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8128375 No.8128375 [Reply] [Original]

Which shopping services do you use? Who is good, who is bad, ask your questions, etc do it all here.

I'm looking for a reliable SS that can go shopping for me in (mid/end) May. Having trouble choosing between Tokyo Pirates and Chibi Tenshi. So far, it seems Chibi Tenshi it seem is a bit cheaper? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Her site doesn't mention Closet Child but I assume she goes there too? TokyoPirates is quite expensive it seems but she seems to have great feedback and she definitely offers to go to CC shops.
Need an SS that can go to physical Closet Child shop(s) in particular to hunt down dream dresses and other (matching) dream items. If you have any recommendation let me know!
Also, which CC shop carries the most AatP stuff? Since I'm mostly after AatP stuff.

>> No.8128393 [DELETED] 

Chibitenshi is in the Sendai area so she doesn't do CC. Your best bet is Tokyo Pirates although I'm not sure if she goes to the Yokohama CC. Mirukuma "specializes" in the Yokohama CC but I would avoid using her SS unless you like being ripped off.

>> No.8128429

I attempted to use Tokyo Pirates at one point and got totally blown off (I followed her rules, filled out her form correctly, etc.) ChibiTenshi answered me within a day, though. She's a bit expensive and has a few extra fees (like her ATM fee) but I'd say her service is worth it if you really want the item. I don't know if she does CC, though.

For the thread: What's everyone's preferred Taobao SS? I'm eyeing Taobaoring but have heard mixed things about just about every service.

>> No.8128452

Chibitenshi is in the Sendai area so she doesn't do CC.

I've used Tokyo Pirates once in the past and she took forever to get back to me and another lifetime to actually get round to it.

Mirukuma does Yokohama CC but you'll get ripped off.

>> No.8128653


Thanks. Apparently she doesn't do CC though.
As for a shopping service for Taobao, please don't use Yoybuy. They are ok until something goes wrong and you need their customer service. When that happens you are basically fucked and have to threaten them over and over till something gets done which is not a nice way to do business imo.
I've used Taobaoring in the past and oved them though. But it's been a while since I've ordered through them (nearly a year) so I don't know how they are currently doing.

Ah I didn't know where she was located. What a shame she isn't able to do CC shopping cause she sounds like such a good SS.

Mirukuma got accused of something terrible and since then I decided not to ever use her. According to a girl, she contacted Mirukuma and asked her to get things she saw on the CC ameblo blog. Mirukuma agreed and a few days later Mirukuma told the girl those things we sold out. Then a few days after that, Mirukuma listed those very same items for sale for double the price they were listed for on the CC blog. That is very poor service in my eyes. If it is true that is. Because of this rumor I'm totally afraid to use her.

>> No.8128943

I've had similar things happen to me and my friends when we tried to use Mirukuma. I highly advise against using her service, she will not put you first as a customer and do everything she can to make extra cash. One of my friends messaged her about buying something from CC, not only did she ignore my friend's message, she actually purchased the item and put it up for sale at a much higher price later. Even if I want to give her the benefit of doubt, I just can't after that.

As for CC shopping, I think Tokyo Pirates is your best option. I know another girl offers a CC shopping thing seasonally when she's in Tokyo. I believe she is US based but I can't remember her name for the life of me. Starts with a g?

>> No.8128979

I use taobaospree for taobao. They're not the cheapest, but Ray is super nice and replies to emails really quickly if it's within business hours.

Once, I forgot about an order I made with them, and it must've sat in their warehouse for almost a year, but they were kind enough to remind me about it and send it to me without extra fees. I don't know if they do this on a regular basis, but it was really nice of them.

>> No.8128996

I've only used Taobaoring, and I really like it. Communication is fast, and I've never had any issues. It might be a little more expensive than other places, I'm not too sure, but I'm willing to pay that little extra for peace of mind.

>> No.8129034

I've used Tokyo Pirates to look for dream dresses in cc and she found my ultimate dream dress so I was very happy with her service. Other times when I'd ask to purchase an item from cc blogs they had sold out by the time she replied. She is a good SS though.

In regards to taobao does anyone know of an SS that is a secret shop vip?

>> No.8130632

Then I probebly read the stories you and your friends told. Which I'm glad about, cause that means she will never be able to fuck me over like she fucked over you and your friends And probably many others.

I've made the decicion to go with TokyoPirates. She friendly, good and reliable, though her rates are a little higher than others she sounds very worth it. I'm really hoping to get my dreamdresses!

>> No.8130755

Best luck finding your stuff anon! If you need an SS for auction shopping I recommend you use Chibi, she's the best out there.
I've never tried to use an SS to hunt down particular items in stores for me. How exactly do you proceed? I'm guesing you have a short list of stuff you need and give her a max. price for each item?

>> No.8130859


Thanks anon! This will be my first time to send an SS to a Closet Child shop (to any physical shop actually) to see if she can find my wishlist items.
I have no idea how much to include in the list though. Still making the list to send her with as much info as possible.
I've included brand name, dress/item name, colorway(s), lolibrary link or other links with pictures, my max price, what "grade' the item is allowed to be, what flaws/damages I do and don't accept. So far, it's a shortened list with my favorite items.
There's plenty on my complete wishlist (it's huge) but some things have no priority and others are very highly prioritized because they are ultimate dream prints (Bless you AatP), hence the shorter wishlist.
Of course, when I ask her to go to the Harajuku CC location I don't want to end up empty handed cause none of my items are in shop, I think I'll make the list a little longer in the hope she at least finds one or 2 items, even if it's just a KC, heaadress, bag, and not just JSK or OP.

>> No.8130902

I always work with Tokyo Pirates because she's friendly and fast in my opinion. Though I mostly do orders online and use her as a way to escape customs (works wonder).

I think they're two now so it might be faster. Didn't she open an account on a social media where you could upload your wishlist ? I never used it so far.

>> No.8130914

I've poked around the idea of getting an SS for auctions, as there seems to be a lot cheaper gothic and older stuff on there, but looking at the FromJapan fees and shipping make it almost not worth it financially.

>> No.8130919

Surprised to see that nobody's mentioned her here yet, since she's been around so long, but I'm waiting on my first order with Rosaire! <3 I'll let you know how it turns out.

>> No.8130922

I've had pleasant experiences with both Taobaospree and ebeebuy. I had Candy as an agent with both services (she split off from Taobaospree to form her own SS). Her service is really great and she did a 5% introductory rate for previous Taobaospree customers that I used for a huge order. Her English isn't as good as Martin's at Clobba but it's better than other SS I've used and she's really helpful and easy to order awkward things through (like dresses with a reserve period). I also used my-lolita-dress once when I just wanted one item and that was fine, although for a larger order or small items it's more expensive than a SS.

>> No.8130926

FromJapan fees are pretty cheap, IMHO. Japonica Market is more of an expensive pain, but from a eurofag perspective FromJapan's fees are cheaper than having to pay customs, so I use them just to be able to mark down brand orders too. I should probably get a Tenso for that but I haven't got round to setting it up.

>> No.8130932

I've used Tokyo Pirates, ChibiTenshi, Japonica, and yet never could get Mirikuma to do anything.

Tokyo Pirates was really efficient in responding to me and helped me quite a bit. Her commission system is different from Chibi's, so sometimes she's cheaper sometimes she's more. (it's a tier system, I ended up saving about $40 because of it when I made a 80,000JPY order from her vs. Chibi). I've found that she's always been great on communication, but I've only been using her for about 6months, so maybe she wasn't so much before.

Chibi is totally awesome; great communication, super professional, really gets the job done. I'd always recommend her, it's a shame she can't do second hand SS because then I'd be using her CONSTANTLY. I have a friend who gets an $800 order from her just about every other week and won't use anyone else (she's nuts with her lolita money).

Mirikuma totally rips people off, is really sub-par with communication, and I haven't been able to get her to actually work with me. I'd pass on her.

Japonica is a company, so not personable like the others, but I enjoy using them for auctions because they can snipe bid. The downside is you have to pay everything up front and they don't refund the excess until after your order ships.

I'm also REALLY looking for a good CC looking service; I'm yet to find one, unfortunately! Tokyo Pirates offers this service via collectstor, but who knows how much she actually searches for things on it.

I think it'd also be beneficial to list which second hand shops that one would need an SS for or not.

>CC online: no
>CC in store: yes
>Usagiyouhinten: no
>Maiden Clothing: no
>Alice Fururun: no
>Tokyo Alice: ? (I think it's a yes)
>Violet Blue: ? (I think it's a yes)
>Wunderwelt: no

^^^Please add and correct if I'm wrong/you know others

>> No.8130933

I personally really like Taobaoring. I've used others but for the customer service aspect Taobaoring has definitely been my favourite

>> No.8130935

Does she do CC instore/looking services? Ive never heard of her before.

>> No.8130943

Ive heard of her. Wasn't she banned from eglcommsales? She's shady as fuck

>> No.8130946

You need a SS or FS for Violet Blue. Not sure about Tokyo Alice.

>> No.8130949

I think being a CC looking service is too much work, their stock flips so fast and there's so many wishlists to keep track of. I've done it a few times for a small group of orders and ultimately did not see it as a good use of my time.

nothing against this girl, but I would not recommend her service. she has a history of being unreliable and due to health or financial problems and ridiculously long shipping times. buying from her directly is probably ok if you don't mind waiting a while for your item.

>> No.8130950

It's a troll post, you idiots. Rosaire is a notorious scammer.

>> No.8130973


For the newfags. Le Rosaire de Scammér

>> No.8130990

>a CC looking service is too much work
This is very true. I live in Tokyo and I had previously toyed with the idea of doing a CC instore SS but decided against it as I would have to charge insanely high fees to actually profit off of it.

>> No.8130996

Is there even anyone that still does them, though?
It's definitely got to be tough since the second someone says they'll do it everyone who's ever wanted that shit will flood them with requests.

Not gonna lie, though, if someone can actually get me the shit I'm looking for then I'll straight up pay double the cost to them. I'm real desperate, guyz.

>> No.8131005

It's a lot more profitable to buy up popular pieces from CC and put them up for auction than to go around looking for shit everyone requested for.

Not to mention you can't exactly take a deposit for CC instore SS as you don't know if you're going to be able to buy them their shit, and it's going to be an ongoing search. Fuck if I bought them their shit and they back out.

>> No.8131026

Highly recommend TBR - they've always been brilliant for me, fast and friendly and never had any problems.

Used Spreenow once and never again. Shitty, cumbersome website, higher fees, slow response to emails and then took 10 days to send out my parcel after I paid shipping!

>> No.8131030

Not that person but do you have experience with preorders and TBR? I've heard both that they refused to bid on preorder items and that they did it no problem.

Also I agree TBR was my first SS and I never had any issues. Good communication is key, they are fast, I like how you order.

>> No.8131031

Troll harder.
1/10 for making me reply

>> No.8132918


Bugger off troll.

>> No.8132920


I have used both but am not using chibi tenshi right now because she bills in usd. I like japonica for auctions and Tokyo pirates for instore. Jamie has always been fantastic for me at releases

>> No.8132930


I too wished there was a good lookout service for cc physical shops. When my money comes I'm hoping to get quite a few dream dresses but you can't know beforehand if a shop actually has them unfortunately which really makes it a bit of a gander for me really. My budget is about ¥70.000 to ¥90.000-ish so I think she can score quite a bit of dream items with that.

I've used FromJapan for Mbok and Rakuten auctions and I think they are great. Especially because you can mark your package down and they have their check service.
I mainly use Buyee for yahoo out of sheer lazyness, it would probably be cheaper to bid via FromJapan but I've yet to try.
I also check the secondhand shops and the auctions everyday as well.

If you ever come across her, please don't do business with her. She is a well known scammer. She actually scammed me (OP) not too long ago. I'm partially to blame for believing her lies about not finding the shipping's tracking slip, tracking info and all kinds of bla bla because she pretended to be disabled and I felt sorry for her. She guilted me and others into not filing a PP dispute. Thank goodness I only lost a small amount!

>> No.8132937

ouch OP, how recent was this? I thought people were onto her BS.. sorry to hear!

>> No.8132962


This was last year, but I think the thread about her was removed on LSE as I can't find it. She even scammed one of the LSE Mods (Kate/Girly Hoot). She wasn't going by her real name or Rosaire so some of the scammed people didn't even know who she was. Personally, I always thought those threads about her were vendettas but turns out I was wrong. Learned my lesson the heard way not to give certain people with a bad rep the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.8132965


Ahh found it, if you want to read it I suggest you type in sara rose at LSE.

>> No.8132981

Not to mention that you can't put stuff on hold at CC without a nonrefundable deposit, so if your buyer backs out you're out the deposit money

>> No.8132995


Didn't know they did holds. Nice!

>> No.8133003

op is saying they DON'T do holds

>> No.8133018

I use a shopping service for any orders, online or in store. I know CC ships to Europe but they ship everything through EMS so it's more expensive and I get hit by customs every single time, whereas with a SS you can ship it like a personal package and just in case I mark down everything so they can't really track the value of my stuff.

I "saved" so much money like that, I add maybe 10/15€ to my orders to avoid getting hit with 100/200€ customs.

>> No.8133021

Damn, how heavy are customs fees in Europe? It's really rare to get hit in the US, but for the very few people I know who have had to pay it's been about 35-40% of the order.

>> No.8133035

OP said they do holds, but only with a nonrefundable deposit.

>> No.8133043

It's about 50-70% of the value, depending on what it is, but the thing is that it's ALWAYS hit by customs, so if you order a lot of things many times it is a pain

>> No.8133081

>It's about 50-70% of the value
What? What country?
Germany here with 19% flat for orders over 25€. Plus additional charges depending on the item if the total value of the order is over 150€. And those charges are something like 4% for leather jackets, 12% for cotton jackets. 70% is ridiculous.

>> No.8133084

hmm last time i went to cc they didn't let me do that. maybe it was a special item or something..

>> No.8133087

i thought girlyhoot got her items in the end, it just took a long time?

>> No.8133094

Japan: SuToCorp, FromJapan, sometimes ShoppingMallJapan only if it's last minute auctions (as in a few hours) because it does bids on real time.

Chinese: Taobaotrends, Yoybuy.

>> No.8133111

What is everyone's opinion on the best SS for auctions? I honestly prefer that my packages don't get marked down, but if I want to snipe out an auction, what's the best bet? I've heard of services where you do your own bidding, but I've never tried them and would be afraid to mess it up on something important. I've always used Japonica and sniped with no problems, but I don't know if there's a better one for that or not.

>> No.8133117

Japonica or ShoppingMallJapan but I haven't used a lot of others besides that.

Also SMJ is good for one time orders. It adds up quickly for big time orders and they don't quote with shipping. BUT the most I've paid was like $6 for SAL shipping and it arrived 2 days after I paid for it.

>> No.8133122

where are you from?

>> No.8133172

United States

>> No.8133176

Oops, wrong comment to wrong comment. No idea where that person is, but thanks to them for the suggestions.

>> No.8133222

Japonica Market or FromJapan (my current favorite) for auctions.

I've used TaobaoSpree for Taobao but now use Ebeebuy since our TS representative started her own business. I'd be interested in looking at a taobao SS that has a cart system similar to FromJapan if anyone knows of one.

I'd suggest ChibiTenshi for any in-store purchases in Japan.

>> No.8133402

See >>8133172


>> No.8133426

I could swear that I've bought from tokyo alice without an SS before, but I can't for the life of me work out how I managed to do it looking at their site now

>> No.8133759

You don't need an SS for Tokyo Alice. You just need to email them your order + billing info

>> No.8133791

I bought my Rolando Jacket from tokyoalice in 2011, I think. And I was able to order it directly without a SS. When I tried to order from them in 2014 again I was very confused as why it wouldn't work anymore. So yeah, pretty sure they changed that.

>> No.8134278

Does anyone know any shopping services outside of Tokyo? I mean, there are plenty of brand stores around Japan- surely someone must be available to shop at one of them? Or any other physical second-hand lolita stores?

>> No.8134318

They took out the cart system for overseas buyers. You have to do >>8133759 now

>> No.8134648

Chibitenshi, she's in Sendai

>> No.8134851

Usually I buy things from Loli Paradise since it seems cheaper for single items, but she's really lacking.

Once the invoice is paid, she doesn't communicate much, never sent me the package tracking (it's strange nothing ever got lost but I'm always left in the dark) and I just received a package she fucked up and sent me a JSK instead of the OP.

She won't probably answer for days, and I can't open a paypal dispute since it's been so long.

So she seemed great to work with at first but honestly she's not worth the trouble imo.

>> No.8134859


Hmmm, I buy from her too sometimes (pre-orders mostly) but I have to agree she really lacks in the communication department.
Never had problems with her though, so can't comment on that part. Usually she seems to respond quickly when you want to buy something though, it's strange she's not answering your message tbh.

>> No.8134861


Oh and I forgot to say, she never sends me any tracking either but sometimes she posts tracking info on her facebook, under notes. But that hasn't been updated since September 2014.

>> No.8134874

I'm pretty busy for the time being, but would anyone be interested in a Tokyo based SS?

I'd be mostly doing AP releases and the occassional instore SS. I can also do instore CC although that wouldn't be cheap due to the reasons above.

I have feedback but I'd much rather keep it a "private" service, kind of open to a couple of seagulls only rather than a "public" one like Chibitenshi and Tokyo Pirates.

>> No.8134889


Fuck yeah! What would your rates be though? And yes, as a buyer I'd like to see your feedback of course.

>> No.8135025

Any others, like in Kyoto or Osaka? Nagoya?

>come on, I know you JET peeps can't ALL live in Tokyo

>> No.8135050

And any chance you can score jfashion from stores, not just lolita?

>> No.8135069

I'll be charging a flat rate for AP releases, seems a lot easier this way. I'll post here again with my contact when I actually have time to for SS.

I'm thinking of doing exclusively AP releases actually, but we'll see. I'm not the biggest fan of 109 so I'm a little hesitant to do gyaru brands.

>> No.8135082

Do you need an SS for Prisila wig's website? I've looked and am fairly certain that they don't do international shipping but I also figured that I might be stupid and overlooked it. I've never used an SS before, so I'm hoping not.

>> No.8135116

Is Obook any good? I've never purchased something from Taobao so I'm new to the whole SS thing

>> No.8135217

I think I need an SS to preorder from Ista Mori. My usual TBR will return to office on the 26th. Is any SS working now?

>> No.8135319

In the UK, customs charges are 20% of the parcel's value, BUT there is also a "handling fee" from the post office (varying on the carrier - it's £8.50 from Royal Mail but £13.50 from Parcelforce and varies from DHL) on any item that is taxed. Tax is also charged on the value of the shipping as well as the value of the item. So it's entirely possible to buy an item worth £20 in Japan, pay £20 in shipping for it, then get charged £20 in tax, adding up to a total £60 cost for a £20 item. On small purchases the handling fees are the real killer, because EMS goes through ParcelForce so although it might only be £3-5 in tax there'll be that £13.50 flat rate fee on top, which is about $20.

All packages over £36 get taxed at the 20% VAT rate, even if they're marked as a gift. If it's not marked as a gift, any package with a value of above £15 will be taxed. DHL have their own stupid rules and tax parcels with a declared value (including shipping) of above £30, AND they weigh the parcel to calculate the shipping if the sender didn't declare it seperately. This can screw you over even if a SS looks up UK customs rules and marks down the value to below £36, because if it's above £30 DHL will charge you anyway. Packages with a value over £135 get an extra rate of import tax (I forget how much because if an order's worth more than that I always use an SS to mark it down, but it makes the total rate of tax 30-40%).

This is why, until they started marking down again, Bodyline was really not cheap for UK lolitas, since they split your order into severeal packages with AIR and every single parcel will get a seperate handling fee.

>> No.8135323

TaobaoNow has a cart system but I've never used them.

>> No.8135334

You don't get taxed if you mark parcels as "personal belongings" I think?

>> No.8135356

AFAIK, that needs a seperate customs form and stuff. It's for if you move abroad then move back and have to ship your stuff back and forth. But it can't just be ticked as a box, it needs a special form.

>> No.8135382

Plus there's the time they spend holding packages for customs charging and faffing about with sending letters through the post. Fuckers.

The times when I feel relieved that I can finally pay a customs charge are fucked up.

>> No.8135384

Yeah she's super quick to invoice usually (obviously uh) but then I have to wait a bit for any update and ask them first.

Obviously she buys everything and I got 100% of my orders with her (I don't remember how much I placed but probably 2/3 of different things) so she doesn't scam anyone.
But I always see a few "Please contact me" on her fb page so she probably doesn't update anyone either.

I hope she'll accept my offer on replacing the order for the correct dress and refund me a bit for forcing a jsk on me + the difference between the OP and JSK since I overpaid. I don't really want to deal with sending everything back and I could manage to sell the JSK for a reduced price probably.

>> No.8135391

It's kinda the same here, I think there's a flat rate of around 20€ but then they put on a % rate AFTER adding the flat rate so you get a bit fucked.

The thing I hate the most is when you're unprepared and don't have any money on you. You happen to receive the package and don't have any cheques or cash to pay the customs on the spot ? Fuck you that goes back to the sender. They won't wait, they won't store it somewhere.
It kept happening with Closet Child, they wouldn't mark down the price or send with something else than EMS so I send everything to my SS now and avoid any fees or delays.

>> No.8135400

Oh, I know! Parcelforce are the worst - charging £1 to drop the parcel at a post office and £12 to deliver on a Saturday makes it really hard for me to get my parcels while working.

>paid for DHL so an item would arrive quickly
>gets to the UK in like two days
>they put a card through my door asking me to pay tax
>pay tax the same night
>even though this was on a weekday, they took three days after I paid the tax to deliver my damn parcel

>> No.8135658


I think I've done about 8 order with her and all my stuff arrived too. It's probably a mistake that you received a jsk instead of an op but yeah, she should respond a little quicker when something like this happens. Maybe she's taking time off during CNY and is slow on answering PMs because of that? Hope it can be resolved for you though. She might ask you to send it back but personally, if they insist I'd only go through with that after receiving the op and they will have to pay for shipping, since it's not your fault you got the wrong item. I really wonder what she's going to do about it anon, as a customer of hers it's good to know what she's like handling mistakes on her part. Please keep us updated.

>> No.8135734

Most JETs aren't in big cities

>> No.8135864

At least you don't need to drive to the customs office or send a letter with all all of the billing infos to them. I hate that shit.

>> No.8135881

I will pay you so goddamn much if you can get my CC items for me. If you're willing to look, then let me know and I'll post my email for you.

>> No.8135883

>e thing I hate the most is when you're unprepared and don't have any money on you. You happen to receive the package and don't have any cheques or cash to pay the customs on the spot ? Fuck you that goes back to the sender. They won't wait, they won't store it somewhere.
What the fuck? That's really weird. In the UK it just goes back to the depot, and you have to either pay the tax online or pay when they attempt redelivery. I think you have two weeks before they return it to sender.

>> No.8135904

>put in bids for 3 different auctions from same seller
>japonicamarket emails me back
>"we can't bid on these"
>"why the hell not"
>"seller doesnt want shopping agent to bid on her items, so we can't"

fucking what's going on here? I just put in the order through chibitenshi, maybe she can get past it? Is this just a "I don't want the dirty gaijin to have my clothes" situation or what?

>> No.8135930

meanwhile chibitenshi zooms in and saves the day, holy shit that was fast

>> No.8136953

taobao is love, taobao is life... also because im super cheap

>> No.8136967

Leave me your contact, anon, and I'll see what I can do.

>> No.8136968

Yes I'll keep a bit of an update as I think it's nice to see how SS deal with mistakes like these. She's not super quick to answer usually but to be fair it's chinese new year so I can't blame her on that.

She answered and I think she's ok with reordering the op with a discount or refunding a part of the order which is fair. The only thing that bother me a little bit is that I'm a bit low on money these times and I'm a bit icked I got to keep or sell an item I didn't really want. Taobao JSK are ok but the fabric has a cheap feeling so I probably won't wear it that much.

>> No.8136971

This is very common, has happened a few times to me. Hope she can get around it!

>> No.8136985

Had the same situation with FromJapan. They just told me that seller refuses their bid. Lol, if you don't want your precious dress on my dirty gaijn body for my unworthy gaijin money, good luck to you then, I've seen this dress being relisted for another month (then stopped tracking it).

It's great you were able to get your item after all!

>> No.8136992

It's not always a "dirty gaijin" problem.

>sellers prefer to sell within japan
higher chance of it appearing on their market again in case of seller's remorse

>SS have been known to be difficult to deal with
not following their rules, blahblah

>they only sell to women
most SS have a male name attached to their account, some people don't like their dresses going to men in case they use it for some fetish thing or something idk

>> No.8136994

I'd love to have an SS that would go into CC for me and rummage through their cheap shit. I'm always looking for simple oldschool dresses and cute floral-patterned skirts, brand name be damned. But I just don't know if there's an SS out there who would be willing to do that kind of vague shopping.

>> No.8137018

Email is in the title! Thank you.

>> No.8137064

Ok, these are all legit reasons. I'm just irritated that I couldn't get a cute dress for a decent price, which on top of that didn't sell for a long time (or at all).

>> No.8137191

Just use tenso. You definitely need a Japanese address to sign up.

>> No.8137458

Please recommend me fast Taobao service which would be fine with preordering an item

>> No.8137470

They're mostly all on vacay r/n, but Taobaotrends have been prompt with me so far.

>> No.8138023

I'm back, pissed at japonica

>be me
>6 bids total
>total 13,000 yen
>10,000 of the order is the 3 auctions they wouldn't bid on
>"hey i'm going to need you to refund me for the items you didnt bid on"
>telling me I have to wait until final invoice
>I have to wait for the bids to end, to get shipped and arrived to HQ, and for them to invoice me
>could take 2 weeks
>fucking pissed

>> No.8141944

Has anyone ever successfully gotten FromJapan to cancel a shipping invoice/ add more items when an invoice has already been made?

>> No.8141966

I think Japonica's IDs are kind of well-known since they're such a big company, which is why smaller, more personal SS like CT are able to get passed those sort of things.
However, they really should have checked the auction information beforehand (if possible) to prevent you from even sending the deposit for those items.

>> No.8141975

get past* I should go to sleep now.

>> No.8141986

It's pretty easy to spot SS accounts, especially on mbok. Those with 1000+ buying feedback and absolutely no selling feedback are all SS accounts.

>> No.8145449

Taobaospree, if only for the fact they'll let you add additional items in your order and pay for it afterwards - super useful for things that sell out fast or second hand items.

Also I've had some items taken by customs once and they gave me a 50% refund on them even though I didn't purchase insurance. Thought that was super sweet because the amount they refunded me was even more than how much I paid them in SS fees.

>> No.8145699

Is it rude to add more items to your Auction Request? I asked Chibi Tenshi to bid on a couple of items for me and I lost one of the auctions.

>> No.8145711

I know I shouldn't have, but I used buyee to bid on 4 items and ended up paying 700 yen per auction even though they were all from the same seller, local shipping fee four times as well (buyee won't ask the seller to combine), 1000 yen to combine the 4 orders into 1 package, then 10,000 yen shipping (for 4 jsks, when even my 9 kilo taobao orders cost less than that in shipping), then 46 euro customs fees. I also tried japonica once and first they rejected my bid because the jsk had a stain (which I knew and didn't mind), then my max bid got outbid.

So, is the cheapest SS for EUfags with real-time bidding fromjapan? Also, has anyone tried reselling shit from auctions on lm? Can it be done lucratively when using a SS or do the shipping/fees always overweight any possible profit?