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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 529 KB, 856x642, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8182265 No.8182265 [Reply] [Original]


Ask your general questions here. You do not need your own thread for every "how do I make X" question.
And be patient. This is a slower board, and not everyone here will have all the answers you need.

>> No.8182267 [DELETED] 

And before you ask your question, try to find your own answers.

Good resources:


>> No.8182268

And before you ask your question, try to find your own answers.

Good resources:


>> No.8182312

recently got a short wig.
the top is really volumized and there are curly little hairs underneath it all. should i comb it out and straighten them? it sounds really time consuming.
or is there another way?

>> No.8182318

Depends on the look you're going but, but the short answer? Yes. Brush out your wig. Take the time and take care of all your cosplay supplies. This is not a hobby for those afraid of "time consuming" work. Set your wig on a wig head, pin it in place, brush it out and style it as needed. Put a movie on or something if you want to alleviate the tedium, but don't skip steps or dismiss proper wig care because it's boring.

>> No.8182327

just a flat top, its way too fluffy.
just brushing? some links say to use a hairdryer and spray, so im thinking of that.

>> No.8182351

Again, it depends on the style you want. But before you do any styling, brush it out.
If you want more specific advice, post a pic of what you are trying to achieve.

>> No.8182365
File: 130 KB, 348x268, asuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on cosplaying Asuka from NGE but I'm having hard time choosing a wig. I don't like the idea of using a bright orange wig so more like a natural orange (maybe lightish auburn?) wig would be great! So if you have any wig suggestions I would really like to know... and yeah I'm not a wig expert so please be kind with me.

>> No.8182819
File: 225 KB, 800x563, 800px-PN_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering but what would look best for the stars on inside of the skirt/sleeves on Ultimate Madoka's outfit? Rhinestones or sequins or something else? I'm leaning towards rhinestones atm

>> No.8182835

One girl installed small lights.
shit was cash.

>> No.8182870
File: 62 KB, 533x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys suggest adding volume to create the correct shape for sabers dress? Short hoop skirt? Petticoat?

>> No.8182909

Yeah, I've seen skirts where they used lights and they looked really good! But I'm not really sure how to do that exactly...I'll try though. If not, I think I'll go with rhinestones.

A bell-shaped petticoat or like you said, a short hoop skirt!

>> No.8182965
File: 61 KB, 700x723, 718980111_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get layers like this?

>> No.8182969

lucailles site is down, how much heat can their wigs take?

>> No.8182979

Check out LED tutorials and add rhinestones too, its going to be magic

>> No.8183025







If you want something like Epic, Luci, or Arda wigs let me know.

>> No.8183079
File: 410 KB, 784x1134, winter-soldier-klein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How careful do I need to be with worbla?

I've been experimenting with my Winter Soldier arm for a while now but I think i'm at the point where I can cut and start moulding my worbla but I'm worried about re-heating and making adjustments if It's not right.

Again, this is the first time I'm working with it and since it's fairly pricey I'd rather not fuck it up immediately.

>> No.8183214

Worbla is actually very forgiving. If you fuck up to much, you can heat up all the pieces, and mold them back into one whole and start over.

>> No.8183278
File: 335 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mesnzxdMN11rxzudco1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a place to buy a jacket like this?

>> No.8183290

I've made a coat like that. A lot of pirate coats are that sort of style.
I doubt you can buy it, but alter a duster coat pattern.

>> No.8183562
File: 70 KB, 425x337, Wolfgang2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to tie a ribbon in my hair like Wolfgang from "Dance in the Vampire Bund".
How would you make the ribbon and then tie it?
It seems to be a simple knot, but there are no good shots of the back.
I would rather do a more complex knot that looks a bit like a ribbon bow around the ponytail.

>> No.8183746

If you don't want to learn LED wiring stuff, Amazon sells LED strings with battery packs. Since you have this giant voluminous skirt that'll probably be supported with something like a cage the battery packs will be easy to conceal.

>> No.8183826
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplaying pic related

Can anyone help me out on make-up? She's not done-up by any means, but I know I need to wear some.

Is foundation a must?
Also, I am Japanese with almond-shape eyes, if that helps with eye-make-up advice.

>> No.8183837

Foundation and basic eyeliner, maybe a little contour if your face needs it.

>> No.8184324
File: 108 KB, 730x630, Daredevil_-_Earth_X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm inclined to do an Earth X Daredevil costume, but I was hoping to get some input as far as what /cgl/ recommends I use for materials. The costume overall has a glossy look to it, and tends to bunch up a little around the sleeves, so it looks an awful lot like leather. Red leather being expensive as hell, I was wondering if there were any alternatives that looked similar enough, but were also comparatively less expensive. I don't know how much PVC costs by yard, and I also don't know how easy it is to work with, but it could be a good alternative.

>> No.8184357

Pretty much as far as decided to want to use something like red vinyl.

That said, any tips for someone who's never worn vinyl before?

>> No.8184364

Red vinyl will work, but there is a very real risk of you dehydrating in this. I strongly suggest using wet look spandex, or something else more breathable, at least for some parts to keep from making yourself sick.

>> No.8184367
File: 396 KB, 1215x717, Velkoz_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning pic related. But I cant figure out for the life of me how to do the tentacles and get them to flow and lash. I'm considering using whatever is used in wooden snakes but I kind of want my arms to be the base for the front tentacles so I can motion them the way I want. Also, what would I cover them in to get that eldritch look?

>> No.8184371
File: 36 KB, 452x604, 1.0x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So long as I don't turn out looking like this guy

>> No.8184379

My main issue with the wet-look spandex is that it doesn't lay quite the same. It's a lot more dull, and it has that grainy look due to the weave of the fibers

>> No.8184382

Also, what about my package? Am I going to need to like, tape it or something?

>> No.8184385

Get a dance belt. Not a jock or a cup or whatever others may suggest. You want to get a proper dance belt.

>> No.8184396

Thanks, I appreciate the input.

>> No.8184539

Hey I have a situation with eva foam.
After I gave the shape to my pauldrons, I decided to prime the surface with plaster instead of Gesso ( because that things is too expensive in my country and I read that geso is basically plaster).
I applied 3 coats of plaster and when I sand with an electric dremel. The surface looks smooth but if you look closer there are a lot of little cracks, it's because I'm using bigger grind sand paper?

>> No.8184553

I think cifera did a write up on her costume if you can find that

>> No.8184556

would it be easier to buy a zentai suit then adjust it to my sizing or buy the fabric and sew it from scratch?
also does anyone know of reliable zentai suits sellers?

>> No.8184563

Stop using the dremel. Sand it by hand with increasingly finer grit sand paper, and use filler in the cracks as you go.

>> No.8184569

Thank you :)

>> No.8184639

Your easiest option would be the ready-made zentai suit, especially if you've never made one before. A lot of places offer custom sizing for no additional cost too; I usually use lycra-zentai for that, though I'm sure other seagulls can suggest some more good ones too

>> No.8184941
File: 296 KB, 471x480, Casual_Citadel_Uniform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was working on getting a Commander Shepard armor set together for c2e2 this year but I might have been a bit ambitious with the amount of non-sewing construction I can do. tl;dr I'm going to attempt the casual citadel fatigues instead, since sewing is my strong suit.

My question for /cgl/ is this: am I totally fucked into drafting my own patterns for this? I poked around on google and didn't find much, but that's probably because I'm not even sure what kind of base garment to search for.
Thoughts? Ref attached, it's for the femshep on the right.

>> No.8184976


I cosplay asuka and I use bright orange. I intially used two cosplay wigs usa wigs in their "pumpkin" that I sewed together for thickness, but I would recommend strongly against that, their wigs suck.

Arda's "pumpkin" shade is actually a pretty happy medium between neon orange and natural auburn, if you wanna tread the line between original series and rebuilds (it is definitely brown/auburn in the rebuilds). Maybe get a venus in pumpkin from arda and go from there?

>> No.8185120
File: 813 KB, 640x971, WW_Cv41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am working on a new cosplay, and need to add piping to a bodice. I have never done this before, and was hoping to learn some pointers on how to do it.

>> No.8185390
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal for wigs to be all fuzzy at the top? How can you fix it or make it look nicer. My wig came in and it's kinda ratty. It's weird to brush through and it's not very soft on the top. Pic related. If there's anything that can be done I'd love to know. (It's heat resistant)

>> No.8185401

The weird fuzz gives it volume. Yours specifically is meant for spiking, that's why it's around the crown.
Don't bother brushing it out or straightening it.

I'm not overly sure what I'm looking at, but it seems to be a form-fitting jumpsuit with layers piled on, the chest and shoulders look like a thin armor.
Drafting a pattern for the absolute-base layer shouldn't be too hard, it's just your body. I recommend getting a lot of muslin to draft all those shapes, though.
Sorry if this wasn't really helpful.

>> No.8185479

Oh okay. Thank you!

>> No.8185490


Shepard here. I felt like it was a jumpsuit with an overlay, but when I look closer it feels like the white bits on the sides (rib area) are connected to that center padded bit. I was gonna draft like a loose fitting pants and shirt combo and then go from there, but I'm just not sure about that top.

>> No.8185499

Yeah, a simple shirt+pants pattern would work. The shirt has this weird color-block thing going, like the black fabric (?) that covers the upper-chest and arms is different from the white torso fabric..
Either way, extra emphasis on muslin for drafting. Good luck.

>> No.8185566

dunking the wig in hot water (not too hot or fibers will melt) or steaming the wig will relax the crimping/frizz. like other anon said, crimping is done to make the wig have more volume.
>I've done this with arda wigs, works like a charm

>> No.8185572


Exactly, it seems like an overlay but it doesn't seem like they're separate? I don't know. Muslin drafts for days!

>> No.8185822
File: 38 KB, 670x670, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was more asking for personal preferences in this case:

My partner and I need to make hoop skirts for our competition entries since buying them will probably disqualify us. Was looking at pic related shape and I what I wanted to know was if anyone here has made their own; what boning do you like using? We want to keep its bell shape even if we have to pack it in luggage for other projects; and expense isn't a huge factor. We just need a reliaboe source to buy from with international shipping. I've looked at a few online but no one locally has used them before so no one can recommend anything. Any input is greatly appreciated.

>> No.8186033

How do you lense a mask? I recently bought one of the ovk store masks and I wanted to give it some lenses as a shout out to the Payday Live action.

>> No.8186091

Where's a good, or at least affordable, place to get leather/leather-ish straps for armor and whatnot?

>> No.8186094

I'd ask the person running the contest about it, petticoats are a bitch to make and it feels like they'd have to be pretty strict to not let you buy your undergarments.

>> No.8186356
File: 511 KB, 947x355, orange wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I be able to get away with using the same wig for both Chiyo and Asuka? If so, would this wig be okay?

>> No.8186736

When I made mine I got my hoop steel from http://www.farthingalescorsetmakingsupplies.com/ Get the connectors for them as well. The steel is perfect for petticoats. It's a bitch to cut but so worth it.

>> No.8186743

get separate wigs.

>> No.8186753

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this...

If I am commissioning something and sending the person all of the materials, is there any way that I can "insure" my material cost, in case something happens, like they never do the project or lose my materials or something? That way I don't have to repurchase all the material out of pocket.

>> No.8186767

Ah thank you! Will look into it

>> No.8186825

eh, I'd use the same wig, but I'm also always trying to reuse my wigs rather than buying new ones for each costume. Sometimes I won't even do a cosplay unless I have at least 2 characters that can use the wig. Chiyo's and Asuka's hair colors are similar enough that I doubt anyone is going to call you out on it to your face.

>> No.8186902
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, dosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where could I look to get a jacket and pants even remotely like this?
All I can find are beetle-juice costumes, blazers, and designer women's jackets.

>> No.8186909
File: 123 KB, 493x740, Kaneo Takarada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you can buy some that are close. Your best bet is honestly commissioning or making it yourself.

>> No.8186926

where does /cgl/ buy their stretch vinyl? spandexworld and spandexhouse don't have quite the variety of colors I was expecting.

>> No.8187056
File: 145 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a good tutorial or pattern for something like this? Not the simplicity kimono pattern. I asked the op but they never responded ;-;

>> No.8187110

What color is it you're looking for?

>> No.8187150

has anyone here ever tried making bat wings from an umbrella?
I'm kinda looking into it

>> No.8187174
File: 8 KB, 174x290, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see a make-up thread so I hope it's okay to post here.
My boyfriend wants to cosplay Kaworu, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to do his makeup. We normally do natural stuff, and I have no idea how to go about the silver hair/eyebrows combo (everyone who does silver/white eyebrows looks strange imo) and I can't figure out how to contour to get that bishounen look.
Pls help /cgl/!

>> No.8187176

Why is Mary Magdalene so cheap or did I just buy bootleg?
I'm quite newfag. I don't like the OTT style, I like vintage style so I just started buying lolita. Are people going to kill me if I wear lolita not how it's supposed to wear? I'm not even trying to defend my style as lolita.

>> No.8187180

How thick are the brows?

>> No.8187182

Try lucacille's asuka wig, it's what I got and I adore it. It's natural enough to not look horrible with most skin types and the length is just want I wanted, in addition to the natural twintail style.

>> No.8187186

You probably got bootleg if you think it's cheap. How much?

>> No.8187189

I bought a blouse missing a button for $35 shipped

>> No.8187190

About 80€. I didn't find any pictures of bootlegs.

>> No.8187201

My boyfriends's eyebrows are pretty thick, but we already planned on fixing/trimming them.
I'm looking for advice on how to do the rest of the make-up, and a color/method for the eyebrows because the pencil I bought in a matching silver looked very obnoxious.

>> No.8187291


I use a method where I cover the brows in white cream eyeshadow (I use the NYX shadow stick in "milk") and then dab colored eye shadow (powder) on, then set with translucent powder. Maybe just cover with white like that and set?

>> No.8187543
File: 31 KB, 550x414, 17683789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this be hard to pull off? seems easy enough

>> No.8187559

Pull off as in make or wear?

>> No.8187567

I should have certified, would it be easy to make this? All it seems i would have to do is modify clothing that looks close to it, i could wear it and pass and look good in it easily.

>> No.8187659

that leg strap, waddling all over and stairs are a bitch

>> No.8188164


I'm seeking yellows, tans, and oranges.

>> No.8188389

This is kind of a tall order, but anyone know where I can get some spandex or whatever else kind of stretchy fabric that is outer space space patterned? (Y'know like realistic black with little glowing stars)

Even a space patterned zentai suit or something is fine.

>> No.8188416

You could probably find a zentai suit file if you lurk enough on Google. Then just send that to whatever zentai maker for a custom print. Are you planning to do a particular character?

>> No.8188418

Would you say dance belt or compression pants?

>> No.8188437

Trying to find out fabric options for doing Sugata's king outfit. I have no fucking clue how to even begin sewing stretch fabric, but figured I could modify a zentai suit fairly easily.

What companies even take custom zentai orders that will do a good job?

>> No.8188496
File: 120 KB, 800x598, IMG_0260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a mask made of claycrete.

Anyone have tips on how to fill the porous holes? It needs to be light and durable. Also a material that won't eat through paper.

I'm thinking an air dry clay layer, but anything that involved less sanding would be great.

>> No.8188746
File: 951 KB, 2560x1600, anime-swimsuit-spice-and-wolf-apples-brown-eyes-hair-cute-fox-girl-974277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. I fucked up a wig. I got a venus wig from arda to try to make a Holo the wise wolf wig. The bangs are way to fucking thick and look like a brick of hair just sitting on my forehead even after taking out some of the tracks of hair. I'm heading down to Tokyo the day before my con. Where can I go to find another wig the right length and color?

>> No.8188838

Was there something unclear about "get a dance belt"? Wear compression pants if you want, but put on a dance belt first.
There is a reason male dancers wear them as opposed to anything else.

>> No.8188985
File: 174 KB, 1722x1164, 07_squigly_1p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/, I'm thinking about using worbla for the first time and need some advice.

I want to use it for Squigly's chest piece, would it work if I make it out of clay first, then lay the worbla over top and heat it, then just press it into the clay to shape it? Will it form to the shape of the clay? Or is there another easier way to make this thing?

>> No.8189030
File: 40 KB, 444x255, SheetaPazu6_thumb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with a few things-
1) How do I go about getting all that 'poof' into the red pants? I tried googling this but I have no idea how to word it.
2) Any recommendations for the belt buckle? What to make it out of/how to attatch.
3) Unrelated to this costume, but how do you guys handle your thermoplastics when shaping them? Do they get too hot to touch, and if so, how to you mold them? In add on to that, what do you guys use to get clean cuts for your pieces?

>> No.8189062

Can't really help with the other things, but 'harem pants' have that same poof.

>> No.8189068


>> No.8189150
File: 649 KB, 1023x926, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this green garment with open shoulders called? I tried google, but got nothing. Help much appreciated!

>> No.8189208

>press it into the clay to shape it
...that's what basically worbla is for. There are so much tutorials on the internet about the usage of the material

>> No.8189839
File: 285 KB, 1000x1000, 1_234519_ZM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 5'3, and the person i want to cosplay is incredibly tall (i suspect 6-6'5). Would wearing these creepers(1 inch sole) plus insole shoe pads (2.5 inches increase in height) at least help me with being tall, or would it just look unnatural?

>> No.8189854
File: 285 KB, 277x1024, easy_pleated_skirt_tutorial_by_vintage_aerith-d323yqh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to use this tutorial but I suck at math.
A lot.
My waist is 29inches and I want the pleats to be 2inches wide. I have 120inches/3.4meters of fabric. Do I have enough?

>> No.8189879

Whatever type of pleats you're making, you need 3 times your waist measurement divided by 2. For instance, my waist is 26 inches, so 26*3 is 78 inches (2.1 yards). The reason you divide by two is mimicking how you will cut the 45" fabric into two 22" wide pieces (the length of your skirt). So my rectangles would be approximately 1 yard long, and I would need one yard of fabric. You definitely have enough. However, don't do the pleats by 2 inches, divide this your total fabric you need for the skirt (in my example, 2.1 yards) by the number of pleats the character visibly has for a more exact pleat size.

>> No.8189966
File: 23 KB, 300x300, kanekikun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know how I could possibly get this jacket as soon as possible? I need it for AB, should I just give up now?

>> No.8190037



this honestly.

>> No.8190053
File: 646 KB, 2048x1152, 20150318_222737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please /cgl/ how can I make these shoes smaller? They look too thick on the sides when I put them on. They are one size.

>> No.8190108

Oh, yeah I forgot to state Im doing knife pleats.
I kind of need the pleats wide though.
So 87inches to cut out.
I guess Ill just pleat it all until its around my size or something too. Thanks!

>> No.8190111

post a pic of the sides/underside?

>> No.8190135

How can I get sephiroth's blade?

>> No.8190138
File: 104 KB, 800x533, DSC03111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea on where to even begin for something like this? A mannequin would be too heavy and all the styrofoam bodies I can find have no arms,

>> No.8190159

Make it from scratch?

>> No.8190166

Depends on who you are cosplaying. Personally I would think it looks weird. You can always invest in shoe lifts like this:


Isn't there a short person in the series you like that you can cosplay? I'm going through the same thing anon except I'm tall and I want to be short.

>> No.8190170

Maybe Ebay or aliexpress if you are lucky.

>> No.8190171

Did you fuck up the day before the con? If so you are just fucked.

>> No.8190220
File: 1.95 MB, 1708x884, pucciwhitesnake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... I realize I should have been more specific. I actually want to make White Snake and my concern are the arms, how do I make arms from sratch and have them hold the shape?

>> No.8190228

well that is clearly just foam cut to shape.

>> No.8190315
File: 8 KB, 306x137, 1371457946951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I make these summoning 'tubes' from Devil Summoner Raidou? I found a really old /cgl/ thread that suggested:

>That looks a lot like the base-part of an X-acto knife, without the blade. If you can foot the bill, you could just buy a couple of those and find some kind of O-ring to screw into the chuck (the top of the base), instead of a blade? And, bonus, at the end you have a couple X-acto knives!

My only issue is that I'm going to have these at a con and use them for photos and I'm not sure if metal like this would be allowed so is there an alternative method or would this be the most accurate?

>> No.8190326

post a pic, just censor your face. ill try to help?

>> No.8190344


>> No.8190626

Can you paint on a lycra body suit?
Can you sew on a cape?

>> No.8190737

Post a picture of you wearing the shoes. It's easier to figure out tailoring concerns if we can see the item being worn.

>> No.8190740

I personally really dislike the way creepers (namely, the super-thick soles) look in full-body photos, but I think that could be solved if you made a shoecover. Otherwise, I'd recommend normal shoes with a slight heel (around an inch) and the shoe lifts.

>> No.8190751

I am working on maid Nozomi Toujou and I just realized after finishing the apron... The stripes ended up on the wrong side. I don't have time to Remake it. Would it be okay?

>> No.8190812
File: 137 KB, 318x852, ogdowyhhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what to do about shoes. I threw together 80% of the outfit in a night and couldn't find a way to achieve the same cobbled-together look for footwear.

I can't find any shoes or boots that look right, so I figured I would try to make them myself out of wood and cheap leather or something but it looks horrible and it even less functional.

>> No.8190813

damn u fine

>> No.8190820
File: 429 KB, 720x556, yuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of hat is this??? Can I make one or would I be better off buying it? Thanks!

>> No.8191133

Rhinestones or LEDs keep us posted on the progress, I'd really be interested to see how it turns out

>> No.8191155
File: 66 KB, 569x315, 701spacepen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blade on X-acto knives can be removed, and you would essentially just have a small metal cylinder. I don't think you'd get in trouble but it certainly wouldn't hurt to email them and ask.

I actually think one of those pens with metal grips looks more accurate, but depending on how many you need, the construction of the pen, and what tools you have available, they may be too difficult to modify into the correct design.

>> No.8191196

Get some cheap base shoes and add fucked up shit to them?
Not sure what you're trying to do.

>> No.8191199

I hope you guys are still here. I posted this before going to bed. I will upload everything when I get home!

>> No.8191220
File: 29 KB, 269x349, tumblr_inline_mmxcdjI28u1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm going to be Beowulf from Skull Grills, everything is done but I have no clue what to do with the chair. I have a perfect chair looks-wise, but it's fairly heavy and I have no idea how to attach it to myself. I'm also not sure about walking around with the chair like it is in his ingame model, because I'm going to be bumping into so many people, and I already have to worry about the wolf head?

>> No.8191228

You could buy a cheap lightweight chair like that at walmart. and as a bonus, you never have to stand in line, as you could sit anywhere.

>> No.8191293
File: 273 KB, 640x832, c1c4fea287a12972da78d5b434e7210a1397299803_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where could I get boots/shoes that are similar to Chaika's?

>> No.8191764

Use wedges (or buy if you don't have)
Cover them with vinyl o whatever fabric you are using, do a boot cover, add deatils and done.

>> No.8191866
File: 673 KB, 900x5458, making_thigh_high_boots___the_cheats_way_by_lolainprogress-d5mf9lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8192068
File: 1.29 MB, 1932x1084, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here they are! Please let me know if you need any more pictures.

>> No.8192138
File: 20 KB, 214x317, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to start on cinderella's giant blue ball gown dress. From what I've ready, they didn't use a hoop skirt, apparently just a million fucking chiffon underskirts. I, however, do not have the time or money or a team of fifteen people to sew that many and am using a hoop skirt and several petticoats instead.
My question is how can I still make it look light and airy and flowy while using a hoop skirt and not having literally like twenty something skirts?

>> No.8192144

big, full-length petti over a hoop, then layer your fabrics accordingly.

>> No.8192297
File: 144 KB, 442x529, CostumeEp8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like some help on figuring out what to make the apron of this outfit out of. In the anime and manga Tomoyo says that the outfit was made using a rubbery fabric but I'm having trouble finding something rubbery that isn't overly shiny. The only matte vinyls I've found come in black and white.
At this point I'm considering just using a nice cotton sateen instead. Any suggestions?

>> No.8192468

I can't help it-- i'm in love with the character i want to cosplay so much!!
Thank you so much for the tip though.

>> No.8192474

I don't like them that much either. I just want to be as accurate as i can be with my first cosplay.
Thank you for helping me!

>> No.8192506

see >>8181591

>> No.8192508

see >>8188810

There's also a few other tutorials in that thread too.

>> No.8192514
File: 41 KB, 300x400, hkgjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need about eight of them but my problem is making them like picture related. They are suppose to "open up," too.

>> No.8192515
File: 181 KB, 900x1200, katanaref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm making a katana similar to pic related. I just can't seem to figure out one thing- how do I attach the rectangular piece in the middle? The whole sword aside from this part is one piece. The whole sword is made out of wood.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.8192527



>> No.8192698

I think if you tried taking in the back seam (along your (heel), you might be able to reduce the width as it appears from the front. It looks like the heel side of the pattern might have been cut with a very large curve, so taking in the back seam would reduce that. Try safety-pinning that seam closer and see if it works (ie, if you can still get your foot in and out).

>> No.8192719

I'll be going to a visual kei concert a few months from now. I'm not new to the style, but I've never tried a non-black wig. The closest I've gotten was a light/platinum blonde, which looked fine against my skin. I recently found a white wig I like, but I'm worried it won't look good on me.
So here's the question: Should I go with my desire of a white wig or should I find a light grey wig instead? Also, where the hell can I find light grey wigs that are in stock? Please and thank you.

I'm not sure what the actual name is, but google heian period clothing. I know it's from that time period at least.

Though you seem set on making it shiny, I would advice against it. A low shine sateen wouldn't be bad, but if it's for a con, remember that people don't know how to use flash.

>> No.8192919
File: 40 KB, 238x773, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best fabric for a blazer jacket? And how would I go about the little school lettering on pic related's jacket?

>> No.8192922

Any recommended patterns for the blazer are appreciated too. Thank you

>> No.8193191

Im trying to dye a polyester/twill fabric but its not working, I need it done soon but the color is going in. What do I do?

>> No.8193235

You need special dyes to dye synthetic fabrics.

>> No.8193242

I have looked everywhere with no success.
Anyone know where I can get a zentai suit template?

>> No.8193249

uhh what type of dye?

>> No.8193388

Looking for a sewing schematic/pattern for a baggy school cardigan.

>> No.8193422


>> No.8193676
File: 2.49 MB, 2555x1255, watamoteglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to wear glasses for my cosplay but I'm worried the glare will be bad for pictures. So I'm thinking about popping out the lenses and only wearing the frames.

Is this weird? Should I just wear it with lenses for authenticity?

>> No.8193683

I think most people use lens-less glasses for cosplay because of that glare issue. It's pretty normal.

>> No.8193704

Don't wear a wig or costume to a concert. Ever. It's the worst idea.

>> No.8193707

I've never liked the look of no lens glasses, I think it looks ridiculous.

>> No.8193812

Suiting fabrics, twill, a polyester blend. You can go to a thrift store and feel up a bunch of blazers (and check their tags for fibre content) if you don't have any blazers you can reference in your closet. For the insignia, you could embroider that on (lots of tutorials online if you Google "how to embroider letters").

>> No.8193954

Does anyone have some tips for making light-up eyes in a mask? I know a few ways but I'm afraid I'll go blind with those.

>> No.8194157

So, I ordered a wig online for a character with blue hair, and the wig came and it's purple. Is there a way to get this fixed within about a week or so?

>> No.8194189
File: 101 KB, 600x600, Medicos-Super-Action-Statue-Caesar-Antonio-Zeppeli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have advice about how to find a similar jacket? Not worried about having the black lines and studes, I can replicate that.

>> No.8194228
File: 503 KB, 1920x1200, red_death_desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked this in my own thread because I'm a tard and didn't read this.

But, I'm making a Titan cosplay from destiny. I figure neoprene will work best for the under suit for under the armor plating. What i'm stuck on is the weapons.

I'm not sure what would be the best to do. Build off something or just do it from scratch.

>> No.8194240

You could do either or. Build it from a toy gun or use form/crafting to make a hand made gun after you use reference pictures.

Which option do you feel like doing the most?

>> No.8194261

I'd like to have a functional magazine. One I can pull out and slide back in. Possibly a working action if I remember to pay attention when I'm playing next time.

Either option sounds good. I have no set deadline for this and won't care if this takes a year or more to do. I wonder if I could do a combination of the two? Take the bits I need off a toy and work them into the custom build itself.

>> No.8194265

Thanks, but that wasn't really the question. In general, would a white wig look okay or should I stick with a light grey? I've never tried either color. If it helps, I have a sort of neutral colored skin.

>> No.8194418

Build off of a nerf gun if you can, I've seen some pretty impressive nerf mods.

>> No.8194484
File: 64 KB, 900x357, theworsteyebrowgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brow question. I have the worst brows ever, basically cover my entire brow bone.
Hoping I can get possible shaping advice, as to what shape would look okay?
Also I have rather very thick dark, would it be in my interest to trim them?

pic related
please ignore my bad skin.

Also, really was not sure where to ask, apologize if this thread is wrong.

>> No.8194715

You have a potential good arch going on already but it seems like they are sort of short. Are your brows fully grown out in the pic or have you plucked them in anyway?

>> No.8194817

I need help with sexy no jutsu Naruto's clouds. I don't know how to attach them or wrap them around my body without it looking bad. Any help would be appreciated!

>> No.8194824

I'm going to my first ever con tomorrow with some friends, anything I should be aware/afraid of?

>> No.8194835

How about the sides? how can I make them less wide? Thanks for the help so far btw.

>> No.8194841

Thank you very much!

>> No.8194858

Wear a chastity belt. Just in case.

>> No.8194893

If you're going as a popular character, a lot of people will want your picture. I wore a mediocre Harley costume and got over 60 (lost count) people taking my picture. So be prepared for that.
Also if you're going to do stuff (autographs for example), be about an hour early and be prepared for long lines. Also charge your phone/camera!
That's pretty much it.

>> No.8194924

They have been shaped a bit, usually I just clear up under my brow, the brow bone part and the middle. I might pull too much there though? have that crazy uni-brow.
They grow pretty fast, so I am not sure if I should let it all grow out, then restart from there?

>> No.8194952

thankyou very much for the advice, I sure hope I'm cute enough for the photos!

>> No.8194982

Hey, just thought I'd ask but does anyone have any idea if I'd be able to dye something baby blue a blood red?

>> No.8194986


Too vague. Is it a wig? Fabric?
Regardless, the answer is a really likely "no". The blue undertones would fuck up your red unless you're looking for a dark burgundy.

>> No.8194999

You can, but you'd get a purpley-red at best.

>> No.8195001

Oh sorry, a wig. And yeah, I need more burgundy I guess. I was sent arda's in the style I ordered but in denim blue when it's supposed to be maroon.

>> No.8195010

Did you accidentally click Denim Blue or was it a fuckup on Arda's part?

And do you have time to send it back and ask for the proper wig?

Dyeing would be tricky and you'd probably have to buy another wig anyway.

>> No.8195018

It was a fuck up on their part, they are going to send me another one but it won't arrive in time.

>> No.8195022

For no charge and without sending back the blue one?
In that case, you can try dyeing. Nothing to lose, I guess.

>> No.8195026

I've decided to start wearing false eyelashes to cons but idk where to get them, what kind, how to apply them, can i reuse them?? Any help is appreciated tyty

>> No.8195037


I use Ardell, primarily because I can get them at Ulta and get rewards points. I would recommend them, they're very comfy and easy to apply. Target, Sallys, and Ulta has them, but Ulta has tons of other brands on top of just ardell. I'm a big fan of their demi wispies for daily wear

>> No.8195038

Yeah, I paid extra for faster shipping. I might as well try, I'm pretty bummed.

>> No.8195067

Oh wow theres like a million Ardell lashes! Are they reusable or should I get a couple?

>> No.8195102

Studs* and bump

>> No.8195104


Most lashes are reusable if you clean them well. My usual method is to pull all of the glue off with my nails (there will be glue on the strip when you remove them), and then use makeup remover to get excess glue and mascara off. If you're really into sanitizing them, you can usually soak lashes in rubbing alcohol, but I would then soak them in water before you wear them again so that your eyes don't burn.
Careful with the alcohol though; I had a really nice pair of Benefit lashes that I soaked and they came apart at the band, but that's never happened with Ardells for me.
My favorites are their 120 (for daily wear and also youthful non-anime characters, make the eyes look wide but not cartoony), 102 (for punky type anime characters), and their whole double up line for special dramatic stuff.
Eylure is another great brand, and I LOVE their super dense double lashes (206-208) for a super dramatic effect. They are harder to apply though, because the band is so thick. Also, makes lids very heavy hah

>> No.8195107

You're welcome! I'm sure you will be. Have fun and don't forget to check the schedule frequently!

>> No.8195129


Also! Don't use the adhesive that comes with the lashes. Get a tube (or the kind with the brush) of Duo, preferably in "clear/white".

>> No.8195183
File: 452 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nl4gezEw4w1r901oao2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i make this with foam and/or model magic or is there a better way of doing this?

>> No.8195201

seems simple enough to make with EVA foam.Make a mock up with cardstock or cardboard and transfer the pattern onto the foam.

Gonna try my hand at Jasper's helmet after I'm finished with my current projects

>> No.8195233

Nice, Thanks.

>> No.8195259

Wear a strapless bra harness and attach them to that from the front and the back attach them like wings?

>> No.8195260

thanks so much, this was really helpful!

if youtry to make that with model magic youll want to kill yourself lol
seconding EVA foam which you can get at harbor freight tools for pretty cheap

>> No.8195269

i want to make a durable sword, best material?

ive seen some people use this plastic like stuff before but no idea what to look up

>> No.8195273

Thanks for the idea! I'll see what I can do about attaching them like wings.

>> No.8195296
File: 75 KB, 426x599, 426px-Kotori_pure_sr546_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would chiffon be good for the skirt? Or should I go with some other fabric?

>> No.8195313


>mai waifu

chiffon would be so pretty oh my goodness

>> No.8195330

Are you doing this part of a group?
Just wondering if it the same my friend is

>> No.8195335

I wish ;_; going solo unfortunately
I only know one other person into SIF, and they don't cosplay

>> No.8195337

Thank you!

>> No.8195344

So my friend bought some sheets of thermoplast by accident and gave them to me. What can I do with this stuff/what can I use it as an alternative to?

>> No.8195721
File: 14 KB, 284x400, ZeonSoldierUniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have made a mistake. I made the wing emblems and used stiff double sided interfacing to put them on my jacket thinking the interfacing would be enough to keep the sides from fraying.

After a day it wasn't. If I apply fabric glue to the edges will it help, or will it leave dark marks? Please help.

>> No.8195732 [DELETED] 
File: 743 KB, 762x727, Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on my tennant costume but I am thinking of getting it fitted to me more so it looks more like the picture on the right

>> No.8195733
File: 743 KB, 762x727, Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on my tennant costume but I am thinking of getting it fitted to me more so it looks more like the picture on the right. Unsure on any other ways to get it to look right any ideas?

>> No.8195793
File: 270 KB, 1387x937, Maou_dress_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm paranoid that the petticoat I got is too wide.

>> No.8195844
File: 258 KB, 754x638, collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going for a Kanji Tatsumi cosplay and I have a few concerns

-How can I get my school uniform jacket to stay on my shoulders like Kanji does
-What's the best way to do his scar in picture 2 (I was thinking of using some sort of white foundation so it'll blend with my skin)
-What's the easiest way to do a bullet necklace
-Any boots that look like Kanji's that won't make me break bank
-Should I use eyeliner and/or mascara

Sorry if I'm asking too much. I just want this cosplay to be at least decent

>> No.8195929

Good to see a fellow Zeke fan. Can you take a picture of the fraying so we can get a better idea of how bad it is?

>> No.8195937 [DELETED] 

Meant to reply to you. Not >>8191199

>> No.8195940

No offense, you are just wider and I genuinely mean no offense. She just looks very stretched.

>> No.8195944

>>8192698 #
Meant to reply to you. Not >>8191199 #

Here >>8194835

>> No.8195948 [DELETED] 

No offense I'm short and chubby and I know it.

>> No.8195950
File: 14 KB, 225x330, 30084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do catsuits like pic related have a specific name?
I talk about the cut on the chest.
Also where could I find a similar one but in big sizes?

>> No.8195953

No offense taken, I'm short and chubby and I know it.

>> No.8196002

>-How can I get my school uniform jacket to stay on my shoulders like Kanji does
Easiest way would be to pin it, but I would go with snap fasteners as they won't be as noticeable

>-What's the best way to do his scar in picture 2 (I was thinking of using some sort of white foundation so it'll blend with my skin)
After your basic makeup, which you should have anyways, you can add the scar in with colored eyeliner.

>-What's the easiest way to do a bullet necklace
You could make one out of clay or model magic, or some nerf bullets are more bullet like and don't have the suction cup ends.

>-Any boots that look like Kanji's that won't make me break bank
Basic brown dress shoes. Wal-Mart, Payless. I found similar ones for Speed Racer at a thrift store.

>-Should I use eyeliner and/or mascara
Subtly, yes. Do not go overboard with makeup for male characters unless they specifically call for it. For anime characters, mascara is rarely a bad idea, but go easy on the eyeliner. Too many people give massive raccoon eyes in every cosplay and it looks terrible.

>> No.8196008

You have a very different build than he does, so it will not fit you the same way. Taking in a suit jacket at the sides like that is a lot more work than most think as the jacket has to be almost entirely disassembled for it to be done right.
My best advice would be to get his overcoat and try to hide your figure more that way.

>> No.8196018

Thermoplastics cover a very wide variety of types. That would be like saying "I have foam, what can I do with it?". It all depends on what kind you have, how much you have, and what you want to make.

Get some fray check. you can get it at any craft store, wal-mart, or any place like that.

>> No.8196027
File: 73 KB, 565x356, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to figure this one out without modifying the hell out of the pattern. I haven't seen too many L'alc cosplayers attempt the pumpkin bloomer-like bottom. I know the most similar thing to the bottom portion of L'alc's suit is a romper below the sweetheart bust but I'm trying to see if there's a pattern that I could modify. With the way I'm imagining the outfit its nigh impossible to have the waist darts AND have the bloomer-like portion of the shorts. I'd be killing two birds with one stone if I could figure this one out since Raraiya Monday's suit is also similar. Thanks to anyone who could help in advance.

>> No.8196390

Anyone gave hakama experience? I've made several in gabardine, twill and denim but they're usually too thick, bulky and don't tend to hold pleats. Also apparently hakama are supposed to be satin but they look kind of dumb when used in the Bleach musical.

>> No.8196496
File: 25 KB, 283x392, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay pic related, but I have no idea what kind of wig would work for this.
Any ideas?

>> No.8196505

Have a hoop skirt then 19 skirts. Or hoop skirt then petticoats.

>> No.8196534

Thanks, it's not overly bad and just the edges.The threads sticking out are quite short. I'll try fray check to begin with.

>> No.8196757
File: 343 KB, 1024x755, tinkerbell__the_lost_treasure_by_clefchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm looking for fabric for my Tinkerbell cosplay, and I'm having a hard time. I wan't it to have a solid leaf pattern like the one shown. Not individual leaves.
Does anyone have any good sites? I'm going to need the same fabric in yellow for a future cosplay as well.

>> No.8196765

Uhm ebay?
The same advice everyone gets.

>> No.8196767

you're pretty average, anime proportions are hell.
i think it would look a bit better if you took the waist in a bit. also if you feel chubby you could always wear shapewear to help?

>> No.8196769

theres a wig thread
b8 right?

>> No.8196792

I am nearly positive that she painted those lines on the fabric herself and that the fabric did not come like that.
Get some fabric paint and follow suit.

>> No.8196836

Made mine in a mid-weight linen from JoAnn and sprayed the shit out of them with fabric starch. I also kind of cheated and made every pleat a separate panel so I could follow the seamlines when ironing in the pleats.

>> No.8196892

If I could pattern this with the hem on the hem on the selvage panels sound like a great idea. Did you serge the inner seams?

>> No.8196898

This. Nothing wrong with shspewear and padding even crazy skinny people use them to achieve riddick proportions and smooth out weird parts.

>> No.8196913

What's the best hair curler at a lower price point? I have a double whammy of needing curls for a wig and growing my hair out, but I don't want to spend over $50.

>> No.8197091

Just got a pretty nice pink seifuku. Not very well versed in anime, but I'm curious if there's any quick and easy characters to cosplay with that.

>> No.8197154

>i think it would look a bit better if you took the waist in a bit
Seconding this a lot! A well-fitted bodice will do wonders for how your figure looks, even if you feel like you've got a stocky/squarish shape. I'd even recommend some boning to keep the midsection area smooth.
>tfw a boned bodice makes you go from 'eh' to 'HOT FUCK'

>> No.8197185

This and look into how different seams and embellishments make you look slimmer or wider. A princess seam that curves inward toward your belly slightly will look slimmer than one that goes straight up and down.

>> No.8197289
File: 37 KB, 442x325, il_570xN.710542777_14n6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a specific term for lace/trim like this? 'Trim' is just too general to effectively search for and while searching 'lace' I also get all kinds of results that don't really match what I'm looking for. I think in Japanese they call it ガーランドリボン (garland ribbon) or something braid/blade but that's not helping much either.

>> No.8197412

Have you just tried venise rose lace?

>> No.8197476
File: 91 KB, 500x709, image_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of doing this skywalker for an upcoming con but I am coming across the problem of finding a wig and how to do the tats any ideas?

>> No.8197900
File: 217 KB, 993x1044, 20150320_153126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be wearing a corset during the actual convention. Once it's closer to the convention and I finally attach the zipper I'll tailor it as needed.

I'm more concerned about the width of the petticoat and the skirt and not my waist.

>> No.8197982
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I got some fleece for the vest part of a cosplay of pic related, but the store didn't have anything in that shade of pink, so I got white. I got polyester dye as well, but they only had the colors of the rainbow for the poly dyes - no pink - so I have red. My question is, will it be at all possible to craft a pink color from the red, either by using much less of the dye than instructed or by boiling the fabric for a shorter time?

If not I'll find another way, but it would be nice not to waste what I've got..

>> No.8198020

Sewing noob here, does joann's sell suitable lining fabric?

>> No.8198021

Arda, eBay

Get someone to paint them onto you (use body paint like Ben Nye or PAX, not eyeliner pencils or Sharpies). Alternately (assuming you're right-handed and don't have someone to draw the designs onto you), make yourself a sleeve for your right arm out of nude pantyhose and draw the designs onto that one with Sharpie/ink. You can wear the sleeve on your left arm when you're drawing to make it easier.

>> No.8198031

I like their Posh Linings brand, though that's only offered in a small range of colours (beige, white, black, maroon iirc). There's another lining brand that's got a wider colour variety, but it feels more crisp - like prom dress lining. Posh Linings has a more soft feel to it.

The petticoat balances out your figure nicely, it's a good shape.

Yes, you can get a lighter dye shade both by using less dye and by dunking your fabric for a really short time.

Are you using iDye Poly? Those dyes come in packets, not powders, so they recommend that you first dissolve the entire packet in the recommended amount of water, then pour out a little bit of the dye water into a new container and fill that new container with water. Also, don't use the colour intensifier packet to get a pale pink.

White polyester takes on dye pretty easy, so do a dye test first. Though I did dye some white poly chiffon once and only dunked each piece for ~15-20 minutes (I had a lot of fabric to get through) and it never really got further than a pale purple.

>> No.8198039

Yes, but test dye-times beforehand.

>> No.8198069

What color would you guys say Sinestro is? Im looking to get makeup and most Sinestros I see are too red/orange

>> No.8198076

I have to add foam to the chest of a spandex suit. I tried sewing the pieces on and it looked like someone shat on my chest.

Since then, I've used fabric glue and it looks much better. I've read a lot, especially on CGL, about glue and fabric being hilarious. Is it always a sin, or can it be done correctly?

>> No.8198124

He's pink.

>> No.8198188
File: 636 KB, 2048x1152, 20150322_163650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best way to do details when working with expanding foam? I am currently working on this staff and I am finding it difficult to do the details at the bottom. I am putting paper mache on it after. First time doing anything like this also.

>> No.8198197

Box cutter. Be sure to replace the blade often.

>> No.8198217

I'm making a pleated skirt. I know usually you have to double and triple your waist measurements to make one. But I'm a little unsure of how I would work out the measurements if I want to make pleats that are about 4.6 inches big? A lot of the tutorials I'm seeing are for 1 and 2 inch pleats. I'm a complete idiot when it comes to math and new to sewing so I'm sorry if the answer is something obvious.

>> No.8198232

Hey guys

I'm hosting a panel at a local convention about costuming on a budget. I was wondering if you had anything you struggle to find cheaply, any ways you save money, and cut costs, and what you look for out of a panel on budgeting for costumes! This is my first panel so it's really important I have good info! Thanks!

>> No.8198268

Make sure one of the first things you stress is that budget correlates with quality. I think a mistake some people fall into is wanting to make really extravagant costumes with limited budgets. That's not saying you can't make some amazing costumes on tight cash, but this means people need to make the most out of their budget and buy the best materials they are able and understand the best way to use those materials (example: you could make some really great costumes with $8/yd kona cotton, like a skirt for a school girl outfit, but do not expect to make a Princess Serenity dress without diastorous results)

>> No.8198299

that foam you got looks like the really fragile kind so be careful.

>> No.8198418

That's what I'm using but I'm still having trouble with the small details :c

Fragile in what sense? Also what should I be careful with?

>> No.8198443
File: 320 KB, 416x740, azcuebahjbyitkqnjomlabyurtpbwicphmjrtwls-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Methods for making armor? Has anyone made this type of costume? What methods did you try, and how did it turn out?

>> No.8198478
File: 74 KB, 591x604, ak-74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /cgl/ I don't know where to start on making a cosplay like this. I know I can get a red pleated skirt but I don't know how to do the collar. Does anyone have any templates for a collar like this? what kind of shirt should I use?


>> No.8198570


Thanks so much for the advice! I have a ton of fabric scraps left over from the project so I'll try a few different times to try to get the color I want.

(I am using iDye Poly; it was the only one available at the store! I'm sure there are better out there but this should do for now.)

>> No.8198642

Nevermind, got a little restless so I did some googling and figured that like how I need 3x my waist measurement a pleat needs 3x the material of the end pleat. I'm pretty sure I have the calculations and measurements I need, though I'm open to any other advice.

>> No.8198716
File: 288 KB, 421x1029, Vanguard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've asked teezkut if he/she could make me a suit in their vision of armor from runescape, I even offered a generous amount and they said they are backed up for nearly a year and hasn't given me a green light for 3 months since I've asked.
So I'm asking here is anyone capable of making a set from runescape if it isn't impossible/ridiculous.
Or if anyone has a link to a site where commissions are available
Thank you.
Pic related, everything but helmet is what I'd love to be created

>> No.8198770

Looks like a basic seifuku shirt with a modified square seifuku collar and a button placket down the front. Google those terms, and you'll have a starting point. If you're thrifting/purchasing your pieces, you should be able to find a button-up pink shirt, cut the sleeves (if needed), and attach a custom collar and sleeve cuffs.

>>8198031 anon here, iDye Poly's pretty aite for general poly fabrics. I've heard that Jacquard is another dye brand to look into, but I've yet to try it. Good luck with the dyeing and remember to pre-wet your fabric to get even colour distribution (I forget half the time and don't remember until the fabric's in the bucket, welp).

>> No.8198774


Same as the other anon, I got a Baby blouse for $10 (and $5 shipping) once because it had "stains" on it. When I got it there was one tiny tiny pit stain that came out after 2 seconds in oxyclean.

Were there any faults? Or can you give us a link to the listing?

>> No.8198834
File: 437 KB, 640x684, Bajanna-J1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any idea how to make this prop? The scythe head will be made out of insulation foam and the staff part will be pvc pipe, but I'm at a loss on what to do for the two rings between them. The whole thing needs to be able to come apart, preferably with the scythe as one piece, the rings as one or two and the rod.

>> No.8198839

>Terra Battle
Anon you have great taste

>> No.8198848

Does anyone know what tubular elastic is? Google is useless and just gives me medical supplies when I search for Tubular elastic, and sewing machines when I search tubular elastic sewing.
Reason I think I need it is because a crochet pattern for gloves I'm making once I figure this out requires it for around the wrists. If nobody else knows I'll probably just use thread elastic of the same colour.

>> No.8198895
File: 432 KB, 800x800, punpun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I finally got around to reading Pun Pun. I really want to do the eyepatch version. I don't really like the other cosplays that have been done, since I just feel the use of material for the head looks strange plus I want to actually have the beak. So far what I have planned is using a sturdy mesh as either a papier mache base or maybe using claycrete. I'm not sure if I feel texture would be right or if I want it to be perfectly flat... Also I'm looking into doll eyes (30MM) and prosthetic eyes to give the effect of the eye as shown in the pic.

Also, where is everyone getting the black sweater idea for their cosplays? In the manga the sweater he wears with that outfit looks light/medium gray. The panel in the pic is one I coloured on photoshop to show what scheme I would go for.

My main questions are: How do I get the head to blend into my neck better? All I can think of is applying bodypaint before putting it on. Also, how am I supposed to breathe with this thing on my head? I was thinking maybe one of those mini portable fans secured to the top to keep air moving through the small spaces near my neck but I'm not sure if that would work... I was also thinking putting some kind of black mesh rather than mache at the top where people wouldn't be able to see. Breathing is very important to me.

>> No.8198899

Are you thinking of rope elastic or am I just wrong?

>> No.8198904

Shoot! I also forgot to ask, do y'all think black jeans would be suitable for this? I can't tell if they look jean-ish or more like slacks or something.

>> No.8198919

I don't believe so, I'm making crochet lace gloves. I'm not even sure what tubular elastic looks like. I'd attach a picture of the gloves, but there wasn't one attached to the pattern for some stupid reason, and the shop it linked to that sold made versions of the gloves seems to have gone down recently, so no picture from there.

>> No.8198921
File: 101 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fabric would you guys suggest making rins top from?? I feel like it needs to be stretchy but spandex is too thin..

It'd be really awesome if someone could link me to an online shop I can purchase suitable fabric from!

>> No.8198956

Probably some kind of knit. Maybe this?
or textured

>> No.8199035

Anyone know how to remove fabric paint (the brush on kind)? I painted a jacket a while back but I want to remove the paint and turn it into something else, but most of the stuff I can find on Google is for that "puffy" kind of fabric paint.

>> No.8199237

Not on a budget at all, I plan on making this a good quality cosplay. I'll look those up, thanks!

>> No.8199313
File: 34 KB, 540x360, 11074630_10152718585280840_1802053623_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got two foam forms carved for Juri Han not sure of the best way to attach them after I get the fiber on. Wires? I figure I should put them in now.

>> No.8199462


I made a wig with a single giant foam + clay horn on one side, and what I did was I put a piece of thin cardboard (cereal box) on the inside where I wanted the horn to sit, and hot glued it to the foam between the wefts. It's held through several cons now.

It looks like you've hollowed out a place for stubs to go in. I'd glue it onto the stub with the same adhesive you secured the ponytail with, and then stabilize it with cardboard.

>> No.8199502
File: 190 KB, 800x600, rifle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This rifle is made of insulation foam, craft foam and cardboard wrapping paper tubes, then coated in resin. It weighs less than 2 pounds and is almost 8 feet long. Inside the barrel, there is a smaller cardboard tube wrapped in craft foam. The tension from the foam compressed against the inside of the barrel is sufficient to hold the whole thing together in any pose, but it simply pulls apart into 2 pieces for travel.

I don't know where to get <1" diameter cardboard tubes of any significant length, though.

For your prop, I'd be worried about a narrow PVC tube flexing all over the place at that length.

>> No.8200309


>> No.8200368

If anything, I'd sacrifice accuracy for stability and use a thicker PVC pipe or find wood.
Should have mentioned my problem is more along the lines of something that comes apart but is also strong enough to support the giant scythe head. The cardboard/foam idea is nice but wouldn't hold up, and I have no idea how I to shape that into rings.
Thanks though!

>> No.8200450

why not sandwich sheet wood in between foam pieces? Foam is rather lightweight so I doubt the blade would be heavy enough to made the rings snap if they're reinforced with wood. Not sure how you would make the scythe deconstructable... maybe a large washer of some sort and have the staff screw in?

>> No.8200508

I hope you're using proper safety techniques while applying that spray paint anon. It looks great so far though

>> No.8200985
File: 46 KB, 700x700, 2_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a hankering to cosplay kimono Sheryl.

What would be the best way to add the cherry blossoms to the corner edge of a used silk kimono? I was thinking about making a stencil and painting the flowers on with fabric paint, getting two large stamps and stamping the flowers on with fabric paint, or getting iron-on embroidery patches. Do any of those sound good? Anyone have better ideas?

>> No.8201157

...i'm honestly having a hard time figuring out where exactly you figure you need piping on this?

tandy leather, ebay, buying faux leather and sewing your own, you've got a lot of options anon

only other online place i can think of offhand is mjtrends, but they don't have a very wide selection either and are low on stock right now, sorry anon

you'll have to pay attention to detail and get a decent wig, but yeah it's doable

>Can you paint on a lycra body suit?
better to applique it, here, have a tutorial: http://crashcult.blogspot.ca/2011/01/costuming-stretch-applique-tutorial.html
>Can you sew on a cape?

check out punished props, i think his tutorials are probably closest to what you're looking for

if it ain't washing out, it ain't coming off anon

>> No.8201221
File: 351 KB, 600x413, bullet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I did for the necklace. dummybullet.com has various inert cartridges and you can select an option to get them without the hole in the side. The rest was just misc jewelry making supplies.

>> No.8201287

You would need something with some body for it to stick out like that. I hope you have some wire or something. Many ebay sellers also sell scrunchies or headbands that have wire and are that shape
DO you mean piping in the V shape lines or did you mean boning? I think it needs boning but not piping.
Well Im doing my best to guess what you meant but look into acrylic or acetate sheets and using an adhesive to the inside of the mask. If you can't find the color you need, stained glass paint works well on the clear ones.
Make them sign a contract
Probably look up star wars patterns. I've seen those frequently in the simplicity pattern books
Sounds interesting. Post pics as you go
Ive had some pretty good results just using paper clay. Worbla isn't really necessary just for that
Make sure the bottom of the pants are wider than the top then use elastic to cuff them at the ankle. New look pattern 8710 is good for stuff like that.
Probably best to build on top of an existing belt buckle with clay
Well the people who know it's wrong will know. I know you're looking for redemption but this is not the place to ask for it.
Kwik Sew pattern 3052
Cardigans are usually made from knit so good luck sewing that

>> No.8201296

Perhaps a silly question but I recently used fabric paint on some shoes, and have let them dry and have given them a blast with the heat gun (because I cant iron them)...anyway to tell if I've heat set them enough? I've noticed the odd patch hear and there that still feels "tacky" but isnt actually sticky it just kinda feels like that (sorry for the poor description)
1. is that normal or do i need to blast it again with the heat gun?
2. Should I use some sort of sealant on them at all or is heat setting enough?

>> No.8201321

I'd say either iron-on embroidery or silk screening.

>> No.8201322

If you want it to light up its best to have it not over where your actual eyes will be and block the light from your eyes if that makes any sense
Thrift stores
Will they be at the con you are going to? if so ask about exchanging it at their booth
I like using the cosplanner app because that helps you keep an eye on spending
elastic cord?
I would say some sort of heavy jersey knit

>> No.8201393
File: 678 KB, 1500x1500, shulk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cgl, i'm stuck in a bit of a dilemma here, that slightly ribbed texture is really throwing me off my game...how do you think would be the best way to do that bluey-purple pattern near the bottom of shulk's shirt? nearly every cosplay I've seen of it so far has it painted on and looks rather sloppy/uncomfortably crunchy

From my experience with them, I'm assuming transfer sheets wouldn't work much better and i don't know how heat n' bond would work with that sort of fabric, should I just be looking to applique it at this point?
Any advice/opinions you can give is appreciated, thanks

>> No.8201603
File: 193 KB, 638x957, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! So im working on a wadanohara cosplay for Fanime and I plan to make the moon and stars on her hat light up. I've bought the LEDs but I'm entirely torn on what to do. I wanna create a nice even glow on the stars and moon and every tutorial I see with LEDs has that super bright dot where the LED is. Anyone with any experience on this kind of thing know if there's any way to correct this? Also im torn between doing resin casts or giving the transparent worbla a try. Some input would be greatly appreciated and more helpful than you would ever know. Thanks guys c:

>> No.8201605

Hmm... Not sure if it would work, it would need to be tested but my first thought was putting some sort of reflective backing in the moon/stars and a few lights, so the lights would then reflect off the back and perhaps make it more overall... Light-y up-y? Once again, just a theory.

>> No.8201623

Look up light diffusing material as a backing to your stars? Drafting film and sheer white fabric, for example.

>> No.8201640

I didn't even think of light diffusing material THANK YOU. like some strong LEDs and light diffusing materials may be the smartest thing for me to do. now comes the resin vs transparent worbla debate. Would worbla work better since its hollow? Anyone have any other suggestions with what to use?

>> No.8202015

Where can I buy large buckles? I need a 2 inch curved heel bar buckle and search engines are fucked and only turn up 1 1/2" buckles because that has a 2 in it. I'd rather not make a fake buckle if possible.

>> No.8202239
File: 504 KB, 1600x900, palutenas bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making this? I want to be able to take it apart in the middle as if it were two swords. Any ideas? I've thought about using two foam buccaneer swords and modifying those, thoughts on that?

>> No.8202369

Well when you say very different build would you mind going into detail because if it is a weight thing I am 100% on board with that and do plan to loose some but yeah

>> No.8202510

Go to the dollar store or thrift shop and see if there are any cheap belts with the right kind of buckle?

>> No.8202554

Maybe some strong ass magnets holding the two parts together?

>> No.8202563

You could make it have a twisting lock system where one of them slides into the other then a twist would lock it in place.

>> No.8202810

What kind of paint do you use to airbrush a latex piece? I've read that RMG paint is usually what's used to paint latex, but do you thin it down if you want to use the airbrush or is it just not possible or...?

>> No.8203424

Bypass the whole problem by going shirtless.

>> No.8203445

Bless you anon.

>> No.8203458
File: 52 KB, 1308x414, lance of longinus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I want to make the Lance of Longinus from Eva. I'm pretty sure I want to use sintra boards to make the spinning/spear part, but I'm not sure what to use for the stick end and how to give it that 'twirl'. I'm inclined to use wooden dowels but again, no idea how to make that spin, and I need the top parts to be able to detach for transportation, so any advice or wisdom that you could pass on to be would be greatly appreciated!

I have no advice for you but please post photos when you're done! I love Wadanohara.

>> No.8204062
File: 30 KB, 800x239, logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is RedGorilla.co any good of a website? They are the only site that has an item I want but they look a little sketch.

>> No.8204306
File: 111 KB, 700x1300, Shulk_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I wish, nah I'm way too far into this already to go the booty-shorts way anyways.

A second look at pic related and the other references make it clear to me that it's intended to be more of a painted-on sort of deal, but do you gulls have any ideas on how to keep it softer looking/non-crunchy then? I've never used fabric paints on knits before and don't have any extra of the same fabric to test it on, really afraid of messing this up

>the stress
>i'm really feeling it

>> No.8204311
File: 49 KB, 540x922, ohshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attempted to dye a poly fiber shirt I got at the thrift store in the hopes it would work despite everything telling me it wouldn't, anyway to fix it or am i fucked?

>> No.8204317


I think you might be screwed. if it were a natural fiber shirt I could see using a dye remover. But not a poly one.

Maybe if you used a proper poly dye in a MUCH darker color it could cover it, but doubtful.

>> No.8204344
File: 203 KB, 1366x768, Ichigo_(Let&#039;s_Go_Kamen_Riders).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to look for a jacket and pants that have the same double stripes as him.
Adidas has the triple stripe.... which kind of doesn't work.
Anyone know of any brands or knockoffs of Adidas that have the double stripe?

>> No.8204541
File: 419 KB, 743x841, elizabeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna sound like an extreme beginner here but I'm REALLY struggling with making gloves. Does anyone have any secrets to share? Because I'm lost. I've tried and failed a few times, and I'm getting nervous because my con is creeping up.
Pic related, these are the gloves I'm trying to make.

>> No.8204561

To make a pattern for gloves, just trace your hand on paper! Make sure to give yourself a 1cm seam allowence. And knits are the easiest for gloves. So you have stretch. If your using a fabric with little to no stretch make the pattern wat bigger then your hand, then you can gradualy take it in places.

>> No.8204567

It looks crunchie because people use acrylic paints. Dont do that! Use synthetic fabric dye, and just paint it on using that. I would also use either tape or a resistent to use as a guide line to paint the design on, or the dye might bleed.

>> No.8204773
File: 382 KB, 385x638, pratchett death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a while now I've been looking to buy or make a good grim reaper robe. Everything I've found however is party-store tier or for cloaks instead of robes. Any help finding a nice deep robe?

>> No.8204924

What fabrics do you advise to make a catsuit out of?
I want to use metallic lame but I am not sure if it will hold up enough.
Any ideas?

>> No.8204926

Thanks, that hadn't occurred to me... Would that actually work even on a black fabric?
Otherwise, I'm considering opaque screen printing inks? Found some that says it can be screen printed or painted on with a brush, and is specifically "ideal for dark fabrics", so I might check that out and test it on some other black fabric to see if it works

>> No.8204973

Metallic lame looks really cool, but it wears out quickly. I got a catsuit from China for really cheap. It kind of makes up for the fact that it degrades quickly. As with anything from China, there is a long lead time, and quality needs to be checked.

>> No.8205138

I would look into that, however I don't know which chinese seller are trustworthy when it comes to sizing and product, plus I need a size 24 or so and most sellers only go up to a size 16. that's why I am looking into making it myself.

>> No.8205401

On what site could I find a number of commissioners to prompt my idea to? Where do they sell their services?

>> No.8205642

I actually went out and did this and realized a 2" was way too big and I clearly had no idea what I was talking about! I found a 1 3/4" buckle on a $.99 belt and bought that.

>> No.8206115

Thank you!

>> No.8206247
File: 61 KB, 636x848, kco9zxufswfkakjxxecd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make this helmet/mask thing for a friend, and it'll be my first prop. I have an idea of getting a cheap plastic helmet like this one (http://www.blockbustercostumes.com/popup.aspx?src=images/product/large/3690_1_.jpg)) and then wrapping some craft foam sheets around it in the shape of the drum and then sealing and painting. Do you think this is good, or do you have any better ideas?

Also, my other concern is that since this covers the eyes, how would I go about making subtle eyeholes for my friend to see?

>> No.8206737

Can't help you with finding one, but making one is dead easy (pun completely accidental). I hand-sewed a convincing Ringwraith robe from a cheap bedsheet for Halloween when I was starting out - you'd need about a bedsheet's worth of fabric (like 2 yards?) and some chalk. The construction is basically all rectangles (there are probably tutorials online) and you can pick your own fabric with a heavy velvet or linen to give it more quality.

I like moleskin spandex for a first-time bodysuit. It's thicker than jersey-weight spandex so it stretches better over problem areas (and of course everything is better when you're wearing shapewear underneath). It doesn't show needle holes like vinyl-coated spandex (so you can pin liberally and can unpick stitches), and since it's thicker, it's less likely to get sucked into your machine.

Also, product quality and reliability in Chinese sellers literally works the same as domestic eBay sellers. You read product reviews and judge by user overall sales. Auto-distrusting Asian sellers as a whole is a crock of xenophobia.

Your construction idea is sound. For the eyeholes. cut out circles in the craft foam (circles that line up with the mask's eyes) and glue black jersey fabric or black mesh on the inside.

>> No.8206782

Oh I just realized the second part of my idea cut off. But basically I'm thinking either of cardboard frame + insulation foam or just making an empty inside with just a craft foam outline.

Thanks for the eyehole idea!

>> No.8208002


>> No.8208007

Does anyone know how I can access the old help thread? >>8158583? It's not in the archive anymore.

>> No.8208121

It would get uncomfortably warm with insulation foam on the inside. For a full-head covering thing, I'd recommend going with the lighter option - craft foam. You could still make a cardboard skeleton for extra stability.

>> No.8208164
File: 68 KB, 1237x1000, glove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some questions about single-fold bias tape:
1. Is there a "proper" way to do corners?
2. What stitch am I supposed to use? A top stitch? Should they be shorter or longer?

I'm working on my first pair of gloves and they're turning out pretty OK so far. Pic is the "pattern" I am using (the one on the left). I basically enlarged it until my hand fit width-wise, then measured the fingers, thumb, and fauchets according to the instructions. The pattern on the right helped me understand how to place the fauchets. I made a mock-up first out of spare lining to see if it was viable and it turned out pretty on point. Using knit like >>8204561 suggested would definitely give you a lot of wiggle room. I didn't find it too difficult so much as tedious, since it's a lot of measuring and pinning/handsewing narrow strips of fabric. You can do it!

>> No.8208213

Hi there! I'm a complete and total newfag when it comes to wigs.
How the fuck should I go about styling the ahoge for my future Naegi Makoto cosplay?

>> No.8208244
File: 2.52 MB, 2236x2236, 20150326_161957-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon told me a couple days ago in this thread to look for dress shoes at Walmart/Target for my Kanji cosplay. I found these for about $30, but they only come in black and I'm worried it doesn't look similar enough to what Kanji wears. Should I just buy them or keep looking?

>> No.8208336
File: 8 KB, 236x269, 2f44cf0395d28c173a2a055215875a5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like kanji (I'm assuming you mean from persona 4) wears brown boots like chelseas.

>> No.8208343

Yes. Those are perfect. Do they sell those in any specific stores?

>> No.8208348

Nevermind. Looks like it'll cost me quite a bit to buy. Are there cheaper alternatives

>> No.8209068
File: 43 KB, 474x449, ginkoconcept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a place that sells plain bras in all sorts of colors? I know there's Triumph, but I live in the US so I wanted to see if there are any other alternatives.

>> No.8209219
File: 513 KB, 1102x521, 72b15f516232e4691bd9c8c2869652f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a dumb question but I'll ask anyway.

Protag looks like she wears knife pleats but I've been seeing lots of cosplayers using a more relaxed pleat style. So would this work as a skirt base or should I go with knife pleats after all?

>> No.8209238

I'd go for the pleated but the alternative doesn't look bad either.

>> No.8209364

those fuckers are lazy. knife pleats all the way