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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8156803 No.8156803 [Reply] [Original]

How did you fare, anons?
Did you reserve the JW?

>> No.8156877

Just a deluxe room king bed since those weren't waitlisted.

>> No.8156879

Yup, got a double at the JW within the first five minutes. Thank goodness my work has fast Internet.

>> No.8156939

First time getting a room at the JW, usually settle for the Westin. How are the rooms?

>> No.8156962

Same here.

Who's in charge of the parties?

>> No.8157050

Is it just me or is the new website a pile of fancy looking garbage?

>> No.8157059

I got a room at the ritz milner for 300$ for 3 nights. Not planning to party in it or anything so it works even though 5 of us are staying in 1 room. It's in great walking distance too.

>> No.8157062

Speaking of things I should have put on my calendar but didn't

>> No.8157362

Got my room at the westin

>> No.8157393
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>Live an hour from AX, but decide to rent a room so I could go to a late party
>Keep an eye on the /cgl/ thread to see where they're at
>Everyone talking about planning parties and meetups up until the day before AX, but no details
>"So, uh, where are you guys meeting for the party?"
>No response
>Day after
>"Those parties were so cool, guiz :)"

>> No.8157458

>wasting money to party at AX

Go look up that video of the awkward faggots at an ALA room party and you'll get an idea of how most anime con room parties are.

>> No.8157466

I got a room at the westin
single but if you want to crash let me know, just know how to hold your liquor.

>> No.8157474

Honestly, if you want to know where the parties are stand around the elevators and you'll learn everything.

>> No.8157492

That youtube was full of people who didnt even go to 4chan or /cgl/

4chan con parties are always the best.


>> No.8157500

My group got a room at the Westin.

AX is meh but friends are good. Also gonna be nice not staying at a hotel a 10min car ride away this year.

>> No.8157527

Got a room for me and the bf at the JW, day zero to the last day. I almost forgot completely, but saw a post on twitter.

>> No.8157568 [DELETED] 

/cgl/ ain't got nothing on that ALA party. There were at least two Bud Lights and half a bottle of SKYY.

>> No.8157571

three rooms
we might need more
we have like a dozen people atm and maybe more

>> No.8157572

/cgl/ ain't got nothing on that ALA party. There were at least two Bud Lights and half a bottle of SKYY. And they had girls. You could see them in the back.

>> No.8157659

wow two whole beers?

>> No.8157665

and 7ups.

>> No.8157695 [DELETED] 

Speaking of which, I have an executive suite from day 0 to day 4.

If any seagulls I vaguely know want to join me, I have for three (4 total). $350 per person.

>> No.8157705

Speaking of which, I have an executive suite from day 0 to day 4.

If any seagulls I vaguely know want to join me, I have room for three (4 total) really close to the convention center. $350 per person.

Pros: I probably won't rape you.
Cons: I probably won't rape you.

Can kik me at beaniekun

>> No.8157711

I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing for room at AX. I bought 0 - 4 tickets last year, and had to defer because friends bailed and I didn't get the time off work. This year none of my friends want to go since they're going to Otakon instead. I've been on the fence about going since I've done with solo convention before and I'm not a huge fan.

Anyone have a spare bed and room in their group? I swear I shower regularly and am not THAT creepy.

>> No.8157768

First time attending AnimeExpo and also first time booking a hotel outside of my state. I just reserved my room at the Westin Bonaventure.

I have no idea what I am in for.

>> No.8157775

r u a grill?

>> No.8157777

Overcrowding, long lines, and people taking photographs in horribly inconvenient places, which exasperates the overcrowding.

AX is the only con I limit my day drinking at; there are just too many people until later in the night.

>> No.8157780 [DELETED] 
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I can pretend to be a gril just for you, anon.

>> No.8157866

>JW opens booking when I wasn't looking.
Well fuck.

>> No.8157898

Westin Bonaventure is best if you want to hang out with the people who do the Midnight Channel meetup at 12am. Unfortunately, that meetup feels like a sekrit club.

Most of the late night parties from AX like AX Karaoke tend to continue in Westin as well.

Lastly, the walk from AX to Westin at night is really great with friends, it feels really nice.

>> No.8158017

Unfortunately not. It would make my search for a room and group that much easier if I was.

>> No.8158079

Most of the cheaper food (Denny's, IHOP, Fatburger, a bunch of other restaurants that I can't think off of the top of my head) is near the Westin and Sheraton. Unless you got the bills the burn while at AX, stay completely away from LA LIVE.

>> No.8158138

Two things

1. People usually get invited to parties by friends or start their own parties and invite friends
2. Going to a room party where you know nobody typically sucks

Really stop trying to find parties to go into and just make friends at the con.

>> No.8158143

>Most of the cheaper food (Denny's, IHOP, Fatburger, a bunch of other restaurants that I can't think off of the top of my head) is near the Westin and Sheraton. Unless you got the bills the burn while at AX, stay completely away from LA LIVE.

God damn I miss the Welshire. It had great rooms, was cheap and near ALL the cheap food

*sigh* great times

>> No.8158148
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Too bad when the new Wilshire Grand gets built it won't be cheap anymore

>> No.8158165

Me and my cheapo grandma are trying to look for somewhere. When I say cheapo, I mean the kind of bitch that'd be on extreme cheapskates. Any suggestions of where we can possibly stay with prices?

>> No.8158183

If you want to stay with the AX hotels, the Kawada Hotel will probably the cheapest. It's also the smallest, almost the size of a dorm room. Good for 2-4 people, bad if you're trying to fit between 6-8 people.

If not, check out the hotels that are near USC. Those will usually run along the normal fare of under $100/night but could be higher because of the 4th of July weekend.

>> No.8158193

>Cheap food

Nigga, why would you worry about this when there's bacon hotdogs on every block?

>> No.8158197

>hotels that are near USC
Have fun walking back from the con while avoiding gunfire and knives.

>> No.8158219

Debating on whether to work at exhibitor hall for a day. Going to be working one night for a company panel at the minimum and I do want to spend a day or two actually going around the con. Worked last year in the exhibitor hall for a day and a panel at night and that was really exhausting but pretty interesting.

Still working out if friends are going to get a hotel or not. I live not too far away but it is a lot more convenient.

Probably the absolute cheapest although sometimes sketch place to stay would be like with some random apartment with airbnb. I haven't tried it but friends have though they have had mixed results.

>> No.8158313

i'm really nervous about when my group splits up and it will be just me and another girl walking at night to dinner. if i stay in my area (JW) do you guys think it's pretty safe?

>> No.8158330

Don't worry, I'll be there to white knight if anything happens

(the area is pretty safe considering there's the whole plaza full of restaurants for non-con people)

>> No.8159447

I got the Biltmore. That one any good/safe to walk from the con center?

>> No.8159457

As a general rule, you're pretty safe as long as you're north of the Santa Monica Freeway. South, towards USC, gets sketchy.

>> No.8159463

we were there last year. it was a log ass walk, but there was a shuttle. downside is that it took forever (sometimes an hour wait at night). not as long as walking, but still not very convenient. we relied on uber and lyft a lot that weekend.

>> No.8159469

>tfw am a male and just need a room to keep my clothes and sleep in during the con
>girls only, no boys
>my gf isn't comfortable with other guys
>have 2 boys and need 2 girls so opposite genders don't share a bed
>no boys allowed

And that's how I ended up rooming with some autistic faggot whose friends bailed on him and it was just us sharing some shitty motel 6. All in all, he was a really chill guys and I had a great time, I just wish the people with hotel rooms closer to the con weren't against rooming with someone just because they have a dick.

>> No.8159473
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> Mfw some people don't have proper appreciation for dicks.

>> No.8159549


Are you retarded? The JW is literally right next to the convention center, you don't walk through any neighborhoods.

>> No.8160295

>using retarded in 2015

>> No.8160631

>being retarded in 2015

>> No.8160632

>coming full circle in 2014+1

>> No.8160750


>> No.8161234

So new hotels were posted: Hilton Checkers and Millenium Biltimore. How are they? I might switch reservations from the Westin Bonaventure.

>> No.8161240

Have friends with you? Keep the Westin.

>> No.8161316


Even though it's far, I really like the Biltmore. Gorgeous hotel that's great for photos, and the rooms and staff are nice.

>> No.8161602
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/fit/ here, my friends cant make it this year so how hard is it to solo all 4 days?

also how do i make some cosplay nerd friends outside of my inner circle?

>> No.8161607

I'll be your friend, anon. I'll even share my liquor with you.

>> No.8161614
File: 344 KB, 470x540, 1424759377674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill take you up on that bro/ladybro. i wanna meet some people and make some friends this year
also get drunk

>> No.8161734

I'll appreciate your dick.

>> No.8161738

lets be friends! i'm always looking for liquor buds

>> No.8162420

That's lewd, anon!

>> No.8162719
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I'll be hosting a con party in my room, if you also want to spend the night, it might cost you just a couple bucks.
cosplayers only, you dont have to be in cosplay tho

>> No.8162957
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how would one find this party and is stripping currency in this party cause im poor.

>> No.8162977

My hotel room is being covered through my promotional situation so I'm excited just to be going again with a good budget for a second time! Food truck feeding frenzy + Vons trips!!!

>> No.8163655

Does anyone staying at the Westin Bonaventure know if there is a shuttle to the con?

>> No.8163709
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>mfw i settled for this weird moroccan decor hotel
anyone else at the figueroa?

>> No.8163721

Nobody else is at the Luxe, do you guys know something that I don't?

>> No.8163723

stayed there many times yes they do

>> No.8163724
File: 144 KB, 1000x1000, tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Walking one mile from my apartment to the expo takes 20 minutes. No need for expensive hotels, and I get to invite friends I made at the expo and the ladies back to my own place.

Only problem is that then people know where I live, but I've never had an issue with that in the 3 years I've had people over.

>pic related, what i'll feed you if you come over.

>> No.8163734


>> No.8163741

>"i'll take filename for $200 alex"

>> No.8163760

I still think it's butter.

>> No.8163763

My room is also being covered by the con and it's so exciting I've never had anything like that happen before! I still don't even know which hotel yet haha.

>> No.8163785


> living a mile from lacc
> offering tofu to guests
> 3 years

You're a (junior?) student at USC living at the Lorenzo apartments and you're most likely Asian.

How'd I do, anon?

>> No.8163823

youre an asian

>> No.8163895

remember the trip, I'll be posting the location of the room when the con rolls around.I dont want to attract too much attention from randoms.
if you need to spend the night that badly I can work something out, granted youre not throwing up everywhere.

>> No.8163950

How to save money. It's a great hotel, though.

>> No.8164774
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>We’re happy to announce that the following hotels will be available on Monday, March 9th in the afternoon at the following rates:

>Residence Inn: $194
>Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown: $169
>Courtyard Los Angeles LA Live: $184
>The Ritz Carlton: King Bed $329, Double Beds $349

>mfw the fucking Ritz Carlton made the block
>inb4 giant ass /cgl/ party at the Ritz

>> No.8164782

>uber and lyft
best idea

i'm not going to ax but i'm an lafag and it's always better to just call a car instead of trying to walk around drunk as fuck. and it's cheap. keep your eyes peeled for free ride codes on fb in the days leading up to the con

>> No.8165740

Congrats :> Hoppe for the JW

>> No.8167230

Why do you guys think they killed the forums?

>> No.8167295

Less complaining I imagine. Now you can only complain via their social media and even then it's limited to comments on their posts.

>> No.8167301

Have you been to the forums and the Facebook page? It's literally /b/ with underageb&

It came to the point where SPJA contacted the people who ran the Facebook group that the whole group isn't officially part of AX.

>> No.8167318

Yeah I get that but there was a good few events you could only get details on through the forum. I guess they just need to be better at posting information to their site.

>> No.8167338

the forums had a lot of information on things not official
should have kept them

>> No.8167379

Getting things posted on the website takes a while, like on the scale of months sometimes, which is why lots of departments used the forums as official communication for updates, but now the push is to social media so they killed them.

>> No.8167622

Anyone ever stay is the Residence inn? I got a JW room (with saturday waitlisted) and was thinking of booking there instead.

>> No.8167642

wonder if they realize that for Facebook which a lot of congoers still use they are going to have to pony up extra money to get enough reach for their posts.

also wonder if they realize that not everyone reads social media everyday. older posts are going to be buried by newer posts and will easily go unread.

>> No.8168022

I only hear good things about it from friends. Full kitchen and fridge :D

>> No.8170650

same anon, except I am waitlisted for Saturday night. I am waiting for them to go up now

>> No.8171502

Anybody else get the Residence?

>> No.8171639

I got one with a king bed. I've literally been refreshing every 5 minutes since 12pm. Double beds sold out in less than 5 minutes. When I checked around 16:05 only single beds were available.

>> No.8171714

cause even those bacon hotdogs go for 5 bucks when they're pretty much a dollar anywhere else

>> No.8171751

I was just by FD, it was $3 for the bacon hotdog alone

$4.25 for the combo

Buy Jesus Hotdog

>> No.8172115

>$3 for stomach worms
what a bargain

>> No.8172122

>$3 for stomach worms
>what a bargain
I dont know anyone whos gotten sick from eating them me included

Theyre good anon

>> No.8172125

Serious doe

how are the /cgl/ room parties?

>> No.8172155

There are always at least three girls (in the back doe).

>> No.8172162

cgl has the best parties, hands down. Shit's professional. At ALA, they held a huge party in the executive suite, with a full bar.

Only downside is that you may not be able to get in if you aren't with a known seagull. It's getting a bit crowded.

>> No.8172190

hows the atmosphere?

lot of good vibes and people?

>> No.8173700


>> No.8176980
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>> No.8177892
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I tried.
>Call in for reservations.
>Sorry, it's too early for us to reserve a room for your dates, call back in a few weeks.
>Call back two weeks later.
>Sorry, the entire hotel is booked.

I keep calling now in hopes that some fuck head cancels.

>> No.8178525
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You tell me.

>> No.8179088

Have you tried the hotel next to the USC campus?

>> No.8180153

They suck. I went to one and got bored after a few drinks. Don't believe the hype Anon.

>> No.8180155

>Luxe not part of the AX room block

Holy shit those guys are smart. They realize the AX fags are ruining their hotel.

>> No.8181455

>Implying Luxe isn't an already a shit hotel.
You must have not roomed there before.

>> No.8181473

No room for me. I only live 10 minutes without traffic from the con, so I'll just commute unless one of my friends offers me a spot in a worthwhile room. (ie one of the Marriotts and with few enough people that I get my own bed.)

This will be my 15th AX and I'm kind of over the party scene there so I don't mind just hanging with friends during the day.

>> No.8181476

That party kind of sucked, I was there both nights. Too many tryhard guys, not many girls, and way too crowded.

>> No.8181612

When do they usually start announcing guests? I don't know who to expect this year, last year's big thing was Sailor Moon but I don't really know what's big with the American fanbase this year other than stuff that has ongoing popularity like AoT.

>> No.8181619

Late. Always late. I'd say April, May, June.

Heard that whoever is picking guests is doing things entirely differently too.

>> No.8181624

Tokyo Ghoul I guess?

I'm still waiting for them to invite some noteworthy male seiyuu. I'd give my left foot for Miyano Mamoru's autograph.

>> No.8181640

I'm slightly worried about that, I've never read or watched Tokyo Ghoul (though I guess I have 3 months to rectify that).
My favorite main events are the concerts so I'm hoping they get a good musical guest. Fiction Junction was fantastic. Somebody else with a long career like that would be great.

>> No.8181652

Hetalia's 6th season is supposed to premiere in July and there could be some dub announcement for...idk, Kuroshit, but I can't really think of any 'big' anime this year.

The last concert I went to was for Kalafina. 2014's video game orchestra concert "special announcement" was so damn underwhelming; I hope they step it up this year.

>> No.8181738

got waitlisted for the JW. this has never happened before. will I get notified if there is an opening? should I just give up and start looking into other hotels?

>> No.8182099

Thought I had a jw reservation but it vansished somehow? Maybe i fucked up and missed a button.

ANYWAY got a room at the Hotel Figueroa as a last resort. How are they with cosplayers how bad did I fuck up?

>> No.8182110

Yeah, the last one I went to was Kalafina, too. Rumor had it their plans for the concert fell through, which is why the video game orchestra was announced like the week before the con.

>> No.8182111

>be at ax one year
>friends last minute decide to go drinking
>ask cosplayer friends if they know of any parties
>cosplayer friends are not partying cuz they are either packed with shoots tomorrow or flying out
>Decide fuck it ask other people
>Only people asking around for parties are aspies
>Decide against asking around any further
>end up walking out of con
>Get flyer for vampybitme party
>go decide to hang out and drink
>randoms end up at club
>since we cosplayed we got in free but paying patrons thought we worked there and took photos with us.
>Danced with cosplay hottie
>ate king taco after all in all it was a good day.

>> No.8182173

I visited my friends staying there. The hotel is old, smells old, and looks old. Don't expect anything near as nice as the JW. It's good enough in that it's a place to sleep that's cheap and close to the con, but it just seems like a slightly nicer motel-type place to me.

>> No.8182176

I'm a 10 minute drive away so I don't need a hotel. Besides, I always end up leaving around 7pm every day.

>> No.8182213

>The hotel is old, smells old, and looks old.

Best part is how heading towards their underground restroom feels like a scene from The Shining, that said it's still good since IIRC it's the 3rd closest hotel from the convention center

>> No.8182579

Enjoy your occasional encounter with bed bugs and don't piss off Otto. He is known for kicking out AX people out of his hotel for having hotel room parties that get too loud or out of hand.

>> No.8182588

I did when it was the Holiday Inn.

>> No.8182591

Kalafina was suppose to have another concert last year? Many Japanese acts are passing up AX and just booking gigs at venues in the US on their own. I believe it has something to do with that Baby Metal April Fools shit they pulled off last year. along with their negative reputation within the industry that is still going on.

>> No.8183093

Actually what I heard was Babymetal broke contract after they announced them so they played it off as a joke to save face.

>> No.8183801

I meant AX's plans fell through, not that they were trying to get FictionJunction (idk why I keep thinking Kalafina).

I didn't know about the Babymetal thing, but honestly, I probably would have preferred the video game orchestra. I don't get Babymetal.

>> No.8183812

What possible anime could AX premeire? From that, the guest list should be more clearer because most of them (if not all) tie into the industry and what they're showing off

>> No.8183835

if you don't like metal to begin with, you probably won't like babymetal. some of their songs are silly as fuck (yon, gimme choco). some are good (megitsune, road of resistance). at its core it is female fronted metal but with the females happening to be 15 and 17 years old. the lyrical subjects vary but it's probably a good thing the international fanbase cannot understand them.

if AX had managed to land babymetal it would have been a massive accomplishment. their show at the fonda sold out really, really fast. people would have gone to AX just for their concert.

>> No.8184033

SnK's second movie is premiering in the summer, looks like.

>> No.8185392

For what it's worth, I'd much rather be in the new Marriott (Courtyard, is it?) than the JW. The rooms are bigger and it's cheaper.