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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 29 KB, 480x640, CAGFGBdWoAA4dOV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8181709 No.8181709[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

pic is Erwin Smith.

>> No.8181711
File: 52 KB, 600x800, B_x4ploUsAAZYEt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8181741

Why do girls always gotta pick the manliest character in their series to cosplay?

Actually let's be real here: not girls, fakebois.

>> No.8181761

Because they like the character or want to secretly be manly like them?

>> No.8181796

why do people insist calling newly trans people fakebois?
its getting more well known so of course there'd people be going, oh, so thats what it is.

>> No.8181811

Ask all the 14 year old tumblr girls in 10 years if they still think they're a boy.

Or how bout, if they really are trans and not a fakeboy, they actually attempt to look like boys, hmm?

>> No.8181823

I was born female and when I was 14 I couldn't even pull off a convincing girl.
>one overzealous hairdresser
>"excuse me young man" for the next two months

>> No.8181825

Pls go

>> No.8181828

if they somehow get over their dysphoria thats none of your business.
honestly what even is *looking like a boy*
its like saying girls cant be masculine and boys cant be feminine and people outside the gender norms have to be masculine because thats the *default*
out of all the accepting people here, then theres you.

back on subject.
also does venus fake tan or?

>> No.8181841

>if they somehow get over their dysphoria thats none of your business.
Top kek.

>> No.8181842

Anons right, someones mental illness or disorder really isnt anyones business except their own.

>> No.8181846

>implying tumblr brats even have dysphoria in the first place

>> No.8181849

>newly trans people
Well, there's your first problem. They're not fucking trans. They just wanna be the pretty yaois like their favorite bishi characters and want to be special little snowflakes because being simply gay or bi just isn't cool anymore. They take terms like trans, genderqueer, genderfluid, and non-binary and throw them on like the latest fashion accessories. They have no actual concept of what it means to be trans and the struggle of the years it takes to transition. They don't take time everyday to to make sure they pass ("it's my femme day lolol! <3"). They don't face anxiety and doubt themselves constantly on whether or not they are passing. They don't deal with crippling stress and self esteem issues whenever someone does discover their birth sex. They don't face stigma in their family, work, and social lives. They don't seek psychological or hormone therapy. They don't seek to one day actually shell out thousands of dollars to surgically alter their bodies.

They just wanna play pretend because they don't yet understand their sexual orientation, identity, and feelings yet. They're young and stupid and don't what they're doing. Sure, maybe like 5% of them might actually turn out to be trans. But what they're doing and how they're currently acting is in no way reflective of actual transsexualism.

>> No.8181853
File: 906 KB, 249x239, 1420626746577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no one wants you here
we come to cgl to escape the tumblr hugbox 'look at meee i'm so open-minded and accepting, guise~" bullshit
fuck off

>> No.8181869

yeah, i'd agree with you if they didn't ask for special privileges all the time.
it is my business when i have a 6'8" dude in a skirt hanging out in the bathroom stall next to me and i can't say shit because i'll be banned from whatever place i'm at since catering to someone's deranged fetish/mental illness is more important than safety.
it's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8181881

I know you're going to get a lot of shit. But I just want you to know I'm with you anon.

>> No.8181895

THANK YOU for saying this. I'm so fucking sick of Tumblrs and their self-centered "everyone needs to bend over backwards for me because I'm *SpEcIaL*". No. Other people have just as much right as you to feel safe and comfortable.

>> No.8181906
File: 840 KB, 2131x3000, whoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genderqueer, genderfluid, and non-binary and throw them on like the latest fashion accessories

This is what the majority of self identified "non-binary" and "queer" kids on tumblr seem like to me

if you say anything that even hints at their trend-chasing they'll automatically shut you out and proceed to call you "phobic"

Wut. I used to sport the andro emo look back in 2007 because I liked to change things up and it appealed to me. I'm still heavily into andro looks but I don't personally see it as part of my sexual identity, it's just an aesthetic preference that "feels" right to me. If anyone tolsd me taht I was following trends back then, I would have agreed with them.

Have some of these non-binary kids stretched the definition of queer paper thin or deluded themselves into these special snowflake categories because they want to get on the "marginalized" bandwagon?

Why do they want the world to know their sexual preference??

>mfw this is what someone with flawless skin and wearing little makeup looks like sharpened

>> No.8181920
File: 1.10 MB, 2300x3869, whut (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have hair in your face...you're not alone.

>> No.8181940

If there's any way to ensure transpeople will get treated like shit, making the term "trans" absolutely meaningless is a sure fire way to do it.

>> No.8181952

I never understood why tumblr kids do this. Like people have killed themselves over feeling like they don't have the right body + stress from family etc

>> No.8182013

holy shit why doesn't she tweeze and bleach that shit? i have similar hair and do that so I don't look like a werepig

>> No.8182051

are you me

>> No.8182069

honestly i dont tell anyone unless theyre in the lgbt community, then tell them my preferred pronouns and name. thats it. but even the lgbt community can be transphobic, so you have to be careful about it.
right. because when i learned when i was way younger that i didnt like what i was born with and later learned what it means makes me a **yaoi boy wannabe** that makes a lot of sense. l o l


>> No.8182079

Can we get back to the thread please? If I wanted to discuss people who doesn't respect trans and use the "i'm trans, hey look at me!" card I would go to tumblr.

>> No.8182102

derailing catty and vendetta threads should be welcomed

why don't you stop being a bully?

>> No.8182104

I thought her face was melting before i clicked on the pic. That's some Picasso lookin shit

>> No.8182122
File: 6 KB, 251x247, sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh... did you forget you're on /cgl/ or something?

>> No.8182138

newfag detected

>> No.8182160

Who gives a crap who is in the bathroom next to you? Do you think they are going to start flinging shit over the stall at you or something?

>> No.8182166

It's more like there's no line between a transitioning person and a dude in a skirt to safely stay away from any discrimination acts, so non-trans guys can just come in and be around women when they're most vulnerable.

>> No.8182177

I feel bad for transmen, they haven't exactly perfected penises yet.

>> No.8182180

I agree. Honestly, I'm scared. So many rapists might take advantage of this new rule.

>> No.8182183

Never thought about it like that before...

>> No.8182184

Looking like a boy = having or imitating masculine features
Are you daft?
Are we going to pretend that men and women don't have different physical traits now?

>> No.8182188

It probably looks worse under flash than it actually is

>> No.8182193

Pretty sure if a guy wanted to assault a woman he'd just do it... You think the type of man who'd assault a woman in the bathroom would be like "well before I couldn't even dream of doing this, but now I can just put on a skirt!" - get real. If they're the type to assault a woman in the bathroom they would do it with or without this law.

>> No.8182210

You're not trans. You're a fakeboi.

>> No.8182218

if you're a trans woman and you look like a man, going into the women's bathroom is gonna make people complain. Not everyone is all accepting and shit all the time. Even if you aren't a big, burly man it's definitely something that would elicit negative reactions. I don't know who is a fetishist and who isn't. If I see a trans woman who doesn't pass in a bathroom for women, as unlikely as that is, I'd get outta there pronto. I don't want to be around them. I don't care if it hurts their feelings. They're fucked in the head and I don't owe them any sympathy.

>> No.8182221

Assaulting a woman in what's supposed to be a private place hidden from view is the same as assaulting one out in public? No, you get real.

>> No.8182222

That has nothing to do with anyone being sexually assaulted and everything to do with you being a pussy.

>> No.8182225

Are you a man?
Imagine an intimidating woman walks into the bathroom while your dick is out. It's not the same for you if course because you could easily overpower her unlike a a woman could a man. Wouldn't you wanna get out of there?

If you're a woman you're very sheltered. Or this is bait. Which it probably is and I took it.

>> No.8182229

that first video oh god I remember using that kind of makeup when I was a massive weeb. Also few of my friends did that too..

>> No.8182242

I think theyre saying the guy who was going to trap a woman in a bathroom wouldnt need a skirt to do it.
Its like the argument against gun laws. "Fine, put more regulations on it, but the people who didnt follow the laws in the first place (the dangerous people) arent going to follow the law now.

>> No.8182256
File: 148 KB, 500x333, ihatehtis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My fucking gawd!

Another thing: I hate seeing cosplayers go nuts with eyeliner. I hate it. I think it looks dirty, blurs out into raccoon eyes later one, and all in all does not suit every character. Take Madoka cosplayers for instance. The good ones know to only put liner on the top lid, maybe very light eye shadow to give depth which is a bit darker than your skin tone under the eye. White line the waterline, do minimal fake lashes only on the outter corner, and mascara. Eyeshadow on top as you wanna, but for innocent and sweet characters, why the fuck do you need to raccoon the shit out of your eyes.

You look stupid and stop. The makeup needs to reflect the character. Not make them oversexualized in the face and then, say, sweet lolita angel on the rest of the outfit. I know people oversexualize cosplays. They do it and it matches their makeup. They are doing it right. But not EVERY character gets black on black on black makeup.

I hate people who don't know how to properly makeup. Drives me nuts.

Picture as example. Terrible, TERRIBLE eye makeup.

>> No.8182257
File: 95 KB, 960x640, better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MUCH better Madoka makeup.

>> No.8182274

I'm a woman. Pretty sure a transwoman walking into a bathroom is going to be more scared of me and what I might do to her (aka screaming for help and getting her publicly humiliated and/or thrown in jail) than I should be of her.

Yes, anon. Skirts and guns, they're JUST alike!

Seriously I hate tumblr bullshit as much as the next seagull but a lot of you sound fucking hysterical.
>Omg because of this law a guy is gonna go skirt shopping, put it on, go out in public wearing a skirt, and walk into a public restroom and rape me! And he'll get away with it!!!!!

Are you all for real?

>> No.8182283

I dont think trans people will do that. Im just annoyed that in every conversation I have with someone, lately they are suddenly some new gender. This is the new thing among people at conventions and its obnoxious.

I especially hate when I am introduced to someone who is cool, they change their gender suddenly the next time I see them without anyone telling me, I call them what they were when they were introduced to me, and now suddenly they are pissed because I didn't get the memo and now Im phobic. I mean.. What the fuck. This has happened to me TWICE. Real trans people KNOW that it takes time for people to transition between pronouns when they make a change and don't get upset right away and kindly correct you [like one of my friends who is actually a cool person from male to female]. She know's I mess up sometimes because I'm just an airhead to begin with.

Tumblr, however, has made it acceptable for trans and other genders to lash out immediately if you dont ASK them upon meeting them what their prefered pronouns are. Thats not how life works. That is not how introducing yourself to someone works. This is NOT a normal conversation which they want to happen all the time, but never will because their special Tumblr snowflake asses need to get real:

"Hello. What would you like me to call you?"
"[insert tumblr made gender here or real gender]"
"Okay, nice to meet you"

Thats..Not how introducing yourself works. Here is a proper way to introduce someone to knowing how you prefer.

[After basic introductions, Person A invites Person C over to meet Person B]
"I would like you to meet this new person I met! He/She seems super cool. Person B, please meet Person C"
"Nice to me you. Can I let you know that for future reference can you please refer to me as [gender perfered pronouns here]."
"Oh yeah! No problem. Im sorry. I didn't know."
"No, no. Its okay. Some people take a while to get used to it. No big deal, but you trying in the future is what counts."

>> No.8182285

nice b8 :^)
tbh though
i think everyone did at some point.

>> No.8182288

This is certainly true.

>> No.8182289


>> No.8182290

tl;dr rundown

>trans people need to know that remember new pronouns are hard
>especially if you have known said person for along time and suddenly new gender
>normal trans people and other gender people know to not take offense to mistakes in pronouns
>tumblr teaches gendertrend users to freak out if you dont ask their gender right as you meet
>tumblr turns gendertrend people into assholes
>tumblr is devil
>tumblr is Illuminati confirmed

>> No.8182299

The post you're responding to had nothing to do with pronouns though. Also tumblr transtrenders don't really represent the real life trans population...

>> No.8182300

im referring to the post that is referring to the really long post which does towards the end talk about pronouns.

>> No.8182354

Oh what a naive bitch you are. rapists like naive bitches like you.

>> No.8182358

I'd rather err on the side of caution and be 'transphobic' than be molested in a bathroom because of 1% of the population's special snowflake rights.

>> No.8182371

you know lesbians exist too right? same-gendered bathrooms are kind of shitty in my opinion because they imply that homosexuals don't exist AND that heterosexuals are more capable of assault.

>> No.8182377

a lesbian is less likely to be bigger than me and have a dick to stick in my minge, or make me pregnant
besides, lesbos aren't known for molesting people because they don't have a dick to think with

>> No.8182381

This is the most dumb statement I have read. Omg. Are you serious with that comment?

This. This is the majority of idiot tumblr talk right here everyone.

>> No.8182529

I don't doubt it. Like, why would an actual transguy be in a makeup thread? Makeup is for grills.

>> No.8182622

I think you're mixing up actual transsexuals with tumblr bullshit. They are actual real people in the world who's mental gender does not match up with their genitalia. It's something that's very painful to deal with and accept for the individual. It changes everything about their lives and who they are. Being transsexual can be so difficult for some people that they commit suicide. Self harm and severe anxiety and depression is also very common. One of my closest friends is a transman and a guy in his class started making fun of him one day because he thought my friend's binder was a sports bra. He able to deal with it at the time and shut the kid down, but when he got home he had a break down because he didn't realize his binder was noticeable through his shirt and worried how many other people thought he was girl. That's just a minor example. There's families who reject their children, transpeople who get beaten, and countries where having gender dysphoria is outright illegal and can get you killed. Being transsexual is not something I would wish upon anyone. It has nothing to do with being a special snowflake. It's something that's seriously wrong with the individuals body and requires years of therapy, hormone therapy, legal changes, and major surgery to correct. But at the end of the day, transfolk are still human beings just like anyone and deserve the same rights as anyone else.

>> No.8182647

Fucking this. I think Tumblr is toxic as fuck, but if you think that a guy is going to pass as a transwoman and deal with all the shit associated with it (getting verbally assaulted, getting physically assaulted, killed, etc.) JUST to take a peek of you peeing... well, that's quite a jump.

> Makeup is for grills.
Are you new?

>> No.8182848


>> No.8182852

oh boo hoo baby

transgendered people probably feel the same way too. you know who's the most likely to rape somebody? straight dudes/

>> No.8182877

you realize that
most transgender people want to go to the bathroom
to fucking piss or shit right
do you think lesbians in the same bathrooms or locker rooms are gonna fucking rape you too

>> No.8182894
File: 419 KB, 500x281, hg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.8182912

You people don't fucking get it. It's not the trans people were afraid of. It's the fact that regular ol rapists would be able to just walk in, claim it's ok they're trans if anyone asked, and no one would be able to say anything about it without being discriminatory.

>> No.8182931

>It's the fact that regular ol rapists would be able to just walk in, claim it's ok they're trans if anyone asked, and no one would be able to say anything about it without being discriminatory.

Then make being on HRT a requirement, problem solved.

>> No.8182937

That would require someone standing outside the bathroom at all times to check.

>> No.8182940

No it wouldn't, just if there were a complaint it would be easily resolvable.

>> No.8182941

if the person is a rapist they can do that with or without permission anyways?
like wtf is this logic

>> No.8182942

They can complain after they're raped then.

>> No.8182943

There are already laws against rape? If someone wants to walk into a bathroom and rape you they don't need to put on a skirt or ask anyone's permission first to do it.

>> No.8182944

No, you retard, no one on the outside of the bathroom would be able to yell HEY STOP if they saw a man walk into the women's restroom. It would be that much easier to gain access to the bathroom.

>> No.8182947

---> >>8182944

>> No.8182955

Or they could and then >>8182940

Either way studies have shown that this literally never happens even in places where trans people are allowed to use the bathrooms of the genders they identify as. It's a completely bullshit boogeyman that TERFs and conservatives use for the sole purpose of keeping legitimate trans people out of their proper bathrooms.

A trans woman using a male bathroom is in a lot more danger than a cis woman in a female bathroom is. Same goes for trans men in female bathrooms.

>> No.8182959

Now that I think about it you'd still be forcing trans men to use female bathrooms which means >>8182944 is a completely moot point.

>> No.8182977

Link to studies?

>> No.8182984


>> No.8182985

What's your tumblr, anon? You're just singling yourself out as a fakeboi.

>> No.8182992
File: 1.70 MB, 1500x887, tkAygRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I thought this was a bad makeup thread.
<meanwhile, have some Sasuke Uchiha.

>> No.8183539
File: 804 KB, 719x980, Screenshot_2015-03-15-20-59-35-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets get back om topic

>> No.8183546

This isn't bad tbh.
This is pretty extreme but some part of me doesn't think its awful either? The nose though...

>> No.8183580

Not to sound like a hippie or anything. But there is nudity and then there is sexual nudity. If I were to walk down the street in a college town and happen to see some drunk asshole whip his dick out and pee, it's not going to be a turn on for either of us. However, if we were about to have sex, we might be a little happier about seeing a dick.

>> No.8183589

Of all the makeup this girls done you chose this? At least post something that shows off her alien face

>> No.8183627
File: 112 KB, 540x720, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to fuck some bitches and bring some Tumblr gold.

>> No.8183628

get the fuck out, tumblr

>> No.8183631
File: 87 KB, 540x540, AACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beauties of nature

>> No.8183638

From far away this had hope, but then hope was lost

>> No.8183662
File: 344 KB, 960x960, skincondition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloud doesn't even has freckles...

>> No.8183671

Pics are too small, better bring the whole post because there is just so many angles of awful...

>> No.8183783

She looks like someone sharted in her face.

>> No.8183791

Looks like a burn victim.

>> No.8183881

I don't give a shit about vaginas being next to me. I REALLY doubt a lesbian is going to rape me (are you for real?). But you're saying that children and adult women have to tolerate seeing a dick in front of them now? Or that girls in their locker rooms have to just let men go in and view whatever they're doing? You're extremely stupid if you think a man isn't going to take advantage of this.

>> No.8183888
File: 41 KB, 483x430, omgno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does everyone just have a BURNING DESIRE to respond to all bait?

all posts must be responded to?


>> No.8183890

It doesn't look like her face is suited for makeup anyway.

>> No.8183902

>be non-tumblr-fag transman

Fuck tumblr, honestly. I swear that a good 3/4 of all the "genderqueer" people on there are full of shit and have no idea what they're talking about. For that remaining 1/4 who do know what they're talking about and are genuinely trans, they need to get the fuck off of tumblr if they want to be taken seriously.

>> No.8184282

It's a fucking fad. Nowadays the little 13-20 year olds don't even know what they're talking about. This is why things are so fucked up with our youth these days. Let's pull the plug on tumblr.

>> No.8184665
File: 63 KB, 960x960, 10801869_409238575892381_6267523874185117703_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8185179

Hard to distinguish what's shoop and what's shit makeup. Regardless, not a good face for Ahri.

>> No.8185186
File: 137 KB, 480x640, 5774a1cfb90e701e2754ede315a629e6-d6fn9zj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu with that gender shit. I wanna see Asherbee-tier bad makeup.

>> No.8185189
File: 39 KB, 480x640, anime_eye_makeup_cosplay__2_by_cuttie687-d6uie41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8185194
File: 80 KB, 480x640, mother of god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8185202
File: 310 KB, 401x599, 401px-Fail_freckles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail Luvmonkeys

>> No.8185206

I miss posting about her here so much. I'm feeling so nostalgic right now that I'm finding her smile kind of endearing.

>> No.8185209

Is this Hopie or whatever the fuck her name is?

>> No.8185210

It's not tumblr's fault, everybody does dumb shit when they're 12-18 years old. My generation got emo haircuts and RPd yaoi bois on Quizilla and wrote about cutting ourselves on LJ and Myspace. Teenagers are just dumb and they do dumb shit. Hopefully most of them grow out of it by the time they finish college.

>> No.8185213

You sound 60 years old complaining about "the kids these days" btw

>> No.8185243

I feel nostalgic too. I miss her excellent craftwork, as well. How can anyone forget the shitbrooch.

>> No.8185529

Why do people do the fake freckles shit?

>> No.8185534
File: 26 KB, 400x562, 1386352628713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>109 replies
>19 images

>> No.8185544

>Vendetta thread
It's only a vendetta if it's pointless. That shit is just bad cosplay. Is this what /cgl/ has become that any negativity is vendetta?

>> No.8185551
File: 86 KB, 554x648, 1396010923180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jean from Attack on Titan

>> No.8185554


>that wolf (?) drawing on the wall makes this picture

>> No.8185581
File: 7 KB, 320x240, not enough salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't understand the need people feel to create trans characters or au characters out of fanfiction. It just sounds like this person wanted an excuse to flash their ass and their face and roll in compliments for their shit-tier cosplay. But if you say anything "Muh genders" and you're a Romney-tier ___-phobic.

shit like this pisses me off. I hope their parents/future employers/current employers find this

>> No.8185719
File: 48 KB, 400x533, tumblr_nlc0f9kA0Y1r85engo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CA Cupid from Monster High

>> No.8185756

thanks for contributing.

>> No.8185819

That's a pretty self-entitled tag.

>> No.8185855
File: 54 KB, 640x480, ImSoLostSilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho Shit Dude.

I just remembered that a charity dance I was invited to have a pop-art theme to it. I don't think I'll go since I'm done with school (that's involved in the charity event). I'm not prepared for the number of photos like that, but I hope that it's not so bad, seeing how a majority of people going are theatre students and know what Ben Nye is.


>> No.8185867

I told someone on tumblr that i hoped they would grow out of it soon and they told me to go cut myself.

>> No.8185957

Winged eyeliner for male cosplays has always been an immediate no-no for me, personally.

>> No.8186018

It's not cloud, she was doing a cos test for prompto from the new final Fantasy.

>> No.8186059

Oh anon oh you. The memories...

>> No.8186083

Those eyebrows?
They start thin then get larger?

>> No.8186212
File: 75 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nj3urfO5oD1ryu6iqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8186317

Fuck me lips on Ryuko? Hahaha no.

>> No.8186362
File: 95 KB, 540x960, 14039_453249371488886_6484256484999684444_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuckin' moldy egg on the right

>> No.8186375

Tanaka nooooo

>> No.8186426

I am still insulted anytime someone does fake freckles. Especially bad ones like this. I don't want to go as far as to say its like black face, but its still super insulting because they are natural for me and I can't do anything about them.

>> No.8186431

guess I should start feeling insulted too because of all the light-eyed girls wearing dark circle lenses because my eyes are brown :(
but seriously fuck off tumblrshit

>> No.8186435

Doesn't have anything to do with tumblr. It has to do with when I want to cosplay someone, I have to seriously cover the fuck up my freckles or I get flack that it ruins the character. You can't compare contact lenses which fixes an issue like eye color easily vs having to wear countless layers of makeup for someone to cover their skin from what they are born with.

Wigs are common.
Lenses are common.

Basic things cosplayers use are not things that you can bring up against someone like that. Most anime character have straight up plain skin, clear skin. You don't get many that have natural freckles like you don't get many that are black characters. Its justified to say that when I see someone do freckles that I would prefer that they look up how they actually look and do them right. Not this crap job.

>> No.8186441

I have a mole on my face but I don't feel offended when someone draws on a fake beauty mark because that means they find it pretty.
There, better?
Can't cover those up with any kind of foundation and they are generally considered ugly.
You sound like those fat bitches of tumblr who whine about someone making them feel bad about themselves because that girl is pretty and thin and they aren't.
You're not an anime character or a photoshopped model, and never will be. Better get used to it.

>> No.8186445
File: 374 KB, 634x590, GCoiA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8186453

wutevn? lol

also being fat doesn't mean youre ugly. example of so many of you seagulls. lolita doesn't fix whats broken

>> No.8186514

came for bad makeup, stayed for tumblr gender drama.
its seriously my biggest gripe about tumblr as a whole. everyone is suddenly an asspatting faggot and everyone is a special snowflake that no one really understands.

>> No.8186527

>that hair tho
there's ombre and then there's help-i'm-melting-from-the-roots-down

>> No.8186545

you could always have those removed

>> No.8186572

Don't be such a pussy, you act like your freckles disable you or something. You are not the only cosplayer to ever have freckles.

>> No.8186576

just fucking cosplay and stop being 'insulted' at every little thing, there's countless things people can't change about themselves but they still go and cosplay
besides, I've not once heard of someone saying that they dislike freckles, most people find them cute
not all of them actually

>> No.8186640

The tumblr freckle shit bothers me cause it's just more of them making a fad out of other people's individual traits so they can be the specialest snowflake of them all. It's just obnoxious as fuck. I can could get if they were dressing up as a character that's known for their freckles, but half the time they're just slapping them on to go out for the day and look sugoi kawaii with their face polka dots.

And, anon, freckles look awesome. Don't cover them up. Rock that shit for your cosplays.