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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8147758 No.8147758 [Reply] [Original]

Well it is Thursday, do you have anything to confess?
"I wanted CDC until I realised the horses just reminded me of MLP too much."

>> No.8147778

My burando is getting tight but I'm an unmotivated lazy lump!

>> No.8147803

Sooo, confession time.

>I got too fat for half my wardrobe and haven't been able to motivate myself to do anything for half a year now
>sometimes I think the dresses are more for the girl I WANT to be (cute, dressed up, thin, pretty) rather than the girl I AM (not very cute, lazy, chubby)
>Lolita is one of the few things I look forward in life. I have no relationship, I am socially akwkward, I fail at Uni and I'm not too motivated about the future either- entering a shitty jobmarket, having a relationship that'll probably end on divorce/isn't the romance we all imagined anyway (seriously though, almost ALL of the middle aged couples I know are either divorced or only together because of their children. Yay)... Lolita is one of the very few happy aspects of my life that I still look forward to.

Less feels-influenced ones:
>I really dislike what the OTT trend has done to the fashion
>I hate the nun and rosary trend, it just looks tacky like a costume and frankly I don't really think it's the right theme to play dress up with. A gothic motive, or a cross? Fine. But a nun outfit with ten crosses, incorrect rosaries, veils, madonna crown and all the other latest hot shit? Not my taste at all.
>I wish I would be more popular on tumblr and I wish I could be someone's Senpai.
>wearing a replica to a meet up is tacky and I'll judge you.

>> No.8147805
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Girls in my comm are really sweet but they're all fat and the majority of them dress poorly.
Conflicted on whether or not I want to go to meets because I don't want to be grouped in them.

>> No.8147822

I feel like I'm in the same boat as you anon, I've gained 20lbs this year alone from eating out too much, laziness, and stress from Uni. Come to terms with where you are, strive for better. I've been studying harder for school, been counting calories and doing light exercise, and have been wearing lolita more often. I'm slowly getting there, you just have to get off your ass and make a change for yourself.

Confession related:
> I want more of AP's edgy goth stuff
> I get disappointed when I don't get likes on CoF
> I wish I were e-famous, but I don't have the personality for it

>> No.8147833

Look at this shit, it's like the vagina monologues meets Oprah ITT

All these menstrual cycles, kek

>> No.8147842

My comm is either young or immaturely minded.

I don't want to hang out with most of them anymore.

>> No.8147845

Thank you Anon!
I need to get my life together, haha. It doesn't help that I had a nasty infected ingrown toe nail, so now I can't do much sport (especially swimming, which was the only sport I loved) for the next few weeks until everything is healed. I also can't wear heels... Sigh. Time to focus on studying and save whatever I can save.

More confessions even:
>I really wish my comm would organise some high fancy tea. Once in a while that'd be really nice
>I wish my friend would finally get a job so that she could afford more stuff, so that we two can be two kawaii Lolitas together
>I wish I would get more attention at meet ups, but I'm not pretty or well-dressed enough (especially since I'm not really into OTT which is all my comm dresse slike today)
>I don't even want to be e-famous, I just want a lot of followers and notes
>I wish I'd get posted to btb just to see what people think of me
>I'm always a little sad that I've never seen a picture of me in any inspirational/good thread on cgl. At least I was never posted to an ita/nitpick thread...

>> No.8147853

I wish my comm was better dressed. I wish they were more active.

>> No.8147864

>tfw everyone in my comm is at least decently dressed save for the ones who wear bodyline.

>> No.8147883

I'm planning on moving cities half because I can't stand my comm.

The other half is for work but I'd stay close to home if it weren't for my area being terrible for all my hobbies.

>> No.8147894

I've only been in lolita for a year and a half and I've been asked by over a dozen people to be their mentoring senpai, or for shopping advice or questions on how to buy things.

I feel like I leveled up in my comm status. I feel like a queen.

>> No.8147905

Anon, wish you could join my comm since we have everything you're looking for! We have someone who organizes high tea every other month, a majority of us have full time jobs and are shopaholics (seriously we have group texts with mbok/y!a links), and a few of us are popular on tumblr so they don't mind sharing the ~e-fame~ with the rest of the comm.

>> No.8147918

>I dislike those shoes with the T strap in the middle. Yeah, you know the ones.
>I don't want to be belong to a comm, I just want one or two friends who happen to like lolita so we can go out every now and then.
>Painting dresses are always tacky
>Whenever I am looking through the sales and see a piece I really want or could really use, I have to stop myself from buying it on the spot because I have other things I have to pay for/buy first. Wish I could just buy what I wanted, but I'm just not there yet.

>> No.8147950

>Go to local con and watch the handmade JFashion Show.
>Holy fuck, my eyes.
>Resist urge to post almost all of it to the ita thread.
>Must not shit where I sleep.

>> No.8147958

I went from a $7/hr job to making 5x the amount. A few months ago I moved out of my parents basement and into my own apartment and I feel liberated. Because I could only afford a single dress every few months, the amount of money I'm receiving is overwhelming. I'm spending almost a grand a month on lolita, and very little is going into my savings account. My conscience is nagging at me to be more responsible, but I can't help but feel like I deserve to go on a spree for a short term while I'm still on my money high. I mean, I deserve it, I hope....

>> No.8147962 [DELETED] 

kek thats all women in every fucking thing ever though

i think /cgl/ has a young mind set
tumblr SJW terms like "slut shaming"

society governs itself with "shame" and/or a hey you're fucking up alienation move

and being a woman who sleeps around or a woman who is exceptionally proud of being extreemly over weight to the point where she is a danger to herself and those around her is grounds for social alienation or stigma.

just as the people on the street who are addicted to meth living on the street face social alienation

and this lack of an attitude on why this benefits the herd seems like you were just raised on the internet

>> No.8147968

look into your benefits package and see if you're eligible for some sort of 401(k) matching benefit or some fiscal incentive to establish a retirement account through a preferred method/bank

then just max the amount out each month, then as a reward buy yourself a dream dress

you'll feel like its more of a reward rather than an impulse buy you never wear / feel guilty to wear

>> No.8147970

>Can't stand the influx of edgydesu tryhard newfags on cgl lately. I mean there's always sand up in vaginas here, but lately I feel like it's been overrun with rufflechat level of stupidity.
>My insurance went up and after taxes my whole other paycheck goes toward bills. The other goes toward groceries and gas. Nearly not enough to buy brand like I used to.So frustrating.
>mfw: an am at mcdonalds makes more than me. I need a new job.

>> No.8147976

i really dislike most lolitas, especially my local comm. i feel like i represent the fashion terribly because i hoard brand but really don't want to be associated with most of the people who also wear the fashion.

i'm an awful person and would put my clothes before my own friends. i've sniped auctions from people i know without feeling any sense of guilt, even if it was their dream item.

>> No.8147979

>Anon, wish you could join my comm since we have everything you're looking for! We have someone who organizes high tea every other month, a majority of us have full time jobs and are shopaholics (seriously we have group texts with mbok/y!a links), and a few of us are popular on tumblr so they don't mind sharing the ~e-fame~ with the rest of the comm.
A-anon pls... I'd love to join your comm!
But on the other hand I have to be fair, my comm is decent. No drama, majority of people are well dressed, we have ragular meet ups. It could be way worse. A lot of people in our comm are actually older with a full time job, but I'm not close to their inner circle and also just a student so I don't know if I fit in with them. I think they may hang out as friends in more fancy places but most of the meet ups are rather cheap (not that that would make them bad though).
I wish I had fancy Lolita friends to go to high tea with but my two friends don't have money or jobs atm.
>Tfw too poor and unpopular for the cool kids and too rich for my friends.
>A-at least I can spend that money I save by not having fancy meet ups on building my wardrobe

>> No.8147981

I would suggest setting up an auto transfer system. I know I get paid every Friday, so I have an auto transfer for putting money in my savings and in the joint checking I have with my husband for bills. The rest is for play money.

>> No.8147985

I wish I would get posted somewhere,btb, nitpick thread, heck I'll even take the ita thread! I'm rather new and I'd love some harsh truth about my outfits, but self posting seams rather trite.
I'll probably never get posted unless I piss off someone really bad because my comm is so strict on drama posting

>> No.8147987

This. You'll feel angry at yourself later if you don't start saving more and auto transfers are easy, painless ways to do that.

>> No.8147990

post in a coord help thread or a selfpost thread. it's the best way to get an honest opinion. block out your face if you feel like you need to

>> No.8147993

I missed it when lolita was some sort of secret club. It's fairly widespread now, and it feels like most of the dresses on mbok are bought up by shopping services.

>ib4 more people = more profit for the brands

>> No.8147995

Stop being a pussy and post yourself then.

>> No.8148001

This is my exact problem too, anon.

>> No.8148006

solid advice from siege hell for once here, weird

really though, if you have a job with matching 401k, max that shit out

>> No.8148018

I know, right? Maybe he should stick to financial advice or something instead of shitposting.

>> No.8148047

I always find it funny how a main comm complaint is "not enough high tea events" or just nicer events in general, but when ever people seem to host them there's a huge lack of rsvps, or people say it's too expensive...at least in my comm.

Nicer events are going to usually be held at nicer establishments that need reservation notices and deposits and are probably going to be a bit more expensive.

It can't be both ways. You can't have high tea at the local historical hall or tea room for McDonald's dollar menu prices, or expect them to not want a count of attendance with a deposit at least a week beforehand. Stop bitching about nicer meets and either buck up or get out.

>> No.8148050

Look at it this way:

Weight can eventually be lost, people who dress poorly can be coached or improve naturally over time. But if your comm is composed of cunts or drama mongers it's much harder to turn things around. While it's not great if your comm doesn't look too good, I'll take a good, friendly community over a well dressed bitchy one any time.

Also, in group photos, you'll look that much better by comparison!

>> No.8148053


Goddamn this is actually pretty legitimate for once.

Good job sieg.

>> No.8148054

It always amazes me to hear how cheap lolitas can be when it comes to meets. Your outfits cost hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, yet I'm constantly reading about people dropping out of meet ups because of a 50 dollar cover charge.

>> No.8148056

Well you need some balls running around public places with a bunch of people who dress not just poorly but really attention grabbing and poorly.

>> No.8148057

can we just ban sieg already

>> No.8148059

I never wear a bra with my lolita dresses, and I'm not sure if people would be weirded out if they knew?? I have small boobs so it's not like it's noticeable, it just makes my dresses fit nicer and I don't have to deal with bra straps falling down my shoulders underneath my blouse, which happens to me all the time when I wear bras. Is this horribly wrong of me?

>> No.8148060

I'm one of those people who usually doesn't rsvp for those events because people in my comm don't seem to really "shop around" for good restaurants and tea houses, They just go with the ones that come off the tops of their heads which are usually the most expensive, when we have such a big variety I don't see the need to spend $50 on some tea and biscuits when I can look around and probably fins the same thing for $30 and similar/same quality.

We have 2 cities with so many options, one of which is exclusively Chinese cafe stuff and tea houses.

>> No.8148065

Not if you have small perky boobs. I usually just wear a bralette. I'm a 30D and have had no issues.

wear a bra when you're in a skirt and blouse though please.

>> No.8148067

I despair at my comm's inability to solve conflicts.

The last time there was a slight kerfuffle between seagulls on yours truly, it resulted in the comm leader quitting, unfriending some people, and an honest discussion started (which is good) but with no resolution of the issue that was discussed on /cgl/ or other pressing issues.

Something good could have come out of this discussion, and in all honesty, the kerfuffle was slight and even though I was mentioned, I wasn't offended at all.

>> No.8148069

>friend is also a lolita and helped me get into it
>talk about coords and shit
>she sows me her new skirt... it is ita as fuck
>can't say anything bad about it because I like her too much and she work so hard at it
>have to resist posting her, but will never do

>> No.8148092

>I don't want to be belong to a comm, I just want one or two friends who happen to like lolita so we can go out every now and then.
>Whenever I am looking through the sales and see a piece I really want or could really use, I have to stop myself from buying it on the spot because I have other things I have to pay for/buy first. Wish I could just buy what I wanted, but I'm just not there yet.
You and me both anon ! I want a bestie who I can annoy with new AP releases but can still go out drinking with on a regular day.

As for personnally
> I buy a lot of lolita clothes and accessories but rarely wear it. I think I almost like watching/having it in my closet as much as wearing it.
> I bought very sweet pieces I can't bring myself to wear because I'm afraid my teachers who have a high opinion of me will see me. Also I'm not sure I'm totally suited for it but damn I love those tacky pink dresses.
> I can't bring myself to seek a comm because despite trying to overcome this, I can't stand seeing teens/20something with incredible closets when I know they never worked in their life. I'm not even assuming this, I know it. I know I shouldn't judge but damn I wish I had half the chance they have, I try to be proud that everything I have, I paid for by myself but still.

>> No.8148103


> I buy a lot of lolita clothes and accessories but rarely wear it. I think I almost like watching/having it in my closet as much as wearing it.

I feel like I'm starting to become this way. A main piece's design has almost become like a sort of collectible artwork for me.

>> No.8148156

>she sows

>> No.8148227

>>friend is also a lolita and helped me get into it
>>talk about coords and shit
Not to be presumptuous, but if she was into it before you I'd bet money that you've just decided her item is ita because it's black and white or some shit when it's actually fine.

>> No.8148243

I feel this way. I think people that hoard dresses they'd never wear are weird, but I kind of hoard dresses I barely wear. 40 dresses and counting and I only wear lolita once every couple of months. I also know I would never wear sweet out, but I've started buying sweet pieces that I just try on in front of the mirror, sit around in for a while, then store in my closet. I need to stop doing that, even if so far I've only done it with Bodyline (I did nearly buy Milky Planet when the price started dropping, though).

I've also got a lot more brand recently (closet is now >50% brand), yet I only wear brand to large ILD meets, my country's whole-country once-yearly lolita event, and one convention which I stopped going to. So basically 2-3 times a year. I have to travel a long distance on public transport to go to meets, and most of my comm only wear nice Taobao/Bodyline anyway, so I don't usually feel comfortable wearing expensive dresses to meets. I don't wear them around the house because I'm really clumsy and often spill drinks on myself while in ordinary clothes, so wearing a brand dress means not eating or drinking for the whole time I have it on.

>> No.8148277

That's basically how I feel. I love seeing the dresses, ordering them, planning and saving to get them, waiting waiting waiting then finally receiving the package.

I unpack, it's bliss, I try it hastily with non matching tights/blouse then I decide which spot it will take in my closet and decide to not wear it right this day (because probably I was still in my casual clothes and had sweat). Then I mostly get lazy and don't wear it unless I go out and that doesn't involve something messy (which isn't much because when I go out it's mostly to get really drunk).

I don't have holidays because I work a lot, I do love wearing it inside my own flat though but since I also try to exercise almost daily, I end up always wearing practical clothes over cute ones :(

>> No.8148387
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There's a trip in my comm I really want to be friends with but I'm afraid she'll think I'm a stalker. She just seems like a genuinely nice person and I don't have many friends in the area. It doesn't really help that I can't into socializing because of anxiety and aspergers. I just don't know how to approach and make friends with people or know if I said the wrong thing. It makes me really paranoid that I fucked up something socially and can't ever speak to that person ever again.

>> No.8148399

Ung same. I've become one with the winter squirrels and it's supposed to get colder.

Those are usually pretty horrible. I can't believe that cons are doing allowing those sort of things into the programming.

>> No.8148588

I'm really nice IRL. Everyone calls me cute, kawaii, and some refer to me as their senpai/mentor

It gets too overwhelming so I come to CGL and BTB to bitch out everyone over the smallest things.

I'm probably not the only lolita that does this too haha

>> No.8148624

how does a comm even be strict on drama posting? how would they know if someone's posting anonymously?

>> No.8148629

There are several loud girls in my comm that everyone seem to adore, but I secretly loath them for being so annoying.

>> No.8148635

I also have anxiety and aspergers.
But I'd be flattered if I was approached by a fellow lolita who wanted to become friends.

>> No.8148641

There really aren't many places to do that these days, but I feel you. I have mixed feelings about being here because I'm a community mod. I can't exactly go to egl anymore and fb groups aren't any better. I try not to bring cgl up because a number of girls are young and of course, there's the stigma of 4chan.

I haven't gone to BTB in ages though.

>> No.8148644

Any hints at the trip? I feel like I know who you're talking about

>> No.8149146

You might, I'm pretty new to the comm she's in.

>> No.8149170

I feel this. I do what I can with my local comm activity-wise but also travel to a nearby comm that is more fun.

>> No.8149235


>> No.8149274

Lolita is my self-indulgent hobby, my guilty lazy pleasure. I don't want to be asked advice or help noobs or critique someone's coord, I want to have tea, go to fun events, travel, shop, gossip, maybe drink and just wear and look at lovely things and have a good time. All the 'improvement' and 'study' stuff that I see in the hobby feels very 'try hard' and boring. I know some people enjoy it so I'm not knocking it but it's really not for me.

>> No.8149293

I really miss ChineseGossip. She was such a nationalistic NEET cunt, but fuck that. She was funny and honest, if brutal. So many neo-Nazi vendetta-chans on this board, and she's the one who gets permabanned because she called a few people fat by Asian standards? Janitor-chan, you fat apologist.

I hope she comes back after she moves to another country; she did travel a lot.

Senpai, if you see this, I miss you. Fuck the haters. They're all ita messes anyway.

>> No.8149333
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After finally attaining my dream dress, nothing feels the same anymore and I'm slowly losing interest in lolita.

I've been trying to look for dresses that I like, but nothing sparks the same dokidoki feeling in my heart.

>> No.8149364

I've gained ten pounds, but only in my lower half and it hasn't affected my bust/waistline so I'm no motivated at all to lose it. I'll work out when I actually start to not fit in my clothes anymore.

>> No.8149368

time to find a new dream dress anon

its a vicious cycle

>> No.8149371

Two of my friends got into lolita less than a year ago, and they already have a wardrobe worth a couple thousand dollars. Meanwhile, I've been interested in the fashion for years, but only have two dresses. I don't have a job and hate asking my mom for money even though we're well off. But they just spend money willy nilly, forgoing eating or bills and using their parents money without a care. They refuse to get jobs or even just be responsible adults.

I love them, but fuck, I'm getting real tired of their constant bragging. They used to be so chill too. But giving up cosplay for frills changed them.

>i'm so fucking jelly tho

>> No.8149374

I'm trying super hard.
Stalking auctions and fb groups like a hawk, looking through archives for past dream dress threads to see what are the more popular dresses.
And I find a lot of nice things, just nothing that my heart cries for anymore.

for the record I got my dream dress over 5 months ago, and i've been feeling this loneliness since then.

>> No.8149380

I miss her too, she was funny as hell.

>> No.8149391

I find the whole 'dream dress' approach kind of limiting. One dress can't make or break my wardrobe. I think it's fun to chase certain dresses, sure but I think of it more as filling in a stamp card, or putting together a puzzle. My wardrobe has 3 'themes' based on elements and colors I like so fitting new main pieces in is always a challenge no matter the dress. Accessories usually need to match 2 things to be added. I'm thinking of developing 1 more theme this year to widen the scope.

>> No.8149398


She's on 9-1chan now.

>> No.8149409

Get all colourways of that dress

Or sell it and start over lol

>> No.8149414

I tried the half-chan but there's just not enough traffic. Shitposters like Sieg get to stay but I get permabanned? I'm always here but motivation to post has died. I miss you babes too. ;_;

I'm also upset GirlonSunday did not mention me by name in her cgl vid. Also bitch I did give you pointers. You have stereotypical panface slit-eyes. Get some eyelid tape/glue, and learn2contour.

>inb4 banned for vendetta again
>janitor-san ilu pls no

>> No.8149420

>wah wah why didnt she namedrop me
>please notice me girlonsunday-senpai

>> No.8149435

Woo, wb to posting, pls stay. Give us the latest news on what's up, what's popular, what's trending. It's been dull here w/o your posts. I came back and you were gone wtf, banned?!? Nope-nope.

>> No.8149442

But srsly when I saw that vid I was like lol she gone talk abt me and then she didn't. Especially since she namefagged or tripped in a thread where I was talking about her to reply to me.

Keeping in line with the thread, confessions.
>I can't stand this obsession with that baby dress with the 2 lace crosses. I never liked it to begin with but pentuplets really made me hate it. Not gonna name cuz VENDETTA but I think you all know.
>This 2HOLY4U thing with the veils and upwards faces is pissing me off majorly.
>That photoset on tumblr with the brown girl and the white girl with the baby cross dress and 2holy4u poses grinds my gears like nobody's business. I don't even know them but it pisses me off
>I want to go to glorious nippon and can afford to but fuck it wouldn't have enough to buy all the lolita I want on the trip. So it's trip or lolita and fuck I just wanna weeb out
>Rental house isn't kawaii enough and don't have access to glorious taobao to cheaply furnish it completely with my tastes
>CNY is suffering. Many hongbao is awesome but weight gain is not. Can't even buy lolita with hongbao because credit card debt. SS has not shipped my party glitter shoes(s?).
>Where is my celestial reservation
>Where is my imai kira reservation
>Drama about Chinese brand sankousan for ripping off pumpkincat and ista mori
>I don't even like the new red nameless poem but feel like I should buy it for collection purposes

>> No.8149472

After seeing so many photos of La Vie en Rose I feel that every one was OTT and I don't like OTT too much. I'm sorry but am I the one person who doesn't want to feel like a princess-princess with like feathers and flowers and gloves and the like? I guess I like simple coords. Is it normal to go OTT for a brand tea party or big event? Or is this the new 'normal' ?

>> No.8149519
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I tried on some of my friends dresses when she left me alone in her apartment.

She has a couple dresses that I've been wanting to buy for a while, but am unsure of how I'd look in them. I asked if I could try them on, and she got angry and complained that I'd probably rip them or stretch out the shirring too much.

>lol i'm smaller than you but okay

I was upset, so like a week or two later when I was over, I tried them on while she was gone. She'll never know, but I still feel a little guilty.

>but mfw i look cuter in princess wardrobe than she ever will

>> No.8149585

I hate the catholic nun trend

I just cringe so much when I see people wearing rosary as jewellery, Dresses with crosses all over them and the veils.

Its not even cute, Do people know what they are doing?

>> No.8149605

Why the fuck did you summon the devil? I'm sick of CGs stupid bitch rants and its strange how she disappears for weeks only to come back after someone name drops her. Pls gtfo and stay on half chan

>> No.8149607

I have mixed feelings about this trend.

On one hand, my mom's entire family is Catholic, and I grew up Catholic (I'm pagan now) and I've shown my mom some of the dresses (Nameless Poem, Maria's Catholic Nun, etc) and she honestly loves them and would love for me to do a OTT gothic coord with one.

But on the other hand, it's obviously a very popular trend and I don't really want to be part of a hive mind. And my bloomers get pretty rustled when people wear religious symbols as fashion statements without knowing what they mean or even caring about the religion.

>> No.8149608


I feel you both. My confessions are similar:
>busy with exams and my bachelor's thesis, no real time to wear lolita
>no money for lolita bc my boyfriend and I will move out this summer and need every cent. I don't know why I still bother stalking sales when I won't be able to afford anything this whole year
>living with my bf's parents in a tiny room, all my lolita stuff cramped, room is totally unloli, I just get depressed from this situation
>somehow getting a little distant from my boyfriend, he doesn't really approve of my lolita hobby bc it's so expensive and lately dropped something like "Why should I ever spend 2000 bucks on a short japan trip, I can buy a new PC for this money!" when this is my ultimate dream, but I'm not sure if he was just joking. I love him really much, but I don't know about the future. Maybe our whole situation is putting too much pressure on our relationship atm and everything will be better once we move out.
>also gained a lot of weight and don't fit any of my lolita clothes, struggle with losing it and I wonder if I should just quit it

>> No.8149612


>> No.8149620

I feel the same way :l it's one thing to be inspired by a theme or motif, but these are crossing the line and becoming more and more tacky.

>> No.8149638

I often don't wear a bra either, because of small boobs. Also because its winter, so im already wearing thin wool singlets under a blouse, under a jsk. So it doesn't show.

>> No.8149715

Aus comm?

>> No.8149913

>buy tickets for a lolita event for my sister and I
>1 ticket is +50€
>later sign up for becoming a host family for students coming from Japan to my university
>they changed the dates and students now arrive on the weekend of the event
>sister moves to another country and has no money for travel, so we decide to give the extra ticket to the japanese student
>ask japanese girl to dress nicely for the event
>she wears t-shirt, jeans and old sneakers
>sister's ticket wins a nice prize during the raffle and mine doesn't
>become resentful because I paid 50 damn euros for that damn ticket and feel entitled for the prize (a nice indie skirt)
>boyfriend calms me down by asking the japanese girl if she can "return" the skirt to us
>skirt now belongs to my sister

I am an asshole and a woman-child

>> No.8149938

Nah, you're not the only one. I've been involved in Lolita fashion for years, but I'm such a basic bitch when I coordinate an outfit or buy pieces. Being around a comm that normally dresses in the latest prints makes me feel like a total noob. I can understand that people want to go all out for a fancy event and support the hosting brand by getting coveted designs, but I think that it's OK to wear a more understated outfit (you might stand out more in a good way - I found that out when I met baby designers in a very old dress). I suppose better simple than its.

>> No.8149940

Fuck you phone.

>> No.8149946
File: 48 KB, 410x380, 3280384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I wanted CDC until I realised the horses just reminded me of MLP too much."

>I like MLP and own Day Dream Carnival, Crystal Dream Carnival, and Sugar Dream Dome
You caught me, anon.

>> No.8150084

>obsessed with lolita fashion since I was a kid
>never worn it
>not brave enough to crossdress
>collect images and make collage coords and dream

>> No.8150206

c-comm name?

>> No.8150214

That wasn't to me, but wow awesome advice, Sieg. I'm looking into that now.

>> No.8150217

What's your job? How'd you get it? Connects? Luck?

>> No.8150233

I loved the photos and they were inspiring for me to step up my game. But if you like to dress less OTT then no one is forcing you to be more fancy. But then no crying if you feel overlooked for being more plain. Styles change but there's plenty of variety in lolita always.

>> No.8150259

I've taken up a mix of bulimia and a boiled chicken breast diet to lose weight. Nearly 30 pounds in two months and counting. Let's do this. Stop being a fat, disgusting, grotesque fatty and try to be beautiful. You'll never be loved if you're fat, Anon. Lose it.

>love off the shoulder
>love veils
>fucking love unicorns
>want an iron-on unicorn emblem. I'd stick it to all my clothing items

>> No.8150268

Bulimia isn't a diet, you'll just rot your teeth and smell. Gross.

>> No.8150271

Nothing about your approach suggests you will be beautiful when you've reached your goal weight. There's a variety of ways to be ugly besides fat including bad teeth and skin flaps.

>> No.8150273

>boiled chicken breast diet

>> No.8150275

>mix of bulimia and [...]
She's apparently cutting 1500 calories per day without any mention of physical activity. Think about that.

>> No.8150330

I didn't. Last brand tea party for me was with Innocent World, and the designer loved the most understated dresses.

>> No.8150353


>> No.8150359

Flappy toothless unicorn purincessu
So kawaii, ne?

>> No.8150366

Begone tumblrina, board is 18+
If you are by some slim chance 18+, this is pretty pathetic.

>> No.8150368
File: 28 KB, 410x280, 7dc1ccc910c53a8a096f02c6483bb524_content_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wont loose weight from throwing up, trust me. My only result was shitty hair + pic related.

>> No.8150380

>a mix of bulimia and a boiled chicken breast diet
Bulimia isn't a diet, you stupid slut. I hope you have terrible teeth, GERD, and a heart arrhythmia. Fuck you for acting like my mental fucking illness is about being "beautiful".

>> No.8150383

>tax time
>check to see what profits were made from previous year investments
>it's over 20k
>tfw dual income no kids
>tfw no debt
>tfw saving at an early age and not blowing it on stupid shit.

tempted to spend it on dresses but it just doesn't seem worth it, it'd only leave me with a gnawing guilt of being too frivolous with my money.

>> No.8150390

Spend a bit, reinforce emergency savings/mad money fund if needed, re-invest the rest.
It's ok to spend a bit.
Once I had 10 brand pieces when I have a windfall or surprise gain, my first thought is travel.