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File: 45 KB, 400x269, 3070976917_1_3_aO7phF1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8124222 No.8124222 [Reply] [Original]

How does everyone store their lolita? I can never seem to find the correct way to store everything.
Particularly petticoats, mine is stuffed into the bag that it came in.
I never know how to store waist ties and headbows. Suggestions? Also post pics of how you store things please!

>> No.8124680

Hang your petti on a hanger inside out.

Keep the waist ties attached to the dress.

Put headbows in a box hat or basket.


>> No.8124681
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This is how I store my headbows and head cabbages. I have another for my socks too. Tights I usually just stick in a cute plastic bin because I don't wear those as often.

>> No.8124761
File: 1.24 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20150209_223013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently started storing my socks like this.

>> No.8124839

I have 3 separate walk in closets for lolita with fitting decor. One for gothic, one for sweet and hime, and one for classical and sailor.

>> No.8124976

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.8125063

This looks really tacky. They are much cuter rolled up and put in a sock holder/basket.

>> No.8125069

We are going to renovate a spare bedroom (no bed) and install a closet system in the double closet there for my lolita. I'm excited!

>> No.8125087

I have a small living space, and I can't afford to give an entire closet to lolita. So, right now, my closet is split with one of those shoes organizers from Ikea. One side holds normalfag clothes, the other is lolita dresses, blouses, and the pettis. It's a small collection, so it fits rather well.

The Ikea hanging organizer was a life saver. The purses and bags get the top shelf. The next shelf has a box I salvaged from Christmas, and all of my headbows, wristcuffs, spare buttons and odds and ends went in there. The other three compartments are dedicated to shoes.

Target had hangers that I fell in love with, they feel like theyre covered in a stiff velvet. They don't let your dresses slip off, and they're metal inside, so they don't bend under even my heaviest dress. I really should take pictures when I get back home.

>> No.8125089

This looks really convenient, especially if you don't have a spare drawer for lolita socks.

>> No.8125096

I actually thought this was a neat idea and I'll try it in my closet soon.

>> No.8125100

Saving this thread because I'm planning on completely redoing my room layout to clear out unused stuff/make room for lolita storage.

>> No.8125128
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Meh tackyness aside it's super helpful and I'd rather look at them than shove them in a drawer.

>> No.8125433
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Posting some inspiration pics

>> No.8125435
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>> No.8125436
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>> No.8125439
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And last one. I need to start organizing my own closet.

>> No.8125472

Have you ever actually tried to use socks stored that way (the sock holder/basket)? It's a bitch and a half, you can't see the design and if you actually have a lot of socks they end up piled on top of each other. Even drawer dividers mean you lose space since you can only have one layer of socks.

>> No.8125475

If it's in a closet and not out in the open. Then who cares if it looks tacky? It works better for tights that have a longer design instead of a repeating pattern.

>> No.8125516
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>> No.8125519
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>> No.8125529
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>> No.8125539
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It's a great idea imo. I wouldn't have thought of it. But here's some in a drawer

>> No.8125541
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>> No.8125543
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>> No.8125547
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>> No.8125722
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>> No.8125861
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Anyone have any slightly more adult and generally mature looking examples? I prefer gothic and classic myself and when these threads pop up from time to time or I try searching for examples, the vast majority seems super cutesy and girly. Perhaps my taste in decor kdoesn't reflect my love of lolita clothing but the plushies, bows and flowers etc everywhere look is really not my thing

>> No.8125891
File: 89 KB, 601x451, HNGGGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd also be interested in this as a Gothic Lolita.
The only pic I have this.

>> No.8125903

My body wasn't ready

>> No.8125908
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I'll try and have a look. Sweet is easier to find as they have a tendency of posting more pictures

>> No.8125918

>dat shoe collection
Oh mama

>> No.8125919
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>> No.8125921

Ugh, this is so darn cute. It looks like a great way to be able to see all your dresses like those clothing racks, but without dealing with all the dust.

>> No.8125922
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>> No.8125928


HNNGGGGG! White did I pick white furniture for my bedroom *sad face*

>> No.8125933
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>> No.8125945

I'll post some of more bedroom pics I find on the room thread and any wardrobe/storage related ones here.

>> No.8125953
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>> No.8125954
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>> No.8125956
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>> No.8125959

I have a mighty need.

>> No.8125972
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>> No.8125976
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>> No.8126746

T-That's AP Paris, isn't it?
So many feels ;_;

>> No.8126841

>tfw i used to go there when I went to Paris >tfw i even had lolita friends
>those good feels when sugary carnival and the like was still super new
>those good feels when visiting the store,buying things sometimes and then going to Princesse Crepe together
>lolita friends grew out of lolita, changed style.
>AP store had closed.
; _ ;

>> No.8127094

>little hanging room
>too many blouses that are hanging
>blouses generally hard to fold material
>barley any drawer space left
>don't want to store blouses on same rack
Am I doomed or does some one have a solution?

>> No.8127523
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>don't want to store blouses on same rack
I just woke up so I'm not too sure what you mean by that, but here's a few suggestions that might work:

1.install a second lower rail in your wardrobe
2.double up clothes on the one hanger (blouse with JSK, blouse with a cardigan, etc)
3.use staggered coat hangers, or simply hook one hanger onto the bottom of another

And lastly, make sure you're using slim line coat hangers to save yourself some extra space.

>> No.8127684

I love the feel of this one!

>> No.8127811

wth everyone and their mother seems to own fantastic dolly! I am soo glad I got rid of that print

>> No.8127844

Good. It's ugly anyway.

>> No.8128589

This girl has my dream room, it's the perfect cute and gothic room i want!

>> No.8129870

So what, it's cute.

>> No.8129872

Omfg anyone know where is this piece from?

>> No.8129897

I think it's owned by the girl who runs roselolitawonderland blogspot.

>> No.8130039
File: 459 KB, 245x141, 4366735738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would rather organize something a cute way then a logical way
Keep it up, lolitas. Your stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.8130109

>muh logic
This is a fashion we're talking about here. It's not like it really matters

>> No.8130201

You're probably the kind of person that hangs their dresses on the wall so they look ~*cute*~ despite them getting sun damaged.

>> No.8130239

I think it looks disgusting, like a washing basket with a whole lot of bunched up socks in it waiting to be washed...

>> No.8130249

>reaching this hard

>> No.8130422

I guess you'd call Misako tacky too since she stores her socks like that all the time (also she needs to save space)

>> No.8130442

Does anyone know where that black and red striped velvet dress is from? I saw it in the glb but it was in a photo shoot and the brand wasn't listed or I couldn't read it.

>> No.8130447

lel so sensitive when your taste is so bad.

>> No.8130449

No, that is tacky AND stupid. The socks on the tie rack is just tacky.

>> No.8130461

>tfw you cant find one of these that fits your drawer so perfectly

Whats going on here? I tried making my own headband rack but they keep falling off in the middle of the night
>tfw you play Coast to Coast at night before sleeping
>half asleep
>shit falls = shit pants

You and me both, this is just what I want.

>> No.8132231

I don't have a large built-in wardrobe so my lolita dresses are on a rack along with bulky coats, outerwear and blouses.
Waist ties generally stay attached to the dresses or on the same hanger, headbows go in a box on the shelf.
Petticoats - stuffed in a drawer, if they deflate from that then they weren't poofy enough.

>> No.8132234

Don't worry, it's only shadow people knocking down the headbows.

>shadow people making room ultimate goth room

>> No.8132267 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 72x97, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's the Reptilians. They gotta be cute too you know.

>> No.8132274
File: 553 KB, 948x1280, velociraptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's the Reptilians. They gotta be cute too you know.

>> No.8132285
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>> No.8132424

this is so dreamy.....

>> No.8132997

I wear mostly sweet in black (getting into gothic too a bit) and i will always be mainly into it so having a creepy cute room is perfect because having a room that is too pink or too dark vintage-y isn't my cup of tea. So i'm happy to see some have the same taste as me!

>> No.8133034

I hang the dresses in a closet (some are in dress bags), tights and accessories are in a fabric bin, pettis are hanging outside the closet, and I have my kimono/kitsuke collection folded neatly at the bottom.
I need to get a tansu chest for those, actually.

>> No.8133123

I was sad too.
I managed to snatch that mirror and clock tho. If I had the money I would have bought everything when they closed down.