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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 640x960, 1b09a03cb9e98b1d4811dd3ab79b3260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8105168 No.8105168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what do you think about photographers putting their name up in the corner of pics obnoxiously like this? Is this going too far?

Or do you think they deserve their name somewhere on your photo?

>> No.8105170

Oh my god Jessica are you even trying

>> No.8105172

any cosplayer who complains about a photographer's watermark can go fuck themselves. It's their work, they're allowed to to whatever they want with it.

>> No.8105173

What's worse is she is the English VA for Sonico on Super Sonico anime, I kid you not.

>> No.8105180

If you don't want someone's name on your photo maybe you should take your own photo.

A name in the corner is the least you can deal with.

>> No.8105183

whatever, they want to use it in their portfolio, fine.
I'd probably just edit it out if it was obnoxious enough tbh

>> No.8105189

What's her name again? Jessica Nigri? What a funny name, like 3 letters off from nigger

>> No.8105192

are you fucking serious? there's no way you can be that stupid.

>> No.8105196

>photographer uses common sense and puts name in the corner because he wants to make sure he can get new clientele

If a little, non-intrusive watermark bothers you so much, do your own photoshoot.

>> No.8105202

>obnoxious enough
If their logo was a fucking nyan cat or some obnoxious shit that distracted you from the image that thing is gooonee.

I'd give the photographer credit, but if uploading it to my personal media sites it just doesn't need to be there.

>> No.8105205

nice bait, OP

>> No.8105214

Fuck off. Take your own pic then jack off

>> No.8105231

The shitty photoshop around her eyes is disgraceful.

>> No.8105238

>caring about dub VAs
>caring about SS anime
>caring about jnig

>> No.8105239

seriously. why would you want credit for this?

>> No.8105246
File: 68 KB, 640x960, boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8105269

I agree, putting anything ruins the photo. I don't know why photographers do it, what pisses me off is that photographers that didn't do it are starting to do it now

Stop putting your name on MY photo.

>> No.8105272


Technically it's their photo. It's just a picture of you.

>> No.8105274

It's like an artist drawing you and signing the portrait.

>> No.8105343

If you don't want a watermark, *pay* for a shoot and put an unwatermarked shots clause into your agreement.

>> No.8105359

Using watermarks is pretty standard for photographers. I don't know why you're hating on it. It's a perfectly ok location for this photo.

>> No.8105375

>So what do you think about photographers putting their name up in the corner of pics obnoxiously like this?
I think about removing the offending text and often do.

>> No.8105378

>What's worse is she is the English VA for Sonico on Super Sonico anime
Nobody watches dubbed anime anyway.

>> No.8105379

b8 m8

>> No.8105380

Because it's a vendetta thread. Notice they all have the same format? "Wat does cgl think about cosplayers doing x is this going too far? Lol" I've seen so many threads like this started by some sandy jelly cunt

>> No.8105381


btw: there are bigger and uglier ones out there

>> No.8105433
File: 281 KB, 2048x1366, 10903994_10155072493840032_8383604436330944630_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh i actually enjoy looking for martin wong watermarks in his pics like a game

pic related

>> No.8105486

Are there a watermark in this? Can't find it...

>> No.8105532

are u fcking srs op
they spent hours editing ur ass and the only way they can self advertise effectively is to claim the work they did
fcking suck it up

>> No.8105783

I hate how she always puts so much make up under the eyes and make the bottom lashes so thick thats the style of a clubber girl or high schooler or just your average blonde girl. Is it so hard to try doing anime make up?

>> No.8105788

jnig's cosplay isn't about looking like the character. it's about looking "hot" to neckbeards. she fucks up more than the makeup with many of her cosplays.

>> No.8105851

>any cosplayer who complains about a photographer's watermark can go fuck themselves. It's their work, they're allowed to to whatever they want with it.
This. If you don't like it, tell *all* photographers to not take your pic, and fucking take pictures of yourself you ungrateful fuck. Some of us spend thousands of dollars on gear and hone our abilities over years. If all you can do is bitch about a watermark so we get some recognition and perhaps a paid gig here and there based on our work, then you can just go fuck right the hell off.

>> No.8105853

>I'd give the photographer credit, but if uploading it to my personal media sites it just doesn't need to be there.
And they would have every right to tell you to remove their copyrighted work that you altered.

>> No.8105854

>I agree, putting anything ruins the photo. I don't know why photographers do it
They do it so others know who took the photo, and if they are please with it know where to go to find more of the same, and perhaps that leads to a paid gig, you fucking ungrateful trolling piece of shit. It's not YOUR photo, it is THEIR photo with YOU in it.

>> No.8105856

It's hidden in the background a bit about "Ghost in the Shell"

Then don't get your fucking picture taken? It's the photographer's photo - they can put their name on it if they want.

>> No.8105859

The makeup she puts under her eyes is scary. It looks like she's a racoon who is going to eat my soul.

>> No.8105861

>Are there a watermark in this? Can't find it...
Yup, it's a very dark grey, about four fingers above the the two Ls in "Shell".

>> No.8105871

It has gotten way out of hand.

free/discounted photo-shoot I get it

The fact that I see a lot of people paying hundreds of dollars for a service and not getting raws/ownership and even non-distribution rights makes me rage

I have a photog in the family that insists that she is the ONLY one allowed to take pictures (at family events) then photoshops and tags them with copyright notices. I don't get invited to the ones at her house now because I wanted to keep untouched family pictures