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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 77 KB, 400x600, Dr. Horrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8163960 No.8163960 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get another one of these going? I liked seeing some of the stories. They can be good or bad and can be from either side (buyer or seller). I'd also like to know about any recommended or non-recommended stores/cosplayers/tailors

>> No.8165886
File: 81 KB, 634x476, 1422580543548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your OP picture isn't repulsive enough for a commission thread.

>> No.8165887

What the fresh fuck is that supposed to be

>> No.8165898

A giant hornet nest built directly into a bed.

>> No.8165988

First off oh God.
Secondly I wasn't really looking for anything repulsive. Just a picture.

>> No.8166008

Imagine coming home after a long day, walking into your dark room, and flopping down right on top of it.

>> No.8166371
File: 47 KB, 193x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the last thread of this I posted my tale of being scammed on Coscom, complete with the person ignoring me for several months and telling me that I can't get a refund because she had already "discounted me so much"
I also mentioned that at Youmacon she gave me the "original" cosplay, saying she was going to remake it for me for free. The character was Reimi Sugimoto from Jojo part IV (pic related). But instead I got... (Bare with me I'm mobile)

>> No.8166377
File: 1.45 MB, 2428x3156, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. She told me it was just a wonky dye job. Her boyfriend had told me that she had been working on the choker during this time too.
No choker, no ribbons. I paid 100 bucks for this and can't get a refund and she won't deliver what she owes me.

>> No.8167308


>> No.8167313

Wow, anon. Name and shame her to the ends of the earth and back. This is atrocious and her "solution" is unacceptable.

>> No.8167377


Holy shit anon I feel so sorry for you. I agree with >>8167313, that kind of work is 100% not okay. Shitty business practices aside, there's so much wrong with this from a construction standpoint, not even taking into account the shit dye job.

>> No.8167539

She didn't construct it though. She bought this dress from a thrift store last minute before the con because apparently her siblings got stuff on the original dress she DID construct.

>> No.8167543

I'm also still waiting on the outfit, but I've giving up on hoping for anything.

>> No.8167551

i commissioned a piece from the floral notebook (on fb) and whilst the style and colour are perfect, the sizing was laughable and a bit ridiculous.

it was a special piece, she worked off a picture reference i gave her. i also gave her my exact measurements, and i fit into most unshirred brand.
was disappointed to receive a garment 2 to 3 sizes bigger than what i would usually wear. not sure if it's worth it to get it altered, to keep it and try to coord or just try and sell off ugh

>> No.8168222

I have a problem customer atm. Everything was fine, we discussed deadlines and she said she didn't need it until the end of July.
She's paid half and agreed to pay half when I finished it.
This was all confirmed on Monday and she paid the first half Monday evening.
I have another commission on the go so I've been working on that, intending to start on this girls commission as soon as I was done with this one.
It's now Sunday night and the girl messaged me angrily asking 'where the fuck her cosplay is'. I was shocked but explained it hasn't been started yet because of having another commission and the fact she doesn't need it until the end of the July.
She's now messaged me saying she's disgusted that I would take her money and not even start the cosplay. Has been 'naming and shaming' me on local cosplay groups all day, she deletes her post as soon as someone comments saying how dumb she is, then reposts.
She's told me she wants her cosplay done by the end of next week or she's demanding her money back.
How the fuck am I supposed to handle this?

>> No.8168234

If you have the original discussion about the commission, show it to her or keep it on hand. get more proof than her or you're SOL.
All else fails just give the bitch her money and name and shame her right back as a bad costumer. It wouldn't be worth it to end up in a worse situation.

>> No.8168239

Refund her and silently blacklist her. If you've already purchased non-refundable materials, do not refund her for that portion and tell her why you're doing so. If she causes a fuss, let her, then post screencaps.

>> No.8169384

Oh jeez. That stinks, anon.

>> No.8169397

Screencap, post it in the status where it clearly says she wants it by the end of july, do not comment anything else.

>> No.8170818

>Had a P4 school outfit commissioned
>paid over $100 for it
>made of uniform fabric
>worried it's going to look cheap as fuck

Don't think it helps that the seller is from China and spoke broken English

>> No.8170838

Why are you worried it will look cheap? Because it's made out of uniform fabric or because it's from China?

>> No.8170860

Uniform fabric. A few people said that uniform fabric is made out of cheap cotton and the like.

>> No.8170884

"uniform fabric" isn't a meaningful term. Is this really a commission (from an individual) or is from a cheap cosplay company?

>> No.8170885

Cheap cotton =/= always uniform fabric though. Although you could use light cotton to make uniforms, theoretically, I usually hear uniform fabric to be mid to heavy weight cotton/poly/wool. Did they send you pics of what it looked like?

>> No.8170903

File a claim with your bank and get your 100 back. Fuck her.

>> No.8170995

Individual. It was on ebay (I know I'm retarded and deserve it). Photos of the actual outfit look good. Better than the others on ebay

>> No.8171002

I still feel so sorry for you because of this. When you told me about this I was in absolute horror because of the ordeal, but now seeing the image I'm in absolute shock. How can you mess up that badly?

Anyway, make sure you get her name known so she's known as a scammer. Make her infamous in the midwest cosplay community, though tbh there's so much drama esp in our comm if she is a local she would probably be another face in the crowd.

Anyway, I hope you get your money back, or at least get something out of this.

>> No.8171005 [DELETED] 

Individual. It was on ebay (I know I'm retarded and deserve it). Photos of the actual outfit look good.

>> No.8171042

It looks like wood shavings and shit. Maybe an animal digging in the house?

>> No.8171949

It's a huge wasps nest that was left untreated for years

>> No.8173065

I don't have a case though, unfortunately. I fucked up and made a newbie mistake, having paid her as a gift on Paypal. Because it was a gift it means I voided the refund fees and basically gave her my money. I made a huge mistake, having never paid for any service before.

>> No.8173145

did the money come from a paypal balance, or was it withdrawn from your bank when you paid through paypal? if it was the latter, you can still ask your bank for a chargeback.

>> No.8173893

It actually was from my bank. Huh, I might do that.

>> No.8174637

i-it's photoshopped... right guys?

>> No.8174726

Nope. It's a wasp's nest in someone's guest room. They just left the room unintended for a while and this happened.

>> No.8174776

Have you already contacted her and asked her to fix it? Typically people who do custom dresses include any alterations. I know it's difficult to get fit absolutely perfect when the person isn't there to try it on, so I always allow the person to ship it back to me for any fine-tuning at no extra cost. I'm sure she'd be happier to have a pleased customer than leave you upset...

Caps of her deadline. Don't be so public about it as to reply to all her posts, instead go to the moderators of the groups that she's been posting in and see if you can get them to take your side. If she didn't want the cosplay done until July but was willing to pay ahead, I see no problem with you not jumping on her cosplay immediately. From now on, make it clear in your TOS that your priorities go by deadline, then by who pays first when it comes to when you work on cosplays.

>> No.8174793

This anon reporting in. Did a chargeback. It's gonna be a good week or so, but I should be getting my money back. Thanks for all the support and advice. I'm gonna be naming and shaming as well.

>> No.8174930

She clearly changed the neckline, and it's atrociously done. This person cannot sew at all. That's extremely amateur technique, and anyone who knew the first thing about sewing garments wouldn't have tried to alter the neckline that way. I doubt there was ever a "first" dress to begin with.

>> No.8174944

*wasp nest
(according to my reverse image search article expedition)

>> No.8174987

>Full-time student
>Have trouble finding jobs IN A COLLEGE TOWN that I both enjoy and will work around my schedule.
>Feeling very reluctant to compromise
>Fiance insists I pursue dream of being seamstress because he just got a high-paying job last year
>reluctant because I enjoy financial independence
>but I go for it because he's so sweet and supportive
>feel really confident that I can balance both
>first three months are really rough, no money in savings, we barely make bills and afford holidays, I fail 2/5 fall classes
>finally back on my feet, just paid both of our rents, back on track in my spring classes, savings accounts are filled up
>holy shit I'm still so stressed though
I knew this would be hard, I just didn't know it would be THIS hard. I'm finally booked full with commissions and enjoying a good customer base, but I miss having time to sew for myself. I also miss turning in work to my professors that I really put myself into. My customers are my #1 priority but I don't think my professors agree. It makes having the successful business I've always wanted kind of bittersweet...

>> No.8175053

I hate to say it but I agree completely. She constantly lied about the things she was working on (her bf helped with this during the con weekend) and it just sucks to think that she'd do this to me. Hilarious enough she recently got POSITIVE FEEDBACK on her coscom page. I finally nutted up though and issued a chargeback. I feel like she owes me that much.

>> No.8175071

OH, to warn anyone-
Her name is Kikiyori Mikashima but her company name is Honey Mochi Studios. Last time I talked to her was in late January, but she's been active.
Coscom (says she's really good at communication, kek) http://www.cosplay.com/marketplace/showproduct.php/product/72922/cat/16
Cosplay page is Kiki Mika Cosplay on Facebook (This actually says she is now a FULL TIME COMMISSIONER. This was on March 3rd).

I can't tell you much else sadly.

>> No.8175074 [DELETED] 

Good for you anon. Make sure to come back and name and shame.

>> No.8175367

Can someone point me towards someone who can do superhero bodysuit comms?

>> No.8175380

It might not be as bad as you think-- I've bought some costumes described as 'uniform fabric' and it's all been really nice medium weight cottons that were good quality. Obviously though things may turn out different for you so it's a bit of wait and see I suppose

>> No.8176761

That's a big nope.

>> No.8176778

Is there anywhere to commission decent armor that won't cost me my firstborn? I figure y'all are the best ones to ask.

>> No.8176794

Maybe you'd be better with 3 classes anon? If you need the money that badly you could find something casual like babysitting

>> No.8176903

Unfortunately I'm already going to graduate a year late (next spring) so I can't really take on a lighter class load and I really just want this degree done and over with. I'm almost four years into a goddamn degree in English that I only started because I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, I was convinced by my small-town teachers that I was a good enough writer to succeed in such an over-saturated field, and my parents threatened to disown me if I didn't attend college. Here I am now, doing what I love, making good money and feeling certain that I could build a lifelong career as a seamstress. I appreciate all the experiences that college has given to me but this degree isn't even really useful as a backup plan...
My fiancé is a terrific writer, working as a technical writer as well as for several publications on the side, he puts out wonderful music, and is always getting new short stories and poetry published. He has the perfect combination of drive, passion, and talent to succeed. Writing is his thing. But seeing that has made me realize that while I'm decent at writing, it isn't my thing. My personal drive, passion, and talent come through in sewing.
We had a discussion about the state of things, and I've decided that while I can't keep up on our bills with a part time job, I can take a few less commissions to focus on school. To make this degree a little more useful as a back up plan, I'm going to focus in on my second passion and continue on to get my Masters in Linguistics, and most likely focus on
Middle English and medieval literature. It isn't the best, I know but it's better than having an expensive, useless bachelor's degree where everyone expects you to be some coffee-sipping hipster obsessed with crappy surrealist writing whose only plan is to teach. Fuck that shit, I get my nerd boners through discussing serged seams versus french seams or the intricacies of Chaucer's use of double entendres.
Is this the right choice, anons?

>> No.8177719

For those of you who commission from individuals rather than overseas companies, where do you look for commissioners? I'd like to take on a few more commissions (right now all of my work is word of mouth or past clients) but I'm primarily a clothing maker who periodically cosplays, so I don't have an established presence in the cosplay world and I'm not sure where to post my info.

>> No.8177725

>was lying in bed nice and cozy under the covers
>see this
>read what it is
my skin started crawling and I flung myself out of bed what the fuck

>> No.8178857

Hope you're okay anon.
I wanna know as well.

>> No.8179272
File: 388 KB, 1100x750, Matcha.Green.full.1818022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tried to get pictured related commissioned for an anime convention.
>Person told me after going through tons of measurements, paying them, and email tags that they couldn't do it.
>Con is in two months.

Does anyone know anyone that can make this outfit or even a Taobao seller that's good quality? I've checked YJA but everyone is selling Nozo's jacket and other easier cosplays.

>> No.8180228

Any more commission stories?

>> No.8180292

Whatever you do, finish school. Just having a degree is much better than not having one, even if it is useless.

But if your so concerned about having a useless degree why are you considering a Masters in Linguistics which is probably going to be useless? And it isn't too late to start changing your job trajectory and get something applicable done in college.

>> No.8181580
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, whoremouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone wanna help me out with this little fucker's beret hat thing...I tried making it myself but it turned out horribly...

>> No.8182197
File: 256 KB, 500x383, tumblr_mw4jhkRjcj1s03nczo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you're a bit behind with commissions
>haven't talked to a client lower in the queue in awhile
>about to start their item and decide to touch base
>email won't send, their mail server has been shut down
>no other way to contact them

I feel really bad, but for now I've just moved on down the queue, because I'm not making something for someone who can't pay me and I can't ship to... Hope they contact me sometime, I've got the pieces all cut out and waiting... At least I'm not behind anymore?

>> No.8183757

Don't let this thread die like the last one.

>> No.8183786

>do lots of lolita commissions
>start to take on cosplay commissions
>feel intimidated because cosplay must be harder right?
>mfw all this shit is so easy
>like I actually get to just use a pattern with minimal alterations
>for a split second consider only doing cosplay and learning how to do props n shit
>but I love lolita way too much, so no.

>> No.8183900

You must be getting some basic ass commissions. Anime costumes are often simplistic because of the art format but don't have to adhere to the laws of gravity or the human body, while live action cosplay can be very detailed or have fussy, specific materials, and require fidelity to an actual existing outfit. A lot of basic cosplay is easy, but a lot of cosplay isn't. Lolita is dead easy if you can actually make garments. The clothing is basic lines with lace and ruffles and shit slapped on it.

>> No.8183985

I really am, I think. pleated skirts, jackets, Jedi robes, I'm getting the easy end of the stick but it seems like that's all people want me to do so hey, I won't argue.

>> No.8184020

Don't get a useless master's that will only get you further in debt. You got the degree, so just continue building up experience and clientele with what you're actually good at rather than wasting time.

Rule of thumb: Ask yourself if the company hiring you will pay your way through a master's in Linguistics with a focus on middle english and medieval literature. If the answer is no, don't go for it. Likewise, if you're better off going into a company, establishing yourself as a valuable employee early on, than that's the way to go rather than a master's they don't give a crud about.

>> No.8185119

Rule of thumb: Never buy Cos com cosplays.

>> No.8186385

Learned that the hard way.

>> No.8188348

Don't feel bad anon you have to learn somewhere. It's sad because a lot of people don't know how to network to find commissioners or go on here so it's really easy to think that Cos com is god's gift to the cosplay community or something.

>> No.8188361

Anon show us the pictures.

Or link to the seller

>> No.8188371


This man, Wish someone had told me this when I first started to cosplay years ago.

>> No.8189034

What even is cos com? I assumed it was a chinese retailer but there aren't any google results.

>> No.8189056

It would be, too, if it didn't attract so much trash.
That's the downside to anything getting popular, though.

>> No.8189060

Cosplay.com. It's a huge forum that's generated so many cringe stories.

>> No.8189110

Ah. That was my first thought, but I haven't used the site for many years and didn't know the marketplace has a reputation for being shitty. I guess I won't post my commission info there.

>> No.8189151

I've done very little commission work. But I had a guy offer me 65$ for a custom spider-punk sub dye design. I did a first draft, he wasn't too keen gave me a really shitty description if what he wanted
(keep it basic, no muscle shading, make the design more like this fan art drawing)

Managed to make the design as presentable as I could. Even made it look reasonably good (IMO) and then he blanks me entirely.
Sent emails, Instagram messages and the fucker just ignored me.
It's fine if it wasn't what he was after but it was a total waste of my time and rude as hell.

Long story short
>Guy commissions me, but when the work is done changes his mind.
>I'm too stupid to ask for payment upfront.

>> No.8189349

>want to do commissions
>don't even know where to start

I'm not super great so I'd only take on simple stuff that I know I can make look good, but I keep forgetting to take progress pics while I'm making my own costumes. Will people buy based on final product photos alone?

I figure at first I'll just charge for materials + like $20 or something, just till I get some feedback and reviews.

>> No.8190723

Have any of you dealt with a girl who goes by the nicknames "Ninbri" or "Brilikesmoose"? I purchased something from her and she keeps making excuses when it comes to sending out my cosplay. It's always "couldn't ship today, I'll ship tomorrow" "oh by the end of this week I forgot" etc etc. It's been almost a month and last time I asked her what the hold up was she kind of snapped at me, like how dare I ask. I talked to someone on coscom and he told me she is shady as fuck and a scammer, but I'm not sure what to think because people were talking shit on him here (CGL) too.

So have any of you dealt with her? If so did you ever get your damn cosplays or wigs? If so, how long did it take until she finally sent your stuff? I'm getting pretty pissed off waiting so long.

Sorry if this was in the wrong section. Newfag here and I didn't want to start a new thread.

>> No.8191174


Start a charge back. She use to do crappy wig commissions. A month is too much to wait for someone to ship a wig.

>> No.8191284

Get your money back before it's too late.

>> No.8192172

I remember once commissioning a halloween outfit for my bjd The test outfit the person made was super cute, but when mine was made.... it was really ugly. I ended up paying and not saying anything because I just wanted to see if I could fix it. Now I don't like commissioning and just sewing my own doll clothes or buying premade.

>> No.8192291

Tell her she took to long and you're filing a claim with your bank to get your money back. Fuck her, for doing this.

>> No.8192933

No if anything post it here as you see with >>8181580 and >>8179272

>> No.8193184

She emailed me back finally, after two months of no communication. She apologized and said "I'll have photos for you in 1 week for progress photos and in 3 weeks I'll have it shipped to you. How does that sound?"
I want to believe her, I really really do (even though against my better judgement that I shouldn't), but I already sent the charge-back.
I'm not sure on what to do right now.

>> No.8193209


Continue with the charge back. You gave her a chance and she blew it. The only reason she's messaging you now is because she's trying to weasel her way out of the charge back and keep your money.

If you close the case, you won't get your money back nor will you get your commission. Go for the money anon.

>> No.8193463

Go with the charge back. If she spent all that time not even working on your commission then she's only doing it now to keep your money. Get your money and leave her the bad review she's earned.

>> No.8193583

Kindly give her the middle finger and go along with the chargeback

>> No.8193626

Man I asked someone for a commission for a helmet and still haven't heard from them. I did this back in December and was quoted twice but they never sent their paypal or any information to send them off with.

How long does it take to make a helmet anyway?

>> No.8193799

Turns out the chargeback was declined as I didn't realize there was a certain amount of time where I could do it. So I guess it's now up to her if she wants to give me my money back or is really going to make the dress.

>> No.8193806

Hate to say it anon but if she finds out you can't get your money back, she'll probably fuck off again. If she doesn't provide progress photos, contact her and screencap it. If she doesn't provide shipping proof in three weeks, contact her again with the screencaps. If she makes some excuse, go straight to shaming her on every social media platform you've got because you're out money and you didn't get what you paid for.

>> No.8195979

What this anon said.

>> No.8196128

This is a wise anon; listen to them.

>> No.8196181

So going by this thread there isn't a lot of seagulls that do commissions or just started doing commissions? Because there's been glorious horror stories but nobody saying "Hey I want some clients!"

>> No.8196894




>> No.8196900

I do but mine fill up within days of opening.

>> No.8196931


I'm not in any particular need of anything made for me right now but I've got some extra cash to burn. What kind of work are you thinking of doing? I could probably think of something to commission to get you some experience and something for the portfolio.

>> No.8197040

I'd like a few new clients and I've picked up a job or two on cgl in the past, but I just haven't gotten around to setting up a new gallery with samples to link to. I literally can't remember where I uploaded pictures last time.

>> No.8198095

I actually need something made that's on the simple side so if there is any seagull commissioner who wants to discuss the details I put my throwaway email in the name field.

>> No.8198107

What kind of work you do anon or thinking about doing? Do you have any images? I know you're just starting but like images of materials, etc.

>> No.8198304

Right now I've made an Ursaring kigu and I'm currently working on Squigly from Skullgirls.

I can say that my seams don't always look the best on the inside, but the outside will always look good. The kigu I made for a friend and people were asking where be bought it from, that they liked it a lot, etc.

I can also do small props, though I'm still working on that skill more than my sewing.

I'm awful and I always forget to take shots while I'm in the process, but I'm mid-costume right now so I could definitely take some. I should set up a site somewhere I guess.

>> No.8198354


Funny enough I've been thinking about getting a kigu but haven't found one I've liked enough yet. Drop me a line with some product photos; we can work something out.

>> No.8198545

I imagine some people might be a little afraid to take on a fellow seagull as a client because we're so fucking impossible to please.

>> No.8200473

I'm not. As long as it doesn't look like what I received from Cos com or >>8166377
I wouldn't even care.

Not the same anon but what's your skill level? You think you can do something like this >>8179272

Captcha: Omoto

>> No.8201650

Lol, yeah my dress. I actually commissioned the person on coscom so basically the lesson is don't go on coscom.

>> No.8202418
File: 46 KB, 516x696, mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would one of you charge to make a cotton or cotton spandex weave 2 hole balaclava, Bought one and the eye holes are bigger than I would like.