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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 111 KB, 640x480, UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8148364 No.8148364 [Reply] [Original]

LSCC is two weeks away now. What are we looking forward to?

>> No.8148366
File: 237 KB, 1600x1200, IMG00048-20130515-1928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall has the first post.

>> No.8148380

the shit fest that the cosplay championship is bound to be

>> No.8148408
File: 85 KB, 640x480, 1406439094901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice daisy cosplay.

>> No.8148510

Why shitfest?

>> No.8149485

Undecided if I want to go, it's a bit of a travel, is it really worth it?

>> No.8150087

i've heard from many people that it is by far the best UK con

>> No.8150128

I've been once before and left within 3 hours, due to boredom.

>> No.8150154

Great con, wonderful atmosphere, good circle of people going (obviously this is dependant on your own friends), decent competition and lots of fun at the Fox on Saturday night.
Was my favourite con of 2014 and really looking forward to this year.

>> No.8150563

anyone going to may's london MCM?

>> No.8150619

Its one of the quieter ones, so people like it for that, but end of the day, they're a business. Don't expect it to remain quite going down the road if they can help it. Look at lfcc, everyone was raving how good that is and look at it last time, so many complaints.

>> No.8150726

The admin's been way better than LFCC so far but that may change. It's getting busier by the year. 2013 was fairly quiet, bordering on boring on the Saturday but the panels were good ... there wasn't too much cosplaying going on. Last year was much heavier on cosplay, Jonathan Ross raised some interest by going along but the panels weren't a patch on the year before. There were probably more big comic names overall though last year. How interesting the con is depends on whether you're a big comics fan or otherwise how many other cosplayers you know, I guess. Jonathan Ross is there again this year and SyFy Channel have taken an interest, not that it means much with how shit SyFy is nowadays. From both a comics and cosplay perspective though, LSCC is getting bigger by the year and IMO the admin up to now has been outstanding. The neck massage people are the fucking worst though, real ripoff merchants.

>> No.8150729

The massage people seem to be at every con these days

>> No.8150736

For a con with as many big names though and as a comics fan, I wish LSCC ran more panels. They've got a wealth of experts in attendance but all the emphasis is on the same boring subjects and the masquerade. Last year though, they definitely learned from their mistakes the year before and used the space available much better. In 2013, a massive corner of the room was devoted to registering people who'd bought VIP tickets and thankfully they corrected that last year. OTOH, the goodie bags were much worse.

>> No.8150745


I actually complained to the organisers about them. I was hideously naive about the whole thing but I was told beforehand by the masseur 'pay us what you think it was worth' and that was that. She chatted away throughout. very friendly but when it came to time to cough up, I offered to pay a fiver. Her attitude changed in a hurry and she frostily said that most people would pay £20 if not £30. Fuck that for a game of soldiers, I've got better things to drop £20 on at a comic con. I won't be making that mistake again.

I never heard back from the organisers, by the way.

>> No.8150765

I never get why people do that. As in, say its a donation, and then get pissed off when people don't pay what you'd like. Bitch if you want to charge £20 by all means charge £20. But if you give people the option to have it for less then they're going to have it for less.

>> No.8150780

I'm a dude who's never been to a con because I have no friends who are interested.
How do I find likewise lonely people to go with?
I don't want to go alone because I'm shy as shit.

>> No.8150817

Find a guy called Spooner, you two will get along just fine.

>> No.8150826

There is a guy who goes by the name micnax who can also help.

>> No.8150832


>> No.8150837

I hear ya, bro. I guess this woman just took it as a personal affront and a damning indictment of her massage skillz. I also guess most of the people who go in for it are the types who blow their noses on tenners.

>> No.8150844

I went by myself two years ago and didn't really know anyone there. I talked about my experience with it further up but I found it pretty boring 2 years ago ... I turned up at opening time (10am that year, I think) and by 3:30pm, I was more than ready to go. I only stuck around to get some stuff signed by an artist called Bob Layton. Last year, I decided to go back but this time I cut my time at the con by an hour and it really helped. I'd also made some congoing mates in the interim plus the weather was better. 2 years ago, LSCC was like the frickin' arctic. Last year, it was 70 degrees.

>> No.8151737

Its Minami next week, which actually is legit the best UK con. Who's going?

>> No.8151762
File: 137 KB, 659x576, 1415043751676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People in the UK con scene are the worst. Everyone is either a Narcissist or intentionally socially awkward.

>> No.8151768

I know so much shit about so many people in the community. So many people who are "looked up to" are common whores and cheats.

>> No.8151772

Like who?

>> No.8151780

Mojo Jones, Swarley Whitlock, Andy Valentine, Dom Waite, Sean Bonnar. The list goes on and on.

>> No.8151784 [DELETED] 

Also have nudes of Mojo Jones, Tabbitha Lyons, Leonie Speller, Rosemary Valentine, Kara Hook and a few others.

We need some decent people in this community...

>> No.8151799

>Says we need "decent people"
>Collects nudes and bad mouths people anonymously on the Internet

*cue ironic slow clap*

>> No.8151801

I'm not a cosplayer. I'm a photographer.

>> No.8151824

You know that 'community' extends to everyone involved in cosplay right? Cosplayers, photographers, editors, regular con goers, assholes on the internet. All part of the same pot, and having a decent community starts at home.

>> No.8151838
File: 155 KB, 640x480, nemissa soul_hackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to MCM October
>walk around for 4 hours talk to nobody and go home

>> No.8151844

Isn't Rosemary Valentine a man/MtF?

>> No.8151894

Half those people you mentioned are really lovely and friendly. Think you've got a bit of a personal vendetta going on here..

>> No.8151907

Actually I like working with both Jo and Dale (Swarley) It's just a shame they where fucking around behind her boyfriends back when he was in a relationship with her. He also has a long term girlfriend who he doesn't mention when hunting down new females.

As for Valentine, he tends to get drunk and get very touchy feely. And also he cheated on his now ex wife when they where together.

Dom messages girls and meets up with them telling them that all the other girls he's fucking are crazy bitches and not to listen to their lies.

Sean pretty much does the same thing, he adds newer cosplay girls on facebook and starts telling them how he's lonely and how his girlfriend is growing apart from him, asking to meet up.

Then there's Kelly Jean, but you all know those stories.

>> No.8151908


>> No.8151926

Oh yeah no Sean is a creep, but I know Valentine and Dom and they're really nice.
Haven't ever met the rest so can't comment on them.

>> No.8151956

You know the answer to that. The same people as last year.

>> No.8151967


So you say we need decent people but you've collected nudes of people in the community? Plus you attack people anonymously.

I know the uk comunity can be foul but whoever you are you take the cake and are now lower than all of those combined

>> No.8151981

I could name myself as I'm leaving the community. One of the girls I have nudes of turned me down (after sending the nudes of course.) However I can not be bothered with the shitstorm it will cause if I do name myself.

I'm moving on to proper paid photography and don't want a stigma attached before I go. I'm a nobody on the scene but I've been told a lot of things from photographing other cosplayers. I'm done with this community.

>> No.8151985

I'm sure we'll all miss you very much.

>> No.8151986

Doesn't explain why your attacking other people and youv'e said the things youv'e heard are through other sources

>> No.8151992 [DELETED] 

Share the love. I've been attacked a few times on here and no one defended me, just because they're your friends. Thought cgl liked drama?

>> No.8152025

Doing nudes doesn't really make you a bad person. It's just a choice, you from victorian times or something. Do you still believe witches float?

>> No.8152027

Don't worry, with an attitude like this I'm sure it won't take long for your precious reputation to be in tatters wherever you decide to move on to

>> No.8152035
File: 366 KB, 548x487, meteor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone need a friend for MCM may?

>> No.8152038

Even if you name yourself, the chances are you're not telling the truth, after all you're an anon on here and you can just pretend to be someone else.

>> No.8152044

I swear for a minute i thought it sounded like Lucas, except when you said you're a nobody, because we all know hes famous for the wrong reasons.

>> No.8152057 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1280x960, hdsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls, lets play guess who.

First clue: Code Geass

>> No.8152066

well, as in all communities, the bad ones tend to shout the loudest and deliberately get noticed, so unfortunately people assume they make up most part of the community, which is of course not true.

>> No.8152073

so you took a random nude image from the internet and blanked parts out. This isn't /r/.

>> No.8152082
File: 999 KB, 500x207, sweating.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit she's on to me...

>> No.8152097

I recognise that necklace but I can't place it.

>> No.8152119
File: 30 KB, 307x247, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152132

I used to have her/him on fb, I know who they are. I've always wondered if they're a man or not.

>> No.8152137

Probably a trap.

>> No.8152155

Correction, HE's onto me.

>> No.8152216
File: 38 KB, 70x70, zoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so

>> No.8152223
File: 731 KB, 400x300, metcrowd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152253
File: 53 KB, 720x960, 10250216_10152615467816861_1323743974813143351_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such quality cosplay we have in the UK.

>> No.8152274

Bet he made it all himself

>> No.8152278
File: 66 KB, 720x960, 11018195_10152615467906861_5304570874018747820_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152330

This is just too funny

>> No.8152469
File: 85 KB, 982x295, 4614607511_982x295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any UK seagulls off to Majikkon in Huddersfield next weekend? Only really going out of desperation since the friend I was going to LSCC with fucked me over and it's fairly local. Trying to stay positive since it looks professional for a small con but I'm really not sure how monumentally shit it's going to be.

>> No.8152488

this guy drives me insane you have no idea

>> No.8152523

What kind of an event is Hyper Japan?

>> No.8152536

Small one.

>> No.8152538

Hmm, i think they're upping the ante with the O2 this year?

>> No.8152544

It's only a small section of the O2. One of the clubs.

>> No.8152547

Go on.

>> No.8152552

Ok, I have no clue about the event other than that. Was thinking of taking a train from Paris after Japan Expo to see London and possibly visit Hyper Japan, too.

>> No.8152569

Might be okay. They've got some relatively unknown people in as cosplay guests though.

>> No.8152854 [DELETED] 
File: 2.04 MB, 2592x3788, 20141025_122825[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Anon,

I've improve the quality of the previous I took at the last MCM Expo and would like feedback.

I will post before and after pics starting with this before.

>> No.8152861
File: 2.04 MB, 2592x3788, 20141025_122825[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Anons,

I've improve the quality of the previous I took at the last MCM Expo and would like feedback.

General improvements I made were on cropping, scaling and saturating the pics made up from the desaturation caused by the auto settings on my camera.

I will post before edits and after edits (edits from the original pic and not the previous edit pic) pics starting with this before.

>> No.8152863
File: 3.69 MB, 1461x1920, 20141025_122825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152865
File: 2.84 MB, 2592x4608, 20141024_180107[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152867

This just hurts my eyes. Look at her face - you made her orange.

>> No.8152868
File: 3.59 MB, 1255x1920, 20141024_180107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152877
File: 2.78 MB, 2268x4392, 20141025_131708[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think that was accurate at that time and went with this saturation, but I did consider setting the saturation at a lower value than the one I chose during editing.

>> No.8152881
File: 3.03 MB, 974x1920, 20141025_131708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152885
File: 3.01 MB, 2568x4572, 20141024_175442[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152888
File: 3.12 MB, 1205x1920, 20141024_175442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152892
File: 2.61 MB, 2404x4204, 20141026_113524[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Before.

>> No.8152894
File: 3.37 MB, 1007x1920, 20141026_113524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another After

>> No.8152895
File: 2.05 MB, 2200x4324, 20141024_175124[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152899
File: 1.76 MB, 713x1920, 20141024_175124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8152901
File: 2.97 MB, 2592x3876, 20141025_133100[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Before.

>> No.8152909
File: 3.69 MB, 1650x1920, 20141025_133100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last After.

Any suggestions for improvements would be helpful for editing. I used GIMP for the editing.

>> No.8153106
File: 15 KB, 480x320, 309365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8153316

Pretty sure he/she is trolling.

>> No.8153328

Dude, learn to take a photo first. Stop using software to try and improve it, thats a shitty way to learn. Don't go down the road of Tascha.

>> No.8153370

It doesn't matter edits you make, youve still composed this shot badly - it looks like the right hand one has being hug up by the hook above his head

>> No.8153419

Want advice on photography? Take it to /p/.
This is a cosplay board.

>> No.8153476

That's the costume he bought from asda.. His elsa is even worse.. God he does my head in...

>> No.8153587

I'll be there anon. We can both sit in the bar area and know there's someone we each don't know enjoying the same con.

>> No.8153599

Anyone going no to amechibi in April?

Plus we got Miami next week. Or are all you stoked for the larger events to drop your new outfits?

>> No.8153649

Super excited for Amechibi! And equally terrified because I have two quite fancy costumes to make between now and then and basically zero free time.

>> No.8153683

Who's even entering the LSCC competition? All I've seen is Valentines endless progress pictures. It's a good build, but so simple I doubt he'll make top 10.

>> No.8153689

*deep breath*

Chloe Jazzhands - kerrigan from starcaft
RossECobb - Broadway Ursula
Helen Alice - Bombshell Zatanna
Beyond Believing + Ekko Cosplay -Hiccup and Astrid
Megabethbob- Brienne of Tarth
Valentine- Oberyn
Last years Hypergirl - Asterix
Last years Penguin and Batmite - Joker and Penguin

And that is all we know, unless anyone else knows more.

>> No.8153691
File: 110 KB, 960x640, 11002511_786457751440625_3700193428838630012_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain this shit that got posted on Tabbys page?

>> No.8153698

The image makes no sense, is it suppose to be dark? Like night time, but it's bright in the middle and the sky is blue like daytime...and those cardboard wings or something, it looks flat, or just bad editing. I dont follow her but it seems this girl likes to hire shit photographers to work with from what gets posted here all the time.

>> No.8153700

Also needs more watermarks.

>> No.8153704

Fuck sake, why is jazzhands doing Kerrigan. Which version is she doing, before or after the transformation? Eitherway I really dont want to see it to be honest, shes going wreck my favourite character in Starcraft...does she play starcraft??

>> No.8153709

From what she was saying she couldn't fit through doors so it's her infected version.

>> No.8153710

after. with wings

>> No.8153712

Lol, it got removed.

>> No.8153716

This looks so awful, she looks awkward as fuck, not flattering at all.

>> No.8153724

Oh dear, it's going to be a train wreck. Her winged version is a very difficult character to replicate due to the large boned wings and the amount of body details. Lets not even go into the amount of work needed just for her dread lock type hairstyle. It is way out of her league, she can't even get Mystique to a reasonable standard, what makes her think she can do infected Kerrigan for a competition. I can already see bits falling off it before she steps onto the stage..

>> No.8153728

Don't worry, it won't get that far. She will do the usual, bitch and moan in the coming weeks and then drop the whole thing and go as her shitty burlesque outfit and then complain about people looking at her.

>> No.8153730

She's still doing it. Not dropped out.

>> No.8153735

Theres still 2 weeks to go, i still have hope.

>> No.8153736

How are the other entrees doing? Any drama?

>> No.8153739

Would you rather her not wear it, or wear it and make a fool of herself and give us a year worth of things to laugh at?

>> No.8153748

Good point.

>> No.8153756

The photos shes using really isn't doing her public image/ company any good at all.

>> No.8153789

Nope we're all friends :D

>> No.8153790

Got any progress pictures from any of you to share?

>> No.8153791

Hi Beth.

>> No.8153798


>> No.8153864

But what if we know each other? Let's face it, pretty much everyone who attends knows or at least recognises each other.

Still, I'm looking forward to warming a bar stool!

>> No.8153926

Likewise. How late do you think the masquerade will start this year?

>> No.8153956
File: 437 KB, 1338x1338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found these on jazzhands instagram. Bet it breaks before she even gets to the con.

>> No.8153959

I hope she's going to paint the insides of those tubes.

>> No.8154458

doubt it

>> No.8154685

It's not simple though, as you said it's a good build. The competition is judged on 2 things - 50% of the score is your performance, and 50% is your craftsmanship. So it's not about who has the flashiest costume or the biggest or coolest one. It's about how accurate and well made it is. Don't think he'll win, but he'll definitely get to the top ten. Unless he does what he did last year and bitches about not having a vagina

>> No.8154688

Ross saying he's struggling to finish. Think there is any chance he might end up dropping out?

>> No.8154690

No way, he's put way too much effort into it to quit. Don't think he said he's struggling anyway, just has a lot to do.

>> No.8154693
File: 997 KB, 1456x2592, 2015-03-02 00.18.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helen seems to have nearly finished. Done an okay job of the costume. Hat and wig are a bit of a mess though.

>> No.8154696
File: 361 KB, 791x1200, jld32bombshellvar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matches the character though. Also she has time to practice/perfect the wig before the con so i think it'll be fine :)

>> No.8155075

Are her side swirly things backwards?

>> No.8155275

Looks good, the fitting seems right. Can't see from image, hope she'll have the gold/yellow 'Z' badge on the hat and the white rose attached to collar.

>> No.8155471

Side swirly things?

>> No.8155532

You mean the victory rolls on her hair? Because yeah, they don't look right at all. Looks like a bowl cut with two scruffy sailor moon buns tacked on. Hopefully she'll get it polished up before the con.

>> No.8155647

This is shit, flat as fuck, awful composition and boring pose.
What camera are you even using? Looks to be a p+s

>> No.8155657
File: 50 KB, 540x960, 11014682_10153225109949236_1649077690676087804_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battle Bunny Beth strikes again with her awful outfits. I hate being a member of the MCM Group sometimes. Harley Quinn Jinx... ugh.

>> No.8155667

This is ugh! Why are people writing nice comments, its not right

>> No.8155681


I tend to go by myself (lolita or yukata because I haven't had time for cosplay lately) bump into people, sit with randomers if they are nice enough, bring a musical instrument and nerd music, get high and watch people get increasingly drunk outside trying to make human pyramids and shit. Somehow I keep coming back... I've been there 14 times in a row.

>> No.8155687

Wouldnt mind seeing those kara nudes.

>> No.8155689

Please let this one be at Expo

>> No.8155707

still looks better than half the posters on /cgl/

>> No.8155718

New game. Post the worst/neediest cosplayer you can find in the MCM group.

>> No.8155720

If she can fix the wig she might do okay. Costume is quite accurate.
Did not know she had boobs.

>> No.8155750

It would have to be Battle Bunny Beth

>> No.8155759
File: 56 KB, 685x960, FB_IMG_1425304619287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raise you this girls twice daily posts.

>> No.8155781

Eevee Cosplay & AcidFairy for sure.

>> No.8155796
File: 196 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we please take a moment to look at how terrible her nebula makeup test was? that fucking tin foil

>> No.8155811

Oh my god. That is hilarious. I can't wait to see Lady Noctis do Nebula at LSCC, as that shit will be hilarious.

>> No.8155819

Lady Noctis's is gonna be (hopefully) really good actually. She's attempting to make proper silicone prosthetics like those used in the film. Only problem is Karen Gillan is actually 5ft11...

>> No.8155820

Wasn't there another girl who cosplayed nebula too last year at mcm?

>> No.8155830

The girl who's in the championship as Brienne

>> No.8155832

Oh cool. How is that coming along anyway?

>> No.8155836

"i'm making my first costume"

Is having someone else do everything for her.

>> No.8155840

She posts here, wait long enough and she'll let you know.

>> No.8155850

Oh hey there :D

>> No.8155853

Got any progress to show?

>> No.8155854

I'm all for bought costumes, I don't really care, but don't say that you're making your first costume and learning how to, then not do any of it.

>> No.8155863

Its all on my page! :) Currently making a shit load of chainmail atm.

>> No.8155895

Noctis will probably get somebody to photoshop her twice her height and x4 slimmer to make her look alot more like nebula

>> No.8155899

Is Noctis even making the Bombshell Harley herself?

>> No.8155903

As far as I can see

>> No.8155920
File: 54 KB, 720x540, 10897009_802544883132134_5631432842972233478_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has 11k likes

>> No.8155925
File: 49 KB, 540x720, 10427677_795131327206823_337615027756164032_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High quality work here

>> No.8155928

Who is she meant to be?

>> No.8155930

Is it wrong that her boobs confuse me

>> No.8155940
File: 58 KB, 960x640, 10885252_795980910455198_8231530859528254962_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taylor swift.

She needs to learn how to wear a lace front properly.

>> No.8155945

Ooh I see that now

>> No.8155977

Definitely not! I was confused to why the hell they are so far apart

>> No.8156063

Moses lives in them.

>> No.8156099
File: 27 KB, 480x640, 10941041_10153036818354518_4852357280994821623_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this...

>> No.8156106

It'll have to be that Beth girl (not the one already posted here), but the one that posted some suggestive poses and then some girl did a video slating her and it all blew up. Sorry i have no photo, but if you vist the mcm group enough, you will know who i mean. Shes in the needy catageory.

>> No.8156233
File: 60 KB, 556x960, 11050218_10206256845247882_8422073345750767114_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working on a Emma Frost cosplay, can't decide stocking or no stocking

>> No.8156257

I went to bolton comic con yesterday, cosplaying for the first time ever. Had my pic taken a few times and made a new friend. I loved it.

>> No.8156267
File: 77 KB, 539x960, 10958726_10205290742902351_4000493992984490318_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the same before I saw this picture.
The wig is a shame I really do hope she fixes it, as her wigs are normally pretty decent.

>> No.8156270

oh god, what's going on with their vagina, is it even a vagina???

>> No.8156275

What? What is wrong with it?

>> No.8156290

I know her, and I know that she was out of the country when she found out about this event and only had one day to prepare.

>> No.8156340

the bulge is way too big
I just read through the comments though and they're trans so I guess I was right, it's actually a penis

>> No.8156341

I was calling that wig good, I was referring to the original picture posted dude

>> No.8156530

Update from the Championships, due to drop outs the current number is at 30 entrants.

>> No.8156864

At least it means the UK have 1/3 odds of placing.

>> No.8156966

More than a third. There are at least 15 UK participants and those are just the ones who it's known are entering. (some of those 15 not publically mind)

>> No.8157578

I'm betting 45 minutes this year. But it'll have Pokegirl awkwardly doing the pokerap about two thirds of the way through and she'll get huffy when people don't applaud her super loudly.
Betfred have given me odds of 4/1 which is pretty good.

>> No.8157824


>> No.8157963

You might want to cover your ears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYuujcPZWbM

>> No.8157995

The first makeup test photo has been posted and its gloriously bad.

>> No.8158013
File: 32 KB, 480x640, 10426312_802982533071024_7351535522264985992_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8158014

Never mind her cosplay, shes such a sjw in every sense. Everything she does is purely for attention only. Period. Makes a big issue out of small things and she damn makes sure the whole world knows about it on all her social medias

>> No.8158021

How many of her likes are brought and how many organic?

>> No.8158023

Yeah, i got that kind of message coming from her. I remembered she did that male costume appriciation thing, but in reality she just wants to get attention by doing it and getting likes on her fb/tumblr ect. Same for cutting her hair, if you're doing it for charity good, but why keep throwing it in everyones faces and bitch about "its my hair, i do what i like"....good grief..

>> No.8158026

Mentioning her on here will just give her more fuel for her to fish for sympathy.

>> No.8158029

But does anyone really care? Or are the people who support her only in it for the attention too?

>> No.8158031

Told you "SJW". Pure and simple.

>> No.8158034

Im surprised shes not being mentioned on here as much as the other regulars to be honest.

>> No.8158036

because she doesn't do the drama (unliked her page a while ago), she just posts like million times a day and generally being annoying as fuck with the advertising. Latex this latex that, geisha wig this, geisha wig that...oh im doing a shoot today, geisha wig..geisha wig..geisha wig. Fuck off already.

>> No.8158040

I want to throw up when I see his pictures

>> No.8158042

It'll be finebecause, her images will be so photoshopped anyway.

>> No.8158055
File: 104 KB, 720x960, 10953375_893196730724302_1412229356946410426_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the HTTYD pair look. What do you guys think about it? There is something off and I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.8158073

The size of Hiccup's wig and the ambiguity of the existence of her bra are the worst problems among many others incl. using jeans

>> No.8158075

Christ...for someone so young her boobs shouldn't be hanging so low.....

>> No.8158077

>Wig to fuffy
>Needs masculine makeup
>shop brought trousers

>Cheap fur
>needs a bra
>Ugg Boots

>> No.8158099

So hey, I've never been to LSCC and I was wondering if there is a place people put their photoshoot time and places? Like specific forums or facebook?

>> No.8158102

"Expo photographers" Group on facebook.

>> No.8158107

Thats the first thing i thought of as well. I was like wait a minute, her tits are like...on her stomach.

>> No.8158109

>Expo photographers
Ah i mean like meet ups (like or different series)

>> No.8158110

I think its just a slight deception, her shoulder pads are making you think her shoulders are higher than it is, if you look at where her neck ends, its quite far down compared to her shoulders (pads).

>> No.8158119

Pretty sure hiccups hair IS that fluffy

>> No.8158121

Well, are you a cosplayer? usual rules apply, is your costume going to show alot of skin/tits? If not you won't get a response from expo photographers. look at all the requests on there, girl asks for shoot, has skimpy costume, oh look the usual ones begging to shoot with them, guy asks...no reply.

>> No.8158128
File: 80 KB, 720x720, 11018956_1454961684793942_6708500453255525715_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this bitch has scammed a lot of people on the MCM Expo Group. The current discussion on there has resulted in some hilarious reading.

>> No.8158130

As I said in a post above I mean meetup photoshoots for a series. Usually there are facebook events and I dont see any for LSCC

>> No.8158147

Also because she seems to have no waist

>> No.8158150

>White girl with dreads
>People are surprised when she's a scumbag.

>> No.8158188
File: 94 KB, 674x960, 11034272_1626755494210699_5073991596819684568_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tentacles update from Ross

>> No.8158205

they're looking good

>> No.8158216

Demand refund, if not, get together all the people shes scammed and take it to small courts.

>> No.8158250


>> No.8158272

nah his hair is flicky, not fluffy like it's exploded off his head

>> No.8158277

a lot of the people she scammed are idiots anyway, who the hell still buys stuff through gift payment

>> No.8158278

How long is her real hair? A lot of girls with long hair end up with huge looking heads when they wear wigs.

>> No.8158286

very short

>> No.8158288

So just a bad wig then

>> No.8158291

Shes been doing it for years, she'll just delete that account and make new ones. Anyone should know, people with as many accounts as her are dodgy as fuck.

>> No.8158292

i think it's very hard to style wigs too look like that without looking anime ish

>> No.8158295

I've seen other cosplayers do it

>> No.8158298

>alternative model
Pretty sure she's too ugly to even be an alt model.

>> No.8158305

Nah she's a petite model. Or was it plus model? or all three?

>too ugly to even be an alt model
Stacy Rebecca

>> No.8158308

Its really not difficult to resolve. Find out where she lives, not hard to find out as a seller someones bound to know. Get together, go knock on her parents door.

>> No.8158318

Set an example, set her hair on fire, white chicks should not have dreadlocks.

>> No.8158323

Heres another lead for you. Kawaii Sales UK Official.

>> No.8158349

Didn't someone in that thread say she'd made a false rape claim recently? Sounds like prime lolcow material.

>> No.8158358

So out of the togs going to LSCC who is best to work with?

>> No.8158381

food and cosplay are always very friendly and produce good photos

>> No.8158462

There is always Kyle. But I dunno if he's just filming all weekend.

>> No.8158488

I've worked with a few togs who goes to these events often. FnC is good but he takes to to far locations, Kyle is good photography wise but is a dick. Shinigami is good but mostly take photos of girls with boobs. Sonesh is nice to work with but I think hes in the artist alley selling his comic. Theres some newer togs who are nice to work with like Big Guy Slim hes loud but his photos are nice and theres LP I had mistaken him for FnC because he was chinese but hes really friendly and the photos are good. I say avoid an older guy called pouncy or matt price they are so weird and pervy

>> No.8158622

You think chapman is good?
Good god...

>> No.8159342

Where was chapman (who ever he is) is mentioned?

>> No.8159352

I think you got mixed up between Shinigami and Big Guy Slim?

>> No.8159360

Well that depends what style of photos you are after?

>> No.8159402


>> No.8159542

Chapman is LP cosplay photography

>> No.8159557

oh, sorry, never knew that.

>> No.8159561

Spooner, especially if you're a lolita.

>> No.8159562

I actually saw Astrid's costume at wlfcc and she's definitely not wearing jeans. I think she dyed strips of fabric and sewed them into leggings?

>> No.8159792

Hiccup is totally out of proportion. Needs weathering. Some of the colours are off.

Astrid is good, for normalfag cosplay. Not championship grade.
Needs a bra. The cheap fur is awful, she needed to use a longer fur as that looks cheap and awful. Also the fur on the boots should match but they just look tacky.

>> No.8160171
File: 131 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl that was doing hades posted an update on her cerseiand it looks like a bad dressing gown

>> No.8160177

probably because it's not been fitted or finished yet jesus christ

>> No.8160183

What dress is she making? None of Cersei's dresses are that colour. Whats going on with the rope thing?

>> No.8160193
File: 3.72 MB, 4912x7360, Cersei-Lannister-cersei-lannister-37474921-4912-7360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her black dress from season 4

>> No.8160195
File: 139 KB, 513x1326, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, I think the rope thing is the yellow trim type thing going up to her neck line? That's all I can guess

>> No.8160201

But the fabric she is using looks purple.

>> No.8160206
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x2700, kamen rider wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite rider is Lion what's the chance of us being friends

>> No.8160209

only in that lighting. It's very black irl

>> No.8160217


>> No.8160218

still, cersei's dress isn't even black, it's a kind of charcoal + her pattern is completely off

>> No.8160220

does that even matter though? She's only doing this costume for fun

>> No.8160223

Yup :)

>> No.8160224


>> No.8160230

she clearly wants to be cosfamous but doesn't want to better herself

>> No.8160237

Like the entire community.

>> No.8160240

most people actually want to take advice and try to better themselves though, not make simple beginners mistakes over and over

>> No.8160244
File: 194 KB, 516x600, 1424563515765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8160245

maybe she is a beginner though

>> No.8160249

judging by how old her page is and how many cosplays she's done, she's been at it for a while

>> No.8160253

I'm counting about 15 costumes on her page.

>> No.8160257

weren't most done in the last year though?

>> No.8160263

And? I've seen other cosplays bring out about that many goods costumes in such time, making all of it. And most of this girls have shop brought bits anyway.

>> No.8160314

Mr County here with his numbers

>> No.8160419

I dout know who this girl is you guys are talking about, but unless she is murdering innocents I'm sure she doesn't deserved to be slammed for what she's doing.

>> No.8160432

She's just a girl who does Cosplay for fun, and 4chan have decided that no one should dare leave the house in anything less than WCS standard

>> No.8160535

Other than the championship team, what other cosplays are planned for LSCC?

>> No.8160621

Cosplaying for fun? Sounds dangerous. You can't possibly dress up and do it for FUN!

>> No.8160860

There seems to quite alot of entrees who are keeping their costume in the dark and not revealing it, i mean there are cosplayers from overseas coming along too, but does anyone know any of them?

>> No.8160873

Yes, but if their names got leaked/revealed, then it would be easy to figure out which of their friends are posting on 4chan.

>> No.8160875

Are they allowed to enter with a fan design of a character? Wondering for next year.

>> No.8160939

nope. There must be 'official references'

>> No.8160985

Which is why Ben told the girl who is doing Asterix, that if she does something that's unofficial, she'll lose points.

>> No.8160995

Same for Lex who's apparently entering her fan art Poison Ivy. Be interesting to see how that does considering the major rule breaking.

>> No.8161012

There's no way she can place. That would just be shitting all over all the people who were told they couldn't enter, and all the participants who did follow the rules.

>> No.8161028

Entirely agree. If she places there'll be a shit storm because she's a "friend of Ben"

>> No.8161067

Plus because loads of people were told they couldn't enter because they were cosplaying anime or fan art.
If she does place, seeing how many people have been told there is no way they are allowed to, then it'll be very clear there is favouritism going on. Not professional of the con.

>> No.8161330

This could be interesting, i agree, double standard won't go down well.

>> No.8161619

Where do you guys even come up with all this he said she said stuff...

>> No.8161798

They pull it out of their ass.
Notice how nobody has proof of anything

>> No.8161810

Would it be frowned upon to cosplay something from a game at LSCC? It does have it's own ongoing western comic at least.

>> No.8161860
File: 184 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the posts from Valentine Cosplay saying his costume is perfect. Is he color blind?

>> No.8161866

Is Oberyn even in the GoT comic?

>> No.8161882
File: 56 KB, 512x512, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong reference, idiot.

>> No.8161883

Oh Andy, why put a photo side by side to a completely different reference?

>> No.8161890

I don't believe this is a side by side done by Valentine. I've certainly never seen it posted and he never uses curly corners like that.

>> No.8161892

Who on earth would ever make that other than him...
Go home Valentine and get over your inaccurate costume that took you a painfully long time to make

>> No.8161894


>> No.8161922

Still colourblind apparently
The orange is the wrong tone

>> No.8161937

Seriously? Valentine's picture is very clearly in different lighting than that reference pic and if you seriously don't understand that you're an idiot.

>> No.8161939

Give it a rest Valentine

>> No.8161998

Valentines build is good. Good enough for a normalfag costume. Definitely not championship material. Its a simple cloak and prop thats well constructed but the colours and print aren't screen accurate enough for competitive cosplay.

>> No.8162014

Even if it's in different lighting, his picture uses a cool-toned bright, nearly neon orange. The ref pic uses nearly a mustard orange-gold. They're really different. I know how hard it is to get the right colour as I could only get this shade bias tape by ordering it in rolls of 25m from Amazon.

>> No.8162016

Why has she used a big floral print when >>8160193 clearly shows it's damask

>> No.8162030

You know you're comparing two completely different shirts, right?

>> No.8162135

Nope I'm sure Big Guy slim is the loud fat guy and Shinigami is the older Asian guy most of the time I see him taking photos of girls with massive boobs. >>8158622 Also what wrong with LP?

>> No.8162153

Think you need to browse BGS page, you be hard press to find a single male photo. I should know, i was with my friend (female) at a convention and he came up and asked her for a photo and totally ignored me even though we was cosplaying from the same series.

>> No.8162160

Literally the second most recent picture posted is a male cosplayer

>> No.8162169

Well, i stand corrected.

>> No.8162171

there any cosplayers or lolitas in MK?

>> No.8162173

i'm in rugby if that counts.

>> No.8162180

The ratio of female to male cosplayers is always going to skew way more towards female, no matter how you look at it and male cosplayers don't tend to whore and shout about themselves as much, so they go unheard/seen ect

>> No.8162244

no amount of different lighting is going to change the fact that that orange is the wrong shade. Go home... and get your eyes checked

>> No.8162250

Shinigami is an optician after all, might do a discount
>>the dress is blue and black
>>valentines orange is wrong

>> No.8162289

i agree, the fabric she's used gives me a sansa vibe rather than cersei

>> No.8162444

Margeary is the only character to wear floral. She should have used Damask, it's not like it's hard to find.

>> No.8162465
File: 67 KB, 750x600, 3 - SANSA'S WEDDING DRESS EMBROIDERY BY MICHELE CARRAGHER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sansa definitely wears a floral print. Even her wedding dress has a floral pattern.

>> No.8162512

But it's no where near as obvious a floral as Margeary.
Cersei hates Margeary so she would never wear floral.

>> No.8162518
File: 43 KB, 640x633, 11025202_788891341197266_7592505938777249055_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I AM NOW LIVE! Watch me play Heartstone and follow me on twitch
Seems someone is going the way of KJ

>> No.8162656

it also just makes more sense for margaery to wear floral because of their sigil etc

>> No.8163000

Looks like there are 2 different GoT groups on the Saturday of lscc anyway. That'll be interesting

>> No.8163006

This is pretty awful cos you can actually buy fabric with that pattern easily...

>> No.8163007

Who is in each one?

>> No.8163020

Not sure of all of them. Starbit, Santatory, Batbunny, Timeforlemontea and a couple others are in one. Hayley Smith, Aperture cosplay (the Cersei that is talked about) are in the other from what I've seen. I'm not sure if Brienne in the championship is with either.

>> No.8163023

One of these groups is considerably better than the other. If you were a cosplayer, which would you rather be seen with?

>> No.8163055

Aperture isn't in the same group as Hayley, pretty sure they've got a different Cersei

>> No.8163060

There's going to be loads of Cerseis. It'll be like Dany cosplayers.

>> No.8163070


aperture isn't in a group at all she's just doing it herself.
The brienne is in a big group with hayley and captain amelia and possibly batbunny and loads more. Starbit and Santatory aren't in a group however, they just happen to be doing game of thrones.

>> No.8163084
File: 435 KB, 480x480, 10551008_910225012342783_4978414102795683387_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starbit and Santatory are def in a group with Batbunny and Timeforlemontea. Starbit posted this pic
Is Captain Amelia doing Cersei too?

>> No.8163088

i think that's just because they're all coming together. But like, they're not in a massive group with other cosplayers.
Batbunny is in the UK group though. Captain Amelia is in the group doing Cersei yes

>> No.8163097

Hayley isn't in that group. Kyoshi Cosplay is their Sansa. Not Hayley. I heard they we're all grouping together.

>> No.8163102

Nope, Hayley is the Sansa in the big Game of Thrones group

>> No.8163104

Whos Captain Amelia? Haven't heard of her

>> No.8163111
File: 74 KB, 600x900, 10001331_767240246681005_3932943493717511442_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a really lovely person

>> No.8163112

She's pretty good actually. Does a great Elizabeth Swan and Aurora

>> No.8163115

her Elise from AC was pretty great too

>> No.8163119

Shame that her costume is going to bring the group down

>> No.8163124

I was referring to the later pic that the anon posted, which they said was the shirt the costume was based off. Is there a third shirt?

>> No.8163127

Captain Amelia's cosplay will bring down Hayley Smith's Sansa? You blind?

>> No.8163128

Other way around, obviously.

>> No.8163132
File: 75 KB, 640x960, 10981865_429142527243805_2298634326715453958_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayley couldn't come close to this

>> No.8163138
File: 62 KB, 639x960, 11021124_802596559793633_6762565666089368240_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite nice actually. Obviously Sansa's dresses aren't that fancy, but it's well made, and her face suits the character imo

>> No.8163142

I've seen better

>> No.8163144

so? it's not bad. There's always going to be someone better

>> No.8163150
File: 86 KB, 960x960, 11036673_901071029913757_2486902170736416426_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same fabric, same dress pattern. This is the difference between normalfag and good cosplay.

>> No.8163155

Anyone got a link to this video? Thirsty for the Beth drama

>> No.8163157

Kyoshi is a work of art, that dress is so pristine

>> No.8163158

there is practically no difference other than the belt

>> No.8164210
File: 48 KB, 720x960, 11046420_10153216086788854_592111108980353236_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please just stop.

>> No.8164259

The fit, the pattern matching, pressing, and the neckline is neater.

>> No.8164400

Why... just why...

>> No.8164429
File: 117 KB, 540x600, _20150306_171211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh drama

>> No.8164431
File: 50 KB, 621x753, 10551119_611260482351055_5713112157290402684_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pt 2

>> No.8164466

Kelly and Tabby are full of shit. Why are they even popular, other than boobs?

>> No.8164478

wait what, she wants $750 to attend a workshop? That Tabithas dad then makes money off from other suckers who go along to this crap

>> No.8164488
File: 123 KB, 540x907, _20150306_180055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8164489
File: 112 KB, 540x917, _20150306_180107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pt 4

>> No.8164589

It is fresh and just 8 days before LSCC. I guess this is the same sort of build up I would expect from an epic boxing match takes place.

I guess that photographer that was mentioned didn't pay his $750 like the others did, hence assault.

>> No.8164647
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2772, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wholeheartedly disinterested in talking about Noctis, but can we gulls discuss Anna S cosplays consistent bullshit and general failure to come through with anything?

>>Was supposed to be embroidering for Noctis, looked like a trainwreck anyway, miraculously doesn't happen like everything else she works on.

>> No.8164662

Don't even get me started. Makes the most basic cosplays averagely, slightly more challenging cosplays poorly, whilst entertaining delusions of grandeur and claiming to be best friends with Yaya Han

>> No.8164669

She also makes her way through groups of friends, fucking people over and starting internal drama.

She is a cunt and should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.8164839
File: 299 KB, 716x960, asdasds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8164849

And what was the point in that?

>> No.8164860

Whoops... forgot to type!

Was going to say: She's fucking cute as bro!

>> No.8164870

Nice self post

>> No.8164873

How is that even a self post!?

>> No.8164879

Dude stop. Dude. Stop.

>> No.8164881

A nobody with below average looks saying they're cute... It's a self post

>> No.8164885

sorry i'll just join the apparent love / hate train because I automatically have to fancy Tab / Kelly and Stacey.


stop being generic.

>> No.8164887

No one said you had to fancy them..

>> No.8164888


>> No.8164892

Can we have some cute cosplayers posted please. Tits get old.

>> No.8164931

It's been removed. It was posted on FB a while back.

>> No.8164941

Hah. If you think that's a self-post you've OBVIOUSLY never met the girl. She's blunt enough to admit if she wrote it

>> No.8164944

I already said this earlier in this thread. Shes a annoying fucking bitch and trust me, she has thick skin and only give a shit about things that can help her, once shes done using you, she'll act like she never knew you.

>> No.8164954

Can we all take a moment to enjoy Kelly's Twitter feed

>> No.8164965

Its the usual conflict when 2 sides meet, aka KJ/Tabby vs Lucas/Stacy. What do you expect? Shakes hands and make up? The interested part is Tascha is friends with Lucas and Tabby...awkward....

>> No.8164979

Everything is awkward when Tascha is involved.

>> No.8165005

Seconding this, I know her too. Why bother putting her picture up?

>> No.8165090

Is it not already obvious? It's not a self post, its Kyle from Shandes On, the clues on the shirt for crying out loud.

>> No.8165094


>> No.8165095

Hes bascially the Seig of britfag posts. Hes got to post incase people have forgotten about him. So fucking needy.

>> No.8165108

Clearly doesn't understand that you don't post people you like/are friends with on 4chan.

>> No.8165184

Because nobody can compliment anyone's work here without it being highly suspicious

>> No.8165249

The circlejerk post on here now because they got so offended.

So now when anyone posts anything about anyone - everyone just automatically assumes it's the circle jerk self posting.

Fucking moronic idiots - take your narcissism elsewhere please.

>> No.8165838

Not true, it's random selfies not related to cosplay by nobodies that are suspicious. No one was questioning the actual cosplay photos

>> No.8165891

Tabs and Stacey are friends, there's no vs there. Stacey's not really friends with Lucas either any further than he does free photos for her and carries her bags and shit when her boyfriend's not around. What this really is is Kelly vs Stacey exacerbated by Tabs being indecisive and playing yes-man to both sides and then they've doubled down on the crazy because Kelly's been getting emo over Seb again.

>> No.8165932

Are you new here? Everyone knows Kyle comes on here.

>> No.8165950

So KJ is throwing her toys out of her pram because of her photographer, so she decieds to take it out on everyone else. Sounds about right.

I don't understand, you don't get on with a photographer, find another you get on with instead of going back and end up pissed again. No logic, same for this Seb photographer, if i was a photographer and someone is more trouble then they are worth i would ditched them and never go back.

>> No.8165997

Wow you gotta be super new. KJ and Seb have been BFFs since about forever. They came to cosplay together. I wanna say about 2008? They clearly knew each other way before too. They've always fought a lot but this time it seems she's finally pissed him off enough to dump her. She's been crying about it on Facebook and Twitter for a couple of months.

>> No.8166014

Peopel change, time to move on, either that or he finally seen the light.

>> No.8166019
File: 103 KB, 701x960, 10989141_1629099487309633_9182781191565241393_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ross just posted this update of his Ursula

>> No.8166027

Who is seb? Links?

>> No.8166028

The way I understand it is he shot her for free because they were friends but he doesn't want to be associated with her highschool shit anymore because he's actually a professional photographer and she's butthurt because now she'll have to pay somebody to take her photos and she's a cheapskate. The fighting with Stacey isn't anything but the icing on the cake because Stacey calls it like it is and KJ doesn't like being faced with reality.

>> No.8166036

KJ's main photographer and best friend-slash-mortal enemy. They may have dated, not sure. I don't have any links to anything, that's just who he is. He doesn't seem to have any online presence.

>> No.8166096

It would be in his interested to stay out of all drama, given hes doing it professionally, but then, i don't think he could have chosen anyone worse for dramu then KJ. Maybe hes finally had enough and its dragging him down.

>> No.8166144
File: 62 KB, 540x353, _20150307_145944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you seen this? Valentine's gonna be a TV star

>> No.8166151

Further proof that he is the David Brent of cosplay

>> No.8166179

Ergh like he needed his ego stroked more. Anyone seen his other post about wanting to message everyone he has a problem with

>> No.8166180

>the David Brent of cosplay

>> No.8166185


>> No.8166572
File: 34 KB, 485x458, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing here.

>> No.8166643

Oh god

>> No.8166690

It's so no one brings up things like boobgate in front of the documentary crew.

>> No.8166709

It's so he doesn't look totally shit when he bombs

>> No.8166733


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