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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8180957 No.8180957[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you already make a better version of yoruself?

>> No.8180970

I wish I had money

>> No.8180974

Commence fap!

>> No.8180979

Left is cuter/less plastic. Also her boobs look better on the left. Then again I'm a small tits guy

>> No.8180980

I wish I had money...
I want to shave my jaw into something tinier and cuter, have a smaller nose, perfect smooth under eyes without a single line or dark circle or bag and also liposuccion so i can stop being a 122lbs fatty
i guess i'm ok being 5"3 and that i can't change my lip shape? Oh dear how much i wish i could change all that...
But everyone tells me i'm super cute and shoudl seek profesionnal help instead but they don't understand shit.
I just want to be tiny and cute...

>> No.8180983

Also i hate my small boobs, small boobs are gross, and a small butt, the only dudes that saw them told me they were super cute but they were prob just being nice. now i'm disgusted with myself again and feel autistic rage about not being able to change anything cuz no money

>> No.8180985

I honestly would if I had the cash. My top priority would be to shave my jaw and give myself a button nose. Second priority would be lipo'ing love handles. Third priority would be tits, because mine are weirdly far apart.

>> No.8180988

how much water do you drink?water contributes to lip color.also facial message can help your jaw line for slimming.
of course people will say your cute/pretty, if they said otherwise they'd be considered very rude

>> No.8180994

I drink 1.50 to 2 liters a day anon dear.
I have a weird V shape face ugh i should try that tho. Any miracles to get slim fast? I would love to be 108lbs, any more than that and it's gross to me.
i don't ask them anything but even the hairdressers told behind my back they found me really cute but i don't believe a word of it i even have people telling me they wish they had my face haha what.

>> No.8180998

122 is pretty fat for 5'3". Why don't you just eat less? It's not that hard to diet and you're in the "average" range for your height. You could easily drop twenty pounds and still look healthy.

>> No.8181000
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nigga you don't need fucking surgery you need fucking help with that BDD

>> No.8181005

I eat 1200 calories a day i heard that if i ate less my shit body would go into starvation mode zand make me even fatter by storing every food as fat. But yeah i'm a fatty for eating so much lol, i lol agt people telling me "but it's perfect,it's healthy,i saw you IRL and you look slim anon" just be honest jfc

>> No.8181007

>122 lbs for 5'3
>eats below the recommended 1800 calories
/cgl/ this is why no one likes you fucking wannarexics attention whores

>> No.8181010
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>giving this much importance to physical appearance

>122 is fat for your height
>you're in the average range for your height
nigga what

>> No.8181012

i want to save up for a trip to korea and get the face thinning plastic surgery and i want to get a nosejob :/ and get some beautyspots removed. i hear that the plastic surgeons in Korea are the best because they do so many procedures.

>> No.8181020

>tfw you have a jew nose and your face is asymmetrical

I want a rhinoplasty more than anything. ; . ;

>> No.8181027

I'd like to go through a plastic surgery concierge program, but I'd want to see pictures of surgery on Westerners, first. I want a subtle jaw reduction, not a complete kpop pixie chin.

>> No.8181030

>122 is pretty fat for 5'3"
>you're in the "average" range for your height

Control your autism, friend.

>> No.8181046

anything other than diet wont be effective. When I lost weight I ate anyfruits I wanted to and cut pretty much everything else.The best way is to keep yourself busy to the point you dont even think about food. I took up more clubs,saturday school and ballet. I eventually found disgust in foods I used to eat.

>> No.8181048

ana would be 90pounds or less or her.

>> No.8181050

Inb4 the entirety of cgl says they hate their nose, as per tradition in plastic surgery threads.

I grew out of caring what other people think of my appearance. Usually the only people who genuinely care to nitpick others do so out of insecurity.

I can totally understand people who are constantly in the public eye getting work done, though. Whether they're a face in entertainment, or their lifestyle calls for it. I guess I can understand people with "normal" lives getting work done too, but I don't think its in any way a perfect cure for insecurity or BDD, since those are more mental than physical.

I want surgery, but only for convenience and health problems. I have a deviated septum which makes it hard to breathe sometimes, on top of having right-focused pectus excavatum which limits my lung capacity (and unless its literally killing you, corrective surgery is considered cosmetic so insurance companies don't have to pay for it). Those are the only important ones.

If I have the disposable income I've considered getting one of my ears fixed because it sticks out far enough that it gets burned with curlers/straighteners all the time and hurts if I wear headphones for extended periods of time. I also might consider toe-shortening because I'm way over normal size and can only wear drag queen shoes.

>> No.8181062

also can someone enlighten me on how exactly is this considered fat? It's an ideal weight

>> No.8181076

It's not fat by normalfag standards but for people into jfashion it's not really ideal. Asian sizes are a lot smaller. Unless she's a cosplayer in which case she's probably fine.

>> No.8181085

it's cosplay, a hobby based on appearance and pretty much nothing else. You're trying to look like a character.

You must be american, 122 is overweight for 5'3".

>> No.8181091

idk man i am this size and i can enter into asian clothing M size with no problem and i have space in it.
I never had a single problem with litteraly everything asian i had ordered even with one size fits all on ebay

>> No.8181095

>overweightat 122lbs for 5'3
are all the gulls on this board cray or ana? am i missing something?

>> No.8181097

>cray or ana? am i missing something?

or just jealous that you're closer to their goal weight than they are (secret fatties)

seriously, 122 at 5'2 is fine. also different people hold their weight differently. somebody could be 110 at 5'2 and have a puffier stomach than the person who is 122, depending on their build and exercise regimen.

>> No.8181110

Nose jobs cost a lot of money here

>> No.8181112

Same, and I'm 5'2" ~122.

>> No.8181116

Idk I'm also 5'3." 122 is by no way obese but as soon as my weight even goes over 118 I would consider myself chubby and so would my friends and family, it probably would be less obvious if I had more muscle though. I'm guessing op isn't very toned either and should just start working out instead of just cutting food.
As for a plastic surgery I would get, I guess I would shorten my chin, but my boyfriend told me that my defined jaw line was his favorite feature about me so I'm not sure anymore.

>> No.8181119

I really hate my nose but I could never bring myself to plastic surgery. If I were to do anything to my breasts however I'd probably remove them, or atleast be a cute A or B cup.

>> No.8181121

You wanna trade me for my fat looking oval shape face? I want surgery to get a cute V shaped-face with an inward facing nose bridge...

>> No.8181124

>it probably would be less obvious if I had more muscle though
This. I'm 5'2" and look chunky if I'm any higher weight than 110 because I don't work out whatsoever. Someone saying 122 is fat is probably judging based on the assumption that there's no weighted exercise involved.

>> No.8181126

not if you have a little bit of muscle (which weighs more than fat), which you should have if you want your body to not just look like the gross kind of skinny.

>> No.8181129

>or just jealous that you're closer to their goal weight than they are (secret fatties)
I was thinking the same anonette
Also anon do not listen to them you are perfectly fine i would suggest to work on your self esteem,eat well and keep drinking water and looking at cute things to feel better <3

>> No.8181145

>122 is pretty fat for 5' 3''

Wat. Weighting less would make her look anorexic. I'm 5' 4'' and I look anorexic if I weight less than 122 lbs

>> No.8181150


Seriously I thought I was taking crazy pills. I'm 5'8" and 125lbs and quite slender. I can't imagine being 6 inches shorter and the same weight. It's probably not medically overweight but its probably at least a little chubby.

>> No.8181175

anons, you have anorexia. 55 kg at 160 cm is THE MINIMUM. Any less weight than that and you ARE and LOOK anorexic.

>> No.8181183

Not that anon but I'm 165cm at 45kg with no problems eating food. It's not the end of the world to be skinnier than average skinny.

>> No.8181188


Anorexia has a BMI minimum of less than 18.5. 5'8" 125 is BMI 19. So rather slim but not underweight.

>> No.8181201

5'3 doesn't hit "unhealthy" until you're under 105lbs.

>> No.8181211

Because I don't have the money and probably never will.
>tfw have to live with gross nose, bad jawline, and saggy titties

>> No.8181238

I would get blepharoplasty on at least my single droopy hooded eye. Would improve both if I had the money. Would also make my boobs perkier (although am working on this myself at the gym) and huge areolas smaller. And if possible, make it so the veins don't show through so bad...

>> No.8181241

>Jew/half sandwich nose
>top and bottom parallel but middle slightly skewed to form a slight semi circle
>boyfriend teases me about my big nose
>boyfriend tells me my nose is his favorite facial feature of mine

I don't think I could ever go through with a rhinoplasty since my aunt and mom have sandwich noses too so it's just genetic. I would like to get something done to my earlobe though. I tore it as a kid and now it looks like I have a small gauge hole. It's a bitch to wear heavy studs and I ended up getting a second piercing so I could wear fish hooks.

Someday when I have a high paying job I'll get that ear fixed. By that time I'll probably need a tummy tuck or lipo so I'll get that too.

>> No.8181245

17.5 actually. Though disordered eating generally happens to get there.

More on topic- I'd get my nose done if I could but just the nostrils and tip. My nose itself is fine but I have wide nostrils and a boulbous nose tip.
Tfw you have allergies to basically everything and your nose is wide open to inhale it all.

>> No.8181248
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>can only wear drag queen shoes
At least you'll always look fierce

>> No.8181249

it depends largely on muscle too though so i am guessing you have very little muscle

this is why basing your health/looks on your weight alone is fucking stupid. stop weighing yourself people, just eat less garbage and exercise every once in a while and you'll be fine

>> No.8181334

holyshit are you for real, being skinny or underweight doesn't make you anorexic.

Purposefully starving yourself to be skinnier/distorted body image/disordered eating habits makes you anorexic not a fucking body type.(ever heard of teen girls with fast metabolism)

I know this this off topic but 18.5 is fine, perfectly healthy. When I was anorexic I was 5'6 at 90 pounds that's like 16
now Ive recovered for 2 years and now stabilized at about 110 (120 being my highest)

funny thing is that throughout this I still retained my thighgap, suck on that tumble bitches

Anyways all this bmi crap is bullshit, it's more about muscle vs. bodyfat...

(On topic) if I were to get surgery probably some form of jaw reduction that those Korean people always get.. Hate my strong jawline, not kawaii at all.

>> No.8181337

I would suck your thigh gap.

>> No.8181351
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>compromising the bone density of your jaw for the sake of alien face beauty standards
>strong jawed bitches are lucky as fuck so get out of my face
>crying into my tiny chin

>> No.8181353

I'm glad that all I really need as a guy is to lose some weight and get some braces to fix my overbite.

>> No.8181357

I think any better would look abnormally attractive, I don't want to draw unwanted attention to myself. Plastic is off putting to me for some reason.

>> No.8181363


I may have the 'ideal' Lolita body, small waist, chest and skinny legs to fit in my burando but
my face is just.

button nose and monolids are nice and all but what a man jaw I have...
I literally recquire wigs that 'slim my face down' to look cute and that still looks awkward.

>> No.8181364

>facial massages can help with jaw slimming
no. no it doesn't.

>> No.8181366

Does anyone have experience with surgery/some other treatment to treat a gummy smile? I'm not sure if I have a hyperactive upper lip or what, but I show too much gum when I smile and I wish I could fix it somehow.

>> No.8181373


>> No.8181374

The only surgery I would have doesn't exist. I want some kind of permanent filler for the under-cheekbone area. I was starved really bad as a kid and I lost all fat there. Front the side view, my face looks sunken-in and from the front I've got bad rumiko-takahashi-anime face where cheek to jaw section is concave. I'm not underweight right now, at 5'6", 125lbs and quite muscular. No one in my family looks like that but me, either. I'm not vain enough to constantly do those 3-6month fillers, and nothing is permanent so fuck it.

I also have problems with lolita clothes not fitting around my biceps, but I work in construction and I wouldn't give up physical ability for such vanity anyhow.

>> No.8181379

Small boobs are anything but gross. Gross is melons that completely overwhelm a girl's body and ruin a feminine shape. Big boobs only look good in a bikini, and horrible in any other kind of clothes, and usually not very good naked unless you win the one in a million genetic lottery.

>> No.8181384

You still have a thigh gap because you're still really thin, it's actually not a "funny thing" at all because it's not surprising

>> No.8181386

I mean, I think my strong chin is better than a weak chin. But a cute small chin would be best of all.

>> No.8181391

projecting this hard

>but they do look pretty bad naked though
>i feel it

>> No.8181398

I really want double eyelid surgery but my fear of having fucked up asymmetrical eyes or something outweighs how much I want to not have monolids

>> No.8181405

I think monolids are cute, other than the fact that they eat up eyeliner.

>> No.8181408

>starvation mode
top kek

>> No.8181415

>Got rhinoplasty on awful roman nose.
>Profile view and 3/4 view look fantastic, but now my nose looks wider from the front.

I'd love to get a revision, but the recovery was hell for my first open procedure with a minor closed procedure a year later to fix a minor healing error. What do.

>> No.8181429

Plastic surgery should really be covered under most kinds of healthcare. In a world where no one has to be ugly it should be considered cruel to withold the ability to feel normal under a money gate.

>> No.8181447

To be honest looking at anyone head on in real life is pretty rare.

>> No.8181471

I'm a guy, so probably not what you're thinking when you say projecting.

I've dated or slept with girls ranging from a small A to a DD. I think the sweet spot is between a large A and a small C, and I probably lean toward the smaller end of that.

>> No.8181493

Sooo...average. Not small.

>> No.8181499
File: 11 KB, 211x167, tumblr_inline_nadm3gyXr71rwibal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can janitor delete this shit thread already? It's not even /cgl/ related no one fucking cares about that it's personal
>but muh insecurities :'(
Just fucking learn to accept yourself no one is a ~*~natural kawaii living dorru~*~ and even the kawaiiest of them all that is your idol or whatever has flaws and like everyone has bad angles,bad pics,light that don't flatter her,... If you seriously got something that fucks you up terribly then consider it for yourself then. But most of the people here are whining about trivial things, i know that appearance has some importance but geez /cgl/ you look ridiculous at this point,like calling yourselves fat or chub when you are in fact ideal/healthy weight
>baww but i don't like being healthy i wanna be underweight like my kawaii azn cartoons and kawaii azn grills i see on the interwebs
life isn't 2d bullshit deal with it, eat well and not too much, drink a lot, try to move your ass and you'll be fine, if not, just go to the fucking dietetician. Also asian girls aren't all super tiny princessus and we also have different bone structure mostly and such that makes them tinier it's like you were whining about not having your eyes "squinty" like us.
Also jfc we aren't all kawaii moderrus either we have Pixyteris sized azn,darker skinned azn,azn with shit skin,azn with stretch marks,... and some pretty too but like here,makeup and shoop helps a lot for some.

Oh and just so you know
>being thin /=/ being supah kawaii instantly
>having a small button nose /=/ being supah kawaii instantly
like shit i know /cgl/ would even find a paper sheet too fat (and ugly) but this thread...

>inb4 "lol u sound fat,ugly with a uggo nose and mad"
bitch i might be and yes, i mad.

>> No.8181515

>Considering liposuction when you're below morbidly obese.

I'd ask you if you even /fit/, but that shouldn't matter, since you'd have to either be an idiot, or a landwhale making excuses to try and believe starvation mode is a real thing. If food is fat, how would your body make more fat with less food?

By the way, I don't know how much you excersize, but unless it's a LOT, you're not eating very far below your TDEE, so at your rate, you're going to lose weight sloooowly.

It really is as simple as "quit eating, fatty."

>> No.8181516

Tits on the left aren't small at all. They do definitely look better than the right tits, but that's because they're tits and not fucking balloons.

>> No.8181517

Yeah, but these days and especially in this community, anybody smaller than a DD seems to be considered "small", and as I said, I really prefer somewhere from an A to a small B.

>> No.8181522

Dude here.

Unless it's very minor stuff, plastic surgery will leave you looking like a slutty mutant.

If you ain't cute, that's life.

>> No.8181530


>> No.8181543

If you change that many of your facial features you're going to look like a monster, not a kawaii idoru. Trust me. I live in LA. I see plastic surgery monsters on the daily. And the sad thing is you know these women have often spent upwards of $100,000 on their surgeries.

>> No.8181545


your specific fixation on that weight suggests to me that you've got an eating disorder and dysphoria. get a doctor, anon

>> No.8181546

no, starving would be 90 pounds or less on her. anorexia can happen at any weight.

>> No.8181548

please. japanese women aren't that skinny.

>> No.8181550

HAES landwhales detected.

I'm into plump girls, but if she wants to be thin, why discourage her?

Sure, I'm not impressed that she wants to get liposuction instead of eating less, but hey, that's another thing.

>> No.8181552

>make it so the veins don't show through so bad...

self tanner, anon

>> No.8181555

what is a sandwich nose? i've never heard that term

>> No.8181557

this thread makes me so happy i work out, seriously. if i gain a few pounds it's almost never visible.

>> No.8181559

I was actually thinking about that today since I'm on spring break and am free to go buy some. I'll have to see what they have...because while I hate my veins I also love my porcelain skin. Choices, I guess.

>> No.8181562

I think they mean like Lois' on family guy

>> No.8181564

If you think it's just your lip, try practicing in the mirror a lot. If you can't fix it that way, there are surgeries but they're expensive and painful. You can always just smile closed-mouthed

>> No.8181567

This is because you're a dude and you don't know how bras work. The thing is, bra sizes aren't standard at all but have started to standardize, and a lot of what you might call an "A" is actually a larger cup with a smaller band size, like a 28 C or something like that.

Cup sizes don't really actually mean much of anything.

>> No.8181568

At least one of those girls was talking about plastic surgery and not her weight, anon. Plastic surgery looks like shit most of the time so I'd say those concerns are valid. WTF is HAES?

>> No.8181571

Are you in the US? I've been using that Jergens Body BB lotion stuff in the light color and it's helped make my veins less visible but hasn't given me too much color/tan, it's pretty nice. And like $11 if I recall correctly

>> No.8181572

Health At Every Size.

>> No.8181574

Huh. Okay. I can see why you might want to fix that

>> No.8181577

Hahaha god, it should be HAMS (health at most sizes) but that would be "fat shaming"

>> No.8181579

I'd get rid of the mole on my face if I wasn't so worried about scarring.

But otherwise, I'm pretty comfortable about how I look and the idea of implants/bone shaving bothers me.

>> No.8181595

I have the same problem anon. I fucking hate how far apart my tits are. I want to look like >>8180957
on the right.

>> No.8181600

I'm 5'2'' and my weight fluctuates like a mofo between the 114-120 mark since I've gotten older. No one actually BELIEVES that's my actual weight though. They often guess me at about ten-twenty pounds lighter. When I was in college I was in the 96-104 pound range and I was often compared to someone who's terminally ill or possessing an eating disorder.

I'm not the epitome of fitness, but I'm by no means a cow either. I'm on the lower end of average. Depending on cut, I can get away with a "small" or "medium" here in America, and I don't have much issue with Asian sizes either. I really wonder how the anons in question are built if 122 at 5'3'' is considered "fatty".

>> No.8181601

>average is synonymous with fat
I like you.

>> No.8181629

They're probably apple-shaped and carry their weight in the middle, or at least that's my guess

>> No.8181643

I actually know that it's a ratio of cup size to band size, like a 36B is the same boob as a 32D or similar. I feel like it's still a somewhat functional measure of how a girl's breast size compares to her body size.

Let me put it differently, maybe. I prefer a breast that has a smooth curve back into the body underneath rather than one that hangs over itself. I think that counts as a small breast by most measures.

>> No.8181644

just because you're the same weight and a similar height, doesn't mean that your weight is distributed in the same way. i'm 5'3" 116 lbs and i have tiny titties, thunder thighs, and a bit of stomach pudge.

>> No.8181648

Ah shit your info makes me so happy. I didn't think the colors would go light since I thought they were supposed to be for "tanning" only. Definitely gonna look for it when I go to the store this week!

>> No.8181686
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Yes. Definitely not as severe since I'm not a cartoon in a comedy show though.

>> No.8181703

If someone prefers small breasts than smaller breasts are going to look better to them. This isn't hard to understand.

>> No.8181810

Beauty spots are quite easy and cheap to remove, anon. I'm getting 3 lasered off in a few days and it only cost me 225€ (for Northern Europe that's fairly cheap)
That said I have a deviated septum that I'd like fixed. My nose curves to one side and it's hard to breathe on one nostril so getting a normal-looking one that just werks is a pretty good deal
Unfortunately they cost a lot and I'd have to put aside money for a trip to Eastern Europe to get that done.

>> No.8181814

Is there anyone in this thread who WOULDN'T get some form of plastic surgery if it were free?

>> No.8181826

I love u

>> No.8182027

its all about weight distribution. if the person's fat all goes to their stomach then at that weight they'd look chub but if its more evenly spread out or goes to ass and chest then it looks very healthy. I'm 5'3 and my weight ranges from 116-122 and I get called thin and petite constantly

>> No.8182109

at the moment the only plastic surgery i'd get if it was free would be a breast reduction, and even then i'd probably hesitate and back out.

>> No.8182119

I genuinely wouldn't get anything other than a nosejob because I don't need it
maybe have some moles removed but that's more of a health thing