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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 460 KB, 630x350, MegaConBanner2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8169832 No.8169832 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread 404'd, let's have another Megacon thread!

>> No.8170365

Did we ever decide on a place/time for the meetup?

>> No.8170835

Not yet I don't think.
The only thing that's on the fb is after the dealers room closes.

>> No.8171203

bump! 32 days before convention!
how are all of you doing on your costumes for mega?

>> No.8171347

I missed the third thread I guess.
Anything good happen?

>> No.8171461
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>> No.8171550
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>> No.8171560

No one cares about this nobody.

>> No.8171588

Not cosplaying, just want to know if there is anyone going. I'm trying to get some of my friends to go with me but I think most are gonna bail on me again.

>> No.8171595

Come anyways.
Its a friendly group believe it or not.

>> No.8171681

Pfft, she's a hack who ruins lives and marriages.

>> No.8173337

I really need to get my rear in gear.
>tfw midterms are in a week
At least I'll have spring break to work on everything.

>> No.8176542


>> No.8176597

I'm probably going all 3 days if my group can make it up to Orlando early Friday, but I'm gonna be Punished Snake on Saturday and idk what yet for Sunday, but by all means feel free to say hi if you see me

>> No.8177545

Holy shit anon, I'll definitely keep an eye out for you on Saturday. I love seeing MGS cosplays! I'll be Pit, so if you see some dork in a Pit cosplay awkwardly asking for a picture, that'll be me.

>> No.8177800

I'm probably gonna just go Saturday, if I see any of the aforementioned costumes I'll say hello or something- I'll be in an aturk en tootin bit with 3dmg lol

>> No.8177840

BTW what is the fb group called?

>> No.8178165

Is this con worth getting a hotel for? I live like 4 hours away so if not I won't be going

>> No.8179214

It really depends. It's a huge con and you *will* be exhausted from time to time, so having a hotel nearby is nice. If you plan on getting one, hurry up. It was a pain in the ass for me to book a hotel and that was almost a month ago.

>> No.8179219

Not cosplaying either, still going for the meet up

>> No.8179762

Man Mega threads seem to always be dead.

Can't wait to see some of you guys at the meet.

>> No.8179766

Not sure whats the deal with this megacon but, Always booked my hotels around this time in advance with no issues, but this year literally every hotel within walking distance is full.

I only live across town but prefer the convenience for getting hammered, looks like have no choice but to drive this year


>> No.8179767

It's an event page but, here.

>> No.8180264
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My friends and I room together,but booked our room for this year around October at the RR.

Anyone else think the room rates keep raising too much each year for mega?

>> No.8182890
File: 903 KB, 1024x896, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever used the I-drive Trolley for cons?

I saw that its only $7 for a 3 day unlimited pass, and it claims that they arrive every 20 minutes.

Our hotel is a little further then we wanted at a mile walk, which isnt that bad but later on in the day thats a 2 mile walk both ways if we want to make a quick trip back to the hotel to resupply the alcohol or something, so curious if anyone has any experience good or bad on using it for megacon

>> No.8183030

It's kinda worth it, in that it's great mornings and at night when you don't want to walk back.

But don't expect to be able to use it at all on Saturday and maybe even Friday during the day, the traffic on i-drive for the con is so bad, walking is way fucking faster

>> No.8183732

Also they stop running at 10pm.

>> No.8185474

is it just me or is there not a lot of hype for megacon this year? it's in less than a month and i barely see people talking about it anywhere, even in the megacon groups.

>> No.8185486

To be fair, it's a month later this year. Hopefully we'll see the thread come alive as it gets closer. I know one of the last threads got really busy but then it 404'd and everyone left.

>> No.8185727

I feel the same. maybe the week before/week of.

I know a few are working on cosplay,and school has started back up.

>> No.8186162

Trying to find a hotel now because the original person who was supposed to book it waited until the last minute.

>I keep suggesting that we just get somewhere 5-10 mins by car and drive, no one else in my group agrees.

Wish me luck anons.

>> No.8186165

Ehhh, it wasn't really good for me last year. I would like to go, but with work kicking my ass and not a whole lot of income....plus no ride or room....equals me prolly not going.

>> No.8186182

I live maybe a half hour out so it's technically a convenient con but it was so crowded and I have work those nights that I don't know if it's worth the trip out to me anymore.
Regardless I'm going to have my spidergwen done by then so I may change my mind if I can get some friends to go.

Godspeed anon.

>> No.8186585

Universal Knights or MegaCon


>> No.8186795

5-10 by car wont be hard to get, its if you want anything thats under a mile that you are pretty much sol on

>> No.8187202

Yeah, I suggested getting somewhere close by car and just driving..but they absolutely refuse to have something not within a short foot distance. It's ridiculous.

>> No.8187244

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck them.

>> No.8188220

I agree on this. Kinda quiet but also expected for how shitty last year was. I think most of us regulars aren't trying to expect the best. Just honestly letting it come and go and hope for less stress this year...

>> No.8188226

Anyone else who lives super close to the con center hate the fact that we are pretty much forced to get a room because of the awful Saturday traffic if we want to make it to the con at all? I live less than 15 minutes away but I still has to get a room knowing what happened last year...ugh

>> No.8188249


the fuck are you going to a con for if it stresses you out

>> No.8188255

I'd only go to Megacon to confront some people since they only enjoy talking shit about me online.

>> No.8188261

I'll never understand why so many people try to create drama over cosplay, it seriously even more pathetic than the actors at disney that think they're going to become famous for playing mickey mouse in a suit.

On that note lets be honest, you wouldn't confront anyone, one look at the con stories thread shows that nearly every con goer are the most beta people on earth

>> No.8188285

why not just leave very early?

>> No.8188296

Beta people? SOrry I don't understand the lingo. I've confronted quite a few. It's led to either burying the hatchet and moving on, or literal burying the hatchet into their back.

I guess I'm not like most con goers then considering cons have been dwindling for me.

>> No.8188320
File: 27 KB, 386x338, 1399162659902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or literal burying the hatchet into their back.

Please take off the fedora before posting

>> No.8188325

I'd have to agree.

If you don't like drama, stop going. If you want to have fun, let it go, move on, and actually have a life.

Geez. Also anon, where did you get that pic?

>> No.8188902

Where can I find a list of panels? Or is it just too early and it's not up yet?

>> No.8189113

I've heard stories from friends who left at 7am last year and still barely got a parking spot at 9am.

>> No.8190079

Bruh I feel ya.
Only started to do the room thing with friend four years ago. That fucking traffic would have killed me last year.

>> No.8190232

Whos this?

>> No.8190248

You must not be a cosplayer if cons don't stress you out bruh

>big costumes
>clingy weebs in all directions
>lack of eating throughout the weekend
>lack of sleep

>> No.8190578

Them feels.

Neckbeards were less at Mega last year, but the ones that were there I just wanted spray fucktons of deodorant on em. Clingy weebs however....droves upon droves upon droves.

Ate maybe like.....four times in the weekend. Slept maybe like......8 hours combined for all three days.

Yeahhhhh, it sucks. But you learn to adjust and adapt.

>> No.8190940

Anyone doing tokusatsu cosplay this year? Would love to get some photos with Rangers/Riders/Ultramen

>> No.8191046 [DELETED] 

No, i'm just not Autistic, nor a teenager like most of the little shits. I'm 28, married, and have 2 kids oldest being 4. I still love going to cons every year with some friends, getting a hotel, and enjoy cosplaying and getting drunk and going to after parties.

If your hobby stresss you out you're a fucking retard

>> No.8191063


I have cosplayed and gone to cons for almost 15 years now champ. Kno why? because I have Fun

if your hobby stresses you out then you're a goddamn retard that needs a new hobby

>> No.8191425

Been going to cons since I was 2. I'm 25. Cons back in the 90's were never this drama filled.

>> No.8191618

I'm assuming none of your cosplays have taken you more than fifteen minutes of time to get into or give you any strain when you're wearing it. Most cosplayers have to deal with uncomfortable shoes after lots of walking, having to reapply makeup, carrying around heavy props and armor, and generally stressing out about how they look because they're perfectionists and can't see what they look like from behind. Lots of hobbies can be fun and also stressful, especially when it takes a lot of hard work.

>> No.8191622

Careful at the meet up.
Broders spies might take photos and perma-ban you at his shows!

>> No.8191802

A friend of mine will have a Rider V2 costume that I helped a bit putting together.

>> No.8191912

You mean V3?

>> No.8191928

Oh no, I won't be able to attend Supercon! MY LIFE IS OFFICIALLY OVER

>> No.8192174

Lol, here you go again making assumptions and being a little condescending shit, im starting to realize why you get stressed out. I get done telling you ive been doing this probably since you were in diapers, and you're trying to explain to me 101.

It's more than apparent your stress is all internal, you cause your own self. I've done closet cosplays to shit that's required me to make my own uncomfortable ass stilts and head pieces I can barely see out of.

no wonder the con scene has degraded over the years, its because people like you looking for attention and only doing cosplay so you can be praised by others.

I think it might be time for you to shave your neck(or legs) and go sit outside and stare at the sky, have some whiskey, or commit sudoku so you can reflect on how retarded everything you're saying is.

>> No.8192256

I envy you, man. I could never wear a giant costume without some stress, especially after dealing with making it all in time for the con and having to wear it for a full day.

>> No.8192265

>making it all in time
Dont do shit last minute?
> having to wear it for a full day.
you don't -have- to do shit einstein, nor do you have to wear it for the full fucking day.

jesus christ, you're suppose to be doing this for fun, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.8192274

Goodness, you really have something up your ass. I do things for fun and it can be stressful at times and that's all I'm trying to say here. What are you trying to prove?

>> No.8192348

Maybe? I really dont know much about Kamen Rider.

>> No.8195369

is the central florida lolitas group planning anything for megacon? i'm not in the group so i can't see their page.

personally i would love if a swap meet was held

>> No.8195550
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I'm kinda excited for Mega even tho last year was completely unorganized and I didn't have such a great time due to the friends I had, but I have a good feeling this year is going to be good since I'm just going with my boyfriend so it's drama free and fun; I'm cosplaying as Richter from Hotline Miami on Friday and Sunday and Cyborg Noodle on Saturday

Though I am abit dissapointed about the ticket price, I remember last year it was around $60 and then right when I got there a friend of mine called me and said "aye check this shit out, they just raised the price" it was abit of horse shit but I had come prepared with extra money so I didn't mind it as much, but holy fuck Mega.

>> No.8195867

No times have been posted for a meet, and I highly doubt a swap meet will hap pen considering the usual number of people that show up. I don't believe they have any panels or rooms, but last I heard there were plans for a panel. Unless you're in the group, I would be uncomfortable posting any specifics so try sending a message to join. Or just wait for a schedule to be posted on Mega's site.

CFLS is also going to be at Florida Anime Experience later in April and they may have a booth. I'm not 100% on this though, but just keep an ear out. You may have an easier time with swapping/selling at FAE, even though that show is utter shit.

>> No.8196005


Please tell me there is a quality afterparty this year. Besides the MtG/vidya tournaments, I only go to meet other weirdos

>> No.8197241

I'd prolly go do Pathfinder shit and then hang with friends.

Hotline Miami you say? I got a friend going who's gonna cosplay from it.

>> No.8197847

I'm going to Megacon (5th year anniversary for me :') and I was wondering if any of you could recommend photographers?
Looking to do a photoshoot of my skullgirls(parasoul) cosplay on that Saturday but I'm a complete noob when it comes to photoshoots, and I know there are some people to avoid but i don't know who.
Help is greatly appreciated

>> No.8198184

Oh cool! Which mask are they doing? I'm glad Hotline Miami is getting the the recognition it deserves especially with the new Hotline Miami 2

>> No.8198295

Why the fuck is Mega so expensive this year? I mean, I know it's always been pretty pricey, but holy shit. The tickets, autographs, photo ops, etc are really expensive.

>> No.8198438

I heard something that they weren't doing too good. Last year right when I get there the prices went up

>> No.8198449

Citation needed

>not doing good
>located in one of the bigger halls this year

>> No.8198971

He's doing the Wolf Mask I believe. It's his favorite character.


Avoid: Tigershot Photography, Francisco Nazarro Photography, Miyazaki Fan, Ken AD Photography, Morataya Photography, Micheal Iacca Photography

Photog to find and get pics from: Gary Snow and Papanozzi (Except for Ken Smits. He's a creeper), Touyadex

>> No.8200484
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I'm getting real peeved that they haven't posted the panels besides anime sushi.
They said they were going to upload them two weeks ago.

I mean I know i'm being kinda anal about this but I like to plan waaay in advance so there is wiggly room if my friends want to do something else.


>> No.8200545

Don't forget Travis Photography. He's been claiming sick shit for his "models".

And CrimsonSoul

>> No.8201672

First time going to a con. Got a three day pass and a room at the Hyatt. Hope to see some cool shit.

>> No.8201683

Meh its pretty average, nothing crazy happens and a lot of normal fags.

>> No.8201703

Thanks for replying to that 15 year sandy vagina cosplayer for me, and I'm also glad you were agreeing with me in the simplest way possible about costume stress. If you go to Mega, hope you have a less stressful time this year anon!

>> No.8201795

Wait I know that Francisco guy. He does some good photography. Why are people avoiding him?

>> No.8201886

So basically all the photographers then?
Because you basically just listed all of them.
Also do you have any actual proof that they are creepy or you just pulling that out of your ass?

>> No.8202074

Constantly shits on people to gain popularity. Always wears the same damn "Kamui" shirt, tries to troll people he doesn't like in rather stupid ways.

He's not a very nice person.

>> No.8202076

Check the Florida Geek Fest thread here about Travis Photography. All the proof ya need about him.

>> No.8202514

>a lot of normal fags

>> No.8202725
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>and a lot of normal fags.
is that a good or bad thing?

>> No.8202731



>> No.8202735

No not really.

>> No.8202737

Okay, is this a bad thing?

>> No.8202826

Does this mean that mega will get better?

I mean it didn't say much besides them being bought out. I hope it makes mega better and helps them get better line ups.

>> No.8203021

Good news for Megacon since their funds were in the toilet. Maybe now Mega will be better.

>> No.8203035

......Only time will tell.

>> No.8203045

Said nobody has over 4000 likes what the fuck.

>> No.8203069

Why haven't they posted this on their website or Facebook?

And if prices just keep going up while its going down hill I'm jumping off that ship.

>> No.8203096

I'll do photos for you!

>> No.8203108

Thank you both! Now the struggle is finding someone who isn't booked out.

It helps if you list a Facebook page or something of the sort,anon

>> No.8203134

Was making sure you were still interested before posting any information.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/runafragment/ My flickr page.

>> No.8203157

I'm actually really interested!
Any way I could contact you?

>> No.8203185

I'm Toneriko Cosplay on Facebook.

>> No.8203206

Why not both? If you go to Mega on Sunday during the day you're already close to the theme parks. That's what my group is doing at least.

>> No.8203679


Panels are finally up.

>> No.8203805

Damn, barely anything stands out to me as remotely interesting. Is this the finalized lineup?

>> No.8203807

Yeah its the final one.

>> No.8203813

Weird that there isn't a Walking Dead panel this year. Maybe they decided against it after the mess that was last year's.

>> No.8203835

I read in the comments on the mega FB page is that the walking dead cast/ norman reedus contract won't allow them/him. I dunno it seems dumb.

What happened last year besides it being waaay over crowded. ( I feel like its gonna happen again this year)

>> No.8204602

Wow, what's with all the speed dating and belly dancing?

>> No.8205301

Maybe just fillers cause no one else came up with something.

>> No.8206791 [DELETED] 

Cosplans anybody?
I'm throwing together a quick Kaneki cosplay together since my other cosplays won't get here by then

>> No.8206797

Cosplans anybody?
I'm throwing together a quick Kaneki cosplay since my other cosplays won't get here by then

>> No.8206898

Not gonna make it this year. Otherwise I would have Debuted Shirou Emiya.

>> No.8207956

Going as drunk obnoxious normalfag who picks up underage coswhores

>> No.8208983

I'm the Punished Snake anon from earlier in the thread, but turns out my friend is doing Quiet and another friend who can make it is gonna be a Diamond Dog grunt so looks like I'll finally be in a group on Saturday

>> No.8210039
File: 43 KB, 548x365, Norman-Reedus-548x365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if Norman Reedus is going to actually show? I heard he doesn't show to some cons. Also would I have to pay for over priced con ticket to go and get an autograph/photo with one of the guests? Fucking Megacon man.

>> No.8210417

I'll dye laughing if they update the fb page on the day of that he canceled. Those comments will be great.

Yeah you have to get day pass/weekend pass to even pay for the photo op

>> No.8210574
File: 19 KB, 251x251, 1400267667342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that anon. I'll try going as Shirou in your place

>> No.8210805

I better see pics of your Shirou if you do!