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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8131019 No.8131019 [Reply] [Original]

All right, now that it's only a week away and they've finally posted the schedule, let's have another Kami-Con Season 7 thread!

Which guests are you excited to see?
Which panels do you plan on attending?
What do you hope they're doing differently this year?
Will you brave the crowd at the nearby Subway in order to see anime characters ordering sandwiches?

(Also, disclaimer: I'm not staff, I'm just a random congoer, so don't ask me staff-type stuff.)

>> No.8131023
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Schedule for Friday and Sunday

>> No.8131027
File: 1.61 MB, 2100x1650, Kami-Con_S7_Saturday_11x17_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schedule for Saturday

>> No.8131172

>Will you brave the crowd at the nearby Subway in order to see anime characters ordering sandwiches?

This year, my group is bringing most of our own food but yes, we will brave the subway crowd as well.

>> No.8131197

Lol, right after making this thread, I went on the FB page and saw their announcement about food. If the BJCC concessions prices aren't too outrageous, I might do that. Maybe one night go to the nearby block of restaurants that just opened up and splurge on a nice dinner.

>> No.8131893

I am just gonna eat before I come and after I leave.

>> No.8131960

>splurge on a nice dinner
Thinking about doing this as well. Usually just go for what's every cheap but a nice meal at a con wouldn't hurt.

Everyone got their cosplay's ready? Still working on one of mine.

>> No.8131972

No but mine is super close to being done.
I'm more worried about my friends whose costume is prob gonna end up looking bad and I'll have to listen to her whine about it

>> No.8132021


>> No.8132672

I'm hoping to check out the Godzilla Kaiju panel, and also check out the one on voice acting. I'll also be practicing my cosplay photography, doing hallway shots and hopefully a couple of photoshoots of friends. See you guys there!

>> No.8133688

Cool, my Intro to Origami panel is at 5pm Friday, come by and check it out! Maybe my first panel won't be a complete disaster.

Also, "Feminism in Anime". Thats gonna be a fun panel.

>> No.8135716
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Cool, I've been wanting to see the schedule.

Any panel attendance has to be juggled with floor time as 501st. But I should be able to get some in. Might even wear an alternate costume when I can.

>> No.8135753


Wanted to come to you panel anon but I'll be in the artist ally hunting down dbz stuff to get signed by team four star for a good friend. Good luck with your panel.

>> No.8135942

Who are the guests?

>> No.8135958


>> No.8136950

luigi party... what is that

>> No.8136962

OP here. Nice to see some more replies. I honestly thought the thread had fallen off the board.

It's one of the events that has to do with this year's storyline. According to the website, it'll be "live checkers". So, I'm guessing human chess, but the game is checkers instead. Dice will also somehow be involved. Checkers is my jam, so maybe I'll participate.

They've got some good VA guests, but they're not ZOMG MAH FAVES, so I'll have more freedom with my schedule this year (unlike last year, when my whole time at the con revolved around the appearances of the Bebop crew).

Can't wait to take pictures of people!

>> No.8138859

Is it wrong to want to bang their mascot?

>> No.8140115

not at all, anon. not at all.

>> No.8141107

Hey, new schedules

>> No.8141155

...which one?

>> No.8142097
File: 1.64 MB, 2100x1275, KamiS7_Schedule_Page1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soo many panels i want to go to!
I love Kami-con.

Also, it changed to "Feminism in Media"
I just can't wait.

>> No.8143494

If everyone done with their costumes yet? I just have i style my wig (which I am sadly not in love with)

>> No.8143528

I procrastinated too much, so no new cosplay this year. I don't really want to wear the same cosplay three years in a row, but, it's the only decent one I have...
Kinda bummed and disappointed in myself.

>> No.8143532

A mascot is fine, too.

I'm kinda bummed about the Yaoi Panel getting the axe. I guess I'll still go to the Hentai Panel, and then...play some Cards Against Humanity?

I might do some of the story stuff, once I get the program guide and get some clarification.

Also, I hope the Feminism panel fucking bombs. A con a fun place, bullshit real world politics don't belong there.

>> No.8143649

I just finished my last one today. No sewing the day before the con this year for me.

>> No.8143656

Are you me?

>> No.8145204

I'm leaving for the con tomorrow and I'm terrified IM going to forget half of my cosplay haha

>> No.8145247
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>Feminism in Anime

>> No.8145372

Apparently they want more yaoi.

>> No.8145586

Now that you mention it, I'm kinda sad the yaoi panel's canceled.

Hopefully Team 4star's over 18 show makes up for it.

>> No.8147836
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>pushback against the feminism in anime panel

Great, you're giving them an excuse to claim you're victimizing them by complaining on the internet.

Perfect Catch-22. If you speak against them, you prove their point that women are victimized and silenced. If you don't speak against them, they win by default because they're unchallenged.

>> No.8147885

If you find the feminism panel offensive or upsetting after you go to it. Send the con an email afterward and let them know so they don't allow more panels like that.
The con itself might have felt pressured to allow the panel because of what it is too. Maybe they didn't want the panel, but felt they'd get a huge back lash if they denied it without, what an SJW would consider, 'good reason' (such as, many people were upset by a previous feminism panel)

>> No.8147899

Might go if nothing else in the time slot sounds fun. I'm concerned I might try arguing with the panelists. That would end badly.

Being irritated that it exists without seeing its content is an over-reaction.

>con felt pressured
inb4 it's run by a staff member.

>> No.8147922

As much as I want to go, Laugh Out Loud is at the same time. I'd much rather be laughing at improv, than at the failure of a feminism panel.
I do really hope someone records it though.

>> No.8147963

You realize con staffers are usually random volunteers that only meet a few times a year and most of them couldn't point the owner of the con out in a crowd right?
Even if it is run by a staff member, the con could still feel pressed because of the subject and how bat shit stupid insane the loudest feminists are. They are pretty much tumblr SJWs at this point.

Maybe if there is no interest in the panel they won't host another like it?

At the same time, it might be a relatively safe panel? Who knows?

>> No.8147973

This is my first convention that's actually interesting, so I'm really excited! I also hope I can meet a few seagulls... I've never been, so how is it? Anything I need to avoid or be aware of?

>> No.8148276

>con staffers are random volunteers

Kami's a bit different. Most of their staff are recruited from a university of Alabama student club. Those fuckers have armbands and know each other. The random volunteers have badges instead. Usually they watch doors.

I think you get in free if you volunteer for a certain number of hours or something.

>be aware of

Know where your next meal is coming from. Finding food at the BJCC can get difficult, finding affordable food is worse. I think they'll have some concessions this year that they didn't have last year, but >>8131172 and >>8131893 have the right idea.

Figure out somewhere to leave your stuff before the rave. The staff is hella picky about bags.

Cosplay prejudging is first-come, first-served. Get there early if you want a spot.

Con games are tons of fun. Dealers room is usually cool. They showed some fucking crazy shit at the hentai panel last year. Little Kuriboh & Aaron Paboner are great on stage.

Try to get a good bit of time out in the halls, checking out cosplays and chatting with people. That's probably more fun than 80% of the fan panels.

>> No.8148927

>Feminism Panel

I know the person running it and she's not your typical SJW fare. I expect more "what defines a strong female character" stuff here.

> The staff is hella picky about bags.
Drugs are bad, mkay.

>> No.8149048

There's a history of the BJCC and formerly the Ferg Center of almost closing down the Kami-Con rave because of smuggled alcohol. Staff is just trying to accommodate the landlords.

>> No.8151560
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OP here. Day 2 is upon us. THE HYPE IS REAL.

What's everyone really looking forward to on this fine Saturday?

>> No.8151792

I don't really know, but I'm going to have fun, might enter the costume contest.

>dipper and mabel here

feminism panel was a blast, as was ten out of tentacles

>> No.8151860

>feminism panel was a blast
That's good to hear. The folks approving panels must have made sure it was fun and informative, not preachy and "Women are ill-portrayed in anime, m'kay T__T".

>as was ten out of tentacles
Damn, I should have went to that instead of the Mr. Creepypasta panel. Oh, well, you live and learn.

>> No.8151893

The rave, of course.
Lets hope they play anime mixes, and not random dubstep crap.

>> No.8151897

Holy shit, THIS.
I went to the rave last year, and the only explicitly anime-related (or hell, maybe the only anime-related) track I heard the ENTIRE TWO HOURS was a dubstep remix of "Don't Say Lazy" from K-On! (it was awesome, though). They have a new DJ, so maybe he'll get the job done.

This year, I think I'm going to hit up the panels instead. Their hentai panel is rumoured to be pretty good.

>> No.8151938

So far it has been "ok", I am currently wearing black cat now because I got told that Yolo is now allowed cause it is just a bikini and breaks the rules. I got escorted back to the hotel (I would not let the guy walk me back to my room. That was creepyish)

>> No.8152092

Random staff here. That shouldn't have happened. Yoko is allowed as long as everything is properly covered (no underboob or butt hanging out). And typically we ask congoers to change or cover up, not escort them. We'll be posting a feedback survey on Facebook on Monday. Please feel free to send your thoughts or details on it and we'll look into it.

>> No.8155051
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My favorite pic from this weekend, had a blast at this con, will be coming back next year for sure

>> No.8155135
File: 65 KB, 608x496, kami cosplays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Con's over and now it's time for the best part, unpacking your con swag. Long shot but if anyone has photos of me as princess zelda and princess eclair, I would love to see them.

>> No.8155215

Hey Mitch, Melissa, nice shot.