into the AA and get your badge at the same time. So basically it's a waste of money to get the badge mailed cause you will still have to stand in that same line to check in.

I checked in Thursday last year but I'm going to assume it's the same process checking in Friday.

>> No.8205315


Honestly that crystal idea is not original at all. So don't be too upset about it anon.

>> No.8205400

ohh, okay. Thank you so much for the clarification!

>> No.8205409


I'm not sure how others feel about it but I personally dont like metal bookmarks that much. I think they destroy my books/pages too easily.

>> No.8205432

I think metal bookmarks are cooler because they have more collection value than a regular bookmark.
What about wood bookmarks? I have a feeling it might actually sell better, since you know, more environmentally friendly bullcrap.

>> No.8205712
File: 350 KB, 1000x535, AN fiasco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am left speechless...

>> No.8205870

Whaaat the fuck

>> No.8205928

Anime North is very picky about paper/non paper media, so much so that I just don't even bother with anything other than buttons and prints. I don't want to deal with the hassle.

>> No.8205974

I ordered a bunch of charms and now I'm regretting my decision. I didn't order that many tho, but getting rid of all of them would be very hard.

>> No.8205982

>meaning if it does pass, it can only be sold starting next year

So they want us to send a sample so it can get the okay for next year, not knowing if we'd even get a table to sell it next year?

Fuuuuck AN, you're my favorite con to sell at, just allow the damn acrylic keychains.

>> No.8205985

I dont get the point of this.
Why do cons go out of their way to split hairs on shit.

>> No.8205999
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Does anyone know who's table this is? Blocked out the cosplayer to avoid drama because damn I love that art.

>> No.8206007
File: 61 KB, 915x314, reasons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's why I've never ordered charms. Anime North is EASILY the most profitable con you could ever do (if you're lucky enough to get in) but the comic market/crafters split really puts a wet blanket on multimedia artists.

>> No.8206012

I don't know man
I just don't know

Exactly, which is why I'm so pissed off right now
I'll probably do it... Tonight I'll talk with the taobao people to verify that yes indeed it's 100% paper... If this thing is a go, once I receive my keychains I'll send them in.
If AN does indeed allow keychains next year please just think of me...

>> No.8206014
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>> No.8206025

I'll always think of you anon. Have you printed with the Taobao people before, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.8206031

It's mostly just the Junko one in the top right

>> No.8206036

What's the reason for only paper charms? Did something happen?

I'm nowhere near AN so I don't keep up with the news.

>> No.8206051

I got them printed at the link posted here on taobao.
And yeah, my friend printed with them. The quality is pretty nice. The only real downsides I can see are that the charms they do are thinner than those done at inklab & zap. Also, since it's paper, you can't have the edge transparent.
They attach the dust plug/charm string for you so kudos to them.

If the charms thing is a non go I'll just sell them as stickers instead.
I was very tempted to just do the "sell the paper package instead of the product" trick, but they have an ominous "no cheating" rule on their contract, and my tablemate really doesn't want to risk it.

>> No.8206073

Bullshit on the actual companies producing quilty stuff of x y z fandom. If companies did really sell stuff like they do in artist alley I would have no problem buying it, but that will never happen.

>> No.8206103
File: 311 KB, 700x700, TB15LQxGVXXXXb1apXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's craycray on Anime North's part. I could send you one of the double sided charms from my old samples so they can see that it's clearly paper if I could.


Won't be anytime soon but I'm willing to try these guys out. If it goes okay we can maybe do a group order if people are interested.

>> No.8206117

I'd be interested, my next con after AN wouldn't be until July anyways

>> No.8206137

I'm the AN email anon
Do you have a tumblr so I can follow you? Maybe we can actually meet up during the convention since we'll both be selling.

>> No.8206149


It's even more bullshit because the largest japan cons thrive all kind of stuff - I have even seen umbrellas printed with fanart. It would easier to say "No disney, marvel, etc." and have the artist submit a list of fandoms like they do with what they intend to sell.

>> No.8206202

sure! It's corkyboard.tumblr.com

>> No.8206223
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>> No.8206303

they also have a banned fandom list in addition to the merchandise type, don't worry.

>> No.8206307

Jfc, are there other cons that are this fucking retarded cause I would want to avoid them altogether.

>> No.8206365
File: 2.11 MB, 3313x3406, IMG_0916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flibityjibbets, I'm going to guess they're going to wait until the second I'm out of the country to make the announcement. I was counting on them having their stuff together early this year.

Oh well, crunch time is to be expected.


>> No.8206521

The table itself is also PsychedelicPaprika's, so blocking her out of the picture was kind of pointless, haha.

>> No.8206548


It may have already been answered, but could I ask what their prices were and the number of designs you could get per order? My apologies if this was already asked and answered.

>> No.8206704

I'd definitely be in~

>> No.8206760
File: 31 KB, 355x355, 81U153WX2WL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a seagull please help me with sticker paper info please? I wanted to print my own stickers using my home printer, but am unsure of what GSM I should buy the paper in. Does anybody have an idea of what a good thickness is for the paper? The stickers in total would be about the 1.5"-2" size at most.

>> No.8206853
File: 16 KB, 249x243, Iseeyall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that it's necessarily bad, but that art could use some work
>I wonder if they actually sell well

>> No.8206880
File: 101 KB, 265x175, um.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and a friend just got tables for TouhouCon 2015 Artist Alley. I'm just concerned that the con is centered on a specific game. I am wondering what other fandoms Touhou fans are into. I plan to make a print of a few of the characters from Touhou as well.

>> No.8206963

Does anyone know how one would go about getting their art on the badges for conventions?

>> No.8207216

Tim I really love your art,will you be attending any east coast cons this year? I want to buy some prints from you.
Also a personal question, if you don't mind me asking are you in art school at the moment?

>> No.8207390
File: 33 KB, 540x960, 10636311_1083950868297711_5599927489848343919_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she even in artist alley if she doesn't understand art theft and tracing.

>> No.8207443
File: 55 KB, 540x960, codeBONKERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So artsbovine is having a leggings sale, and I was curious what sizing I should order?

>> No.8207445
File: 14 KB, 648x143, leggings_sizing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the sizing chart.

I was thinking getting 2 in the M, L, and XL sizes.

>> No.8207476
File: 129 KB, 640x619, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketching WiPs and mainly trying to figure out what is popular/ what will sell.
Suggestions? I'm seeing a lot of Steven Universe around this thread. Is it good?

>> No.8207481

Depends on the con. Smaller ones will have contests or ask for submissions, and some others will have specific artists they seek out to work for them. I know I got approached to do a little convention work after posting stuff in the AANI facebook group. Sometimes it's even just whoever's friends with the con head or head of that dept. and know they can get it done for free.

>> No.8207504

Question time! Looking at buying printed fabric to sew bows and what not found one that said non commercial use only. I'm guessing if it doesn't have this I can use the fabric to make bows and sell them?

>> No.8207517


Try some loomis and villpu.

>> No.8207525


>> No.8207529
File: 610 KB, 592x563, Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at 10.31.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do what you want. I sold little bunnies at AnimeNEXT and basically sold out.

and do try drawing in your own style. copying naoko takeuchi ain't the way to go.

>> No.8207576

>copying naoko takeuchi ain't the way to go.
Beat me to it. If I wanted Sailor Moon art in Naoko's style, I'd buy an art book, get some prints of her art at Sam's or something, you know? I'd get it myself. People are going to see your art, think it's nice, and then realize they could get a better version, the original version, for cheaper.

>> No.8207582

The WIP is the same picture drawn in two styles; the one on the left is more Naoko and it won't be the one I'm planning to sell. :) That was me just getting a feel of the character.

>> No.8207589

Original version of what exactly? Why would anyone want to purchase any type of fanart if they are only looking for originals?

>> No.8207591

all I see is excuses. if you want to 'get the feel of the character' go read the manga.

>> No.8207592

I will! Thank you!

>> No.8207595

So you've never sketched anything before actually drawing a piece? You get everything perfect on the first shot? Also I paint traditionally, so there isn't any CTRL+Z when I work. I personally have to sketch several times.

>> No.8207602

I think the point anon is making that fanart should provide something new whether that is the original characters in a new style or the original style and new subjects.

>> No.8207609

I have, but not so tight as you're doing it.

>> No.8207611
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I change things up when I color. Where Noako's is very watercolory and wistful my is very saturated and heavy. A lot of stars and rainbow type stuff.
Not best example (something I just have on my phone) back when I was trying my hand at My Little Pony. It's still rather close to the show itself but still different enough I feel. If not oh well.

>> No.8207619

Alright, stop giving this one advice. It's obvious that they won't listen.

That sounds smart! Maybe consider getting one of the larger sizes as well if it's not too expensive. Depending on how large the convention is, at least one customer on the bigger side will want to purchase clothing, too. I'm really liking those mid-length ones. Have you ordered from this supplier before? I sell printed clothing at conventions, but never leggings (mostly tights and shirts of varying styles for me).

>> No.8207620

Their original advice was to do what I want, so I am. :)

>> No.8207621

What are you so bitter about? It doesn't look like a Sailor Moon copy if colored like their example.

>> No.8207631

What markers are you using, anon? I work with markers, too. I'm asking because some parts of your coloring seem a little "clumpy". I had these same issues as well, but I switched to a brush nib and colored in small circles rather than lines, and it made my coloring so much smoother. I think that would improve the feel of your coloring a lot more.

>> No.8207647
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prismas; I know what you mean! I totally understand the coloring in circles it's what I tend to do as well. Yeah... The clumpiness *whince* you can totally in Twilight over there (the purple one I was hoping it wasn't too noticeable) sadly that was the last day of me doing comissions and I had run out of the color. The clumpiness resulted in me trying to revive the color as much as I could through rubbing alcohol. T_T what brand do you suggest? It also gets clumpy in "tighter" areas of that makes sense (like the B-MO Christmas card here). What would you recommend?

>> No.8207677

not using markers.

>> No.8207679

Okay. What should I use instead?

>> No.8207693

acrylics or watercolors (opaque or transparent) or gouache

>> No.8207698

You think I could still use Bristol paper for watercolor or gauche? Or will it not hold?

>> No.8207884


It won't really bend too much but I think watercolor paper works best for watercolors because the tooth grips the colors better.

>> No.8207896

Probably shrink plastic printout? Or printed on thick cardstock then epoxy resin?

>> No.8208248

Pretty much what >>8205238 said. CYMK conversions normally don't hurt my art that much aside from some occasional blues and greens. Those cases I'll just keep those colors on their own layer and adjust them before flattening in photoshop.
On average I usually order in sets of 200-250
Single sided charms usually cost .40-50 each this price. The double sided epoxy cost around .90 each.

>> No.8208252

From the sound of it the it sounds like they also layer the acrylic like they would with their printed charms. So both sides with be encased in acrylic to prevent the design getting damage. That would be awesome.

>> No.8208267


How many different designs did you get when you order 200-250? Thank you, I really appreciate the info.

>> No.8208272

I don't think they count designs, just overall number of charms quantity... I usually just order 20 of each. You'd probably be okay with order 10 of each. Lower quantities do mean higher prices though.

>> No.8208279


Oh wow that's a good deal then. I plan to post pictures to show, but I tried doing shrink charms with domed resin and while I think it was a valiant first time trial for both techniques, it's a LOT of effort. I also had a lot of bubbles that popped up even though my resin was free of them and I kept doing the "fogging on glass" technique to try and pop them. I'd make sure there were no bubbles, leave them overnight and all day to set and then discover bubbles.

My problem is I have a lot of chibi designs I want made into charms, so something like Vograce is good to keep cost down. I'll definitely shoot them a message. How long did it take you to get your charms, if I may ask? I'm hoping to have these for early June and didn't know what the lead time was on printing.

I really appreciate the help.

>> No.8208538

If you're using resin, use a lighter to pop the bubbles.

Otherwise I'd recommend embossing powder over resin if you're having too many issues.

>> No.8208542

disgusting, never mind then.

>> No.8208700

Wait what's wrong with them, I don't follow cosplay drama but we have a lot of mutual friends.

>> No.8208720

do you have a tumblr or page i can follow? your style is really cute!

>> No.8208785

>working at table last weekend
>at least 6 people ask if they just take the display pins off the board when they want to buy them
im not mad but lol
what stupid questions do you get asked while working conventions?

>> No.8208821
File: 5 KB, 240x200, 10659398_10152456796797252_8908724284972136264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking buttons off my display
holy shit this... I've even gone so far as to wrap the display in a plastic cover but the glare made it impossible to see them. I had a soccer mom get 3 of them off the board before me or my partner was able to help her through the other customers buying stuff beside her.

>People who ask "do you have any other prints besides the ones displayed??"
>People who want to buy a $1 button with card
>Can I take this business card (that clearly has a "take me!" sign above them)
>BOOTH BARNACLES, partner had a man standing in front of our booth talking about his dragonball OC for nearly 30 minutes, I was away browsing the con for the first 20 or so mins of it.

I fucked up anon, Newsha will be at Emerald City ComicCon, I didn't mean Sakuracon. I am still aching to go to any Seattle con.

>> No.8208825

Guys, glue the buttons on. It works perfectly.

>> No.8208832
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 55371p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place a lid (not the entire box because it's way too easy to steal) of a transparent box over your buttons and if needed, write "sample" on top of it.

>taking buttons off of the board
what the fuck soccer moms are restless

>> No.8208833

B-but I just got some new beautiful fabric to pin them to for my new display. And I like to change them out often and replace the old ones. I just need to put up a damn disclaimer under the button prices.

>> No.8208835 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 180x217, 10417451_10152885060729796_313452336537704457_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually a decent sized board that is propped slanted on the table, its about 14x18in. They assume they are loose on it at first, then when they resist being picked up, they assume you just fking take em off the board.

>> No.8208837

Herp, just realized, the old first display is actually in the OP image. It's pretty big, too big to cover with a lid.

>> No.8208849

She's mentioned a bit in this thread, it starts here

>> No.8208853

highlights are

>> No.8208890
File: 68 KB, 500x255, 1355357317747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing half page biography for art job application
>realize biggest artistic achievement is selling in AA at small time weeb conventions
i feel so lame all of a sudden

>> No.8208895

Con prep is the worst prep and I am going to die

Thanks! No, not planning any East Coast cons this year, unfortunately. I'm considering Indy Pop Con in Indiana because I have a friend who lives there and plane tickets seem pretty cheap, but I think that's the furthest East I'm planning to go at the moment.

Not in art school, never had formal training. I had a lot of friends in art school and watching them pull the craziest all nighters scared me away from it haha

It's pretty fun! It's getting more popular because we're getting new characters and there's more worldbuilding happening, but to be honest... I really like the stupid dumb filler episodes like Kitten Fingers and Frybo. Idk, I think most people can find something to really like about it, although the Gems are understandably the most popular.

>> No.8208899

Don't. People are actually super impressed most of the time by it. Casuals are impressed because when they hear that people will actually pay for your art, they think you're some mega pro or something. Professionals are impressed because they know what a struggle that is. Successfully and consistently selling at an AA shows that you can market yourself, you have a very wide background knowledge of a lot of art support skills (i.e graphic design, dealing with taxes, dealing with people, setting up displays, keeping inventory, etc.).

You a hustla, I a hustla, we all hustlas.

>> No.8208914
File: 932 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mm8h9mv7jl1reuwduo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know I hadnt thought about it like that, thats really encouraging
thanks tim, you are one of my favorite people

>> No.8208952

Custom mugs usually cost, on average, $5 each. Most places usually ask you to order in batches of 36, only one design per batch. Unless you can find a good place that lets you do as many designs as you want for under $5, don't price it under $10 -- especially if you're not doing fandom-related designs. Good luck with mugs. They're quite profitable if you can sell them well, but a pain to bring around (also something to take into consideration if you travel to a lot of cons).

>> No.8209638


You know, that's more than some art school grads can say. It's no different than any other art show, especially the AAs that are more heavily juried now. The styles are different, but I can't tell you how many of my fellow students aren't doing anything professionally with their art degree.

I've since moved on from the job, but I was a store artist for a grocery store last year and when we were interviewing artists for our part time position, my automatic "NOPE" was if I saw gaps in a resume where there was no work in the art field. Mostly after college, the art side would kind of drop off. Things like AA or art shows indicate to me that you're working (even if it's just a hobby) in the art field and are continuing to develop professionally. Because seriously, I'm sure the biggest artistic achievement for half the artists I know was their senior exhibition.

>> No.8210838
File: 188 KB, 738x736, cpcompare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these chilly pig charms look really sad and diluted in comparison to the artists' previous charms. Just look at the Eevee. Top photo taken by CPC, bottom from the artist's store, so maybe it's just lighting/editing -- but from personal experience with CPC, the double sided acrylic charms are pretty see through, even without a strong light going through it. Despite having the feature of adding an extra white layer, there's almost no difference.

save your time and money (it's not like you're saving much with CPC anyway) and just stick with bigger names for now... InkIt, Zap, Vograce even -- at least you can get real customer service and InkIt is really nice about revisions/reorders.

>> No.8211035


Thank ye. I only go to local cons at the moment, so carrying them around isn't too bad.

And yeah, I might try for the Alibaba or Taobao route, but I just have to do more research myself. I really appreciate the reply though.

>> No.8211038

the bottom photo is definitely brightened and has upped contrast.

>> No.8211049

man thats so weird. I didnt go to art school or anything, so i guess it doesnt feel professional? I dont know, to me artist alley felt like no big deal because a lot of cons you just have to pay for the space, and theres so many other people all doing it too but I guess it is impressive if you put it in that light. It is a lot of hard work to have a successful table even for a weekend
man you all are so awesome, keep working hard guys

>> No.8211569

Oh, that sounds really great!

>> No.8211821
File: 4 KB, 344x326, fuckme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tax returns -> spending all of it immediately on things to stock up for con season...

>> No.8212102

Yo I'd definitely be in on this too

>> No.8212290
File: 278 KB, 800x400, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on some prints for an upcoming con. Concrit is appreciated! I have no idea if the perfume one will sell at all but I just wanted an excuse to do fanart for them.

Also sorry if this was answered already (I couldn't find if there was a definite answer?) but how fast is Vograce's shipping and turnaround? I was hoping to get some charms done for a con in a few weeks.

>> No.8212296
File: 83 KB, 792x608, steven universe pins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these did pretty well this past weekend, not sure whether or not to put in the effort of making the other gems though

>> No.8212303

the girl pointing in the middle pic, her wrist is broken
hand doesnt line up with the arm at all

>> No.8212329

lol the girl on the right's hand looks like it's clipping through the other girl.

>> No.8212369

Yeah, definitely see what you mean. Will fix- thanks!
Are you talking about the same picture still? If yes, I can see that too- I guess I need to raise the angle of her arm a little more.

Thanks! I've been staring at all this for so long, it helps to get second opinions.

>> No.8212460

yea i am. the outer two pics look fine but the middle looks like you just derped on the arms for some reason.

>> No.8212493

Not enough Perfume fanart in this world! I'd totally pick up a nice print if I came across one at a con.

>> No.8214322


Are you finished with the Perfume illustration?

That one has a lot of potential.

Also, I'm a huge fan and would totally snag cool Perfume stuff

>> No.8214338

For the middle picture, did you try to make it so that the girl on the right is stretching her arms out towards the viewer, and the girl on the middle is bending it? Then yeah, you should angle up the right girl's arm more. It's looking great so far though, good job!

>> No.8214715
File: 256 KB, 1690x1134, Screen Shot 2015-03-29 at 12.59.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god I'm so glad I'm not the only one only drawing Archin...
I'm drawing this for an upcoming con as well and have been debating whether I should draw his full face or not. Good luck to you!

>> No.8214813

Good to know it has some chance of selling. Im not done yet, hopefully I'll finish within this week.
Yep, I always have problems with extreme perspectives, I guess I should practice more. Thanks!
I love the composition! good luck too you too- I originally had archer's full face but the composition looked bad so I cropped it out, haha.

>> No.8214869

is it unusual to only sell a couple of prints in any aa? I might go and share a table with someone mostly for the experience but I realize I'd only probably get a few things for print by the time the convention starts

>> No.8214917

Not at all, when I first started tabling I only had 6 prints and a few pins for display.
We actually ran out of place for display since we both have big prints.

>> No.8215074

You're going to Megacon right? Imma buy all your stuff. Are you bringing your pokemon keychains?

>> No.8215086

Definitely do. At con last weekend, I was desperate for Jasper stuff and bought every Jasper related thing I could find. (total of 6 things)
stuff with Ruby and Sapphire being cute together is also in high demand.

>> No.8215682

Yep! I'll have Pokemon, Steven U, Venture Bros and Pacific Rim stuff. :'D Let me know you're from /cgl/ and I'll give you some extra stuff. *3*

>> No.8215688
File: 301 KB, 400x311, tumblr_n57aulymyj1tndm5zo6_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do Digit.

>> No.8216701
File: 191 KB, 600x600, DundonSingLittleBirdSingFINALSMALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody ever done a mixed media project and then photographed/scanned/whatevered it to turn it into a print? I was thinking about doing a torn paper background to make my backgrounds more interesting since I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas for backgrounds for pictures that aren't scenes, but I don't know if it's a good idea or not. Pic related is an example of a mixed media painting with torn paper, not my work.

>> No.8216721


I think it could look nice if its suitable to your piece. I think you would have to texture or match the style of your subject though to not look weird compared to the background.

>> No.8217523
File: 18 KB, 236x352, 1b24c98e5f07091a0d06c18623d9a76a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like tabling next to a steampunk booth?
I know it's a broad question, but I'm going to be near one at my next con.

>> No.8217540

I've been trying to brush up on my art skills (hurr hurr) to try and convince my very talented younger sister to get an AA table and I figure doing it together will help her feel less self-conscious about it. It'll be my first AA as well if she ends up agreeing, so I'm actually nervous about it myself.

>> No.8217761

You may as well be sitting next to an empty table. They will usually have very little traffic interested in the shit.

>> No.8217841

Has anyone done Indy Pop Con? I know it's a second year con, but with super cheap flights and a local friends I can crash with, I might give it a shot since I struck out with ax and need more summer cons to kill time at.

>> No.8217860

please make more gorillaz stuff, i will buy it all
thank you.

>> No.8219303

I've been meaning to make Gorillaz stuff since forever. I may do some Keychains for AWA or TBCC.

>> No.8219517

aw man im not going to those, but damn i would buy a keychain of 2D if you ever put up an etsy link

>> No.8219591

Oh goddesses and gods of AA I hope you can help me. My friends bday is coming up and I want to make her a key chain out of some chibis I drew her, but I need something that will be durable and can last getting whacked up against things while shes at work. They would be about 2 to 3 inches big max. thanks for any advice.

>> No.8219625


If you're just doing a few charms as a craft project, look into inkjet shrink plastic (either Shrinky Dink or Graffix brand). You can use Modge Podge or clear finger nail polish to seal it once it's done.

>> No.8219665

Thank you. I do however want to make more though at a later time and maybe sell them online one day. Hopefully they wont cost much

>> No.8219723

heh it's funny seeing that one person on the fanime fb group have her random bouts of anger due to this delay. But seriously though, why does fanime AA organization suck so much

>> No.8219786

it's the only thing keeping me going and from posting my own anger

but it's been a fucking week or some shit it's about time we actually get our answers

>> No.8219837

I kinda hope she doesn't get in. The schadenfreude would be amazing.

I feel bad for the patient pottery guy, he's trying to be reasonable and that entire thread was filled with people mad at him for not being more angry.

>> No.8219860


>> No.8219864

I just looked and wow I feel really bad for people looking forward to Fanime. But it seems like Fanime hasn't announced much of anything yet, so it's not just the AA that's having problems.

A lot of out of state people are going to get burned just going unless they're positive they can profit. Glad I paid for Animazment when I did and I'm going there instead. I would have been livid waiting so long just to find out I've been rejected/waitlisted when they were other cons I could have gone to.

>> No.8219947

If you're doing aa as a major source of income, you need to be flexible with your resources. Fanime is super profitable for a lot of people, sure, but if you really need to pay off student loans or pay rent or whatever, it's downright asinine to hold out for it when there are multiple other major conventions the same weekend, especially if you're out of state. It doesn't matter how good fanime is- it's not worth your time or money to wait on what is clearly dysfunctional organization. You literally can't afford to fuck around like that. And if you are, you need to learn to manage your resources better. That's what it means to be a professional.

I feel super lucky that I'm local, so whether I get in or not isn't a huge deal for me, but I feel like all these pissbabies aren't making very compelling arguments for themselves. They really come off as whiners rather than martyrs.

>> No.8219950

Er, that was quoting Digit because I'm in agreement with her, in case that came off as kind of incendiary

>> No.8219965

How do you know it's "worth" getting a table/making all this stuff?
Do you have to work online first?

>> No.8219971

its a gamble really. its worth it to do if you're looking to grow as an artist/are an established artist looking for extra income. looks great on resumes though

>> No.8219994

Not necessarily. It's a combination of experience and a tiny bit of luck. You go to your first, figure out what works or sells and go from there. Obviously overhead costs will factor into the cons you go to as well.

>> No.8220021

I'm cool, I did have several options open, and like said I paid for Animazment just in case. Mainly wanted to try Fanime for friends and just doing a west coast con. It wasn't my "must get in" con. I can always try next year.

I think if I get accepted, even though I'm not going, I'll shoot for next time knowing that I'll have a more comfortable chance of getting in next year.

>> No.8220085
File: 816 KB, 540x329, puppypal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all of y'all here what are the pros and cons of doing AA for you personally? How long have you been doing it? Do you think it's easier than being a cosplayer? Is it worth it?

>I've recently got into cosplay but I've always wanted to sell at artist alleys as well. I'm not very confident with my art yet but I love making designs and being involved in
the whole "fandom "scene or whatever you call that.

>> No.8220112

Been doing AA's for I think 7 or so years? I find it easier than cosplaying, mostly because I've been doing it longer and haven't cosplayed a lot to begin with. Definitely more worth it than cosplaying because I don't really get much out of cosplaying. It's money spent that I don't get back which I'm ehhh about.

-Hanging out with artist friends
-Meeting new artist friends!
-Meeting cool fans/congoers
-Doodling fun commissions
-Traveling to places and eating foods with gluttonous abandon
-Sweet cold hard cash

-Setting up/preparation
-Flights. I hate flying.
-Money anxiety. Not doing well at a con feels awful and really dampens your mood
-Whenever Murphy's Law kicks in

>> No.8220122

What do you consider to be doing "well" at a con?

>> No.8220451


In that case, if you're still doing a smaller number you can resin dome them, or you can try a manufacturer. Places like Inkit are pricey, so maybe check out some of the outsourcing resources in the doc.

>> No.8220503

So I'm thinking about starting up going to artist alley at my state cons but I feel so over my head. Getting Prints and charms done and figuring out if I should sell bookmarks or printed tights or god knows whatever else.

How much capital does it take to start these up? I have a few prints but I know nowhere near enough yet to start going forward yet - I'm aiming for a November deadline.

I've read a few 'guides' for artist alley but still feel like I'm floundering in unknown waters

>> No.8220510

Make less than you think need. It's always better to sell out than to have old stock.

>> No.8220566

>How long have you been doing it?
7 years

> Do you think it's easier than being a cosplayer?
I'm terrible at sewing, and drawing feels way more natural to me, haha.

> Is it worth it?
People looking forward to seeing me at cons, and talking about shows/games/etc that I wouldn't be able to find other fans outside of cons makes it worth it to me :)

>For all of y'all here what are the pros and cons of doing AA for you personally?

pretty much what Tim said in >>8220112
-catching up on podcasts while working on artwork
-meeting fans

-those "I forgot ____ and I'm at the con and everything is terrible" dreams during the month before the con. They've started already, haha.
-setting up the table
-like Tim said, money anxiety. I'm an easy to please kinda person, so as long as I'm not in the red by the end of the con after expenses, I'm happy :)

>> No.8221570

I actually had an Animazement acceptance but the flight was fucking expensive from the west coast so I figured it better to drop it... I'm regretting not just biting the bullet while I had an acceptance.

Got waitlisted for A-Kon too, so the salt is real here.

>> No.8221684


Doing well to me is earning back the money spent on the con itself - Table, Badges AND whatever art material expenses.

Achieving that to me means less profit but you will have gained some new following to your work and future returns.

Sitting around the seasoned pros - I feel this was a major accomplishment for myself on my 3rd ever AA attempt. >.<

>> No.8221729


Got wait listed for akon too. I thought I would have gotten in with how quick I got in the system it seemed, but I guess not.

>> No.8222040

Fuck me in the butt, Fanime is sending out acceptance letters!

I did get in, but y'know...
I'll try again next year.

>> No.8222051

I've been doing it for 3 years? doing 10-12 shows a year if I put the effort in.

-I love to travel, and i've been able to see new places across Aus, museums, shows, etc that I wouldn't have been able to afford to go to.
-make a tonne of new friends
-helped my social anxiety a LOT
-pushing my creativity

-I don't make a lot of profit; it's more a hobby that pays for itself (including air fairs, hotels, food, etc)
-Money anxiety when a show goes bad
-Self conciousness that my stuff isn't good enough, etc.
-Shitty AA dramu that I often get pulled into no matter how much I try to stay neutral

>> No.8222067

Got into both Fanime and A-kon, and feeling pretty damn good.

For all of y'all here what are the pros and cons of doing AA for you personally?
>How long have you been doing it?
Four and a half years, I think.

>Do you think it's easier than being a cosplayer?
Completely different worlds. I cosplay and do artist alley, and it's sort of like asking if being a tennis player is easier than being a writer. It all depends on what you put into it.

>Is it worth it?
I definitely think so! I would usually be going to conventions anyways, and even though I've gotten to a point where it brings in a good chunk of my income, even if I was breaking even, I'd get to go to a convention for an entire weekend, go to any events I want, party through the night, and still not lose any money on it.

• Crazy money to be made
• Having excuses to go to conventions
• Having a constant motivation to improve and become a better artist
• All the awesome people you get to meet

• Stress stress stress stress stress.
• The AA scene is really competitive, even just for getting tables.
• There's little consistency or reliability on how it'll turn out. There are so many little factors that can double or halve your income.

>> No.8222076

Ooooof. I didn't :T

Mannn, I felt like I was so nonchalant about it but it kinda stings, especially since I got in last year.

>> No.8222101

Quick question, do yall think Death Parade will sell at AA? I'm only 3/4ths of the way through and am not crazy about it but I started a print of it a while ago thinking the series would blow up but I'm not sure about it anymore. I haven't been paying attention to what's popular.

My first AA will be at the end of summer if I can get in, am hype

>> No.8222535

Aus as in Australian based?

>> No.8222675

i love the intro, the show itself is kinda dull
ive only heard people talking about it once

>> No.8222703

i didn't get in either.
i'm wondering why though? i've never done a juried aa before and i'm kind of curious if i either did something wrong or if my stuff is just unappealing

>> No.8222790

Does anyone know if it's big on tumblr...?

Maybe I should just move on from this print lol. There's no reason to if I don't like the show and no one will buy it months from now.1

>> No.8222974
File: 1.56 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20150314_112444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither did I...good thing I paid for animazement.

>> No.8223081

If this is your table do you sell a lot of prints at that price?

Alice and sailor moon are really cute btw.

>> No.8223145

Is that your table? I recognize the kitty feet in one of those prints that I want. Will you be at animazement too??

>> No.8223189
File: 3.42 MB, 4128x3096, 20150331_121007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is, thank you so much!!
the bulk of my sales are print sales actually, Most people go for the 3 for $30 option.
Yep thats my table and yes I'll be there!! Stop by and say hi we should totally print trade!

>> No.8223607

Mind if I get a trade too at Animazment? I love that bunny bubble tea print. If no I'll still deffo buy it.

>> No.8223656
File: 178 KB, 300x314, Space_Channel_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone think a space channel 5 print would sell at all? I feel like it might be ok-ish even if people don't recognise it just because Ulala looks like "generic cute retro space girl", but idk. I don't know how popular it was when it came out even, let alone all these years later. I did some fanart on a whim recently and it's printable but I'm not sure if it would be worth bothering, is all.

>> No.8223720

I think any actual fan would buy it just cuz it's uncommon and would have a "omg must buy" impulse effect.
Also, I don't know about other people but if I see a cool print that I just think is some generic original character but I find out its fanart, I won't buy it because I don't wanna feel like a poser. It's weird I know, idk.

>> No.8224396

Aww I would love to,stop by my booth when you get the chance.

Is anyone else at animeBoston this weekend?

>> No.8224630

Anybody knows where I can get prints on translucent plastic? I've seen some artist doing business cards with that finish.

>> No.8224933

I didn't get into Fanime and initially I felt bad because juried=your art fucking sucks, but a lot of people who are famous didn't get in either.


One of those staff artists complained and they "magically" got a table afterwards. I'm outraged and I'm calling bullshit on the jury and the AA staff but I got no where else to complain.

>> No.8224948
File: 494 KB, 488x798, chuunibyoushit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Fanime related

How the fuck are you going to make a post like this and still get accepted? Shenanigans

>> No.8225335

Fucking same. Looking at the pool of rejected and accepted artists, I'm highly suspecting they didn't even jury the latter half of applications and just lotto'd it.

>> No.8225476

One of my friends got accepted and they sent a link to a tumblr with 1 post of a doodle on it for their portfolio.

If that isn't bullshit I don't know what is.

>> No.8226003

I gotta see this. Who is it?

>> No.8226601

I'm not going to out my friend, but her and other artists who submitted lowtier portfolios got in