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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 590 KB, 500x710, tumblr_ng3fqqBCO41s2jn44o1_500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8154051 No.8154051 [Reply] [Original]

New Love Live thread. Other Idol series are welcome!

Any new cosplay in the making?

>> No.8154199

Nico wig recs? My friend wants me to do a shoot with her Maki. Will probably end up wearing her to a con in the future too.

>> No.8154307

Anyone got Pretty Rhythm (specifically Aurora Dream)? I'm pretty sure like 4 people watched it but you never know.

>> No.8155386

Has anyone ordered any LL cosplays from ebay before? I don't think I have time to go through a shopping service/taobao so I figured I'd try to grab one from ebay. Any recs?

>> No.8159451


>> No.8159629
File: 69 KB, 960x679, minami_kotori_by_lennemoon-d5z8kg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing pripara cosplays! I just recently caught up and im pumped to do lala! (tho ive seen all the ones on worldcosplay)

and to finish off I came across this on google images wtf

>> No.8159643

Don't do that.......
If we don't reply to the thread it's because we don't feel like dealing with cringe face loli wannabe and her autistic friends invading the idol threads again.

>> No.8159646
File: 118 KB, 960x640, 11025801_373570746176729_3165242366285827364_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8159648

I will never see Kotori's hair as grey

>> No.8159658
File: 389 KB, 600x906, _dsc5227_by_nyaomeimei-d82d7a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the uniform itself isnt even the right colours. Looks like a horrid bootleg kotori

>> No.8159663

Not from Lucaille. My lucaille wig had bad pigtails. Still on the quest for a good Nico wig.

>> No.8159685 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1361x1143, Screenshot_2015-02-22-21-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For 40 peso you can be the Belle of Mexican facebook too! VAMANOS! CALL NOW AND SHOWER ME WITH YOUR PESO!

>> No.8159687
File: 248 KB, 1361x1081, Screenshot_2015-02-22-21-33-45-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For only 40 peso, you too can be the queen of the burrito! Have Mexico Facebook netizens shower you with likes! Call me now! I must feed poor Eduardo!

>> No.8159787
File: 198 KB, 512x720, tumblr_nki7ev3MmN1t35kwso4_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of the new event cards? I love the outfits, but why are the wings so far down? It looks so odd to me

>> No.8160002 [DELETED] 

>bootleg kotori

Also holy fuck that looks fucking gorgeous. Mighty need to cosplay
Where do you find the new event cards? Is this from the jap game?

>> No.8160007

>bootleg kotori

holy fuck that looks fucking gorgeous. Mighty need to cosplay
Where do you find the new event cards? Is this from the jap game?

>> No.8160080

I find them on the cards wiki! Only Kotori, Rin, Maki and Eli is out yet. And UR Umi

>> No.8160680

That trim is disgusting.

>> No.8160807

They're the newest awakened SRs! The next set should be the second half of the white day angels! They're absolutely gorgeous and I'm in love with umi's design

>> No.8160816

Yeah, I am definitely cosplaying this.

>> No.8160865

I was curious how her likes went up so quickly, lmao

>> No.8162589


>> No.8162674

They aren't in sync.

>> No.8162702
File: 1.38 MB, 884x1184, lucaille wigs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt I'll find the colors to match Nozomi so I'm just sticking with Lucaille.

I'm thinking the inu x boku one looks best. What do you all think?

>> No.8162721

Wtf was hanayo even doing that whole time. Eli was a cutie though

>> No.8162750 [DELETED] 

That Eli 2 cute

>> No.8162757

Eli and Rin were hella cute . Rin was just making a super focused face

>> No.8162764

"but we are not a dance group, we are a cosplay group a bloo bloo :3"

>> No.8162765

What, she's probably the happiest of them all.

>> No.8162770

would waifu that rin

>> No.8162779

and a rectangle
captcha: urnad

>> No.8162883

>When the shortest person doesn't cosplay the shortest character

Really? When you are in a group like this you should at least try to cosplay the characters by height

>> No.8163083

They are very cute, but they need to practice more rigorously to get those sharp movements in sync. I'm looking forward their next video.

>> No.8163087


Dang they're all pretty chub. The Umi, Kotori, Rin and Maki were fine, but everyone else could slim down a bit. The Eli was cute too but same thing.

>> No.8163113
File: 23 KB, 326x188, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that thumbnail
ill pass on watching thanks.

>> No.8163134

Kotori reminds me of PT in this video

>> No.8163628

I can't wait for all the damn stupid love live dance groups to go the fuck away. Cosplay it is cool, but now they are trying to one up each other by making idol dance groups. The fandom is going to shit because of all the attention whores backstabbing and trying to one up each other.

>> No.8163714
File: 34 KB, 960x636, 10703870_311806132354847_762317502141180570_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? that camera angle

>> No.8163871


>> No.8164418

Anyone have a favorite outfit of Umi? I'm trying to reuse an old wig that matches her, but can't decide on what version to do.

>> No.8164495

Who exaxctly is backstabbing who?

Why don't you pick YOUR favorites. Go through your fabric stashes and see what you can make.

>> No.8164567
File: 255 KB, 1365x2048, 90448-b96fbda5fceaf708b550fff713acc085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guys, post more LL! There are quite a few new post from Katsucon up.

>> No.8164568
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>> No.8164571
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>> No.8164573
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>> No.8164578
File: 373 KB, 464x900, 4135096e7ff9bd817d8c77c7af534ecf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8164579

With some false lashes this Maki would be adorbs!

>> No.8164591


She needs a full face of makeup. I can't see any blush or lip color, which makes her look washed out as fuck with nothing but foundation. Brows could be cleaned up too.

>> No.8164605


I'm currently working on Nozomi's mogyutto dress and her animal transformation

>> No.8164606

omg i thought this hanayo was togami

>> No.8164611

the costume looks neat enough, but god, her face. she shouldeve chose another character. and her hand and those shoes, jeez.

>> No.8164616

Well, she can't help her hand

>> No.8164632

I think that Maki would have made a better Nico

>> No.8164697

Definitely the Inu x Boku one.

>> No.8164702


What if the shortest person doesn't like Nico? This is fucking bullshit.

>> No.8164729

ugh I saw her picture on EBK's facebook and she is just the angriest looking Kotori I've ever seen??? Come on girl, smile a little. If you're not gonna even TRY to look happy or smile you should probably avoid cosplaying a cheerful character like Kotori...

>> No.8164746

If you cosplay on your own then it's fine, but it look so odd when you are in a big group like this. Especially when you want to make serious videos.
Sure cosplay whoever you want, but if the shortest person isn't the shortest character then the group will look like shit

>> No.8165173
File: 288 KB, 1366x2048, 10985453_608014325995774_3952419820552546925_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8165198


She looks like a corpse, the figure for this card is out so I dont see any excuse not to have remotely accurate shoes.

>> No.8165285

A lot of Love Live! cosplayers don't suit the characters, lets be real here. A lot of them are older people who don't suit them and it's a little ridiculous. I like when younger or at least younger looking cosplayers work on them instead. A lot of the Nico wigs are thin and bad, same for Nozomi. Love Live! is so cute and has so many cute options but it's also attracting a lot of less appealing looks and cosplayers, I feel bad to be the one to say it but it's too much. I'm so tired of seeing Nico's with a thin wig that is way too shiny, have a VERY extinguished adult face, and just way too awkward.

>> No.8165291

>you mean. White people.

Im kidding but white people at high school age look too old for LL anyway.

>> No.8165307

Why don't you post your kawaii uggu 12 year old face anon?

I'd rather see a well constructed and detailed handmade costume on a mature girl than shitty mass produced chinese crap on a preteen but I'm into cosplay for the craftsmanship of it.

>> No.8165323

Why are the tallest, manliest, fattest girls always attracted to Nico... worse is when the rest of the group is smaller than Nico.

>> No.8165463

That anon just pointed out what is common in LL cosplay groups. Doesn't mean they don't look old and haggard, maybe they don't even cosplay, an observer. You need to take a chill pill

>> No.8165523
File: 2.11 MB, 2048x1367, 16503876520_c6efecfca9_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Nico forever! GARticuno is the photographer, you should go to his page and give him a like.

>> No.8165527
File: 1.44 MB, 1367x2048, 16503675908_e7100201d1_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8165529
File: 1.19 MB, 2048x1410, 16691258805_560d68a853_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8165531
File: 1.43 MB, 2048x1385, 16690223172_2964be29e9_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8165533
File: 105 KB, 650x867, M5q4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8165535
File: 1.55 MB, 2048x1623, 16407756688_94407733d1_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final pic. I think it's the best one

>> No.8165544

>Best Nico
Honestly I just feel like she's not "moe" enough to pull off Nico, and (might be just me) but I think her face looks really old and uncute.

her eyelash looks like it's falling off here, and you can see the poor construction and all the fraying threads.

Are these the girls that hogged up a space at Katsu for like 2 hours and left garbage everywhere?
Someone mentioned it in the last thread.

>> No.8165554

Shes the best beause everuone else looks like shit. Except maybe that Maki.

can you please not post so many shitty photos, the sharpness is overwhelming and overexposed. plus like other anon said she looks way too old for nico, or anyone in muse tbh.

>> No.8165560
File: 73 KB, 801x1200, 70247-3c7551e92b27c4d2ee455dfe05260bf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to ACP, this is what Lucaille's prestyled Nozomi wig looks like

>> No.8165561
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, sonoda-umi-3-love-live-school-idol-project-37428346-1280-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, thats not Love Live?

>> No.8165564

It's not just you anon, she really can't pull it off. She's forcing it too much so the muscles of her face gives unflattering wrinkles. Even her body language screams awkward.

>> No.8165577

Guess anon posted it from their fap folder and it got mixed in lol.

>> No.8165639

she looks like himezawa

>> No.8165667
File: 1.03 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-03-06-21-09-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The designs are really cute. Might try to get a group going. Though since they're barefoot in the art. I think they'd look cute with some kitten heels.

>> No.8165680

Thanks for the opinion.

Oh man it doesn't look like ass. The stock pictures looked like shit.

>> No.8165799



>> No.8165851


I actually follow this person on twitter lol and she's really bummed about your comment.

>> No.8165872 [DELETED] 

nathan everybody on this board already knows that you and your gf are shits, you don't have to keep proving it. while you're at it, can you please at least attempt to make it less obvious that you guys pretend your siblings when you fuck? it's weird as hell.

>> No.8165874

nathan everybody on this board already knows that you and bri are shits, you don't have to keep proving it. while you're at it, can you please at least attempt to make it less obvious that you guys pretend you're siblings when you fuck? it's weird as hell.

>> No.8165923

Please tell me this isn't the reason she dyed her hair dark omg lol

>> No.8166072
File: 161 KB, 640x920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Hanayo wig recs? preferably not ones that are greenish?

>> No.8166284
File: 602 KB, 480x675, UR_Kotori-Snowman,_Kotori_Style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good materials, but that skirt is way too long and has literally no poof to it at all, which is super unfortunate.

>> No.8166311

I like that someone else posts her stinkface mug so I don't have to.

>> No.8166315

Ofc it had no poof. It's taobao

>> No.8166326

There's no way to make it poof without a petticoat?

>> No.8166563

For a skirt like that you can use horse hair and make sure your bloomers have good body and structure to help maintain the shape.

>> No.8166637

Why the actual fuck did she use that cheapass felt. It's like a freaking elementary school project oh my god

>> No.8167053

Kitten heels sound perfect. Very cute idea.

>> No.8167063
File: 482 KB, 540x960, 10410224_359947554205715_6388181865642929799_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her Honoka is way worse imo

>> No.8167087
File: 36 KB, 322x291, 1359643501302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old is she? she looks like she`s 35 years old trying to look like a 15 year old.
I can't even pinpoint why, but her mouth/nose just makes her look like shit?

>> No.8167090
File: 21 KB, 589x375, 1312060214209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that actually looks pretty good
>full-size the thumbnail

>> No.8167100

Early or mid 20s

>> No.8167128 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, she will post herself. She is so desperate for attention she will degrade herself just for any shred of it.

I mean look at the self posts. Me me me me oh look here's my group. Just like at AWA and the idol panel. It was all about her with just a shred of relevant subject matter. The dumb beta faggot that was with her just let it happen.

>> No.8167289

Well, so much for the new thread. Didn't take long for for autism deluxe and company to shit it up.

>> No.8167761
File: 754 KB, 812x542, 1420673049742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maki wig recs? I can't figure out what shade I need..

>> No.8167856

any Kotori wig recs? every single one i find looks way to light or green-ish..

>> No.8167866
File: 1.11 MB, 1565x308, getyourshittogethergirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, just go with whatever color has been used in canon art that would look best with your skin. The coloring is really inconsistent for a lot of characters.

Like, seriously. What is wrong with everyone in Printemps?

>> No.8167874

The picture you posted is too light, but avoid going for a really saturated red. Maki's hair is a little lighter.

>> No.8168889

For me, I bought my Kotori wig from Cosplay Kingdom on taobao. It's pretty cheap but the wig fibers are quite nice and soft. It does look lighter than the stock photo though. It's color irl is probably closest to the photo on the right in >>8167866


>> No.8169286

Super stoked. Roomie agreed to cosplaying LL with me at Fanime, and a bunch of my friends are too so that'll be cool!

We're doing Maki and Rin from Paradise Live. Any clues as to what to do for shoes? It looks like Rin has these dark/light teal sneakers and some of the other girls have chucks, but I have no idea where to go with Maki. Any refs or tips?

>> No.8169297
File: 1.54 MB, 1614x754, e89ea2e5b995e5bfabe785a7-2014-02-13-e4b88be58d8806-27-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually wear rollerblades anon (look closely at Kotori and rins cards)

>> No.8169298
File: 191 KB, 1500x1000, 1014940_833300273398447_6137913397230387264_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8169310

Ohhh yeah, I was wondering what that extra bump at her toe was. I don't think we'll go that far in terms of footwear (especially since the con center might have restrictions on skates/blades).

>> No.8169313
File: 78 KB, 574x634, L06b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it would be safe not to have actual blades, maybe for a photo shoot. though found more refs. (for ants)

I am reluctant but I think converses would be the closest to blades without the actual wheels

>> No.8169327 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 640x960, 10854473_857847050971474_4370258823564255097_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say bri?

>> No.8169472

.....but your name is Tim?

>> No.8169488

nigga pls stop

>> No.8169818

Damn that cutie pie Rin
Really though if everyone else was on her dance skill level this could've been great but we can't have nice things, I guess

Too bad they weren't even in the stage outfits for the song OTL

>> No.8170102

She looks like Abbi Jacobsen but not cute.

>> No.8170123
File: 174 KB, 800x1200, first_years___love_live____rin__maki_and_hanayo_by_viikatefretti-d8gf29l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8170132

I know I'm not perfect either but man so many of these cosplayers look so dead. These aren't half-smiling character, these are big emotive characters! none of >>8170123 this shit

>> No.8170151
File: 110 KB, 900x596, love_live__summer__by_chibiko_chibi-d5hkot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8170175

Main problem with most of LL cosplay is that the cosplayers don't actually smile a lot!

>> No.8170209

Rin is cute. The rest....

>> No.8170220

I have a friend who cosplays LL characters and shes almost perfect for it, she smiles a lot but friends don't post friends on 5chen.

>> No.8171364

>Maki's almost completely hidden
>judging by that face, that's a good thing

>> No.8174386

It took me ten minutes to find the Rin. Being cute don't mean shit when you don't look like anything.

>> No.8174403

God. Idols will always be cosplayed by fatties, huh. Why can't they stick to the "sexy" and "curvy" characters? Every fuckin' idol show makes a point to have an "if you're not thin, you're out of the group" episode. The delusion they must have is immense.

>> No.8174407

>kotori's silver wig
u wot m8?

>> No.8174481


Such is life anon, I kind of feel the same way, and it's motivated me to slim down before doing many of the Kotori costumes I'd like to do.

That fucking episode in second season with Hanayo and Honoka getting their weight in order hit too close to home.

>> No.8175481
File: 834 KB, 1367x2048, 16431183508_bd30258e33_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is KohimeBashiri really that haggard looking? I am looking at her boyfriends Flickr stream and i know a majority of the girls personally and they do not look like this.

Genesis xingcai looks like she gained 50 lbs and both of them look like someone hit them with a dirty feather duster that was used to clean home plate.

I'm thinking Kohimes boyfriend is just the usual rich fuck Asian kid that was handed an expensive camera from his parents bank account and is trying to play off as hot shot photographer. All of his shit is horrendous and the shopping makes it look even worse.

>> No.8175711

Don't know who these girls are or any potential vendetta other anons might have with them but they probably would look less 'haggard' if the photographer didnt fucked up on their photoshop. These girls look like they have been hit in the face some places and have bruises because their skin tone is all messed up. You can even see the brush round marks on the Eli's cheek. Looks like the photographer tried to do some frequency separation retouching and messed up. Also the eyes. Waaay too edited and needs to be tone down.

>> No.8175857


Yeah, I think the shoop here is just poor, a better touch up and this would be a cute photo.

I was more distracted by the Nozomi's eyebrows honestly.

>> No.8175988

I normally really like Enver (if that's her) but that shoop is making her look like one of the people from this season of RPDR and I can't put my finger on which one

>> No.8176223

A little upset... I'm at uni right now and I can't sew anything so I decided to buy some stuff for a con coming up, but because of bhiner's issues they didn't pay the second half for one of my cosplays. They had to go through their paypal receipts to see that, yes, I did pay the full price and now some of my stuff is going to be late. I'll have it in time for the con but I wanted to be able to try on the boots/order new ones if the size isn't just right. Not to mention I have to make some props items and I want them to match the cosplay materials, thus I can't make them till I actually have the items.

On a better note, summer is soon, and I'll be able to sew >>8159787
I'll probably just get a new wig, though. So I can keep it curled and not have to fuss with my current (straight) wig.

>> No.8176227

Envel, not the trip Enver

>> No.8176242

Enver? You mean that creep Waldron's girlfriend?

>> No.8176243

Ah, sorry, I meant Envel, not Enver.

>> No.8176507

This is the worst shoop I've ever seen. Is her bf the photographer? I can't think of any other reason she'd actually post these online.

>> No.8176523

Sup Bri lol. You know they aren't going out so stop trying to start shit.

>> No.8176527

Kohime didn't post them, they are in Garticuno's Flickr

>> No.8176539

Close anon, but you have to give credit where credit is due. That post is from a Kennesaw U school IP. It's likely one of her autistic friends or beta fanboys that she shits on here in Michigan but are too stupid to realize it.

>> No.8176660

Quick question, do you guys think this wig would be a decent wig for Wedding Maki if I trimmed it? So far it's the closest color I could find


>> No.8176668
File: 182 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-03-11-23-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link might not be working? This is what I get when I click it

>> No.8176680
File: 228 KB, 745x599, TB2I5iLbFXXXXXrXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!2179714661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh, weird... Here's a photo of it?

>> No.8176787
File: 1.74 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2014-10-26-23-41-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, should work well.

>> No.8177086

Yet he claims they are~

>> No.8177105
File: 181 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8177171

Can you take your vendetta drama somewhere else? It's so obvious you are trying to start shit. Everyone and their mother knows Eva thinks Envel is the cat's meow but he has never said they were going out. Now gtfo and take your damn autism drama with you.

>> No.8177232
File: 55 KB, 635x960, 9384502084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8177316

Wow her legs.

>> No.8177324

eyyy nice to see someone that knows her too, I think she makes an excellent Eri.

>> No.8177928

Yeah, her Eli is one of the best I've seen. I think her Erena was also top notch too.

>> No.8178911
File: 434 KB, 499x589, uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what song/concept is this costume from? it's too cute.

found it on aliexpress under the title "LoveLive! School Idol Festival SR Card Eli Ayase Christmas Cosplay Costume"

>> No.8178923

All these newfags.
Can we make some sort of LL sticky directing people to a list of the cards from the game?

>> No.8178929

Make Someone could make a resource list/pastebin/docs and put it in the OP of the thread. Obviously too late for this one, but next thread. Like a link to cards from the game and the wiki and even cosplay resources if someone wants to make it.

>> No.8178935
File: 27 KB, 210x298, yukieri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her Snow mountain idolized outfit

>> No.8178937

There isn't a list that has all the cards. They are all fractured and incomplete.

>> No.8178941

However, I can whip one up on Google docs that is crowd sourced for info later when I wake up.

Sorry for the triple post.

>> No.8178950

There is, on the school idol festival wiki

>> No.8178974

Does it have every single card?

>> No.8179066


Eli is literally completely hidden...

Shit that's adorable and looks decently made

>> No.8179069
File: 60 KB, 800x1230, 10003857_801929966534068_5093710883585462692_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I saw her Erena in person and helped direct some poses, but she is beautiful!

>> No.8179072

It has most, if not all cards in existence plus keep track of the japanese version too. The snow mountain one isnt even out on the eng version.

>> No.8179077
File: 81 KB, 640x960, 10450789_815322471861484_8067132981281389657_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also her Nozomi is cute, but still better suited for Eri

>> No.8179159


>> No.8179175

Can we get some Pripara not from WorldCosplay?

>> No.8179817

Seconding, I still want to do Lalas current outfit and probably leona and dorothy...

ill sift through cosplay archive later

>> No.8179825

OMG. I didn't notice until I counted the sets of legs.

>> No.8179850

That Maki is adorable and Eli is cute too but what the fuck is going on with Kotori.

>> No.8180176
File: 452 KB, 794x1200, 68fbb72cjw1eoafi8j6v6j20m20xcgxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed anon! Hopefully she'll be cosplaying Eli again soon for the upcoming cons.

>> No.8180306

Well good, direct the new people there lol.

>> No.8180307
File: 61 KB, 1001x1001, 61RTO0dtGLL._SL1001_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered this one in "Light Brown". Looks long on the mannequin head but I figure on a human head it should be about the right length. Her hair color is all over the place, but this is pretty close I think.


>> No.8180331
File: 140 KB, 800x1200, 10710457_801929633200768_4633506615623293344_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not if youre being a demanding cunt :^)

>> No.8180335
File: 1.37 MB, 1018x715, bullymesenpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you've found a true friend when they not only support your super unpopular OTP but offer to cosplay it with you.
I'm so hyped. I think these outfits are so cute, too.

>> No.8180472

I'm not the one that suggested people be directed to a database, slut. (.) (.)

>> No.8180488

I didn't suggest it either :^)

>> No.8180494

Holy shit, I also like that ship. I know your feels. Please post your cosplays here when you guys finish it!

>> No.8180578 [DELETED] 
File: 810 KB, 954x794, Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 7.05.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you guys want to look at other less than ideal photos of her, I randomly stumbled across her Facebook

>> No.8180589

No thanks. We want her to go away, not appear more.

>> No.8180593

I ordered Wig Fever's Nozomi wig. It's a nice mix of deep purple and black fibres, but it uses the same fibres as EpicCosplay so the purple fibres shine Kool-Aid-Grape in the sun.

I'm going to give it a fabric softener bath. Hopefully it stays nice and dark when the awful shine is gone.

>> No.8180799

Please post a review when you receive it! I'm looking for one as well.

>> No.8180830

>tfw 5'/153cm tall
>skinny, minimal curves

Is it better to be small but ugly or fat but cute, when cosplaying idols?

>> No.8180973

Uh does she have her bow backward?

>> No.8181042
File: 64 KB, 700x700, 1789403_700b13[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better to be thin and ugly, of course. You can hide ugly.

>> No.8181137

It really depends how ugly you are. Sometimes you cannot hide ugliness with just makeup. Also depends on how fat you are.

>> No.8181221

How do you regard male cosplaying love live characters?

>> No.8181243

Do it! :3>>8181137

>> No.8181247

Clumsy fingers! This was only intended for the first one I quoted

>> No.8181272

Please don't.

>> No.8181275


>> No.8181277

>answering a question
>says please

Not that anon, but don't ask a question if you think 50% of the possible answers are "rude".

>> No.8181286

I've seen oddly-harsh reactions to Love Live genderbends, it doesn't surprise me that people wouldn't look fondly on a crossplaying guy.

Is this a normal reaction, towards men, in idoru anime fandoms?

>> No.8181306

>implying I was the one who asked

>> No.8181343

Touhou pls leave.

>> No.8181508

Along these lines, does anyone know of any decent dance tutorials/mirrors?

The ones I see on youtube are always blurry, shot from miles away, or aren't mirrored.


that girl is okay, she goes through what each character is doing at each point while she tutorials. This is helpful for short-sighted plebs like me.

>> No.8181641

I haven't seen any dance tutorials but there's quite a few well done dance covers on niconico that are shot from reasonable distances. You can always just dl them and mirror them and learn like that perhaps?

>> No.8181736

But, like who?
Its been weeks since I don't check the thread.

>> No.8182074

Any Eli wig recs?

>> No.8183070
File: 570 KB, 778x1084, White Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love all of these except for ONE thing

>those butt wings

Why do you place wings there, it looks stupid.

Might still cosplay this because I LOVE the outfits

>> No.8183718

Is there any way to make the for the skirt? All the cosplays of this are bought

>> No.8183750

do you think people are just going to wear the wings at a normal place for this version? BC I'm pretty sure everyone hates the hip wigs

>> No.8183760

I like them, and when you look at the ones like Maki, Mozomi, and Umi they're really more at the waist and drooping in the other photos.

>> No.8183897

Where did you find all of these? The jp wiki I pull my card pics from only has up to Maki so I've been waiting for the Nico card.

>> No.8183936

I've seen them posted around Tumblr and Twitter. It's not hard to make a compilation.

>> No.8185604

Are any of the premade Kotori wigs any good or should I just get two ebay wigs in the right color to make my own? I like the look of Bluebeard and Lucaille, but I'm so nervous when it comes to prestyled wigs.

>> No.8187404
File: 66 KB, 426x599, 426px-Nozomi_pure_sr473_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tambourine arrived today! I need to paint it purple (it's dark blue), but it's very nice for a cheap eBay tambourine. Unfortunately, it's a bit big.

>> No.8187417

I think the wings themselves are pretty, but the placement is bugging me so much, even for those girls its at the waist instead of the shoulder blades

>> No.8187436

You found a tambourine in that weird cat shape?

>> No.8187455

How would you go about the bare feet? Flip flops and then taking them off for photos?

>> No.8187462

some of the taobao ones come in 3 pieces, i got mine from Diablo (I think it was) and it comes with a weft, long wig with the hair tied up to one side and a nice clip on. It works quite nicely too

>> No.8187530
File: 307 KB, 750x750, European-And-American-Hot-Sale-wedding-shoes-bridal-pumps-shoes-white-pearls-Bow-high-heeled-shoes (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of making this, and I think i would just use ballerina shoes for walking around and then take them of for photos. That or getting a pair of cute kitten heels like picture

>> No.8187716

>want to cosplay this
>my feet are wrecked from a pair of bad shoes and I never wear open heels now.

>hold me seagulls

>> No.8187721

It's a half-moon tambourine.


This is the one I bought. It's almost a foot wide, but I'm satisfied. I doubt I'd find anything smaller for the price. It comes with express shipping too, which is why it's $15.

>> No.8187736

Ohh, I see.

Good find.

>> No.8188563
File: 1.04 MB, 750x1056, 92382371284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ordered this cosplay from taobao before?

Was thinking of ordering from this store but would like to see if anyone has any favorite taobao stores for lovelive cosplays?

>> No.8188835

haven't personally ordered it, but it looks like it's pretty good quality

You could do that or some people wear nude ballet slippers which are pretty discreet

>> No.8189166

don't go bare feet unless you have cute feet

>> No.8191329

I just discovered that my friends who sometimes makes a Love Live group (they are usually a full group) have invited a new cosplayer to cosplay Nico with them. I'm just ha bit sad since they all know I love Love Live! and that Nico is my favourite character, yet they didn't ask me but another cosplayer...

>> No.8191392

That sucks and I know the feeling, I'm sorry. Is it possible that they think you just don't suit her physically? Like, are you tall or very busty?

>> No.8191415

I am super short and they usually asks me to do the loli girls. I think the person they asked is taller than one of the other girls...

It especially sucks since they are making the cheerleader version, which I have told some in the group that I have planned to make for a while...

>> No.8191474

Why don't you woman up and ask one of your so-called friends why they didn't ask you? Maybe they thought you were busy when they want to do the group.

>> No.8191608

Well I don't know the circumstances, it could be that person who asked them, I just found out they are making a group.

Just saw that the Nico cosplayers is fairly average in height, so probably a good 10 cm taller than me

>> No.8191628

This. Anon you are on the edge of some unnecessary cosplay drama. There are so many rational reasons why the character was already filled with someone else that doesnt involve your friends being mean and leaving you out on purpose. So just be nice and ask if it is really upsetting you and then just cosplay Nico anyways. If you love her as much as you claim you will just wanna cosplay her regardless of having a group.

>> No.8192072

Of course I am going to cosplay her anyway! I just really wanted to be a part of a group, since I always cosplay Love Live alone.

I just hope they invite me next time

>> No.8192098

Ballerina shoes sound like a good idea. And those heels are super cute too!

>> No.8192202

How about you ask if you can join instead of just moping and twiddling your finigers hoping theyll invite you. Take initiative,if you have time to waste on whining about why they didnt invite you you could have spent making your own fucking group.

>> No.8192371

I didn't even know they were planning to have a group. I had been talking about cosplaying that version with two of them, but we didn't plan anything since we have another cosplay group that is planned for the same con.

I'm not mad or anything, and I know the person they asked is a good friend to two of the other cosplayers. I just felt a bit left out since they plan a group of one of my planned outfits

>> No.8192481

Your friends have no obligation to remember all of your cosplay plans.
You know, you could just ask them again.

>> No.8192483

I have dark brown Asian eyes and I will cosplay Elli, does anyone have suggestion for the bluest contact you'd know?
I'm thinking of ordering from honeycontacts.

>> No.8192843

Go on and do your Nico alone anyway. Have a good time and don't fret about all this.
After the con, come up with another group LL cosplay that you wanted to do, and bring it up to the other girls.

Trying to change the cheerleader group now is probably going to turn things catty and bitter, but you can at least show your friends that you're open to other group ideas so they'll include you more.

>> No.8193085

Super Pinky Blue is pretty big and vibrant in my opinion. It doesn't really have a thick outer black ring though...

>> No.8193320

Sorry but cosplaying Love Live alone and being jealous of someone else who seemed to waltz into the scene carelessly and get the part when you've been doing it since long before them is so Nico that I can't even handle it.
As well as insisting you're a far better Nico, and posting about it online rather than admitting that it made you feel left out.

>> No.8193353

Haha I even didn't thought of it in that way! Though i don't think I am a better Nico, the girl is cute in her Nico wig.

We do have other cosplay plans, not Love Live though

I know i sounded quite salty about this, it just caught me off guard that they would do it without asking me. I'll just continue cosplaying my own stuff, might get someone else to join me for a partly group cosplay

>> No.8193701

What con is it for?

>> No.8193763

I'm not sure, they only said summer, but might be for Japan Expo in Paris

>> No.8195616
File: 229 KB, 1200x857, Chibi-ep2y-IMG_3061_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8195670

If it was for Japan Expo in Paris then I can form a small group with you and be your Maki anon!

>> No.8195672

>grey haired Kotori again

someone get this girl the fuck out. or her eyes checked.

>> No.8195690

>Grey haired Kotori
>Maki's wig has no fringe at all
>Rin and Honoka's wigs are a mess
>Those skirts

>> No.8195693

That gap between Nozomi and the rest of the group lol

And Kotori with grey hair ugh why

>> No.8195800

I think the group is trying to match the R cards you can get LLSIF but it still looks bad.

>> No.8195802


JFC I just realised the brown wig top row was Rin and not Hanayo. The first time I looked I thought there were two hanayos.....

>> No.8196084

That would be awesome anon!

>> No.8196689

>wanting to even cosplay those shitty R cards
why would you even want to do that...

>> No.8196718

someone should make a sticky with wig recs, maybe something on google docs?

>> No.8196732

I'll happily come and be Kotori or Hanayo. I already have Love Live cosplays planned for Japan Expo anyway so I'd be happy to cosplay with you both if you'll have me!

>> No.8196864

nozomi looks like she's going to do some fucked up cosplay porn

>> No.8196937
File: 611 KB, 1602x2136, IMG_20150321_195620~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so my wig just arrived!! It's... Lighter than it looks in the picture. I'm gonna see if a wig-experienced friend can help me add a little green or something to make it a bit darker and a bit less orange? But the color isn't outrageously off. I don't think anyone would go out of their way to post snarky stuff online about the color of the wig.
The shape isn't perfect out of the box, but seems like the right length and everything!
I'll post some more photos tomorrow in more natural lighting, hopefully it looks less orange in the day.
Also sorry, there's a bump at the back because I didn't bother tying up my hair properly.

>> No.8196943
File: 936 KB, 2028x2704, IMG_20150321_200245~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the back.

>> No.8196954

cut your nails jfc

>> No.8196966

you're not my mom

>> No.8197077


You can add green tint with a quick dunk in green fabric dye (real quick, no more than 2 seconds).

>> No.8197086

>wanting nasty stubby nails
Long nails or die.

>> No.8197145

Your newfag is showing. They're the original designs from before the anime was a thing back when they just had pvs with album releases.

>> No.8197150

Isn't that what some of those R cards are based on though? They do use older art.

>> No.8197157

>implying long nails aren't nasty

short nails are out of the way and don't scratch others or yourself and aren't visible from afar

if there's anything short nails are guilty of it's being unfashionable but not nasty
real long nails are disgusting especially unpainted

>> No.8197159

Anon would know why someone would want to cosplay them if they knew them as more than "shitty R card" art, obviously.

>> No.8197169

Yeah I know, I would see those as "old designs" before "R cards"
I was just saying they weren't completely wrong about the R card thing.

>> No.8197691

Please do! Nico here and this seriously made my day, to have a group for Japan expo!

>> No.8198093

Got a cospage or anything I can contact you on?
We can get organising!

>> No.8199100

Today I just had a closet cosplay shoot with my kotori. We've been wanting to cosplay Kotori and Nico together for over a year now but I wasn't able to get a hold of my wig until now.

We did casual because we don't have matching outfits yet and wanted to do an easter themed shoot.
I would post but closet cosplay isn't really a positive and friends don't post friends here.
>Tempted to post myself for feedback on my Nico makeup/fit for the character.

>> No.8199219

Yes pls

>> No.8199679
File: 86 KB, 640x427, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm a newfag over something like that
the anon I replied to said R cards so I just repeated what they said for simplicity's sake.

i know that set of pure R cards are the original designs, and unless that group cosplay is really old, I still don't get why you'd want to cosplay them. They're awful imo, especially when there's so many cute outfits to choose from, it just feels like a waste. not that the group was any good in the first place

>> No.8199724

JFC her boobs look too low down....

>> No.8199740

holy shit you're right, i didn't even give her bobs a second glance until you pointed that out. it's either bad shoop or unfortunate boobage... maybe both

>> No.8199760

At first I kinda thought her head was too small for her body but I think shes just not wearing a proper bra?

>> No.8200395 [DELETED] 

>trying to match the R cards you can get LLSIF
Those are the original character art pictures. Before the anime or game.

>> No.8200987

Ugh, grey haired Kotori plz go. Maki and Honoka's wigs are a mess, and it looks like for Nico, they just took a regular black wig and tied it into pigtails instead of getting proper tails. Nozomi is actually cute but like >>8196864 said, she looks more like a porno actress than anything else. Plus, she's not chubs/busty like Nozomin is supposed to be. And those skirts... I know what they were going for and it's a cool idea, but it looks like they used picnic table cloth material to make them.

>> No.8203731

I would rather not post my page in a 4chan thread atm, but if you have a page or tumblr on anything a can PM you

>> No.8203777

This is the throw away email I use for contacting fellow gulls. Email me there and we can pass on proper contact info.
If there are any other Love Livers attending Japan Expo and want to form a group, feel free to email me too and we can organise something.

>> No.8204778
File: 344 KB, 1080x1521, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ordered a Hanayo wig(along with some non-LL wigs)to cosplay this card from eBay on the 10th, I paid for expedited shipping and it was estimated to arrive on the 17th. The seller did have a few negative ratings but they just seemed like complaints from people who didn't realize a Chinese size M is smaller than a US size M. The wigs still haven't arrived and even though there's a tracking number, eBay isn't giving me any info on where my wigs are, and I have no idea where to use the tracking number either. I need that wig and one other I bought from them for Sakuracon and I can't help but think they won't arrive on time(or at all);;; Should I try contacting the seller or should I wait a few more days?

>> No.8205473

lol the day I consider contacting the seller, the wigs arrived! i'll post pics of the Hanayo wigs when I get home

>> No.8205864
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, prad3-final-movie-event-cosplayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure there will never be any western cosplayers that will ever do it but yeah. I am one of those 4 people who have watched it lol and would love to see more fans of the show. Hoping maybe one day to do a Laala cos but who knows. (not PRAD really but along the same lines)

>> No.8205866
File: 555 KB, 750x750, TB1o3vPGFXXXXcgaXXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where I could find the cheongsam awakening costumes in larger sizes? My group found a few good sellers, but our Nozomi and Eli don't fit in their asian sizes.

>> No.8206049

I know I'm not being helpful but despite nozomi and Hanayo being bustier why are the busy sizes not bigger than the rest. In some cases they're smaller

>> No.8206070

I'm actually planning out LaLa at the moment, but it has to wait on funds due to the fact that I would like to do her Glow Costume

>> No.8206162
File: 433 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trimmed the wig a bit and tried it out with my contacts, I wasn't sure about the color at first but I like it!

>> No.8206412

frick yes I wanna see a real life cyaliume co-ord (or however you spell it) how are you going to go about that? making it glow and shit? (or will it just be the plain non glow version)

>> No.8206414

What are you guys thoughts on guys that dress as idols? Would you rather them be seriously muscley as a joke or look as trap-like as possible?

>> No.8206458

>seriously muscley as a joke
The PMMM fandom really ran this into the ground.. I just can't find it funny anymore because every guy does it.
I'd either go trap mode or do a serious genderbend.

>> No.8206467

Different anon but I wanna do the non glow lala becuase tbh I don't really like the colours for cylume change. Want a twin Leona too

>> No.8206478

I have no idea yet. I'm looking around at the moment at different types of LED's. Apparently a parade at Disneyland China has the technology to make the outfit though, they use it in their night time parade

>> No.8206498

I think it's best to give it the ol' College try. I'm not saying you havet to be gorgeous and passing but pls shave and look like you tried like the rest of us/

>> No.8206650

Agree with >>8206458. That one guy in the trap thread does a really good Maki. I'd like to see more like him.

>> No.8206680

Some advice, if those are the lenses you're using id advise a different pair, hanayos eyes are purple.

>Pluck your eyebrows

Also the wig is a bit too light for your skin tone.

>> No.8206730

I'm actually working on Cyalume Lala right now, and the skirt needs..... a lot of power to run well. I'm building it for a con in November, but it's looking to be a very expensive + uncomfortable project with wires running everywhere and the cost of all the electronics.

According to my calculations so far, to have that outfit run for a reasonable amount of time it'll use as many amps as a car battery.....

>> No.8206849

uh, I don't know what color you're seeing but these lenses are definitely purple. Maybe the lighting is making it look bluer? But I assure you, they're purple.

>pluck your eyebrows
every time I pluck my own eyebrows I just destroy them, unfortunately... This was just a quick makeup test before I went to work anyway

I kinda liked the color of the wig as is though? But maybe dying it a few shades darker wouldn't hurt

>> No.8206855

Ascos has really nice ones and they're a little bit more generous in the bust area that what's written.
Would probably still be <100 though.

>> No.8206909

This is so cute!

>> No.8206915

So cute!!!!

>> No.8207172

im seeing greyish blue, must be lighting/phone screen.

get your eyebrows done somewhere, then you wont fuck them up, easy.

Darker would be better id say, its hard to tell youre hanayo

>> No.8207310
File: 784 KB, 600x870, 11081484_634846199993391_6973591442118122487_n (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A+ expression on Kotori here

>> No.8207329

if you want to genderbend, then Muscley is a big NO NO, go for a bishonen look rather.

>> No.8207366
File: 75 KB, 425x599, TN-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to cosplay this Nozomi card it's so cute. There's about 3 costumes on taobao, the only one I like doesn't do custom sizing and the premade sizes are all too small in the bust. One day Spookyzomi..

>> No.8208068
File: 290 KB, 550x733, ll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really doubt it but has anybody cosplayed any of the normal cards? Some of them are super cute, personally Ranpha is my favorite but I think it'd be hilarious if someone cosplayed hentai reindeer girl or Coco but I guess it'd be really hard to recognize.

Also if anybody is looking for wonrush outfits, I got my groups from CosSky and they are really nice, they have a couple other outfit sets too but they're pretty meh except these ones and the cheerleading outfits.

>> No.8208314

You're both cute and have nice wigs, good job. A couple friends have told me I should cosplay Jennifer instead of Eli so I may do the one with the varsity jacket for fun this summer.

I don't really care for the red eye make up but this picture is so cute ha

>> No.8208335

I think Coco would definitely be recognizable because of that COCOisBEST guy

>> No.8208390

I LOVE busty reindeer-chan. Her face is right out of an eroge.

You guys both look adorable~

>> No.8208396
File: 621 KB, 600x845, lates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8208565

omg Chiduko is the best, I want her to hug me to death


>> No.8208584
File: 186 KB, 640x901, N_253_Transformed_Jennifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, but Jennifer is real waifu material, son

>> No.8208586

Thank you guys!

I was so caught off guard when I started playing and idolized her.. she covered up so much with that winter coat and big purple bow and them bam...the titty.

>> No.8208641
File: 53 KB, 426x600, Konoe-Kanatanurse-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about adorably sleepy Kanata tho?

>> No.8208650

I swear she looks like a Miki (from idol m@s) rip off

>> No.8208674

Damn I just realized that, maybe that's why I like her so much haha

>> No.8208677

Yessss. I fell in love with her onee-chan vibe. And then I idoled her..
It was amazing.

I'd love to see a cosplay duo of her and the other reindeer girl.

>> No.8208682

I mean, with that large brown trench, as soon as I got her card I got the vibe that she was gonna go streaking hahaha

>> No.8208689

Yeah I noticed straight away because I was watching idolm@s at the times.

Would be cute to see a whole group of the normal scouts idolised! That way it would be more noticable I think

>> No.8208690
File: 190 KB, 640x901, 205idolized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ichiban girl

>> No.8208691

Yeah, but there are so many, that'd be like trying to do the same thing for Cinderella Girls. With that many people needed, it'd be very difficult.

>> No.8208694

Coco is adorable. Also some of the N girls have some really cute outfits. This one for coco is super cute.

>> No.8208697
File: 992 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2015-03-26-19-48-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic.

>> No.8208699
File: 189 KB, 640x901, N_268_Transformed_Yuri_Mido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see a Coco/Yuri duo in that outfit.

>> No.8208711
File: 973 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2015-03-26-19-48-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I think some of the paired off ones would be good to do if You don't have a big group.

Also I wanna see somebody cosplay this version of Hitomi.

>> No.8208713

But theyre sorted into groups anon! Some have matching outfits (eg the pink/black plaid outfit)

There also the china dress group and the sort of Cyber(?) group with the earlier cards

>> No.8208717

Has anyone bought from this store before? It's pretty expensive so I hope it's good quality.


>> No.8208721

YES I LOVE THIS DRESS. I'd totally do it except no one would recognize me lol

>> No.8208722
File: 143 KB, 640x901, N_266_Ru_Tatara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, then that'd be a little bit more manageable. I thought you meant every single N girl, haha.
Also, did you guys see the story for this Ru card? She's too cute, "I messed up so I'll just go home and have a snack..."

>> No.8208729

I like how the N girls are all pretty varied in personality. You're bound to find one or two that you like.

>> No.8209035

Ahh I feel you anon :( The pains of having a bigger bust..!

>> No.8209182
File: 128 KB, 756x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this? it was labelled as "Love Live! Sunshine!! Start!!", so far no info from what I've seen/can understand. http://gs.dengeki.com/news/23497/

When do you expect to see cosplays?

>> No.8210036

Spinoff group with the N girls?

>> No.8211106

>not a spin off with Arisa and Yukiho