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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 83 KB, 640x960, 11000885_10155247882555032_317829017509391599_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8143395 No.8143395 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about gijinka? Are they stupid? overly done?

Some people make some horrible OC but think they are creative a fuck.

>> No.8143396

what the fuck is this shit supposed to be

>> No.8143401

I...think it's toothless?

>> No.8143402

It's always shit. No exceptions.

>> No.8143423 [DELETED] 

Oh god it's Byndo. Ew.

>> No.8143431
File: 361 KB, 512x512, Z7HeRxU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit looks good to me. Byndo always does fun stuff.

>> No.8143430
File: 398 KB, 768x883, Ramen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like food gijinkas.

>> No.8143435 [DELETED] 

spill the beans anon, what did she ever do to you

>> No.8143530

gijinka's rarely look good because its usually just a shitty costume in the same colors as the character
but idk i really like this toothless. it's really cute.

>> No.8143593

>people in here thinking this doesn't look retarded
I mean I guess it's better than a kigu. But it's just so...dumb.

>> No.8143611

why does she have teeth

>> No.8143615 [DELETED] 

She's part of the Sellout Circle along with KO ahem....Kitsune Kid, and various others.

Her "ginjikas" are just her trying to bring sex appeal to things that don't need it. Like, who wants to make Toothless sexy?

Who wants to make Pokemon sexy with actual Pokemon? (We have Gardevoir for that!)

Fucking Ginjikas she makes are stupid and disgusting. She's so fucking full of herself.

>> No.8143619 [DELETED] 

>what did she ever do to you
So you mad she's making profit with her sexy gijinkas?

>> No.8143620

Toothless has teeth. He's kind of like a snake in that he has retractable fangs.

>> No.8143630 [DELETED] 

I will admit to having some respect for her with getting her betas to buy cosplay supplies for her. Ya she is selling out but at least its productive?

>> No.8143650

I think the number 1 issue I have with people cosplaying gijinkas is that they're often just cosplays of a drawing. And it's people anthromorphizing things for the sake of conveneince or appearance. Ultimately though they're not the worst trend in the world.

>> No.8143663

Does mecha musume count? Cus I've seen some nice musume

>> No.8143694 [DELETED] 

her betas? who what? why?

>> No.8143732

hmm....if someone cosplayed this would some sort of plastic strands look more realistic for the ramen hair?

>> No.8143768

Well, synthetic wigs are plastic strands.

>> No.8143888
File: 55 KB, 570x568, il_570xN.643672175_b6ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably just a basic kanekalon wavy wig andmaybe use some product to make it look more noodle-y.

A better color than this tho

>> No.8143911

What about kigu gijinka's. Are they only accepted because you look like a lard ass in them vs trying to be sexually appealing? I never see them being called out for their creativity.

>> No.8143919 [DELETED] 

Byndo is this strange enigma to me.
I've never met her, and I've never interacted with her, but the stories I've heard from close friends of mine who've dealt with her both in and OUT of cosplay make me never want to associate with her ever.

>> No.8144084

Spill it

>> No.8145382

That's because most people don't even consider kigus to be cosplay.

You are literally wearing pyjamas to a public place. Stop.

>> No.8145773

Saaaaaaame. But I know her real name. XD

>> No.8145796
File: 720 KB, 700x721, 48232391_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overdone. But I wouldn't mind seeing some original ideas or something outside of the many Pokemon ones.

It just seems lazy to find a shitload of the same gijinka but nothing of the actual canon versions of the characters.

>> No.8147323
File: 46 KB, 500x220, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why make Toothless sexy tho?

>> No.8147339
File: 172 KB, 600x379, toothless-quad-suit-costume-by-jessica-angus-monoyasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really need to ask yourself that question?

Also, how many cons has she worn this to? I feel like I've seen it multiple times.

>> No.8147432

that's a hiperlon wig, not kanekalon. -just feel like being a bitch

(really though I'd love for kanekalon wigs to come back - they weren't heat styleable but damn they looked more realistic than these new plastic pieces of trash)

>> No.8147614
File: 70 KB, 640x960, tumblr_mw0qxapvcP1qdsjqwo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why must we try to play god

>> No.8147634

I think I know what he's supposed to be and that makes it worse somehow

>> No.8147713

>creative as fuck

Please say this is a joke. If someone hasn't posted in the thread which character this was, I would have no fucking idea what it was. The number of good, "accurate" gijinka cosplays are in the minority, most of it is just slutified shit a la JNig. Most of the cosplayers doing them are fame-hungry cosgirls who want to be famous, because it's easy to stoop to basic T&A cosplays instead of hard work and accuracy.

>> No.8147716

I'm sure it's Crash Bandicoot lmao

>> No.8147931

I like gijinkas in drawing, like >>8143430 but not in cosplays. They look weird.

>> No.8147948

Arda has that one wig that already looks like ramen out of the bag. Perfect!

>> No.8147954

> The number of good, "accurate" gijinka cosplays are in the minority,

That's just Sturgeon's law in motion. No matter what genre, fandom or type 90% of it will be crap

>> No.8149408 [DELETED] 

As much as I'd love to reveal, I really can't. Most of was I know I was sworn to secrecy, and if I revealed any of it, jig would be up and I'd be in deep shit because they'd instantly know it was me.
All I can really say is the generic stuff. that she uses people until they've outlived their purpose and then she drops them, as well as her not knowing a damn thing about most of the shit she cosplays.

You ain't that special. I've never met her and I also know her real name. Relax.

>> No.8149428

I don't like everything about this costume but I do like it. I like how she used a lot of leather "armor" and some sort of helmet to represent the vikings in the movie.
What is going on with that background though?

>> No.8149455
File: 387 KB, 298x524, braplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of slutified shit and JNig, this is supposed to be Espeon.

>> No.8149468

to be fair Espeon is usually pictured as a belly dancer. And I think this one was based on that one famous pokemon gijinka artist everyone was cosplaying from a while back (forgot the name)

>> No.8149477

all of her gijinkas are belly dancers except for flareon

>> No.8149487

I feel like these days cosplaying as a regular version of a character is more unique,

>> No.8149496

in the thumbnail the head looked like a Haunter

>> No.8149509

Those boobs look so painful with them pushed out like that.

>> No.8149522
File: 13 KB, 236x347, 2512a27c9f645fe8a89f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be fair. Espeon isn't THAT desperate.

>> No.8149540

If it wasn't listed as espeon, it actually looks like a nice belly dancing costume

>> No.8149783 [DELETED] 

Her name is not Kelly?

>> No.8150039 [DELETED] 


I just wanna find her nudes


I was under the assumption it was Kelly also

>> No.8150041

Gijinka are fine when they're good, but most tend to be lackluster and/or sexualized for no absolute reason.

>> No.8150227 [DELETED] 


Diff anon here, her name is Kelly, but she goes by 'Kay'. She seems nice at first but honestly bitch is crazy. I personally can't stand most of her cosplays, because they're all over sexualized gender bent shit. It's disappointing because she's honestly got some skill and I feel like she just wastes it on stuff like that.

Sexy toothless really pissed me off too, because he's not a sexy character in the least bit. He's a little goof ball.

>> No.8150379 [DELETED] 

Kelly is fame hungry and crazy.

>> No.8150721

Wait, you think this costume/picture is sexualized? Boy, I have lot more to show you.

There aren't even any tummy or cleavage or butt here, even most of her legs and arms are covered.

>> No.8153414 [DELETED] 

Seconded. I've seen the crazy with my own two eyes.
Stay far away from that one.

>> No.8153415

I feel like a shit fuck for actually liking this. Purple is my favorite color so I can't help it.

>> No.8155531

Ew I saw her at Katsucon and the helmet thing she made just pisses me off because of how retarded it looks.

>> No.8155538

I think it goes in waves? First people all cosplayed the regular/canon version of characters, then because they want to stand out more they try something different or fandom-made. Then other people do so and everyone does the same fandom stuff.

Probably will take some time but after that people will realize cosplaying a good canon version of a character will bring them more attention nowadays.

>> No.8155569

What is this even supposed to be

>> No.8155948 [DELETED] 

but the crazy ones are the besets in bed!

>> No.8155984 [DELETED] 

But you have to deal with the crazy and clinging before and after. Not worth it.

>> No.8156873 [DELETED] 

Until she gives you some filthy venereal disease because it's fairly common knowledge Byndo sleeps around, or at least used to.

>> No.8156896 [DELETED] 

I only knew of her after she started hanging out with ko cosplay, so still new to her

>> No.8156911


>> No.8158804 [DELETED] 

So what happened with the guy she was dating? Zacloudseth? She hasn't posted about him in a while. Did they break up?

>> No.8159059 [DELETED] 

Very much so

Sorry, should have said genderbent. Most of her shit is sexualized and changed in ways that drastically differ from the actual character. I generalized.

Yea, they broke up. Good too, because he's actually a really great guy. She's got a new boyfriend now, and it's Arda's Photographer.

>> No.8159072
File: 511 KB, 900x860, 2010-11-12-343853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Designs vary, see pic. Personally I don't care, at least effort was put into the costume and it's not just a fleece hoodie. I hate those simple, fleece and tank top cosplays (see: Jnig's pikachu). I'm planning on doing a bellydancer-esque Espeon for Colossal. If I'm gonna be at a waterpark why wear a parka?

>> No.8159079
File: 250 KB, 800x1067, eDhoFET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this isn't supposed to be cowslips(pic related) holy fuck.

>> No.8159110

I don't think so, it looks drastically different, and there's a lot of belly dancer art out there. I'm actually hoping to have this outfit for Colossal, so here's hoping I do it justice.
Wooo, espeons at colossal!

>> No.8159164
File: 3.95 MB, 2589x2223, 2015-02-06-709010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw if you do >>8159079 at Colossal you'll seriously outshine me
O-okay then.

Lol in all seriousness it's not a big deal. I prefer creative designs, even if they're slutty, to the really plain ones you often see.

>> No.8159183


Arda, the wig company?

>> No.8159207 [DELETED] 


I had no idea they broke up but I'm glad because he does seem like a really cool dude and I would be sad if got AIDS.

>> No.8159250

They are overly done. A lot of them flashy with skin. I still don't care. If it is done well, I tend to enjoy them. By done well, I can recognize what or who it is suppose to be from a source material I know.

>> No.8159261

These are fantastic holy crap. That Leafeon and Arcanine. And i'm assuming top right is Chandelure? These are great inspiration omg. I might look into making some casual clothes based off of these.

>> No.8159313 [DELETED] 


Exactly. He's a legit nice guy and I know he dealt with a lot of shit going out with her because of her crazy.

>> No.8159328 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 868x782, Tribal belly dance group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never know! I used to work with a band as a belly dancer/sales girl and there are some really crazy and awesome things you can do for cloths. A lot of designs I see are usually really simple for belly dancing and gypsy themed stuff (I figure most people don't know better and just know of the basic bra costume you see everywhere) Pic related, though not cosplay.

I'm really excited to make espeon. I made Cowslips Vulpix last year and I love all the detail in the designs. Painting stuff for cosplay is also my favorite thing ever, so I really enjoy hand painting the fabric.

>> No.8159346 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 868x782, Tribal belly dance group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never know! I used to work with a band as a belly dancer/sales girl and there are some really crazy and awesome things you can do for cloths. A lot of designs I see are usually really simple for belly dancing and gypsy themed stuff (I figure most people don't know better and just know of the basic bra costume you see everywhere) Pic related, though not cosplay.

I'm really excited to make espeon. I've made some cowslip stuff before and I love all the detail in the designs. Painting stuff for cosplay is also my favorite thing ever, so I really enjoy hand painting the fabric.

>> No.8159348
File: 244 KB, 868x782, Tribal belly dance group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never know! I used to work with a band as a belly dancer/sales girl and there are some really crazy and awesome things you can do for cloths. A lot of designs I see are usually really simple for belly dancing and gypsy themed stuff (I figure most people don't know better and just know of the basic bra costume you see everywhere) Pic related, though not cosplay.

I'm really excited to make espeon. I've made some cowslip stuff before and I love all the detail in the designs. Painting stuff for cosplay is also my favorite thing ever, so I really enjoy hand painting the fabric.

>> No.8159354
File: 1.19 MB, 1005x800, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figure this is the kind of thread to ask this in... Can I have some feedback on this Sonic gijinka design? I was planning on altering it a little bit to begin with, I just wondered what other people thought of it.

>> No.8159364
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My design is very basic. I'm not very experienced and am making multiple cosplays for this con so I kept it simple... If you have experience making this kind of stuff I'd love some feedback in design/fabric choices of you wouldn't mind!

>> No.8159392

I don't get why her skirt is ripped.
I mean, when you have design classes for characters, you learn that everything must be there for a reason, so I'd probably modify that.

>> No.8159396


>> No.8159430 [DELETED] 

It looks cute! For the sheer fabric (veil/pants) I would recommend some sort of chiffon, Crepe georgette, or a sheer/light weight cotton. For all the heavier pieces, dupioni silk (which I love for the texture it gives), taffeta, cotton brocade, or rayon.

I would personally say shy away from anything overly shiny, like charmeuse or satin, just because that can make it lend into the bad costumey territory.

If you want to jazz it up without going crazy, try adding some more hip scarves and doing a lot of layering, or buy some jewelry (like long chain/coin necklaces) and draping it with the sleeves/bodice/under the top.

>> No.8159436

The design is cute, but really doesn't make me think sonic. I'm also with >>8159392, the ripped skirt makes no sense.

For the sheer fabric (veil/pants) I would recommend some sort of chiffon, Crepe georgette, or a sheer/light weight cotton. For all the heavier pieces, dupioni silk (which I love for the texture it gives), taffeta, cotton brocade, or rayon.

I would personally say shy away from anything overly shiny, like charmeuse or satin, just because that can make it lend into the bad costumey territory.

If you want to jazz it up without going crazy, try adding some more hip scarves and doing a lot of layering, or buy some jewelry (like long chain/coin necklaces) and draping it with the sleeves/bodice/under the top.

>> No.8159614
File: 46 KB, 400x400, 1412179936264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks drawn by a 5 year old. All I see is an excuse to wear cheap belly dancing shit. At this point you could walk into a club and be paid to dance in those. Normally perverts keep petplay in the bedroom, not public venues.

>> No.8159623

how to have fun at conventions:

avoid people that will piss you off (jnig clones, glompers, pervert photogs, sloppy drunks)

>> No.8159654 [DELETED] 

She also goes by K

(I'm one of her classmates)

>> No.8159945
File: 445 KB, 480x640, 2011-09-28-441252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gracias! I was thinking of opting for chiffon. Wasn't sure what to make the more solid pieces (bustier, bottoms). I was also planning on accessorizing it more. Thanks for the input!

Do you have a personal preference for buying sheers? Joann's selection of sheers is really limited. I was thinking of maybe using Syfabric or Fabrics.com. My friend proposed Amazon as well and some shops have pretty positive feedback but I've never bought fabric off of Amazon.

Pic unrelated, it's Xatu.

>> No.8159953

What is the difference?

>> No.8159956

Source? Is there any more
This are perfect

>> No.8159972
File: 631 KB, 340x800, 20140909003355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist's name is Katagiri Hachigou.

>> No.8160027

I like her Eevee costumes, think they're pretty

except for her Slyveon
it's utter garbage.

>> No.8160035

I like the art style
but the skirt makes no sense. Just change it out with something like soffe shorts.

I also wouldn't keep the turtle neck wtf
and then make the bandana either white or red (to match his new outfit) and use a more spikey wig instead of curly, but I like the length

>> No.8160446

this is bothering me a lot but, what Pokemon is the bottom middle white and orange one supposed to be? I've looked through every regular and shiny pokemon to see if i could figure it out but the only guesses i've made are shiny Chandelure and Metagross and both of those are probably wrong. I can't figure it out at all and I really like the design.

>> No.8160460

Victini, maybe? Not sure, though

>> No.8160748

Sandslash possibly?

>> No.8160774

I think it's the orange Chandelure. The eye color matches