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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8131320 No.8131320 [Reply] [Original]

We have a con/roomie horror story thread, so why not have a thread about good con stories.

>> No.8131531

>go to con
>qt gril brushes her hand on mine

Best con ever

>> No.8131566

>go to con
>don't get called a rapist
was ok

>> No.8131568

>room with random seagull
>not raped/murdered/stolen from

Good con.

>> No.8131575

>con last year, literally only have money budgeted for cheap food because I spent a lot on my costume
>get invited out with some friends I knew online, they're all middle-aged women and a gay guy
>they take me to Red Lobster so I get the cheapest thing I can afford
>in the end one of them offered to pay for my food and the rest of them gave me their leftovers

I showed up at my friend's room party with a giant box of seafood, it was great.

>> No.8131616


>> No.8131639

At otakon 2014
Got to meet this homeless guy named loyed.
Bought him food. And i Bought him an alpaca. And we did calculus on a dounut box in nail polish. He was chill.

>> No.8131736

>went to a con with a friend
>he pretended to be my boyfriend
>every chance I got when he was away I'd hit up random guys asking them if they wanted to cheat with me
>only one actually had the balls to give me his room number and spare key
Fucked his brains out, though I still laugh at how beta 99% of con-attenders are.

>> No.8131882

Go to a con and room with a girl I liked.
I confessed to her.
She says she liked me
She gives me head Saturday night while everyone else was in the rave

>> No.8131897

That's certainly one way to meet a certain kind of guy.

>> No.8131932

Anyone got the blacksmith stories?

>> No.8131983

The only beta in that story is your friend going along with being a fake boyfriend so you can get laid

>> No.8131987

He was in on the gig too and got laid for asking girls exactly what I was asking dudes.

>> No.8131989

Congrats, you're an asshole hunting other assholes

>> No.8131991

>giving kissless virgins the chance of the lifetime
>hurting other assholes
Ummm no. It was a one-night stand and he knew it.

>> No.8132176

Went to Seagull meetup at con, left with all possessions/organs intact. Went better than expected.

>> No.8132196

>get into fandom years late
>no merch
>go to con
>merch everywhere
>buy 5 prints
>buy over a dozen buttons
>buy a tee shirt
>buy a dozen key chains
>cry and drown in slightly obscure fandom merch

>> No.8132202

Yeah, cons are sometimes a little blast-from-the-past in terms of merch and cosplay. Makes sense though, since most people aren't to throw out their inventory and costumes after just one season.

>> No.8132220

It was crazy, especially since it wasn't even a show, but a tiny little video game that got famous on tumblr
But I was still so pumped

>> No.8132225

Was the video game Off perchance?

>> No.8132262

Yes, yes it was
I got into the fandom about a year and a half ago and fell in love with it

>> No.8132306 [DELETED] 

>go to con
>no niggers

>> No.8132440

should not have laughed as much as i did

>> No.8132686

I feel terrible for laughing

>> No.8132992
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>Be me at con
>Cosplaying the armored titan
>Link cosplayer gets his m&m'a in the machine
>See this happen tell himto move away, I got this
>back up and get a running start
>ram the vending machine, m&m'a fall out

>> No.8133000

Holy fuck this is why I don't like using tablets for greentext

>> No.8133002

>go to con
>didn't die

Wasn't bad.

>> No.8133105

>Staying with friends of a friend's friend
>Nervous to room with strangers for the first time.
>Me and the be come up to the hotel room with our suitcase and everyone in the room comes to help us unload the rest of the car.
> They brought a hot plate and pan and made soup, rice, spam, and bacon and shared with everyone.
>They brought a PS4 and we all played games
>Everyone cheered for me when I won the costume contest and came in with my prize.
>Everyone's car died in the parking garage but mine and we all actually had a blast driving around and jumping them all.

It was the best con experience of my life. I hope to room with them again.

>> No.8133126
File: 1.25 MB, 350x265, tumblr_myvd97MnWX1qb5gkjo8_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sad because no money to go to a big con the week before
>Local con that weekend is the only thing I can afford
>Friend offers me room for dirt cheap, expecting a tight packed room
>Get to the room and see there's only 5 people and two beds
>Find out half the room bailed and didn't ask for money back
>Go down to the con and see almost all the best cosplays from the big con
>Waiter at Ruby Tuesday comps salad bar and strawberry lemonade
>Friend's mom offers to pay for dinner as long as we pay tip
>Go back to room and find out the couple is staying at another room the whole weekend to catch up with other friends
>Bed all to myself and everyone in the room was great

EVERYTHING was better than expected

>> No.8133558

Bad turned good con story:
>having sex morning of day one
>I was on top when something goes "splorch" and I immediately stop
>bf asks what's wrong
>I tell him to get me to the bathroom because I was having level 10 cramps and I might hurl from the pain
>he loads me up with pain killers and I tell him I'm well enough to go to con
>I spend the next three days with constant level 7-10 pain
>I have an intense fear of hospitals but would go if I actually thought I was dying
>anyway, bf was really patient since a 90y/o with a walker could move faster than me
>obviously couldn't handle cosplaying in this condition

>last day I wake up and the pain was completely gone
>get into cosplay just with flats instead of heels
>Godzilla asks for a selfie with me
>got tons of photos of great cosplayers
>found a load of old pokemon toys that I collect
>got to hang out with a great silk specter cosplayer and her bf
>basically got to actually be social with people without wondering if my insides were being petrified

Probably not the happiest story, but after 72hours of constant agony, that last painless day was the best day of my life.

>> No.8133624

>something goes "splorch"
What the hell was it?

>> No.8133633

>be AX Staff last year
>manning the Project H line
>accidentally backhand a guy as I'm waving people by

>> No.8133672
File: 1.13 MB, 352x232, Giffany_happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waiting in line for autographs from Jennifer Hale and David Hayter.
>Wearing Foxhound bag.
>Con had brilliant idea of setting up receiving line type line for video game autographs.
>Forced to go through ALL the guests before you can get to the ones you want.
>Retards in front of us keep talking to Victor Lucas and all the other uninteresting EP Daily/Electronic Playground ppl leaving all the actual Video Game people empty.
>Line taking forever.
>Hayter pulled away for press interview.
>Panicking he wont come back in time before I reach the front of the line.
>More minutes go by still waiting.
>Girl managing line noticed how ppl are taking too long and offer to jump ppl in line if they are willing to skip EP Daily ppl.
>No one wants too.
>Hayter still not back and if I go I will skip past him too if he was to come back.
>Oh well Hale just as good so put up my hand and jump the line.
>Meet Hale talk to her a bit and noticed from corner of my eye Hayter slowly coming back behind me.
>Turn to him as he is sitting down and smile waving and pointing to my Foxhound bag.
> He yells out "FOX!?" And then calls me over having me bump in front of people next in line asking. Hayter even asked them if they would mind waiting so he could see the lovely lady first.
>Talks to me the whole time as Snake and signs my bag while I try not to spill my spaghetti.
>Leave line with huge fucking smile on my face.
>Hour later come back around expo hall and the ppl who were waiting in front of me still there waiting and session about to close.
>Damn I got lucky.

This experience taught me to always say yes when given opportunities by staff. Also talk nicely to the people managing lines/booths. Always scores you invites to more private events at cons like PAX.

>> No.8133806

>go to con

>> No.8133815

>comfy pb from adventure time cosplay
>notice a little boy as finn with his older sister as jake
>hear him begging her to ask me for a picture
>she wanted him to man up and ask
>little boy was too shy, got upset
>walked over and asked them for the picture
it's lame but the kid was really really happy and called me princess and ran off smiling. felt good man

>> No.8133848

fantasy general? lul

>> No.8133894

No fucking clue. It's been about a year and it hasn't happened since. Also the crippling fear of hospitals and debt haven't encouraged me to figure it out.

>> No.8133902

you are one stupid fucking person if you havent already had that checked out.

>> No.8133906

Uhh... crippling fear or not, that's kinda a bad thing to hear. Or maybe it was just your period or something.

>> No.8133937

I also feel terrible for laughing...

I laughed at this much more than I probably should have... i'm not embarassed

I have accidently backhanded more people as a staffer at many conventions than i'd like to realize or admit to...

>> No.8135588


>> No.8135592

bumping for relevant interests

>> No.8136854

spam and rice... Hawaii?

>> No.8137455

>go to con
>ask a cosplayer girl to have sex
>she said yes

>> No.8138161


>> No.8141730

Something similar happened to me, minus hearing a "splorch." Was banging bf in missionary and right after he came I had horrible pain and cramps and started throwing up. I was a manager at Blockbuster (lol) and it was the first time I was opening alone, so I dragged my ass out of bed, popped some Tylenol, and went to work. I was hurling in the trash can in front of customers, and I finally had to call someone in.

At that point I was throwing up bile and extremely dehydrated, but couldn't even put a wet paper towel in my mouth without vomiting; my body was having none of that shit. Get to the ER, wait 2 hours before even getting triaged, until I got so weak I couldn't even sit up anymore and kept trying to lay on the floor, and my mom yelling at me how disgusting that was finally called attention to me.

The took my blood pressure and it was super-low, which is why I was close to fainting. I was bleeding internally, and they got me a bed, put me on a heart monitor, and IV fluids (the nurse said I was bone-dry dehydrated). Apparently I was just shy of needing a blood transfusion.

They gave me a pain shot and I don't remember specifics, but I had an MRI and ultrasound, and they finally said that it was an ovarian cyst that had ruptured and caused internal bleeding. After I was re-hydrated, they sent me home and told me to take iron supplements. Was and have been fine since then.

But holy shit that was some serious pain. I could barely stand upright.

>> No.8142759

>Youmacon 2014
>first con ever
>be shitty AoT cosplayer #5863
>like cobbled together in two day held together with duct tape bad
>in Cobo, on the way to the people mover to meet friends in the Ren. Center
>Area I was in was almost completely deserted
>hear random people calling from floor above
>assume it wasn't aimed at me and move along
>suddenly hear it again
>turn around, see two girls on the floor above (area had an open ceiling) staring in my direction
>look around to confirm that I was the only person they could possibly be referring to
>they both whip out their phones and take the pictures from where they were standing, while I try to strike a pose and not look like a complete dumbass
> they both run towards the escalators and meet up with me about half a minute later
>they both snap their pictures, thank me for letting them take a picture, then they both go about their merry way
>leave the encounter confused and pleasantly surprised

I know it wasn't much, but that honestly made my day

>> No.8142762

Sorry about the typo

>> No.8142770
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> mfw I've done that
Ever been on another floor only to a cosplayer you want a picture of just walk away, never to be seen during the con again? Better to shout than to lose the opportunity.

>> No.8142827

Holy shit anon, that sounds so awful. Hope you never have to go through that again. I had an ovarian cyst once, but it wasn't nearly as bad as yours sounds. Unfortunately, it happened when I was about 13 years old, in the middle of church. I was mostly just terrified, since I had no idea what was going on, and my friends had to practically carry me out.

>> No.8142847

>friends getting bored at a con one evening
>decide to go to "Vocaloid Musical"
>we figure it might be ok cause there's a long line
>end up chatting with three other girls in line
>they seem super sweet
>finally get into the room and sit next to them
>musical begins
>it's BAD
>technical difficulties everywhere, bad lip-syncing, no discernible plot
>at one point the prop tree just falls the fuck over in the middle of a song
>all of us lose it laughing
>stick it out for the whole ordeal, mocking the whole thing in whispers with the girls next to us
>we spend the rest of the con hanging out with the girls we met
>keep up with them over facebook after the con
>years later and they're still the best con friends I have

>> No.8142877

>cosplaying as haruhi with roommate as kyon
>both of us have similar personalities to the characters so we can be 'in character' naturally together
>go to meet up with friends
>one friend sees me, jaw drops
>"holy shit anon, I didn't realize how much you remind me of haruhi. I'm worried you might be a god now"
>everyone loves my cosplay
>super fun
>gain fanboys over it
>best friend ships roomie and me because of how cute we were
>roomie and me getting closer
>doing couple cosplays left and right
>gonna do haruhi again in a month for a con
>super excite
I've never been so happy and excited to cosplay!

>> No.8144929

Well I won't argue that.
My parents were basically new age faith healers so I grew up with no idea what warranted a doctor/hospital visit. Didn't help that my first hospital visits as an adult ended with them saying "we don't know what's wrong so go home and take a Tylenol".
I'm learning as an adult.

>ok actually on topic
I have a MLP cosplay I've worn to a few cons. For every gross dude asking for pictures and making inappropriate comments I'd get three little girls who would tell me I was a beautiful unicorn.
Those kids give me life.

>> No.8144989

>go to Dragoncon with husband and babby
>wear matching tshirts
>get lots of compliments and pictures