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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 259 KB, 1039x634, Screenshot 2015-02-06 22.06.22 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8105074 No.8105074 [Reply] [Original]

I'm very interested in how this event will turn out. Anyone else have more info? Opinions?

>> No.8105302

Vendetta cons always fail

>> No.8105318


>> No.8105377

Looks like it will be a nice evening out. I'm not sure I would pay that much for something like that.
On a related note, i find it weird that the organisers announced themselves as guests at their own event

>> No.8105652

Stop trying to stir shit, John.

>> No.8105671

This looks like a pioneer event. I've never seen an ouji event anywhere and this could be fucking awesome.

> Aeryn, Buttcape & Technotropism are organizing it
> The Crystal Ballroom Houston venue looks amazing!
> Each ticket gets you an alcoholic drink
>VIP admission entitles you to Autographed Printed Photo with PoP and Special Guests, and VIP Gift Bag
> Indie designers are amazing!
> And they were considerate enough to have the event before AM which means they aren't trying to impede on it.
> kabe don!!!

>> No.8105763

because an event with 150 tickets would scare a guy who's con has 10,000 attendees?

I just don't see how this will be successful heald on a Thursday night with a ticket price of 70. Not when I can spend that same amount of money on a 3 day badge at AM. No one has to be John to figure that out, its pretty basic

>> No.8105968
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, Elsie_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tecnotropism coming?! I only see him listed on the about us for palace of princes.
>tfw I'll never meet my australian prince

>> No.8106048

it says on the facebook page he is helping organizing it.

>> No.8106212

>> And they were considerate enough to have the event before AM which means they aren't trying to impede on it.

>>"Not trying impede" Top kek

>> No.8106529

It is obvious they are trying to take attention away from AM, and use the fact that people are already traveling that weekend plus the issue getting tea party tickets to ensure people will be willing to drop the money to go.

>> No.8106547

Well fuck, I hope they do

>> No.8106557

Why does everyone seem to have such a massive hateboner for Anime Matsuri?

>> No.8106573

yeah, I think him and another ouji/aristocrat from Australia are going to AM

>> No.8106593

Most people don't like AM because the owner is a dick and treats the fashion as a cash cow.

I myself don't care tbh because they're bringing in lolita fashion guests.

>> No.8106609

God, I want to go so bad. Whatever shit this is stirring be damned, the world needs more ouji events.

>> No.8106671


On the Facebook page it only says he's one of the guys in Palace of Princes. Says nothing about him attending.

>> No.8107123

Well an ouji from Canada is coming too!

>> No.8107124

But they are not directly competing. People can do both!

>> No.8107188

No, they are. They are occuring on the same weekend and both cost around the same amount of money. Anime Matsuri has some planned events on Thursday.

If they didn't want to be in competition they would have held the event on a different weekend, problem is they are probably attempting to take advantage of people going to AM. I bet some of their guests are going and wouldnt have bothered attending if AM wasn't the same weekend. Its sad the event was started because the organizers were so mad about how AM was treating their comm, but the only way they could dream of pulling this off was by leaching off Matsuri.

>> No.8107373

The website says AM April 3-5 (not the April 2)

>> No.8107382

You guys, AM is having Thursday events. Theres some kind of fashion and/or cosplay walk going on before the con. We're not crazy, we see what's listed. We're talking about stuff they posted on fb somewhere

>> No.8107385

He's close friends with buttcape on fb and helping organize the event so I'm guessing he will be coming for sure.

>> No.8107668

Stay salty my friend.

>> No.8107832
File: 55 KB, 496x294, indie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see Nightfall as a competition. AM's tea party already sold out, so what is AM losing? Also I never heard anything about a fashion or cosplay walk on Thursday. Official dates are April 3-5. AM has never done anything for Day 0. The only listed on their schedule for Thursday is a rally: http://animematsuri2015.sched.org/
Also according to >>8101686 AM just kicked all of the indie brands out. AM doesn't give two shits about indie designers. Nightfall seems to be the opposite.

>> No.8107835

>Kicking out indies

AM has been run by shitheels from day one and I can't believe people take the con so seriously. Fuck them.

>> No.8108229

Even if they arent on the same day it is still competition. It would be stupid for nightfall to try for the same day their first year, they wouldnt win. But they are still trying to beat AM for the better event. Since they dont have the ability to get a big brand they are trying to have a lot of well known guests (Aeryn, buttcape, Techno) along with popular indies to come and try to entice people to go.

It looks like they are slowly adding guests so it may be that he will be announced as one later on. Victor who is also from Australia seems to be attending so it is possible.

>> No.8108252

Considering organizers and more or less well-known lolita/ouji as guests is one of the lamest thing I've ever seen. They might be great guys/girls, I don't even know them personally, but god it's so strange to consider yourself as a guest at your own event...

>> No.8108298

I guess the walk is something talked about in HLC but I'm guessing if you comb through Anime Matsuri's fb, you can find something about it. I don't care enough to look it up for you guys. But yeah I'm pretty sure I recall people talking about "the walk AM's going to do" at meets.

AM is trying to expand super fast though, I think at one of the LUV meets they announced holding a second con in fall or something. It wouldn't surprise me if they tried to do something for Thursday. Either way, Nightfall isn't a big enough event to be competition for AM but I do believe they're trying to leech off the AM crowd, but that's not something to sue them over.

I'd go myself but because of school, my Thursdays are packed so there's no way I can go. I do hope that people who do go get to enjoy themselves though.

>> No.8108514

Wait, what
They just kicked them out? Why? Why hasn't this blown up yet?

>> No.8108627

They talked about it on their livestream.

>> No.8108655

They replied to this post (or another one, can't remember) and explained why what she said wasn't true. Don't have caps, sorry/ But basically she's stirring shit

>> No.8109626

>02/08/15(Sun)23:58:49 No.8108655
>>>8108514 #
>They replied to this post (or another one, can't remember) and explained why what she said wasn't true. Don't have caps, sorry/ But basically she's stirring shit

No, it is true. They are doing this to all the other indie brands as well. I don't see your proof about it being false, so until then I don't have any reason to believe you.

>> No.8109710

Well that's dumb of them. Do you know what other indie brands were cast out?

>> No.8109737

Interested in hearing this as well.

>> No.8112640

Is anyone applying to model?

>> No.8112711

I believe the post was deleted, tried my best to search it.

Basically it was that people signed up for artist alley and were planning to sell things that shouldn't be sold there (ie. artwork or smaller items should be sold in the artists alley). So they were asked to get a regular booth if they wanted to sell larger items, like dresses.

>> No.8112751

Actually, I remeber that but very vaguely because they deleted the post before I could read it.

>> No.8112955

Thats not banning indie brands, thats girls who cant afford dealers tables getting pissy about it

>> No.8113200
File: 213 KB, 450x629, pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post was not deleted or replied to by AM and it's still up on PP's page. She applied for an AA table months back and was told within the past week that lolita clothing and accessories are not allowed in the AA. She was only told this after asking, because one of her friends suggested she ask because this is a rule some cons have. The issue is that a) that was not stated in the rules so how would she have known b) they were not going to refund her or allow her to sell her spot after she found out. Nor did they give the option to get a dealer's booth instead. I've never heard of a con disallowing garments in AA without stating that upfront. I know of at least one other brand in the artist alley and another in the dealer's room effected by this but they have not made public statements about it so I don't feel comfortable naming them.

>> No.8113201

Modeling applications are closed already.

>> No.8113548

We are talking about a different post anon.
They aren't getting their money back? Wtf?

>> No.8113643

They did get their money back, the con finally relented and refunded them.

>> No.8114087



No, they haven't.

>> No.8114766

I heard there was some internal drama with palace of princes around the time they announced this. Does anyone know anything about that? I recently heard a rumor about someone getting kicked out, but I'm curious as to what actually happened. I thought it was a strange rumor, considering all of them seemed to be so friendly with each other.

>> No.8114898

I find it hard to believe that it wasn't in the rules. Any con I've been to had a huge rules & guidelines file to go through, and that's Europe. It's probably mandatory to have that in the US to cover all fronts, before someone sues your ass.

She probably didn't read it properly.

>> No.8114907

I haven't heard any such rumour. I heard one about AM kicking/threatening to kick people off staff for saying they might attend, but I don't know how true that is, since I don't know how many of the AM staff are friends with non-AM lackeys.

>> No.8114927

They kicked somebody out.

>> No.8114963

Nah man, this is AM we're talking about.

>> No.8115108

Ghost in the forest isnt going. She said she isnt going to AM or Nightfall and she is not longer part of palace of princes. Idk if that is the kicking out rumour you are talking about.

>> No.8115549

It's not in the rules. They do have a clause that they can change the rules whenever they want, which is what they did.


>> No.8115593

Question, how do you know it's not in the rules? Did you sign up for AA or request info for it?

>> No.8120047

Looks like technotropism is attending after all.

>> No.8120092

I wish I could go to this, but can't afford to fly there and hotel since I'm going on a big trip the month after this event.

>> No.8121165


>> No.8121197

Not that anon, but I'm doing artist alley at AM and I didn't see it anywhere in the rules.