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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8108262 No.8108262 [Reply] [Original]

Two months until USA finals at the worst finals location in the history of ever.

Team photos were just posted, pics to follow.

>> No.8108264
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>> No.8108273
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>> No.8108275

This looks fucking awful. It looks like nothing was ironed and that crown was made from poster board. Not even going to touch the wigs.

>> No.8108276
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>> No.8108279
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>> No.8108281
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>> No.8108285
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>> No.8108287
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>> No.8108293
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>> No.8108306

Homura looks stoned out of her fucking mind

>> No.8108308

I like this cosplay, hopefully they win.

>> No.8108316

Are those the Kuroshit girls? Holy shit, they look so much better.

>> No.8108370

Eh you're rather over exaggerating over ur waifu

>> No.8108407

I never watched Attack on Titan, but is the one on the left even in the series?

>> No.8108416

It's from Katekyo Hitman Reborn

>> No.8108472

Generally better than last year.

>> No.8108553

first anon was right. this is fucking awful. all that wrinkly ass applique is making my brain bleed.

>> No.8108595
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Hilariously, they won Best in Master's division at Ikki with those.

>> No.8108618

...so there were no other entries in masters division is what you're saying.

>> No.8108643

Maybe they're those types of costumes that look better in person...

>> No.8108719

Surely these are not the best the US has to offer.

Then again, I often see people saying "There's no way I'm good enough to enter."

I'm like, "... Maybe you haven't seen the winners."

>> No.8108793

It's definitely not the best. A lot of these groups also are first-timers in qualifing, from what I've looked into previous years. A couple years back, a lot of really good cosplayers took the stage. This and last year may have been their off-season, since it does take money and planning to go to a qualifier.

There's still whoever else left is competing at Midwest the day before finals. Is there any other group confirmed besides Karmaluna competing? I remember that duo made it twice through qualifiers, but idk if Disney music to Madoka might get them through. (please no more let it go)

>> No.8108898

Kek. Looking at the craftmanship in this thread and comparing it to the contestants in my country alone you guys look really ridiculous. No wonder the US never wins anything. Keep crying over how WCS is rigged.

>> No.8108980

Not like craftsmanship ever really matters in decision making in Japan, besides for the Brother award. I personally think that one or two of these teams actually have the chance to make a good impression on Japan.

>> No.8108992

Well, its not like the competition is stiff at ikkicon. They tend to enter smaller contests and then brag about all their awards, like its impressive to place BIS at a my little pony convention.

>> No.8109010

Did Karmaluna say they're definitely using Disney music? I know they have at least one costume change from the looks of their Fb page.

>> No.8109016

I want to appreciate this because it's Haman, but I just can't...

>> No.8109226

This is funny mainly because the crown is definitely made of sheet metal, but you're right about it looking like poster board.

>> No.8109291

I really enjoy the guy's lack of a jawline.

>> No.8109520

>made of metal
>looks like poster board spray painted with that high gloss metallic gold

You know sometimes even if you use the actual material something is made out of it can look like shit in real life. Sometimes you have to go with what will look best and not what it's supposed to be. I see alot of people make this mistake with fabric choices.

>> No.8109754

I am raging because the judges for finals just got announced and NO ONE seems qualified. Two people are random nobodies, then the pair from last year who placed the US near dead last, then a random girl from the fucking Netherlands? How is she suppose to make a sound decision on who can best represent the USA? Why would you pick probably the least successful USA representatives in the history of the contest to pick someone who could succeed? Why not get a hold of the teams that actually placed internationally? Both the Cupcakes are already working for the organization, Dia's doing nothing with her life. I just. The lack of logic astounds me.

>> No.8109897

>implying Laura and Eve ever make logical choices and are not just riding the dying wcs wave as hard as they can till their fount of free con trips and partying dries up.

Just look at the teams. Hardly anyone from last year returned because they got slapped in the face and shat on.

>> No.8109899

Actually the rigged complaints date from when good cosplayers brought their best to WCS and lost to people from other countries that had purchased stuff. Since then nobody that takes cosplay seriously in the US will bother with WCS and you get this.

>> No.8109912

There were 3 international judges last year. I don't knowcwhy they do it, but its not new. Its also pretty standard this years team judges next year. You might not like them, but its not like thst decusion doesn't make sense.

>> No.8110056


You also have to consider that a lot of people do not wish to travel just to enter. We lost a lot of cons on the East coast. If you were in the Southeast, you didn't stand a chance. People planned on attending either the Florida or Alabama qualifier to watch both drop WCS and find out that the only other con on the east coast to hold one already happened last year.

>> No.8110189

No one has time for crystal

>> No.8110191

there's no list of place past 3rd

>> No.8110227

You're retarded, there's always a ranked list. It's just a matter of how publicized it is/how closely you keep up.

>> No.8110231

>Dia's doing nothing with her life
Doesn't she work in the fashion industry...?

>> No.8110252

She definitely is. In fact, I'm having a hard time thinking of any team members who aren't busy having real lives.

>> No.8110357


>Why not get a hold of the teams that actually placed internationally?

Because that means only two US teams if you stay domestic. Four people. Two already on staff that might be busy running things backstage, because the event needs someone running things besides Laura by herself.

That leaves you with two potential judges in the whole country, going by your standards, assuming they are even available to come all that way.

That's just for finals. They also need qualifier judges.

>> No.8111219

Are the judges for the Midwest qualifier going to be the same as the judges for the US finals?

>> No.8111474

That's a good question, probably.

>> No.8111720


Doesn't matter who judges, they will just pick the fattest team. That's the best way to represent America.

>> No.8111816

So true. Also, all the judges are at least a little chubby this year....

>> No.8113261

Does anyone know if the three teams-or-more rule applies to the MMX qualifier? I kind of want to apply but don't want to invest all that time and money if it's just going get canceled.

>> No.8114295

Just email them and ask

>> No.8116342

I remember them mentioning it in their early posts. it's probably their own recording and lyrics for it.

I want to know if any other teams have changed their skit entirely or their selection skits and cosplays altogether.

>> No.8117098

I'm pretty sure the ANext team is, saw it on one of their Facebook pages a while ago. It was from some obscure manga I didn't recognize, though.

>> No.8117552

Despite how terrible US was last year, the duo over the years has shown some pretty good craftsmanship. The Mana dress was well done, but the Gai was poorly fitted. The skit was extremely poor. If they're judges, I suppose they will likely look at it from a craftsmanship point of view since they lack the performance factor.

They've been doing this for the past number of qualifiers to bring in representatives from other past international teams. I assume it's to promote the legitimacy of the competition, since it looks prestigious to have someone from another country judge. It's a hit or miss though. Netherlands wasn't very good last year.

Who knows who they will pick this year. Judging by the way the groups look this time around, it's safe to say that there's probably one or two groups at the most who will stand out and be chosen from those.

>> No.8118934

Now that both Rufflebutt and Mango Sirene have also been announced as guests, they should just make them both judges, imo

>> No.8120916

Yet you still haven't posted it unless you were a championship judge and beyond unlikely

>> No.8120932

Usually from previous years other entrants from WCS are OFFERED to go as judges for the USA but it's not funded. They get accom and a ticket but no travel. So it's basically whoever can afford to go from the last bunch can judge. This definitely happened in 2014 at least with the German girls, so it's likely the same this year.

The girl from the Netherlands looks so awful though, I've not seen a single good photo of her from any event, including WCS

>> No.8121499

There's always some dipshit in every WCS thread that says this. Again, it's in the archives.

>> No.8121510

Other anon couldn't assume you meant right, but yes it's from an official online mobile game called Hangeki no Tsubasa that has a ton of different outfits.

>> No.8121548

I'm rooting for Shikarius' team, they look the best. Their skit was pretty neat too.

>> No.8121588

I would too, but something about Shikarius' tumblr persona just throws me off. I'd like for one of the underdogs to get their shit together.

>> No.8122232

Again, that was a separate online vote like niconico. Not actual results.

>> No.8124727

Wcs had to reupload this because they got the name of one of them wrong. So professional

>> No.8124986

... You're kidding. They got the name of one of the CONTESTANTS wrong?

>> No.8125036

they arent professional. they care more about upholding their "hurr durr I'm super important cosplay person" belief than actually putting on a professional show.
They think they are so. much. more important than the cons that host them and they treat a lot of cons like shit and take advantage of them, which is probably why more and more cons are refusing to host them.
Fun fact: if no con will agree to host them, then they'd stop existing, so I don't know why they are fucking up so badly. esp, with them trying to ride the fame/important train so hard.

>> No.8127506


Mexican team just chosen. Holy. Crap. They better win something in Japan.

>> No.8127508

Is the Satsuki a seagull?

>> No.8127519

Holy shit. Everyone else needs to pack up and go home because this deserves every award.

>> No.8127521

That was amazing, but didn't they violate both the time rule as well as the set piece dimensions? How is that fair at all?

>> No.8127538

Good god.

>> No.8127782

This better win!

>> No.8129193

Dia has also stated that she refuses to be part of WCS anymore because of the new NDA which is bullshit.

>> No.8129332

UUHHH, aren't these guys from Arizona?

>> No.8129359


>> No.8129420

They just competed in Arizona

>> No.8129503

Yeah the set was completely too big and would not meet the travel weight requirements at all. Shame because that was a great skit.

>> No.8131201
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Saw Team Mexico's skit getting popular on tumblr. I have to give them props, it was a pretty fun skit (the set needed a bit more work to make it collapse better), and from the photo, the cosplays look great. Plus it's always refreshing to get a two-guy team.

>> No.8131892

Latin American countries seem to get a lot of 2-man teams, I've noticed. You're right, it is refreshing to see.

>> No.8132658

The land of bromance.