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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8106325 No.8106325 [Reply] [Original]

So how many of you lolita/cosplayers/mori/etc. Drive scooters, mopeds, and motorcycles? Got a moped myself and I feel like I can't wear anything cute because of the wind blowing up my skirt, and helmet hair. any tips or ideas?

(Any cute helmets?)

>> No.8106327
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>> No.8106340

The mega weeb in me really wants a Kawasaki, but it will probably never happen

>> No.8106341

You tuck your skirt well around you so it doesn't blow up while driving. Not much you can do about helmet hair except take a brush to it or wear your hair back that day. Most of the time you wont have bad hair anyway since you're probably not riding for more than 30 min at a time. You shouldn't be driving a scooter in lolita/cosplay; better to pack it in a bag and change at your destination.

>> No.8106342

>wearing skirts with motorcycles
Sounds like a burn or a roadrash waiting to happen.

>> No.8106366
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Don't wear lolita or any of that stuff, but I do wear skirts and dresses occasionally. I've stopped since I've gotten this thing and just was wondering what clothes and hair styles are more suited for this type of vehicle.

>> No.8106377

You don't even know how often I've thought about cute motorcycle clothing. It needs to happen, because I am not willing to risk injury to look cute.

>> No.8106389

First thing that comes to mind is possibly pencil skirts with leggings.

>> No.8106597
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>1) Can you use a scooter or a moped in Chicago?
>2)What's the best brand to get?
>3)Best country/area to use scooters/mopeds?

>> No.8106877


there are other brands of with this same general design/idea, but skirt clips are great for wearing skirts while riding bikes/motorcycles/whatevz

>> No.8107142

I drive a moped and I bring my change of clothes with me. Last time I tried to push my kick stand with rocking horse shoes and got grease on them yuck. I've ridden in casual Lolita twice and wished I didn't each time.

>> No.8107745

I'm too worried about injuries to ever wear cute shit. I'm one of those people who wear full reflective gear/armour/etc. just to get around town - I know someone who had the whole left side of their body shattered (arm was in like 5 pieces, 5 broken ribs, and broke his thigh + the lower leg bones, thankfully no internal injuries to his organs) because some idiot in a car pulled out without looking, and that was *with* leathers (but not armour) on.

>> No.8109512

I have a Honda CBR1100RR right now and all i have to say is GSR livery wrap soon.
Gotta also get the good smile wrap done for my helmet too.

>> No.8109521

Oh wow, yes, I'm getting one of these!

>> No.8112526

Not sure if related, but I putter around campus on a regular razor scooter (pink "sweat pea" model) I wear Lolita while on it but am a bit wary now because my new model melts the bottom of my shoe when I brake. Not sure if old one did this and I am just noticing now.

>> No.8112528

Oh gawd. *SWEET pea

>> No.8112730

Oh wow, I need this!

>> No.8112942

I currently own a Vespa 125cc Primavera and frequently wear lolita whilst riding. Never go further than 10-30 minutes on it though as i have no need. I still wear all of my protective gear though. Armored jacket, trousers, riding boots etc. I just put the trousers on underneath the petticoat and bring a change of shoes with me. It's not cute but I'd much rather be safe than sorry.

I don't have much issue with helmet hair as I have short curly hair that's natuarly pretty fly away so I just bring a comb for my fringe. I tend to wear wigs with lolita anyway so I tend to just put them on after I've arrived at my destination (usually a train station)

I came off my previous bike a couple of years ago whilst wearing lolita, but because I was still wearing my gear I was fine. Thankfully so was the precious burando haha.

>> No.8115329

Haven't you guys heard of Uber?

If you really want to be somewhere use this service(if it's in your city)

>> No.8115358


Nope we don't have this service in my city.

>> No.8119430

>riding mopeds/motorcycles

Enjoy your possibly crippling and life ending injuries when some asshole who is too busy texting to watch the road sends you flying onto the pavement.

>> No.8119476
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GSX 1400 K2 edition.

I have the blue version like the pic. I call it Liara

>> No.8119508
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>supporting Uber's shitty business practises

>> No.8120025

>implying this wouldn't happen even if you ride a car.

Trans got into an accident specifically because he was smoking and the other guy was distracted.

>> No.8120086

I ride motorcycles almost everyday in the not-winter time, but Ive yet to cosplay on one, ( or at a con, for that matter- yet)

But I did wear a huge queen sized red sheet around my neck as a cape on a jetski once. It was every bit as epic and you can imagine. But DO NOT DO THAT ON A MOTORCYCLE. The cape has a very good chance to get caught in the chain and or sprockets and either rip you off the bike or merely lock the rear wheel at speed. So yeah if batman were real he'd be stupid as fuck to wear his cape on the batcycle.

>> No.8120096

Is your campus like 10 miles long? As much as having one of these would be fun, the tiny little mean bitch in me can't help but translate this to "Hamplanets on mobility scooters".
Forgive me if you do have a disability beyond lack of self control, but I dint get why it's hard to walk a uni campus.

>> No.8120102

Are super thick leggings, like ones made of leather/vinyl protective enough?


>> No.8120142
File: 275 KB, 500x600, 132479-2851-2014-08-01536794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hubby and I have a motorbike (cruiser type) and we have to ride halfway into town to get public transport. It is NOT fun.

>dirt, splash, dust
>no wig
>no updo
>frizzy helmet hair
>falsies rub on helmet
>full face helmet not good for make-up
>petti constantly catching wind
>always tucking and retucking skirt
>lolita shoes super uncomfortable on pegs

Once we were riding and I was wearing CDC. The shoulder epaulettes aren't attached with anything but a single button. Halfway through the ride I felt my shoulder and it was GONE. It had flapped around and unbuttoned in the breeze. Thank fuck it was still caught in the strap up against my back. Stuffed it right into my pocket.

Never again. Getting a car.

Cute riding wear is totally doable though. Got a lavender riding jacket and cute ankle boots.

>> No.8120178

what's wrong with uber?

>> No.8120290
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because why not

>> No.8120322
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>mobility scooters
Razor scooters look like this, generally. There are some models with seats, but they still look really dinky.

>> No.8120357


I hate that fucking word so much.

>> No.8120377

>ankle chop like a mother fucker
>walk away like its coo
>its not coo
>crying like a little bitch inside

>> No.8120408


>> No.8120429

Not anon, but to me it sounds like a child playing house. Not mature or respectful in the slightest. Then again, I don't like SO either.

>> No.8120451

Not that person, but I've used Facebook and dingy forums populated with dull wives who use this term. Not that being a dull wife is a shunnable offence, but it's typical you bump into those with poorly formulated opinions, annoying way of talking and just grating personalities in general and try to shoehorn their "hubby" in every post they make, regardless if it's relevant to know or not.

It's the equivalent of saying "btw I'm a girl" in posts here that gender doesn't fucking matter.

This thread's about dealing with wearing Lolita/jfash/cos on a alt transport, yeah?

>> No.8120749

Except in this instance it's relevant since she's saying she rides on the back of her husband's motorcycle in lolita.

What pisses me off more about the post, was that from the sounds of it, she wasn't wearing any kind of protective gear.Not even an ordinary jacket or sensible shoes even.

In my opinion no.
You should at least have another layer on top. Even if the impact from the sliding along the road isn't enough to break through the leggings, you can still do damage from the friction of the leggings against your skin. Sadly I know this from experience and now have a rather large ugly scar on my upper thigh.

>> No.8120754

"im going to get one of the prospects to the hell's weebs to handwash my lacemarket lace"

"this bitch is talking shit on /cgl/ lets scoot over there and start a cat fight"

>> No.8120981

> be me
> moving to college town in August
> bringing my cruiser bike as my only means of personal transportation
> college town is HUGE
> probably takes around 10-15 minutes to go from one side to the other side of campus

Any advice on wearing lolita while biking? My main concern is making sure my dress doesn't get caught in the wheels (since that's happened to me before in a non-lolita dress). Or should I just walk to class on days when I wear lolita?

>> No.8120986

*takes around 10-15 minutes to get from one side to another on bike

>> No.8121018

Years ago I wore a naruto jacket body warmer thing. (With the red spiral on the back) on my bike.

In about 2004 I had an accident and woke up in hospital. I had a naruto headband around my neck like hinata. I was on morphine and asked where it was. They wondered what it was and because I was semi conscious and on pain killers I told them it was a graduation symbol of becoming a khanoa ninja.(or whatever it actually is.)

They were amused and thought it was funny a ninja could be in an accident.


>> No.8121310

Onizuka's bike or nothing for me.

>> No.8122599

You misunderstand. Its similar to pic from other anon's reply except less clunky because its not motorized at all. My campus is literally situated on a mountain range. I would rather fly down a hill to get to my 7:30 than wake an extra minute earlier.