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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8178202 No.8178202 [Reply] [Original]

Cosplay related ranting thread. Post your frustrations here.

>> No.8178212

People complaining that cosplayers who don't make their cosplays, or who get help to make them, are not 'real cosplayers'.

You can make, commission, buy, closet - I dont care. You are a cosplayer if you are dressing up as a character from whatever genre. The elitist attitude about cosplay pisses me off beyond belief.

>> No.8178216

Alex from SoCal conventions is getting annoying as shit with his constant bragging about how much money he makes at his really nice jobs and how many conventions he can go to. I like that he takes pictures of literally everyone but I grow weary of the statuses bragging about going to this event for sports photography or going to thirteen conventions every year or making 250k. Shh. Stop.

>> No.8178225

I hate this too. I am only able to attend one convention, Im lucky to hit up a second one in a year. Its not about being jealous, its about hearing how self centered they are about telling everyone how 'great' they are.

>> No.8178232

People who want to buy my items and then they are all like "Oh I don't have money so can I buy it for $6.00 comparing to $40.00?? Oh and I'm going to a con so that would be cool kay thanks".

>> No.8178365

I agree. Why does it matter? I can see if it was a really shiny and shitty one but if it's a really good commissioned cosplay why do some cosplayers snub up their noses just because a person can't sew or didn't want to/didn't have enough time to sew a complex cosplay?

>> No.8178372

Although frankly, I would love to see the cosplay community in general be doing much better for themselves. Too many people who didn't do school or are in deadbeat retail jobs.

>> No.8178382

People who complain and bitch and moan about drama nonstop to the point where you have to conclude that they're the ones bringing the drama upon themselves. Also the person I'm thinking of literally cannot stop shit-talking on social media, which after a while just looks pathetic, especially when they're not backing it up with good cosplay work on their part.

>> No.8178441

Lalalala I hate hand sewing and that is all I have left on three separate costumes, kill me now~

>> No.8178448

This though, like yes of course the people who make their own stuff are incredibly talented, but there'd not reason to rag on others just because they can't sew or aren't crafty. Not to mention, what are people who offer commissions for cosplay going to do if the world decides it's horrible to cosplay if you didn't make it yourself? Of course you should never pretend to have made something that you didn't, that's bullshit, but an industry depends on the fact that some people, for whatever reason, are going to buy their costumes.

>> No.8178452

Who is this guy? I've never heard of him

>> No.8178488
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Cosplayers who complain about sexy cosplays, go out of their way to shame others, only to continue to do the same cosplays, then sell prints.

>> No.8178554

Tired of the feels thread filled with

>Waaa my bf/gf is abusive what should I do?
>Waaaa I have health problems and instead of going to check them out I come on here! what should I do?
>Waaaaa I have shitty parents what should I do?

Like some of it I understand but damn most of it is common sense.

>> No.8178560

honestly this matters a lot. i have friends that do this but they are currently learning how to sew and just dont want to wear their made costumes since well, they're not quite good at making them yet.

>> No.8178564

>tfw you go to multiple hardware and craft stores and they dont have what you want
perks of living in small town where no one is updated with new shit

>> No.8178592

>Soo much butthurt on my Facebook feed stemming from an article that talks about conventions (like PAX) banning booth babes
>one bitch in particular is being extra salty because she's one of those butterfaced booth bitches whose con lifeblood is jeopardized by such bans
>same girl who toted finally getting her GED a few months ago
>she's in her mid twenties

Booth babes are fucking scum. Only neckbeards who want to fap are interested in keeping their tuna snatches around to "sell" them merch. Nobody else will miss these bimbos and himbos.

>> No.8178641

I wish i knew that feel.

There is literally no drama in my life.
I wake up, go to school, maintain a 3.0, fish for a few hours, then go back home for one hour of assorted hobbies, sleep 8 hours and repeat.

>> No.8178647

Capitlism in progress. Amazing isn't it? The amount of merch the booth babes got the neckbeards and chads to buy was lower than the amount they could get from pandering to sjw's and people who are self aware.

>> No.8178668

no you don't. there are ways to make your life more interesting that don't involve being a shitty person and hanging out with/enabling other shitty people.

>> No.8178755

Why would you read feel threads if you don't like the content, thought that'd be common sense? Are you waiting for someone to lose a limb?

>> No.8178764
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Canada post shipping sucks. Trying to sell my costumes is becoming nearly impossible to anybody overseas because even the cheapest option is >$20 to start. What the fuck! Nobody wants to pay that!

I'm starting to think I should try using a courier service or something instead but I'm worried that'll actually be worse.

>> No.8178833

i feel you
also post canada wants to know everything that is in my package and list them very very specifically? like fuck off, customs scan that shit. its makes me upset especially when im mailing a present.

>> No.8178973

I heard a former friend of mine was wanting to quit cosplay because of her appearance and that she didn't feel pretty enough.

All I can say to that is, good riddance, it's not everyone elses fault you don't work out or have self-confidence. And what happened to cosplaying for fun then? The shit you preached so heavily?

Don't like your appearance? Fucking do something about it and don't blame other people.

>> No.8179316

>want to do a skimpy cosplay
>only ever crossplayed
>have decent body, not a perfect 10, but I work out
>small breasts
>also my mom's gonna kill me if she finds out (inb4 'get out you're underage', I'm almost 20)

>> No.8179324

Same here, I'd love to do a Jakuzure cosplay but I've no skills and I'm too chubby.

>> No.8179331

I'm literally buying it all
If it's too slutty for me (it's gonna be cold as fuck too), I can find something else

>> No.8179338

Alex Halcyon on Facebook. He does cosplay to, but it's all very closet cosplay stuff. Like seriously dude, you make 250k a year, go ton of cons, and you can't drop a bit more money on a costume that isn't goodwill tier?

>> No.8179361

I couldn't care less if someone buys a cosplay or makes it themselves, as long as they're upfront about it if they purchase one. I can't stand anyone who takes all the credit for someone else's work.

>> No.8179391

>Implying that I don't hide them.

You need to re read my post. My issue isn't the feels thread but the fact that people post the same problems that have nothing to do with /cgl/ or /egl/ over and over again. Whenever someone makes a new one that's the first damn thing I see on the front page. You grow tired of the same old shit and hiding the same thing over and over again.

>Why don't people hide stupid threads "How do I make this?" or threads not even related to /cgl/ or /egl/ instead of trolling/shitposting over and over again.

>Why do people respond to a troll/obvious shitposter/someone off topic instead of just ignoring them?

>> No.8179399

Seagulls I think we found the 'my boyfriend is abusive!' anon.

>> No.8179411

If the bust is your only problem the fake-breasts tutorial that's circulating here might be for you.

>> No.8179431

>lose a limb
the point wasn't that their problems aren't bad enough, it's that they're always either rehashed attention seeking or dumb cunts or both because those things literally pop up in every thread along with 'waah my pet hamster is feeling bad! I'm not gonna take it to the vet like I should, better get some pity points on 4chan first! Gosh it hurts me so!'

Like I get the anons posting their good feels, the /cgl/-related stuff, the problems that aren't that typical such as the vomiting anon or the girl who has to choose between her bf and her career, or period-chan and pinworm-chan from threads back.

But those are things that you genuinely need advice for since it doesn't get talked about as often unlike the muh abusive bf/parents shit that gets posted each week.

>> No.8179437
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a new friend of mine is coming over today for me to make her moogle wings for a con thats TOMORROW

i hate being the only one who can make things

>> No.8179445

This. I don't have a problem with the /cgl/ related feels or the good feels but vomiting anon wasn't even /cgl/ related or that dumb cunt who kept moaning about how she didn't want to leave her bf over her family and job.

>> No.8179588

A girl posts complaining about cosplayers who buy or commission their costumes and then lies about having made it themselves. She posts about this twice a year...and does what she's complaining about.
She enters in costume contests in costumes that her friends have made for her (she claims she made it when she only painted stripes on a skirt and put darts in a Walmart shirt),
she has one nice Cosplay that her boyfriend got her and she enters it into every facebook and online contest she can with out mentioning it wasn't made by her and when people call her out on it she whines and says she didn't know she needed to accredit the maker because the rules didn't mention that, then she posts it in another contest without accrediting it and acting like she made it.
She also deletes pictures if you publiclically ask where she bought her cosplay to try and hide the fact that she didn't make it. Not you comment, the entire picture.

>> No.8179606

I have a friend I don't think I'll be cosplaying with anymore.
>> she's has cosplayed longer than I have and has an elitist attitude, but her cosplays are crappy.
>>she said she needed help making a costume and asked if she could sew with me at my place (which a lot of people do so we can motivate each other)
>> she comes over and will not do a single fucking thing without me having to stand over her telling her even. Single. Thing. She needs to do.
>>tell her to read the pattern instructions on what to do because I'm also making my cosplay and mine is more difficult to make. She stares at the instructions for 2 min befor throwing them in the air and whining about how she still doesn't understand!
>>she got a pattern that wasn't her size and didnt have the neckline she needed, wouldn't buy another pattern for the correct top even tho they were on sale, she didn't buy half the crap she needed to make her costume
>>she expected me to go out and buy the stuff she didn't get or give it to her if I had some
>>I mentioned buying Worbla soon for the first time after the cin we were going to and she just kept bringing up how she wanted to make part of her Cosplay out of worbla instead of foam because she thought it would look better. She keeps mentioning it. I finally snap at her and tell her she can, but it's expensive and I wouldn't be able to help her with it since I've never used it before. She waits a week and continues to pester me about wanting worbla. Another friend notices and says that it didn't matter since she waited too long to order it and it wouldn't get to her in time so she needed to use foam instead and she can buy worbla later if she wanted to remake that part.

I know full well she was hoping I'd buy some and let her use it. I have more disposable income than she does because I work more than she does and it pisses me off that she's trying to manipulate me into buying her shit.

>> No.8179623

Oh shit, I forgot about him... I hate that dude.

>> No.8179643

Lots of friends are offering to make me affordable cosplays (they're all really great seamstresses so I know its quality), but I can't land any jobs so I'm broke as fuck.

>> No.8179673

mfw canada post fucked up my brand new computer because they were so nosy

>> No.8179690

Oh my gosh I hate it when that happens. Couple years ago, friend wanted me to make her a costume two days before a con. She promised to help but she didn't do shit. Didn't even know how to tie a knot after sewing a button. I had to pull an all nighted because of her shit.

>> No.8179693

Hate it when this happens. Happened to me couple years back. Friend ask me to help make her costume two days before the con. Didn't do shit and couldn't even sew a button. i had to pull an all nighted because of her shit.

>> No.8179695

Duplicate of previous post. Whoops.

>> No.8179700

>broke up w my girlfriend before we could do couples cosplay together
>tfw she's announced she's going on an 'indefinite hiatus' so there's no chance of doing otps as friends either
>tfw knowing i did the right thing but watching my weeaboo dreams shatter before my eyes

>> No.8179880

I'm probably buying 2 out of 7 cosplays this year and it certainly takes a load off. Especially good for stuff you don't have the gear to make or basic stuff that'd cost you more in fabric than buying it premade online like seifuku/things with pleated skirts.

>> No.8179881
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I'm a reasonably good Shizuo cosplayer, made tons of friends in that costume and had great times. Now I'm just sick and tired of wearing it, not to mention the outright mental fangirls that don't know about personal space.
What happened though? Season 2 of the anime came out, all my friends want to cosplay from it again. I want off this ride!

>> No.8179905

I buy for my joke costumes.

There's a speed dating panel and I don't want to use my good costumes on that, but not my casual Friday one. So I bought Two-Star Mako and am going to genderbend it a bit.

I've bought last minute costumes for groups before.

I also commissioned everything because new2sewing.

No shame as long as you don't claim it's YOURS, especially when it's like super crazy good.

>> No.8179966
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I'm more upset about this than I should be. Obvious trolling, but... ugh

>> No.8180227

>People complaining about black people or hispanic or anyone that isn't white cosplaying characters from Japanese media.

>People complaining about how white people can't cosplay tan or dark skinned people from Japanese media without doing blackface or anything offense just because they are white.

>People who do the slutty version of a cosplay instead of the canon version.

>> No.8180245


>> No.8180359
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Holy fucking shit anon I am so sorry, this is why I buy all my computer shit through mem ex. I'm terrified of canpost wrecking my shit

>> No.8180374

Season two is so disappointing anyway, and seriously, was their animation budget like 50 fucking bucks?

>> No.8180385

It really grinds my gears when people say things like "your artstyle looks like ______'s"/"a copycat of _____"/etc. Reading through this, I liked anon's working sample but had never even heard of Mookie until I looked them up.

I can't believe how nicely anon took the advice too, if it were me I would be pissed (again, only because in my case it would be a comparison to someone who's art I hadn't seen before. Anon knew Mookie so that makes a world of difference.)

I think the kawaii drama on DA years ago really made it an irk for me, since there was so much petty shit and people pointing fingers of who copied whom. Some similarities in styles are fine, just as long as we're not getting to stealing/tracing-tier bullshit.

(Sorry for using quoted as an example to rant on, they were still nicer about it than some people I've met.)

>> No.8180398
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There are people who buy wigs fresh off of eBay or the costume store and the shininess of them make an unrealistic glare in photos.

I vaguely remember a couple years back that on tumblr someone made a supposed "guide" on how to wash the shininess out but it still didn't change the fact the wig was extremely cheap and had less fibers than it ought to have.

>> No.8180400


It's kinda cool to dress up as your ethnic anime equivalent but christ almighty it's just a glorified halloween festival with no candy, do whatever you want

>> No.8180401

Don't do this to yourself. Don't become that friend. Soon you'll be stuck doing it for every convention and it isn't worth it.

>> No.8180595

>implying there aren't good wigs on ebay that don't shine

>> No.8180603

>People complaining that cosplayers who buy their cosplays are not 'real cosplayers'. Then these hypocritical people buy theirs and pretend they made them.

>These hypocriticals joining cosplay masquerades for craftmanship.

>These hypocriticals being holier than thous while having shitty everything (bad costume, props, wigs, make up, shoes, accesories...)

>These hypocriticals again rigging every fucking masquerade because they have to win all the time. They are judges, give prizes to the contestants who are their friends. Next day, these friends who won are judges, and the judges from the day before are participating and win with store bought tracksuits from your generical sport anime.

>These hypocritical people again bashing every cosplayer who's not in their group but has good cosplays because they want to be the only existing cosplayers.

>In a nutshell, the Spanish cosplay scene.

>> No.8180628

I have a friend who does the opposite. She's ~60 lbs overweight but in denial.


>> No.8180632

Though in fairness appearance problems can be due to other people, especially parents.

The difference is most people have no choice but to accept their circumstances or do something about it. Wallowing in self-pity accomplishes little either way.

>> No.8180654

>cosplay for fun

every single person who says this is fucking lying. all of them have lack of self-confidence, are ugly and fat and have bad cosplays overall. "cosplay is for fun" is just their self defenses activating, even when people don't say anything bad to them. they feel bad and threatened just by the sight of good cosplays put on beautiful and thin girls.

>> No.8180679

Crunch time for two cons, first one is a week and a half away and I haven't even started. Family was over so sewing had to stop at 10p all week. My friend said I could use her machine until late, and made some stuff for her as thanks (and also because she's new at sewing). Last day of the week I can work at her house, and we're having car trouble so I asked if she can get me--its the day I'd get to finally start on my stuff.

"No, I don't feel like driving to come get you, I don't mind waiting until you're back from your weekend family outing."

But my stuff getting started is irrelevant. Thanks, friend. Well, at least I got an anime night.

>> No.8180692

cosplay has an intense community. When did things start going down hill? When did people stop having fun and doing it for popularity?

I havent cosplayed much, but I see so much drama in the comm with locals and also the nost "known" people, that it repulses me.

The comm is surprisingly full of people with mental instabilities.

>> No.8180704

lmao Thats some kaisen shit right there!

>> No.8180721

I don't know many people who are into like conventions and stuff, and my friend has a ton of other friends who are going to the same con as us but she refuses to ask any of them because she thinks having them around will mess up our photoshoots and stuff??

She doesn't seem to understand that we don't actually have to HANG OUT with them just stay in the same room. I swear to god I can't afford the hotel if I'm just rooming with her.

>> No.8180768
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>I will not be your only source of gentle critique and shield you from all things meanie on the internet or police your pages.
>I will not "hook you up" with a tier III position at my company.
>I will not tone back or hide my crafts and purchases ON MY OWN personal pages because your fee fees.
>I will not listen to you go on about how retail and fast food work is so degrading and hard on your feeties and talking to strangers is so hard so you had to quit.
>You may not "settle for borrowing" my anything because you decided you will never be able to afford it.
>You also may not whine about "muh anxiety". You are perfectly healthy and normal to have the reactions you do because you have so little fucking social experience. You just need to grow up and stop bogarting actual medical problems other people have, and if you do, actively work to treat and live with it rather than using as a crutch or excuse.

You decided (yes, decided) to be a NEET for like 7 years, while I was babysitting , flipping burgers, and doing that "degrading high school type job" shit you think is beneath you. I was working with a counselor and doctor on actual diagnosed anxiety so I could function normally, went to cons, practiced sewing, got teased, saved up and lost money, learned from experience, got posted to cgl, met people, made friends, improved, got a real job, and earned my stripes over the years from a junior position to where I am now.

I will help you all I can. To do those 7 years. To start where I started. I will not just hand you one of my lvl 90's for you to fuck it up, that's not how life works. You can't have a bite of my fortunes, I can only help you earn your own. Understand that I earned mine and don't you ever tell me to share or hide it again.

/rant Thanks for listening, /cgl/!

>> No.8180777

stay strong anon

>> No.8180790

You girls are hated for a reason. You're so slutty.

>> No.8180811

Wow anon, if that's the situation you have with that person. You should cut them off.

>> No.8180812

Maybe she wants to bang you anon.
>captcha mbang haha

>> No.8180845
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Holy shit anon, tell it as it is.

>> No.8180872

hey r9k i took a tremendous period shit today
so good

>> No.8180877

There is nothing wrong with being a sexually active woman. Do you say the same thing about sexually active males?

>> No.8180893
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I have this one friend.

>Fucked themselves over in secondary school by valuing animu over grades
>Only just scraped through her GCSE's
>We both went to the same college, I took psychology and media studies and she did A-Levels to bump up her grades
>She failed all of them in the first year
>Well, she got kicked out of one for not showing up
>Proceeded to whine and complain constantly about the education system
>"It's completely biased against people with any intelligence at all, I have other shit to do than revise"
>By other shit she means cosplay
>But if you spent all of the time you weren't at college on cosplay
>And you were only in college for 2 and a half days per week anyway

>She comes over to my house like twice a week, eats all the food in my fridge, tell me that she wants a boyfriend and acts like a two year old about her cosplays
>They are all total shit because she made them in a rush last year
>Then she'll complain at me for upwards of 3 hours about how shitty her life is because she has no money and no job


TL;DR: My friend is fucking retarded and fuck everything

>> No.8180911

I've bought all my wigs from eBay and Amazon, and I've only had one really bad one, and one shiney one, but it's not too bad

>> No.8180925

you can order groceries/take out online to bring to your house

>> No.8180930

Doesn't sound like much of a friend.

>> No.8180932


i'll put money on you returning to your beta self and crawling right back to her so you can carry on with your pathetic pet monkey friend zone

>gg, fgt

>> No.8180935

why are you friends?

>> No.8180952


Because I've known her for years
She was my closest friend for years
And then she became this sort of mad NEET creature of anxiety and shit

I promised her a while ago that I'd stick with her because back then neither of us had anyone else to talk to but each other and we'd always look out for each other
But idk she's sort of gone nuts since then

>> No.8181166

Right? I have fun being accurate and looking good, IDK about you.

>> No.8181197
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People complaining about white cosplayers picking a black/brown character. I know the concept of "blackface", but for Pete's sake, that's not what cosplay is about. There is a difference between

>"I'm dressing up as a BLACK GUY LOL LOOK AT ME and wearing shitty make up and racial stereotypes as props"


>"I'm cosplaying as my favourite character who just happens to be black. Don't worry, I'll put decent effort into the costume and the make-up."

Rrrrggghhhh. It makes me so mad when people don't realize the difference between these two. I understand the "my race isn't a costume!!1" point of view, but come on, that's not what these cosplayers are doing. They aren't wearing your race as a costume, they are dressing up as a character from a different race and want to portray them as accurately as possible.

>> No.8181225

seeing his posts make me sad. he seems very desperate for attention and generally a pretty lonely guy.

>> No.8181229

i'm sorry you have to deal with such a lazy, entitled piece of shit. i would cut them out of my life completely

>> No.8181246

>this autism.

>> No.8181756
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I know that feeling anon.

All of those damn guys who bitch about how there isn't a perfect waifu/2D girl for them but they don't wash their behinds at anime cons or ever. I'm glad I dumped all of your candy asses years ago because you used to talk behind my back at anime cons about how I was this beta bitch and so boring but I was a whore because apparently the other ex friend said so but he was the one that had sex with the 12 year old.

You want to know why I don't say shit at the con parties or when you invite guests in the hotel room? I have social anxiety disorder. It takes a while for me to warm up, especially around drunks and people in general. I am not an asshole.

People think it's a joke or I'm a special snowflake because of so many idiots who don't man up and use social anxiety as an excuse. I still manage to go to cons, to work, and do things. You all (especially you you fucker) have no damn excuse to not get a job and spend all of your parent's money on brand for your bitch gf instead of food or cosplays or Billy Jean Williams. You can't afford to go to five anime cons a year because you knocked up a girl at 17 so you lie in your grave because I don't believe that your damn mother paid for your child support because you was too lazy to get a job but not lazy enough to go to Youmacon.

You know who you are and I hope you rot in hell.

>> No.8181776

i tend to agree, especially when we're so tolerant of black or brown cosplayers cosplaying out of their race.

>> No.8182053
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This entire month.

>Mom and Dad are getting married after being divorced for 8 years. best news ever.
>sister and i are planning the wedding (i.e. paying for pretty much all of it)
>finally graduating and getting my Associate Degree
>super excited to be done with school for a while
>plan to open up availability at work, get cross-trained, work more hours, rise in the ranks
>excited to update the wardrobe I've had for the last four years, go to more cons, make more friends, etc.

>keep getting passive aggressive comments about how I am ruining my life for not immediately jumping to a university
>I work retail as a cashier, but I actually like my job. coworkers and managers are my friends, pays well, works with my school schedule, great benefits and health plans
>am I supposed to hate my job? when am I supposed to leave this place? do i have to? stress.

>day sister is moving out, she severs the tendons in her foot
>3 months of training for a big race down the drain, scrap the race because she can't even walk
>bed-ridden for her birthday
>she wanted to go whale watching for her birthday
>i bought an ocean documentary and we sat on the couch, eating popcorn and "watching whales"

>two of my friends get robbed of their con funds
>another gets hit by a car and has a broken elbow

Can this month just...

>> No.8182080

dude dont be that guy/girl who is friends with their ex. It never works and you never get a chance to let go. Have some self respect and cut her out from your life so you can move on.

>> No.8182136


>> No.8182624

>2nd hand local seller asking 47$ for an unpopular brand item that cost 27$ new
>ask why
>"customs fees and shipping fee from japan"

they have the item in hand already, do they expect people to pay for their gas to the post office too? is this normal?

>tfw now have to scour japanese auctions because it'll be cheaper than buying from someone in my own country

>> No.8183582

Wow, I'm really sorry anon. Hopefully everything you've stated has their respective silver linings...

>> No.8183817

I have this one friend. She's really nice and cool but I wish she would seriously realize that her life is pretty fucked up in my perspectives.

>Always have all these cosplay ideas.
>Complains about not having any money.
>Tries looking for a job but gives up after 5 mins.
>Gives her suggestions on how to make money by selling some of her old stuff on eBay. She goes all "maybe", and doesn't.
>I was worried about her and even found a job for her and she doesn't even accept the offer even though she's desperately trying to make money.
>Spends most of her money on food and video games.
>Makes me wonder how she is able to buy all the new and expensive video games when she complains about not having money...
>Every time I hang out with her she expects me to always buy her lunch because of her excuse of "I don't have money".
>Always on her computer 24/7
>Couch potato
>I have a job and she gets all jealous until I reminded her that I gave her job offers.
>Comes up with some group cosplay ideas, I start working until she says "I don't have money" and buys another video game the day after.

...Like wtf. I never met anyone like this before her...

>> No.8184139

Drop this sack of shit. She's useless and you deserve better friends.

>projecting hardcore because I have a friend similar to this

>> No.8184151

>I was worried about her and even found a job for her and she doesn't even accept the offer even though she's desperately trying to make money.
I-I'll be your friend, anon.

>> No.8184156
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No rant here I just wanna let you hen peckers know that I browse this board and 2 two other boards for the sole reason of enjoying a little bit of betaness, autism, and pointless drama. Thanks for the entertainment while I open up an Arizona Arnold Palmer and read all the stupid things you crazy psycho-bitches write. Its almost as amusing as watching /r9k/ write pepe poopoo stories about gaining big boy points for tendies. Almost.

>> No.8184176

>Doesnt like apperance/doesnt fit cosplay
> desides to quit
>complains she didnt do anything

>> No.8184190
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Putin is truly the best

>> No.8184221

I decided to sell a costume because I don't want it anymore. It's handmade and wore it one evening
Apparently low price because lots of people want to buy it. A girl in the neighbourhood is interested in first one to claim and she wants to buy it already even without knowing the details and if it fits.
> Euh okay
We exchange address info, she wants to come here to buy it. She explicitly says she doesn't need to try it on first
>right :?
Then on the same night, 10 minutes later she asks again for the price, asks again for my address. Then asks me how to get to my house.
>lol I just told you, wtf
"Yes my mother wants to know"
>but I just told you
she makes some smalltalk (I don't know why honestly, you want to buy something from me, not talk, I don't know you)
she asks me again what the name was of the character. where the shoes come from, etc.
> huh name of the character...but girl you are buying a costume of a character you know right? It's also right in the description of my post.
I guess she's a scatterbrained person.
Right, we decide on the time she's here, everything's fine until then.
A week later, evening before the day she would came here.
Again she asks for how to get to my home
> girl you have google maps and public transport websites for that, why you ask?
Says she can't come with train so she has to get by bus
> but I already explained which bus you should get
Says she's at x time in town, which time do we see eachother? where do I go to?
>HELLOOOO we already talked about that, decided about that. It's like she never read the chat? I'm getting more anxious if this girl is even a normal person.
I talked to my husband about it, he doesn't trust it. I don't trust it either anymore.
I send the girl a message that the deal is off. I don't get a reply anymore.
I got a reply this morning, very early saying 'till tomorrow, sorry I had to give my phone to my parents because I had to go to bed.
>How come "till tomorrow", it's today

>> No.8184224

I already told her the deal is off, didn't she read? She apparently doesn't read chat at all or something :/. She's a 16 y/o but even those can be at least human and read and remember stuff, right?
So I told her again that the deal is off, that I don't trust her because of all the weirdness and miscommunication.
she gets sad and frustrated because she had to do "all this research and planning of how to get here" and that I put the post online to sell it so why would I sell it?
> girl, I just told you all the reasons
I apologize, I guess she doesn't understand anyway because her brain doesn't work or something.

>WTF I'm not selling things to 16 y/o's anymore


>> No.8184234

>mfw I do the exact same thing
I have no interest in lolita I'm just here for the catfights

>> No.8184287
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>Tfw your brother whiteknights a coswhore and she nags him about how she doesn't approve of the series, despite her cosplaying it.
I used to be mad over not cosplaying what you didn't know, but actually cosplaying something you don't even publicly support? Then even go a step further by selling prints of said cosplay?
You're a fucking fraud and represent everything I hate with this comm.

>> No.8184347

You sound like an asshole anon.

I'm skinny as hell but I hate my face. I cosplay but avoid photos, because I can actually have fun doing a hobby even when I have no image confidence.

If the only enjoyment you get is from people telling you that you are hot then I pity you. Even fug I probably have a better con than you on average.

>> No.8184526

She was a tumblrina to the max, and would come up with excuses for everything and everyone. It just wasn't enough to make constant lazy excuses for herself. It's not surprising she wants to quit. Also, funny that she was tagged in one of our mutual friends cosplay plans pictures just yesterday. So close.

>> No.8184559
File: 2.00 MB, 1305x1740, IMG_20150316_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circusdoll shop repost (top) vs buyer picture (bottom). I get that they filtered the picture for ~kawaii~ reasons but it's falsely advertising the wig

>> No.8184572

Not asspatting people might have gotten me this way. At least I don't bullshit people anymore. I'm sure you have lots of fun, but I do too not having to be around shitbabies who survive on compliments from other people whether they're actually in cosplay or not. My con experience shot up tenfold once she wasn't around.

And if you actually read what I said, I don't have problems with people who cosplay for fun. It's when you SAY you cosplay for fun and then get depressed when people don't tell you you're super kawaiidesu/look good. And if that's the case, you weren't cosplaying simply for fun at all. So you either go big and actually do something to improve your cosplay or appearance, suck it up and do it for fun like you said so many times, or go home. Just stop complaining about it and wondering why it doesn't get better when you literally do nothing to make it better or really address the problem/situation.

>> No.8184581

Well that's annoying. But it's IG, so to be expected.

>> No.8184667
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basically for every piece in this costume I'm currently working on:
>mock-up doesn't fit right
>still doesn't fit right
>still weird
>made it worse/unsalvageable
>start over from scratch
>mock-up doesn't fit right

>> No.8184755

I stayed up till 3 am to do this, and only got one wing done. She was pissed, and then took me an hour to fall asleep. Woke up at 7, and Indianapolis convention Center fucked me up. I didn't have any fun, and bought a figurine and a mousepad and went home.

It ruined my first comicon experience. Never again.

>> No.8184808
File: 60 KB, 696x462, 1411548217511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna trade, anon? I have HUGE FUCKING TITTIES, and all the characters i wanna cosplay are boys. :/

>> No.8184811


/a/ is more autistic than this board. /y/ master race.

>> No.8184851

I hate the Florida Con scene so much.. like, so much. I wish I could just live in a state that barely had notable cons so at least I couldn't be spammed with ads from Mike Broder and other asshats who think they can do it better. "SHOCK POP CON" What the actual fuck. Broder is a fucking baby and the majority of the cosplayers here are drama vats. I've never been involved in any of the drama here but it's so cringe-worthy to hear about. I'm just going to skip the cons here and save for a few out-of-state ones where I can just chill.

>> No.8184858

What exactly are you making? Is it too big on you? Try different seam techniques to make it more snug if that's what you want. If it's too small; Are you not giving seam allowance??

>> No.8184932

I really don't know you'd stay friends with someone like this. Not only because she's a shit, but because you speak so poorly of her. Why are you doing this to her and yourself?
Seeing this kind of thing makes me worry about how my friends think of me, because I love them all so much.

>> No.8184943
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>package out for delivery
>5 minutes later
>no knock no nothing
>go down and check the house. nope
>check the mailbox, my package is sticking right out clear as day
Fuck you Canada Post.
I'm glad I decided to skip my class today, even though my neighborhood is pretty much just old Chinese people.

>> No.8184948

I feel you anon. The way I get through cons down here is by just hanging out with friends I have outside of the cosplay scene, and I've cut out all the dramatic cancerous people. Now that I think about it, I don't talk to anybody I met through Florida cons anymore.

>> No.8184953
File: 32 KB, 334x538, tumblr_inline_njzi8dC9vz1qhj9wo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fucking boots
they're making me miserable. Current iteration is sloppy as fuck but I'm running out of time. May have to just accept it and move on.

>> No.8184954

pazuri,anon, get the boys to dress up for you.

>> No.8184974

I'm down

>> No.8185044
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1347917861664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have girlfriend
>a year of her telling me how much she loves me and will marry me someday
>she likes making halloween costumes and doesnt know what she wants to do with her life
>introduce her to cosplay
>support her and encourage her to be the best, and that shes even better infront of the camera than behind it
>pay for her to go to cons
>take her photos, manage her fb page, design her business cards and answer her emails as her.
>she eventually gets 17,000 fans
>wants to be the next Jessica Nigri
>dumps me

And then I never trusted women again.

>> No.8185093


>> No.8185100

http://www.sheenaduquette.com/cosplay/lucina-fire-emblem/ at the very bottom she goes over how she made her boots, maybe this will help you? those look difficult as fuck, good luck though!

>> No.8185107

Anon don't be like that. Not every woman is a bitch.

>> No.8185115

Post nudes....for revenge.

>> No.8185153

Preach it.

This girl I know is chubs-to-fats range. She's always been a huge endorser of the "Cosplay for fun" thing, which is 100% fine, IF you actually live by and believe what you're saying. She doesn't. Anytime someone says she's fat or basically not the perfect "insert character" , she spirals out of control and gets depressed for weeks and threatens to quit cosplay and lolita because of her weight. Quit if it's making you miserable, seriously.

My friends and I offered to help her get signed up at our gym so she can go with us. We don't particularly love going to the gym but it's very easy to work out with friends. She always says she has no money for the memberships that are $20/month, but buys new lolita stuff and costumes every damn month. I have no idea how much it all adds up to but it is certainly well over the $20.

When we say we're going for a walk around the city for some easy exercise, it's always a "No" as well. I'm convinced she spends her days defending the down-trodden folk on tumblr. Sorry, but you don't lose weight and make yourself look better by hanging out at your computer all day regardless of how much you spent on cosplay costumes and lolita clothing. We've offered so many different ways to help, but nothing is ever good enough or she doesn't hear us. She's a person who needs a problem.

I totally get not being happy with aspects of one's looks, we all have nitpicks of our own, but I'm just tired of dealing with people who want to complain and never put in any effort to change the situation - basic reason I've distanced myself from her. Weight is manageable, mastering makeup techniques can change how you look and feel, doing something to be inspired can change your perspective on life, all that stuff. Like jfc, I know life can be a piece of shit sometimes, but step 1 is to be glad you're on this side of the dirt.

>> No.8185201

Wish there were finished pictures of her boots. I have a working model that looks OK, but not to the level that I want it at. It's mostly the goddamn calves that are making me rage; I have never hated rounded shapes more than I do now.

>> No.8187220

I don't care if a photog posts a photo of me that I don't like but FUCK if I take the tag off of it don't put it back on and then decide to tag my personal page too. Just because you took a picture doesn't mean I have to share it. I don't want to be a huge dick and call this guy out for not liking his photos but they throw off a... vibe that I am not trying to represent myself with.

Also somewhat related: Photogs that lead with "so how many likes do you have." "Enough."

>> No.8187285

I'm always looking for new friends.

>> No.8187287

you give me hope anon

>> No.8187299

wow, isn't that a little narrow minded anon? We were friends for a long time before she asked me out and we only were going out for a couple months. I think if you had a good relationship to begin with and it didn't end traumatically, there's no reason why you shouldn't remain friends afterwards.

>> No.8187974
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>Finally have qt 3.14 bf to cosplay with me
>Propsfag (not a bad thing)
>Spend months making/painting weapon from scratch down to finest detail ( beading and learning tsuka-maki)
>weeks away from con, and is missing major details of costume, prosthesis, wig, accessories.
>" B-but I don't care about it being accurate!"

>> No.8188051

This is my girlfriend. She has serious self-confidence issues, but still "loves" cosplays. She's always telling me she doesn't feel pretty at all, and denies compliments from almost anybody. She always says "I should just quit cosplaying" and is always self conscience about what other people at cons and etc. think about her, and I admit that I can't completely understand where she's coming from since I'm a filthy casual cosplayer, but do people really give that much of a shit if you're a random cosplayer and not cos-famous? She literally thinks that everybody in the freaking state will dislike her if just one person doesn't even acknowledge her.

>> No.8188062

I hate those passive agressive assholes when it comes to school. If you're happy with you're life now, then that's all good. You're a good person anon. Going to university isn't going to make you a better or worse person than you are now. Keep on doing what you're doing. And good luck

>> No.8188091

I hate that someone trying to pass a bad cosplay as good cosplay, like she didn't even use any makeup, and somehow trying to preach a make-up artist on how to do make up

>> No.8188120

Ugh this relates to a situation I'm in. A friend of mine thinks makeup is really stupid and forbids to even put on lip balm when her lips are really chapped. Her face has a ton of pimples and it looks really gross and advised her to go see a skin care to avoid any future issues. She says no and thinks just because she's not girly and looks like a dude, she doesn't need to wear makeup. Her face looks like she just woke up and didn't wash her face.

>> No.8188232

>Dated best friend in highschool (that I was friends with in elemantary school and middle school) for over a year
>Still best friends now and closer than we were before because we know eachother so well
>Go on double dates with our current partners now because we all used to hang out as friends anyways

Just because you had shitty exes doesn't mean everyone else did.

>> No.8188387

Agreed. All that fuss when the cosplayers are just trying to portray the character better. People don't get angry at black people for putting white geisha makeup on or for putting red paint all over themselves. There's just too many double standards.

>> No.8188404

it's not about having shitty exes, it's about making your current bf/gf uncomfortable with being so close to your ex

>> No.8188407

and not everyone dates within their friend circle to be comfortable with it either
especially because most people don't want to shit where they eat

>> No.8189618

I just recently figured out what a difference Carmax makes. The winter was actually good for something after all.

>> No.8192438


>> No.8192935

Why do people have that one friend/one roommate that runs a con by either getting so wasted that they wreak your shit or inviting questionable people while you are gone and they steal your shit?

I went to the hospital one time and couldn't make a con so I refunded money to my roommates AND found them a person. Lo and behold the person that I roomed them up with not only stiffed them of money but ended up being a total asshole. It's like I can't trust anyone.

>> No.8193036

I don't get it?

>> No.8193048


I'm in that boat. 18th century stays here. Hand-sewn bias tape around EVERYTHING including switchback corners on the tabs. Especially the corners on the tabs. No hope of machine sewing because the needle will run into steel bones.

>> No.8193051

So sick of hearing fat girls continue to whine and moan that their new expensive dresses don't fit right (and seeing them look like a stuffed sausage in dress after dress, month after month) but they will not drop the dime it takes to join the gym. No, Hun...I'm not jelly of your dresses, I just want you to hush about your unmanaged weight issues. We can never hear about 'new dress' without also hearing your 'so fat' sad song. It's getting old.

>> No.8193810

>Birthday was on the day of a convention and senior prom.
>All my friends were dating at the time but me.
>No one asked me to prom.
>Didn't want to be that one person who showed up without a date.
>Decides to attend the convention because I never liked dances anyway and prom was expensive. (Like if I remember, $100.00 a ticket)
>Asked a friend who also wasn't going if she would want to attend the convention with me to celebrate my birthday at the con and hang out.
>Both of us had cosplays from the same series and I thought it would be fun wearing them together.
>Says sure cause she has nothing better to do.
>Another friend of mine unexpectedly decided to not go to prom because her boyfriend cheated on her. So she was able to attend the con with me.
>Waited hours for my first friend to pick up her phone. Decided to just drop it and have fun with my other friend.
>Finds out that the friend I asked first to attend the con with me "forgot" about my invite and spent the day hanging out with another friend to play video games. Facebook, a job well done.
>Other friends find out about this and they didn't talk to her for at least a week. They knew she kinda ruined my birthday so we all went out for a fancy late birthday lunch and dinner, and didn't invite her. It's probably one of the greatest nights of my life and I totally forgot about her all day.

>> No.8194120

Ugh I know someone just like this and they shit talk about so many people yet their own shit is falling apart on the con floor.

>> No.8196249
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I really just want female friends in my area.. I'm a Leo but still kind of shy. I like sweets, cosplay, and I'm a gothic lolita... but don't get me wrong, I love girly things. I constantly browse Craigslist's 'Strictly Platonic' section but I'm always too shy. Fuck, I'm so disappointed in myself. I'm not even socially awkward. I have lots of male friends but whenever it comes to girls I get so nervous or I feel like I never know exactly how to interact.. Ever since I got to uni I feel I've lost all sense of connection with the same gender. I just want to be friends with cute girls, take them to shows, dress them in lolita and fairy kei, watch animus/dramus with them, and feed them sweets. We could do couple cosplays together, go to movies, play video games, take selfies. Everything. I'm really good at painting nails and baking. I just, I can't even imagine where to begin, I'm so shy.

>> No.8197231

That sounds like my friend's ex gf. She ditched him on his birthday to go play video games with her mistress. She lied to his face and her mistress posted the pics on FB.

>> No.8197236

Don't feel bad anon. I'm sure you'll find some female friends to hang with. :')

>> No.8197302

Better then me. I'm so busy between work and school I literally have no friends anymore. I also really suck with making more then surface level relationships with people. But just to throw it out there. You sound like you want a doll to take care of. I'm really not trying to be insulting but you have to temper your expectations of relationships.

>> No.8198099

Where you based?