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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8182273 No.8182273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you get ready and fit and healthy for con season. I know some people treat it like summer break and then hibernate into winter time fast food eating and don't bother working out. What's your go-to with getting back into shape for YOUR personal convention season, how do you keep yourself from snacking, what tricks do you use, and what sort of workouts do you do? Has getting into cosplay geared you towards losing weight or gaining weight to fit a certain character of yours?

Personally I do a lot of parapara to prepare and ride my bike. My conventions are late spring and early summer, so I relax and get lazy when making costumes in the winter and fall times of the year.

>> No.8182275

I was going to ask about this

>tfw fat distribution has it so that no matter what weight I'm at my chest barely sticks out more than my boobs
>have a gut
>I don't want my boobs to get smaller by working it off

what do

>> No.8182277

Boobs growing or shrinking a lot due to weight loss/gain is a myth, anon. Your bras will get smaller mostly due to your band size going down - your breasts might shrink a couple cup sizes (aka inches) tops. I lost over 20lbs and I think my tits got "bigger" just because they stayed the same size while my band size shrank.

>> No.8182281

Work it off anyway. Your boobs aren't big, they are fat. If you want to look like your breasts are bigger than they are, then there are ways to pad them and make it look like they are a larger size, but using small tits as an excuse to not get in shape is a lazy ass excuse.

>> No.8182282

if anything your breasts are going to look bigger because you'll no longer have your fat gut

so you'd rather be fat and gross? OK.

take a photo of you. then get a photo of your objective weight. put them next to each other. look at it every goddamn morning and every goddamn night.

>> No.8182287

I was very worried about this as well. When you do certain excercises like pushups and upper chest/arm area workouts, you will lose band width and some around your chest.

Keep in mind this doesn't always happen to people. Everyone's body really does work differently and boobs aren't just fat. The size of your chest is also a genetic and hormonal thing. You won't know until you start working out, but do not not workout because you are worried about losing your chest.

Work to strive for your cosplay, not for what other people will think of it. Took me a while to realize that and now I work hard for me and how I look in my outfit, not how people will perceive me. Yes I want to show off my cosplays, but Im more proud of my job that what people will critique from me.

>> No.8182291

well this is my second time gaining weight like this and when I'm skinny (120 as compared to the 140 I am now) my cup size goes down two sizes.
Im at a healthy weight, but currently have a bit of a tummy pudge.

I'm not fat and gross, nor close to chubby. But thanks /cgl/ for assuming I'm a lardass.

>> No.8182293

anyways, I like my weight, its a good healthy weight, I just dont want my gut
I am in shape, I run on my treadmill every day but I just have a gut.

>> No.8182294

just trying to shock you into getting off your ass, dearie. you've got to put in the work and that twenty pounds isn't going to lose itself.

>> No.8182298

What Ive found really helpful and if you have room to do it is if while you are sewing you grow a bit weary just put the item down and quickly run four laps around something. It helps you keep in shape while sitting on your ass. Or so squats, burpees, lift some dumbbells, or crunches inbetween sewing too. It makes me more alert and focused back on sewing instead of grinding away forever.

Also if I am taking a break and want to sit down and watch tv I make sure to do something active even if it is something as simple as just laying down and doing leg lifts. Im really really lazy so these tricks help me while Im doing every day things.

>> No.8182302

>I am in shape
>I just have a gut.

Pick one. And running is just cardio. Doesn't do shit if your diet and the rest of your exercise routine is crap.
Your weight is meaningless. Your BMI, your waistline, etc, these are the things you are looking for here. You can be 120, but if you are also 5"3, you can still be fat. And you can be 150, but solid muscle and 5"7 and be a goddamn superhero.

Don't cry because you don't like what your hearing. This is a thread for getting in shape, not a thread for "don't bodyshame me! love my fat rolls!".

>> No.8182304

I want people to know that it takes time to lose weight. You are more successful in keeping it off if you lose it slowly instead of trying to quick fix losing 10lbs in 3 weeks.Take your time and you will have less of a fallback.

>> No.8182350

Here is my personal run down how I prepare myself for cons both fitness and looks I try to do start this at least 3 weeks before the con depending how my costumes are going/life:
1) diet! Start making your own home-made fruit smoothies/juicers. But don't go for a liquid only diet replace a smoothie instead of breakfast or a snack. They are healthy, fulling and super yum.
2) Exercise! You should be doing this all the time. Ladies do squats. both cardio and muscle work. Muscle helps a lot more and also helps with your posture. If you cannot make/afford to go to a gym or laps at a pool. Do home work outs and even just dance can help.
3) water! same with the smoothies this will help you not have such a bloated stomach and helps you skin not looking dry.
4) Invest in a shaper or corset. Why does Yaya or ivy do it? Cause it makes them look better! and again helps with posture and hour glass figure
5) invest in a push up bra or chicken fillets. I don't care what size you are it helps with the over all look of your costume. Just it is better to know what bra or shaper you are wearing on the day so you can make your costume according
6) You don't have to do this and I don't know anyone who does but I like to get my eyelashes tinted and fake eyelashes professional done.
7) Wax and shave everything! Don't decide to shave your legs the day before the con start a week a head so you don't have to spend so much time in the shower
8) get you nails done. Either just file them and clean them or paint them/wear fake ones depending on your costume. No one wants to see your nasty nails
9) and finally when preparing for the con season make sure you time mange everything. Making cosplays instead of going to uni or calling in sick for work is stupid. If you're not making money off cosplaying or in the finals for a major cosplay competition get your shit together

>> No.8182357

Shapers are so important. A lot of people pretend they are only for fat people and thus refuse to buy them, but they make cosplays look so much better with everything smoothed out. Especially with bodysuits so you dont have that weird belly button indent.

>> No.8182363

I also find that shapers actually help me personally eat a bit less.

>> No.8182366

I'm not just shocked or anything I just think everyone's just being an ass and screaming fatty when they could be posting helpful shit like this >>8182350

I think that's /cgl/'s problem really, they're quicker to give critisizm than give actual help.

>> No.8182384

That is because you didn't ask for a work out routine, or diet help, or anything. You literally said you have a gut and don't want to work out because you'll miss your tits. That is a lazy ass excuse, and when you were told as much, you cried foul.
Either work to get rid of the gut and deal with a smaller chest, or deal with having a gut.

And btw, even if you are some super special snowflake that isn't a lardass, the vast majority of people coming here saying they have a "slight gut" and massive breasts are actual landwhales looking for fat acceptance, so fuck off with your hurt feelings and face fucking reality.

>> No.8182388

Look into core workouts. Get yourself a 65" core ball and look up core workouts on YouTube like lumberjack swings and such. Really helps out with toning up little pooches.

>> No.8182390

Wouldn't Kana be considered a landwhale then?

There ARE people out there who have naturally huge tits and are very skinny and yes, they do have back problems because of it. You thinking you have to be fat to have big boobs makes you the joke.

Also, you can have a slight gut [which a lot of people do] without being fat. Even celebrities have it. That pouch on your lower stomach is hard to get rid of for many, many people. Regardless of how much you workout.

>> No.8182391
File: 33 KB, 495x372, 862683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to stay indoors and spread awareness of fat acceptance on tumblr. Why work out when its society's fault, not yours?

>> No.8182393
File: 38 KB, 556x442, for sandy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to pull all these dumb excuses out of your ass as to why you're being a bitch, just admit that you want to be a bitch and get on with your life, this is /cgl/ for christs sake.

yeah, I have a a slight gut, and its a pain to get rid of.

I can get down with that kind of workout, thank you.

>> No.8182394

>You thinking you have to be fat to have big boobs makes you the joke.
Oh my god, you are an idiot. Please, show me where anyone said that you had to be fat to have big breasts? I said that YOU specifically, who in your very first fucking post said you have a gut and exercising makes your chest smaller, that YOU are likely overweight, as many people who claim that are. There are so many fucking women out there that think they have massive tits when they are really just massive all around.

And where the fuck did I ever say anything about back problems?
And where did you ever say "slight gut"? You yourself said you had a fucking gut. Not "slight" not "a little ponch". A fucking gut. That is common special snowflake slang for fucking fat and you know it.

Stop being so butthurt that people think you're fat when so many people who are talk the exact same way and use the exact same excuses you're using.
If you're not fat, then fucking great. Do your crunches or whatever and move the fuck on. Getting this butthurt over the idea that someone somewhere thinks you are the same as the other 80% of the deluded landwhales making excuses for their fatasses is fucking retarded.

>> No.8182397

Thats a different anon that also thought you were sandy.

I understand where you're coming from, a lot of total fatties out there are trying to make excuses, but either way, screaming "Fatty fat fat fatty" isn't going to provide those in this thread links to workout binders, good routines, or those cute cosplay workout routines I see so much.

>> No.8182401

I suggest progressively lifting big weights. You will not turn into she-hulk. It will have a lasting practical effect not entirely related to losing weight. You'll be able to lift heavy things on your own without having to ask for help. You know how handy that is? Really, really handy. A 45 pound olympic bar sounds like a lot at the beginning. In a couple of weeks you''ll probably think that's a feather.

>> No.8182408

Oh what a waste. She could have been blessed with my ugly face and schnozz and continued her crusade just the same.

>> No.8182414

I did only weights in high school instead of regular gym and it definitely kept me slim and felt less strenuous than a lot of cardio plus, you can pretty much keep the same diet you have. I'm going to get back into it pretty soon.

>> No.8182418
File: 446 KB, 1180x1079, Breast Anatomy-MU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am in shape, I run on my treadmill every day but I just have a gut.
Look at this picture
"Adipose Tissue" is basically another word for body fat. As you put on and lose fat, some will be stored or taken from here. It doesn't mean your actual boobs are getting bigger or smaller, it means the fat surrounding them get big or small. Some women are blessed with genetics that put a lot of fat storage here, others just have a larger breast overall.

Fun fact: Women are healthier than men at higher body fat percentages (when they're young) because they're expected to carry children, which is why it stores around the hips, butt, and general body overall more evenly. With men, it mostly sits around the gut to accumulate more mass at the center of gravity and stabilize the spine along with core muscles, although it's still preferable for it to be lean.

t. Anon of /cgl/, MD Broscience

>> No.8182420

>Go to /fit/
>Say you're a grill

>> No.8182425
File: 12 KB, 250x260, haaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gud joke :^)

>> No.8182533

I do a late fall con, a mid-winter con, and a summer con or two, so I don't really have con season. I try to watch what I eat a month or so before a con, and do half-assed pilates and baby lifts while watching anime. I do pig out the week or two after a con, though.

>I am in shape
>I just have a gut.
>Pick one.

That's probably true for 99% of people, but not all. My little sister was an underweight gymnast in her early teens, and somehow she still had a pudgy gut (which is much more prominent now that she's twenty and not underweight, of course).

>> No.8182537

skinny does not mean in shape
i was underweight due to illness and had a gut too

>> No.8182540

Exactly this.

It's also a good idea to at least get up and stretch once in awhile if you're hunched over your cosplay for a long time.

>> No.8182545


>> No.8182571
File: 19 KB, 276x421, ddp23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone doing DDP Yoga? I heard that shit is legit.

>> No.8182574

are you kidding?? she is blessed with your ugly face and schnozz

>> No.8182585

I do a mixture of stuff, like
- Squats + Crunches + Jumping Jack + lef lifts
- Some routine from Jillian Michaels
- Walking
- Roller skating

I'm really lazy so I try to do everyday something. I would love to have the motivation to achieve Jessica Nigri's body, minus the tits.

>> No.8182587

I know everyone always mentions squats as one of the best workouts for women trying to get in shape. I've tried doing squats, but I have absolutely terrible balance and just plain fall over when I try to do it with the right posture. Wat do?

>> No.8182616

Love DDP and love DDP Yoga. Especially since I can't create too much noise when I work out so all the bouncing and jumping in p90x is out of the question.

The good/bad thing about the workouts is that it requires isometric movements and dynamic resistance so you really need to focus on what you're doing as you will cheat yourself out of the benefits as opposed to doing say jumping jack and such. However it does keep you mentally involved in the workouts so they don't really feel stale.

>> No.8182621

Lunges. I like them more, personally, feel like I get better results than from just squats.

>> No.8182667

Body weight squats or squats with weight added (barbell, holding a weight plate towards your chest)?

> stand up
> feet shoulder width apart
> point feet 30-degrees outwards
> lean forward slightly
> arms out or arms tucked in at your sides (for bodyweight squats)
> descend until your thighs are below parallel to the floor
> ascend
> repeat

>> No.8182685


Keep practicing, balance is something you can get better at, just the same as getting stronger.

You probably have shit flexibility and weak stabilizers which is why you fall over.

Also, Starting Strength, read it

>> No.8182686

Same! Now I'm kind of overweight and I know I can lose weight just fine, I just can't get rid of my pudgy gut, even when I'm so thin that I'm ill.
For my entire life I've never exercised, but last week I started doing pushups and yesterday was about to stop because I lost my motivation. This thread gave it back to me, so thanks /cgl/.

>> No.8182687

I was going to suggest one legged lunges with the other leg supported on something (hits your glutes hard) but then I realized that would be a balance nightmare too

>> No.8182736

All my cons are mid-summer cons and I'm starting to exercise again now that it's warmed up.

I've begun intermittent fasting, but I was wondering if that would make firming up/gaining muscle take longer like severe calorie restriction does? I'm not consciously counting calories at the moment, but I usually shoot for 1400 a day.

I jump rope for cardio and most of my strength exercises focus on the leg/butt area. I'm currently 5'1 and 105lbs, 24.5in waist. I don't really want to lose weight, but I'm apprehensive about gaining any more than I need to to firm up my thighs again.

>> No.8182787

Try pilates, anon. 2 times a week for about 20 minutes really helped me flatten out my stomach and get my legs into leaner shape. There are some good instructors on youtube for free, I like Cassey Ho on there, here channel is blogilates.

>> No.8182790

They really are great even for thin people. They keep your posture so much better, and even a really thin person looks even better with a smaller waist.

>> No.8182793

>the vast majority of people coming here saying they have a "slight gut" and massive breasts are actual landwhales looking for fat acceptance

I mean maybe, but why wouldn't you just go to tumblr if you want fat acceptance? This IS 4chan

>> No.8182796

Do it near the counter in the kitchen so you can use it to stabilize yourself. Think of it like the barre in a ballet class, lightly hold it with one hand while you plie or squat

>> No.8182799

Also, if your balance is a really an issue try doing yoga or pilates to help gain more.