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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8159215 No.8159215 [Reply] [Original]

Anime Conji is one month away.

Who's going to be attending?
Cosplay plans?

>> No.8159233
File: 61 KB, 800x450, zori4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hopefully going to cosplay Zori, if my skin doesn't go to shit just before the con.

I also have a large suite and room for a seagull or two. Four people total, day 0 to 3. $200 or $250, can't remember which.

Preferably seagulls I've met before, or friends of seagulls I've met before.

>> No.8159358

Friday and Sunday. Will be at Wondercon on Saturday.

>> No.8159369

I've only ever been to big cons like SDCC or AX, do you guys think I'll be able to have any fun at such a small local con?
I wouldn't waste much money going but if I'm going to take a day off work to go I want to make sure it's worth it.
Can anyone that's gone share their experience?

>> No.8159375

I hope JasmineBlu doesn't show up, I can't stand her ass and everyone here in san diego acts like she's gods gift to weeaboo's

>> No.8159387

Imo the selling point of smaller cons is the friendly atmosphere and getting drunk with weebs. I haven't been to Anime Conji before, though.

>> No.8159395

Ahh, considering I am a socially awkward autist I guess a small con wouldn't really be my scene. Thanks for the reply.

>> No.8159398

Ahh, considering I am a socially awkward autist I guess a small con wouldn't really be my scene.

>> No.8159413

Yep, I'm going since I'm a local. Although with the kinds of guests Hanadoki is getting, I regret not going to that one and I can't afford both.

>> No.8159418

I only went once a long time ago. its a really small con something are interesting, but if you have bad social skills then you'll do great. I didn't like the tea party garden they did sucked balls and was poorly executed also regret not trying the mochi maid café. tho I haven't been there since town and country. funniest thing when I was there was a group of average females and one butter face discussing about getting dick this year but to be fair it was mainly butter face.

>> No.8161129

Are there more Hanadoki guests than listed on the guest page?

>> No.8161147

That revenge con? No thanks.

>> No.8161212
File: 122 KB, 452x391, GEHROOGAHMESH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand her.

>> No.8161639

Can't decide between going to conji or hanadoki yet they both seem kinda ehh

>> No.8161978

Might just save my money for Fanime unless my friend who's local decides to go, in which case I can just stay at her place for the weekend.

>> No.8163759

Seems like most people are going to Conji, instead of risking Hanadoki.

>> No.8163850

Todd Haberkorn just got announced a few days ago- can't pinpoint when but I saw it on my facebook yesterday.

Whatever suits you.

Yeah, I feel like that as well. People have somewhat of an aversion to Conji, but Hanadoki's too big of a risk.

>> No.8165465

i would have gone if they didn't reuse the hotel and guests of honor from last year also hard to want to go back to a pedo con

>> No.8165492

As someone who's never been to Conji, what's with all the negative rep?

>> No.8165502

Pedo con?

>> No.8167427

After the co-chair, Allyson Meyer, publicly shit on cosplayers in particular why is anyone going? Why should anyone give a shit? Yeah, let's give some idiot their obsessed need to feel "in power" despite hating what she does.

>> No.8167448

woah woah what? whats the story on this shit i am newfaggy

>> No.8167452

google: allisonmeyer@spja.org

She did end up getting fired from AX.

>> No.8167455

shes with hanadoki con now? kek
"Hanadoki Con
July 2013 – Present
Hanadoki Con is for the fans and by the fans, focused on anime and Japanese culture in American popular culture. We are dedicated to bringing the best possible fan convention to San Diego that we possibly can.

Hanadoki Con is dedicated to giving fans the convention experience they want. This means a greater focus on events, a broad theme that welcomes everyone, and true willingness to listen to our attendees. Our fans are not merely customers or attendees. They are the vital heart of our convention. We take care of the fans first and foremost."

>> No.8168416

ok so as a former staff member for conji i can say that posting on this website was not why conji staff were fired.
I voluntary quit. however this is how things went down
>every year till SPJA took over, clusterfuck meetings. nothing got done
>week before con "hey guys we should like actually do work lawl"
>nothing ever got done
>miracle the con ever actually happened
>con chair is a lazy party boy
>staffers have no idea what they are doing
>SPJA takes over
>Staff member gets promoted quickly to a manager spot after becoming the CEO's booty call.
>CEO kicks tons of lazy fucks out of conji
>CEO finally gets a girlfriend, bootycall kicked out of con
>Hanadoki forms from all fired staff members
>CEO also fires any staff member working for both SPJA and Hanadoki
>CEO only shows up for the last five minutes of every con that SPJA runs, same CEO wanted to turn AX into another E3 closed to the public con

>> No.8168485

conji 2015 confirmed for karaokecon

>> No.8168612 [DELETED] 

This underwhelming schedule and lack of friends to get drunk with is making me question my choices.

>> No.8168616

This underwhelming schedule and lack of friends to get drunk with is making me question my choice of con.

>> No.8168930

the scheduel is disappointing but JESS FUCKING HARNELL

>> No.8170498

>same CEO wanted to turn AX into another E3 closed to the public con
what the fresh fuck

>> No.8170524

I do enjoy watching Ultimate Karaoke Fighting Championship...
I'm glad I'm skipping out this year. There is nothing to do but watch anime, which I can do comfortably in my own home.

>> No.8171339

Dickwad. Get your people straight. That's
Alison Mcknight your thinking about

>> No.8171756

Care to tell us the real drama then, anon?

>> No.8173885

>ceo's booty call
>took over conji
>fired meyer and fired everyone who worked under her because she was jealous of ceo making the moves on meyer.
>''it's not like i raped your baby" - classic mcknight quote

>spja staff
>worked for ax then conji
>ceo sleazes on her, she gets fed up with ceo and spja and quits
>starts hanadokicon

>> No.8173973

Its also no secret that mcknigt hated cosplayers. She tried to sack the ax masquerade and turn it into a pro showcase. She also dissed local cosplayers

>> No.8175163

This isn't very exciting drama. :(

>> No.8175172


it's irrelevant now that mcknight is no longer spja but if anything it's a way to burn some time

>> No.8175226

why go when you can go to REVENGE CON since that worked out so well for AM2

>> No.8175228


Same CEO who wants to turn the masquerade into what American Idol tryouts used to be with his very own Simon

>> No.8175586

anybody interested in a cocktail party at conji?

Instead of passing a plastic bottle of smirnoff, I'm not sure how big the rooms are but I usually like to throw some sort of themed thing.

I was thinking along the lines of a haru matsuri, light soju and sake cocktails.

>> No.8175656

The only people who calling this a revenge con are either sucking the ceos dic or is the ceo of ax. Fatty Perez, is that

>> No.8175817

Sounds good! Maybe a /cgl meetup will convince me to make the commute from LA.

>> No.8175821

New con 2 weeks before the con they used to work with. This has revenge con written all over it.

>> No.8176207

to be fair, its been planned since late 2013

>> No.8176237


>> No.8176325

As a person who is ALSO former staff of Anime Conji (Year 1-3 thank you), Most of what the other staffer is saying is true... a lot of it is not. Most of the people left (including myself) when everything we were promised from SPJA was not met. And it is true, most staffers did not know what they were doing, but half of them would quit during the con or just give up before hand, quoting "I'm the whole reason this con exists". Side note, the "how things went down" should not be taken as fact, as I'm pretty sure the person who wrote that was a staff member who probably got in during year 3 and didn't see the con chair switch hands twice...

>> No.8176352

You guys act like conji is the only anime con allowed in San Diego. I don't see you guys saying that ALA and Anime California are "revenge cons". SMDH I'm so tired of hearing these rumors.

>> No.8176388

It is one thing to have lotsa events in the same area it is another to have the former people who ran a convention start another convention so close to the convention they left/fired from.

It is like AM2 vs Anime Expo again.

>> No.8176414

Now I know this is Marc Perez. If you take this attitude with everyone that was fired - no one would be allowed to start a new con or run one . Put on your big boy panties and stop being a bitch.

>> No.8176447

didn't hanadoki announce their dates for 2015 like almost a year before conji? How is it hanadoki's fault that they are as close as they are?

>> No.8176481

I was also a staffer and a panelist for Anime Conji (Year 1-3) and once SPJA swooped in they ripped the heart out of the convention like the dude from Indiana Jones. Was it unorganized? Yes, definitely at times. The thing is people enjoyed themselves. Why not have another opportunity for a better convention? This last year Conji was shitty, everything spread out, no one knew where anything was. Fuck that.

>> No.8176506

Was it really that hard to find things? I had no problem getting to where I wanted to go, whereas when it was at the Town and Country, I couldn't find shit. It didn't help that some rooms had very similar names and it felt way more spread out. I had a pretty good time last year.
I'm going to Hanadoki though, since it seems most of my friends are going and I'm local. And it's way easier to get to than the Sheraton.

>> No.8176521

Darryl Pamplin- bitter alcoholic who ghosts cons. Quit before conji and spja fired his whack ass

>> No.8176532

The ceo wasnt.the only on in the org that was tapping mcnight. Also- heard that meyer is actually a lesbian

>> No.8176555

Conji can't seem to get their dates right. They keep planning on the same weekend as wonder con lol

>> No.8176569

They did it three years in a row, it must be intentional

>> No.8176575

Man, that post about Conji losing its heart after SPJA took over is so on the money. Yes, Conji had its flaws now and again before the takeover, but at least then it was fun. Last I checked, that was kind of the point of these things.

>> No.8176657

CCI will always have SPJA beat on events. I would rather go to wonder con than conji any day.

>> No.8176722

maybe they want to blame it on wondercon whenever conji does bad

tbh I'd rather go to AX than SDCC. I don't think they've ever had to battle it out on the same weekend before though.

>> No.8176818

>They didn't buy a Wondercon ticket

I'm a San Diego local and I'm going to spend the weekend in Anaheim instead of attending this sad attempt by AX to have a small ALA-like con atmosphere. Why you people attend this is a complete fucking mystery. I attended all of last year due to work and I can't believe people would actually go to this over a better con just up the road.

>> No.8176824

>>con chair is a lazy party boy

You mean Hector? I saw that guy at ALA this year and he looks like a homeless bum off the streets. The guy must have it hard right now.

>> No.8176829

>>CEO only shows up for the last five minutes of every con that SPJA runs, same CEO wanted to turn AX into another E3 closed to the public con

Why hasn't no one challenged that stupid fat fuck of a CEO to GTFO out of the SPJA? Him and his dick sucking cronies are the reason why AX has become shit the last 5 years. This is the same stupid fuck that believes that staying in expensive downtown LA in the long term is a much better then going back to Anaheim.

>> No.8176832

Because ALA and Anime California were not started by butthurt ex-AX Staffers.

>> No.8176834

That's what makes their time slot even more confusing. Yeah, let's have it at the same time as a convention only a couple of hours drive away.

>> No.8176836

Everytime I see that nigger at a con, I have the urge to punch him on the face.

>> No.8176846


Who the fuck would be able to attend to make it worthy? They be lucky if it broke 5 digits in attendance.

>> No.8176850

Is there even 10000 in industry people in America? Are we counting press as industry? That's the only way I could see it happening. It'd be like 10:1 press:actual industry, especially with anime press having such a low bar.

>> No.8176857

No one in Japan would bother to travel out here since AX already has a notorious rep back there. Marc Perez is the cancer killing AX and no one can do anything about it.

>> No.8176884

Same. I'd rather pay for a hotel and drive 1.5 hours. If it was a different weekend, I'd go to both, but if a choice has to be made, Anime Conji is the clear loser.

>> No.8176954

jeez, I never knew any of this jazz.

I just remember that I had fun last Conji and I like San Diego...

I go to Anaheim for work all the time and it kinda sucks (the area not wondercon)-- unless you want to play at Disneyland every 3 or so years.

So I dunno-- I'm worried it might be dead but maybe that might be good thing. Make my own fun all,

it was either this or Vegas lol...

>> No.8176962

Cool, I'll make an email for it,

I'm playing around with a cherry blossom martini and plum soju mojito--

On a side note:
usually, I have a bunch a friends that I throw these parties for but I'm just rolling with one friend this time-- So I've never hosted strangers before do you think it would be gauche to ask for ID? I'm not fond of the idea of giving alcohol to minors.

>> No.8176977

Ummm, a lot of people running ALA and Anime California also run Hanadoki, dipshit

>> No.8176979

Not at all. No shame in trying to minimize trouble.

>> No.8177979

I wouldn't worry much if it's only seagulls. Open room parties are questionable though.

>> No.8178182


There's at least one person in staff right now actively trying to do just that. And Perez if anything is a benign tumor. Useless, but benign. Despite your objections, the con is still growing and no matter how bad personal relationships get, money talks.

>> No.8179600

Thinking of just going to Hanadoki, instead. It has a much better program list.

>> No.8180210

He's only benign if you don't have a pair of tits and a vagina