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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 313 KB, 989x807, koi_nami_cosplay___league_of_legends___japan_expo_by_nereidecosplay-d7rhnnv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8159808 No.8159808 [Reply] [Original]

League of Legends cosplay thread

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?

>Favorite champion and skin?

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?

Self-posts are welcome!

>> No.8159872

As someone who's played the game since beta and loves it with all my heart, please. Just stop. Nothing pains me more than to see League growing in the cosplay community for all the wrong reasons.
>inb4 "omg anon people can cosplay what they want"
Yes, but what portion of league cosplayers actually play the game? And no, I'm not meaning just playing once. I'm meaning dedicating time to actually learn about the champion they cosplay, or even play them (because god forbid someone actually likes the character they cosplay nowadays).
I guess everything is just "lol ma tits tho" so I know girls are gonna whore around in league cosplays anyway. All I ask is that, please, when I want to talk about league... actually know just one bit of information about it. Just one.

>> No.8159885

B..but what if I spend every bit of my free time playing LoL and have a tit-tastic Katarina cosplay? Don't be salty anon.

And to get back on track I love fan skins, I really want someone to do that retro space girl Jinx fan skin!

>> No.8159889

i agree and disagree, i started play recently and honestly really like playing the game, and i'm trying to get good a it. (i'm only lv 10 at the moment) i have a lot of plans to cosplay from it too but i want to be able to be good at the game too. The only part i disagree with is that i don't think you need to be good at the champion you cosplay, i mean some people suck at support but there are a lot of good looking support characters, i think you should give them a shot, but if you aren't good at that play style that shouldn't stop you.

i mean like in Final Fantasy i hate my healers in battle because i end up wasting all there mp on healing themselves, but i love the personality/character of a lot of the heals in FF and i want to cosplay them. Just because you aren't good at or don't like the play style of a character doesn't mean don't cosplay them.

>> No.8159899

You sound like that LoL cosplayer who thought she was the only "real" player because she new all about the LoL lore.

People play games differently. I haven't played LoL in over a year because my crappy computer can't handle games anymore, and I haven't had money to buy a new good computer. And even when I played, I mostly did it for the fun to play with friends.

Let people cosplay for whatever reason they want. If it's for the design, sure. You will notice the difference between people who actually care about the game and the peple who cosplay for attention, so just don't interact with the attentionwhores and there is no problem

>> No.8159900

But you still played it.

>> No.8159908
File: 795 KB, 1754x1240, Lulu.(League.of.Legends).full.1373126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that fan skin is awesome!

I love lots of fan-skins as well, as long as they are creative and fit the character. Not just "beach version of *insert character*

Pic related, love it so much

>> No.8159912

OMG that Lulu!!!!! Damn love it!!!

The fan skins are a lot of fun!

Though on the beach version i'm a little torn, i mean just putting a bathing suit on isn't right imo, but i do think it's possible to make really good looking beach version that still look like the character.

>> No.8159919
File: 877 KB, 700x958, Lulu.(League.of.Legends).full.1816822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of do a Lulu cosplay inspired by this picture. making it a bit more flowery, taking away the candy and such.

As long as there is an effort in the fan design, so it actually resembles the character

>> No.8159920

The flower Lulu, not the christmas Lulu I mean

>> No.8159922

>>8159908 It's definitely the lazy aspect of it, but it looks great in group photoshoots! I find that people build on that champ afterwards since they get it started with the wig or accessories first for that cosplay and see if they enjoyed it enough to go ahead with the full costume.

>secretly wants to do a pool version vladimir this summer
>realizes it's lame but he's one of my favourite champs

>> No.8159927

>Nothing pains me more than to see League growing in the cosplay community for all the wrong reasons.
Oh, the LoL community is full of aids. It's insane how competitive girls are over Riot noticing them. They totally lack of self respect so they can be famouse, with shitty stream and shit like that.

I'm a DotA2 player and I'm seeing how slowly the amount of attention whores in incrementing doing the same characters because they have their tits out and I'm cringing

>> No.8159961

>I'm a DotA2 player
just get lost, we don't care about how "superior" your game is. The DotA2 community is even worse than the LoL community

>> No.8159979

Nigga, fucking relax man.

No need to be rabid about it, this isn't /d2g/.

>> No.8159984
File: 79 KB, 420x630, 1330008429791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
I'm too trash, so I don't cosplay.

>Favorite champion and skin?
Sona/Cait, my favorite skin is Acade Sona, or Aether Wing Kayle.

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
Sometimes they are really cute.

>> No.8159989

I'll acknowledge that Dota is a very good game. The one thing I don't like is how every League thread gets invaded with Dota players yet League players leave Dota discussions alone.

If your game is so superior then let the game's quality speak for itself.

>> No.8160003
File: 989 KB, 684x1000, ANNIEEEEEE 1 sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
I did sweetheart Annie recently, and am working on DJ Sona for AX. Also did Winter Wonder Lulu, but never got around to photoshooting her.

>Favorite champion and skin?
Lulu! She's so fun to play; her Winter Wonder skin is best but I recently realized her Bittersweet skin is actually pretty cute too. I really like Ravenborn Leblanc as well.

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
I don't really mind them, but I probably wouldn't do any myself. I also don't think that it's reasonable to assume everyone's going to recognize who you are if you're cosplaying a fan skin; I know I wouldn't recognize half the fanskins people cosplay.

>> No.8160011

Well...I don't think that one or the other is more toxic. If anything, I think that Dota has, generally, older audience. But that doesn't mean they're any less or more mature.

>> No.8160039

this lulu is too cute! i wouldn't mind making a coord inspired by it.

while i wish _people_ would stop pretending to like something so others will notice them, i guess anything with a big community will have these problems. in the end you wont get far with just tits tho.

at the same time, i'm pretty happy to see my favorite characters and skins come to life in different ways since i'd never be able to pull it off myself. so many cute nami cosplays out there, i don't even care if they don't play her!

>> No.8160043

I love how Bittersweet looks in-game, but dat splash art 8(

And why do so many assume that just because a girl cosplays from League that she doesn't play it? I might not play as often as other people, and my ranked stats aren't the best, but that doesn't mean you can assume that I don't know anything about the game just because I keep cosplaying Annie skins.

>> No.8160059 [DELETED] 

Dude chill, I was just saying that the type of toxic cosplayers from LoL are now in the community that I am.
Never spoke of the quality of any game, you are the only one making drama.

>> No.8160063


You both need to chill, I was just saying that the type of toxic cosplayers from LoL are now in the community that I am.

I'm was criticizing the cosplay community as the other anon, I don't play the game but I have knowledge of the skins because of the cosplays, where some of them are amazing as the Nami (if I'm correct) Op's picture.
Never spoke of the quality of any game, you are the only one making drama.

>> No.8160067

I really highly doubt when you talked to a LoL cosplayer she just shrugged and went "iunno" because she didn't know anything else about the game besides the character's name.

I hate how LoLfags seem to think they're some exclusive club and only troo fans can into cosplay. Your game is very commonly, casually played, man. And no I'm not a Dotafag. I don't play games period.

If you're gonna be that way, don't go to anime conventions. Because I know the lot of you haven't seen anything other than AoT or whatever's hot on Netflix and you're diluting the pool of troo anime fans I want to talk to.

>> No.8160069

But why are you even here if you don't play the game. You started it int he first place by critizising cosplayers from something you aren't even playing.

Anyway, let's keep this thread onky LoL related and not some kind of battle between Dota and LoL

>> No.8160077

I think what anon here is trying to say is that you don't have to be, well... a player like Faker to cosplay from LoL, but there is no meaning in cosplaying something you don't even know about. I mean, you liked the design? Cool! But what if it turns out you hate the champion lore/kit/wtvr? Why would you cosplay something you hate, you know? I have to agree here.

>> No.8160079

I love that skin too! I'm really thinking about cosplaying it but I'm still not sure about how I feel about fan skins besides pool party ones.

>> No.8160089

I'm with you, I'm the one who posted this >>8159908

Like I LOVE lots of fan designs, they can be amazing. Then I also now I won't be as recognizable as if I did an official skin. Though I also feel that so many official skins have been done so many times they are just boring now.

>> No.8160094
File: 76 KB, 636x960, 489198489489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but you doubt it? Well I asked this girl what she was cosplaying and she only knew Janna's name. I swear she didn't even read her lore and well, started to play if only weeks ago to have a 'reason' to keep cosplaying from LoL and fueling her fame.

>> No.8160097

To be fair, I played the game a lot with friends before, and I don't know the characters lore. I know how to play my characters, but nothing more

>> No.8160101

>But why are you even here
Because I like the cosplays?

>> No.8160105

I don't understand why everyone is so uppity about the lore. Most people don't read the lore. I've been playing since the end of season one and I have barely read the lore. I think some stuff (like sibling relationships and rivalries, lol lucian and thresh) should be common knowledge but I'd rather talk shop with someone I met at a convention, builds, matchups, etc. Does lore really make the difference between an attention whore or a genuine fan? If so I'll start reading, but...

>> No.8160106

I don't think lore matters at all. It's a game, not a comic, film or whatever. The lore is completely irrelevant to whether you are a genuine lol fan or not.

>> No.8160110

I agree, I don't play anymore or cosplay this shitty game but, when I did I played a lot and no one good fucking talks about the lore lmao.
Didn't they take out the lore section in the client anyway?

>> No.8160113

idk about taking it out but they completely changed sivir's lore and shoehorned azir in there. How can you just completely change a backstory of one of your original characters? (Or at least one that has been around as long as sivir has, not sure if she's actually original)

>> No.8160155

My point isn't only the lore, I know a lot of people don't read it and it doesn't matter. But it matters to me when they think Janna is a fucking elf and more importantly
>didn't even play the game at all until some weeks ago, and her cosplay is almost one year old

>> No.8160165

I completely agree, it's not okay to not play the game. The whole point of cosplay used to be to meet other fans by dressing up as your favorite characters. I didn't disregard that part, was just asking about the lore.

>> No.8160192

I looove your cosplay! Do you have a cosplay page or??
I'm planning on cosplaying sweetheart Annie sometime in the future with my friend (who'll be heartseeker Ashe)

But I gotta ask where did you get your wig?? Those curls are beautiful **

>> No.8160200

>complaining about not knowing the lore

the lore/backgrounds for characters from LoL/DotA are either stupid as fuck or edgy as fuck.

DotA has a wee bit more with the ingame voices but it's still paltry.

Either way they are irrelevant since none of them actively go through any character arcs; ergo the only feature that is worth considering for cosplay purposes is aesthetics.

>inb4 "read the journals"
1. I'm not wasting time on some back's fan fiction-tier shit
2. the streaming fags (aka people who don't suck at the game) you idolize don't know or care about that trivial muck

>> No.8160214

I will say this, you should at least play the damn game though.

>> No.8160228

Well, despite all this animosity, I'm really excited to finally be working on a LoL cosplay!

I had Tristana planned for ages because I play her the most, and then when they announced the rework my heart broke. They basically removed everything I loved about her design and added features that I always avoid in cosplay, like the bare midriff. I liked Tristana because she was energetic and cute but had an outfit that made sense and had cool armored parts on it.

So, I'm going for my second favourite which is Lulu, doing her dragon trainer skin. I decided to stop being a perfectionist planner (since the Tristana incident) so I went and bought fabrics last sunday. Starting on the hat tomorrow and I'm really excited!

>> No.8160243

Why don't you cosplay the older version tho? If you liked it better, don't let a rework stop you!

>> No.8160255

Yeah, all my friends said that, but I have an issue with "canon". It just doesn't sit right with me, like that's not what she's supposed to look like anymore so the old design isn't canon. Plus to be honest Dragon Trainer Lulu is a little easier for my skillset and does't involve body paint, which I hate. So it all works out OK! I pretty much only play yordles and I love LoL so I don't really care who I cosplay so much. Although if I could get away with it I'd cosplay Atlantean Syndra.

>> No.8160258
File: 81 KB, 777x777, poptart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
I'm in the process of doing Syndra. Thinking of doing Headhunter Cait for summer.

>Favorite champion and skin?
Caitlyn. Popstar Ahri.

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
Eh a lot of them dont look that great imo, there's hundreds of skins already in the game, I dont want to feel bad for someone because they went to a League meetup as Arcade Lux and no one recognized them or something.

>> No.8160259

Thanks! I do have a page, it's fb.com/zekiacosplay
I actually used a long white wig I already had and styled it into sausage/drill curls!

>> No.8160267
File: 280 KB, 800x1199, annie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a Sweetheart Annie cosplay recently as well!

You are super adorable, and the setting looks really nice. I have to do a real photoshoot with it, but for now I only have con pictures.

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
Nothing in progress since I just finished Sweetheart Annie. I do plan to make Panda Annie in the future though

>Favorite champion and skin?
Lulu, Sona and Nami are my favs! Dragontrainer Lulu is probably my all time fav skin, but I really love both Koi Nami and River Spirit Nami

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
I am the one who posted the flower Lulu, and like I said then, I do want to make a skin based on that design. Though I don'tknow when or if I will, since it won't be as recognizable as the official skins. Love the creativity put in the fan skins though!

>> No.8160275

You could always do one of Tristanas skins otherwise where she doesn't have the midriff part

Dragotrainer Lulu is adorbs though, how would you make the dress? Long or short?

>> No.8160324

Yeah there were other options, but I was just a bit put off Tristana.

I'm working on the proportions at the moment and I think I'm going to go for knee length on the dress. On the model you can't see her legs, but I just don't see that looking right on anyone. I noticed lots of cosplayers interpret the dress as short and I don't quite get it... Especially combined with a large hat, it makes the proportions look weird. Like you're wearing an oversized hat with a too small dress. I'm going for a "everything is slightly too big" look to convey her small size, although I need to do mock ups and see how it looks first!

>> No.8160328

Lore doesn't matter, Riot removed it because even they contradicted the fuck out of it

>> No.8160340

I think anyway you will look adorable anon! Personaly I hate Lulu, but some cosplayers just look so damn cute when doing her.

>> No.8160341

Did you miss that my point isn't that much about the lore but mostly about not even playing the game?

>> No.8160346

You are indeed adorable. How comes you don't have thousands of likes tho? Oh I know, because league fans only cares about boobs jesus christ why people don't care about well done cosplays like yours? This makes me really mad to be honest.

>> No.8160356

I think when making a Lulu cosplay, you have to find a balance in the clothes. Making the dress small and have a big ass hat will look unbalanced, but making everything superbig on you will make your head look tiny as fuck!

And don't forget a petti! One problem with many Lulu cosplays is that the dress just seem to be superflat because there is o volume under it

>> No.8160363

you sound salty as fuck. people are going to keep cosplaying league, people are going to keep cosplaying things they don't know

>> No.8160366

You know what, I hadn't even thought of using a petti, it seems so obvious now! Totally agree with you on the balance, going to do my best on it. Thanks for the petti tip, I probably would've made the dress and then realised it didn't sit well haha.

>> No.8160368


Many of these cosplayers spent more time on their cosplays than people have actually played the game. So when it comes down to sinking hours into something game related, I can't look down on cosplayers too much.

>> No.8160388

Currently in the process of making Marauder Ashe for AX. It's my first League cosplay and I'm a little bit scared about how I'm going to be received as a girl cosplaying league after seeing all yall salty niggas. I actually play and I'm gold but I'm just kinda afraid that people will just assume I'm another girl cosplaying for the hype? There's really no way of knowing if the cosplayer knows about the game unless you talk to them but it seems like most people dont make that effort to find out, they just assume.

Am I just crazy for being scared or does this whole "cosplaying league for attention" thing only apply if you're showing boobs? Am I safe? T____T

>> No.8160392

You will be fine! All the angry people are on the net only!

I only got nice comments in my Annie cosplay. People just told me how cute I was and that they loved my cosplay. I even had a girl that asked me if she could add me on LoL.

>> No.8160403

If an individual's self-identity is so wrapped up in a video game that they get mad about this shit, that person probably isn't someone whose opinion is worth regarding.

>> No.8160427

aa thank you! I really like how you did the gold heart applique (?) on her dress; it's so clean!

Oh, um, thanks haha... I haven't posted any league cosplays besides sweeheart Annie on my page, but I've been pretty bad at keeping my page active until more recently. So probably a combination of being inactive and being relatively new to the cosplay community? I haven't done any cosplays that are groundbreakingly impressive either, haha. Thanks though!

>> No.8160458

>Am I just crazy for being scared or does this whole "cosplaying league for attention" thing only apply if you're showing boobs?

Cosplaying X for attention is a /cgl/ buzzword.

>> No.8160468

Battle Bunny Lux
Syndra/River spirit Nami
Obvious refer to my first answer

>> No.8160507

I feel you totally, I used to cosplay since S1 (shitty cosplays) and I wanted to meet new cosplayers and players who also enjoyed LoL as much as I did. Once I met a caitlyn cosplayer and I loved her outfint and cait was pretty new so I asked her summoner name and she didnt even knew what a SN was, shit I died a little. Now everyone cosplays LoL and when I cosplay they always think that im one of the posers now and ill never meet lol players. bt im diamond in NA so at least iknow something about lol

>> No.8160548

I'm in the process of building a full armor silencer cosplay, and my girl is building a sexy queen of pain For the international this year
> inb4 dotahate

>> No.8160590

>League of Legends thread
>Posta about Dota2 cosplay
>Plz no hate

just make your own thread

>> No.8160602

Exactly. Like I don't care if you aren't very good but at least play the damn game. I know that's too much to ask for but man it's annoying when I try talking to someone about the game at a con and they just look so confused. I mean, same goes for anime. You see someone cosplaying an anime and just expect that they've watched it because why wouldn't they?

Last con I went to I saw a girl cosplaying Ashe and I said Ashe was my first champion (like pretty much everyone else) and the girl looked at me and said "Omg, me too! She's my favorite mid!" ......like c'mon.

>> No.8160619

I mean TECHNICALLY you can play her mid

>> No.8160640

Lel I've been getting so many Ezreal mids in Plat. It's the new trend.

>> No.8160642

Yeah anon, go ahead and totally not mension that she's actually a model.

She's not even the one who paid for the costume, are you fucking stupid? Do you like, spend days on 4chan talking shit about your comm just because you're a sad fuck?

Go to the fucking CBlol if you want people who actually play.

>> No.8160654

Annie is a viable AP mid

>> No.8160667

wtf are you going on about, no one said anything about annie

>> No.8160670

Oh dear god this just makes your entire argument invalid, I'm sorry

>> No.8160676

english isn't my first language, sorry anon.
Sometimes I forget to say it in my posts

>> No.8160700

I'm quietly seething over that visible bra strap.

>> No.8160704

Ezreal's AP scales really well though, not to mention he has a very reliable escape.

Ashe, not so much

>> No.8160708

Requesting more Namis! She's my favorite

>> No.8160732

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frAS12WMBj8 the camera swaying at times is nausea inducing but nami

>> No.8160762

Thank you! It's just glued on because I didn't want to ruin it with topstitching

>> No.8161101


That doesn't mean she never played the game. She could've been using the champion wrong. When you start playing no one really tells you there's certain characters meant to be played in certain lanes and it takes a while to understand that (you end up getting it by playing).

>> No.8161118
File: 28 KB, 410x557, 485466_626703087389696_567457447_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh I've noticed a good chunk of people who cosplay are still really low level and dont know what to build/what summoner spells to take/what lane to go with champions. Probably one of those spending more time on the cosplays than playing the game types. It happens.

>> No.8161225

And I will keep thinking they are stupid and the world goes on. It's not my business what someone do with their lives/money tho, but the question was here and I gave my opinion.

>> No.8161229

She did that in one week though. So much skill, I'm impressed.

>> No.8161241

ez ap mid is really old though, are you new or?

>> No.8161245

Hey brazilianfag. Does it matter if she is a model if she still cosplays from things she doesn't play/read, makes everything in like one week and it looks shitty as fuck in real life without all the photoshop? The answer is no.

>> No.8161269

So, so salty.

>> No.8161277
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 05641520156415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are really behind if you don't know that the cosplay someone paid for her was kitty kat. Which she says that she did all by herself expect the daggers, and which i doubt because do you see any progress pictures like you see in all of her other costumes?
And herself said that she comissioned her Janna's skirt and Miss Marvel's bodysuit. She is stunningly beautiful, her body has just the right proportions and her make up is always on point. But I won't deny the fact that she only cosplays for fame, and she shouldn't either, because it isn't something wrong. Just don't lie about knowing or giving a damn about something you clearly don't even know at all.
And question for you since you are a brazilianfag too, why do you think she almost stopped taking pictures as a living doll? Because it isn't the trend anymore, that's why.

>> No.8161336

Gosh, been playing since season 1 and am diamond 3. I'm just a big ol' noob!

No but seriously just because you see something played in your elo doesn't mean it's played in every elo.

>> No.8161340

Plat account's my smurf just to clarify. Not surprised with all the Ez picks since plat is so cheese.

>> No.8161363

bf also diamond and is always seeing ez mid. maybe it's a country trend though, i dont know... but it didnt start here, since siv and other people did it ages ago. i really think the new trend is morg top.

>> No.8161900
File: 112 KB, 1024x683, league_of_legends_cosplay___dryad_soraka_2__by_kawaiitine-d6uhplr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More cosplay please

>> No.8161902

If you've got a problem with people making shit and/or inaccurate costumes, then I support and agree with you wholeheartedly.

On the other hand, if you're just being a crybaby because you can't handle your game becoming mainstream, I can't help you there. What does it matter if they don't play/know everything about the game? Go find someone else to talk to if you want to talk about the game. There are millions of people who play League. I'm sure you'll find people to talk to among that million.

>> No.8161903

the lore is absolute fucking shit lmao why do you even care

>> No.8161905

it was played in the LCS recently at least once. are you new or?

>> No.8161936

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
I'm planning Lux and maybe River Spirit Nami but I need to find out how to make that if so.
Might do Tristana in her rocket girl skin but I'm not so keen on her anymore since she was reworked.

>Favorite champion and skin?
I really love Lux, Nami and Soraka. Favourite skin is definitely River Spirit Nami

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
If the skin is cool I don't really mind. Only really mind the pool party fanskins.

>> No.8161961

Season 2 Ashe mid was pretty popular.. Not now though, maybe she was a low level person.

>> No.8162053

Am I the only one who loves Tristanas redesign?

>> No.8162073

Seems like it! Personally, I find her less cute now.

>> No.8162086
File: 2.92 MB, 2500x2182, Tristana_Render_VU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I find her to be a lot cuter with the big ears. I think she looked too much like a blue wow gnome before

>> No.8162102

I like her new design, but it's a little frustrating, as a chubby a short girl that they took away one of the only champs I could cosplay decently.

>> No.8162107
File: 126 KB, 1080x960, Danielle-Caitlyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone wanna talk about Danielle's Caitlyn?

>> No.8162133

Nope, take your vendetta somewhere else

>> No.8162139

This thread is 99% drama and 1% cosplay

>> No.8162140

I can agree that the ears are cute but I don't think her face looks as cute anymore. However, I do think the redesign matches her voice more? "Do something!" I also like her slight rework. But maybe I just hate change.

>> No.8162143

would destroy

>> No.8162145
File: 66 KB, 640x960, 1365997216042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really on the fence about this one.
It's definitely cute and hasn't lost any of the spunky gunner feel but she feels and looks like Jinx to me; too much for comfort. Considering I thought Jinx was memelord!Trist, it's mindboggling. The lack of boots is also kind of weird.

That and her eyes are terrifying in-game / Rocket Girl isn't nearly as nice anymore, though I'm hoping they sneak in a fix. I've long-since stopped expecting much from significant VUs after Karma and Trundle (especially Karma jesus fucking christ Riot).

It also kind of gives me the worry that Lulu will have fanart tier thigh-highs and Poppy won't be obviously life/battle-hardened. Yordles are bae.

>> No.8162156

I can agree that she does resemble Jinx a bit, but I still prefer the new look.

I don't think they will change Lulu like that though, she is a popular champ and it would be a weird change to make. Poppy you never know, I really hope they do a re-make of her soon because I think she look ugly as fuck in game, but that they don't make her too cutesy!

>> No.8162218

Like, do you people see yourself talking like this. Vidya lingo is so gay.

>> No.8162237

Why haven't you posted photos of your tit-tastic Katarina cosplay?

>> No.8162348

Ez mid is pretty good. One of the best pokes, nice initiation ult, really good escape, and most of all, his AP scales really well with it and his an excellent candidate for either Mejai's or Tear of Goddess.

>> No.8162353

Eh what I'm sure I have seen AP Ez mid in season 4 already so idk how this is so new trend.

>> No.8162354
File: 193 KB, 466x700, janna-cosplay-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8162386

I wish I could die right now.

>> No.8162402

Like, do you understand you're talking in a thread full of people who play the game and use the lingo?

>> No.8162407

I think the dress looks really unflattering on her but overall it's good.

>> No.8162408

I like her design but they changed her skills which is what annoyed me. Played an Aram as her and I didn't know what to do.
Maybe I just need to get used to her again.
I'm the anon from >>8161936 btw

>> No.8162411

>couple going as "SHUT UP" the hero and the Succubus that just screams at everyone

hee hee

>> No.8162426

Yeah but just because you play a game doesn't mean you need to sound so autistic.

>some people actually talk like this irl

>> No.8162441

you could always just start taking care of your body and then you could cosplay normal, healthy looking people again.

>> No.8162563
File: 101 KB, 960x960, 1653703_531392333654359_7596907006977579208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8162606

are you retarded?

>> No.8162612

this bait

>> No.8163330
File: 212 KB, 1000x1708, 11050819_936672869677820_4999156178075753699_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on my newsfeed earlier.

>> No.8163341

Saw it too. Malaysian or Philipino cosplayers I think? I remembered they had some original song they did in costume and it was posted here before but soon after, hey took it down from their YT

>> No.8163353

It's by Yuki Godbless who is Thai IIRC.

>> No.8163386

That is the grossest material and the gloves look like cheap woven winter ones.

>> No.8163391

I feel like the skirt part of the dress should've been more full. Like, keep the top, but cut it off and make a fuller skirt.

Also, her makeup's a little off to me, hm.

>> No.8163413

Who's the guy?

>> No.8163426

Oooh ok. I just remember they had some cosplay rapping singing music video and hyped it up so much but it turned to be poop

>> No.8163488
File: 513 KB, 1288x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl, so freaking bad.

>> No.8163492
File: 155 KB, 960x655, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8163497
File: 386 KB, 1389x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad because she's a genuinely good cosplayer. She just rushed the fuck out of DJ Sona to be the first one to cosplay her.

>> No.8163502

I don't know anon, this looks pretty bad

>> No.8163510

Well there are other skins that over up her stomach so I think you can still be able to cosplay her. Personally I want to do her new Buccaneer Outfit but Im trying to figure out how to do her hat.

>> No.8163529
File: 864 KB, 1364x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still more solid than those DJ sonas though I guess

>> No.8163534

Meant to quote >>8163502

>> No.8163618

They changed her voice and gave her a completely new voice actress, though.

Which makes me sad, since her old voice was sooo damn cute.

>> No.8163631 [DELETED] 
File: 2.79 MB, 4128x2322, 20140426_132755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love you Chelsey.

Call me.

>> No.8163652

in comparison to her dj sona attempt it makes her look like a goddess

>> No.8163665
File: 363 KB, 1300x1893, 89418914894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to go through this. Sona is one of my favorite champions and this shitty attempt makes me sad. It even gets me angry since she isn't a bad cosplayer, but she rushed it to be the first and it looks terrible.

>> No.8164038
File: 35 KB, 819x460, yuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When even her fans think it looks shitty... then it's bad

There are so many things with these photos that annoys we.
The photos are out of focus. There is lots of effects photoshoped in, but they didn't bother fixing up the rough edges on the DJ boards.

And what is that bodysuit even made of? It looks like she smeared it in tar

>> No.8164057
File: 264 KB, 640x631, tumblr_nb9y3gHbnx1smuam9o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
Still tweaking around on my female Twisted Fate cosplay, it's finished, but I want to redo a LOT of things.
I'm also wanting to cosplay regular Sona, Ironscale Shyvana, regular Veigar, Lunar Goddess Diana, Iron Solari Leona and genderbent Graves.

>Favorite champion and skin?
Jinx is my alltime favourite because she was the first one I played and the one that got me into the game.
For my laning: Shyvana/Darius for toplane, Master Yi/Skarner/Fiddlesticks for jungle, Jinx for ADC, Thresh/Leona/Janna for support, Veigar (rip in piece)/Twisted Fate/Diana/Fiddlesticks for mid.

Favourite skins are: Surprise Party Fiddlesticks, Lunar Goddess Diana, Iron Solari Leona, Ice Drake Shyvana and Headhunter Mater Yi.

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
Depends on the fanskin itself. I think it's more acceptable if the fanskin is very detailed and elaborate, otherwise it can come off as a cheap closet cosplay.

pic related as probably one of my favourite League of Legends cosplays (not mine). It's just so damn nice. ;_;

>> No.8164058

that lee sin tho

>> No.8164082

This are a mess.

This are meh tier. They are not bad, but they look bad for someone who is considered a good cosplayer.

>> No.8164095


This girl apparently always rushes to be the first to do new skins and champs. Man, what about taking your time and becoming the best one out there? You know, sanding everything to perfection and making sure everything fits and looks proportional. LoL-hype isn't going anywhere soon and cool, well-made cosplays are always appreciated. But:

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
Currently making female Ziggs, I'm hoping to be able to cosplay Debonair Vi soon, but this will have to wait until fall.

>Favorite champion and skin?
I'm currently loving Riven, which is pretty surprising considering I started with supports and mages, and as a skin a tie-in between Challenger Ahri and Debonair Vi.

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
Pool Party fanskins are usually pretty lame(like only simple bikinis and no clever beach-themed weaponry), but otherwise they are fine by me. But don't hate if you aren't recognized!

>> No.8164517

We found the attention whore that doesn't actually play!

>> No.8164540

I think making the dress like an empire waist dress would look really cute! I sketched it up on paper because I also want to make DT Lulu one day. I can post it when I have colored it if you want

>> No.8164607

You got one half of that right

>> No.8164620

IT's like you weren't around S1 - Mid Ashe was the main thing before the 1-1-1-2 meta was fully implemented. Maybe's she's more hardcore than you even know.

>> No.8164640

Anyone planning on going to the MSI in Tallahassee?

>> No.8164735

I don't understand why it matters what other people spend their time/money on to cosplay as long as theyre not actively invading your fandom space I guess? Some people just wanna challenge themselves to the design or just like it in general. With anime you can watch about 15 episodes(maybe less) and get the general idea of who youre willing to cosplay but with video games you could spend the same time playing(4-6 hours) but youre not considered a "real fan"

Do you also shit on prop makers who make scissor blades and sell them saying things like you dont even watch Kill la Kill? Whats the difference between making a prop to sell from something you dont watch/play and cosplaying for fun from something you dont watch/play??

>> No.8164742

I agree with this!

Also, there are people who actually are bad at games. I am seriously awful with FPS games, yet I still love Borderlands. I would love to cosplay from Borderlands, even though I haven't completed the game. I enjoy just watching other people play the game.

To watch an anime series doesn't need skill or commitment like a game does. There is no such thing as "being bad at watching anime". Some people just enjoy the game even though they haven't played it with their own hands

>> No.8165054

>Whats the difference between making a prop to sell from something you dont watch/play and cosplaying for fun from something you dont watch/play??
You really can't see the awful contradiction here?

>> No.8165135

Not even any padding to get that delish booty

>> No.8165192

That's the most greasy and nasty fur i've ever seen

>> No.8165280

>>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?

I'm working on Classic Ashe right now for AX, but I'm a bit chubby so I'm working really hard on making the dress look good on me. I'm not super experienced with pattern making so it's proving to be a little difficult.

>>Favorite champion and skin?

My favorite champ is Janna. I don't know why, but I love her classic design. It's so elegant and pretty, I can't get over it.

I don't really have a favorite skin, but I do really really like a lot of the classic skins.

>>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?

I don't particularly care for them. They're difficult to recognize, and the people who cosplay them always expect to be recognized. Then it's just awkward for everyone involved.

>> No.8165320

My pet hate currently is the fact the splash arts and the i game renders don't match 100% and it's a pain to decide which way to go cosplay-wise (looking at you Queen Ashe skin). Speaking of which; what would fellow cosplayers away to? The cord in the skirt like the splash, or the gold bracer like in the in-game render?

>> No.8165371

I know how you feel! :( Personally, I just aim for matching the game models, since I can find all the angles from the Lolking model viewer.

>> No.8165401

I think reference the model for structure and such, but the splash for details. But ultimately its up to the cosplayer to decide what mix would look the best D:

>> No.8165413

for Queen Ashe i think going the direction of the splash would look best

>> No.8165425

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
I'm working on Arcade Miss Fortune, Classic Katarina and Red Card Katarina for Acen in May. My skill level isn't very high, but I think I'm doing a good job.

>Favorite champion and skin?
My favorite champion is Nami or Katarina and my favorite skin is probably Koi Nami or Kitty Cat Katarina

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
It's alright, but I think they should be based off previously existing skins. For example: Pool Party Nidalee, Popstar Caitlyn, Arcade Varus, whatever

>> No.8165431

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
I'm really modest and I don't feel comfortable showing a lot of skin to be honest. On top of that, I'm fucking tiny and I don't suit the mature, sexy feel that a lot of female champions rock, but here's what I want to cosplay:
>boyfriend wants me to do battle bunny riven
>silent night sona
>winter wonder lulu

>Favorite champion and skin?
Favourite champion: soraka?
Favourite skins: silent night sona, winter wonder lulu

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
not too big of a fan of really boring fan skins that just feels like an excuse to cosplay league while being slutty.
saw a bunch of fan christmas skins a couple months ago at a con and some of them were just so poorly executed, like they got a "sexy santa" outfit from Victoria's Secret, popped on a wig, and used some sort of Christmas prop as their weapon.

>> No.8165439

>Favourite champion: soraka?

You're the first seagull Ive seen that actually likes Soraka

>> No.8165480
File: 29 KB, 720x466, 10628671_317552658427608_6114145566864322560_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Different anon and I haven't met many people who dislike Soraka, most people seem to forget she exists nowadays.
I have met a lot of people who hate Leblanc, Nidalee, Teemo, Leona, etc.

>> No.8165496

I hate it when they don't match color between the model and the splash though :/

>> No.8165597
File: 13 KB, 318x429, urgotpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a cosplay, but this came up while I was entering some stuff into the skincare thread. 4chan knows Im playing League in between posts right meow.

>> No.8165609

Inaccurate skirt, and Jessica Nigri hooker raccoon makeup with the annoying sideswept unstyled wig they both always do. 0/10

>> No.8165611
File: 368 KB, 503x483, dirty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
I plan to make Bittersweet Lulu and Sinful Succulence Morgana, ALL THE ZYRA

>Favorite champion and skin?
Wildfire Zyra

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
As long as you can look at the cosplay and know what the hell its supposed to be, Im down.

>> No.8165662

tbf I don't play a lot and I haven't tried a lot of champions
I should really play other champions to understand how they work but I'm a pussy and I like sticking to what I know.

off-topic but Bard looks really fucking cute
the way he walks is so airy and magical and fucking ghibli-like
excited to see Bard cosplays

>> No.8165692

Thanks for the input! I'm thinking that the bracer would be more recognisable and there's tonne of detail rather than a cord. I went for the colours that match both game model and splash so it won't look too bright or dark (hopefully anyway)

>> No.8165922

Ew, that fur choice is atrocious.

>> No.8166200

Hey, it's honestly really simple. You just drop a bomb on something, and shoot that thing if you want the bomb to do more damage

Soz for no cosplay

>> No.8166316

Her skills are the same....

>> No.8166331
File: 887 KB, 1365x2048, N3 Photography Ichiban 2015 FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
I just finished with my Nurse Akali and I'm planning on making her classic skin for DragonCon.

>Favorite champion and skin?
Akali has always been my main. I love her Bloodmoon skin. Sometimes I dabble with Ahri [Dynasty] or Ashe [Amethyst].

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
I'm all for cosplaying fan skins if they actually look accurate for the character and have an ounce of creativity. Though I am really getting sick of the whole "pop idol" ordeal and don't even get me started on the beach version fiasco.

>> No.8166506

I know your pain I really know. Mafia Jinx, MF's Hair, Forecast Janna mic/umbrella and so on...

>> No.8166528

in general i'd say to go with official art if the in-game models/textures are potato due to technical limitations

>> No.8166730

Mix and match up whatever goes the best. That's what I did with my Sweetheart Annie. Used the ingame model as my main source and a little bit from the Splash art. The splash art can be great for details, but due to lightning and such colors can be off. Sweetheart Annie's hair almost looks blonde in the splash art, but it's clearly a bluish silver on the in-game model


>> No.8167806

I have no idea why people see her hair as any shade of blue; it's clearly because of "lighting" that it's that color... if you're going to make her wig bluish silver and ignore the lighting shades, then you should make her tights light pink and tibber's white accents light blue a well.

>> No.8168119
File: 84 KB, 1366x768, anniee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People incorporate things differently. Just look at Heartsekeer Ashe. People have incorporated her haircolor as white, pink, blue, silver, silver with blue ombre.

With Annie I thought the blue would look better than just plain silver because it would then differ from her white tights like it does on the in-game model, and I didn't want pink tights.
Also if you compare Annie's hair to Small Tibbers, her hair is more towards blue than the white in Tibbers, which goes more towards purple.
Big Tibbers is more blue on the white parts, but even there it is more purple tinted than Annie's hair, except for the part that is very shadowy. But that part also wouldn't get as much light as Annie's hair would.

This is how I saw her haircolor as. But I don't think making it white or silver would be wrong or look bad. I just choose to do what I thought looked best

>> No.8168690


>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?

Headhunter Akali is my plan for next year, with my cosplay partner as Headhunter Caitlyn. I'm also planning to cosplay SNSD Ahri.

>Favorite champion and skin?

I play support and I really like Sona. I've started to branch out and play Karma, Annie, and also Leona, but my favorite midlaner is Syndra. My favorite skin I own is Lunar Goddess Diana.

>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?

I'm usually on the fence about them. I guess if no one can recognize you as Popstar Anivia, then chill the fuck out.

>> No.8168786

I'm working on Nurse Akali atm, would you mind sharing what material you used for the dress? I'm a huge noob

>> No.8168871
File: 47 KB, 576x432, hng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8168888
File: 468 KB, 1406x1600, project-quinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
Currently trying to attempt a fanskin from that Chinese skin contest (Project Quinn)
>Favorite Champion and skin?
I love Riven to bits, as well as Quinn/Valor. My favorite skin is either Redeemed Riven or Steel Legion Lux.
>What is your opinion of cosplaying fanskins?
Coming from someone who is in the process of doing one rn, it's great to see a person cosplaying other fan's ideas. I'll be okay if no one recognizes, and I'd be more than happy to explain who I am.

>> No.8168954


In all honesty, I altered a slutty head nurse costume because it was pretty much exactly what I needed. I just altered the length [had to make it shorter] and took out the zipper in the front to put buttons.

>> No.8169033
File: 101 KB, 576x864, 10678863_511515518984765_3972277873927523257_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me at the Toronto Fan Expo

>> No.8170323

I know a lot of people don't like pool party cosplays. I got invited to do a pool party cosplay group with friends for fun at a summer con. I know that all of my friends care about the characters and do not want to do the cosplays just for showing off. We will design everyone except Leonas outfit ourselves and I would love to hear good ideas!

I will do Annie. I will have a purple one-piece with pink frills and a picture of Tibbers on. I will have a pink swim ring with little Tibbers all over it (I will print stickers) I will sew my own Tibbers for accuracy and he will wear swim glasses and arm puffs.
Does that sound good?

The other characters we will have are;

Any ideas for them would be great. Like I said, we really want the characters to come out and not just wear bikinis

>> No.8170331
File: 1.15 MB, 693x701, bblux2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My battle bunny lux

>> No.8170413

Didn't cosplay Nurse Akali but I did the same thing as other anon when I cosplayed Candy Cane Miss Fortune - just altered a slutty Santa outfit that I saw online since it was practically the same.

>> No.8170444

isnt this from yu gi oh?

>> No.8170550

put swim trunks on tibbers! Maybe wear goggles on top of your head also.

>> No.8170560

So how exactly is this Lux?

>> No.8170564


>> No.8170599

Swim Trunks on Tibbers is a great idea! Thanks!

>> No.8171331

I can't really tell it's supposed to be Lux from this

>> No.8171374
File: 788 KB, 1024x1762, battle_bunny_lux_by_berrycoat-d7jlxcm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's off of this concept. It's a fan made skin. There are a few arts of it out there

>> No.8171380
File: 51 KB, 960x960, bbluxfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full outfit

>> No.8171448

Did you even add boning to your suit?

>> No.8171490

oh my GOD this is a terrible drawing

>> No.8171518

are you posting this in multiple threads so the whole of /cgl/ can call this shit?

>> No.8172077

Question; Do you think it'd be possible to pull of a DJ Sona cosplay as a plus size (US 10-12) girl? I'm an hourglass/pear-shaped girl, and would wear shapewear under the suit. Sona's always been my fav champion and I adore the new skin.

>> No.8172083

Soraka and Volibear are my baes.

>> No.8172085

You arent from around this website, are you?

>> No.8172128

Personally, I think fan skins are a terrible idea. Honestly I don't even like normal skins. I'm a purist when it comes to cosplaying game stuff, it should be the most recogniseable. I get now with League though that everything has been done to death so its needed, but eh.

It's really disappointing that its always the same few female champions who you see cosplays of. There are plenty of interesting designs I'd love to see more of.

>> No.8172140

If anyone is interested I have some default Riven armor pieces for a costume I'll never finish.

>> No.8172141

i mean if you make all the props and stuff right, i'm sure you'll be given recognition for the cosplay? i mean obviously if a thinner girl did the same quality of work she'd probably get more attention because that's just how it is, but being thin doesn't excuse shit quality (i.e. that asian cosplayer who shooped her whole dj sona cosplay and still couldn't make it look good)
dj sona has her face covered so having a chubby looking face won't be that much of a detriment; it's just mostly making the props

>> No.8172143

what do you mean interested? like... you'd send them to us or what?
pics though

>> No.8172154

seconding >>8172141, its inevitable that other DJ sona cosplayers will get more attention, especially if your cosplay is mediocre. you could definitely pull it off, just do a good job at it.

>> No.8172219

I don't understand why people cosplay fan-made skins. All of the league cosplays at pax were disappointing. Upset I didn't get to see the bad-ass Jayce that got posted on reddit a week ago

>> No.8172245

Good to hear that it's not off the table. I've got a good handle on how to make the suit and helmet, but does anyone know what's the best material to make the etwahl/turntable from? I don't want it to look like painted cardboard but I honestly can't think of anything better that wouldn't be ridiculously heavy.

>> No.8172815

I was like that before, I said if I should cosplay, I would only cosplay the original skin.
Now I feel that they have been done so many times that they are kinda boring.
I like fan skins when they are recognizable and true to the character. And creative of course!

Also would love to see characters like Hecarim cosplayed more. But to face it, a minority of the Lol cosplayers would have the skills to make them good, and I know for sure that I would rather look good in my Cosplay, than spend a shit ton of time and money and in the end still look mediocre

>> No.8173030
File: 63 KB, 619x960, drow ranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Fan-made skins are a compromise. They're easy to pull off and require minimal skill to make. If people really had the skill to pull official skins off, there's no reason for them to go for Fanmade skins even moreso when they know it's not canon.

>> No.8173101

That isn't even recognizable as Lux. Why do people think this is a good idea?

>> No.8173111

Okay, I laughed too hard at this.

>> No.8173117

It'd be cooler if he actually made it himself. His girlfriend Danielle made the entire thing and let him soak up the spotlight. I don't even like her, but it infuriated me watching him say he made most of it.

>> No.8173254

Yes I am, but since most skins are ridiculous I wouldn't be surprised that they made a skin like that

>> No.8174241
File: 61 KB, 400x550, WF_WIG077A_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this wig is to short to style correctly into Annie's hairstyle? I only seem to find wigs this short or 60-80cm long in the right color on ebay. Or should I just get one of the longer wigs and cut it?

>> No.8174291

Eh. I think most of the people cosplaying league at least know a little bit about the game - I mean, even Kelly Jane at least tries to play it while she cosplays on her stream.

The fact is, LoL is one of the best-known vidya out there at the moment. If call of duty featured beautiful women wearing colourful, technically difficult outfits, then cosplayers would be flocking to that, too. Pretty much everyone plays league of legends, or is at least familiar with it, these days.

Also, I'm cosplaying Ravenborn LeBlanc, but I'm actually complete shite with her in-game. Doesn't mean that I'm not a fan of the character - I think her backstory and concept is awesome, I'm just really, really bad at playing her.

(Also my pet peeve? Gamer bros who play games and never bother to learn anything about the setting and characters, amirite?)

>> No.8174322

wtf is going on in this image

>> No.8174332

Why is everything made from cardboard?

>> No.8174334

I think you should just get a longer one and cut it. Whenever I've tried to get short wigs, they arrive and are way too short and I can't use them. It's better safe than sorry y'know?

>> No.8174340

They're using a yugioh deck tho...

>> No.8174402

Yeah that's what I thought

>> No.8174411

That color is so off...

>> No.8174486

Launder Lady Drow Ranger

>> No.8174505

Hm it looked good on my phone but is quite washed out on my computer

>> No.8174593
File: 2.03 MB, 2048x2048, 1426032161829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What color do you think would be best though? The darker ones are more accurate I believe, but I my favorite Annie cosplayers have used a more pink Magenta like the first

>> No.8174618

its not so much what material you make it out of, its just that you have to make it look as smooth as possible, which means maybe paper mache, gesso, a SHIT TON of sanding, maybe bondo

>> No.8174629


He's been posting progress pictures on his fb page, though. I thought Danielle just painted it?

>> No.8174789

I think it's more funny that when people are like "I thought she was with Nick ;_;" she doesn't even say anything, but when people say "Are you Jasper dating?" she's all "yup^_^"
Way to ride the fame train even more than you already are. I guess getting shit stirred up about you is the way to do it in cosplay nowadays.

>> No.8174910

She's been changing the story throughout her facebook page. At first she said he just made parts of the coat and that she made/painted all the armor and hammer. Now she's claiming that she just painted all of it.

Nick was actually with them at PAX, but he was just kinda in the background following her and her boyfriend. I kinda feel bad for the dude even though they're okay with the relationship. It's gotta be awkward no matter what.

>> No.8175085

>>Any champ you are in progress of making/plan to cosplay as?
Ghost Bride Morg with my hubs as Artic Ops Varus
>>Favorite champion and skin?
Right now DJ Sona but actually a Sona main since before the skin was announced. Arcade before that was my fav.
>>What is your opinion of cosplaying fan skins?
If well thought out and I could see the champ in it then a big fan. But so sick of skanks doing pool party x

>> No.8175263

Please stop the battle bunny trend I'm going to shoot myself.

>> No.8175274
File: 251 KB, 1920x1080, 1411233496420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be doing pool party vayne someday and I think that you could go from the official art where her back appears (pic related). I will be wearing red googles, a mini water gun on my wrist and a crossbow made of pool noodles.

For zyra you could go with something inspired in lily pads? I really don't know.

>> No.8175278
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, kmePBMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could go with this custom skin. I think it looks really cool and in character. I'm thinking about getting some things from it for my pp vayne. Also your ideas for pp annie are awesome! It will look absolutely cute.

>> No.8175323

If they do they won't use this picture. All the actual skins on that picture have lots of design going on despite being at a pool party whereas the other girls are just literally wearing swimming clothing and that's that.

>> No.8175326


>> No.8175470
File: 84 KB, 809x540, 11052528_10152704352015205_1940800961110708754_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8175519

There aren't really any male champions that you can cosplay well without being a literal manlet or 6 foot 4 and shredded. It's very disappointing.

>> No.8175566

Honestly the only somewhat normal looking one is Jayce and that's probably why so many people cosplay him.

>> No.8175688

She doesn't want to do the one-piece version because everybody does that one, and we know there will be other cosplayig her , doing that version

She wants a bikini, so I'm trying to design it from there. I thought of having her wear a bath towel over her neck, to resemble her cloak.

>> No.8175712

It's kind of the same for most of the women, you can be skinny with small boobs, or skinny with huge breasts.

What about Yasuo or Gangplank? Even Ezreal isn't actually super skinny.

>> No.8175826

I would be really mad if the photographer ruined my photo with that watermark

>> No.8175846

epic fart

>> No.8175905
File: 93 KB, 640x960, Ashe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about this ashe???

>> No.8175942

I like the concept but it almost looks more like an art instead of a cosplayer.

>> No.8176125

Her chest looks so unfortunate. Ladies, please wear bras in your true size. Believe it or not, it will actually make your boobs look better.

>> No.8176135

And that's why you won't stop at the art and will only use it as a base for making it more visually appealing with props and what not.

>> No.8176144

I think a towel wouldn't fit her character that much? I get from where you are coming tho and sounds like a good idea. Maybe use something like leona's orange thing (can't recall the name of that right now) around her neck. And since Vayne has that belt, you could make a belt too with sunscreens on it. (maybe that sounds too dumb..)

>> No.8176158

Raiden? Is that you?

>> No.8176177


Of course everyone is going to do that one, it's in the official art! Doing another pool party design when theres already a (part) of one seems silly.

>> No.8176340

Jinx is uh, very bendy, isn't she?

>> No.8176350

the belt with sunscreens on it would be pretty fun, to be honest.

You've got to remember that the pool party skins aren't meant to be super serial. Lee Sin has a pina colada, ffs.

>> No.8176370

Don't like her eye-makeup, also agree with the tits.
Looks nice though? but almost painted.

>> No.8176374

I'm the same anon that said that was going to cosplay pp vayne too and sugested the sunscreen. Now that you mention it they aren't serious at all and I'm thinking about using the sunscreen on my own cosplay...

>> No.8176382

Lulu should have a pool duck for Pix. Maybe her staff could be a pool noodle?

Lulu's quite a tricky one, because so much of her in-game appearance relies on the clothes that she wears. There's really no poolside equivalent to her massive hat. Maybe you could make her a lifeguard or something?

>> No.8176385

After you mentioned it, I couldn't stop thinking about how on-point it was for her character. She is just the kind of person that would go to a pool party and spend the whole time slapping sunscreen on everybody.

>> No.8176405

You could go full silly and make her hat one of those cones for keeping people from running around the pool.

>> No.8176411
File: 39 KB, 540x960, 11040680_10204017694588498_636449972_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have a design for Lulu, here is the crappy sketch. I thoought the hat should be the same transculent plastic material as the armpuffs

That actually sounds like a fun idea!
Yeah I agree with that, we have found a bikini for her at least

>> No.8176538

Most of the male characters aren't showing skin so not sure why you need to be shredded unless by shredded you mean not fat?

Humanoids with no crazy makeup or furry heads needed
Some Lee Sin Skins
Primetime Draven
Gragas is a big fat fuck
Jax isn't even visible
Twisted Fate
Some Yasuos

Fuck you very much

>> No.8176544

Shredded= ripped
You have to be buff to cos them

>> No.8176562

Do you actually cosplay?

>> No.8176608
File: 121 KB, 650x384, varus_splash_4_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting in shape to cosplay Heartseeker Varus this August, which will take the longest time but I'm making pretty good progress

>> No.8176617
File: 86 KB, 700x1342, ffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks like absolute shit. There's poop party art that exists that actually makes sense.

>> No.8176665

I think her sketch looks way better. Lulu wearing only a bikini looks silly to me. It would be the same if annie, for example, was wearing a bikini.

>> No.8176738

Are you blind? Haha, no shit it would look the same,
see: >>8175278
It's recognizable and not autistic.

>> No.8176780

pleaseee get us photos

>> No.8176869

Do you even look at the splash arts and in game models?
most of the characters you listed look like shit if you aren't buff; i.e gragas may have a belly but he still has muscles

>> No.8177059
File: 233 KB, 1215x717, TwistedFate_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you?

>> No.8177060
File: 134 KB, 1400x1050, singed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8177063

Your art is cute, but please be aware of how legs connect to torsos.
>thigh gap for days

>> No.8177064
File: 32 KB, 640x300, league-of-legends-graves-spotlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8177065

Because she is a grown up woman and all that. Annie is a KID and yordles don't look like they would go sexy like the fan skin you posted. It just look like thrash and hers is way more recognizable.

>> No.8177066

Have you like... Seen the pool party graves? It's not hard to find, I promise. Singed and TF are thin I agree, but graves is totally fit.

>> No.8177067
File: 351 KB, 1215x717, MasterYi_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8177070
File: 319 KB, 1215x717, Vladimir_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I'm assuming you're

>There aren't really any male champions that you can cosplay well without being a literal manlet or 6 foot 4 and shredded

Which is incredibly untrue. What you really mean is you can't do the easy ones. No one denies that there's beefcake in LoL but it's pretty laughable the idea that it's ALL beefcake when it look them a few good years into the game to make the male characters fanservicey.

>> No.8177120
File: 193 KB, 422x459, tristback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to figure how to do the hat since it looks like a tricorn pirate hat. Also in all of your opinions is her pants/corset black or dark purple?

>> No.8177121
File: 198 KB, 453x478, BuccaneerTrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8177179

Expect photos in three~four months or so

>> No.8177204

I Personally think it would look half-assed to just put on a bikini and her regular hat. Then you would just look like an attentionwhore. I think it's not Lulu's character to just wear a bikini.

I also must take the cosplayers wishes into consideration when I design them. She wanted an one-piece and armpuffar

Yes I didn't have an eraser with me when I drew it. I'm going to redraw it because I hate the legs

>> No.8177963
File: 175 KB, 1469x549, sorakaturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until anyone cosplays the new skins?

Personally I find them all ugly

>> No.8177974

Out of all champions and all skins why would you choose this one lol

>> No.8177980

>Personally I find them all ugly
Someone didn't get the memo they're April Fools skins. Obviously they're not going for looks.

>> No.8177982

People would cosplay them for the fun of it being a joke in the first place.

>> No.8178038

Personally I thought that outfit is cute. Better than her old outfit.

>> No.8178107

I still think they are ugly, like Soraka's outfit could've been so much more creative than this

>> No.8178174

Dark purple. Also I think there is a lot of tricorn hats tutorials on youtube.

>> No.8178175

She just looks like a regular Pool party to me. Are you even trying riot?

>> No.8178184

But dat Aristo Nasus...

>> No.8180453

that thigh gap is big enough to fit Nautilus's dick.

>> No.8180515

are you fucking stupid?

>> No.8180592
File: 1.85 MB, 2048x1367, untitled_by_gqbravo-d793hb21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did Quinn last year, tho not as happy with the outcome as i could have been. had to rush the cosplay a bit

>> No.8180612

You can blind me any day

>> No.8180634
File: 79 KB, 600x800, 1510472_10152533947008790_4131789030793221093_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did Genderbender Office last year at Pax Aus.
Thinking of doing my other fav champ which is Sejuani next year!

Any other Vi cosplays out there?

>> No.8180636

No. Don't be the 'fat Sona'

>> No.8180669

Varus is a chad in this skin

>> No.8180709

What's wrong with anon saying Kennen? I've seen people cosplay him well and he fits the criteria. No one bats an eye at people cosplaying yordles (Lulu, Trist, Teemo) really.
Unless you thought Kennen was a girl like a good number of people, then you're the stupid one.

>> No.8180716
File: 104 KB, 960x640, 10533079_1516814381911814_3337585126108696989_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive cosplayed Annie, thinking of doing Sweetheart, maybe Lulu or Tristana for Pax Aus.

I think I saw you! Nice cos btw.

//my curls died by the end of the day
which is when this was taken

>> No.8182076

Really nice! It's so rare to see good genderbend Vi out there.

>> No.8183132

Hmm what about Malzahar?

>> No.8183323

youll be fine, no one calls you out at cons (or at least not often)
people are usually just excited to see youre a marauder ashe, they wont start yelling at you

>> No.8183333

It's not that big of a deal if I just use a normal red teddy bear for Tibbers for Sweetheart Annie, is it? I won't be going to the fabric store for a bit, and I'm thinking of just getting a bear off the Internet.

>> No.8183367
File: 19 KB, 540x346, riven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished with my riven cos, but I'm so tripped out on the giant ass belt. Is there some place I can buy a belt that big? If not, how should I make it? It's ridiculous that this is the only thing I have an issue with, but there it is lol
Also any league cosplayers heading to megacon this year? (that maybe want to trade SNs too? ;_;)

>> No.8183371

You'll look lazy but if you're okay with that, then go for it.

>> No.8183374

As long as you give it the heart on the stomach it will be recognized. I think it will look better if you sew it yourself, but I don't think anyone will judge you for grabbing a bear online

>> No.8183787 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 480x720, 10351394_794535643947171_1868326012634206207_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did Shyvana last year for PAX Aus, it needs a big rework though, cause it was a very last minute decision. Gonna fix up the weapons to look more like the splash art for one, but lots of little tweaks and extra detailing to be done.

>> No.8183911

They're all pretty shit not going to lie

>> No.8184028 [DELETED] 

Go back to Tumblr.

A passing glance at half of these characters reveals that they're half naked with rippling muscles on every available surface.

Contrary to popular belief, sometimes guys aren't all cocky shits who think they can pull that off.

Female who's sick of People like you

>> No.8184041

Come on, Graves is the beefiest beefcake out there.

Yi fits firmly into the manlet category, he's skinny as shit.

Vlad is the Sephiroth. He at least has a shirt on though so I'll give you that.

Singed is intended to look almost skeletal. I'd be kind of concerned if someone could pull that off.

TF would be a cosplayable character if it weren't for that gloriously unattainable beard. I don't wanna pull the gender roles card but last time I let a man loose with some wig hair and prosthetic glue all hell broke out.

>> No.8184049

Signed Female specified easy, ridiculous furry head-less males. Kennen is a pretty furry little guy.

>> No.8184135

Don't do a shit job and you'll get craftsmanship points either way. Bonus points for having an ass like she does in the in-game model.

...also since when is 10-12 plus size? This country needs to get their shit together...

>> No.8184137

Do you know how to sew a scarf? Do that but sew some stiff fabric inside so you don't have a floppy belt. Done.