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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.16 MB, 2048x1232, 20150208_213505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8107061 No.8107061 [Reply] [Original]

Can't Stop Orcish Progress edition.

Got all my plates hammered out. Blackening them properly tomorrow, the strayan way, putting those shrimps on the barbie.

Also, finished my gambeson, so you guys get to see my shitty, 3rd sewing project and my unphotogenic mug.

>> No.8107068
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Here it is, am I lacing it right? Don't spare your negative criticism, I deal it out to everyone, especially me.

If you recognise me from SC, just keep in mind I've apologised to Pelican privately. I done goofed then

>> No.8107098

Progress: We just finished this weekend's larp, I'm chilling at HLF's place right now before I go home. Photos will come later - our players did really well in the costuming department but the venue itself had its visual hiccups which we couldn't hide completely but people ignored most of them because they were so busy plotting and they had an actual roof of an actual house above their heads. Storytime to follow later when I get home or when HLF decides to start posting what happened from the perspective of his chatacter

>> No.8107113
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>> No.8107322
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meanwhile, pictures soon. Until then, here is a pic from friday minutes before we left the house

>> No.8107508

Horrible question, where do I find solid, reasonable in-genre boots for a men's US size 15 (preferably affordable)? My fiance has finally decided to step up his costuming game now that I've shamed him enough.

I feel like it needs one more tie towards your waist- I'd be worried about whatever plate you have digging into your lower stomach.
That's totally just my uninformed opinion though.

>> No.8107516
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leather boots: not expensive, durable, comfortable. You can choose two of those if you don't know personally people who make it

also I've finally got the photos, in maybe half an hour I will dump them too.
Until then, here is how I looked on that larp

>> No.8107527

I was mostly asking for online sources, like an actual site to purchase them.
The plan was leather boots, but between his giant feet and the shady dealings of a lot of American leather boot dealers, I wanted to check here first and see if anyone had a *specific* place they like to get their boots from.

>> No.8107533
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mine was made by our blacksmith and with boots I can only recommend people who actually make them.
but then again there are other methods if it's only for larping

>> No.8107535
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>> No.8107536

Fuuucccckkk... No local blacksmiths here, oh well.
Boot covers never look good, imo. I'll try to find a *reasonable* place online, anything to get him out of his current lazy costuming.

>> No.8107552
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In this pic : Hungarian Santa's Workshop

it look good, it doesnt look very stiff or heavy tho so i suppose its more for a costume than combat (if you dont need to wear a combat one , dont, you'll sweat like a pig under it and you'll smell pretty bad very fast , so keep that for combat huhu)

>men's US size 15
Tell andré the giant there that Viking leathercraft is pretty much the best site for cheap period shoes
>preferably affordable
you are still looking at minimum 60-70 $

>I feel like it needs one more tie towards your waist
a belt , a good belt make all the change in the world to a costume , you can get good looking historical ones for like 20 bucks at certain shop online , go for natural brown, it look yellow in the begining but take a nice looking taint later (same goes for every natural leather things)

there is ALWAYS a local blacksmith if you look hard enough. it's a old trade and most of the time you really have to look for old sources like the phone book because some of them are still living in the past huhu

>> No.8107618

>Hungarian Santa's workshop

Nope, that's just a temporary place where Hungarian Santa crashes before the larp and stores his shit for a while. Although, this year, Hungarian Santa brought a larp for the good kids. Bruises for the bad kids are still in progress.

>> No.8107622

That's no problem. I'm looking to avoid $400 for a pair of boots, 60-70 is no issue. I'll check out Viking Leathercraft. I'll also tell him you called him Andre the Giant, he will be entertained.

>tfw U.S.
>tfw no friendly local blacksmith who has passed his craft down for generations on every street corner

We have some people who can tool leather armor, none who can make a pair of boots. Even the people who sell tack and things for horses buy their stuff from China instead of making it.

>> No.8107636
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>>tfw no friendly local blacksmith who has passed his craft down for generations on every street corner
we don't have those either. Our blacksmith just wanted to be a blacksmith. So he started learning it all by himself. He also learned a fuckton of other stuff on the way that's why he can make shoes for us too. So I would recommend a shoemaker instead of a blacksmith.

(also he made these fibulas too)

>> No.8107650

Gambeson looks real nice, please do something with your hair though, its parted in the middle.

Really making shoes wouldnt be to tough. i plan on making my own boots as i work leather, but i have yet to find a good source for Soles suitable for active use. Honestly, i would just search up some patterns and make it out of leather. Leatherwork isnt very tough once you get past the learning curve.

>> No.8107678
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To expand on that, i actualy have my design down and patterened on what i want to do. I just have to wait to get a bit of money in and buy a side of 5-6oz leather and some deer hide plus the soles. But it should look like these.

>> No.8107685
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Yay, new thread.

>> No.8107696

Making shoes isn't hard. Making historical 15-16th century shoes without modern materials and ideas (gluing and rubber soles are anathema and for most of the time, welts are at least questionable) is... fun. Yes, that's the word I'm looking for, fun. It gets even more fun when you have to make them comfortable and durable for people with problematic gaits. Like HLF.

Next time try tailoring it in a way that makes your shoulder joints go into the sleeves, not the torso. It's much more comfortable for most human beings. Also if you plan to use fitted gauntlets and/or vambraces with that, then you might want to make at least the wrist area a lot tighter. If you're planning on wearing a fitted cuirass, then tighten the torso as well (and lace it further down), if it'll be lamellar, mail or generic plate, then it's fine. All in all, not bad for a 3rd run.

>> No.8107712

That looks a lot like some finds in Novgorod (IIRC... can't check, my net is slow again). If you haven't yet, look them up, some have patterns taken from the originals. It always helps to compare your ideas with the real thing.

>> No.8107807
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>> No.8107808

It actualy is! Im going to be altering the design a bit but its pretty close to what im making for the main part. Ill be adding modern soling to it though for sure as these will be used in combat. when i start the project ill update you guys.

>> No.8107810
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>> No.8107813
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>> No.8107814
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>> No.8107817
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>> No.8107819
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>> No.8107820
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>> No.8107829
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and I will post more pictures tomorrow

>> No.8107981

I've got a spare belt, it was quilted with cotton batting I think, which explains not being very stiff, I am somewhat worried about its combat readiness.

That's a bad thing? This is news to me. The greasiness is 'excused' by not taking a shower that day as I didn't really go out, but no-one ever told me centre parting's bad.

>> No.8108042


>> No.8108114

Bruv, part it to the left, i promise itll look nicer. and if youve got layers itll be all sexy and shit.

>> No.8108115

Yeah i liked those too, i wouldnt mind a pair myself, but really. if i was going to do armor, id rather be fully armored.

>> No.8108148

I've been putting off getting into larp for a while. I think ill go pester the local cobbler tomorrow and see if he can make custom shoes (since these days most of the work they get is in repairs).

>> No.8108280
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It's a nice start. The gambason seems rather large, could do to be better fitted.

I'm not an expert on men's clothing though.

Love the hat and the ruffled shirt! The white lining of the cloak turned out nice, although it seems like it would be a bitch to keep clean.

These are NICE pictures, more is most certainly wanted!

It's easier to notice non-symmetrical features with a middle part, so a side part usually looks better. Not a larp issue really though.

Just got my copy of Mode a Firenze. Holy hell is this book a must have if you want to make 1600's Italian gowns! I've only browsed it a bit so far but the crystal clear photos of portraits are invaluable.

>> No.8108301

i was wondering when you would show up!
As per our deal, the fabric is yours. Make something cool out of it and post pics, is all i ask.

>> No.8108302

It's a nice gambeson, but it's a little large if you're not going to be getting a cuirass or a breastplate. Slapping some armor over the chest has a way of cinching a gambeson up. Otherwise it's going to hang a little loose. Shouldn't be too much of an issue, but it can be bothersome if you're going to be wearing it for extended periods. My recommendation: get a nice, thick belt and loop it around your waist to help take care of some of the slack.
Really nice on the length, though. Wish my coat covered the thigh.

>> No.8108320
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also it migth help if you took a pic without the arm lifted, it would be easier to see how well it fits naturaly.

>> No.8108321

is it? Has it been that long? I said it I hadn't heard from you for a year then the fabric was forfeit, so I think you still got some time left!

>> No.8108334
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My mother and I were accounting for a bit of weight gain as med changes do strange things to my appetite.

I'm keeping my options open for armor. I currently have some rust painted butted mail I can borrow, that I was capable of comfortably wearing with a belt and a thick jacket underneath my kit, Torso armor's something I'm not going to wonder about for a while, after my gauntlets I was going to make a helmet.

Here you go. The shoulder gatherings I have to admit partially had to do with mis-measuring the sleeve width, but I don't mind too much, even if it highlights how I'm a DYEL to end all DYEL's.

>> No.8108336

It is a new year friend. I'm a good sport, just fell on some hard times.

>> No.8108350

I meant like whole year had passed since I last heard from you, 12 months. So by that you are still good. I don't want to be a hard ass I just want to make sure that if you fall off the face of the earth that I don't just have fabric that is "not mine" in limbo.

>> No.8108354
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Speaking of helmets, in researching parts of my kit, I'm wondering what kind of helmet guy on the right in this pic has, I think it's a Lobster tailed pot/zischagge, but it looks a tad Burgonet-ish. Wikipedia mentions LTPs from the isles having crests in the middle, being made from two parts forge welded together, but it also doesn't seem to mention anything about any LTP's from the 1500's.

>> No.8108359 [DELETED] 

Also on the whole Gallowglass inspiration, what are the poor and Irish fellows wearing around their neck/upper torsos over their tunics/leines like guy on the left in >>8108354 or "Tired of your shit jerry." guy here?

>> No.8108365
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Also, on the topic of Galloglass inspiration, what's the Kern on the left in >>8108354 and 'Tired of your shit jerry' here wearing over their tunic/leine?

>> No.8108409

The shoulders need to be taken in a bit it looks like, regardless of future weight gain- they look like they're hanging off.

>> No.8108411
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Oh my fucking god i just remembered something from my early day of larping.

>Be me at 16
>be playing an EVIIIIL NECROMANCER *pic related*
>have an aprentice who is also my girlfriend (what a bad idea)
>gamemaster introduce characters called the ''Minouines'' wich are basically invisible smurfs (what?) that only pure heart can see
>a dude dressed in black leotard is making the leaves move and talk with a small voice and all that
> they shoot invisible arrows to my aprentice and she get angry and start smashing the ground with her daggers and acting as she's destroying them all, and the dude in leotard is making small noise of smurf being killed.

And i just stood there... wondering at what moment i chose this to be how i spent my weekends

>> No.8108426
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The Green knigth wanted me to post a pic of him so he could see himself on the thread

Here you go beautiful motherfocker

>> No.8108626
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Only thing that rings a bell for this are a few extant reproductions of burgonets. I remember hearing that lobster-tailed burgonets were a thing, though.

>> No.8108665


>Plate digging into your lower stomach

Oh god, I hate that feeling.

I had it when I had a cuirassier inspired costume. Robust as my uniform's coat was, the plate was grinding through it after a day or so.

Padding really is a must.

>> No.8108675

I'm aware of sallets with segmented tails, so it seems plausible. I was planning on making it myself though, LTP's seeming relatively easy to make compared to a lot of its contemporaries.

>> No.8108716


I have to say. The green knight looks like he means business in every pic I've seen.

>> No.8108723
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He's one mean motherfucker.
a human cavalry, huge and ready to destroy many anusses (thats the plurial of anus)

>> No.8108732
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The face of the gentle giant under the heavy iron helmet of the Green Knigth

>> No.8108740
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here is something similar although a little later from the thirty years war

>> No.8108773

>Love the hat and the ruffled shirt!
truth to be told the hat was a little oversized as I made it the night before the event and I died the shirt two days before the event and didn't had time to iron it out that's why it is ruffled

>> No.8108824
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and now more pictures, I will be slow because monday and work

This guy was one of my men. Fenwick Sigwald, legalized bastard and generally a guy who was very unfortunate as more often than not very sad accidents happened to people who weren't had the "Sigwald" part in their name.

>> No.8108825

Or, you know, properly fitted armour. Pretty much every member in our group wears plate without padding, because there's no padding in the Landsknecht era. (of course you do have textile armour worn with minimal plate, but that's a whole other thing)

>> No.8108826
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Meanwhile, some info about last weekend's larp:

It was a mostly-indoors larp, the first one in the series of 13 yearly or half-yearly events so far. The campaign consists of a series of loosely connected one-shots set in different parts of the same game world - usually where the important stuff takes place. This leads to about ten percent of the characters being played on more than one event, maintaining a good variety of flavors while giving room to a large overarching plotline and making the world feel big. The current event was about a council of the noble houses of a city-state recently annexed by the Empire, trying to solve the issue of the increased activity of the rebels led by the mysterious "Grey Wolf" - hence the title of the event, "Grey Wolf Rising".

on pic: Brave city watchmen, ensuring the safety of our beloved Governor and the good folk of the city, stopping criminal scum right there with the regulated use of severe beatings.

>> No.8108831
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this trusthworthy fellow on the right was my nephew who was really good at dueling and in drinking, and allegedly with the women too.
Although while he was good with the dueling thing, the "other guy stays alive" part wasn't something that always happened. Even if it was just a duel for the first blood. Especially when it was a duel to the first blood and the other guy spoke against the Sigwald house in the past

>> No.8108840
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My retinue had a blind girl too who was my advisor and also a distant relative and good with symbolic magic although as I see sadly no picture was made where she can be seen

so instead here is another pic of the sergeant of the guards

>> No.8108844

So, for a rifleman would you guys suggest 1.2mm Brass Bazubands or 1.8mm aluminium Splint vambraces with 1.5mm mild steel cops?

>> No.8108846

Fucking tobacco pouches man.
#1 killer of Immersion.

>> No.8108855

for a rifleman? I would suggest leaving the leg armors.

>> No.8108856

forearms actually
legs are all splinted already

>> No.8108859

I don't really see why would a rifleman need armor on the arms either

>> No.8108862


Reminds me of Luca from Robin Hood: Men in Tights

>> No.8108864

Because all of his armoured allies fuck off at the first sign of a single orc

>> No.8108865

then I would recommend even less armor and a good sprinting boots. And a pistol to shoot one of your allies in the leg

>> No.8108867


Not all of us have the luxury of affordable blacksmiths two towns over.

>> No.8108868
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This woman was the head of the Augustyn house. That house was our allies although there was more then a little friction between the houses because of different views on the world.
house Sigwald was way more pragmatic while House Augustyn was way more... liberal? They even had good terms with non humans, such as elves.

>> No.8108899
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this girl was one of the servants of the Augustyn house. She unfortunately had a very tragic accident while he was walking with Fenwick. She slipped on the top of the stairs and broke her neck very thoroughly. It's a shame to see such a curious woman die. I mean she was always ready to ask questions from everyone.

>> No.8108903
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>> No.8108904
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>> No.8108913
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this girl was the emissary of the elves, come with House Augustyn and may or may not a chaos mage, and a lot of other things. Sadly I don't know all the details about her character, AHLF will tell the important stuff

>> No.8108917
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>> No.8108919

Giilvaen Crimsondawn of Darkwood was a character which started out quite plain, but after some character creation workshops, she came out quite complex and very well played - representative of the neighbouring elven nation and the elven population of the city, participating in the council as the guest of the Augustyns, although a member of a radical political movement among the elves whose goal is the restoration of their fallen empire, which progressed somewhat during the game as she managed to secure a voting place in the Council for herself.
About the chaos mage part - during Friday night, she was replaced by a shapeshifting spirit known as the Shadow of Darkwood, who wanted to find a lost spellbook and convince a magic-user to use said spellbook to grant the spirit a living body. Fortunately, the Governor and the Augustyns managed to find and exploit a weakness of the spirit - it couldn't replicate eye color, its eyes were always blue. The player wore contact lenses (gold-specked brown) while she played Giilvaen, and took them out when she played the spirit, using her natural blue eyes. According to other players, pants were soiled when some people realized this, as the myth of the blue-eyed shapeshifter was hinted before during the pre-game play-by-email phase.

>> No.8108924
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>mfw I realize how her character name sounds translated to English

>> No.8108933
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the guards, sans the captain

>> No.8108937
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>> No.8108938
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>> No.8108939
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fun fact: this guard had only one day remaining until his retirement. And he actually survived!
When shit hit the fun he was just knocked out and one of the rebels thrown a blanket on him and told the others this
"Leave him alive. Ha has only one day until retirement"

>> No.8108940
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>> No.8108947
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>> No.8108999
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>> No.8109179


That horrible feel when only old woman and my close friends wear historical stuff at bico...and that other wiminz wear fucking leather corsets and laced pants.

I once had a date with a bico girl...then i saw her tricorne and laced pants...and my best friend started smiling with her smug little face and i was like...oh...oOOOooOOooOOOooh..that is not a good sign.

>> No.8109187
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also, dat feel when you are the best dressed motherfucker in the room and you know it, and the cameraman know it.

>> No.8109191

General LARP question for anyone to answer: How stigmatized is wearing bought or commissioned armor/weapons/accessories as opposed to making them yourself? Do people generally not care so long as the character looks well put together?

>> No.8109192
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that girl also decided that she will be the talles in her group and forbidden everyone to be taller then she is. And then she got some very high heeled boots to make this actually happen

>> No.8109194

people generally don't care. As long as it looks good with your costume no one gives a shit how did you got it.

>> No.8109195
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depends of the amount of duct tape used.

but yeah...is she a shitty person? she sound like a shitty person

>> No.8109198

nope. She is an awesome person with the only fault of being too naive and sometimes on the shy part.
And she made the costume herself.

>> No.8109204
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that is pretty amazin. not my favorite century but still pretty good looking.

Plus lets say the truth, she's pretty cute.

>> No.8109208
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she brought her sister to the game too.
Also we found them on one of the cons we went last year and roped them into the larping scene

>> No.8109219
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>and roped them into the larping scene
you monster.

Pic unrelated : but you know how the 'murikans are shooting at unequiped and untrained talibans? yeah thats kinda how i feel being a knigth against browns and generics

>> No.8109227
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>you monster.
I'm just very pragmatic

>> No.8109436

Most people won't care, but you can save some money by learning to sew your own garb.

Plus, even if you screw up it'll just look more 'rustic.'

>> No.8109530
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Its a small small world, i am currently changing my water heater (the thing...that heat the water...the water tank?)

And the man the landlord sent me turn out to be a tech that did a laser and smoke show at bico in 2011.

Quebec = the nation where everybody knows what larping is and its not seen as ridiculous

>> No.8109535

Only in your frenchy dreams

>> No.8109537

Over here, someone made a blog post about how the media did an article on larping, without explaining what larp was first... It's an improvement, I guess?

>> No.8109552
File: 296 KB, 499x752, chasteknigth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sir, in my heart , my language and my desire to make Canadians really mad over the internet.

i remember back in 2003 how my own parents tougth i was part of a sect now or something and were really suspicious.

But then i got a girlfriend finally and they calmed down. my father probably had to give my mother a 5$ or something because i am a fabulously extravagant person with amazing hair and also because i kinda look like i'd enjoy penis

Funfact : i actually do as much as vayjayjay so technically he'd own her 2,50$

>> No.8109557

Actually, it is much similar to the states being nations, that are in allegiance with the union.

>> No.8109565

why is it that in every thread in /cgl/ we and up talking about your sex life?
For the record in /tg/ we end up like that only half of the time

>> No.8109566

>similar to the states being nations
Fine, but leave the poutine

>> No.8109578
File: 47 KB, 960x640, sang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this

Why did nobody stop me from posting stuff like that?

>be me
>18th birthday party
>drunk fuckfriend want my d
>i'm drunk also so yeah good idea
>she say she want to give me her anal cherry for my birthday
>happy to oblige
>drunk me have an idea
>go get some butter
>start fingering her with my butterfingers
>she let out a loud fart and get up and run to the bathroom
>come back and say ''i'm fin now''
>keep fingering her asshole and it smell like popcorn because of the butter NOICE
>put my penis in it
>she started farting and liquid shit is spewing everywhere on my bed ans muh dick
>stand there in shock
> i stand there and look at her with the face in pic related I'veseensomeshit(literaly)man.jpg
>my father knock
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walks the dinosaur
> haha...but not really my bed was covered in shit and it took me 4 years after that to try anal again.

its not my fault, thats society's fault

it's okay, poutine is not THAT good anyways (it still is)

>> No.8109595

/tg/ threads die so fast we don't get to that topic. Whereas /cgl/ it last enough that it's inevitable.

On other news, had a small IC party at the weekend. Hadn't gotten kitted up for a while, and it's a few months before I get the next chance, so felt good. Also one of my Hall-mates made homemade cakes and bread. Also some homemade mead and apple mead, Couple with the two whole chickens plus assorted meats I was most full by the end

>> No.8109602
File: 100 KB, 960x640, 1255472_1441309752760188_1533334171_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that migth also be because i'm a high priest of Slaneesh now.

Just like another weirdo here...that i shall not name because it ...okay its gropey and we want to make a Slaneeshi themed cult at bico this summer and it's slowly growing.

>> No.8109633

Hmm, the term is nation-state.

>> No.8109683

oh my yes.

>> No.8109752
File: 55 KB, 568x411, 1305736541447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pig disgusting

>> No.8109785

Where can I find a tutorial on making a buckler?

>> No.8109819

wood or metal?

>> No.8109822

Wood. Also I just noticed I quoted that post, sorry.

>> No.8109827

find any tutorial for one point shields. Make it smaller.

>> No.8109832

Neat, thanks!

>> No.8109892
File: 214 KB, 657x960, 391cbf68613892a31437e5e4939377bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut.i didnt think his had a face. only a Great helm and death.

I always liked these type of shoulder straps..
fancy as hell. i like it.
No one really cares. But if you make it yourself you have that sense of pride like. Yeah! i made this! I myself couldnt ever make my own garb, im not patient enough, as are many people. But i make my own things when i can because i enjoy the sense of pride that comes with it, and i also like being handy.

Nothing ruins immersion more than glasses/sunglasses and bandannas.

>> No.8109904

>Nothing ruins immersion more than glasses/sunglasses and bandannas.
from the top of my head I can name at least 10 thing that ruins immersion more than glasses/sunglasses and bandannas.
In fact glasses and bandannas are pretty much at the bottom part of the list

>> No.8109942
File: 276 KB, 400x534, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw LARPer with asthma makes a leather cover for this inhaler and explains to anyone who asks that it's an alchemical gas that he has to take after getting consumption as a boy.

There is no modern immersion breaking thing that cannot, with suitable effort, be made at least a little in-genre.
Other than smartphones.
Goddamn ren faire people, pulling their phones out all the time....

>> No.8109967

let me re-phrase it.
There isnt anything i hate more than the blokes who wear sunglass/glasses and a bandana on the field.

>> No.8110000

I can name a lot of things as well, but the fact is that Bandannas and sunglasses are the two that are most easily replaced. I can deal with things that would be troublesome to replace with in-character stuff; boots and shoes are a great example because they're both expensive and the period equivalents can often be uncomfortable. But shit like bandannas or using regular t-shirt style cotton/polyester for garb is just lazy. the

>> No.8110021

Sunglasses/glasses I feel are a little harder. I can't even imagine trying to put in/take out contacts at a LARP, and if you're blind as a bat you have no other option.

Sunglasses are even tougher. My fiance has an issue brought about by an injury where if he's in the sun too long without full clothing, a hat, and sunglasses he gets a migraine for 2 days where he can't come out from under the bed or really do anything but wait for death (he is both Andre the Giant and a Vampire) and the only in-genre option he has for sunglasses is stupid looking steampunk googles.

There's no excuse for bandanas though. Just get a solid-colored scarf, even a length of fabric, it'll be cheaper than a bandana

t-shirt garb is horrifying.

>> No.8110031
File: 18 KB, 323x377, Conrad_von_Soest,_'Brillenapostel'_(1403).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm arguing with quads, what could replace my glasses exactly? I don't know how the hell you're supposed to get prescription period eyewear.

Then again, the Orcs' unofficial leader, (We're technically an anarchy) is legally blind, doesn't wear his glasses on field, and is somehow one of the best fighters at SC, though I suspect that largely has to do with him being a giant, intimidating latex mask and rusted armor, and being aggressive as fuck.

>> No.8110041
File: 70 KB, 720x540, solar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can forgive glasses since they are pretty essentials and not everyone can endure contacts.

And you got me curious about that injury...(was he bitten by a pale fellow with long theets?)

I also know that terrible curse, when i spend juste a little time in the sun i get so godawfully red its ridiculous, then my skin begin to plum and i get a headache that almost makes me pass out.

Even if i put a ton of sunscreen.

But thats okay , it means that i can have lovely wiminz put aloes on me and i can act like a big spoiled cat getting pampered.

Pic related, my red lobster face after a sunny day.

>> No.8110058

It was a dark night, and he was walking alone when a mysterious stranger beckoned him from a dark alley and offered him immortality and power beyond his wildest dreams.... for a terrible price.

But seriously though, he got stuck on a tin roof in the West Indies for a full day with no sun protection when he was 20 and it broke his brain a little bit (the CT scans confirmed). He spent 6 months with a never-ending migraine and considered suicide, but eventually it started fading. Now it's a decade later and he can mostly go outside for limited periods of time, the more protection he has, the more he can be out.

>Dat face
Damn man, put some zinc on or something.

>> No.8110067
File: 210 KB, 600x927, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you're becoming a crossed

>> No.8110085
File: 139 KB, 959x640, 10580757_10152704027258428_8548466775676576216_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah man i loved this comic so much.

that sucks, he should wear a big hat or a very large chapel de fet in battle then, shade all the way.

>> No.8110105
File: 30 KB, 500x434, il_570xn517710186_6wbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Other than smartphones.
Goddamn ren faire people, pulling their phones out all the time....
Solution, buy or make a girdle book cell phone case.

But I also have the curse of needing glasses. I try to wear fairly unobtrusive frames that aren't super modern looking and take them off for photos.

>> No.8110109
File: 164 KB, 858x536, 1066warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urgh dropped trip.

>> No.8110633

Glasses are totally ok. From Wikipedia, so ....
The earliest written record of magnification dates back to the 1st century AD, when Seneca the Younger, a tutor of Emperor Nero of Rome, wrote: "Letters, however small and indistinct, are seen enlarged and more clearly through a globe or glass filled with water".[1] Nero (reigned 54–68 AD) is also said to have watched the gladiatorial games using an emerald as a corrective lens.[2]-------------------------------635591324430033494
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="recaptcha_challenge_field"


>> No.8110638

It seams that the Captcha monster escaped.

>> No.8110641

Gesundheit, automaton friend.

>> No.8110663


You mean the one where the "representative" of larping was the fat "that girl" with cheap ears and 99 eurocent plastic thule fairy wings and we later got lumped together with furries?

Yeah, that was an improvement.

>> No.8110711

SC's had a bit of press given its relative novelty here, Today Tonight made us look like psychos I hear, but The Project really got in there and had fun.

Though I am worried a bit about the amount of people who come in with the idea it's bound with unrestrained violence and women in corsets, fortunately some of SC's playerbase are off duty cops. Anyone remember the 'fireball' incident?

>> No.8110716

Neither of which implies that modern glasses are okay.

>> No.8110723
File: 1.25 MB, 1559x1165, Besicles_180508[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While probably not as efficient as sunglasses, there were several ways people shaded their eyes in olden days.

Sun hats out of felt or straw are an obvious first, another trick is to do as the Egyptians (and other civilizations) did and put dark makeup around your eyes. An example of this would be Drogo in the GoT series.
And a third idea is veils of a light fabric covering the eyes.

While most of these things are considered feminine this day and age, they were done by all manner of people, both male anf female who spent their days under a beating sun.

That aside, wearable spectacles like these have existed since the Medievals, so there's nothing wrong with wearing them.
Stained/coloured glass has existed since glass making, so there really is no reason why you could not wear something like this and put some polarized glass in there.

>> No.8110748
File: 39 KB, 300x450, 1402976886558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but where the hell are we supposed to get >>8110723 in prescription anyway? Some things are just unavoidable.

>> No.8110755


Ah, was merely commenting on the sunglasses thing.

Getting those glass in prescription can be done quite easily, it's just a matter of paying an optician the full price of such a project with no help from whatever health insurance you have (and this includes free healthcare)

>> No.8110883

Actually (at least here) most presc. lenses are made from round stock, the modern angular shapes are cut in afterwards. Find an optician you can charm, and ask for the raw presc. lenses. You'd still have to build the frame yourself, but it's not THAT hard.

>> No.8110988

Make friends with someone that makes the lens. They're cheap as fuck and marked up to retard levels. So find the person making them, have them sneak in a pair.
If I could seriously find something like >8110723 in prescription I'd be all over it

>> No.8111069

Either >>8110883 or >>8110988, alternatively there are also stores that sell semi-accurate historical replicas, though that'd be a lot more expensive.

You can also attempt to somewhat replicate the look by using old frames (round horn-rimmed ones, as an example - the hard-ish part is finding them in the correct strength). Otherwise there's still the option of wearing contacts.

>> No.8111095

>there's still the option of wearing contacts.
I can not get those fucking things in my eyes lol

>> No.8111653
File: 38 KB, 800x540, ULF-HM-22abc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering returning the Calimacil bastard sword I got earlier that I haven't used and trading it in for some soft kit (Orc latex mask, belt, sandals, weapon frogs) and maybe a dagger. I'm thinking I spent too much money on it too early when there's more important stuff for my kit I need to get.

Also wondering about the historical cohesiveness of my kit. How long exactly were wisby gauntlets in fashion? I'd like to be a gunner, and I'd like to stand out with either a matchlock culverin or a musket of the forked rest kind. I might also go for a Late Kettle Hat/Transitional Kettle Hat/Kettle Sallet/ whatever the hell this thing is where the helmet's one piece and the brim's at a lower angle so you have to cut eyeholes instead of the Lobster Tailed Pot I mentioned earlier. Also tossing up between making myself a Brigandine, Jack of Plate or Munition Cuirass. Argh, why must I be so damn indecisive.

>> No.8111670

>Historical accuracy

I'm all for historical accuracy for games that require it, but for more fantasy style games I much prefer what looks good rather than necessarily being authentic to a period.

>> No.8111710

I just find it more believable and immersive if you can get all your kit on the same real world tech level. Though I also have to take into consideration that I want to get into the SCA eventually, and then there's the 'spergers I have. Like, I'd have it all period, but in stylistic ways. The gonne/musket's all obviously cheaply made, mass produced, and recycled from scrap, the brig's made out of human flesh, the chest piece would have shot holes or a bullet lodged in it from where I got the person I looted it off, period, but orky. Don't you think it'd be a bit clashing if you had something like a kabuto paired with full gothic harness, or a stalhelm paired with leather laminar or something like that. Then again, it's probably just me 'sperging out again.

>> No.8111749

I agree on the Kabuto/Gothic harness, because they are completely different cultures and styles. Was more on about that a having stuff that's from the same rough geographical location but maybe from consecutive centuries.
Maybe it's because the LARP i'm in has nations that take influence from regions/periods but aren't re-enacting them. Leave room for creative licence as long as it's within brief.

>> No.8111791

Honestly, a weapon should have been one of your last concerns. You can have the best-looking sword on the entire con but still won't be taken seriously because your garb looks like shit.

>> No.8111792

I people should conform to a general historical/cultural/fantasy character archetype with a little twist, and generate kit around what would best inform those character traits, but a lot of people seem to use contrivances in their needlessly complex and 'totally compelling' backstory to justify why their kit is so clashing. I don't know, a lot of people I have conversations with tell me I'm worrying too much, let me mention some stuff I've seen that concerns me. I'll try to make it as unembellished and objective as possible so I don't get in trouble again, but here goes.

'Asian Inspired Kit' wielding a Claymore
A 'great khan' with a wisby coat of plates with the plates on the outside.
A 'technomancer' wielding a skull hammer and unembellished leather armor who is in the same faction as the vikings

>> No.8111800

That should have been "if your garb looks like shit", my apologies.

>> No.8111801

*I think people

At least my worrying about whether it was impulsive was right for once. Refund it is.

>> No.8111805

Those all sound like shit

>> No.8111813

Heck, if you freudian slipped and you knew me, I'd still accept it, before my break, my robe was made of arctic fleece, my bloodstains on my surgeons apron were food dyed and had gone all pink, and I didn't have appropriate legwear or footwear. People still complimented it, and a lot of people seemed to appreciate my roleplaying, but that ol' inferiority complex of mine won't accept it.

>> No.8111877


Whatever looks good man, but keep in mind, that helm isnt going to work for SCA unless you get the lower part aswell. I would just go for what looks good. I think your over thinking it.

>> No.8111881

I can't tell if you're impressively blitzed, sunburnt, or both.

>> No.8112202
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>> No.8112206
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>> No.8112216

Ahhh yeah heresy

>> No.8112634
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For your viewing pleasure, and hopefully some reference.

>> No.8112636
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>> No.8112639
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>> No.8112644
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>> No.8112648
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Once you pop...

>> No.8112649
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Just kidding, this is my last one, so I gotta stop

>> No.8112753
File: 44 KB, 720x540, solar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not even sure what blitzed mean.

sexy sexy heresy.

dose sexy first 3

>spiked shield

>> No.8112755

Thinking of starting a post apocalyptic larp in Australia, whats the cheapest way to make sure i cant get sued?

>> No.8112759
File: 85 KB, 850x636, 185135_348199481920288_749248395_n-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont call it madmax.

>> No.8112760

I mean for public liability, in case someone gets skull fucked through the eye socket by a larp sword

>> No.8112762
File: 101 KB, 600x400, IMG_3367-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make them sign a discharge.

Be aware that injuries WILL happen.
Have competant person with first aid formation on site.

Do not take unessecary risk, if you see something that can hurt someone, dont leave it there.

You responsabilité is with the security of the terrain, what happen between player is not your problem if they all sign a discharge where they accept the risk.

but really...
protip: a discharge does not protect you in any way really , the law is a funny thing that is always possible to find new way to fuck.

>> No.8112763

There's After the Fall starting up in melbourne already isn't there? Unless that's you.

My vague understanding is that airsoft and crossbows are, while not illegal, so difficult to get a hold of just to own that it's pointless. AtF I believe is using painted NERF and Latex weapons. You can get liability waivers, and I think insurance is also possible, given that's Swordcraft's general explanation for the price hikes every now and then. I somehow know some people who run larps pretty regularly, I could forward you to them.

I was going to bombard you with Australian euphemisms for drunk, but then I remembered I don't drink, and am therefore unastrayan.

>> No.8112764

Make everyone sign a waiver, have insurance, don't be stupid, don't do anything illegal (see #3).
Basically do the same things, say, a sporting event would have to do.

>> No.8112765

Thank you. I am not AtF, and I was woried about the flimsyness of discharges. Unfortunately public liability insurance costs money, and I was hoping the events would be free, but it seems that isnt possible. Its only going to be larp safe and nerf weapons. Is there anyway i can not be considered an organiser to avoid responsibility?

>> No.8112766


>The organisation is not responsible for theft of personal effects
>The organisation is not responsible for possible accidents

Have them sign this when they register, done.

>> No.8112769
File: 185 KB, 600x400, IMG_3324-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the perfect response in 2 sentence.

ah yeah...well both.

discharge are actually just a way to make sure that those who dont know law will not go back to you for stupid reasons

>your picture migth be taken and used for promotional purpose

(THAT IS REALLLLYY IMPORTANT) , if someone prefer not, they will tell you then.

>> No.8112784
File: 167 KB, 600x400, IMG_3325-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also i bougth 2 longbows at that russian site someone linked some time ago.

the total including the shipping is 3640 rub in canadian moneydolla' it's 55$ so its probably like 50$ us

my only wories now is
1- that the Canadian custom will be shit and i will have to pay more
2- that NATO will not declare war on the russians yet (no seriously the french president and the german chancelor told the media that : '' if they do not reach a lasting peace agreement, that it will go to the only solution left, and that solution is war'' - translated from french by the french president...you DONT go to war against russia man...
3- that i hope its not gonna be too long to ship.

>> No.8112790


>implying Germany or France would go to war

Don't be silly. They mean that, if there's no lasting peace agreement, Ukraine will be at war with Russia, and France and Germany will write sternly worded letters.

>> No.8112792

Stop watching or reading RT, please.
He said that they're actively trying to avoid that scenario in his speech.

>> No.8112793
File: 86 KB, 960x720, 10736229_10152450774498494_1304418882_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know man... those sanctions could affect commerce with the west ,therefore my bows.

Oh so its just a new cold war then...

i dont know what RT is,

i just misunderstood the information that was relayed to me by someone who did not understand properly the subject i think.

>> No.8112796


>affect commerce with the west ,therefore my bows.

I wouldn't worry too much about that. The sanctions will mostly just affect large scale industries. They're not going to stop every Ivan, Igor and Dmitry from exporting some novelty items. They've got farmers to screw over, first.

And yeah, basically that scenario all over again. Wars are fought through stock markets, this day and age.

>> No.8112797

I hope germany doesnt go to war, once they get back their taste for it, they may be hard to stop

>> No.8112798

What russian site?

>> No.8112799


The real scary part is, I'm not sure the rest of Europe would tell them to fuck off, this time around.

>> No.8112801
File: 32 KB, 530x942, 1404971495202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah!
the lady in charge is Olga she also speak english.

and now Germany just get all that clay and they turn back like micheal jackson at the end of thriller but instead with swastikas in their eyes

>> No.8112803

>They're not going to stop every Ivan, Igor and Dmitry from exporting some novelty items. They've got farmers to screw over, first
then again our calimacil shipment was got caught on the french border because a few terrorist shot some random drawfags

>> No.8112804

but...calimacil is not even from france...how?

>> No.8112806

because they send it to France from Canada that way they don't have to pay customs, and from France they send it to Hungary which is in the EU so no customs again

>> No.8112807


Well duh, Hungry, you were buying weapons.

>> No.8112808

witch they didn't bothered to send for 3 months then the shipment got caught on the border because of reasons then they told us those were the last bellators in existence ever from their shop so they can't send more (we ordered 4) so instead they sent 5 refurbished version which arrived yesterday... only it turned out only 2 arrived. I didn't seen them yet but I'm pretty sure they arrived in a plastic trashbag as all the other calimacil orders

>> No.8112809
File: 39 KB, 806x540, 1978864_10152368689113428_1177711004_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the future we will just see if it cost less to send it myself and i'd go to the artisan d'azure to buy what you need.

>> No.8112811

in 20 years or so, me and a few friends will go to the calimacil headquarter with a few barrels of petrol and burn the thing down.

>> No.8112820
File: 96 KB, 643x960, Soeur Brotorgère.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm actually okay with this.

>> No.8112863

You guys are aware that the Bundeswehr couldn't protect itself from a bunch of mildly agitated toddlers, right? Like 3/4 of the equipment is broken, malfunctioning or badly designed and the soldiers keep failing the fitness exams.
And that's without mentioning the myriads of faults within the command structure.

>> No.8112935

Wait, isn't Gropey the High Priest? Or is he champion? What does this involve you all doing, and how do I sign up?

>> No.8112941


>> No.8112959

I have the greatest history boner right now

>> No.8112961

then I have to tell you that those pics aren't correct, missing a lot of stuff and sometimes they are plain wrong on the transitions or the years

>> No.8112965

awww, there's always a catch

>> No.8112970

well they are not THAT bad and good for an eye opener but don't use it for anything serious

>> No.8113020

Doesn't matter, still mourning

>> No.8113033
File: 128 KB, 1902x1152, prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have something better

>> No.8113110

This doesn't seem so expensive now lol

>> No.8113116

because it wasn't expensive in that era. I mean yeah, you could find expensive stuff too but all in all getting yourself an armour and weapons wasn't far fetched. In some german cities it was even a must have if you wanted to live in the city (ie: inside the walls)

>> No.8114288
File: 100 KB, 736x1099, da1cd7a3c5fc54f4b853bd975758621b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here have any spooky stories to tell arround the campfire while larping?

Also, I have access to a few Buck Hides. Should i have a go at making a leather tunic?
Pic related

>> No.8114329
File: 12 KB, 381x600, John_Pettie_Puritan_Roundhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buff coat? Just an idea.

>> No.8114813

yeah around the mid-late renaissance trip hammers and more readily available steel made decent smithing a lot cheaper. Field plate like the Almain Rivet was so accessible as to be frequently available to mercenaries. It also helps explain why civilians started carrying rapiers/swords, because suddenly having a big hunk of steel slung to your hip didn't cost obscene amounts of money.

>> No.8114875

There was that time when kobolds shat into our firepit. Standard spooky story for campfires.

>> No.8114953
File: 57 KB, 720x404, chicken_removal_unit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or when we had to shovel dead chickens

>> No.8114976

That'd need very thick, strong AND relatively supple leather. Remember, those things were supposed to stop swords on their own.

Depends on your favoured era. I'd use it for scabbards and grips, maybe a neat light jerkin, but yeah, you could make a tunic out of it.

>> No.8115021

Argh, plate blackening's stalled. Turns out the gas tank in the barbie's dangerously unsafe. Set it to close and it kept leaking gas once we removed the line to check what was wrong. Bit scary.

Anyway, I plan to have my leine, gauntlets, and a latex orc mask done when I return. I'm wondering, though, about color co-ordination, and I need help because I'm kind of fashion-blind. So far the gloves I'm going to rivet onto are dyed scarlet, the plates will be properly blackened and the rest of my planned kit is going to be a saffron yellow leine and a blackish navyish gambeson. Would this be an eyesore? I could easily and cheaply get a new pair of gloves and pack of dye, and the leine's still in planning stages.

>> No.8115079

or when a goat ran into our camp and sprayed its shit on our tarps

>> No.8115104

or when someone shit next to our camp

>> No.8115213

My knight loves to just appear behind people. It's pretty spooky. It's hard to tell spooky stories when you are spooky people. My knight's group of people and the place they camp are even called 'Camp Spooky.'

Apparently Hungarian LARPs are full of shit.

>> No.8115223

you have no idea

>> No.8115224

Whoops. Dropped name. I'll tell a story, then.
>Tiny day event in a park
>There's about 20 PC's
>There is only 1 NPC
>Uh oh. Today is going to be boring as fuck.
>Several hours pass
>The one poor NPC is an experienced player, and plays giant big bad monsters, but really every time it's just us all grouped around him hitting him with sticks until he falls over. The ratio is just too bad.
>Get told there are goblins attacking a farm
>"Lots and lots of goblins! You have to come quickly!"
>Walking to the area, wincing because this one poor dude is going to be running into the field, going splat, running to the sidelines, running back in, and it's going to be boring as hell.
>We get there
>He's standing there looking huge and tall and terrifying
>He doesn't move
>We come forward, but with our guard lowered like dumbasses because we know he's the only one there
>He raises his sword, yells "CHARGE!"
>30-40 children come running around the bush, all decked out in armor, masks and swords, screaming at the top of their little lungs
>They kick our asses to the ground because we weren't prepared.
>None of the leaders ever took things at face value ever again

Turns out a LARP for kids was planning on using the field that day as well, and our game asked them to help out on that one mission.

>> No.8115714

That's kind of adorable.

>> No.8115888

Well i work Leather all the time, but usualy 10-15oz I dont really work steel all that much anymore so i wont really need it for scabbards or grips. Jerkin might not be bad.

Why must leather have so many uses.

I wouldnt worry about the gloves too much, if their leather(which they should be) theyll eventualy get a blackish patina. The only advice i can really give is not to mix leather or metal colors. If you have a black belt, have black shoes. if you have a bronze belt buckles, dont have idk, a silver necklace or something.

Blacken the rest of your armor.

>> No.8115916

Leather, might be suede. Guide said a cheap way to get the outer gloves for the gauntlets if you have small hands like I do is gardening or work gloves.

>> No.8116168

yep that works.

>> No.8116175

Oi rank the warbands from goodest to shittest, all 20 something of them

>> No.8116196

I haven't been there in a while, but have been occasionally spectating and chatting to friends, so it's hard to keep up, I'll do which ones I can remember.

Averland = Ravenna > Orcs (Mine, currently) = Breton = Order = Golden Age Undead (Former long time member, R.I.P) > Corsairs = Freeco = Guardians > Briars > Bandits = Scorpion Sect > Modern Undead = Boar Clan > Blackpowder Brigade > Empire of the Weeaboo Star > Norf > Snowflake Batallion

>> No.8116232

My ranking's mostly based on quality of costuming and roleplay, unless they represent something particularly toxic. Keep in mind my grudge with the norf over their insistence that new members don't wear any faction identification, their increasing lack of costuming and fluff cohesion, drunken idiocy, adolescent immaturity, and breaking my goddamn hand. Not to say their aren't decent, even excellent members (Stupid sexy Tor), and they've had their moments, I just think that as one of the most prominent warbands they're really goddamn irresponsible at handling being one of the images of Swordcraft. It's also occured to me I forgot the Vanwarim and Eldar. Vanwarim are 2nd tier, Eldar are 4th.

>> No.8116819

A funny idea's struck me, what if each of our respective LARPs had a CK2 Mod based around it, with chars based off notable players? It'd be funny, at least to see who shags/plots to murder who, and how people's children turn out, or see frenadian exploit all the debauchery at bicco. Wouldn't be far separated from the insanity that is Melbourne's nerd community, for lack of a better term.

>> No.8117017


>> No.8117411
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>or see frenadian exploit all the debauchery at bicco
What is that supposed to mean !? wanna figth? ...then cuddle and fuck?

Also yeah that would be amazing... the ''old?'' virtual wargame of bico was KINDA like CK2 , but people found that was too complicated and bico tryed to alpha test a new game, T'was shit. it's better never pass.

The true faith in his entierety is boycotting the Purple Ball in protestation of this ridiculous change of rule and we ask all those in defavor of them to also do the same.

>> No.8117821

>What is that supposed to mean !? wanna figth? ...then cuddle and fuck?
Not strayafag, but yes

>> No.8117909

>Anyone remember the 'fireball' incident?
no I don't but you should storytime the fuck out of that

>> No.8117911
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Yeah we want that

i'm okay with that, but if you're a guy dont forget that anal for me is like christmas...

I prefer to receive than to give

>> No.8117941

>I prefer to receive than to give
This is a problem?

>> No.8117991

>i'm okay with that, but if you're a guy dont forget that anal for me is like christmas... I prefer to receive than to give
Sounds unchristian of you, but I'm not a christian so I have no problem with that.

>> No.8118060
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Latest purchase for my Regency Larp character, along with some new J]jodphurs and riding boots.

>> No.8118373
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>> No.8118405

Really not much to storytime, some newbie dumbass threw a flare. Had a long talk with the off duty cops among the playerbase.

>> No.8118473
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ah...that sucks

Okay I'll try to think about a story

Character 1
>be 15 yo me
>be at a shitty larp

Character 2
>there is this one guy who's a real legend (in a bad way (sadly no pics but here is his description)
> army boots...okay comon thing in larp
> pair of blue jeans
> a grey bathrobe with the sleeves cut
> the ''Johnny Blaze'' symbol cut from another piece of clothing and put on the back of the bathrobe ''cape'' with pins
> fake drawn goatee
> duct tape weapon (wich is normal for 2004) but without the rod because the gamemaster told him that his weapons were not safe, so he took the rod out...somehow it passes because gamemaster is a complete troll.
>guy figth with mushy dildo swords
> we will call him boris

Character 3
> lets call him Wack
> morbidely obese npc
> stay all day at the ingame tavern
> Name of the tavern is '' The pig in the Barrel''
> since he have a special condition also called as ''not walking very fast'', he have is own chemical toilet he brougth himself to the site, its a portable toilet that he put into a small building not used
>the terrain had a lot of unused buildings that look ''larpey'' , it was an old Jew camp.
>no joke it was a old jewish kid summer camp...so yeah guess what kind of jokes we liked to do about the bunks to sleep in the buildings and the showers near the old pool.
> and yeah, that wack dude shit a lot of unholy stuff.
>still a pretty good guy

> i'm siting in front of the tavern , speaking with Wack and other people
> Boris comes in all his borisitude
> ask us if we have quest for him
> Wack tell him that there is ''ingame'' money to be made if he did a most pressing quest
> boris is now all hard...aww yiss money
> Wack tell him...you gotta empty my portable poop place
> Boris accept the mission
> go get the thing and try to pry it open to empty it, not awaye of how it works
> he lift it in the air
> look under
>look on top
> Damnit!
> no mechanism to be found...what to do...

To be continued

>> No.8118485
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Forgot to trip

>Our courageous barbarian then decide to pry it open with more force
> a torrent of liquid fall on his legs
> Boris is not covered in a fat man's shit and piss
> he come back to Wack and say...it' done
> Wack offer him 7 silvers for this exploit
>the money in this game is plastic poker chips with metalic paint on it
> the dude did not bring any extra clothes
> he had to live with the shit on him until he came back to the city
> t'was the Story of Boris the shitlord

>> No.8118874

There are no LARPs in Sydney, right? I know somewhere out bush there's a group of Viking reenactors, and there's that one HEMA group, but that's it, isn't it?

>> No.8119276

Christ, the thread on /tg/ is terrible. I'm glad we're staying here these days.

>> No.8119284

You made me go look. Fuck me, that's bad. I rarely even look at the larp threads on /tg/ anymore. I take part, then either go to sleep or go to work and the thing is gone before I get a chance to look again.
Much prefer /cgl/ for larp threads. They last a decent enough time to get a discussion going and we tend to not get as many assholes.

>> No.8119395

I got some good fitness advise from frenadian last /tg/ thread

>> No.8119468
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Some gems from our sister thread.

>My character is a zealot with no concept of natural rights, a firm might makes right mentality, and an utter, unwavering devotion to his nation above all else. As in, refused to march to aid people trying to stop the end of several nations at the hands of another dimension because he didn't feel the attacking force was a credible threat to the homeland. So no, he's not evil, just entirely untrustworthy. Better intentioned officers can keep him in line (order are orders), but if they're not present, you'd be best of keeping him entertained with combat or well paid, or there's a chance he'll up and leave you all to die or switch sides. I've flat out abandonded adventuring parties to die (and caused the death of some tribe in the process) because I felt they were incompetent and couldn't justify risking myself and weakening the army on their behalf.
pic related

>Women show up to larger events expressly to fuck people.
Sometimes I forget just how blatantly regressive /tg/ is.

At least they're not trying to share combat advice. Any time an arms and armour thread pop up over there it's just people making random 'facts' up for the old katana vs. longsword debate.

>> No.8119475

To be fair, the description also somewhat fits the character Hungarian usually plays as.

>> No.8119478

With LARP threads here, and having out I don't miss tg until a barbarians of lemuria thread comes up. And even now, I'll wait til the mythic edition hype dies

>> No.8119544

I'm pretty sure you don't know what you are talking about

>> No.8119557

Eh, dunno, it usually seems like you play the asshole-ish mercenary type, just less edgy than the example above.

>> No.8119563

I rarely play that, I just hand out with a mercenary group.
I'm the stabby guy who is shit in fighting so he won't really fight

>> No.8119566

Seems like there's a bit of difference between playing an asshole merc and the kind of "flat out abandonded (sic) adventuring parties to die (and caused the death of some tribe in the process)" edgelord.

Also is it just me or is it really goddamn hard to believe that this guy's character has literally caused the death of in-game tribes? It just kind of sounds like the kind of thing you'd put on the character profile for a poorly thought-out DnD character

>> No.8119568

It's probably one of those games with an attached online component.

>> No.8119575

Does anyone else feel character backstories are unnecessary in LARPs? I can't imagine it's going to come up a lot, and you're probably never going to be as awesome as your backstory.

>> No.8119577

Or he's talking bullshit in an attempt to look cool.
Hell, there's characters in my game that given the chance, would leave to die bleeding on the ground. But that's more because he's a prick in character and is a bit of a rival.

>> No.8119582

I'm not really versed in that kind of thing, so my best guess is that it's pretty much just goddamn gaia-style online rp when you're not at an event?

If so, doesn't that lead to some pretty bad dissonance as to what someone's character can accomplish in text and what they can actually do in person?

>> No.8119591

The two LARPS I take part in have a small online Down Time component.
One is merely where crafters can say what they are making in between games, and those with different IC resources pick targets to raid/traid.

The other one is more complicated. Since it's for a Rogue Trader game, these are little adventures that each RT crew can take part in between games. These can simple things like upgrading ships, or stuff that will further the plot and allow plot to happen at the Uptime games.

It means that the characters can discuss what's been going on/doing since they have lives that happen outside of the Uptime games.

>> No.8119594

You need some semblance of background, in my opinion. Otherwise you're not actually doing the role-playing part of larp. It's just pointless (and stupid) to write overtly elaborate backstories your character's actions if they have no bearing on the portrayal itself. Those are the kind of things you should develop during the game, not before it.
That honestly depends on how it's done. Bico for example has a virtual wargame attached to it, but you might want to ask Frenadian about that. But yeah,, the freeform bullshit also happens and sometimes leads to ridiculous results depending on the leniency displayed by the staff.

>> No.8119595

half the people on that thread are just trolling

>> No.8119596

I feel like having a bit of history behind your character could be really interesting if you handle it tactfully.

>> No.8119599

you played the wrong larps then

>> No.8119606

It'so nice knowing I didn't just walk out of the warp one day lol.
Though my wife and I are trying to build characters for our first LARP, we have completely different ideas and can't see how to bring them together

>> No.8119612

I always make backstories, especially if I have ties with other characters from before game start. It also helps flesh out the character, with mannerisms and such.
I write it in keeping with the game. I don;t put in anything that's over the top or out of keeping with my characters abilities.

>> No.8119620

A short high concept's good, imo. Mine was 'Evil Dr Nick'. Other entertaining ones I've met include 'Evil Dr Nick's straight man counterpart', 'Monk gone native', 'Naive chef' etc. Sometimes I'd make allusions to organ transplants sourced in 'self defense', or acting unusually defensive when asked an innocent question. I'm not that big on having an empirical backstory, I keep things vague, letting people make up their own conclusions about what happened, as well as allowing room for improvisation and expansion. I really hope I don't sound like a pretentious fuckwit, though I can understand >>8119606 's line of thinking.

>> No.8119759

I love this. Also, tell me more about this Regency LARP.
You also going to Empire again this year?

>> No.8119789

Since I'm /cgl/ specific, I also appreciate the threads here. Every time I poke my head into /tg/ they've either gone crazy, or they're already gone.

>> No.8119803

You don't have to have a backstory where you're an almighty warrior. It's just a 'I'm from *town* my background is *blah* kind of thing.
Though we had a guy who did that. It was hysterical, he only stayed around for one game.
>Wtf? Staff is consulted, says they never approved his backstory
>the guy is telling his character's life story to everyone who meets him
>He goes into fights and swings like a level 1 character
>But he seems to be taking way, way more damage than he should...
>Staff agrees to keep an eye on him the next fight, and sure enough he's cheating his balls off.
>In order to quietly get him off the field, a few players 'kidnap him' (along with a marshal so he can't cheat again) and drop him at staff
>Staff kicks him off the hill, the players get a minor reward for 'turning in the dangerous criminal from another city claiming to be their king'
>Everything goes back to normal.

>> No.8119822

I'd heard of a guy who had no costume yet claimed he was some kind of vampire-werewolf-fallen angel-phoenix. Every time the person who told this to me talked to the guy in question he'd add another suffix. Where do people get the notion that this is a good idea, I wonder....

>> No.8119829


>> No.8119844

So glad I don't watch that crap. Nothing but good ol' western animation for me

>> No.8119989

To be honest Averland seems pretty much devoid in the RP department and i agree completely with you on the north.

>> No.8120002

Clans of elgardt i think its called

>> No.8120814

Bumpity bump

>> No.8120816
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Forgot to post pics-bumps

>> No.8121047
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Needs more pavaise!

>> No.8121058
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i agree

>> No.8121061
File: 45 KB, 478x720, 10670245_10153191004783452_7225070202374364304_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The system is called Animatium, it's a small systen with about 40 players, with several NPC's and a small ref team. Numbers are kept around 40 to allow refs to develop detailed personal plot for the player base including a very in depth downtime. There is normally one main event a year, normally coupled with one or two low plot player events. I really enjoy it.

Yeah will be at Empire, getting some new kit for that too. Shame about the NIMBY's vetoing the new site.

>> No.8121077

Indeed, especially since the closest village was actually all for it, it was the other ones nearby that shafted it.
I'll be missing E1 due to work, but will be at the others. Should actually come visit the Marchers at some point, did pop in briefly to the Applewood Arms very late in night last event. Only place still open that had booze.

>> No.8121184
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The Applewood Levy (the group) normally all puts in oc cash for the cider from brewery in Somerset. On average we raise funds for about 5 or 6 barrels of cider so we tend to raise quite a large amout of funds IC, with OC costs split across the group. I personally highly recommend the strawberry cider!

>> No.8121209

Damn I want some cider now

>> No.8121254

Me and two other Wintermarkers had spent about 40 minutes going from camp to camp drinking our last bottle of ginger wine trying to find somewhere open. Wandered in and i went to the lass behind the bar "Please tell me you have drink"

"Yeah, we can wine and shots"
"Shots of what?
"Shots of wine"
I laugh and go "Are you fucking with me?"
she giggles and replies "Yeah, we have butterskotch vodkda"
"3 doubles please"

I then managed to scare a bunch of League from the Red Foxes who were all sitting quietly, as a hairy Wintermark Briar stomps up with his vodka and start talking to them.
They looked like deer caught in headlights.

Monstering the next day was interesting to say the least ;)

>> No.8121272
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Making some legwraps from an old linen table cloth for me and my roomate.

Cheap as fuck to make, and i can get some dye to color them.

I'll keep you updated ..even if its not really costme worthy...still a nice addition.

Dat feel when you need to lay off the drink for health issues and Hypocras/cider/microbrewery beers taste so godamn fabulous and every larper on the planet love to share.

>> No.8121442

I just ment cider, not hard cider

>> No.8121538

I actually had to look up what hard cider meant. Oh you colonials and changing names for no good reason!

>> No.8121553

Is this Bico?
If so then quebec isn't THAT far away.

>> No.8121557
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Dont worry , we all know the correct way to say it is Cidre anyways

yes , it's a ''small'' campaing
100 vs 100 , it's when we annihilated Dulgaron.

>If so then quebec isn't THAT far away
where are you located?

>> No.8121562

Oregon, better known as Lesser Washington. So just on the other side of the continent, y'know.

Would I have to learn Frenadian? Or could I just make an American tourist and just very slowly shout English at people.

>> No.8121583
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>Would I have to learn Frenadian?
If i had a dollar for everytime i needed to answer that on these threads... huhuhu
What language am i writing?

We all speak both languages.
and most of the time a third one.

Also i have a good friend who come from Oregon, Bryan or as we call him Ingame Ulfgar the Migthy (i decided to call him the migthy after seeing him on the battlefield) Pic related, me and him the first year.

He helped create the Ordo Cervii, a guild that facilitate the transport and integration to bico for those who comes from far (australians and south african where the farthest)

I even let him crash at my house for some weeks because he fell in love with Quebec and wanted to see how it would go for immigration procedures.

The first year i remember him asking on the (now dead) bico forums for a possible lift from the airport to bico , and it was written in a terrible google translate french, he was scared that writting in english would offend us hahah nope.

We got him at the airport at midnigth the day before going to bico and he told us he never been to montreal...OH GOD! we went to a nigth of drinking and walking on the streets.

Real nice guy.

So yeah, dont believe what you see or hear about Quebec, we get a bad rep from the rest of canada because we dont conform to the rest.

Kinda like that kid that got bullied in class but turned out having a better life in general than all the other classmates who's best years are behind them.

>> No.8121611

Well shit I may just have to head out there.

>> No.8121635
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But yeah, i wont lie that most of the conversation you will overhear will be in french.

We have a tendency to switch to english if an anglophone person is present so he doesnt feel left out and it doesnt make a real difference for us.

But if you are living in Quebec and only speak english with no effort to learn atleast the basic forms of politness in french... thats kinda shitty.

Speaking in french is an affirmation of our cultural identity , as a way of saying, we will never be british.

Yeah...i'm getting too much historico-political here but if Gropey was here he could tell you that the Acadians are those who got it worse.

Long story short, the french only sent 500 soldiers to figth against the british army in the collonies , so it was 10 000 frenchies (including indian allies) vs 40 000 redcoats.

Thing were actually tough for the british at first because of guerilla figthing but it all went to shit for the french when they fougth in a line battle.

So yeah the 7 year war ended and france had to give territories, they gave up New-France and lousiana and some antilles island, so basically, France had abandonned us.

Then the 13 collonies were happy that the french territories where now open for british settlers...except it was not...

Y'see the british at start wanted to eradicate all presence of french culture...(wich they should have done to really win) and passed really opressives laws against chatolisism (remember religion was big back then) and abolished certain things.

During that time the acadians were deported en masse so british settlers could take their farms and houses.

They armed the Iroquois so they could massacre their rival tribe and assured themselves an ally in exchange of genocide.

Then troubles began in the collonies, the british crown offered a deal to the french, that they could keep their language and religion for home but they had to speak english with the lords (its only in the 1960' that

>> No.8121651

Good times.

>> No.8121658
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that the french decided that they wanted a better future than serving blindly the anglos conqueror.

So yeah, 'murikan revolution, they brits are like....OH FUCK HELP US CRUSH THIS REVOLUTION , and we are like...lol no, this is a british war go fuck yourself

(And then became the long Quebecois tradition of not giving a single fuck about Canada's bad ideas)

Then the 'murikans came to us and asked to help them and become a state and we said
''No go fuck yourself'' , and then became the long tradition of not giving a fuck about american either.

So basically we are once again that quiet kid in the back of the class that got bullied and then grew up to be that guy who dont give a flying fuck about that anymore.

so yeah... We are not french, france has abandonned us.

We are not Canadians, everything they do is cringeworthy.

We are not 'murikans either. but we do like you a lot more than you could expect.

Sadly , the british loyalist fled the 13 collonies and went straigth to Quebec and became rich and were offered lands and riches to establish there and not go back to england.

So yeah, when the irish arrived here during the famine... they were like us, abused, when niggers worked their ass off for a low pay, they were like us, when chinesse came here to work like slaves for the railroad, they were like us.

All of them are Quebecois, But yeah.
All we expect is that some of them learn to say a big ''Merci'' for what they took.
Oh god that was...awefully political.

So yeah tl;dr = Canadians are asshole hiding under the cover of being nice.

French Canadians used to be poor son of bitches who worked for the anglos foremans.

Old timey immigrants are bro-tier.

We find the french from france to be self-rigtheous assholes

and we kinda love 'murikans even if they are not perfect
We still dont like the muslims tho...but nobody does lets just say the truth there

>> No.8121690

the word your looking for is winningas. Rather than leg wrap.

On a side note! Ive qualified for state in wrestling! i'm really excited.

>> No.8121697
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Oh my thank you!

i have been looking all over the internet for more info about that but only found info about horse leg wraps.

>> No.8121714

I'll just have my character be a clumsy foreign mercenary. Problem solved.

In my state (I have no idea if this is the case for the rest of the USA) people regard Canada as some kind of mystical perfect wonderland, but it's really just as bad as the U.S.

No survivors.

>> No.8121755
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Depending of the reasons why we figth this year i may even end up paying you for your services then.

85% of people start bico as mercenaries, its the advantures you live with people that make you feel part of their group and part of the world, eventually you end up becoming part of this world.

In the True faith we have what we call the ''small baptism'' its when you do something that become stuff of anectodes or a personality trait so strong that it become what you are known for.

Exemples (translated)
- (me) Brother Raymond of Montmagny the Hateful (because of my speech that would put spacemarines to shame)
- The Humble Master of the Order Fredereic de Monquefort (because he's far from humble)
- Conrade of the saint sulpice the Hydra of Nupe - because he's a too faced motherfucker huhu
- Guylain the ugly (not really ugly but yeah its part of the character)
- Brotor D.Offman the bad mouthed (the purple Knigth) - for obvious reason
- Yves Jaques the club footed (the green knigth) , because of his bad knee

You get the idea.

And the big baptism is when you get sparkled with the ''blood'' of Saint-Vorador, and you swear to kill all ennemies of the faith

(We are actually really violent crusaders who are always looking to fuck shit up)

>people regard Canada as some kind of mystical perfect wonderland
and the french think that Quebec is a mystical wonderland.
the grass is greener in the neighbor garden.

Also they usually end up finind it too cold for normal humans.

>> No.8122106
File: 146 KB, 702x454, game-of-thrones-season-3-littlefinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ive got a tough weekend ahead of me, Im going to give it my everything.

I Still want siq garb like little finger. he looks hella nice.

>> No.8122634


>not much to storytime

Deep Purple wrote a world renowned hit about a situation like that.

>> No.8122655


It's probably just delusions of grandeur.

More likely, the entire party failed their quest (and shame on all larps that think this shouldn't be possible), which led to the tribes losing some war.
The person in question probably believes he alone would've been enough to turn the tide and keep them from fucking up, so he's responsible for the wipe.

>> No.8122722


If you're looking for a pattern, the term you want is cotehardie.

>> No.8122733

That looks terrible.

>> No.8122744

So In terms of making armour, for a simple breastplate,do you need a forge, or can you just cut and cold hammer a 1mm piece of steel to shape?

>> No.8122758



You can easily do so, but bare in mind that armour made this way would be completely for show.
Falling over is liable to bend it. It's also impossible to get a hem without forging, leaving you exposed to cuts from your own armour.

>> No.8122765
File: 43 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, thank you, but i was thinking something more like this

>> No.8122767

I've heard you can anneal with a blowtorch, but don't quote me on that. AA also has an article on making your own forge.

>> No.8122771


Perhaps this is more to your liking. It also taught me, just now, that I'm an idiot and that you can totally make rolled hems without heating the metal


That said, it's still not going to be of the quality needed to take a swing in reenactment, and you should be really, really careful of denting it.

>> No.8122772
File: 88 KB, 800x800, Medieval_Italian_14th_Century_Globose_Breast_Plate_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8122775

Not too worried about toughness, i have heavy kit available to me for sca, this is for Swordcraft if i ever go

>> No.8122824

that armor is the the equivalent of the "gangster" pants

>> No.8122838


I'm not following.

Wanting to look like a hardass but being anything but?

>> No.8122849

they put it on the doll really low

>> No.8122850

I've always gotten extremely confused about annealing and when it was neccesary. The PDF I'm working off says mild steel's resistant to work hardening so annealing isn't always necessary except for raising.

>> No.8122852

Isnt work hardening almost a good thing, makes the metal harder, and in larp it is unlikely that any piece of metal will be subjected to the stresses that work hardened them in the first place

>> No.8122857

Isn't that because it's supposed to be worn with a bevor or gorget, though?
It certainly looks that way.

>> No.8122879

Alright, guys.

New larp, new character, and deciding on the get up. Down to earth priest, bit of a musician.

I'm thinking of basing it on Northern France/Low Lands, at the time of the Hundred Year War, and narrowed it to 1350-1400.

From what I understand, I should have the following for clothing:

>Short braies and undershirt
>Seperate hosen tied to a belt
>long doublet, ending below the crotch

But what shoes am I looking at? How long were cloaks at the time/did they have a hood?
What would be appropriate headwear?
What helmets and armour are appropriate for the time and place?

>> No.8122880

it's not the neck part that's a problem, but the lower part. Seems like it's way below the ribcage

>> No.8122887


Isn't that shape of armour specifically meant to prevent getting gutstabbed, though? While the rest was mostly covered in maille

>> No.8122898

that's what the plackard is for. Also I'm not even sure that's a globose. I mean from this angle it could be but most of the globoses I've seen were way more... globoid.
And it also looks like the cheap mass produced stuff that most of the shops sell

>> No.8122899
File: 410 KB, 1600x1200, wool-chaperon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as armor goes, Coat of plate, mail and gambeson for torso, splint for limbs, for your head, great helms, Bascinet, Cevelliere, segmented kettle hat. By lowlands do you mean the Low Countries/Burgundy/Modern day Belgium and Netherlands? If french, a Voulge would suit you well, if Flemish/Dutch, go for a Goedendag. For hats, there's the good old cloak and hood, but from what I can gather a Chaperon, which derived from placing the face hole of you hood over your head according to wikipedia, was quite popular.

>> No.8122908


>> No.8122923


>By lowlands do you mean the Low Countries/Burgundy/Modern day Belgium and Netherlands?

Exactly that. I looked at a Goedendag, and it's fitting in a "speak softly, cary a big stick" kind of way. Thanks for that, and also on the pointers of the fitting helmets and armour.


And very much obliged for that, already looking at the timeline, and the patterns.

>> No.8122928
File: 419 KB, 1493x2048, 10296474_677510198976996_5561577580188561552_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to upgrade my kit for Empire this year, new better fitting tabard, better boots, and replacing gorget with a steel bevor.

>> No.8123085

we are in autosage, I made a new thread