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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 31 KB, 800x670, australian-flag-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8161942 No.8161942 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread got deleted, so heres a new one.
(Please don't post nudes here, I dont wan't this one deleted too.)

>Cosplay progress
>Upcoming Convention plans

You can find it all here in: Australia Cosplay General 14.0

>> No.8161945

Melbourne supanova is coming soon.. any decent melb photogs?

>> No.8161947
File: 51 KB, 704x960, 10422223_1516698815247646_8718844354474187522_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna sound whiny or needy, but does anyone have footage from Brisnova 2014's cosplay competition, both days? I entered with my friends for the first time on Saturday and my friends won on Sunday, but I just can't find any videos. Particulatly Sunday. Pic related.

>> No.8161958

Is it just me, or are Australian cosplayers fucking retards.

>> No.8161959

just you good sir, we're pretty fricking fabulous

>> No.8161960

probably just you, every group is going to have their extremes, just most of the extremely bad will pop up in a place like this

>> No.8161964

I am an Australian cosplayer, and you're fucking lying.
Most of us, if not all, are a bunch of judgemental cunts.

>> No.8161970

But you gotta admit if those two won then god we need to step up our game

>> No.8161972

It IS supanova. I know a fair few people who won't enter the comp because the MC is a dick.

>> No.8161974

It was Sunday, yo, everyone worth their salt goes on Saturday. The kid on Saturday was cute.

>> No.8161993

oh? i hit a nerve? it seems a wild tumblr parasite entered, i find it funny because i see you as a judgemental cunt before anyone i;ve met in the australian cosplay community

>> No.8162022 [DELETED] 

These guy we actually pretty amazing.
Its not just costume design at Supanova...they also have prize for best skit....and these two were great !
Lighten the fuck up everyone....i though cosplay was bout being fun not being hyper competitive fucktards

>> No.8162025

**These guys were actually pretty amazing.
Its not just costume design at Supanova...they also have prize for best skit....and these two were great !
Lighten the fuck up everyone....i thought cosplay was spose to be about havig fun not being hyper competitive fucktards

>> No.8162035
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presented without comment because i'm speechless...

>> No.8162036

What the hell happened to the number 13 thread?

>> No.8162039

someone posted nudes.

>> No.8162054

oh kathleen

never change

>> No.8162058

They weren't even good nudes :/

>> No.8162062

Now it's the combined force of kathleen AND husbando-to-be (or whatever)

>> No.8162069

i heard he'd been fired for this year

>> No.8162074

"i hit a nerve"? what is this, fucking grade 5?
if you have to give yourself a positive adjective, it doesnt apply. ever.

>> No.8162079

Well con season starts up again soon so i'd be interested to see if he's still mc or not. hope they have someone new and better!

>> No.8162084

who's nudes?

>> No.8162087

Mav someone? one of the admins of the victorian cosplay family group

>> No.8162091

cry more

>> No.8162106

Sydney here, this thread is sounding awfully Melbourne.

Please stop that.

>> No.8162110

so.. hows those nudes going MORE DIK PICS U SAY?

>> No.8162124

Please don't I'd rather not have to keep remaking these threads because of this.

>> No.8162175

u no u love the dick pics dont lie xD

>> No.8162187

i'd rather drink your tears m8

>> No.8162191

can y'all trying to drag this into a sad attempt at nudity plz fuck off, you're not remotely as funny as you think you are

>> No.8162231 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 232x400, tumblr_mumuuk06vA1sf6zsmo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your right, lets get back to cosplay, its 100% not remotely funny!
we have spider man here

>> No.8162290

i chuckled

>> No.8163125

To add some positivity to the thread, what are some cosplays you would like to see this half of con season (melbnova through to sydnova)

>> No.8163160

I'd like to see a well done MeMeMe cosplay.

>> No.8163176

Can someone do me a catch up of what I missed in 13? I know there were nudes but was there any other dramu?

Mav is not attractive yet he comes off as the biggest manwhore. Doesn't understand

>> No.8163191
File: 70 KB, 500x354, tumblr_nfe07gVVso1r7jzano5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MeMeMe cosplay? LOL

>> No.8163195

kicked out of con in 5 minutes flat

>> No.8163220
File: 132 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ni6r6cK9oT1qb0nm0o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugghhh no...dont ask for any mememe cosplays.....all the fat chicks will start cosplaying them..

>> No.8163230

I don't think so still clothed so passible but I would say 50/50 because of erotic suggestion.

>> No.8163250
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they already butchered misty

>> No.8163260


>> No.8163449

I don't really care where from, I'd love to see some really HIGH quality cosplays. none of this "made in 2 days with hot glue and hope" rubbish.

>> No.8163535

I'd rather see that than Zeek.

>> No.8163554

*Shots fired* but yes

>> No.8163582

Shot's fired? Hardly
Zeek's "cosplay" isn't very well recieved here.

>> No.8163743

Zeek a bad dude?

Deets. Now. Sounds like some straight up Kayla Erin bullshit.

>> No.8163750

I think "musclebound naieve idiot with nothing to offer the cosplay community besides being a running joke" sums it up pretty well.

>> No.8163776
File: 107 KB, 640x960, 1690493_841467882562183_5666381806882975591_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to dye the clothes green and waiting on new gloves from the same guy that did the ribs, spine and knees. What else could be improved?

>> No.8163875

Zee is gross. end of story

>> No.8163885


>> No.8163897

Sydneysider here. Does anyone know where I can buy the following:
>yellow/golden tape
>red trousers, the redder the better

>> No.8163933
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>> No.8163969

vendetta? what's wrong with zimiel i've never seen them mentioned in an ausfag thread

>> No.8163975

She's been mentioned a lot. No Vendetta here. I just think she's sickly thin to the point where it's obviously affecting her health.

>> No.8164012

I too feel her weight might be less than healthy :/

>> No.8164015

I see alot of *well known* aus cosplayers are going to gc nova. Is it worth going too?

>> No.8164020

I know it's a while till it's on, but let's talk about PAX.

>On what days are you going?
>Any cosplay plans?
>What characters do you think you'll see? What characters are you hoping to see?

>> No.8164026

I'd say so. Wost case it's close enough to the water to go for a swim as well.

Plus the guests look great this year too.

>> No.8164032

Less vendetta... more fear/worry about her (lack of) weight.

>> No.8164103

I'd love to see a whole DA Inquisition group. I'm hoping to make a Cassandra for PAX

>> No.8165053

True, thanks anon

>> No.8165124

No worries.

>> No.8165283
File: 202 KB, 484x532, Screen Shot 2015-03-07 at 1.25.06 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the post that made me finally leave the MCC
I used to lurk for the hilarity but every post in that group just fills me with seething rage now.

>> No.8165342

I'm hoping to wrangle my friends to do some DAI characters. Unfortunately none of us can really sew and almost all the outfits in Inquisition are hard mode.

>> No.8165343

Jesus, how many times does she need to post the same fucking thing. NO ONE CARES.

>> No.8165344

Accurately cosplaying the build of Clamp characters is probably sign of being seriously underweight. Also ugh, stick thin legs are really not attractive IRL.

>> No.8165347

She is so much more Knives than Ramona.

>> No.8165349

I totally want to do a DAI group but all the costumes are way out of my skill level. My goal is Morrigan but damn.

>> No.8165353

Even the pyjamas look like they took a team of metalworkers a week to complete and that's one of the simpler outfits. A friend has fallen in love with Josephine's kit which looks like it would take a very careful hand to not look very silly.

>> No.8165357


In today's daily round of ideas that will go nowhere!

>> No.8165365

I'd love to cosplay Inquisition Leliana but fucking chainmail...

also I don't really have the face for her, but who does?

>> No.8165394

There's a pretty good looking Leliana who seems to have cheated and not used chainmail here: >>8152227
To make that chain maile accurately would weigh a ton and mess up your back after a day of a con. There's not even a belt to take some of it's weight on to your waist.

>> No.8165429
File: 73 KB, 960x660, 11025128_521922194615380_8511946689347155194_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't deal with this.

>> No.8165506

>not using a gambeson
scrub detected.

All seriousness, as a larper/aspiring re-enactor, you're going to want padding underneath chain. You can make a simple quilted vest or coat underneath. Historical gambesons used 8 layers of cloth, but if you just want cushioning from chafing rather than protection from slashes and blunt force, you can substitute quilt batting, preferably non-poly unless you want to melt. I suppose you could also do what the ancient greeks did and glue a bunch of layers of cloth until it's 1cm thick.

>> No.8165513

>I called mail chain
brb, killing self.

>> No.8165519 [DELETED] 

>bunch of judgemental cunts.
Stop showing off your rolls of fat

>> No.8165520

LARP pls go, you aren't cosplay. Get your elitism/moral supeririority comnplex out of here.

>> No.8165534

Your mum isn't cosplay, neckbeard.

>> No.8165541

Hey hey hey, just giving advice. They wanted to know how to make mail more comfortable, and I told them.
Oh boy....

>> No.8165552

Stop showing off your bones, you anorexic cunt.

>> No.8165562

I have one with cotton batting already, but I've never made chainmail before. I thought aluminium might be ok but I don't fucking know?

>> No.8165582

Aluminium wire's fine if you just want it to look pretty. Try to get it 1.6mm+ thick. Get a wooden rod roughly as thick as your index finger with a hole drilled at the top, put a little wire at the top and wind it around in a coil. Then get some bolt cutters and cut a line through and you have some quick rings. Then you do the standard 4 in one pattern, meaning each ring not at the edges is connected to 4 other rings. That'll get you some quick butted mail that looks decent.

If you want to score bonus points for effort/accuracy/durability, you could use steel and/or rivet/weld them (avoid galvanised wire if you're going to put any heat near them, heating galvanised wire releases zinc fumes, which are toxic). Welding mail is straightforward, riveting them's a bit more complicated and time consuming, though here's a good site if you want to get the nitty gritty.


>> No.8165605
File: 310 KB, 1867x1400, 10847393_1023051524375891_5713693508210982135_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think beethy didn't do this.

>> No.8165615

Why is that anon?

>> No.8165651

some of the stuff I read said that cutting the rings with a saw would make them look nicer than clipping them with wire cutters.

I don't know any welders so the welding bit probably isn't going to happen, although I imagine it looks much nicer.

>> No.8165661

AFAIK you don't need to be qualified to use a welder unless you're doing it for a job, but you definitely should have someone show you how.

>> No.8165675

....ew what?

>> No.8165683
File: 333 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, this is a cosplay thread? I was commenting on how impossible the characters costume is as it appears in the game. Where it it worn as an unbelted knee length tunic with fabric backing. Which as someone who does wear maile for LARP with a gambeson and a belt I can tell you is just asking to ruin the body of an unsuspecting cosplayer.

Historical accuracy has pretty much zero to do with how anyone in the Dragon Age universe wears anything.

>> No.8165687

Yeahh it's still pretty daunting though.
Is the saw thing worth it in terms of look? Compared to welding especially.

>> No.8165705

No idea, haven't gotten round to mail yet to be honest, teaching myself armorsmithing, so far I've made myself a gambeson and some gauntlets. I just read a lot about it. I can't say about looks but I imagine it'd be more efficient to use the bolt cutter.

Just try out for yourself I guess, and if you're not comfortable with welding I don't blame you. Err on the side of caution until you're more experienced.

I am aware that you can weave rings through leather/cloth around the edges of mail to give it a bit of protection/style, and was done back in the day. There's also examples of front or back opening mail fastened with buckles. As far as I can see from that pic you could get away with sneaking a padded vest in there.

>> No.8165713

Yeah he's into that. Can't expect much from someone with so little brain. it's hard to focus his attention, hance multiple partners.

>> No.8165717

Oooookay I was under the impression that larper knew more than I did which is apparently not the case.

So I'll ask you, how heavy are we talking? I'm pretty petite and a wimp but I was thinking about fairly wide aluminium rings. Will that still break me?

>> No.8165721
File: 96 KB, 618x929, 1425427298111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A full hauberk generally weighs about 10 - 15kg. Fortunately you don't have sleeves on that thing, which is the real shoulder killer

An acceptable compromise might be something like the metallic knitted mail here. I'd love to see someone manage to convincingly pull that off with real mail though.

>> No.8165724

full steel hauberk*

>> No.8165736

Is that for steel? I doubt I'd even be able to get it on because I'm such a womanlet. I was hoping using aluminium and bigger rings would reduce the weight, but I suppose that's where I'm exiting most larpers areas of expertise by making it purposely shitty and just for looks.

>> No.8165741

Plenty of larpers make their armor just for looks.

>> No.8165747
File: 93 KB, 626x960, 10420404_10155263256920612_8100984432108144310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every's work is incredible yet again!

>> No.8165750


big rings look insanely shit, atleast get a few patches (of maybe a thousand rings) in different sizes to work out the best compromise, even just a couple of mil wider can make the look go from chainmail, to weaved keyrings

>> No.8165764

Aluminium rings would be okay I think. They are startlingly lighter than steel and the lack of durability wouldn't be a problem for cosplay.
Looking at a reference she doesn't really have a full chain shirt on either. Probably about the same amount of chain as a vest type chain maille. You'd want to look at ways to make your body take the weight of it rather than just your shoulders though. Like a hidden belt on your waist to cinch it there so it doesn't just hang straight down.

>> No.8165773

Also possible!


>> No.8165778

she isn't wearing any chain, its wool. which to the untrained eye looks more like mail then mail does, so unless you are doing a deliberately historical costume, just buy wool mail

>> No.8165786

We are still talking about Leliana right?

>> No.8165787
File: 180 KB, 1920x940, DIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops. Dropped picture.

>> No.8165795

I'm the one who doesn't know shit about mail but I know wool and that... is not wool.

>> No.8165821


look at the folds under the arms and at the elbows, steel does not bend that way, nor does it hang that way. may not be wool, but its a fabric imitation chainmail (im starting to thing a raised texture on a bodysuit?).

I dont even think real mail can possibly be that tight, not that i have ever seen either in real life or in historical depictions.

>> No.8165828

That can be handwaved by either technical limitations or artists being the horny bastards that they are.

>> No.8165832

Oh yeah i have no problem with it, the issue is if cosplayers try to make real chainmail do the same thing, they are just setting themselves up for failure, I've made a fair bit of chainmail and can say, there is almost no reason to make chainmail other then pretentious wankers demanding that real chainmail or nothing

>> No.8165840

I'd argue using cloth instead of mail is just half arsed, but meh. I'd rather see the costume genuine than form fitting.

>> No.8165841

Materials in video games don't behave like real fabric! News at 11!

Maile on women does actually hug the curves pretty well, it's just the inevitable hitched over the belt belly roll that doesn't look great.
Also we are still talking about Leliana whose mail doesn't even cover her elbows?!? Please have a look at this reference. >>8165683

>> No.8165849

She's talking about the photo of the real person here >>8165721

>> No.8165876

Ah right. That's obviously cast rubber of some sort.

>> No.8165907

Sooo did anyone actually GO to that cosplay live thing in adelaide?

>> No.8166147

The hall shots are hilariously barren. Don't think they made there 3000 ticket limit>>8162035 even with Katsyuka, hayley elise and ak wirru as the "drawcards"

>> No.8166954

Yea that was my thinking. I saw a few photos from the "after party" and it just looked so... empty! And apparently there is talk of a sydney version?!

>> No.8167105

Yeshhh they may want to build a decent following before they expand, or are they asking for failure? :/

>> No.8167166

Still...that's pretty creepy.

>> No.8167382

Link to pics?

>> No.8167434
File: 304 KB, 1365x2048, 10269043_445748065583032_6479008683348906016_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love princess peach!

>> No.8167468

Are you blind that's obviously Snow White

>> No.8167503 [DELETED] 


>> No.8167507
File: 29 KB, 1080x720, FB_IMG_1425807337145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cos con after party looked off the fucking chain, defs got that 1000 ticket sales

>> No.8167573

hurr durr is right. If he's calling what he's doing, polyamoury, the act of being in love with more than one person he's either stupid, or abusing the term to make it sound like it's deeper than just fucking around.

>> No.8167610

Lost money in the bigger cash prizes..
First conitis strikes again

>> No.8167627

He's prolly an abuser of the word. Maybe an abuser in general.

>> No.8167638
File: 54 KB, 540x960, 11039500_992082984150067_371414578_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hypocrisy is showing.

>> No.8167646

I guess she's over the baldwin/gamergate/supanova issue?

>> No.8167651
File: 242 KB, 2048x1365, cosplaylive_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

few more pics I found. Wow. So packed! how were people moving in all those crowds?

>> No.8167653
File: 377 KB, 2048x1365, cosplaylive_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More massive crowds.

>> No.8167654
File: 150 KB, 2048x1365, cosplaylive_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my personal fave.

"My ego is thiiiiiiiiiiis big" can also be alternated with "my cock is thiiiiiiiiis big".

>> No.8167659

I hope the special guests got paid, because holy fuck how boring it must have been

>> No.8167673


It was actually great fun - all the Adelaide cosplayers are wonderful.

My 2 cents, having participated, is that I really want Coscon to get off the ground, because it's got great potential. Seriously, who doesn't want to see more of a convention that's offering a 1.5k cash prize?
They went a little ambitious for a first con, especially in Adelaide where the community is quite small, but the set up was good and with a little better organisation in future I can see it being a quality little con.

>> No.8167686

Fatty Ranka is strangely cute.

>> No.8167726

This is her form of "protest"

>> No.8167729

Even SMASH started somewhere, I'm with you anon, I'd like more of these "regional conventions" to get bigger also.

I wish them nothing but success.

>> No.8167737

Does Adelaide have space/people though? they've already got OzComicCon, Nova, and AvCon... In a city like Melbourne or Sydney maybe?

>> No.8167741

Was coscon just like a mini AVCon then? If it was panels by cosplayers and cosplay comps? Anything unique/different about it?

>> No.8167957

I don't understand you all ripping on the con. Isn't this the kind of thing that we want in this community? More opportunities to get together and have fun? Sure they overshot and didn't hit their goals. I'm not sure why they expected the need for such a big venue on their first attempt at a convention in Adelaide too. First con will always be small before word of mouth gets around and with this con I think it will, it was so much fun. I would go again over supanova any day.

Adelaide doesn't have the biggest scene which didn't help things. But hey I'd rather people overshoot and fail then to not try at all. Don't be dicks because you'll end up with nothing.

They are putting money into the cosplay scene and this is a good thing. Just look at the decorations in that after party pic, it looked amazing.

I really hope not hitting their goals doesn't put them off trying again. A smaller venue like animania had and I don't think there even be a problem.

>> No.8168630

I bet even if she sifted through all of SS she'd still think she's in the right.


>> No.8168905

fuck that place is quiet....

>> No.8168932

It's emptier during an event than most cons are between events.

>> No.8169222
File: 124 KB, 496x360, 1424747717548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8169228

Being completely honest these are just bad photos

>> No.8169250

Oh look. Kayla Erin with another shit cosplay.

Can she just go burn already?

>> No.8169255

You sound angry.

>> No.8169284

Considering she's shit and a cosplay bully who claims to make cosplays and doesn't. Yeah, I'm pretty mad at this embarrassment to the Australian Cosplay Community.

>> No.8169299

she always said she still loved firefly and baldwin's chacter she just hates baldwin go read her posts guys come on

>> No.8169309

So what's the deal with supanova Gold Coast? Who should I avoid and who is cool to go and make friends with?

>> No.8169423

Except she does make them? She is a textiles student and has made costumes for assessments, there's even photographic evidence of it?
Vendetta much

>> No.8169483
File: 13 KB, 494x70, Zee_not_poly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8169485


>> No.8169498

>who is cool to go and make friends with?

m-me anon

>> No.8169505

Cosplayers I met at neon pop who I thought were really nice to talk to and said they were going to goldnova:
Keik Cake Store
Major Sam
Kisimul Cat
Sirens Belle and her friend (dunno name they were both dbz andriods though)
That aurelius armoury chick
Putty cosplay
The guys dressed as starlord and captain america....no idea if their cosplay names but they went up on stage (help anyone?)

>> No.8169509

Her friend I'm assuming was Shiiva Cosplay as Android 18. She's awesome.

>> No.8169510

The hell is with all this hate for cosplayers who don't make their cosplay from scratch.
I've met plenty who buy costumes but make seriously amazing props becuase they're more talented with building stuff that than sewing.

Can someone explain why this somehow makes them less of a cosplayer??
I honestly don't understand the logic of this person made their outfit but bought their prop but that makes them way better than the "shit /fake cosplayer" who bought their outfit but made their prop.
I don't understand :/

>> No.8169514

I buy licensed and commissioned materials and stuff from the store, but my strengths are in painting, adding articulate details to clothing, and bringing the attitude to my character. Almost everyone has something they can contribute to bringing a character to life. I don't see people paying out on Andrew Garfield for not hand-stitching his Spider-Man costume. He loves the character and he brings the attitude.

>> No.8169515

No one who isn't just a fuckwit actually has an issue with this. The common issue with bought costumes is when the person claims to have made it, or doesn't admit to it being bought.
If you enter a competition with a bought costume or a bought weapon, IMO both are on the same level, then you really shouldn't expect to win anything. (Don't get me wrong, I don't have an issue with people entering with bought items for skits etc. But they can't expect to win a craftsmanship award with it.)

>> No.8169518

How is he allowed outside? Someone should shoot him.

>> No.8169550


Is it just the photo or does this look really shit?

>> No.8169552 [DELETED] 

pretty for most cons sure the rules state it has to all (costume and prop) be made yourself if you wanna be eligible for winning (other than for skit category which is fair enough cause its more about the skit not the cosplay )

The only con i know of allowing bought or half and half is comic con...they actually ask if you made, bought or half n half'd it when you register.

>> No.8169555 [DELETED] 

**pretty sure

>> No.8169559

pretty sure for most cons sure the rules state it has to all (costume and prop) be made yourself if you wanna be eligible for winning (other than for skit category which is fair enough cause its more about the skit not the cosplay ). That sucks if people who did make all of it won (prop n costume)

The only con i know of allowing bought or half and half to win the cosplay comp is oz comic con...they actually ask if you made, bought or half n half'd it when you register.

>> No.8169561
File: 271 KB, 640x1088, 1421857104982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally ebay.

>> No.8169563


Shiiva Cosplay was Siren's friend.
Twerkin Gerkin and Kisimul Cat's friend (the Yuffie) were cool to chat with as well.

>> No.8169567

looks average...not shit but not amazing either.... there is a lot of bumps and poor workmanship on the armour and props

it still a good crack at it but i'd expect better from australia's so called "queen of cosplay"

>> No.8169638

I literally know nothing of this Kayla chic

/cgl/ I need more details, please

>> No.8169703

long story short no one gives a fuck about bought costumes - everyone gives a massive fuck if people claim they made a bought costume from scratch coz its super stupid and shitty to do so

>> No.8169706

Kayla makes some of her cosplays now but she was infamous (and still is) for claiming she made her bought cosplays - see her Yang, Misty, Yuno, Mii, Mikasa, Mj, Riku)

>> No.8171085

You know what's on the same par as saying you made your cosplay but didn't? Entering a comp with the same costume you have already won an award for.

>> No.8171333

Save for the fact that she did make MJ, and makes a lot of her cosplays. Some, of course, need bought components (such as Misty and Mikasa). I don't see why she needs such shit over this

>> No.8171544

I think some shit is justified given she claimed to make some things when she didn't. Fair enough she makes most of he cosplays nowadays but still, it's pretty poor form to lie just to get some extra recognition or make herself seem like a "better" cosplayer than she was back then.

honestly I don't think anyone would have cared is she had just been honest and said she bought parts of her misty /Mikasa/other earlier cosplays...it's the fact that she lied about it that everyone hates her for it.

>> No.8171870

isn't she just popular coz shes easy to masturbate to?

>> No.8171879

she does now but she bought pieces and altered them for some cosplays claiming she made them from scratch (mj and mikasa), or bought them online and claimed she made the whole thing (yang and riku)

now she makes her own costumes and is slowly improving

>> No.8171934

There is way hotter ones to do that to.....she's only hot becuase she stacks on the make up and fake eyelashes (iterally trying to be the next Nigri)

Way better /hotter ones out there imo

>> No.8172002

Most cons bought in the rule to stop this happening. Or have the "sure but you have remake most of it to be eligible".

Yes your outfit was good to win an award. So keep making others to prove you're a better cosplayer.

>> No.8172139

Sirens Belles friend is Shiiva Cosplay they were bulma and android 18, I'm not sure about the guys honestly

>> No.8172167 [DELETED] 

Dunno ask kim kardashian

>> No.8172297

Glad you had a fun time Hayley.

>> No.8172405
File: 175 KB, 1024x768, kaylaerin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind of girl to photoshop her top for a cosplay.. the post a video in the same top

>> No.8172438

she was saying ppl tag her as Jessica nigri all the time apparently... And now eeveelutions or whatever the hell those cosplays are called... So tired of Kayla tbh

>> No.8172450

tits are now where near big enough to be tagged as nigri..

>> No.8172456

the eveelutions...such a copy cat of nigri

honestly if she stoped being so fake and copying everyone else's ideas then i recon she'd be pretty damn awesome.

But the big fake lashes, cleavage everywhere, copying haracters that nigri has done attitude is getting old....i wish some fresh talent or at least some undiscovered talent would appear more in the scene in Aus

>> No.8172488

fucking mint

>> No.8172490

so... what has she photoshopped her eyes blue? espeon has purple eyes... obviously a pokemon fan right

>> No.8172496

Kayla is just cosplaying what she wants to cosplay and how she wants - you're all just haters and she doesn't have to listen to your nastiness

>> No.8172502

Kayla is actually such an incredibly nice girl in person, she tries really hard with all of her cosplays and I don't get why you all have to be so cruel and rude. Also with the eeveelutions, there are so many people that have done them. Not just Jess Nigri, so why does it matter?

>> No.8172636

Anyone going to OZCC Adel/Perth? They have Abby Darkstar going, plus Yaya announced at AVCon, is cosplay guests going to become a thing now?

>> No.8172642

we'll leave it to a simple test - if she gets implants, she's trying to be Nigri, if she doesn't...she's poor

>> No.8172805

I laughed way to hard at this hahahahaha

>> No.8174725

"Such an incredibly nice person" you obviously don't know her very well - or you are her.

>> No.8174950

Anyone entering the oz con champs? First state up is perth

>> No.8174997
File: 110 KB, 300x180, 1424247238957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kayla please.

>> No.8175092

She does have friends, why do you judge her based around what anonymous people onthe internet say?

>> No.8175173

Anyone out there with no one to go with in Sydney?

>> No.8175178

Can anyone tell me about the famous Australian cosplayers plaese?

Could I date 1 are any single?

>> No.8175227

Haha, no.

As Yasemin Arslan said, just assume any cute cosplay grills like that are taken.

I'm dating a nameless one but she has most of the Sydney cosplay girls personal facebooks on her friend list.

>> No.8175237 [DELETED] 

Probably not they are usually gold diggers

>> No.8175253


Im located in Gold Coast so anywhere in QLD good not sydney.

>> No.8175256


I heard Kiara isn't dating Ryo kun anymore, try her. GLHF anon

>> No.8175265

Didn't zeek hit that? No thankyou..

>> No.8175276

Unless your good looking and fit you probs wont get those girls.

There seems to be a divide, the famous very "sexy" cosplayers go for those guys.

Because there are plenty of nerdy type girls who arent on that level but settle for nearly anyone if you take the time

>> No.8175280

There is a loophole, there are quite some nerdy type girls who a very cute but are also very shy.
Find those girls, talk to them start of hanging out, most of these nerd girls wont put you in the "friendzone" because hanging with the opposite sex is already like a date.

>> No.8175300

meet nerdy grill, ask to put dick in = profit

100% fact

>> No.8175302


And the rest of Australia...

>> No.8175303

wtf is a zeek and can i put my dick in it?

>> No.8175306 [DELETED] 

try ardella she's been with chris for ages so maybe she'd getting bored

>> No.8175312

any deets on the breakup? and isn't she with that Sean guy now?

>> No.8175317

Why yes you can!

>> No.8175320

". I came up with the name Zeek because my name is Zee, the initial of my last name is Z and put together it’s Zeek"

>> No.8175342


>> No.8175343

She has a new boyfriend, some sugar daddy type of guy

>> No.8175345

his such a loser, as if he could get even ONE partner let alone 2-3... please Zeek you aren't fooling anyone with your bullshit

>> No.8175363

I actually really want him to be laughed out of the community. Can we somehow make this happen?

>> No.8175388

Does he cosplay anything else besides girls or just to show off his body?

>> No.8175400

No, and quite frankly I don't think he has an original thought in his brain. It would probably scare him.

>> No.8175401


>> No.8175413

Start laughing
Keep laughing

>> No.8175416

Remember this is /cgl/ where a lot of these losers have no friends, so they don't understand the concept of a friend backing another friend up.

>> No.8176693
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>> No.8176726


I can't help but feel this site prefers working with Eve.

>> No.8176990

So if doki doki and hayley elise were good, does that mean either wirru or katsyuka was a dissapointment? Wonder why?

>> No.8177012

From what I hear Zeek loves the D in his A so anon you might be in with a chance.

He preys on girls with low self-esteem and girls craving attention. He gives it to them because he's got nothing better to do. The quicker he disappears from the community the better.

>> No.8177015 [DELETED] 

>He preys on girls with low self-esteem and girls craving attention.
So basically any girl who cosplays

>> No.8177073

From my personal experience Zee is a cool dude. I've been around him from time to time and he's been nothing but nice.

Krisez and his team of losers is behind all this gossip.

>> No.8177122


Krisez is too busy shooting hot chicks to worry about Zee

>> No.8177131
File: 56 KB, 720x1280, 11018864_10205100369406959_1406984535384165810_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on the MCC page. she was asking how her make up looks. -_-

>> No.8177156

"make up" huh?

>> No.8177175

Stfu beethy....

FYI for thise who dont know beethy hates Krisez......
From my personal experience Krisez is a top bloke and awesome to hang and work with
Beethy is a perve and a creep...almost as bad as volk.... and that's probably why he and zeek get on so well....please leave the ladies alone and in peace for just one convention...is that to much to ask beethy and zeek

>> No.8177178

Beethy is too busy shooting hot chicks to worry about Krisez

>> No.8177195

**creeping on hot chicks

>> No.8177203

bs. He's fine.
Someone sounds jealous

>> No.8177211

of an overweight shit photographer who relies on photoshop to produce anything good...hahahaha yeah nah pretty sure im not anon

>> No.8177215

I donno much about these people but I always hear perv stories from photographers.

>> No.8177217

Side note, only takes photos of girls, geez girls arent the only one who can cosplay.

Hell are there any famous guy cosplayers from Aus aside from the pathetic excuse called Zeek

>> No.8177220

Yet he happens to be the only australian cosplay photographer anyone is aware of outside of Australia. Every one else in this country is virtually unknown.
It must be because of all that Photoshop.

>> No.8177222

His last upload was a dude. And that pic blew up too. it was good.
try harder mate.

>> No.8177224

So one photo out of his whole career? Shit son

>> No.8177230

I just went to his Facebook and saw a bunch of photos of guys. Sure the majority is women but what's wrong with that? So much shit posting.

>> No.8177235

I saw the Supanova line up Melb, for once a lot of photo ops i wanna get taken

>> No.8177252

Why are you picking on someone you don't even know? They were asking for actual critique, you are just spiteful of anything coming out of MCC. I know it can be a stupid place but no need to put down anyone posting there!

>> No.8177260 [DELETED] 

Go to bed Annalise. The adults are talking.

>> No.8177263 [DELETED] 

Why are you posting somebody's name, not even their cosplay name

>> No.8177265

Theres so much hate on this thread fuck why can't there be some praise for someone

>> No.8177266
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 10581167_10202947796309105_1986552495_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zeek is one hella thirsty dude that keeps trying to sell tickets to a gun show that no one is interested in attending. Dis is one invitation I received.

>> No.8177267

The hate isn't entirely real. A lot of people that are frequently mentioned are actually well liked by the vast majority.
People just bitch about them here because of bitter jealousy and this is the only place where they can do so without getting laughed at.

>> No.8177270

Am I jealous of Zeek's phyique? Not as much as you would think.

What I do know is, IF I had that body, I would be putting in effort into making awesome suits of armor and stuff because then I'd have the build for it.

I'd say Zeek has talent [he doesnt], but IF he did.I'm sure he would do MUCH better cosplays.

>> No.8177276

Can't tell how the make up looks with all that armour in the way, try taking it again with it off.

>> No.8177279

She's a 6 at most, But I'd still hit it.

>> No.8177283

KrisEz is the most immature fucker I've ever met. He blocks you if you even breathe the same air as Beethy, and if you refuse to send Beethy hate you're on the hate list for Kris. He's a gross ass dude who is obsessed with Beethy and needs to get over a) himself and b) his anger

>> No.8177286

since obv hitting things with a tiny dick is all that matters, right?

>> No.8177287

>I think she's ugly, but because I'm so desperate for pussy I'll take her anyway

>> No.8177289

I'm big

for an asian.

>> No.8177290
File: 10 KB, 261x195, aw shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8177291

There's such a thing as a pity fuck anon.

>> No.8177293

body pillow is as close as you're getting to a real girl

>> No.8177294

So, it's them pitying you and the tiny dick?

>> No.8177295

At least my Asuka pillow wouldn't talk back.

>> No.8177297

Too bad your asuka pillow is just as hollow and soulless as you

>> No.8177300

Well I'm out. I got nothing.

>> No.8177304

i have.... AN OPINION

>> No.8177307

Woooooooooah, slow down buddy.

>> No.8177308

Zeek trys to fuck everything that moves its really fucking anoying honestly just a cocky asshole really

>> No.8177309

Why does Kris still hate Beethy? Any current or ex friends willing to shed light on this?
It doesn't make any sense to me.

>> No.8177311

zeek.... nice? I pity the fool who falls for zeeks fake bullshit.... His either trying to get with you or need something out of you.

>> No.8177312


>> No.8177318

I don't buy this since I never hear this talked about in public or on Facebook anywhere.
People are pretty vocal about Volk but I've heard a lot of good things about Beethy.

>> No.8177328

Oh hi Beethy!

>> No.8177333

trufacts volk is scummy as hell and all he talks about is either inappropriate stuff about girls or his page likes he even messages people if they dislike his page and has a go at them

>> No.8177352


>> No.8177355

Look, she posted an image asking for critique on her "make up" but all you get is a clear shot of her boobs and you cant even see the make up properly at such an obscure angle.

Maybe if she wanted an critique of her make up, a photo of her face front on without the boobs would be a bit more appropriate so we can see the details close up.This photo just screams attention whore to me.

>> No.8177362
File: 175 KB, 2048x1066, 10887616_1548163598764935_5831685394729500687_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8177396

Dont you have to tell your partners about youre HPV? I wonder how many cosplayers have it now?

>> No.8177942

Not sure how that's different to a cosplayer but ok

>> No.8178158

Almost everyone carries some latent HPV. In men it's very very hard to test for. Wear a condom always.

>> No.8178167

Beethy has been confirmed for starting KrisEz's ED page saying he's a pedo. This happened when they were still friends which tells you how well Beethy treats his buddies. I was told this was a even bigger problem because KrisEz's work means he's around children a lot and it meant he could have been fired or lost clients or some shit. After that though they made up but then there was some big deal about KrisEz paying for a stall at Animania for his photo booth and then Beethy trying to charge for shoots without getting a stall which is illegal. Beethy decided to post about what a jerk KrisEz was for not supporting him and I think it was just the last straw for KrisEz.

>> No.8178207

KrisEz is my spirit animal <3

>> No.8178224

Way to get the details completely wrong. Kiara wrote the ED article, not Beethy. Beethy doesn't even know how to do any of that stuff, trust me.
Also what Beethy was doing at Animania was not illegal. He was charging for photoshoots nowhere near the convention itself.
Krisez just had a fit over nothing.

>> No.8178229

Kiara and Beethy wrote article together. Maybe Kiara posted it but they did it together. Everyone who was there knows he was charging for shoots in the convention grounds you'd have to be blind not to realise that.

>> No.8178233

I challenge you to find any photo Beethy took during that time on Animania grounds. You can't. Because he's not that stupid.

Krisez was completely wrong and probably still can't admit to that.

Forget all that though. This stuff happened years and years ago. Is he really still mad about this stuff?

>> No.8178234

lulz no photos from that time because Beethy charged people for shoots and didn't even deliver the photos. Do your research.

>> No.8178240

Is it 2011 again? Why is this stuff getting brought up? Who cares?

>> No.8178245

lol animania

>> No.8178464

I can say from personal experience kriz is an asshole, also if you get the chance to shoot with beethy - take it, he takes awesome photos and has great photo manipulation skills! Cosplay is about having fun - I'm not sure about the perve rumours (though Chris volk is deffinately one) but Beethy is not a perve, he's a nice guy.

>> No.8178478

Go to bed Beethy

>> No.8178486

You do realise not every person that says something good about Beethy is Beethy right?
I don't think he's been on here in years since he never brings up anything that's mentioned on 4chan these days.

>> No.8178489

Beethy please, you're just making it worse for yourself.

>> No.8178635

Kayla nobody is even talking about you. Plz go.

>> No.8178706

Oh his on here.... don't think for a minute he doesn't come on trying to see if his popular enough or not lol

>> No.8178729

Do Aussies like Yasemin Arslan or her fan base is only from other countries? Not trolling, just curious.

>> No.8178730

She has a few fans, but most of her page is bought.

>> No.8178753 [DELETED] 

Literally who

>> No.8178766

>most of her page is bought
Why do you say that? Her cosplays have good quality (tho her props are kinda meh) and her traffic (1k of likes per post, at least). Their likes seem reliable

>> No.8178777

I met major Sam cosplay the other year at adealide nova and all she did was bitch about other cosplayers. She also didn't like that from far away I thought she was eve. My bad

>> No.8178780
File: 1.18 MB, 961x1552, Screenshot_2015-03-13-17-23-57-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I see is shameless self promotion

>> No.8178784

Not the anon who posted the picture but I believe it's because lately he has been posting before/after pictures letting people to know he edited them and in this case he barely explained the edition

>> No.8178844
File: 115 KB, 435x435, 231341251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kayla please stop.

"I would love to travel around, visiting all the cons but unfortunately it costs quite a lot of money to do so.
If you want to see me at your next convention, send the organizers an email saying you would like me to guest!"

>> No.8178847

Wow John Snow looking manly in snow. Not a common concept for the show at all.

>> No.8178850

Oh no A cosplayer is self promoting and I dont like the way she's doing it!!

>> No.8178855
File: 56 KB, 1009x768, 1425477576438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give me some money? I want to go to the next convention but can't afford it.

>> No.8178861

>She has business savvy, I'm triggered by this!!

She can do what she wants, If her fans pay, thats her business.

>> No.8178865
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>> No.8178963

I enjoy how she couldn't get into university this year so she covered it up by suddenly deciding on a gap year for cosplay the day after the inital results came out.

>> No.8178964

guess desucon didnt want her...

>> No.8179004

I heard she bought a lot of her likes, not sure the amount exactly though

>> No.8179006
File: 90 KB, 641x960, 11042660_662427913862074_4126799599186345810_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8179008

anyone from hobart gonna be at aicon next weekend?

>> No.8179020

Who did she bitch about?? She seems like a really nice person when I saw her.

>> No.8179037

Aw no, I thought she was pretty cool when I met her. :(

>> No.8179117
File: 44 KB, 500x386, YgIYsuP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Salty fatties
All men prefer thin girls

>> No.8179133

Is size 0 even a thing wtf

>> No.8179136

Tbh I like big butts.

And I cannot lie.

>> No.8179170

but her likes never dropped? That's what happens with bought likes

>> No.8179381

Uh, no?

>> No.8180004

I'd lick that tummy

>> No.8180170

A size 0 is an American xxs which is about a 34 waist which is like a size 6 in Australian roughly

>> No.8180223
File: 30 KB, 345x337, 6eff699a49d0771c1df126d95f5f5716b4d306ea6ee2145a3186d7f3b84b7aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8180282

This genuinely has me concerned, that is in no way a healthy body.
Even the knees looks like they are cellulite...

Girl needs to take better care of herself and exercise and eat well, then she could wear those shorts without scaring me.

>> No.8180450
File: 22 KB, 245x357, circle1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ardella Ardella Ardella

>> No.8180461

Actually laughed

>> No.8180542

ben smells

>> No.8180547

Go to bed Kris.

>> No.8180550

I'm a single female cosplayer, does that mean i'm unattractive? I'm not very well known either :/

>> No.8180568

Without anything to go on it's hard to make a judgment. I'd say post a picture, but then again this IS 4chan.

At any rate, I'm sure you arent that bad.

>> No.8180601

That's a screwed up standard. Cosplayer or not, being single or not popular doesn't make you unattractive...

>> No.8180647

If she was self promoting she would have posted her page saying shit like "if you want to see more my page is blah blah". U dumbass

>> No.8180649

If you look at it closely enough, noone gives a fuck

>> No.8180650

Beethy is not a nice person. He has ripped people off, acts like God's gift to photography (despite photoshopping the shit out of every photo he takes), ignores anyone that is not an attractive and popular (as in, as a lot of page likes), perved on countless girls, apparently did a nude shoot of an underage girl way back and is generally a scumbag. No one likes him except a select few people. I remember at a con when he was there, I was with a group and we needed to get photos and he stop one of our members and carried on with newage speak and how amazing and honest and a good role model they were, while ignoring everyone else, like, not even a hello. I started to walk away because I can't stand him and he had been waffling on for like, 5mins. Eventually the person tried to excuse themselves saying we were going to get photos. Beethy didn't offer to take any, he didn't even have a camera and I am pretty sure he was there with a media pass. As we left, everyone was obviously annoyed and stuff, and that is when I found out they all didn't like him either. Nearly every person I have ever spoken to irl says they don't like him.
I will admit some of his photos are good, like the recent one he did of Yasmin's Tracer...But let's not forget the time he photoshopped castles into Infinitecosplay's pictures.

>Chris Volk
Fuck man...Chris is a shit. He used to take photos of everyone at cons (even though he was still annoying online). Now that he's made a page he seems to be following the Beethy model of only taking pictures of slender mildly attractive girls. The majority of photos he posts the girls have shitty costumes on. They all look the same, and like they are all taken in the same location. At least when he was annoying and constantly on about how glorious the LNP was he'd take pictures of people at cons, so you got a good mix of skill levels and stuff.

>> No.8180661

lol you're pathetic xena

>> No.8180668

pretty much! His an ass hole, acts high and mighty.... thinks his the best photographer in the world, when he really isn't....

>> No.8180673
File: 17 KB, 500x350, 1454965_1488901974681167_8695730293961806145_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actulli my page is facebook/JMCosplay

>> No.8180691

>let's not forget the time he photoshopped castles into Infinitecosplay's pictures
Oh hello Krisez!

>> No.8180724

Well depends im sure your fine but if youve been to a con and random guys talk to you about your cosplay or not they probs like you, you just dont notice that they like you.

>> No.8180733
File: 14 KB, 236x236, 15bde463e8b40fc83a72dec108526fbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probs not hey

>> No.8180759

I am not Kris, just someone who will never forget castlegate.