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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8168071 No.8168071 [Reply] [Original]

>still not asking for it

ok, why you are even surprised if creep will go on you?

>> No.8168133

Pls leave

>> No.8168146

That just look silly but no, still not asking for it

>> No.8168286

Who let /r9k/ in here?

>> No.8168323
File: 2.32 MB, 400x224, 1411293257_1391414907_14lpbyh_lx1a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ask me, that's pretty On Character, since you know... Poison
Nice bait tho

>> No.8168857

Not r9k, its BGG

>> No.8168873

I don't understand why guys don't get it. You are NEVER entitled to do shit to someone else. Doesn't matter what their gender is or what they're wearing. I'm bi and we're supposedly desperate sluts. I notice hot girls all the time but make the conscious effort to not make them feel uncomfortable because I know what it's like to be on the recieving end, even if I could get away with ogling because they likely wouldn't assume I'm interested in tits. I don't just approach guys and proposition them/ touch without permission either. What is so hard about respecting people?

>> No.8174455


>> No.8174526

that mouth is so scary

>> No.8174546
File: 137 KB, 776x602, 6534654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhm yeah.. scary

>> No.8176010


>> No.8176018

>posting this long ass response

You already lost.

>> No.8176112

This is straight up a bashing bait. If you touch someone without consent or take a photo of someone in a lewd manner, I hope they call the police on you. Better yet, try to touch them because then sexual harassment charges could be pressed and, ta-da!

"Hi, Im Anon. I just moved into your neighborhood. I am here to tell you that I am a sexual predator."

>> No.8177508

When you dress like that, yeah, it shouldn't be surprising when people hit on or flirt with you
But sexual harassment is never warranted

>> No.8181101


Sexual predicon here I really do not think thats how it works well at least for me anyways. Also Its not like my actions were a big deal. I mean when you think about it if you have a good rep and good looks then whats to say I cant be some good looking Dirk Strider that hits on and bags a few jb? Like at least I aint trying to seek out them lolitas youknowwhatimsayin? Basically 16 and up for me.

>> No.8181214

Found one.

>> No.8184058


If you get creeped on but youre attractive and not looking autistic then chances are they wont see you as a creep but if you are a typical neckbeard then of course.

>> No.8184068

>that last comment though
I don't understand why so many females think it's okay just to come up and grab my arms and touch my pecs like that's normal and not equally uncomfortable. I was taking a picture with a female two year ago and they instantly decided to grab me by the waist and pull me towards them. Not cool

>> No.8184343

Nobody says they're entitled. Y'all just don't seem to understand that we don't control other men. We aren't responsible for them touching y'all and shit. If you're going to call attention to yourself wearing something that makes you stand out from the other women at the con, guys are gonna creep on you. There's nothing anyone can do about it.

>> No.8184380


They're just not asking for it from you, uggo.

>> No.8184390 [DELETED] 
File: 431 KB, 960x1280, jinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /cgl/, /v/ here

>> No.8186069

Sometimes I feel that majority of the time famous cosplayers call out creepers as a way to make themselves look like a victim for more attention towards themselves. For all you know they can make stuff up and no one would bat an eye and they would all just cater to their needs.

>> No.8186319

Then say something.

The one thing I have to say about this is that a lot of girls don't know that men have this problem too. They are so used to hearing about female horror stories that a lot of the time they forget that men feel uncomfortable too when put into equal positions.

This is when you kindly pull her to the side and let her know it made her uncomfortable.

This is also why male rape is a lot of the time considered a laughable offense. Its so below the norm on what is reported in media that no one takes it seriously.

>> No.8186773
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, 1404335623794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i fundamentally agree with your point. i should mention though that there is a difference between hitting on someone and creeping on them. if you're dressed like OP's pic, you are going to get hit on by men and gay/bi women, period. it's when an appropriate level of flirting/chatting up descends into creepyness such as offensive language, unwanted touching and disregard for requests to be left alone, THEN things become legitimately problematic.

>> No.8186782


>Then say something.

not the person you're responding to, but i "saying something" is not that simple. for women, there is a hesitancy to speak up for fear of verbal or even physical backlash from the accused. for men, speaking up when a women is creeping on you means being labelled as weak, overly sensitive, or generally less-than-a-man. if women are wrongfully assumed to be "asking for it," then men are just as wrongfully assumed to be "constantly seeking it" from any and all women.

>> No.8186850
File: 82 KB, 480x270, Disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're at a public venue. If your dressed like a whore you'll be asked to change, it's just unsanitary. There's no rule against taking pictures. Don't like it, don't go to a convention. We can live without your deluded drama. I will continue to take lewd shots if it means raising awareness to put some fucking underwear on. We're making fun of you dear, not fapping.

>> No.8186951

Then you don't mind people reprimanding obvious creeps either? Because when a creep is obviously creepy he is just asking to be beat up, isn't he?

>> No.8187109

I doubt many of us think we're entitled to do anything with anybody, but shitty people do exist, and dressing like in OP's pic attracts their attention.

Personally, if I ended up in a conversation with the girl in OP's pic, I would probably feel really uncomfortable/awkward. Maybe that's just me.

>> No.8188284

What is "taking a photo of someone in a lewd manner?" Taking a picture with one hand in my pants?

>> No.8189892
File: 21 KB, 403x272, 11010577_1573945452822052_2418332729481146814_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this so much fucking this.

truth and anybody who denies it is full of shit.

whether you are the type who dresses in panties then wonders why guys are looking at your ass or if it's the people who think it's okay to touch their dick on your back for whatever reason both are too far in the, your fucking delusional box for me.