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File: 80 KB, 400x533, 101_0594_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8125076 No.8125076 [Reply] [Original]

need concrit on store

>> No.8125081

burn it to the ground and salt the fucking ashes

>> No.8125092

What store?

>> No.8125095

yes, but how will that improve the store? How do you suggest burning down a virtual store?Is there some type of virtual lighter fluid I can purchase?..

>> No.8125106
File: 94 KB, 625x1254, 842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMFG not this shit again.
Either this is some really shitty bait or thehugbear is legitimately mellahugabear, which I really fucking doubt.
Fuck off.

>> No.8125107

You don't take anyone's advice and only listen to what you want to hear anyway so there's no point. Get over yourself. You can't draw, design, or sew for shit. You need to just get a real job and forget about being a 'kawaii desu designer'. No amount of concrit is going to help you.

>> No.8125110

Sharmell has been caught self posting on PULL and lolcow for attention so I'm pretty sure this is her.

>> No.8125112

i do take advice as i have in the past. not taking shit doesn't equal= not taking advice. Get it right

>> No.8125123

People have suggested that you take art and sewing lessons to improve but it doesn't look like you did that.

>> No.8125125

your whole store is shit. everything in it is shit.
the improvement you have tried is halfassed and you're only copying every other kawaii store, except instead of having cute art you fill it with disgusting mspaint bullshit and what I'm guessing are alpacas that have eyes that are begging for their lives to be ended.
You do not have the finesse or attention to detail or desire for quality that will allow you to have a successful indie brand.
You are only embarrassing yourself further.
Stop. Just stop.

>> No.8125130

This! Sharmell simply does not have the eye for what looks good. There is nothing that can help with that. If you have shitty taste and think that hot gluing shitty lace on a thrifted t-shirt looks good then there is no helping you.
You have to know what quality looks like!

>> No.8125141

Here's some personal concrit:
Watch tutorials on YouTube for natural makeup. You look like you are strung out on drugs with no makeup and wearing crazy wigs and outfits. If your face looked nice you would at least look sort of 'put together'.

>> No.8125143

it finally clicked omg I have shit taste..I wish someone wouldve told me that earlier..

and for the other person..Art School's not cheap

>> No.8125151

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but truly you have no idea what looks good. You draw like a fucking 3 year old and not even in a cute way.

There are tons of videos on YouTube that will teach you how to draw. Stop being lazy and educate yourself!

>> No.8125156

Don't be sarcastic about people telling you that you have shit taste.
God, you're like dealing with a child. You have to tell them something 30+ times for it to actually sink it, all the while they're rolling their eyes and saying, "Yeah, yeah, I know, I know."

Plenty of great artists are self taught, as well. You're on the internet, learn how to use it properly.

>> No.8125158

i wasnt being sarcastic..I didnt know it was bad

>> No.8125161
File: 10 KB, 264x200, i_heart_llamas_by_mellahugbear-d7b8uz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.8125169

im having such a disconnect here. why other people who have simple drawings (Kawaii goods) are fine but my simple drawings are childlike?

>> No.8125178

Ok so my art is bad, but when I commission someone people still dont like it?

>> No.8125187

Hahaha omg what the ever loving fuck is that? Before you start drawing shit 'kawaiified' you HAVE TO LEARN THE BASICS. Learn how to draw a fuckin llama or whatever that is realistic and master that skill before you try to stylize your "art". If you don't know the basics it's like building a castle on sand.

Same with sewing. Learn how to sew a pillow beautifully with straight seams before you try to sew a skirt.

I don't even know why I'm wasting my time giving you this advice though because hell will freeze over before you'll actually take it to heart.

>> No.8125194
File: 260 KB, 570x558, 1420852784824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really comes down to fine motor skills, and you seem to be a bit lacking. This is coming from someone who had to quit music after eight years because I had hit a wall that no amount of practice and lessons could overcome. I found out later from a specialist testing me for neurological problems that it's my fine motor skills that were the problem. It's nothing to be ashamed of but you shouldn't try to sell it if you can't accept the critics and learn from it. Some people can be professional artists and musicians, some can't. Try moving your creativity into something possible for your motor skill level, such as crochet.

This was probably bait but I felt obligated to respond.

>> No.8125198

thank you

>> No.8125200
File: 759 KB, 1866x756, Shitty replica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't tell the difference in design quality here there is no helping you. Also good going on totally ripping Kawaii Goods design off.

>> No.8125203

People have been trying to say this to you forever. But I guess you were too busy defending yourself each and every time someone made a secret about your shit shop on btb

>> No.8125209
File: 966 KB, 500x281, rmRrLcr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sound advice!

Focus on your hooping and forget about being a designer. You actually seem decent at that.

>> No.8125430

Is this real? The shop owner is totally a troll, right? Or mentally handicapped?
Who would try to sell that?

>> No.8125434

Is that a fucking furby face taped to your shoulder

>> No.8125440

Link to this mess?

>> No.8125456

What the fuck kind of name is "Sharmell", anyway?

>> No.8125501

that poor llama, what happened to the rest of its face?

>> No.8125846

yall dont have to worry bot me no mo i do better things i glad yall mad me see the light byyee Im gonna do hurr now..yall sho like to talk a big game I got stackkkkkk i got cash money young money

>> No.8125938


>> No.8125974
File: 130 KB, 680x511, watchout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take back what I said about sewing lessons. How about you learn how to speak and spell properly first. You won't get anywhere in life if you sound uneducated.
Also, I highly doubt you have "stack" if you didn't finish high school, are unemployed, and are living with you parents. You're not fooling anyone Sharmell.