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File: 68 KB, 1594x600, chronicles of demgard 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8170911 No.8170911 [Reply] [Original]

LARP thread, unashamed advertisement edition.
previous one autosaged as usual.

and here is the advertisement part, international game in Hungary at July 10-12

if you guys have other international games that you know and worth to mention feel free to mention it.

>> No.8170990

>consumption of alcohol or similar substances during or just before game time is disallowed.

What...what is this heresy?

>> No.8170997
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Fuck yeah Imagination

>> No.8171025
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the best kind of heresy

>> No.8171048

I don't mind no drinking on a one day event, but over a weekend. Damn, part of the fun is drinking around the campfire with friends. Staying up till 5am drinking, sleeping for 3 hours. Getting up, having breakfast, donning armour for a nice mornings battle.
Suprisingly, doing that cures hangovers no problem. Hell I get worse hangovers at normal partys where I drink less and sleep more.
Must be the outdoors.

>> No.8171053
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Hexen larp?

>> No.8171072

well, you can drink. After the larp. During the larp it's not allowed. Of course people will do it but as long as they do it in a manageable manner we let it slide.
And if you cannot enjoy yourself without drinking then the game is probably not for you

>> No.8171075
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nah, the guy was just a chaos worshipper

>> No.8171078

Minors, terrain, fighting, liability or any random combination of these.

>> No.8171082

>tfw you will never bein a party of Baratus, Deadolon and Parias

>> No.8171125

Not for me due to distance. I think im used to weekend events where the evening is time for drink and song. It's still timein, but no "official" combat is going on/planned.

>> No.8171158

well our game is smaller and there are more backstabbing during the night. And other kind of shenanigans

>> No.8171390

damn dickass rogues

>> No.8171413

OoooOOOOo my favorite kind

>> No.8171568
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>tfw wearing a solid brass Breastplate, Brass splint arms and Brass greaves over golden canvas shirt and pants with gold buttons and a gold cloak with an obnoxiously large gold chain

>> No.8171616


>> No.8171655

I imagine that this is one of those rules that exemplifies the use of willful ignorance.

>> No.8172037

It's completely intentional. I can say from experience that a SHITTON of hungarians simply can't hold their drink, but totally think they can because alcoholism is one of our national hobbies - therefore the rule, otherwise we'll be tripping over drunk people every second step. This sounds like a slippery slope defense in a similar fashion as when the US larp organizers say that using non-dickswords will injure everyone's eyes forever, but this drunk-problem is something I've personally experienced multiple times. The saturday-night period aftet the game closes is there for jolly drinking, but if someone can't go 36 hours without getting visibly inebriated (the criteria for us to actually give a damn about them drinking) I'm not sure I want to organize a larp for them.

>> No.8172142

what if you are a safer fighter when drunk?

>> No.8172146

You aren't. Even if you were, how would you stop yourself making non-fighting related idiotic decisions while drunk?

>> No.8172157

No, I am.
Im too timid to swing properly when im not and end up getting my sword in all the wrong places with little flicky attacks

>> No.8172164

A lot of games have this rule, especially games with minors. I get the appeal of boozing it up at games, but nobody is a good/safe fighter while drunk, no matter how much they think they are, and especially in America it's a lawsuit waiting to happen, or at least a bunch of boozed up teenagers flipping their shit.

On a more whiny, selfish note, as a person who doesn't drink it's really annoying to be around a lot of drunk people especially when I'm trying to roleplay.

Plus you get rolled in the middle of the night by monsters while you're too blurry to get your sword.

I love roleplaying drinking/getting drunk though. My knight brings a huge collection of fancily shaped bottles and fills them with energy drinks and gatorade and things, and it makes for great late night play.

>knight hands me a huge bottle shaped like a trout
>chug bottle while everyone around me chants "KISS THE FISH! KISS THE FISH!"
>Fake choke and start coughing
>Knight pounds me on the back and gives me the nod of approval

>> No.8172169

Fake-drunken mercenary crowd represent. Fun times were had with that indeed.

>tfw we managed to breach a barricade built against a later siege just because we were promised free drinks by the people inside who forgot about the barricade

>> No.8172177

then you are a shit fighter. Because you are only safer fighter if you are drunk if being drunk means you are sleeping in your vomit on the floor. Then the only danger you have is someone tripping over you

>> No.8172187

Garb update: Everything is done other than embroidery. I thought I had another hank of maroon embroidery floss, I was wrong. Embroidering words in cursive backwards is surprisingly hard.

Representing! It's a lot of fun to pretend to be a drunk asshole, without actually being a drunk (though maybe an asshole).
Plus characters love revealing deep dark secrets while they're drunk.
My spider character just gets alternating currents bitterness and ridiculous bravery. Also backtalks her knight, who is usually drunk enough by then that he thinks it's funny rather than kicking her ass.

>someone slips in the vomit, trips over the drunk guy, cracks their head on a tent pole and falls into the fire. They later die from the headwound and the burns. Drunk guy never forgives himself.
>Drunk LARP: Not even once

>> No.8172195

>>someone slips in the vomit, trips over the drunk guy, cracks their head on a tent pole and falls into the fire. They later die from the headwound and the burns. Drunk guy never forgives himself.
>>Drunk LARP: Not even once
well, still better than if he is actively go out to fuck up stuff.
I've seen way too many idiots doing even more retarded things than they usually do if they get drunk.
Like challanging others to a headbutt contest, or just start fighting drunk or accidentally hurt themselves one way or another

>> No.8172365
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ouuuh i have some pictures from that historical larp i went saturday.

First our table.

Like i said we ate like porks

>> No.8172369
File: 521 KB, 1424x2144, 16148579084_27d94a4ecf_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat new beard.

>> No.8172376
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with my ingame sister in law.

Player is a great person but ingame she's terribly detestable.

You know...a small nobility daugther with a huge sense of entitlement huhu

>> No.8172381

Those chairs don't look very historical to me.
Nice beard though, you should keep it.

>> No.8172398
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well it was in a reception place, normaly for mariages and such. the place looked pretty gud. it's an old brewery back in da days of new france repurposed as a reception place.

>Nice beard though, you should keep it.
i will, i really prefer it. it's the ex that kept telling me to shave.

I remember the first time i kissed someone with this new beard i was like...why the fuck is her lips so weird feeling... then i realised it was my beard.

on the pic: Other mens of the wolfe/Voulray family

>> No.8172435

The troubadours were actually pretty good.
no fucking flutes so its a plus.

They played one of the best version of ''Quand je bois du vin clairet'' i've heard and they ''medievalised'' it to sound more 12th century.
(it's and old french drinking song from the 16th century that i kinda like)

They also started playing 10 seconds of The rains of castamere just for the lulz of playing this in a banquet in a larp where death is permanent.

>> No.8172439
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forgot pic like a big newb

>> No.8172442

they look like they're all having simultaneous orgasms

>> No.8172448

Is that guy on the right playing guitar? Seriously?

>> No.8172451
File: 514 KB, 2144x1424, 16148602144_f239bbc6af_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasnt one of the troubadour.it's one of the players who jumped in for one song.

>> No.8172699

>no fucking flutes so its a plus.
what about the regular ones?

>> No.8172711

what do you mean?

>> No.8172729

the regular flutes, opposed to the fucking flutes

>> No.8173040


Not gonna lie. You went from detestable hobo to respectable, there.

>> No.8173049

with a thousand yards stare.

>> No.8173091
File: 391 KB, 619x822, Tumtusufucu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moral of the story, if you can grow a beard, let it grow....let it grooooow.
i'm one with my hairy face
let it grooow , let it grow
you'll never see me shave!


>> No.8174901
File: 378 KB, 854x585, tumblr_nbt52eoCWH1scyrtto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dyed some linen with Rit dye. doing another batch tomorrow. any cool tips or tricks?

>> No.8175095
File: 29 KB, 500x395, Fuck_Cat_Jar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when god-awful "Utilikilts" at a LARP.

>> No.8175222

>Rit dye
Be warned, regardless of the fabric, it will fade out with repeated washings. My white pants that I dyed black are now swiftly becoming white again after two years of heavy use.

Splatter the fabric with a darker dye for some entertaining splotches, or to age the fabric.

Sprinkling thick salt on the fabric while the dye is setting can leech the dye out of those parts, leaving interesting mottled patterns, but doesn't always work.

Post pics of fabric so I can ogle them.

If you ever want to try natural dyes, I swear by beet, onion skin, and tea dyes. They smell great and the color is beautifully rustic.

>> No.8175229 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8175262
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New 'gambeson' is finished, after a million yards of bias tape. I wasn't intending it to be so... Assassin's Creed, but I have no real complaints. The holes in the back are large enough for my back legs. It's pre-quilted poly stuff with a cotton flannel hood, but I'm only going to be wearing it when it gets freezing cold so it should work out well. Needs more mud.

Ohh... I hate those.
They haven't been officially banned at my game, but they've been socially banned after some numbskulls decided to wear them without underwear to be 'more authentic.'
Then they got promptly knocked down the hillside, cold dicks flopping in the air.
The girls still laugh about it, and I haven't seen a utilikilt there since.
Vampire players love to wear them, though...

>> No.8175291

> kilts without underwear
> people not completely clothed on larps

Oh boy, how much I love to chase them into waist-deep nettle, or when they are on the other end of the chasing game, lure them there.

>> No.8175368


I'd give him a pass for playing a 12 string.
Also because period string instruments are overpriced as fuck.

>> No.8175392

>repeated washings
what is this heresy?

>> No.8175418
File: 47 KB, 720x477, 312312_463917803662247_331614953_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laughed so hard i woke up the roomate's cat.

I remember when my dog used to fart so hard it woke him hum growling after his own fart noises.

>> No.8175431

>those two poofters on the left ruining the immersion with their homoerotic haircuts and piercings

>> No.8175468

piercings aside, do you otherwise insist upon bowl cuts?

>> No.8175500

i know...i'm so godamn tired of the viking fad.

>> No.8175636

then again, you don't have asshole viking reenactors in your country. Or at least not as much as we have and not as big assholes

>> No.8175654

funny you say that, we do.

And they are convinced they are DA shit.
they invent themselves scandinaviant heritage and are basically just small dicked neo-nazis

i can assure you they are big assholes

>> No.8175661

I never got this MUH HERITAGE bullshit that seems so prevalent in North America. It's like people think having European ancestry (like everyone else) makes you any different from the people socialised in the same environment as you were.

>> No.8175662

ours think that larping is the worst thing ever and they are convinced that larping is the thing that RUINS reenactment.
Also everything that isn't portrays vikings as they believes. Which isn't always in agreement with the rest of the reenctors from around the world.
Also they went out to a local anime con to show those "little dicks" what is to be a REAL viking and stuff like that.

>> No.8175671
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''Foam is gay!''

Then they proceed to grapple themselves and pat themselves on the back, calling themselves bro and getting real mad if someone mention homoerotism.

>Also they went out to a local anime con to show those "little dicks" what is to be a REAL viking and stuff like that.
damn, are they all the same in every contry?

i know, but the truth in quebec for most of the people here is = ''Yeah my ancestor decided to fuck a indian so here i am''
''Yeah so new-france was a big sausage party so the king sent orphan woman to be maried to colons, so here i am''
or (but more rare)
''Yeah my ancestor was small nobility and was sent in new france. he had some babies here and died in his old days in the antilles because fuck the cold, nobody sane would live in colonial era america''

(i'm the third one huhu, pic related , my ancestor who already had my familly's big nose)

And along the way we all have irish ...especially during st-patrick for some strange reason...

>> No.8175674

>damn, are they all the same in every contry?
does the guys there also have the tendency if they see any kind of woman that is marginally accaptable to immidiatley and loudly comment on how many times, in what manner would they fuck her and stuff like that and if you don't do this you are obviously gay.

Also they main argument with everything is that "I fight for REAL with STEEL weapons and FULL FORCE" then you see that their "real" fighting doesn't include a lot of stuff because of reasons, like stabbing.
Also if you disagree with them their first course of action is question if you are actually a REENACTOR or not, and if you FIGHT FOR REAL or not and of course they will imply that they can kick the shit out of you whenever want it, and they actually pretty much want it right now

>> No.8175752

Oh god you reminded me of that one amtgard Portal presentation

>> No.8175755

well, at least the viking guys actually use steel weapons. But on the other hand stabbing and such are not allowed because of safety reasons, which is understandable to some degree, but there are a fuckton of people out there who do authentinc fencing and they stab. And these viking guys try to shit on them too.

>> No.8175939
File: 105 KB, 960x636, 18280_597438933726281_6308545327476783854_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the theme of unashamed advertisement, it has just been announced that the 2016 national event for Alliance will be held in Seattle (further details at a later date). I know it's a long way off, but I know my fiance and I will be going along with a lot of our better players.

Pic is a squire belt one of our players just had made.

I think, in the US, it's because we have so many people who have actual heritage and cultural backgrounds, so white people jump on it with 'muh 2/12ths Cherokee' instead of just admitting we're all kinda mish mashes of Euro trash. Also in some cases (like Frenadian's) there actually is some interesting history connected to your family line.

I'm a Euro mutt with a nice handful of Chinese from the black sheep line of the Spencer family (my side of the family had a habit of eloping with people beneath their station over and over and over).

>> No.8175957

>2016 national event for Alliance
Do you have a link? I might (MIGHT) come

>> No.8175965

I think he's right. Take me for example, my 5x great aunt was married to King Henry III, and my bloodline is still 100% nobility.

>> No.8175989
File: 74 KB, 913x660, Dagorhir_Missouri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MOfag here.

Any of you ever been to this "Gates of Summer" thing in Missouri?

I know Columbia has a big Dagorhir event in the summer, but I want to go to other gigs in Missouri.

>> No.8176000

Eh, i Havent But dominion has alot of cool guys, Ive camped with many of their guys. If Odd is putting the event on it should be pretty solid.

On a side note, maybe ill see you at rag.

>> No.8176028

Literally no info yet, they've only announced that it will be held in Seattle.

If I had to guess, it'll probably be in the fall (when it cools down a bit but isn't raining), but that's pure guesswork. I'll post the link in the thread when there's more info.

>> No.8176211

>Vampire players love to wear them
I also hear that vampire players permanently stink of discount hot pockets and unironically wear tripp pants, so there you go.

I haven't really been able to figure out why I don't like Vikings, but this sums it up. I REALLY hate when certain groups of warrior/soldiers/dudes with weapons get the fuck romanticized out of them. I hate the Spartan fad, I'm sick to shit of Vikings, I don't even want to think about Samurai, and I'm even starting to get fed up with how everyone on /tg/ thinks that the Landskecht were battlefield gods.

It's because everyone over here is so whitebread that most everyone feels like their special snowflake-ness isn't being expressed unless they can name the five hundred different petty nobles that inbred to get to their white asses. It's okay to be proud of your heritage, but jesus fuck do people over here love to announce just what fraction of white makes up their boring family line. There's this inevitable point in just about every conversation where people start rattling this shit off and my only response is to tune out.

>"I fight for REAL with STEEL weapons and FULL FORCE"
Kek. You'll notice that the guys who rattle this kind of shit off also believe that any sword with a blade less than two inches across is 'for pussies'
Yeah enjoy all that masculine bravado when i'm stabbing you from three feet away, jackass.

>> No.8176246

they also think that buhurts are THE thing because... I don't know.
When in reality buhurts are pretty much just armored wrestling with a few slabs of metal here and there for an excuse

>> No.8176251

>and I'm even starting to get fed up with how everyone on /tg/ thinks that the Landskecht were battlefield gods.
wait, people think that?
I mean I'm all for landsknechts and even in a landsknecht reenactor group and everything but... let's face it, they did a few awesome things early and then they basically rode that fame to the end, and fighting as little as they could.

>> No.8176321

If you watch HMB/Buhurt matches it really resembles videos of Alliance LAARP battles; a lot of guys running circles around each other with facsimiles of weapons and a cut being thrown maybe every thirty seconds before it all just degenerates into a melee.

It's not the majority view, but there's a surprisingly large amount of people on /tg/ who can't play in a fantasy setting without making a rip-off doppelsoldner, right down to the zweihander and slashed sleeves.

>> No.8176334

but the two handed sword wasn't even the main weapon of the doppelsoldners.

But to be honest it happens with everything remotely cool....

>> No.8176338

Yep. It's why do all my military fetishizing with things that no one will ever find cool, like Rodeleros and Dutch people.

>> No.8176358

I rather just use the method of being actually cool

>> No.8176480
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>> No.8176823
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does anyone have the image of the well done latex dick sword

>> No.8177071


>That site

Ah, how I miss MS' Frontpage

>> No.8177075

>starting to get fed up with how everyone on /tg/ thinks that the Landskecht were battlefield gods.

Landsknecht HBO series when?

>> No.8177089

Suddenly I understand the Norf

I'm still experiencing remorse over my younger, unmedicated, pre-CBT self making this a habit, which I still let slip occasionally. I do have links to Irish Nobility, which I suppose is like taking pride in being the wealthiest person in Somalia. 7/8's Irish, hint of Spain makes me almost pure catholic except for a corrupting hint of England.

Slavs and England for me. (Come to think of it I'm a bit tsundere when it comes to England)

Oh god. I can just imagine the Sacking of Rome being ludicrously overblown for the sake of grimderp.

Anywho, making myself a simple shirt. I really needed to stop needlessly challenging myself by doing the hard stuff first. It's akin to taking out a mugger by punching him in the knife.

>> No.8177134


Was there a specific name for the gunners that came out of the Dutch empire? Or any of the Dutch troops for that matter.

>> No.8177165
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>> No.8177166
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>Oh god. I can just imagine the Sacking of Rome being ludicrously overblown for the sake of grimderp.
I would totally watch it. And rage silently in my room, maybe on the internet too

>> No.8177169

was that article written after the problems with the Empire site when people on the local village didn't wanted all the money that the event brought because it was too noisy and shit like that?

>> No.8177228

Yeah, definitely spurred on by the problems Empire (PD) is facing.

>> No.8177236

I know that the rare high-quality LARPs in the US keep a low profile, and that if you spend enough time at a higher entry mainstream game you may get invited to one. But if you accidentally end up in a shitty LARP, are your chances fucked?

>> No.8177238

... why would it be?

>> No.8177240

If you find yourself in a shitty LARP, what should you avoid doing when you quit? Is informing people online that that specific larp is shitty (rather than just telling people what problems to avoid and that they can do better) crossing a line? Obviously directly trying to ruin their larp in any way is shitty.

>> No.8177244

> Is informing people online that that specific larp is shitty (rather than just telling people what problems to avoid and that they can do better)

Most people (especially the organizers of said game) won't know the difference between those two - you are telling them that their masterpiece is not perfect, therefore you are attacking their person and you are the worst thing humanity has to offer, you are the lovechild of Hitler and Stalin in larp. Basically the only thing you need to avoid is doing things which make you lose the moral high ground in the eyes of the public.

>> No.8177247

>what should you avoid doing when you quit?
don't shit in their firepit, or piss in their flasks.
Theoretically thee could be exceptions from these rules but still...

>Is informing people online that that specific larp is shitty (rather than just telling people what problems to avoid and that they can do better) crossing a line?
You can always tell that something is shit BUT if someone asks you must always have to tell WHY it is shitty, and "because I don't like it" is not a valid option. get some factual stuff in there.
Although contrary to popular opinions you don't need to provide a solution for the problems.

Then again telling that something is not good can make you unpopular, so it all depends on the other guys.

>> No.8177253

>Then again telling that something is not good can make you unpopular, so it all depends on the other guys.

So if you tell them their larp isn't good and why, it can fuck up your own chances of enjoying the hobby by giving you a bad reputation, even in decent larps. Thus, nobody dares criticize bad larps so they never go away.

It seems to me that the best thing to do is to quietly ruin their fun by, for example, getting whoever's in charge of the place they larp in to kick them out or something. One less bad larp.

>> No.8177256

kind of right but not precisely. While your reputation can indeed be bad in some circles not everyone thinking in the same way, bad reputation is relative. But this is a very complex subject, with tons of different variables.

Also there is the way of not giving a fuck about reputation and say what is in your mind

>> No.8177259

Usually decent larp organizers are aware of the wider community in general, so they will usually know that a specific larp is shit and they are defaming you for acknowledging that fact. Using underhanded methods like you described can get you a worse reputation with other organizers (who might be open for discussion), as they will see that if you have some problems, you will harm the game instead of discussing them.

>> No.8177268


No need to point out what is wrong. Organizers tend to take it the wrong way, and even if they take it as helpful, they'll rarely act on it. Those that do act on it, tend to misinterpret your intentions and change the larp in a way you never meant to happen.

Just go the route of the free market, leave the LARP for what it is, and create your own larp with blackjack and hookers.

>> No.8177539
File: 85 KB, 720x960, 11063178_10206535575007587_1477951269_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll have to try the fun stuff once i get the basics down.

turned out lighter than i was hoping but i'm still happy with the results.

I'm just hoping people don't think its a "Link" green.

>> No.8177786

Don't shit in their cereal. If they have a player base that seems to regularly have fun, I would say it's a social dick move (and also very autistic) to go around telling them why they suck, especially if your opinion is subjective.
However, if someone else is looking to LARP and the game you went to is shit, and they're thinking of trying it you can tell them 'I didn't enjoy it when I went because ____"

I'd disagree with Hungarian and say the ONLY exception to this rule is when the game is actively breaking the law.

I think pulling shenanigans like >>8177253 is a terrible idea. The community will find out it was you, eventually, and if you did your example and had them kicked out of the spot they use, that spot may go 'well all LARPs are like that' and never rent out again.

LARP is a free market, if a game is absolutely totally shit, nobody will play it (especially if it costs to play), or so few people will play it that it's not worth your time. If you're talking about little shit like bad garb, set an example and others will follow. It's how we improved our chapter of Alliance enough that I can sit here and talk about this, a couple of regular people stepped up their game and were helpful to newbs, so the newbs stepped up their game, so staff upped their game, and it all went up rapidly.

RIT dye does that... the only ones I've found that do a bright color are the yellow and red dyes. It looks like you used the same green I did on one of my shirts, it's going to fade (when it does) to a mint green with yellow splotches.

I'd personally go over that with a light yellow/brown (like an onion skin dye) just to make it seem a little more natural or beat up. From your pic you may get more comments of hospital scrubs than Link.

>> No.8177799
File: 23 KB, 350x232, asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd disagree with Hungarian and say the ONLY exception to this rule is when the game is actively breaking the law.
well, I never hid the fact that I'm an asshole. Or that I'm not the most liked person in Hungary

And while I agree that it doesn't matter how others have fun as long as they do it between themselves the problem is that's never the case. They will try to recruit people and more often than not they will act like their larp is the best thing ever.
Maybe it's just me encountering too many retards. Maybe I'm just autistic.

>> No.8177856
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But at least your're a lovable asshole?

That is the risk, of course- someone who wants to LARP will be pulled in by a crap LARP who will claim they are the best out there, but I had that experience with D&D, and I knew, even though the games I played in were shit, that clearly there were better things that could be done with this. The internet is out there, and if someone really wants to find LARPs, they will find them.

I would argue that a way the anon could try to help the game improve would be to take the owner/main staff person aside and go "I'm an experienced LARPer and I'd like to see this place succeed, here's some suggestions."

If it's the kind of LARP where you can't offer suggestions to staff privately, then it's not worth your time.

>Maybe it's just me encountering too many retards.
Either they'll find a good game eventually and stop being retarded, they'll stop playing LARPs altogether, or they'll keep playing the shit LARP in which case they have no taste and you probably never wanted them anyway.

>Maybe I'm just autistic.
I was only pretending to be autistic.

>> No.8177867

>"I'm an experienced LARPer and I'd like to see this place succeed, here's some suggestions."

Been there, done that, several times for several different shit larps. Those who do want to make their stuff better will seek you out even if you don't take them aside. Those who are in for their egos, will usually respond with something along the lines of "Yes, but I AM the organizer here while YOU are just a player" or "You can criticise us when you've done as much as I did. You have? Well that obviously doesn't count, it wasn't a real larp, only ours is." (all three of the cases described above actually happened)

>> No.8177873
File: 115 KB, 652x960, tumblr_nayqdhM68t1scyrtto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scrubs are a bit better than Link.

natural dyes are looking like the way to go.

got any good tutorials on doing natural dying? or is that easy enough to find?

>> No.8177875

haven't you seen the wild hunt

>> No.8177888

>But at least your're a lovable asshole?
can't confirm nor deny it

>, even though the games I played in were shit, that clearly there were better things that could be done with this. The internet is out there, and if someone really wants to find LARPs, they will find them.
That's totally not the case here. And I speak from experience. In the first few years of my larping I doesn't even thought that there are other larps out there
And every year we encounter people who think that the local boffertag game is THE larp (which doesn't have any roleplaying element) and they think larping is dead in hungary. Which isn't the case but you would have to use more than one brain cell for a ten second tops.

> "I'm an experienced LARPer and I'd like to see this place succeed, here's some suggestions."
pic related.
That's so not gonna help I doesn't even know where to start, but AHLF kinda summed it up

>If it's the kind of LARP where you can't offer suggestions to staff privately, then it's not worth your time.
if you cannot offer suggestions then I think it's pretty much something that nobody would really miss

>Either they'll find a good game eventually and stop being retarded, they'll stop playing LARPs altogether, or they'll keep playing the shit LARP in which case they have no taste and you probably never wanted them anyway.
and in the meantime poison the community. That's an important part, don't forget it.
But to give you an example that you maybe understand better: Joseph Valenti

>> No.8177910
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ehh forgot the reactionimage.
nevermind, here is something more interesting

>> No.8177916

Some people are shitty and get weirdly defensive about stuff, nothing you can do there, I'd say cut your loses, leave, and don't recommend it to friends, just don't pull a ridiculous 1980's movie revenge plan or be an asshole about it.

It's a bad situation, there's no denying that, but I think autisticly telling them that it's a shit game on their facebook page, or coming up with a scheme to get them kicked out of their spot isn't the right way to do it. Both of those make you the asshole in the situation and novice players don't want to play with assholes (eventually they learn to embrace it, though). I think the best way to handle it is to do outreach, tell people which games are good, make it more public, that kind of thing. You may never rescue everyone from "Carl's Basement Vampire LARP Unless His Mom Is Being A Bitch In Which Case It'll Be At The Park" but making it easier to find better games is more important than shitting on bad games. Facebook, at least here, has been very helpful. We have a Facebook group where all the LARPs in the area can post with their dates, for example. If you search 'LARP' along with the local area, it's the first place that comes up. I can't speak to Europeans, but at least here we're so covered in social media that it's pretty easy.

>> No.8177918

Oh shit! The NERO/Alliance schism! Before my time, sadly. I hear it was horrible and drama-filled. It no longer effects regular players, as far as I know. Barely anyone even knows what NERO was anymore.

Alright, so, this is just the way I've always done it, I have no idea if there is a better way I've been missing.
>Pre-wash your fabric
>Get a huge pot on the stove full of water, as many onion skins (yellow makes a yellow/brown, red makes a pink), and/or beets (beets also make a pink) as you can get (you're going to need a lot), a buttload of black teabags
>Add a cup or so of salt and a cup or so of vinegar. This (I believe) helps the dye stick and brightens the color.
>Obviously the more stuff you have in there, the darker it will be. Do some test swatches if you're concerned.
>Bring your witches brew to a boil
>Let it steep until there is nothing to more steep
>You can choose to strain all the shit out or leave it in, if you leave all your skins and bags in your fabric will become blotchy but in interesting ways.
>Toss your fabric into the still hot pot (assuming it's not going to shrink)
>Let it steep, stirring occasionally until the water has cooled. Leave it in there as long as you like after that.
>Pull your fabric from that, don't rinse it, let it dry
>Then wash it, gently.

>> No.8177920

I was agreeing with you about the revenge schemes in the first place, though.

>> No.8177923

Don't worry, I know. I don't think anyone agreed with the anon's revenge scheme, I'm just using it as an example.

>> No.8177931
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>>Get a huge pot on the stove full of water, as many onion skins (yellow makes a yellow/brown, red makes a pink), and/or beets (beets also make a pink) as you can get (you're going to need a lot), a buttload of black teabags

>> No.8177934
File: 866 KB, 960x720, 1372386282995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a bad situation, there's no denying that, but I think autisticly telling them that it's a shit game on their facebook page, or coming up with a scheme to get them kicked out of their spot isn't the right way to do it.
I agree with that but as I said there are always exceptions.
I mean first of all you have to be civil. Try to explain the problem. If they don't listen? try to explain it again with different methods. Do this as long as you care. When the fucks run out you can either leave them alone or prove the point.
I like to prove the point.

And while facebook is indeed a big help to spread the good things, the internet on it's own is very democratic. It makes bad things spread equally easy and fast

>> No.8177937

That's a fantastic reference photo.

I specifically cite onion skins and beets because they are the two I've had the most success with, and the least likely to fuck up. Coffee dyes never seem to stick for me, they always wash out right away. Cabbage dyes work well, but are never as dark as I want them to be. I think the yellow there is turmeric, which is a lovely color but since it's a spice it gets expensive quickly. Try to get it by the pound from an ethic grocery store if you want to try it.
Spinach will always be mottled.

>> No.8177939

you can find more stuff here

>> No.8177940

>dat polkadot shield
I can't stop laughing at it. Probably an effective move if you polkadot heraldry makes the enemy laugh so hard they can't fight.

I think in the long run, we're all in violent agreement here, just with slightly different viewpoints.
>LARP Thread: Where you all have about the same opinion, but you argue about it anyway.

>> No.8177943

people can argue the most when they agree on nearly anything except in some minor detail.
Anyway that's the /tg/ way

>> No.8178016
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>> No.8178033
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>> No.8178040

Where is the elusive Gropalope? Did he fall off the earth again?

>> No.8178204
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thanks for all the help!

once more of these things become in season and less expensive i'll have to give natural dyeing a try.

>> No.8178267

You mean Gropey? I heard he lost his job.

>> No.8178384
File: 37 KB, 526x328, goedendr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't be a shitlord and make friends with the people who look like the people who know what they're doing.

leave and don't do anything involving them afterwards. If you're not bitter then you have no further reason to interact with them.

>specific name for the gunners that came out of the Dutch empire

Aside from just translating the related German terms for gunner/pikeman/halberdier/sword-and-buckler man, I can't really help you. I can tell you that pike-and-shot forces around the time of William of orange were pretty damn similar to German soldiers of the same period, just poorer and with a lot more orange on their uniforms. Due to their lengthy conflict with Spain, they also nabbed some stylistic trappings from the Iberian peninsula, notably La Verdadera Destreza. If you want specifics, I would recommend looking into anything you can get your hands on about Flemish troops or non-Lansknecht German mercs. Expect a lot of orange and tan.
On the more ancient side of things, the Batavian tribes were employed pretty heavily as auxila by the romans and had a reputation for swimming across rivers in formation (and in full armor, nontheless).

Pic related, it's the only thing aside from the Pappenheimer hilt that we Dutchmen have as a national weapon. It's a spike on top of a pruned tree limb that may be used as a club, spear and peasant staff. Evidently it did nasty things to armored Spaniards.

>> No.8178652

>that spot may go 'well all LARPs are like that' and never rent out again.

That's gotten me thinking - how common are places that don't tolerate LARPs - and how often is it because of past experiences, and how often is it because of what they've seen and heard about larping in the media, and how often is it just becauseof personal orreligious reasons etc.?

>> No.8178731

We have a couple campsites here that either don't do business with LARPs at all or require their entire fee up front.
Every time it's been because either a LARP stiffed them on the rental, or they severely damaged the place.
It really sucks. I wish we knew which groups pulled that shit so we can blacklist them forever.

>> No.8178802


Could be worse. I made a green tunic with a green pointed cap and was called Peter Pan instead.

>> No.8178871



How I wish I could find a LARP version of that thing. Go and stab Frenchies like a boss.

>> No.8178874


Hold up there, sonny Jim, I just read the rest, and that thing belongs to the Flemish, iirc.

Now, given, Belgium proper did not exist at the time of its use, but were those things ever used north of the Scheldt?

>> No.8178961

> no one will ever find cool, like Rodeleros
We actually plan to make a small squad of their German equivalents (fucktons of steel targets in the Landeszeughaus) for the most capable guys in our group... it will be a beautiful thing. 1/3 or 1/2 black&white armour, targets and both straight and curved dussacks.

>> No.8179794
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Tomorrow will be the first test of the viability of using airsoft weapons as cannons

>> No.8179990
File: 1.05 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 or 3 weeks ago I posted a pic of a bag and got feedback on making it more fantasy.
Here's how it came out, only thing I didn't do was add tassels. Because I don't like tassels.

>> No.8180118

I remember you! That turned out pretty well. My only suggestion for next time would be to match your metallics or secondary color- making the trim gold when the metal fixings are silver makes it lack cohesion. A black trim to match the belt would also have worked.

But that's all nitpick, good job!

>> No.8180174

Thanks, it was kind of a mix of what was on hand (the baldric(?) and rivets) and what would looking kind of pretentious (the gold trim and toggle)
If I would to do it again I would definitley put more considerations to all the colours

>> No.8180360

more or less. There are some plates from the 80 years war that show them in use in pike blocks, where they were probably used to stop horses from flopping onto people. I that light, they probably ended up finding their way into most poorer fighting forces, recorded or not. But you're right: they were mostly used by the flemish to put the hurt on French aristos. I just like that the name means 'good day' in Dutch.

Just strip the quillons off of your average American LARP sword an you've got one.

Motherfucker. Dussack is my favorite area of study and the fact that I'm not a part of this makes me very sad.

>> No.8180533

I told you that you can keep it the way it was. Now it's uglier

>> No.8180881
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Hola people.

Do anyone of you have infographic on how to make a 12th century tent ?

>> No.8180969

How big? And does it have reenactor quality or LARP quality?

>> No.8180975

big enough for 2 or 3 people.

Larp quality, but sturdy enough to endure rain and wind if it happens

>> No.8181016

You can't really screw up an A frame tent

The other easy solution is to make a tarp tent.

>> No.8181513

Isn't there this larp set during the Spanish civil war going to happen next year, anyone going?

.... and why it that historical setting isn't used more?

>> No.8181824

because the rest of the world is still going "spain had a civil war?"

>> No.8181834

I'm going "yeah, sitting there with no ammo or food in the mud yelling at the enemies on the next hill sure sounds fun"

>> No.8182619
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I'd larp the war of 1812.

I'd go crash at Gropey's place then i'd burn his house and go back home.

Pic unrelated, not the correct period

>> No.8182630

>tfw live around 1812 sites
>no one know what they are or why it's important

>> No.8182644

>tfw nobody know this flag and the era associated with it

Long story short.
Quebec used to be a ultra religious and ultra anti-comunist nation that still payed taxes to canada but refused to receive any money from it.

It's called today the great darkness.
Duplessis orphans.
the power in the hand of the clergy

There is a reason why almost nobody is religious here.

This is also the reason why it's scary and unbelievable to hear the 'murikan president say stuff like ''God bless the united states''

>> No.8182645
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aaaand forgot the pic

Gotta admit tho....this flag is pretty neat looking.

>> No.8182673

I imagine it must be quite hard to gather enough interested players to larp in anything else than 'generic medieval fantasy setting' (or 'generic post-apoc setting' or 'generic sci-fi setting').

>> No.8182776

Nope, not here anyway. I'd say you need 20 or more players to make LARP, and in my experience the price of the game is usually more offputting than the genre. Facebook is great for this.

Are you referring to something specifically historical, or something specific genre? We have an excellent weekend game here that's Victorian setting (no steampunk at all, thank goodness) WoD set in a specific English town at a specific time period where it's practically reenactment with supernatural monsters. I keep intending to go, but I look silly in dresses.

They just started another one that takes place in an American town during the gold rush.

>> No.8182946

>I look silly in dresses
still not sure if dude or not

>> No.8183268

Don't know if I asked this here before, but why not: I'm considering buying chainmail, but I can't decide between long sleeve and short sleeve. Does anyone have any pro's or cons on either comfort, practicality, or aesthetic to sway me to one side or the other? I don't really care for historical accuracy, so it's just the three points mentioned above.

>> No.8183279

depends on how much you're willing to let your shoulders hurt/how much padding you've got. It also depends on your game's armor system, and whether you're willing to sacrifice comfort for the bonus.

>> No.8183289

Regarding the padding: a cheap gambeson

Regarding the armour system: I'm still looking for a game so I'm not sure yet. If I go for short sleeve I'm making up for it by wearing bracers.

Also, we have this saying which roughly translates to 'larping is suffering', so I'm prepared to bear the heaver load.

>> No.8183297

bracers + short sleeve would probably be more comfortable and most likely give the same or better armor benefit.

>> No.8183299

If I go short sleeve & bracer, would I need a short-sleeved or a long-sleeved gambeson?

>> No.8183304

You probably want forearm protection as well

>> No.8183508

Still a jumping spider hopping from key to key, with a talent for photoshop. Hence why I'd look silly in a dress.

Aesthetically, I think long sleeve looks the sexiest with a nice bright heraldic tabbard over it... but if your gambeson is cheap like you say, you'll probably want to go short sleeve to save your shoulders, plus it'll be lighter. Still get a long sleeved gambeson though, to go under the bracers.

>A few years ago, this new guy comes to game
>He has bought a (probably stolen) long sleeve shirt of chainmaile off of Craigslist or Ebay or something.
>He has no gambeson or even an undershirt, just a black teeshirt because "The chainmail will cover it up."
>Top kek, one of my cabinmates offers him an old gambeson to borrow. It's pretty ratty, but it would have done the job.
>He politely refuses, we let him go on his way
>Next morning, knocking at our door
>It's new guy asking if he can borrow the gambeson
>Ask him what changed his mind
>He lifts up one arm and it's covered in bright red spots
>The maile had ripped all the hair off his arms more neatly than a dozen disgruntled asians with waxing stips ever could.

And then he never made that mistake ever again.

>> No.8183535
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>Still a jumping spider hopping from key to key, with a talent for photoshop. Hence why I'd look silly in a dress.

My little heart just melted again from the idea of this.


- More coverage obviously
- More historical (i know you dont care but still...maybe you will one day and you<ll have it)
- dont need to buy extra armor for your forearms

- Heavier
- probably more costly

-easier to hold a shield straped to your arm
- less costly
- less heavy

- dont cover as much
- dont look as good
- will sell less easily if you want to sell it
- less historical so if you decide to do that one day it kinda suck

>> No.8183851

>baroque LARP
>American town during the gold rush
Why do you people make me want these things. I want to be a smelly fur trapper or a toothless prospector.

IMO short sleeve tend to look better if you're using it under or alongside other armor like pauldrons/leather jerkins or tunics like a lot of people in LARP. Longer hauberks work a lot better when they're the principle armor, like in frenadian's kit.

>> No.8183952
File: 67 KB, 348x432, 2777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My younger sisters birthday is coming up. She loves larping. I would like to make her some larp appropriate clothing so that she can become a "player". Right now she is like the gaming equivalent of an NPC, but she really wants to have her own character - only catch is she needs a full costume for this. She wants to be an "adventurer" from some guild or something.
I have 2-3 meters of a gold polyester silk fabric. Do you have any ideas of what I could make with that?

I have the simplicity 2777 pattern (pic related) and I thought that a blouse from this might be appropriate, made from the aforementioned gold fabric? Although it seems more princess/elf-y than what a hardcore adventurer might wear.
Really I would just like to use up the fabric. If it isn't going to work, I am willing to make anything.

>> No.8184165

I'm with HEMAfag on this; I think that if you're going to be covering it with a surcoat or the like, and especially if you're planning to wear bracers/gauntlets, elbow-length or so is the more aesthetically appealing sleeve length.

>> No.8184166

The pattern itself looks pretty good for larping purposes, although I'd only recommend making larp kit out of polyester fabric for people you really hate.

>> No.8184177

I'm attending my first event this weekend, and I've got a combat question. I'm a two-handed fighter--longsword with some spear on the side--and it looks like the event will have more than a few shield fighters present. Any tips for dealing with them? Head shots aren't allowed.

>> No.8184233


You can get padded bracers same as you can get metal bracers, so your gambeson doesn't -need- to be long sleeved. From an aesthetics point of view, I'd take a short sleeved gambeson.

>> No.8184245

Are they roman style sword & board, long sword + small shield, or phalangites?

>> No.8184250

They are going to turtle you like there's no tomorrow.

Your best bet is getting a shieldbearer to hide behind with your spear.
If you're absolutely alone, you could try fainting high swings. Most people will raise their shield as a reflex, opening up their shins.
Always mind your distance, keep them just at the edge of your reach, run a few steps backward if need be, your reach is all you have. Frustrate them, be patient, force them to open their guard to catch you.

>> No.8184303

Hit them in the forearm when they swing at you. What level of experience are you expecting/what type of event is it?

>> No.8184337

>gold polyester fabric
Just no.
Get some normal cotton, linen and wool in earthy colours and choose any dress from here:
Don't forget a hat and that if you want to run comfortably in a robe/cloak it shouldn't be longer than your knees.

>> No.8184340

>2h vs shield
If you're inexperienced and alone, consider yourself fucked.
Try feinting towards their head and when they lift the shield up, chop their legs.

>> No.8184520

Since a least some of you have done pike drills and such

What sort of resources are available on the drumming and flute playing? Is there any 16th century period-material or is it all slightly later?

>> No.8184528

I've settled on a short-sleeved chain shirt with bracers, will later add a helmet and greaves.

How vital is padding underneath metal greaves and bracers? Also, if it is, do I go for separate padding for the bracers or do I buy a long-sleeved gambeson?

Then one last question as I'm really indecisive on this point: do you prefer brown or black gambesons?

>> No.8184596

>How vital

Not terribly in larp, but it does look off. And it is noticeable.
I personally like the look of seperate padding better. Half a chainmail on a full gambeson looks silly, but that's all personal tastes.

But take my tastes as you will. I'm partial towards undyed gambesons. So that's an off white.

>> No.8184600


when not wearing padding underneath, I mean. But if you're worried about costs, making padding for your greaves is seriously cheap 'n easy.

>> No.8184829
File: 518 KB, 2048x1366, 10380196_1629373710620457_6582233003098536028_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2h vs shield
consider yourself fucked

>when they lift the shield up
experienced combattant will not lift their shield up , they will block with their weapon and use your lack of momentum for a well placed counteratack.

So yeah
2h should be used only if you are heavily armored and if it's a long weapon.

Anything under 4 feet for a 2 hands is totally useless on the battlefield, the only thing worse is using 2 swords.

A flamberge or a zweihander is pretty gud if you know how to use it well

>> No.8184904

Ok I only thought this because in the costume bins at the larp they had some blouses made from the same material. I have spoken to her about it now and she has clarified that she wants a white peasant blouse that has a wide neck.

>> No.8184942

Leg shots. I've noticed that a fair few shield users tend to lead with with one leg, and depending on the size of the shield, this stick out and it unprotected.

>> No.8184993

Go for the legs. If you aren't in a wall, then try to get around them on their shield side (assuming shield punches aren't legal) then they'll have to turn around to swing at you and keep hitting them in the legs. If they lower their shield to defend their legs, beat the hell out of their torso.

>gold polyester silk fabric
Nope. Nope. Nope. As previously said, poly will make you miserable, but even more so gold fabric doesn't feel historically accurate, even for 'fantasy larp.' Typically NPC bins will have everything in them they can get, which doesn't necessarily mean that it's good stuff.

That blouse looks acceptable for fantasy LARP, you should make it out of white or off white cotton. Post pics once it's done!

>> No.8185006

I don't know about others, the tin whistle/fife/flute songbook I have is all cited to 18th century sources. But ofc, I wouldn't expect much earlier from something I bought in Colonial Williamsburg.

>> No.8185105

you can also look at this

>> No.8185318

>I've noticed that a fair few shield users tend to lead with with one leg
if they aren't leading with one leg they're doing it wrong

>> No.8185332

True, I do the same. Meant more having it too far out making the leg a easy target.

>> No.8185413
File: 119 KB, 736x492, 264f2353751a3a4b7ed5a8dd3fdbd560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2h v Shield= fucked. In the event that they charge(which they will) CIRCLE dont back up. always be circling against any opponent, but keep in mind this is much more important for two handers. also, when reaping the legs, make eye contact with them as to not telegraph your move.

If using a spear, get a good shield buddy, and aim 2-3 people down the line, hammer at the front guys to keep them from rushing and to create shots for your shield buddy. make sure to keep your footing and watch out for other polearms.

Also, i really want this mantel

>> No.8185583

Historically speaking you've already hobbled yourself by going single sword vs shield. Even if it's two-handed you're going to have a bad time.
Now it comes down to your balance and how it's going to effect your style. Is the balance point near the guard? Then thrust. Feint, bob the tip of you blade up and down, and keep light on your feet. You'll have range, most likely, so see if you can't make quick cuts from the forearms before and after your thrusts. Try and either make him turtle up and have a friend flank him, or feint for the legs and force his shield down.
If it's a sword with a balance more suitable for cutting, use it like an epee de guerre. Swing hard, swing fast, use your momentum, and never stop moving. If you have range, make sweeping swings from the head or chest level at his legs to see if you can't psyche him out and bring his shield down to protect his lower half, but be careful not to over-commit.
Look into montante or spadone drills and practice keeping the blade in motion. Remember: a single weapon is an enigma in that every attack must also be a defense. Your advantage will be range and reaction time. Theirs will be defense.

In lieu of all that, grab some friend and circle them. Shields are great, but they can only protect one line of attack. You've chosen a difficult fight, but I'm sure you can manage.

>experienced combattant will not lift their shield up
a LOT of people (even in HEMA) can't really distinguish between a buckler and a shield that well, and so they tend to try and actively meet an opponent's weapon instead of just using the shield to control the line.

>> No.8185788

It's a pretty wide variety, not a unified force at all. Larger shields paired with an arming sword seem to be the majority.

I've sparred with one or two of the people in question, and that's been my biggest obstacle, yeah. They've tended to turtle while advancing slowly, forcing me to give up ground. I tend to be pretty impatient myself, so I'll keep that in mind when dealing with them.

I get the impression it's not a very pvp-focused event, just that pvp happens on occasion. So it's not a huge worry, but still something I'd like to be prepared for just in case. Experience level varies pretty widely; one of the guys I sparred with was about at my level, but I've also heard that rookies tend to use shields as a crutch in this particular group, so they may be more susceptible to some of the tricks others outlined.

>heavily armored
I don't quite have the funds to manage it for this event, but that's my eventual plan. And yes, I do stick to larger swords, otherwise I'd absolutely pick up a shield.

>Look into montante or spadone drills
Excellent! I already have some experience with Montante, so that'll be easy to manage.

To the replies I didn't specifically address, thanks for the tips. I have a friend, also a first-timer, who's coming to the event as well, so it sounds like I'd do well to work on flanking with him.

>> No.8185812

I kind of wish that I had more time to commit to practice as of late. I miss being able to fuck around with the less mainstream styles of fence like the montante.

Anyway look up marozzo's spadone/spada da due mani plays and practice your forearm movements. Fuck up everyone and anything with that false edge. Also take refuge in the fact that if you're ever outnumbered you can just start flourishing that thing like a motherfucker until help comes.

>> No.8186299

>I do stick to larger swords

To each his own, of course, and you -can- make that work, but I would suggest going for haft weapons instead if you want to use two handers.

While two handed swords obviously had their use on a battlefield, LARP is not real, the weapons are not real, they don't react like the real deal, people don't react like they're the real deal, armour and shield don't react like they're the real deal, etc. and to my experience (your mileage may vary) spears, glaives, halberds, whatever have proven more useful. They generally give more reach than a sword, and the fact that you can have a wider grip on them translates to better and more accurate control.

>> No.8186390

If you're against newbies, then they will very probably have poor shield control. Smash the lower corner of their shield and their hand will twist and they'll open up like clams.

>> No.8186404

Hey guys, anyone feel like dumping pictures of pretty round shields/bucklers/targets?

The era isn't all that important, as the LARP I'm attending is your standard fantasy mish mash, but I'm partial to 16th century and after.

I'll be making my own shield, looking for some inspiration, and planning on a 90cm diameter round one. I have access to a complete metalworks with lasercutting, etc. Woodwork might be a bit harder, but doable.

>> No.8186503
File: 78 KB, 848x636, lanternshieldfront1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, give more details. Do you want a center hold shield or braced shield?
If you have access to a metalworking shop, try a lantern shield (pictured) and amaze people.

>> No.8186506
File: 188 KB, 765x1040, tarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe a russian Tarch (targe) ?

>> No.8186526
File: 56 KB, 800x600, CNV00062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps an european dueling shield might work too

>> No.8186528


I've always gone center held, so far, as it has an edge in duelling, and I'd prefer to stay there, really.

On the other hand, I realize braced shields became the more common as time progressed, at least for shields that size.

>> No.8186751

As you guys always seem resourceful, I'm going to ask this here: other languages (specifically German)? Using Dutch words with a German accent doesn't cut it most of the time, and I don't exactly have time to ask them to rephrase that in the heat of battle.

(alternatively, which words would be important to look up translations of?)

Has anyone here ever composed a list of important words to know in

>> No.8186756

well somehow my post got screwed up, let's try that again:

Have any of you ever composed a list of important words to know in another language (specifically German)? Using Dutch words with a German accent doesn't cut it...

>> No.8186760

"Ja" "Nein" "Ein bier, bitte" is all you really need to know. You coming to Drachenfest?

>> No.8186764

das ist eine ungarischen betyárok

>> No.8186771

At some point somewhere in the future, yes. Not this year, though: the people I normally visit events will are all into smaller games only, and I don't want to go there on my own.

I'm moving in about two or three months though, so I might find some interested people at the local group there.

>> No.8186772

>and I don't want to go there on my own.
it's like you doesn't even want to have FUN

>> No.8186779

Last year I went to DrachenFest alone (HLF was in another camp) and had a blast. It was very fun and I'm gonna go this year too.
If you're that worried about being alone, you can come to the Chaos camp and we'll help you along.

>> No.8186800

The biggest problem is the fact that come Drachenfest this year I'm still required to have a supervisory guardian by a couple of months...

Besides that, I've yet to see if by then my financial position allows me to get the tent, costume, tickets, etc. I'd need. Studying got a whole lot more expensive now that the Dutch government decided to stop sponsoring education and make students take a loan instead.

>> No.8186912

>90 cm
Getting to the larger end of targes/rotella/various other names for circular weapon-stopping things there.

My advice? Make a big circle out of your material of choice, cut a circle out of the center and slap on a central boss and punch grip.

>> No.8187079

Amerifag here, what some do's and don'ts of larps?

What are some 'red flags' that tell you something is wrong with a LARP? Be it rules, advertizements, people etc?

>> No.8187102


>XP-based rulesets
>Ridiculously over-engineered rulesets
>Rulesets that compensate real skills with fake skills to make everyone "fair and balanced"
>Playerbase that doesn't put an effort into costumes and/or scorns good costuming
>Circlejerking playerbase

>Put an effort into your costume. You don't need to spend hundreds of bucks on it but at the very least wear a generic tunic, non-jeans pants and LEATHER shoes.
>Train your fighting skills and read about historical martial arts. Footwork is ESSENTIAL!
>Have fun. Don't just stand there in a LARP, go around and INTERACT!
>minimal rulesets, WYSIWYG

>> No.8187112

Not here to LARP but I've curious about historical and medieval martial arts (used to fence). Could you possibly reccomend some reading material, or where I can learn more about it?

>> No.8187120

Depends what kind of weapon interests you. There are manuals and manuscripts for longswords, epee, sword and shield, heavy armor fighting, polearms, etc...

>> No.8187123

Thanks for that. I got invited to a LotR (in theory) style larp, though the more I look at it, I think it's just to see who can hit each other the best and not actually very larpy.

Long Island isn't the best place for larps I realize.

>> No.8187127

Ah, I should clarify. When I use swords, I like to stick to two-handed ones. If I have the option of a polearm, however, I will usually take that over a sword. It's just not going to be an option at this particular event.

Lower corner, got it. Thanks!

>> No.8187136

Don't forget to tell us how was it! We want photos, too!

Those can evolve pretty quickly if you roleplay getting hit and dying in a cool way. Give it a try! In the worst case scenario, you're going to a boffer tag game and you're going to get some fighting experience.

>> No.8187142

I'll see if I can do. Might get some pictures too.

Spoilers don't work?

>> No.8187152

My phone's camera is ass, but I'll try to snap a few. At the very least, I'll get a few shots of my own getup and my friend's.

Also, seconding the suggestion to LotR anon--a lot of tabletop players, in my experience, don't roleplay because they don't see anybody else doing it, so adding in a little of your own can be a great way to encourage others to do so as well.

>> No.8187329

Thirding everyone else, make your garb generic enough that you can transfer it to a different game if you don't have any fun, but there's absolutely no harm in trying it once, and like the others were saying, being hardcore invites others to be hardcore.

>Long Island
I think there's a NY chapter of Alliance, but you may have to drive, I hear it's good but East Coasters love to tell us West Coasters how much better than us they are, and they use that stupid one sword up one sword down fighting style. Infuriating.

>> No.8187430

my time has come.
I'd recommend looking into the absolute plethora of medieval, renaissance, and early modern weapons that comprise WMA. Find a weapon that interests you and look into the systems behind it.
Based on my own experiences I'd recommed looking into Joachim Meyer for longsword and polearms and Achille Marozzo for single sword/sword and shield. HEMA can be a lot of fun and I hope you find something that interests you!

>that stupid one sword up one sword down fighting style
Pig disgusting. If you're going to wield two weapons you might as well brush up on proper technique. Or, better yet, not dual wield at all.

>> No.8187446
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1333, 041_Barbár bajnokválasztás.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or, better yet, not dual wield at all.
what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.8187454


How DO I make my own garb? I am completely new to this.

>> No.8187464

You can also find decentish garbs at arabic/indian clothes stores (second hand ones are the best)

>> No.8187471

look at this >>8185105
and this >>8177939

>> No.8187540

>Pig disgusting.
My ex girlfriend was at the event last month, showing off for her new girlfriend by doing the one up one down thing. I accidentally scoffed at her out loud, she replied that 'All the east coasters do it' and I said something rude about how that doesn't mean it's right and she got really mad... So much for keeping the peace between exes.

>pants in brown
>Shirt in off white
>Take a colored sheet, cut a hole in the middle for your head and belt it around your waist
>wa la

But seriously though, follow Bulgarian and Hungarian's links. Try to stick to a color scheme, and don't get stuff with rivets that don't go to anything, don't wear anything that sparkles, and don't wear tennis shoes.

>> No.8187629

Thanks for all the help guys.

>> No.8187803 [DELETED] 

What is going on in this picture?

The best part is how it makes them look like absurd pinwheels with no sense of control.
That and also how it's completely ineffective against anyone who's been fighting for more than a day.

>> No.8187804

What the fuck am I looking at? What kind of dumbass would think that's a good idea? Please tell me the smug barbarian kicks the shit out of this guy.

>> No.8187817

What is going on in this picture?

Best part of the up-down tango is how it makes people look like absurd fantasy pinwheels.

>> No.8187849

I feel like the one dude is trying to cut off his own arm???

>> No.8188005

*makes whooshing noises with mouth*

le lightsabre terribleeee

>> No.8188055

Sadly, when you get a skinny experienced player who is *good* at the up-down (I feel this should be the official abbreviation) in a touch LARP situation, it actually looks pretty cool. It's just... a dumb way to fight.

It's like extraneous rivets, they can look cool, but they're just dumb.

>> No.8188219
File: 67 KB, 800x592, The Crossed Wechsel Against the Abnemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like a bit of pic related, but through the filter of someone who's entire worldview comes from anime.

>> No.8188319

Do you guys have any good resources for armor making?

I've made a chainmail hauberk but want to branch into more plate. I'm more into fantasy stuff then like reenacting.

I have an anvil and basic forge, a MIG welder and most tools you'd need for making armor.

>> No.8188334

The PDF here's what I'm currently using. So far I've only made the gauntlets and gambeson.

>> No.8188381


Should've whooped her ass. 's What I do when people question my style.

>> No.8188430

>'All the east coasters do it'

Man, I'm a rookie from the east coast and even I think it looks ridiculous. She sounds like a tool.

>> No.8188443
File: 950 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_2718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck am I looking at?
>What is going on in this picture?

Never underestimate dumb people

>> No.8188459


>> No.8188460
File: 863 KB, 1425x2448, IMG_1068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, I was the one questioning her style. I also know from our time dating that kicking her ass at something physical does not help matters... She's really insistent on being the strongest and the bestest, and winning physically against her really will only make her flip out.
>be years ago, still playing the 'lolgypsiesimsosexy' wife to my exes' character.
>Finally get fed up with being an attractive background/kidnapping victim to her plotlines, decide to get myself involved in plot for the very first time
>Wind up going out on my own and finding a big bad mob boss man, slavery, drugs, the works
>Manage to fast talk my way into getting some information from him... at a price.
>The price is taking 'Euphoria' which is an IG drug which must be roleplayed as... Euphoria. The drug is super duper illegal in game, and pretty much kills you after the effects wear off unless you get antidoted or get more Euphoria.
>Yay! I did plot stuff! Now I get to roleplay something! Finally!
>Leave NPC camp and my girlfriend is waiting outside
>She's really, really pissed at me, demands to know where I was, I tell her to find out in game.
>She insists that she 'finds' my character, I say whatever. We go into game
>She tries to grab my character's arm, I bolt and go running away because I'm supposed to be tripping balls
>I'm tall and muscly (more skinny then, but still strong), she was short, weak, and overweight
>She can't catch me
>She starts screaming at me, I assume it's in game
>Make my getaway, don't run into her until later, start to roleplay
>...Nope, turns out she was pissed out of game that I 'started running when she wasn't ready otherwise she would have caught me.'
>Never hear the end of it

Now I'm all tarantulaish and butch, and nobody fucks with me. Feels good. This has been another installment of Tarantula bitching about dating LARP girls. I'll tell you what though, she was super hot as far as my tastes go, which are admittedly weird.

>> No.8188463
File: 361 KB, 2048x1365, laughingmercenaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>...Nope, turns out she was pissed out of game that I 'started running when she wasn't ready otherwise she would have caught me.'

>> No.8188465

Have we finally uncovered tarantula's ambiguous gender? In a way that makes me sad, the endless speculation's always been funny.

>> No.8188467

>hey guys I want my new character to be middle-eastern inspired
>well okay man I guess I could help you look up some appropriate garb for what you wa-
>nah I'm just gonna cut a couple holes in some off-green linens and call it a day

>> No.8188468

months ago

>> No.8188470
File: 597 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_3500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least he made some effort, not like others

>> No.8188472

that is a man clad in nothing a but a T-shirt, chinos, and gardening gloves whose cheap pleather arms have been sewn together with craft twine.

I suddenly feel a lot better about the standard of garb over here in Oregon.

>> No.8188474

it's funny how he seems to think he's sexy.

>> No.8188475
File: 109 KB, 483x644, 554384_3233947166017_1186803961_32487553_1659503298_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure he stole the couch cover from his grandma
But he is among those few retards who never actually improved their gear in any meaningful way through the years. But on the other hand he rarely goes to any meaningful game either

>> No.8188476

This weekend is the season opener of our super dark secondary campaign where everything is horrible and nothing is happy... And it also happens to open on the night of the first full solar eclipse since 2013. We're going to get murdered so hard.

It took me looking at this like, 5 times to figure out that he was using that as a fighting stance and hadn't had his arm

>forever cringing

I can be whatever you need, bb.

>> No.8188477
File: 904 KB, 3264x2448, DSC02664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This weekend is the season opener of our super dark secondary campaign where everything is horrible and nothing is happy...
sounds like a Saturday afternoon to me

>> No.8188479

Tarantula's gender is spider, as far as I'm concerned.

Well with that single quillon on each one, his dickswords seem to have graduated to straight-up oversized dildos.
Also that is a towel. That man is wearing a towel.

>> No.8188481
File: 66 KB, 720x416, 401310_386234761403438_100000507522359_1533887_1720662809_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, it's those fake furs like things that grandmas put on furniture

also here is a good example why dual wielding is shit against two handed weapons

>> No.8188484

>Playerbase that doesn't put an effort into costumes
most LARP costumes look kinda shitty/improvised and our larps are still great. As long as people put in effort I don't think it matters much whether a costume is a full repro or kinda taped together, relative to funds of course.
We had a great monk character who was a bald guy in hemp flip flops and an orange bedsheet (though weathered), because he was poor.

>> No.8188487
File: 916 KB, 2288x1712, 1422602021949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow it remind me of a story wich is not really related but..i dont know why not.
>be at bico
>cars are still on the terrain
>friend being taken to the hospital because he tried to walk on a barrell like donkey kong (another story)
>other friend took extasy for the first time of his life and is now triping in the camp while people are still building tents(another story)
>best friend (male and female version) are both ultimately drunk in their tent
>walk with a female i did find quite attractive into the camp
>pretty much my first date since i broke up from a long relationship
> oh god i really want to look good
> we walk past the camp and people tell me: ''yeah, hugues was too drunk and went all drunkey kong to the hospital, Y-J is tripping balls,getting his hair played with by a dark elf, and bro is with that new girl getting drunk''
>i'm like...oh well...drunk people are not SO bad even if it's pretty early to get drunk
> i present my ''date'' to my best friend
> best friend proceed to start laughing her ass
> she start farting (she had something bad to eat i guess)
> she laugh even more
> she start running away while farting at the rythymn of her ass moving away from us
> she run back to the tent and probably tell all of this to the purple knigth
> i hear his very particular laugh
> i just stand there
> and i just go : ''so that was my best friend''

the only way to know its gender is to wait for it to moult and then we look at her belly with a microscope

>'murika hate intensifies

look at chef boyardee there on the rigth looking all fucking smug

>Now I'm all tarantulaish and butch, and nobody fucks with me.
i would fuck with you, but be gentle , my asshole is still sore

such is life in the zone

dat grip

>> No.8188488

assuming you mean cheap improvised-looking costumes from the pictures posted, that is

>> No.8188492

>she start running away while farting at the rythymn of her ass moving away from us
pardon me, wot?!

>> No.8188494
File: 1.93 MB, 320x180, jolly_cooperation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> and i just go : ''so that was my best friend''
I know that feel... although it's mostly me who is the crazy shit doing friend

>dat grip
the grip has it's own name, although not really interesting

>> No.8188495
File: 177 KB, 960x739, 10271527_625640380855287_555521594302014392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know man, it looked like something out of a cartoon.

She just started running away because she started farting during her laugther and was shameful.

And during her gazeus getaway she farted even more as she runned away from us, and she found that hilarious while probably craping her pants.

>> No.8188497
File: 144 KB, 960x640, 10382160_625633637522628_2169223339640242320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah man , these two i could write a book about all their hijinks and sheananananahenaheaegans

But when wimins go : ''I really dont like your friends'' i'm like...Well fuck you then gurl.

Brethren before wenches

>> No.8188500
File: 61 KB, 800x587, How to use the reverse grip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat grip
See the issue here is that reverse grip on a smaller blade is insanely effective. I'd even go so far as to say that it's how I'd prefer to hold a dagger, but the pic is very much related. A lot of dagger fighting looks like judo but with more stabbing, and reverse grips are useful in that kind of fight.
Obviously this shit doesn't fly in American LARPs (or many Euro ones, I'd imagine), so no.
Also never as an off-hand. ew.

>> No.8188501

>I really don't like your friends
I can totally get this if your friend is also an ex though.
It's why I don't date my friends. Also because they're ugly.

>> No.8188505

The costume you described sounds great.
What I'm talking about is people with a t-shirt and sneakers and a tablecloth-with-a-hole tabard that say they're knights or barons

>> No.8188718


Anon. It was mentioned the around first time she showed her spidery face.

>> No.8188725

>I'll tell you what

I will now forever envision the tarantula talking like Hank Hill.

>> No.8189213

Improvising a costume out of cheap/avalible materials is different than not putting effort into a costume.

>> No.8189321
File: 707 KB, 1000x1500, 1360866225134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8189328
File: 105 KB, 636x960, 1096981_588832534500735_1116868137_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

''told you i was on my period!''

>> No.8189335

it's more like
>is this heretic serious?

>> No.8189713

Love how ZeNun2 has such a knowing smile on her face.

>> No.8189741
File: 64 KB, 393x717, frenadian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ze nun 2 (wich will just be Ze nun from now on)
is a pretty cool little pack of awesomness.

>> No.8189749
File: 19 KB, 320x426, asterix1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, its unrelated but they sell kinder suprise eggs with asterix character inside.

>> No.8189753

they did it ages ago when I was a kid

>> No.8189755
File: 19 KB, 320x426, asterix2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit...what could be inside!?

a little figurine maybe?
IDEFIX!? oh god i wish its idefix...

>> No.8189759
File: 13 KB, 320x426, asterix3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but first lemme taste that sweet chocolate...

it...kinda taste ...off ,what the fuck?

>> No.8189762
File: 17 KB, 320x426, asterix4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8189773
File: 15 KB, 320x426, asterix5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not an happy man

>> No.8189776

and not a good photographer either. But we love the way you are

>> No.8189780
File: 55 KB, 720x540, solar4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kinda complicated to pose while masturbating.

also this >>8189773
is really not a flatering picture.

>> No.8189789

that's why you are not a good photographer

>> No.8189803
File: 36 KB, 320x433, hmmph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont diss dogmatix ya shit.

>> No.8189805
File: 68 KB, 720x477, 1979986_699133060137348_1978331399_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



but yeah dogmatix is still a pretty good play with word i give you that.

All the names in the Gauls at bico are play on word like in asterix.

My gaul name was : Partymix

>> No.8189819

I do not speak French sorry. I grew up on Asterix and tintin comics, but in English. I stopped reading them when I turned 12 because I didn't want to be caught dead in the childrens section where they were kept anymore.
I never realised that the Gauls names were plays on words until just now. This is amazing, I have to go look them all up!

>> No.8189829


just wow.

>> No.8189833

same for the roman name
Some are pretty clever.

dont know what they are in english but Asterix is an astérisque ( * ) this thing.

Obelix is an obelisque ( obelisk)

and the asterix movies ( the animated ones back in the days and the one with christian clavier , are pretty good)

The one at the olympic games and the one in england is a big piece of shit dont watch that.

dont know if there is a translation of those other 2.

>> No.8189837

>never realised that the Gauls names were plays on words

>> No.8189853

Dude I was like 10. I did notice some of them like getafix and unhygienix but some like bariatrix and asterix and obelix etc I did not get because I didn't know the words/didn't find them relevant to the characters.

Yeah Asterix and Obelix are the same in English. I had a look back at a lot of them and it is really clever

>> No.8189857


I love you.

>> No.8189865

i love you too random citizen!

>itt , we find our Gaul name.

>> No.8189878

What happened to ZeNun1?

>> No.8189882
File: 101 KB, 600x400, IMG_3367-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She stoped existing.
No additional comment on the subject

>> No.8189888

Is there a good way to make finger gauntlets without using like a leather glove as a base? I don't want the gauntlets tied to a specific pair of gloves because it seems like a really poor design

>> No.8189898
File: 55 KB, 960x615, spike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you mean like a mobile fingers metal guntlet i dont think so, probably this exist but all the one i've seen were connected to a glove, and the indise of the hand had no metal, so you could grab stuff

>> No.8189901

My fiance managed to rip his new garb shirt to tatters at the last game... time to try again with an even bigger gusset. He just doesn't get along well with sleeves.

I was so enraged by this photo that I closed my laptop and went to bed instead of addressing it.
Ze nun a qt.
Same here. I still own all of the Tintin comics, including Tintin in the Congo and Tintin in Moscow. I didn't notice the plays on words in Asterix until I was 10 or so, though.
I got to visit an Asterix themed cafe when I was in Copenhagen. It had great hot chocolate. Denmark in general had great hot chocolate.

>> No.8189905

New to /cgl/, read the sticky, etc. Is this the thread to look into for military reenactments, or should I go to /k/ and ask them?

>> No.8189914
File: 167 KB, 600x400, IMG_3325-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont go to /k/
you will end up buying a nugget having ptsd when somebody mention a clip.

but first tell us your state/country and maybe somebody from the thread is close to you .

This is also why we have so much namefag here, its to tell where we are from.

>> No.8189922

Anon, don't worry. I own a nugget. /k/ is my homeboard, I've just never seen a reenactment thread there.

Anyways Texas, USA if any anons know what it takes to get started.

>> No.8189926

also, the first larpthread were on /k/ , back in the days. we did not have too much people being assholes (/tg/ are were we had the less courtous welcome yet)

>don't worry. I own a nugget.
Glory be to the glorious murdercube

I know that airsoft thread are badly seen but i think that larp thread was so much a curiosity back then that we had nice people.

t'was back in 2012

>> No.8190631

>and the one in england is a big piece of shit
>implying those jailbreak scenes didn't give me uncontrolable fits of giggles when I was young

Gotta admit though, nowhere near the level of the twelve tasks. Especially the place that sends you mad.

>> No.8190639

>Read the sticky


>> No.8190649

not unless you're willing to put in the hard time to make Gothic or Maximilian gauntlets.

>> No.8190652

nah not that one.

the movies with real life actor.

the cartoons are all pretty gud

The fist movie and the second one are pretty gud

But the two after that sucks

>> No.8190759
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Attach leather strips to the front of this to make a finger gauntlet.

>> No.8190785

do your characters represent aspects of yourself that you would like to amplify or express more fully? like aspects of self?

details, please. im curious.

>> No.8190796
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''I always tougth i was the one making these characters, but the more i grow up, the more i realise that these characters are making me''

Kind of, i'm probably insane actually.
i like to play character that clash with my real personality.
And introduce a part of me into it.

This is how i can comprehend diverse personality type.

The only character i havent figured out yet is myself.

And the worse of all? i'm not even sure what is the real part of me left in this character i call ''me''.
Can somebody throw a ladder? i went so deep i'm stuck with Tom Waits down here and he's chain smoking cigarettes it smells.

>> No.8190809


OH, those. No, I chose not to watch any of the live movies. It just wouldn't work in my mind

>> No.8190817


"Write what you know"

My characters always represent some part of me. I do this because I know I will otherwise end up with a disconnect. If I cannot feel what my character feels, the character doesn't matter and just becomes a boring stick jockey muppet.

I do always aggrandize traits, or emphasize them more. Make them more of a charicature, I suppose, or purposefully act on them when my real self would've drawn the line or backed off.

In the end, like Frenadian said, you learn a lot about yourself when your character is "you", good or bad.

>> No.8190838
File: 1.98 MB, 2448x3264, DSC03848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are lucky because I didn't sew a glove into mine yet

>> No.8190839

and obviously I still didn't painted it... fuck. I need to paint at least the inside of it and put together a linen glove for it until saturday

>> No.8190842
File: 41 KB, 638x827, good-good-otter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was so enraged by this photo that I closed my laptop and went to bed instead of addressing it.
Let the hate overflow you

> He just doesn't get along well with sleeves.
you do know that the armpits for example sewed differently back in the days? nowdays people doesn't need that much mobility in their everyday life so a simpler pattern and sewing is used

>> No.8190844

you can try it here although this is a slower board or you can try /tg/ but that's faster so you might get ignored or worse, some people there aren't actually expert on the things they pretend to be experts. that said there are more knowledgeable people over there on the matter.

>> No.8190867
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I must be doing something wrong, because I've never worn a piece of clothing that's as restricting as the doublet I made.

Mind, I made it from this book, and I've noticed a few things that are off.

I've yet to try a doulbet from the MTA

>> No.8190888

I don't know that book but the two main things that people fuck up are the waist line which is higher than in modern clothing, the other is armpits.
And with doublets people sometimes put too much padding in places where it would need to bend, again, armpits and shoulders and around elbow

>> No.8190896


It probably is something about the armpit, as the seams have started to rip there. I took the high waist into account, and while it's snug, I don't feel the fabric pulling as I do around the pits when I push forward. Oh well, cheap fabric and all the time in the world to figure it out.

>> No.8190900
File: 156 KB, 346x567, 7001946-1460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing is you must put it together in a way that the default is not your arms hanging next to you but reaching around like you want to hug a barrel. That will make it way less stressed the fabric as you move around.

Also it's always an option to just cut up the armpits, it's authentic. Or separate sleeves. Or giant puffs

>> No.8190929


Huh. Thanks for the barrel pointer. I'm going to keep that in mind.

Also the cutting the armpits part, I might do that to take the stress off.

>> No.8190932
File: 198 KB, 720x960, 10256895_532323406884068_8422018038751754196_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you can go all "fuck this shit" mode depending on the period

>> No.8190933


>Lessee, I got about a square foot of this fabric, half a yard of that, a few centimeters double widt of that... Motley it is!

>> No.8190936
File: 236 KB, 624x490, 7003094-1480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it's actually try to copy a painting

>> No.8190942


Can't deny. It looks pretty damn sexy.

>> No.8190944
File: 193 KB, 720x960, 10259854_532323396884069_8205003338718138061_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is another pic

>> No.8191359 [DELETED] 

I think you have to bring some parts of yourself, otherwise it's going to be a dull character. I got diagnosed fairly recently with detachment syndrome, which affects my ability to empathize and even feel emotion very strongly (otherwise known as 'what every whiny teenager thinks they have syndrome'). As a result I make an effort to show emotion and movement on my face in order to have friends and things.
My tarantula character is exactly the opposite, she feels very strongly but is trapped behind a rigid unmoving face, unemotive eyes, and the only part of her face that can move is her mouth, so she's horrible and dead on the outside, but feels on the inside, I pretend to feel on the outside, but am quiet on the inside. I also love playing strongly emotioned characters because that's something I don't get to experience myself.

>armpits for example sewed differently back in the days?
Well aware, hence gussets. Most modern clothing doesn't have them. His body type just... destroys clothes. I know what I'm going to try next.

>> No.8191371

>I got diagnosed fairly recently with detachment syndrome, which affects my ability to empathize and even feel emotion very strongly
wait... that's a syndrome?

>> No.8191620

...I deleted my thing because I suddenly felt like it was oversharing. But yes, apparently it is an actual thing. It's typically brought on by being neglected as a child, or by being used as a coping mechanism to combat an anxiety disorder. My fiance and I share the disorder, and when we met it was pretty much 'Well, you're the only one who will ever understand me, so we're going to get married then."
I don't personally see why it's a disorder... I think it's pretty great, it just makes it hard to get along with people. Supposedly, it can lead to sociopathic behaviors, but I haven't had that problem yet.

>> No.8191692
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1076, nervous sweating.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8191701

>it can lead to sociopathic behaviors, but I haven't had that problem yet.
I het to be the bringer of bad news but you are on 4chan. You already a sociopath. Also you are a larper. That means you are at least a double sociopath.
And you talk with me gropey and frenedian regularly. That makes you at least a triple psychopath

>> No.8191738

I was going to make that joke but you beat me to it, dammit.

Make bigger gussets. If the armpits keep ripping, make the gussets even bigger. Keep going until you are engulfed by gusset.

>> No.8191744

that's not necessarily a joke. Or at least according to some.
But then again, some would say I fall under this umbrella too

>> No.8191819
File: 151 KB, 453x567, 7003314-1496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motley? I'll show you motley.
So it's rude of me to add that I'm already done with my own dussack, and it wasn't that hard making it?

>> No.8192191
File: 2.32 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile. I hate painting gorgets

>> No.8192234
File: 196 KB, 960x640, 552827_321115227974472_1317754225_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you talk with me gropey and frenedian regularly. That makes you at least a triple psychopath
i think he's trying to say that we are far from sane people. lerl

tigth are the most comfy things you can wear, plus it does give me a sexy round ass.

>> No.8192242
File: 1.53 MB, 1600x1067, IMG_5596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think he's trying to say that we are far from sane people. lerl
are you denying it?

>> No.8192333

Also, i had a response from the russian site, they finaly shipped my bows

>> No.8192336

don't forget that if after assembly all you get is a tank then it's not faulty it's just you ordered from the wrong factory

>> No.8192396
File: 578 KB, 2100x2225, okifyousayso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then good luck trying to get that tank back from me, IF I HAVE A TANK

I'd take a BMP3 for takeout please.
For larping purposes of course!

>> No.8192471
File: 419 KB, 1493x2048, 10296474_677510198976996_5561577580188561552_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empire E1 draws near, updating some bits and bobs of my kit in response to feedback. Replacing gorget with bevor and getting a new surcoat longer made.

>> No.8193426

we have a serious case of autosage so here is the new thread