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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8138520 No.8138520 [Reply] [Original]

We haven't had one in a while, so post casual jfashion. Selfposts very welcome!
Jfashion styles guide:

>> No.8138639
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Rip it apart like always gulls. one day I'll get it right. I'm aging pretty fast though so maybe I wont. Gettin too old for this shite

>> No.8138643
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>> No.8138654

I think this would look better with over the knee socks, if you can manage to get some.

>> No.8138655


sooooo cute :#

>> No.8138659


I like the top but the bottom seems oddly simple as compared to the top. Maybe adding some pleats would help add some interest.

LOVE THIS, love it to death.

>> No.8138666

Looks good! A white bow on the beret would be really cute, though. Also seconding the otks.
Needs a burgundy hair accessory. Also not loving the navy/ black (I'm assuming those tights are black) here but overall it's cute. I'd wear white tights to match the blouse.

>> No.8138683

So far I haven't found any domestically that don't roll down my thighs, but I admit I haven't tried the special no-roll types. Does anyone have any experience with that sock glue that's supposed to keep that from happening?

Omg adding a bow would be super easy. And yeah I wondered about navy and black (kinda like how brown and black working together is tough to achieve). I have white thigh highs...and even burgundy tights but I wonder if that'd be too much being right next to the navy and all. Next time I wear the outfit I'll see.

>> No.8138704

I have socks from a ton of places and the otks that always stay up for me are from Daiso of all places. Despite being $1.50 they never roll down and they're really opaque. I'm also 168cm tall with a proportionately long inseam and they hit mid-thigh.

>> No.8138747

I use sock glue, it's basically magic, buy some it's great, it even works on my giant fat ass thighs

>> No.8138815

They're kind of pricey, but the ones from american apparel fit really nicely if you're having trouble finding sock glue or socks that stay up.

>> No.8138900

Looks a bit too costume-y for me but maybe it's just the blouse. The black tights with navy look a little off too.

>> No.8140815
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>> No.8143301
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>> No.8143304
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>> No.8143312
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>> No.8143316

Those boots, hnng. I love them

>> No.8143343
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Also risking selfpost. Forgive messy hair, I fixed it afterward. Thought this miss selfridge op would be nice for days with a mild lolita influence. Bit short though....

>> No.8143365

isn't this a cosplay? i recognize it from an anime but i don't remember which one

>> No.8143367

you're cute as fuck.

>> No.8143374

Are you blind?

>> No.8143380

...that eye in the middle of the donut bothers the fuck out of me.

>> No.8143385
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No, I just like black women more than white women. Fuck off back to pol.

>> No.8143484

A few buttons extra of Tamako Market.

>> No.8143486
File: 59 KB, 848x480, 1410633257753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professional victim
Gamergate detected
Go away

>> No.8143495

>no dye
>posts girl with dyed hair
Men are idiots, they think if the roots aren't showing and the colour is natural = real hair
Guys genuinely thought I was a ginger when I had really loud orange hair and dark blonde eyebrows
Top kek

>> No.8143508

well men also think natural makeup is "no makeup". Maybe if they would groom themselves more they'd understand.

>> No.8143544

I'm not a guy, but I'm also not seeing the dye. How can you tell?

Even for a black woman, she isn't that cute. Better quality picture would help immensely though.

>> No.8143575

Sock dreams has some pretty standard looking socks that don't roll down. Hella expensive though.

>> No.8143590

W-would you happen to remember where you got that OP and blouse from? ;_;

>> No.8143632

Thanks for the suggestions anons. I couldn't see how sock glue actually worked so I had my doubts but wow I'll track some down. There's no Daiso anywhere near me (midwest) but there is an American Apparel a busride away so

I love this. The red thing is an awesome blend of skanky and cute lol. It'd probably look really bad short legs though (like mine, sad)

The dress was from Forever 21 years ago (I think I got it in 2012?). Blouse was thrifted, so sorry I can't help there.

>> No.8143659

mra's are so fucking creepy and delusional.

>> No.8143678

this is adorable, i actually like the knee socks

>> No.8143687
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I love this thread

>> No.8143690
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>> No.8143693
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>> No.8143699
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>> No.8144283
File: 14 KB, 236x354, f3cc97bc167e4e3209b53143cc16d8a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have good romper/short outfits saved? I just won this and am looking forward to spring/summer.

>> No.8144284
File: 167 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mcjczsuYVt1rswou8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anon that is incredibly adorable! I will sift through my folders to find some relevant pics

>> No.8144291
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>> No.8144293
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>> No.8144563

If you're going to be shelling out $$$ for American Apparel socks...don't. Unless they've changed stuff, last time I went there their socks were like $15-20 a pair and really scratchy acrylic. For those prices Sock Dreams sells socks that are 60, 75% cotton depending on the sock you get and soft, and unless your thighs are over 25 inches will cover your entire damn leg. And I think they might still do free domestic shipping. They sell sock glue, too.

>> No.8144566

i kinda dig the layering in this photo

>> No.8144569

Huh, isn't this of Hidamari Sketch?

>> No.8144608
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>> No.8144611
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>> No.8144618
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>> No.8144624
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>> No.8144627
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>> No.8144633
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>> No.8144641
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>> No.8145408

That's adorable anon, can you tell me where you got the dress from?

>> No.8145743
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I was just on the site and they do have sock glue and the free shipping. I found pic related which is out of stock and probably wouldn't work in jfash but I still think they'd look badass haha...
>requesting outfits with thigh-high garters

It's actually a dress from the local Target and I made the sailor collar and bow to add myself. The collar is cotton stretch sateen and detachable via snaps so it can be washed separately.

>> No.8145774

it would be really cute with a matching red belt or bow or something along the waistline

>> No.8145901

This is pathetic. I wonder if men who think like that are all permavirgins with a beta personality that want a pure waifu.

>> No.8146322

Am I the only one besides this anon that thinks this isn't j-fash and is just plain cosplay? The material/design screams cosplay to me.

>> No.8146336

I see it more like school uniform than jfash or cosplay. Not everything has to be put into strict categories though. Anime characters can wear jfash so the lines can blur.

>> No.8146351

It's not cosplay. Blockier colors don't mean something is automatically not fashion.

>> No.8146370

But compare it to OP's image. It has blocky colors but it's clearly j-fash, while anon's has blocky colors but looks like something out of BodyLine. Maybe the fit's throwing me off.

>> No.8146389

It's probably the lack of details and simpleness that's making you think that. (Like the white details and socks OP has)

>> No.8146768


>> No.8146780

It doesn't look like jfashion to me, either. Reads very costumey and looks cheap, imo.

>> No.8146814

I honestly think this would be better without a petti, which is a very rare statement coming from me

>> No.8146833

I'm not sure where you're getting the cheapness vibe from such a low-quality picture. I assure you irl it looks better. I don't know what the material is called but it's that textured thick polyester-spandex blend sometimes used in women's jackets or blazers. I mean sure it's from F21 but it's no worse than any taobao thing. The shirt is also a little transparent and has thin line opaque details going down the sleeves.


>> No.8146838
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I actually went and found the dress, but it's sold out. http://www.forever21.com/product/product_oos.aspx?br=f21&category=whatsnew_app_dresses&productid=2015752359&variantid=

And found some cute outfits featuring it.

>> No.8146843
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>> No.8146851

The buttons look cheap to me (big, droopy, useless) and the blouse looks poorly fitted. Mintkismet's outfit looks loads better because the fit looks a lot better.
I think the way you paired it with a white blouse and red bow just reads too anime for me. Her's is still jfashion-y without seeming like a costume.

>> No.8146878

Well, it's definitely made to fit better on less stubby people. It's going to naturally look better on her since she has more of a jfash-appropriate body. Thank you for the input though. However I suppose I like the "cosplay" aesthetic still so I'm gonna keep the blouse and bow. Simple colors and shapes and contrasting colors and all that.

>> No.8146909


This is the same dress that I found an anon years ago secondhand. I believe they were Canadian and couldn't order it directly. Such a cute dress, I hope they were happy with it.

>> No.8146934
File: 653 KB, 681x1210, 2015-02-26 00.44.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also risking self post because I always feel awkward asking for concrit for casual outfits

>> No.8146944

ADORABLE! Get rid of the necklace though I think. >>8145901
Wait those are serious? I thought they were just kidding around...

>> No.8146950

It's not (at least mostly) serious. But cgl has a really bad joke detector.

>> No.8146969

japanese pastel goth/grunge is also a part of jfash jsyk

>> No.8146972

No, you're not. If I saw someone wearing that I'd wonder to myself why someone would want to dress like an asian FOB

>> No.8146974

Ah purity... It's either mind or body, but never both. Mostly neither tough.

>> No.8146981

I remember that!

>> No.8147854
File: 81 KB, 580x580, m_54e929715a49d00e0801066d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone's been looking, here's another, but it's size L. Seller states no defects to her knowledge.


>> No.8148070

What's the diff between FOB fashion and "true" fashion...?
>let's face it it all looks pretty costumey to everyone else

>> No.8148073

True *asian fashion

>> No.8148135
File: 65 KB, 520x350, randoseru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to incorporate randoseru into fashion? My inner weeb bought one on impulse since it was cheap. However, I'm not sure what to wear it with and I'm tempted to just sell it.

>> No.8148155

Aha that was me, and I was! It was a bit big for me. I'm not sure what happened to it though, it disappeared out of my closet. I'm hoping it just fell somewhere.

>> No.8148159

Sailor and school girl outfits would be fine

>> No.8148160

imo that red always looks pretty cute with navy blues, emerald greens, golds, etc. which are all pretty prominent in jfashion. Schoolgirl-esque stuff is all over the place now and pretty easy to coord. Sailor stuff would also work.
Otherwise I would totally buy it off you.

>> No.8148201


Thanks for the suggestions. I feel like I'm a little too old looking for school girl outfits though, so perhaps sailor outfits with the colors >>8148160 suggested. Or at least I don't look like I'm 15.

I may sell it on eBay if I find I have nothing to wear it with. There are cheap used ones all over the place, though mine was brand new so it cost a bit more.

>> No.8148237

Cheap? Where did you get yours from, Anon?

>> No.8148284
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I love sunflowers so much. I'm so excited to get this dress soon hmmmnnnhhh

>> No.8148291


Thanks guys. I do have a stretchy red belt but should have worn it over the bolero or something

>> No.8148379

eBay user kegorekokegoreko. It was an auction but it seems all she has up now are "Buy It Now" items. I don't mean it was dirt cheap, just cheaper than what I believe the average price of an authentic randoseru is.

>> No.8148382

I want to see fab coord without skirs so I can make new looks!

>> No.8148398

I'm absolute weeb trash but if I had that dress I would finally have an excuse to buy that Hamtaro backpack I've seen around cons. Sauce?

>> No.8148736

it's HMHM, anon-chan

>> No.8148805

Cute! I like the necklace actually.