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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 60 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nk194eMtNl1szxtb6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8152133 No.8152133 [Reply] [Original]

Currently redecorating my bedroom and dressing room and need inspiration

>> No.8152142
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>> No.8152145
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>> No.8152151
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>> No.8152153
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>> No.8152158
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>> No.8152164
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>> No.8152166
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>> No.8152267
File: 355 KB, 2480x1753, black-and-red-floral-living-room-furniture-with-striped-accent-chair-and-glass-coffee-table-also-gothic-chandelier-on-the-ceiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8152287
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>> No.8152305

why do lolitas have such cute rooms? mine is just filled with stuff i found cool

>> No.8152775

Most lolitas do not have rooms like these. Our rooms are just filled with cute stuff because that's what we find that we think is cool. Fans of anime have wall scrolls and figures, fans of kawaii shit have framed magazine spreads, postcards, and cute stuffed animals. It's like that for anyone who's really dedicated to something.

>> No.8152783
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Currently trying to find a way to combine nature and girly stuff. I wear mostly himekaji, but I also really love mori and natural kei

>> No.8152785
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>> No.8152787
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>> No.8152794

I desperately want a cute room like this, but it more or less resembles a NEET den because I collect figures as a hobby.
Can someone post example of cute rooms that incorporate figure displays too?

>> No.8153618
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>> No.8153619
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>> No.8153622
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>> No.8153625
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>> No.8153629

>carousel pony
time to overhaul the wishlist

>> No.8154034
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>> No.8154042

My god thats amazing

>> No.8154228
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I'll bite, saved a few cute rooms this week. Not all strictly cosplay/lolita related but cute enough to fit in

>> No.8154232
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>> No.8154234
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>> No.8154238
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>> No.8154239
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>my soul for a round kotatsu like this

>> No.8154240
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>> No.8154241
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>> No.8154251
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When I moved out of my parents house, I got to leave a lot of accumulated stuff I found cool as a teenager behind. It's actually really nice living in a room with a cohesive theme and without years of accumulated clutter. My main problem's that I seem to need like three wardrobes and can only afford one so most of my lolita stuff's just on a rail.

It'd be nice to have a wardrobe just for black lolita items (since that's >50% of my wardrobe), a wardrobe for all other lolita items, and a wardrobe for work and normalfag clothing. Heck, it'd be cool if I could seperate the work wardrobes and normal wardrobes too, but I don't think I can fit four wardrobes in one room.

Pic related is a wardrobe I would really love (if stained a darker colour), but at £1875 definitely couldn't afford. In fact, I want most of this shit but I don't think expensive furniture is compatible with an expensive hobby like lolita.


>> No.8154284

I need one of these!

>> No.8154376
File: 18 KB, 410x548, 059f1b9d7d593a5bac4003ad7c1d15fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been wanting to do this so bad with my current bookshelf but i just keep avoiding it i have the time..

>> No.8154386
File: 1.54 MB, 2160x1620, aeonblue1397191831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFC is actually going to be your best bet but you get a mixed bag honestly http://myfigurecollection.net/pictures.php?sort=date&order=desc&mode=list&view=gallery&cid=6&search=

>> No.8156693

How much ceiling height do you have? Racks are a bit of a rubbish use of space if you can go up....wall mounting rails, if you can, or even mounting them inside a shelving unit, can help you get way more extra space.

>> No.8156791

Seconding this, I've already gone though MFC and some of Otacool, but most of the rooms are disgusting and not well organized.

>> No.8156807

bit too busy of a room

>> No.8156857

yea, i hear ya. i cant make mine work the way i want it to either im thinking with time i will have to make a more tech-y office for figure related stuff and keep bedroom things less weeby. the two are hard to pair.

>> No.8156885

I love how clean and bright this is. I wish I had a differeng room, but at the same time I don't.

Any inspo for wooden floored rooms with dark wood furniture?

Figure display ideas always loved too.

>> No.8156887

Humbly requesting any room inspiration with ample desk space. I love so many of these rooms but most have the tiniest desks. I have dual monitors and need a lot of space.

>> No.8157134

requesting vanity tables. i never wore makeup before i got into lolita, but now i want to invest in one.

>> No.8158421
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>> No.8158423
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>> No.8158427


>> No.8158453
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>> No.8158456
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>> No.8158459
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>> No.8158461
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>> No.8158463
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>> No.8158474

Ok but how can i get one living in the US cause i need one

>> No.8159591
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>> No.8159678
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>> No.8159681
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>> No.8159682
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>> No.8159684
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I love the use of space here.

>> No.8159689
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>> No.8159724

God damn I need some cute shelving, I own so much shit but have a bedroom to myself..

What's the best way to hang things like that without drilling into the ceiling?

Our mentalities aren't one dimensional? I too have an eclectic collection of things that I love, half of it would hardly look good in a cute room.

>> No.8159738

Continously search for garlands that arent ugly cheap plastic shit once I get them in the mail..

Goals. This looks like a great dance/exercise space too.

It's funny because I've met so many people over the age of 20 who couldn't bear the idea of sitting on the floor because of "muh back/muh legs!" special issues.

I'm glad we don't have smell-o-vision.

>> No.8159896

Somebody's a bit too obsessed with Rilakkuma.

>> No.8160942

Love the bedframe--what style would that be called?

That's a cute display wall.

Would you happen to have a photo of the full wall?

That is nice. I guess they're using the closet of their guest room or office?

>> No.8160960

1. No such thing.
2. Not recognizing Milkyfawn's content when she selfposts.

>> No.8161374

I used to have something like this, except I had curtains instead of doors. I really liked it at first, but I found I also got sick of it really fast. I redid it again and now it's my lolita closet.

>> No.8161384
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>> No.8161386

I've never had a space set up like this; why did you get sick of it?

>> No.8161410

I think a big part of it was the fact that it was IN the wall. I felt really closed in and just prefer my desk being in my room rather than the closet.

>> No.8161749

Actually I posted most of the above so no self post there anon. I just really like her set up.

>> No.8161760
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>> No.8161763
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>> No.8162327

3M clips/hooks.

>> No.8162344
File: 61 KB, 736x490, 75e87e1000b95482d082b45ddc57eb7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone's on pinterest I have two boards for room inspo and closet inspo. I'm moving into the basement soon and I plan to do a total redecoration so I post a lot of inspo on those boards. https://www.pinterest.com/sugardollie/princess-room/

>> No.8165966
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>> No.8166817

What have you done with your shelves, seagulls? I'm living at home so unfortunately I can't get rid of this horrible pine bookcase that has way too many shelves. I basically have three shelves with nothing so I'm at a loss about what to do with them.

>> No.8166848

Well you can always get a nice looking contact paper and put it on back of the shelves. It'll at least make it a little nicer.

>> No.8166869

After scrolling this thread I need to paint my room and get new furniture and decoration...

>> No.8166921

My boyfriend made one. You buy the heater and mount it to a table. It's actually really easy!

>> No.8167092
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It doesn't even feel like I live here.

>> No.8167151
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Hey you guys might remember me from the last room thread. I asked about moving into a small room and making it drapey and you all warned me about the dust that would build up on that kind of stuff. So i have finally moved into my new room and though i would post it to get some help. The new problem i have ran into is that all my furniture is very dark and i am at a loss of how to make it fit into the cute theme i wanted to achieve. Any advice or ideas are welcome. its extremely plain right now so yea.

>> No.8167169

Thanks for sharing. I could see that being a problem for me, too, but I wouldn't have considered it myself until I was feeling claustrophobic in my closet!

Thank you! It's so cute and well organized.

I like how soft this room is.

I like the shape of those shelves--very cute.

Can you paint it or would that be a travesty in the eyes of your parents? Are the shelves about the same size?

Can you paint the walls? If so I think just painting the walls and getting new (lighter colored) bedding would help immensely.

>> No.8167698

tfw ugly room

Oh well, I will probably move into a bachelor's apartment later this year. Maybe I can decorate that one all fancy.

>> No.8170937


>> No.8173824
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>> No.8173867
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Well here's (an old picture of) my room. I may post an updated version with my detolf at some point.

Embrace your NEET cave though

>> No.8173873

Nothing really constructive but those wigheads under your TV spooked me out.
You could try painting the furniture.

>> No.8173945
File: 41 KB, 470x835, 10392353_10152436803465840_5371093789880308139_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I Just got an IKEA table where it's supposed to have shelves right under the table so it comes with two tabletops. Just build a table with the base, add regular space heater or a real kotatsu heater if you can find one, layer a heavy blanket over the top that overflows on all sides and cover with the second tabletop.

We have the shittiest heating our kotatsu was a lifesaver this winter. Only thing I would change was pick a table with folding legs.

>> No.8173959

thats actually really dangerous you know. You should use a real kotatsu heater because they're designed both to be safe in an enclosed space and not burn your legs, space heaters can actually catch shit on fire.

Nice kotatsu are not that expensive
How much are you looking to spend? I have some good links.

>> No.8174046

Whats the usual price range. I dont have money now but when i get a new place it would be great to have.

>> No.8174058

Tables with heaters cost usually from $150-$250 depending on style and you can get the heating elements for $75 or so.

>> No.8174137

It is a real kotatsu heater.

$20 on craigslist but I'm lucky I live in an area with a decent Japanese population.

>> No.8174149

Yes but don't suggest that people use space heaters. They'll end up getting 3rd degree burns and catching their carpet on fire.

>> No.8174153
File: 39 KB, 478x450, 01717_e0q61FgpzKm_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the dangerous part depends on the table, not the heater. The base tables needs ventilation or at least not a lot of surface area for the heater to come in contact with. Even with a proper heater it's going to heat the table wood. In fact, if you can't get this kind of table sticking a regular, unmounted space heater with self-regulation is probably safer.

One advantage to a real kotatsu is it has a bright red light so it's very easy to check if it's on or not by lifting the blanket.

>> No.8174159

Anon please share your links!

>> No.8174162

But space heaters themselves are dangerous, anon.

>> No.8174176
File: 60 KB, 800x600, FZWQPNQFJNELYCF.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kotatsu heater has burned my leg plenty because the covering is just a wire basket frame. Regular space heaters usually have enough layers that you won't get a brand from hitting it wrong. Space heaters aren't usually dangerous if you're willing to pay more than $20 for them.

>> No.8176719
File: 1.14 MB, 1500x1185, roommarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8178193

Looks comfy.
Also Kurisu best waifu.

>> No.8178682


>> No.8182426

They just slip off the hooks.

>> No.8182433

Dont the table tops slip around? That would piss me off.

>> No.8182597

Is this Milkyfawn?

>> No.8182711
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you own the furniture, you could easily paint it white, a mix of pastels or anything you might find nice.
if you don't, you could still add details in pastels to soften the black, starting with whatever's on your bed that's uncute as fuck. stuff like carpets, curtains, pillows and frames are pretty necessary if you want you room to look nice, at least with that kind of style.

also i've seen enough disgusting rooms looking for a decent exemple to say that you need to stay the fuck away from zebra stripes and hot pink with your black furniture

>> No.8182770
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Which are better curtains, Eyelet or Tab Top?

In terms of aesthetic, or manageability... because either would be better than the metal horizontal blinds I'm going to replace.

I'm wanting make a cute, cozy, forest/nature themed room if you want to give me advice.

>> No.8182832
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>> No.8182833

>L shaped desk

oh man I need one of these so badly

>> No.8183062

eh, sitting on the floor vs. sitting at a kotatsu are very different! I hate sitting on the floor for extended periods of time, because there's nothing there to support me. Whereas with a kotatsu, you can lean your weight on the table, so you don't have to be fully supporting yourself! I recently built myself a half-assed kotatsu (I live in a warm place, so I didn't have a need for the heating component) and it's very comfy. I'm planning on getting really soft pillows and stuff, and that will make it even comfier. It doesn't look as nice, but I also always thought sitting in a bean bag chair at a kotatsu would be the coziest thing ever.

>> No.8183105

It's Milkyfawns room yes.

>> No.8183112

>not only ~kawaii~ bedrooms for 13 year olds

>> No.8183291

1. Never said I didn't recognize it. I thought it was a self post which is why I commented.
2. She's clearly obsessed with Rilakumma, you can see his face every few inches. Guess you're too distracted by the sand up your cunt to notice. Tsk tsk.

>> No.8183298

my actual kotatsu heater has a nonflammable fuzzy coating. that shit looks disgusting and cheap. and no, space heaters heat too high and are extremely flammable in enclosed spaces, do some research.

>> No.8183309

Girls hanging purses on the wall always looks so cute, but all I can think of is the straps getting damaged and the pleather cracking from being hung all the time

>> No.8183342
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>> No.8183348
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>> No.8183350
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>> No.8183353
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>> No.8183354
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I'm glad I'm not the only one with the same paranoia. I feel that way about my dresses, I worry that I'll put a lot of strain on the straps so I hang my dresses at the skirts.

>> No.8183357
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>> No.8183359
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>> No.8183362
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>> No.8183364
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>> No.8183365
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>> No.8183369
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>> No.8183372
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>> No.8183679

This reminds me of the mansion from Life. That was always my first choice.

This is beautiful without being too girly. I feel like I could do this without my boyfriend claiming it's too girly.

>> No.8184118


>> No.8184353

It's my room but I didn't post it. My room look completely different now, but that photo is floating around tumblr.

>> No.8184988
File: 2.04 MB, 3930x3270, 1426425132019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the walls in this picture and hope one day to do something similar to my bedroom.

>> No.8185143

I love the colors in this room.

>> No.8185181

anons, can i get some storage and organization advice? how do you ladies manage large collections of knicknacks and stuffed animals?

Right now I keep the majority of my san-x mascots and small figs in storage since I have a lot of trouble displaying them without looking super messy. I also don't like the cluttered look of piling them all on a shelf or bed, which seems to be a popular thing. Thanks anons!

>> No.8185597
File: 147 KB, 700x700, RoomCollage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving in a few months into a slightly smaller room so I'm getting smaller furniture and basically starting fresh! Very excited!

>> No.8185656

>That sheet and duvet combination
>that bed frame

>> No.8185689

Ikea on the bedframe, it's cheap as fuck, and the duvet. Target on the sheets.

>> No.8185758

I'd go with mint curtains instead of white since you'll already have a lot of white main pieces--the mint will tie in the pops of color in your chair, rug, and sheets.

>> No.8186463
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>> No.8186553

Oh man I think I drooled on myself. This is amazing.

>> No.8186588

>look for feminine, non-shitty bed sheets for single size bed
>all i find are solid colour sheets, and kiddy cartoony ones
Well fuck me. If only I had a bigger bedroom.

>> No.8186633
File: 54 KB, 582x447, 1419111584141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck at home while I'm unemployed and in school, but having an entirely anatomy themed bedroom is my ideal.

>> No.8186929
File: 509 KB, 1280x999, tumblr_n0vvvq0PZo1tsjf1jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bedroom be like

>> No.8186944
File: 210 KB, 2048x1153, 1147734_573343606061124_1986560399_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a victorian castle a couple years ago.

Proceeding to dump

>> No.8186948
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>> No.8186950
File: 200 KB, 2048x1153, 1094682_573343502727801_2043935744_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that brown dress and hat omfg

>> No.8186971
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This is my room. I live in a shitty dorm so I have a lot of ugly furniture and carpet and shitty paint on the walls that I can't do anything about, but I'm trying to make it as nice as possible! I'm still looking for the right fabric to make a cover for my kotatsu blanket thing. I wish I had the money for a nice area rug to cover up this god-awful carpet, or better yet if I could just tear it out and replace it with wood. (Excuse the fact that my papers/night stand is in total disarray... finals week, everyone.)
I'd love to see more "Realistic room inspo". A lot of these rooms are amazing but I'm never going to have a house with enough free space for those kinds of rooms!

>> No.8187175
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Posting my one bookshelf because I thought it could fit in a nice girly room?

>> No.8187385

This is my room and i can confirme L shaped desk is the best thing to ever happen in my life

>> No.8187395

Not the anon you're replying to, but where did you get the L shaped desk from? It's so cute, a purple L shaped desk!

>> No.8188396
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I got it custom made by a carpenter since its a bit of a tricky corner.
Then i just painted it pastel purple.
If you want a cute room pastel coloured paint is .is amazing. ever since i brought it for my desk i have been painting everything in my life purple.

I got it made pretty cheaply so my best tip would be to ask around. But i also live in europe so i dont have acsses to many furniture shops and such.

>> No.8188399

I remember seeing your room in a previous thread and either you or another anon shared the background on your computer(the one with multiple girls)

>> No.8188410
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So. Does anybody have anything on order or planning to order for their place? There's a set of crypto travel posters I'm planning to order. I want to frame them and hang them up, once we get into a big enough place.

>> No.8188440

Nice, anon! I love the art style, it's very retro.

I bought a huge beautiful sideboard that I may or may not paint, a nice arm chair, a pouf, a wooden chair I've painted a mint colour, and some cushions and throws. Now I have to get rid of some old shitty furniture to make room. Here's hoping I can get my apartment looking amazing!

>> No.8188449
File: 420 KB, 1500x1500, kids-room-beige-wall-theme-and-black-wooden-crib-with-pink-bedding-nursery-set-on-the-floor-cute-decorating-ideas-for-nursery-to-beautify-your-baby-room[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This has to be the easiest problem to solve, so many colour schemes out there work with pastels + beige + black, you can just add pastel soft furnishings to your room. Pic related.

To start with, ditch those bed coverings for something in pastels, preferably with a cute pattern. This will solve about 50% of your kawaiiness problem, the pillow doesn't even match the bed throw right now.

Then go around the room and add more of the kawaii colouring, eg:
- floor rug in pastel.
- framed posters in pastel-colored frames, or vinyl wall stickers in pastel x black (choose the ones that are easy to remove later). This way you don't have to paint your room.
- swap the black coat hanger behind your door for a pastel one, or spray paint it pastel (make sure it's dry before you put it back, nothing like paint transfer on a white door to make it un-kawaii
- pastel table runner for your table if you can't paint it
- Use pastel boxes on top of your table instead of the colour mess that's current up. If you want them in the open, consider getting a small pastel shelf for the top of the table to arrange them on.
- Add a pastel covering to the cavity of your tv table. You can use the 3M velcro stick-ons and line them in a row along the top of the opening, then use a piece of fabric with velcro sewn on, cut and hemmed to the size of the opening, to attach it.
- get a lace table runner and dye it a matching pastel for the top of your tv.
- You don't seem to have curtains, if you can instal them, pastels would work, so would net lace curtains, which would provide privacy in addition to kawaiiness
- tie a pastel bow around teddy bear and your turtle (and maybe your cat too)

Just remember to keep the pastels consistent, eg- everything in pink, or everything in blue, or everything in lavender. If you put a pastel rainbow in there along with black and beige it will really look like a mess.

>> No.8188959

I'm redoing my room in the near future, probably over Easter break. Thinking of doing it in mostly lavender and white, with small accents of pink and black. Thoughts?

Trying to go for a cute-as-fuck thing with bunnies being the main event. Think My Melody, Bonbon Ribbon, that sort of thing.

>> No.8189574
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Me again, I just bought this nicer vanity with more drawers because it was on sale for only $189!

>> No.8189852

Thanks to both of you for being so informative. I will definitely think about painting my furniture and adding the accent color as suggested since i cant paint my room in the rented house. Even if i end up not being able to paint my bed and desk ill definitely take your advice >>8188449
and thanks again for taking the time to write all of that out!

>> No.8189886

Your room is gonna be super cute, anon. Remember to post pics when it's all set up!

>> No.8189970

I'm moving in July, so hopefully I can get pictures by August.
I'm also planning on thrifting some cute assorted frames for prints. I feel like I'm getting too old to just have a bunch of stuff thumbtacked up.
Hoping to gather more cute organization/decoration ideas in the next few months. I'm really excited at the potential to make my "dream room." Especially now that I have income and can buy the exact things I want. (Last time I set up a room was the start of college) Keep posting cute stuff guys!!

>> No.8190461

I've always loved the shabby chic/vintage girly styles that a lot of these rooms have, but it seems like with that style comes a lot of busy-ness and clutter. I have hoarding tendencies and my room used to look similar to these because I would collect every little tidbit that I found at flea markets. When I moved into a smaller apartment I managed to get rid of most of my decorative stuff, but my fiance and I are moving to a much bigger apartment soon, and I want to decorate and he's pretty much given me free reign to do what I want as long as he gets to decorate his band/guitar/office space.

So my question is, what kind of rooms would you recommend that have a soft vintage style, with a touch of girlishness that have almost zero clutter?

And I mean zero. I've figured out that if I leave even one surface with a mild amount of clutter, I pile onto it and let it get out of hand. This apartment is going to be almost flawlessly organized. I want my sewing room to have everything in a precise place where I can access it easily, and put it the fuck away easily.
Please inspire me anons! Girly minimalist go!

>> No.8190850
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>> No.8190853
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>> No.8190857
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>> No.8192292

I am a recovering hoarder so I know how the slow accumulation is. You want to limit the size of your vertical surfaces (shelves, side table tops, etc.). You will do best to focus on colors and patterns in your wall colors, furniture, fabric choices, rugs, etc.--that's how you can pull in the soft, vintage, girlishness you want while keeping your home uncluttered.

>> No.8195559
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Maybe because I'm a fucking weeb, but I've always loved the cute rooms anime girls have. My fav is Yui's, but Kirino's is also cute.

>> No.8195580

I have a weird obsession with trunks and suitcases and this is something straight out of my dreams.

>> No.8195787

I have that bed! I remember seeing it on the IKEA website and going to the one closest to me the next day. It's super easy to put together and take apart which is great if you move a lot.

>> No.8195803

Ahh that is really good to know! I will be moving again in like two years so that's good news! I love my current Ikea bed but it's too heavy and also really low so no underbed storage.

>> No.8196705

Get a rug, hang some shit on the walls, and get a candle and/or lamp for your dresser.

>> No.8196754
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something like this perhaps?

>> No.8198205

Omg I was just looking at this exact same vanity last night! Has anyone ever bought from "Wayfair"? Their prices seem fairly cheap compared to major retail stores selling furniture. Any other place to go for furniture besides IKEA?

>> No.8198207

Sauce on rose rug? I've seen it before on eBay for like $30

>> No.8198215

>I have hoarding tendencies and my room used to look similar to these because I would collect every little tidbit that I found at flea markets
You sound just like me. I used to hoard every little carousel and vintage looking trinket I could find at thrift shops and estate sales. My room was just full of so much shit I had to throw out a good 90% of it. Really hard to get over hoarding.

I'm also moving and transitioning into a new apartment so I'm trying to find better furniture and places besides IKEA. Not sure what websites to be looking at either!

>> No.8198246

I read a shit ton of good reviews on that vanity and also the site has like google buyer protection or whatever it's called so I felt safe buying it. My ither choice was Walmart, their online store actually has a lot of good furniture.
It's a little cheaper on ali than it is on ebay.

>> No.8198292

I can't help but imagine how dusty all those shelfs with kawaii clutter must be

>> No.8198307

violets rug

>> No.8198317

I bought from them before, they're okay.

>> No.8198334

Sorry I meant to reply to >>8198207

>> No.8198336

Cute though roses are more my thing.

>> No.8200004

Holy shit you paid nearly $40 for that? You got seriously ripped off there's people on Aliexpress/eBay selling it for $20.

>> No.8200353

I'm trying to redo my room, but my options for furniture are limited, and my furniture doesn't match. My desk and dresser are a dark wood, my end table is a light wood, and my bedframe is painted off-white. The issue is that I can't paint over any of them, they're all antiques.

Is there anything I can do to make the furniture look less noticeably mismatched? I need to pull focus away from the wood somehow.

>> No.8200365
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Cover everything in frills

>> No.8200474

I haven't bought it yet so please link a cheaper one on ebay? I didn't see any listed that cheaply when I looked.

>> No.8200684

3M sells a bunch of different varieties including designs specifically for hanging objects from the ceiling.

>> No.8201150

I just looked through ebay again and I think you didn't look very closely. Yes there are rose rugs for $20, but that's the smaller single rose ones. The big four rose ones are $40 on ebay, and a bit less on ali. Unless they're listed under something besides "rose rug."
I'm happy to be proven wrong though...

>> No.8201192

Okay so like I said before I want to thrift some varying frames for prints. And obviously they'd be easy to paint. So should I do:
>Combo of white, pink, and mint
>Just white or pink or mint
>silver or gold

>> No.8201504
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definitely monitoring this thread. i'm moving to a new apartment next month, and i'm not bringing any furniture at all! right now i live in a studio, but the new place is a one bedroom. i have about 1k saved to buy furniture, and i plan on thrifting everything except the mattress.

i have a lot of anime figures, posters, and plushies, so i'm wanting to display them. i was thinking of still having an anime "themed" living room or whatever, but i was just going to take my favorite prints from artist alley and frame just a few.

for whatever reason, i really want a loft bed with desk, but my bf's dog will flip a shit if he can't be near us. right now, he sleeps on a couch right next to the bed. i hate him on the actual bed, because he pushes me off, smells bad, and snores super loudly. but yeah, i think the loft bed will put too much distance between him and my bf for him to be comfortable (basically for him to not bark and whine incessantly).

>> No.8201508

I feel like two people sharing a loft bed would be shitty anyways, having to crawl over each other to get to the ladder...

>> No.8201567
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It is...makes bathroom runs in the middle of the night hell.

>> No.8201631

no reason for a shitty wobbly squeeky cramped loft bed in a 1bedroom anon! get some nice sheets and comforter cover and a throw for the dog to lay on or something

>> No.8201891
File: 47 KB, 800x554, loft_beds_queen_size_ikea___queen_size_loft_bed_frame_ikea_7_ikea_loft_bed_ideas_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've seen them with two ladders like pic related, but yeah, i think i'm really just after the den-like feeling you get in the desk area. so my bf suggested that i put high shelving around my desk if that makes sense.

any suggestions for a place with nice, cute sheets? we have cute hello kitty stuff right now, but it's full sized, and we will be going for queen or king at the new place

>> No.8206736
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bumping for interest

>> No.8211265

Sounds like something similar to >>8159684 would work well for you.

>> No.8211282

Holy shit, that's such an awesome wardrobe. What if you put money aside for it each month and just get a cheapo one in the meantime?

>> No.8211365

I'd have to not buy lolita for two years to be able to get it, probably.