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8102770 No.8102770 [Reply] [Original]

This is a negative experiences thread.
Have you ever got bullied for wearing lolita? How do you deal with people's reactions?

>> No.8102781

>Have you ever got bullied for wearing lolita?
I don't really have as much negative experience as many other people might have. It's mostly the same anyone in Lolita or alternative fashion will experience:

>lots of stares
>lots of comments a la "where are u going??", "is it Halloween yet??"
>people think it's okay to touch you/your clothes
>having your picture taken without being asked
>"Oh anon why do you spend so much money on clothes?? U so silly!!"

>How do you deal with people's reactions?
When alone I put on a bitchface and loud music and I am usually lost in my own thoughts anyway so I don't notice much of other people. I'm a little sad because I miss out many positive reactions too but this is the only tactic that keeps me from constantly being annoyed. After having read some horror stories here I am glad nothig serious has ever happened to me.
My friends don't mind/care and neither does my family so apart from some "Lolita is so expensive" and "anon you look a bit silly in this" there weren't many comments.

>> No.8102799

My Mom doesn't really get Lolita, and insists i wear it without a petticoat if we are going anywhere with the family. it's embarrassing. I've only gotten negative things from people who really don't understand the fashion. To be honest, they are the type of people i wouldn't associate with anyway so it's no love lost for me.

>> No.8103549

Aside from the general negativity that you get from normies this is a very specific negative reaction that really upsets me.

My mum really loves lolita, she supports me in what ever I want to do or wear. She loves going out with me to the stores because she is really proud of me and how I decide to express myself. She also loves to see what sort of outfit I will put together next.

But other mums and women act negatively towards my mum. They say that she is living through me, and playing out some sick fantasy. They also say that she dresses me this way to control me as her forever young/ pure daughter to ward off boys and to keep me in the house.

It's sick, and it really upsets me because I love my mum, and its unfair that she is being judged and ridiculed in a really fucked up way because of my choices in clothing.

>> No.8103554

cont. My boyfriend also gets shit at work because of me. His work mates and supervisors are always saying things like he is sick for being into that (in a joking manner of course).

They also say horrible things that I'm supposed to over hear when I'm in the store like:

"what is BF thinking? fuck that weird shit"

I don't mind receiving ridicule when it is directed at myself, I'm used to that, that's part of lolita. I just can't handle it when the people around me are getting hurt because of me. It's almost made me quit on multiple occasions.

>> No.8103555

It's funny because the parents judging hard are the ones abusing their children most of the time.

>> No.8103567

For those of you into different substyles, have you found that reactions tend to differ depending upon what you wear? I can imagine girls dressed in classic might get less shit than girls in OTT sweet, for example, but I wouldn't actually know.

>> No.8103576

yeah definitely, I've worn sweet 2x and it's all "hey bo peep, where are your sheep?"

rest of the time I wear classic it's nothing but "You're so beautiful, keep it up, are you on your way to church, etc"

>> No.8103599

Well I can say that looking like a slutty gothic ita gets adverse reactions whereas sweet-classic and sweet (but not pastels) is almost always positive.

>> No.8103613

I am almost exclusively sweet, so I've noticed different reactions based on the colours I'm wearing

Toned down brown wig for example is far less gawked at than pastel pink.

I've only ever recieved compliments when wearing a black sweet print. Worst reactions in pink. I don't know what it is about loud boys but they get even louder when I'm wearing pink.
The worst part for me is I have awful hearing so I always ask people to repeat the rude things they've said lol

I think one of the worst times I've had was wearing classic sweet. Group of 8-10 year olds followed me around a park (the path leads me home from the train) shouting out how crazy I looked and taunted that I looked like a married person. Kids can be hurtful! The parents just watched.

>> No.8103616

Same. Wearing pink and being older than 10 seems to blow people's mind and decency.

>> No.8103622

>taunting someone for looking like they're married
>do they not realize their parents are [probably] married

>> No.8103625


I couldn't believe it! Of all things to yell at me... I tried asking what was wrong with being married but honestly children aren't worth the hassle. They seem to be mean just to be mean

>> No.8103659

maybe their parents are miserable. that'd be a good way to think of marriage as being a horrible thing.

>> No.8103688

>married person

Hahaa, I'm sorry that I find this one so funny. I think it's because it's such a dumb little kid thing to say.

>> No.8103696

I've never had anyone come to me having a bad reaction. Closest is maybe these two girls who were smiling and one pointed saying something like "isn't that Lolita", I just smiled and waved. Even if they were gossiping about me, they were obese emo girls so I'm not really crying there.

I did overhear a guy make a comment about this other girl in my college. I don't remember exactly what he said, something about it being a costume or weird. To be fair she was wearing bodyline and looked kind of ita with way too much poof for school.

I generally get no comments or good comments, but I dress classic and "toned down" with pretty well no prints.

>> No.8103721

It's been a little over 2 years with me being in the fashion, and I've yet to experience any rudeness, I'm shocked because reading cgl I would think it happens a lot. I always brace for it when I go out, but nothing. Just the usual "what's the occasion?" or "why are you so dressed up?".

>> No.8103723

I really hate sweet, but I had this one blue dress that I just liked a lot.

Whenever I went out wearing it, I'd get bad comments and stares, but when I wear classic or plain colors people change for the better.

They treat me better, they call me princess, they even ask if I'm american or japanese.

I guess sweet often gets connected to childish and lolicon ( not that normalfags know what lolicon is, but you get what I mean)

>Never had anyone throw anything at me
>Never had anyone talk shit to my face
>Never overheard bad comments
>exept the only time I wore sweet

>> No.8103732

yeah, kids are pretty dumb and silly. but ya know, they might have meant you look like a bride? its makes alot more sense

>> No.8103737
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ive been a lolita for, eh i wanna say 4 or 5 months? i only wear sweet.
my mom is on really great terms with me in lolita, and even likes to take pictures with her high quailty camera. she loves photoshoots and even wants to do some lolita photoshoots with me. shes really great, i dont think shes ever gotten shit.
ive never really gotten shit either, but im pretty new. the closest i ever had was a older woman giggling at me, but it seemed very light hearted and playful so it was fine.
but reading horror stories of girls getting shit thrown/spilled on them scares me. i generally live in a good area [atlanta] though, so i try not to worry. i usually get the expected "do you have a play?" "whats the occasion?" or just a "you look cute!" type thing.
lolita life is good so far.

>> No.8103755

In 8 years, I've had a few rude people, the usual questions and calling about Bo Peep or Alice, and the "sneaky" photo snappers, but I usually just have some sort of retort for them or in the case of the photographers, I just walk up to them and request that they delete the pictures they've taken without my permission and threaten legal bullshit and that always scares them into apologizing and asking nicely for a picture.
If people are ever being particularly negative, I'm good at ignoring them.
The worst thing that ever happened wasn't any direct bullying, it just really broke my heart. I heard this little kid saying, Oh look mom, it's a real princess, that's so cool, can I go say hello? He was just really excited and she goes, "No. That's just a person dressed up stupid. Princesses don't actually exist." Why kill the magic in your child's heart so freaking fast?

I had a few chuckles before a meetup the other day. I was walking across the parking lot into the restaurant, and this two-year-old is yelling, "WHAT IS SHE? WHAT IS SHE DADDY? WHAAAAT IIIIIS SHEEEEEE?" And the dad looked so mortified and I legitimately heard him yell at his kid, "YOU CAN'T JUST ASK WHAT PEOPLE ARE." I was dying.

>> No.8103760

Wow, sounds like the bitter was strong with that mom.
That boy's gonna be the one to tell the other kids that Santa ain't real.

>> No.8103762

She probably didn't want her daughter to end up like the delusional sugar daddy seeking princesses on cgl. Good parenting.

>> No.8103765

whoop, son. Well that just adds to it.

>> No.8103779

It's actually not illegal to take photos of strangers without their permission, provided you're on public property. It's also no illegal on private property provided they got permission from the people that own the premises.

>> No.8103783

Oh I know lol, but it still freaks people out to sputter out some legal hoodydoody. 90% of normalfags don't know their shit.

>> No.8103787

Oh that's cool. I agree, people should at least be courteous!

>> No.8104217

I recently got my first dress and as soon as I tried it on and put on some other things with it like a wig and other accessories to see what would look good with it, my mom saw and asked me "How old are you?" and even with cosplay she thinks its some childish thing and I'm just "playing dress up" like a kid would do.

>> No.8104223

That's rough, anon. Which dress?
>getting my first dresses in the mail today
>thank god I don't live with my parents, they can never know

>> No.8104224

>I had a few chuckles before a meetup the other day. I was walking across the parking lot into the restaurant, and this two-year-old is yelling, "WHAT IS SHE? WHAT IS SHE DADDY? WHAAAAT IIIIIS SHEEEEEE?" And the dad looked so mortified and I legitimately heard him yell at his kid, "YOU CAN'T JUST ASK WHAT PEOPLE ARE." I was dying.

Oh man, kids are the best. They're so tactless, and it's so forgivable because you know they don't mean anything by it. That kid just REALLY wanted to know what was going on.

>> No.8104227

it's a bodyline dress that a friend gave to me for free since she didn't want it anymore. They don't seem to sell it anymore. If I posted a photo, could I get some help in making a coord out of it, even if it's just a basic one? Or should I post that in the bodyline thread?

>> No.8104233

Try the coord help thread, anon: >>8088240

Good luck!

>> No.8104235

Thank you!

>> No.8104241

Are you me, anon? My mom hates as well petticoats so she want myself not wearing petti inside jsks if i go with her with no petti.
>tfw when mom is ita inside
I should dress with ETC dresses when i'm with mom, otome is cute and looks still lolita inspired with no petti and less OTT stuff.
Weird! Usually people is negative about black sweet colourways rather than pink because i see too much people hating black sweet prints, while black AP items are my favourite and easier to tone down.
>like a married person
what the actual fuck really

>> No.8104270

I've definitely seen/experienced more bad reactions to sweet lolita, esp the more OTT it is, mostly because people wrongly associate it with ageplay. I find gothic lolita gets me/others less negative reactions since a lot of people just see all the gothiness and associated it with ~regular~ western goth fashion.

>> No.8104309

Any negative reactions to hime? Seems like a good amount of the positive experiences involve anons getting mistaken for princesses, but sweet gets the most ridicule so I'm assuming they're anons in classic. Then what do normalfags think when you're dressed to actually look like a princess instead of just fancy clothes?

>> No.8104310

Ugh, my cousin does exactly this. Back when I was a weeb teen she taught me how2fashion and now she just assumes she knows more about every fashion ever than me.
>anon, why don't you wear that without a petticoat?
>anon, that would look sooooo cute with like a corset.
>why are you wearing a blouse with that, you should show some skin!
>Knee high heeled boots and some fishnets would look soooo sexy with that skirt!

The ita is strong.
I tried explaining the rules and got 'well u can do what u want its just clothes!'

>> No.8104366

>anon, that would look sooooo cute with like a corset.
>why are you wearing a blouse with that, you should show some skin!
>Knee high heeled boots and some fishnets would look soooo sexy with that skirt!
Sorry to hear that anon, it's really a shame that your cousin has the fashion awareness of a skank...

>> No.8104367

I wouldn't say this is always true or at least they're not doing it consciously. Most parents only want the best for their children and are afraid if their child does something out of the norm, that'll hinder them somehow in life (i.e. their child will get hurt/harassed, people won't be understanding and this will prevent them from being successful).

Actually ridiculing your children is a different story.

>> No.8104371

I have the contrary. I usually wear printed AP and the worst I got was a few laughters, plus a ton of positive reactions. When I wear classic though... I had a few unplesant confrontations, both with younger and older people. For instance, once and old "lady" started to scream at me at the bus stop, calling me crazy, idiot etc. And I wasn't even in OTT classic, just some floral dress.

>> No.8104386

Same. I wear OTT sweet, I mostly wear pastel colors and the more "childish" prints. I rarely experience anything negative, I never worn classic but I have had plenty of negative experiences when I have worn gothic. I'm also kinda older than most sweet lolitas and I thought I would get lots of shit about wearing what I do at my age but I haven't.

>> No.8104402

Hmm, interesting. Perhaps then sometimes it has to do with the area you're in? And by extension, the type of people that live in said area. I could see being in a more conservative area people being more put-off by gothic lolita than classic or sweet, or people in a place like NYC just thinking it's another oddity in the city.

>> No.8104413

I usually wear classic or sweet-classic, and the only negative things I've experienced are the stares and murmurings from groups of strangers. If anyone's said anything to me, it's be a compliment or a polite inquiry about why I'm wearing it or where I got my clothes.

Kids are the best/worst, though. Their reactions are hilarious, but I also dislike the extra attention a kid screaming "MOM LOOK AT HER" can bring. Chill, small human.

>> No.8104439

ITT: everybody's wrong but me/I seek attention at any cost

>> No.8104498

"I wonder why no one likes me? I'm just telling it like it IS! It's like people hate honesty or something!" -every asshole ever

On topic: I'm a new lolita so I've only ever worn lolita out once, not counting conventions. It was to a nice restaurant for dinner with my girlfriend. The gal at the coatcheck "loved" my dress, though they were super normies so I wonder if it was just sarcasm.

Girlfriend really liked it though so that's what mattered the most to me in the end. Now I just need to get her some cute ouji clothes.

>> No.8104503

Even by normal fashion standards, she doesn't sound fashionable

>> No.8104526

Mostly comments, like most of you itt. But it also left me isolated from my class in school because nobody wanted to talk to me (I'm wearing goth and classical) and when I tried to approach them they just smiled and moved on. I've been molested on the subway in lolita too. But hey, mostly great experiences other than that!

>> No.8104549

Maybe you shouldn't explain her some vague "rules" but an eye for aesthetics. It's not just about what you read on the internet about how it's supposed to be but the resulting look.

>> No.8104561

In Germany you are only allowed to take photos of groups of people, that means 5 or more, not of individual people.

>> No.8104564

Lolita is too formal for school, of course people aren't going to find you very approachable.

>> No.8104590

Same. I'm 24 years old and I still hide this hobby from my parents. It's worse because I had to move back in with them.

>> No.8104594

On the off chance someone ever does throw or spill something on one of my dresses, can I do anything about that? Like, can I force they to pay for damaged property?

>> No.8104598

This is really sad, anon. I'm sorry, some people are just so rude and stupid.

>> No.8104599

technically it's assault, but good luck proving it or getting a cop to find them.

>> No.8104601

This seems to be the exception though.
Floral dresses are really the last thing normalfags get upset about.

>> No.8104604

OMG lol being married is a bad thing now I guess!
Can I officially send my condolences now?

>> No.8104615
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> And the dad looked so mortified and I legitimately heard him yell at his kid, "YOU CAN'T JUST ASK WHAT PEOPLE ARE." I was dying.

>> No.8104623

Meant to reply to >>8104371

>> No.8104634

Yeah I realise that now, it was 4 years ago though and I'll never make the mistake of wearing the frillies to any sort of school or job again.
Happened to me at a restaurant, the waitress spilled wine all over the skirt part. They offered to pay the dry-cleaners bill and even pay for the dress if the stain was permanent.
It'd probably be impossible to force a private person to pay up for a damaged dress.

>> No.8104644

Wore lolita to school once

>Standing around friends calmly chatting
>Asian boy walks with to use wearing devil horns
>"Wow, you look sexy!"
>Friends and I look around trying to figure out who he's talking to
>Asks me if I'm wearing lolita
>Awkwardly say yes and turn towards my friends hoping he leaves
>An hour later we were preparing to leave
>I bend over to fix the strap on my shoe not noticing him
>Friend starts laughing
>I ask her what's wrong and apparently the devil horned guy took the opportunity to try looking up my petticoat before running away

That was the weirdest response I've gotten. Most of my friend usually make a weird face when I bring up lolita, like the idea of buying it second hand is weird. Which is absurd considering most of my friend like to go thrift shopping. Two of my friends also call it fetish bait despite me not having that much sweet in my closet.

>> No.8104647

My parents and family genuinely love the shit out of my lolita outfits when I dress up.
My mom doesn't get it, but she loves the creativity of it all.
My da used to think it was silly. Then I went out in a toned down/otome coord, and I got SO many compliments from strangers, [instead of stares and disapproval, like he had expected] that he was actually beaming with pride and piping up with things like "Yeah! And her necklaces even matches her dress!!" It was fucking magical.

My family isn't very "artsy" at all, so they really like when I come over dressed all outrageous and ask questions.
I'm seriously lucky I have the family I do.

As for public experiences, I dress in sweet. I've had some stares, gawks, and giggles, but nothing drastic at all.
Lots of whispers about "omg that is soooo cute!" and little girls and their moms love it a lot.
High school boys like to try to approach me and try to engage in conversations, but it kind of makes me wary, so I usually just kind of give polite, one-word answers and move on.
idgaf about people taking photos. It's kind of to be expected. I mean, what are they going to do with them? Text them to their friend? Post it on their Facebook? The last thing I really care about is normalfags making fun of me.
>"omg look at this isn't she weeeeeird?"

Expect the attention when you look the way you do. Then proceed not to give a fuck.

>> No.8104679

Where I come from, if someone ruins you're shit they have to pay... technically. Yeah, it's hard to get them to do it, but I'd insist. Just like if someone dented my car with their door.

>> No.8104694

>Bending over with your back, not using your knees

so unladylike

>> No.8104701

My mom is an occasional goth, so when I had my phase of wearing AP she would say it looked like baby clothing but she loved when I started wearing more gothic brands and even had me buy her some items when I went to Japan. It's something we really bond over, she fixed my moitie dress when I ripped the lace and she will sew something for me when I have a specific idea.

The worst thing ever said to me, was a lady, probably in her late 30s "Which circus are you in?" I was in sweet, waiting at the post office.

>> No.8104727

My mom and dad didn't really like it when I started to get into it, they thought it was just another cosplay. Then I started buying more, and they confronted me about it. I explained to them what it was. My dad loves the idea, he thinks it's great. My mom is okay with it, but I can tell she doesn't care for it. She used to make remarks about it, but once I started making a ton of friends through it, she stopped.

I wear it to school and never get rude comments, they always compliment me, including teachers. In fact, I've gotten several friends into lolita

>> No.8104738

The whole hobby just feels so trashy. I feel like a whore when I'm in lolita.

>> No.8104752

People in my area are usually incredibly rude and hostile, but the second I walk out my door in lolita (I wear Sweet like the other anon), it's like flipping a switch and suddenly everyone wants to bend over backwards to be nice or helpful towards me. Idk man, people are weird, but I think it has lots to deal with how you carry yourself. I think that acting normal and confident is key to having people react to you positively, no matter how "weird" your clothes might be.

>> No.8104757


I get reactions based on color, not style (and I think maybe a few other anons are, too?).

I'm primarily sweet. I've worn toned down sweet and classic, regular sweet/classic, I dabbled in goth, and I've regularly worn OTT sweet and tried that new "art lolita" thing a few times in public.

So far I have learned:
>if you are in pastels from head to toe, you'd better look confident, young, and on point. The more washed out the print, the brighter the colors, the harder your game needs to be. Every flaw, from poor fit to poor makeup will be noticeable easily. People will question your mental and social stability and skills since they associate those colors with children.
>if you wear pastels, people like them more on a dark background. Play up the background, not the print. Black blouses for your bittersweet, not pastel.
>if you wear neutrals, or primarily neutrals with soft pastels or some other accent color (brownXmint is a good combo) people will find your coords more pleasing
>if you wear meta, fuck the haters and continue as you were. no normies like their color schemes and you knew that before you left the house.
>if you wear jewel tones, you can probably rob a bank and they'll thank you for it

Second to color, face/hair/hygiene seems to get noticed next.

Is there anywhere where bright pastels are not associated with childhood? I wonder how the bright pastel sweets fare there?

>> No.8104772

Then sell us your dresses, plz

>> No.8104778

I agree with >>8104772

>> No.8104784

All of this. Can also be applied to other alternative/J-fashion.

>> No.8104817

I kinda get what you're saying.
Not the whorish part, but I know I'm drawing in attention like an attention whore.

>> No.8104868

I think OP meant that when parents get all judgy about other people's parenting, it's because their own parenting is sub-par. Sometimes abusively so,

I have to say this is a trend I've noticed a lot - parents who ridiculed my mother (for being a single parent in the 90's, like, christ these people needed to get a grip) had kids that ended up in prison, or on drugs, or with (unwanted) children of their own.

I think it was Freud who said something to the effect of 'the flaws you find in other people are a reflection of the flaws in yourself'.

>> No.8104877

Agree. My mother was a huge bitch about how my step mom "forced" my very tomboy-ish step-sister to wear men's clothes because "she wanted a son, you can tell" and other bullshit, all while she was always trying to make me wear pink and act cute and ladylike and telling me how stupid I was for ever wanting to try "boy things" like computer programming. My step-sister's a totally happy, functioning, confident human being, and I'm a NEET with severe depression. Not saying that's entirely her fault, but she certainly didn't help.

I guess to stay on topic, my mother's been the worst about lolita, too, and has given me shit about looking weird (I thought she'd be happy I was finally embracing femininity after all this time) and spending too much on stupid clothes, so I just don't tell her anymore.

>> No.8104906


But... there are real princesses, of course. It's just a political/familial office after all, it's nothing magical. No need to call somebody stupid over that....

>> No.8104953

Freud was a quack, but even idiots can occasionally say something that is true

>> No.8104977

Wow dude, I know Freud was a shit head and his theories aren't really credible anymore, but isn't a bit of a stretch to call him a 'quack?' He played a huge role in the development of psychoanalysis.

>> No.8105005

>They also say that she dresses me this way to control me as her forever young/ pure daughter to ward off boys and to keep me in the house.

I hate wannabe amateur psychologists so much.

>> No.8105055

So far, so good. Sorry I have no stories to tell. If anyone is curious, I have only worn sweet (but not pastel prints) and sailor out in public.

Also, tbh, I didn't know about ageplay until I took interest in this fashion because it seemed every lolisecret/behind-the-bows secret used that word. Does the typical person on the street really know about ageplay? Or do lolitas just assume that normalfags think that about them because the accusations are so rampant within the community?

Reading this was insanely upsetting. I'm blessed to have a family who supports me and fawns over me, but god, it'd kill me inside to see them be ridiculed because of me. I don't know what I'd do if I were in your shoes.

Others might tell you "fuck the haters! rock it, gurl <333" but that situation seriously takes an emotional toll over time. I'm more sensitive about my loved ones than myself.

>> No.8105061

I had never heard about ageplay before either

>> No.8105077

Different anon, but since most people psychoanalysis itself to be BS it's not so shocking that someone would call him a quack. That said, I personally think that a "quack" has to be as such in their own times. Freud's theories were really cutting-edge for his time, they just haven't stood up as science and psychology have advanced. So while I'd consider those who currently peddle his teachings as quacks, I wouldn't call Freud himself one.

>> No.8105257

I knew about ageplay before hand but I'm also involved in BDSM/fetish communities so I don't think I count.

>> No.8105369

I'd never heard of ageplay either, but before I ever started reading l_s or /cgl/ I'd heard from normalfags that I looked like I was trying to look like a baby or trying to attract pedophiles (I mostly wear sweet/classic, BtSSB and IW). It seems they don't know the term for it but they are familiar with the concept of ageplay.
Actually the reason it took me so long to get into lolita properly is that my friends were total dicks about it. They'd seen something about lolitas on TV and decided that they were all crazies who dressed like pedo bait to deal with daddy issues. One time I mentioned wanting to buy a parasol because I burn so easily and my friend started screaming "EEEWWWW but then you'll look like one of those lolitas!"

I'm much happier now that I no longer have contact with these people and dress the way I want.

>> No.8105376

Diff anon but he did put a lot of his own personal insecurities into his work. I don't think he did anything really harmful though, I would not call him a quack.

>> No.8105405
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I only just started buying lolita so I haven't gotten a chance to wear it out yet. My boyfriend was very supportive, even offering to help me pay for it because he thinks it's cute and likes seeing me happy, however he was pretty nerdy to begin with and had a friend who was into lolita before we had met, so it wasn't a new concept to him.
I haven't told my parents yet. They probably won't be too against it; I used to cosplay, which my dad was iffy about but my mom was always sweet, asking about the characters I was cosplaying or offering help with sewing.
I don't know if it's comparable, but I wear mainly goth j-fashion just about every day, and I do get a lot of comments about that. A lot of positive
>You're so fashionable! You always dress so nice!
but some less so
>Aren't you a little cold in that/Don't you know what the weather's like? (When wearing skirts/tights/thigh highs)
or the ever constant
>Halloween's over ahurrhurr
Or sometimes just stares, but that's less common. I'm pretty curious about how people will react to me in lolita.

>> No.8105409

Oh my god I'm so sorry anon that's awful

>> No.8105415

Well there's a lot of contention surrounding the fact that he (from what I understand) covered up the issue of sexual abuse within wealthy families to avoid conflict, basically insinuating that women made up the stories of their abuse because they subconsciously wanted to sleep with their fathers or some shit. You know, typical Freudian shenanigans. But still, calling him a quack is a bit of a stretch. He was just an asshole.

Sage for OT

>> No.8105418

Of all the theorists I learned about, Freud was the craziest. Right after would come his behaviorist rivals, though.
I think it's weird how psychoanalysis is still so present in thearpy these days..

>> No.8105441

There was some little turd kid sitting on a bench with a parent-like adult and said something like 'use a mirror' once. I stared at him and smiled and waved as I walked by, and they both looked pretty embarassed. I'm lucky enough to have never had negative reactions, just weird looks, and lots of polite questions/requests for photos. I think if you smile, are confident, super polite and kind to people it disarms them immediately. For whatever reason black people and old people love lolita. It's always the white 40-something wasps that start clucking, get huffy and upset and make goofy faces like they gotta shit.

>> No.8105452

Boyfriend has cummed on 3 of my dresses. I hate having sex in them but he's insistent

>> No.8105453

About the same in Finland. If you take a photo in a public place, the photo must not focus on a single person or show their face too clearly, without permission of course.

>> No.8105492

so egdy

>> No.8105498

Worst was probably when this older lady in my apartment complex called me a "Russian whore". Why Russian? I still don't know.

>people who don't realize tights are much warmer than trousers
I've been told off multiple times for "choosing fashion over comfort" when I was wearing two pairs of thick tights and a wool skirt in winter, even though I can guarantee I was toastier than they were in their flimsy jeans. People are dumb.

>> No.8105502



>> No.8105541
File: 68 KB, 346x252, SLER-M-5-8-Russian-Dolls-Lyudmila-pink[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first thought?

Same. There are girls here wearing leggings after a blizzard and no one looks twice.

>> No.8105562

To be fair, you can be that kid without bitter parents. I was that kid, because I had no idea that at the grand ol' age of 7 that the other kids wouldn't have figured out Santa wasn't real yet from TV/news/overheard adult conversation. I thought they'd have realised.

This has mostly been my experience too. Maybe Fanny Rosie style classic that looks very close to normal vintage clothing wouldn't get attention, but whenever I've worn classic (I don't own any super-plain classic outfits, mostly single-colour prints, embroidered things or plain but princess sleeved things) I've got tons of the "OMG ARE YOU IN A PLAY" reactions and stares and people seeming genuinely confused about what I was wearing. Gothic has got me some stares (and one or two compliments) but nothing more.

Bear in mind that I'm basing this off only 6-10 experiences though. I live in an area without much of a comm right now, and the nearest city has a notoriously drama-filled comm so I feel weird wearing lolita there.

>> No.8105563

I got a lot of compliments in hime, but also a LOT of people trying to take sneaky photos and blatantly pointing.

>> No.8105565

It definitely varies on area. In each of the three cities (and one small town) I've worn lolita around, people have reacted differently. Even within the same area, I find I get more positive reactions at the old house we're visiting than when waiting to be picked up to go there in the city, even though a lot of people dress alternative there.

Also, the most shocked reactions are often because people have literally never seen what you're wearing before. So if an area has a more active comm, people will be less likely to give extreme reactions, just like if an area is cosmopolitan and filled with weird things anyway.

>> No.8105574

Same here. It's always middle-aged soccer moms and teenagers, usually girls, who act shitty. Black people tend to love it, but I've gotten a few humorous reactions that were more on the negative side, but they were teenagers. Old ladies love it. I'm finding more people in their 20's know what it is.

I usually wear sweet with a bit of classic and an interest in gothic, but I've been reserving prints and more outlandish things for conventions/meets and stocking up on simpler and plainer items to wear more casually. I still get stares in them though.

>> No.8105576

I get a LOT of attention in jewel tones. A lot of it's positive, but it's still very eye-catching.

>> No.8105577

Male here.

If you see a girl in loli, how do you hit on her in a manner that's appropriate? I'm guessing she's used to all sorts of peculiar attention.

>> No.8105581

Learn the names of prints. If you can tell her she looks really good in [blank] she'll be impressed.

>> No.8105584


Seriously don't try and over flatter "you look so cute" "nice outfit"
It sounds sarcastic.

"I like your lolita coord, what is this print called?" Would be perfect

>> No.8105585

Yeah, it's surprising how much normal people don't know about unless they're involved in that sort of thing. When I had depression, I was invited to cognitive behavioural therapy. I found it hilarious because the letter I got kept talking about CBT. Turned out only one person (who has a mild interest in BDSM) out of 5-6 friends I made the joke to had heard of it (even though the others were still regular porn browsers and well-acquainted with the weirder corners of the Internet).

I vaguely knew of ageplay before lolita but it wasn't really in my consciousness at all. If I had seen a sweet lolita in Dreamy Baby Room I might have thought it was weird, but I wouldn't have associated it with ageplay.

>> No.8105588

Like you do on anyone else

>> No.8105589

sage for irrelevant but wow, I didn't know about that, I just knew that his theories were mostly regarded as bullshit these days.

>> No.8105590

In my experience, what >>8103567 describes this is definitely the case. When I wear sweet (toned down AP, usually black, red or white coords) I get the usual "hay are u in a play lol", "where r ur sheep haha" comments. But there are a lot of little girls and grannies who love it.
In classic, people either think I'm some sort of period clothes reenactor, and leave me alone. Grannies love it because it reminds them of their clothes when they were younger.
In gothic, people ignore me at large. Almost no compliments like when in sweet or classic, but not much harassing either. But the amount of creepy dudes increases by the double. I think it's because it's perceived as if I'm some sort of luxury fetish whore??? Because on several occasions guys have asked me for "services". I don't even know man.

>> No.8105592

Would you be offended if, supposing we started dating, I asked you not to wear loli out sometimes to more formal events?

>> No.8105595

I'd be offended that you'd think you had to ask and that I wouldn't have the common sense to do that anyway.

>> No.8105596

A lot of guys just have a fetish for goth/alternative girls (and of guys that don't have an outright fetish, you meet a lot of normalfag guys who say they thing goth/punk/Ramona Flowers-looking girls are really hot and they dig the look, even though they don't dress that way themselves). From my past experience in other alternative online communities, creepy dudes trying to propositiong girls because of the whole sexy death babe stereotype thing used to be a big problem, so I wouldn't say it's looking like an upmarket whore so much as they just have a general goth fetish.

>> No.8105597


>> No.8105600

How about sex in your brand, is that basically off limits?

>> No.8105604

Although I'm not sure why I'm dignifying a creepy possibly troll with an answer, I would definitely never have sex in brand (or lolita in general). I don't view it as "just clothes" like ordinary people do - they're fucking expensive and difficult to get off. I don't like having sex clothed even in normal clothes, but with lolita it'd definitely be off-limits.

>> No.8105605

*like some people do, not like ordinary people do

>> No.8105608

That's unfortunate if most girls think that way. For me the clothes are a big fetish.

>> No.8105609

His theories still have a huge influence in psychotherapy, but they aren't nearly as twisted anymore.

>> No.8105610

If my fiance every wanted to bone me in my brand he'd wouldn't be able to see my boobs or vag at any point. It's full body deal. My petti would probably scratch his dick in an very uncomfortable way also.

>> No.8105611

Please excuse errors.

>> No.8105627

That's okay as long as you have the money to replace them afterwards or can deal with cheap bodyline

>> No.8105629

Well yeah, I wouldn't ruin a dress and then not pay for a new one.

Most lolitas are pretty kinky anyway, from what I'm told.

>> No.8105635

Not really true, at least in my experience. The few times my comm discussed sexual topics it turned out we were all super vanilla except for this one ita who wouldn't shut up about her BDSM and petplay, but since she is the kind of person who wears collars out in public nobody was surprised.

>> No.8105637 [DELETED] 

Would totes rape that girl down a dark alley.

>> No.8105641

But it's not what you want
Say that.

>> No.8105653

In general regardless of fashion women prefer to be talk to like you want to get to know them over being hit on. Hi likelihood of being seen as a perv if you're obviously hitting on someone in lolita especially.

>> No.8105657

>tfw lolita gets my dick hard
>tfw cant help it

>> No.8105659

Doesn't mean you should start slobbering over anyone who wears it. Have some self control.

>> No.8105673


Is cgl now just an influx of newfags who respond to obvious bait?

Stop replying, faggots.

>> No.8105676

It's always been this way. The only boards that are more easily-trolled are /ck/ and /r9k/.

>> No.8105812

I don't really think lolitas are any kinkier than ordinary people with Internet access.

>> No.8105816

I thought /cgl/ had improved recently. I actually quit /cgl/ a few months ago because of how easily it got trolled, and how entire threads would get derailed by obvious bait. There was one point where literally dozens of threads were derailed by one or two trolls saying things like "AS A GUY YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE MORI GIRL RIGHT" and getting 50+ replies arguing or agreeing with them.

>> No.8105823

Back on topic. I've had fairly good experiences with most of my family, but not all of them. My parents are separated and my mom likes lolita, but when my dad's seen me in it he didn't like it. He thought it was goth, but he thinks goth is satanic, so now he has weird delusions that I'm a satanist. One grandma likes it, but the other thinks it's really weird (despite the fact she always used to dress me in similar dresses as a kid). I wore a velvet JSK to Christmas one year and she kept bitching about how the fact I was wearing a blouse spoilt the look of the pretty dress. Same with my friends; I get a lot of similar reactions to >>8104310.

>> No.8105952


>> No.8105971

If you bend over too much on your knees you risk having your dress touching the ground though...

>> No.8106065
File: 66 KB, 199x204, 1389911891024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always hear how old ladies tend to apporve of Lolita (Classic at least); I might be living in the wrong country but old ladies always give me the nastiest looks when I'm in Lolita. I only wear classic so no prints, darker colours, small accessoires, no wigs or anything else that would be very attention grabbing. Yet I get so many stares from older people, women especially. They all look at me like "eeew, these youngsters with their weird dresses!!?!" and I have never had an old lady comliment me... It's mostly teens or middle aged adults that like my outfits. Even my own grandmother thinks its weird and suggested I should rather wear "normal clothes, like all the other girls your age!"

>> No.8106068

There was a girl once that went blind because she saw a hot guy and thought about kissing him. So she figured it is better to be blind than commit such sin even in thought.

Do you think that would happen in today's America?

Freud's theories mostly do not work because they are culturally determined. Today most are not inhibited enough rather than too repressed.

Meaning, he was never a quack. Jung was always better though.

>> No.8106072

where do live, like fucking miami

>trying to conjure up the most disgusting place on earth

>> No.8106076

Same here, anon. I don't get it when people say that old ladies like it because "it reminds them of the clothes they wore when they were young". Like jesus, old people nowadays did not grow up in the Victorian era. If they're old but still able to move out and about, they probably spent their youth in the 40s, 50s and 60s. So in the UK that means rationing and material shortages, most people not actually wearing the big-skirted 50s outfits that were popular in America because of continuing austerity, and then a change to a completely non-lolita silhouette. The only thing from older people's lives that resembles lolita is 1950s clothes really, and even that's only in some silhouettes, not overall style.

>> No.8106079

I'm from Germany

Most people tend to dislike anything that's not uggs and leggings anyway, and just wearing a simple cute dress is already considered as dressed up so Lolita just blows their mind (every single time I wear an ivory Lolita dress people ask me if I get married because "you're wearing such a fancy white dress!")

>> No.8106080

I think a lot of people say ageplay, but they might be grouping ageplay, abdl, and 'little'/daddy kinks together. Normalfags may not know what 'ageplay' is but a lot of normalfags understand daddy/lolita (the book)/underage fetishes. If someone is misinformed or has never/seen heard of the fashion, if they are told it's called "lolita" most people in the west automatically assume you're some fetishist into pretending to be a little girl for sex. People in lolita say ageplay but in general I think they just mean like, a generalized underage schoolgirl/Lolita fetish, which, again, a lot of normalfags know about, they may not know it's called ageplay though.

>> No.8106084

Yep, and this too. Petticoats and luxurious decadent outfits weren't quite popular in post WWII Germany either.

>> No.8106086
File: 105 KB, 400x600, Lana-Pg-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like it seems like most people imagine the 1950s were all like pic related.

>> No.8106087
File: 119 KB, 474x571, 1951-visit-to-Festival-of-britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whereas most older people in the UK spent the 1950s dressed more like this.

>> No.8106095

Yeah, I remember when I visited Berlin being surprised at how fewer women seemed to wear make-up and what they wore was often much more toned down. I actually really liked the atmosphere because I am quite tomboyish, but I can imagine that dressing in lolita when most people are so dressed down day-to-day would be frustrating.

>> No.8106097

Ok I'm reading this stupid ass "only uggs and leggins in Germany" argument for the 100th time now and it's still so dumb.
If that's the thing people wear then you should stop surrounding yourself with 'asis' and poorfag students.

>> No.8106100

They were too poor for those clothes but it probably were the ones they dreamed about and only wore if they were rich and to special occasions.

>> No.8106118

Pretty sure the person is always the same and lives in a small town or something.

They definitely don't live in Berlin I can guess that much from their comments.

>> No.8106128

I didn't see any Uggs and leggings when I went, but that was two years ago so it'd be silly of me to argue about it.

Isn't lolita really quite popular in Germany anyway? They can't all wear it only to meets.

>> No.8106155

>Pretty sure the person is always the same and lives in a small town or something.

I'm not sure who you are referring to but I can't remember having complained about this before. Maybe others have the same problem? I don't live in Berlin but not in a small town either. Maybe uggs/leggings took it a bit too far but what I wanted to say is that most people where I live dress pretty basic and that old ladies usually don't like the way I dress (unlike many other people's experience).

It's maybe a local problem though, when I went to Berlin people of course gave zero fucks about the way you dressed as long as you weren't wearing fur, haha.

>Isn't lolita really quite popular in Germany anyway? They can't all wear it only to meets.
There are many Lolitas here (more than in other countries) but I rarely hear from other Lolitas that they wear their frills outside of meet ups. Many Lolitas - at least in my comm - are also older (usually mid-twenties) and have full time jobs so they don't have much time or opportunity to dress up.
There are Lolitas who wear it often or even daily but even then it's such a small ampunt of people that they don't change the whole public's opinion about people dressing in frilly victorian toddler dresses.

>> No.8106161

Oh, I wasn't trying to imply that it changed the publics opinion, just that if there's a sizeable group of people that wear it it can't be that hard to wear it out. Or something.

>> No.8106170

One time I went thirty minutes out of the way to drive a girl to an hour and a half away event just for us to get there and then have her tell me my coord looked like shit, then she expected us to drive her back. Everyone in my comm was taken aback at her attitude but I still didn't have the heart to just leave her in the middle of nowhere.

I later found out through my school from someone she works with that she could've just driven herself but didn't feel like paying for her own gas, is so awkward that her job only gives her 2 hours a week and one time she lost a bow at her job and spent 45 minutes looking for it instead of actually working even though the bows were against dress code anyways.

>> No.8106171

>just that if there's a sizeable group of people that wear it it can't be that hard to wear it out. Or something.
I don't think there are enough Lolitas or other alternative fashion where I live. But if you live in a big important tourist city like Berlin people won't care, you are right.

>> No.8106176

>and then have her tell me my coord looked like shit, then she expected us to drive her back. Everyone in my comm was taken aback at her attitude but I still didn't have the heart to just leave her in the middle of nowhere.
What a bitch. I hope you (or anyone else from your comm) never gave her a ride after this.

>I later found out through my school from someone she works with that she could've just driven herself but didn't feel like paying for her own gas, is so awkward that her job only gives her 2 hours a week and one time she lost a bow at her job and spent 45 minutes looking for it instead of actually working even though the bows were against dress code anyways.
What kind of job only gives her two hours a week?? Most places would just fire her. And how does she afford a car/appartment/Lolita when she only works 2hr/week?

>> No.8106178

Yeah, for now i use almost only skirts (not lolita because i have light jsks/skirts) with warm tights and otks of the same color. Trousers are too tight or unconfortable to wear with legwear underneath or never that warm.

>> No.8106188

Her parents and boyfriend pay for everything for her. I know she's on here regularly since she likes to talk about it openly, so she'll probably read this and hate me but whatever. I suspect she has it out for me because I found out recently that she had the hots for my boyfriend.

>> No.8106191

It doesn't sound like she's a great person to have around anyway so no loss for you here.

>> No.8106196

>driving someone an hour and a half after already going out of your way to pick them up
>not asking for any gas money

You're better than that anon

>> No.8106215

What I do is kind of swooping the back of the dress under me as I "squat" down as though I'm moving down to talk to a little kid. It helps a little.

>> No.8106299

Most lolitas deserve to be bullied because they look too old for the fashion.

>> No.8106318

She sounds gross. I hope everyone in the comm now knows not to do that, or anything for her. Bitches like that deserve an honorary exclusion imo.

Kinda unrelated - but I don't get why we don't we start to encourage a stronger community vibe besides "we dress the same". Besides getting bad press for having a lot of self centeredness (I.e. My Strange Addiction chick) why don't we get more out into the community more, like host charity events?

>> No.8106331

>why don't we get more out into the community more, like host charity events?

I might be an awful human but I don't want to do charity events in Lolita. When I attend meet ups I just want to go out and have fun and not having to come up with any kind of excuses of why I am dressed so strange.
And after all it's just a fashion and many people don't have anything more in common other than Lolita, so it would be hard to find a consens on what to do and how. Regular meet ups already often turn out like a disaster due to shitty organisation or Lolitas backing out, so hosting a big charity event seems difficult.

Also in the end, no matter what you do - most normalfags won't care anyway. They don't want to see a small comm doing some charity, they want delicious drama and My strange addiction-shit.

>> No.8106332

>deserve to be bullied
go away and take your bait with you

>> No.8106335

Yeah, I don't see how a lolita group could effectively raise money for charity anyway, in any way that isn't better served by just doing things outside of lolita.

>> No.8106346


Yeah, no. We've got better things to do.

>> No.8106358

I understand the concept of an individual doing charitable things while in lolita (especially if they wear it near-daily anyway) and that's a pretty nice idea, but as a comm it's a bit odd. Personally I find lolita doesn't mix well with any of the volunteering I do. I mean:

>thrift shop
>dusty atmosphere, piles of stuff to knock over with a petti and loads of tripping hazards in the storeroom
>no thanks

>animal shelter
>poop, claws

>> No.8106432

It's not all Uggs and Leggins, but it's true that german girls and women are, in general, not that dressed up.

>> No.8106446

>tfw minding your own business and you suddenly see someone's flash go off

If you just asked for a photo you wouldn't have had to deal with the embarrassment and look like a major creep...

>> No.8106447

>but it's true that german girls and women are, in general, not that dressed up.
Can't you say that about most people anywhere though...?

>> No.8106461

Whenever I see a russian girl they always have their hair done, full makeup, high heels. German upperclass is still bun and leggins, at least out on the streets if there's no occasion.

>> No.8106474

My best friend is russian and she says they like to look good because they don't have anything else

>> No.8106674

>Just like Mississippi

>> No.8106791


Were you ever wearing knee socks around her? In some countries (not Russia, but I think Ukraine and New Zealand ares have this mindset), socks hiked up super high like that are quick ways to spot prostitutes.

>> No.8107521

People think Italian people dress good and fashionable but i don't really see much well dressed people, even women. Or maybe it's me that have high standards. I just dislike how nowadays fashion is so plain and with neutral/dark colors in winter, in summer there are more bright colors but never full candy colored, frilly items as japanese fashion. Hopefully there is the internet.

>> No.8107551

Oh honey, don't confuse outfits on Sunday in Harajuku with what the majority of Japanese people wear.

>> No.8107555

Oh? Here it's the other way around. everyone knows gothic stuff, it's pretty much accepted. When you wear pink or sax stuff though wow the reactions you get

>> No.8107582

>Pub crawl for anime society at university
>Girl turns up in a neon green lolita dress
>Literally neon green
>Comment to her she's going attract a lot of notice
>She fucking flips her shit
>Reply that of course people are look if you're going out in a giant frilly neon green skirt

I think she was an attention whore anyway, she'd tell everyone all the time how she was totally into guro.

>> No.8107707

Plus, they'd have a much nicer picture. I don't know how many people are out there with deer-in-headlights pictures of me in lolita but all of them could have had a nice picture of me smiling if only they had just asked like a decent person.

>> No.8107754

Nah, you are not alone. I have my charities but lolita is my selfish hobby, to just dress up, feel luxurious, be carefree. Nothing wrong with their ideas, it's just NOT for me. I almost just posted this there but I'm beginning to think 'why bother?' Since it's not really a very good discussion group aside from a few people and FB posts just roll down the wall anyway.

>> No.8107755

I'd rather they just snap their little photo and go on, that way I don't have to talk to them. I'll probably end up on People of Walmart someday, I'm surprised there aren't more Lolitas posted there.

>> No.8107777

When my friend and I got into lolita her mum didn't approve of it and instead of not letting her buy stuff, she would try to sneakily throw things my friend bought with her own money out. Two things I specifically remember were circle lenses and a bodyline seifukku, and I'm pretty sure she also threw out one of her bodyline dresses (we were poorfags).

>> No.8108039

What a bitch

>> No.8108077

nice quads

>> No.8108322

I know the average japanese person doesn't wear lolita or gyaru but i saw some i suppose more mainstream jfashion magazines that have at times more girly/cute simple stuff, better for my tastes compared to women stuff i see in Italy

>> No.8108333

I can't help but imagine that every negative reply in this thread is from OTT sweets. I wear classic, casual sweet and Otome (Often in entirely pastel coords) every single day and have never had a negative response.

Can I also ask; Are most posters here American?
I was visiting Miami and then LA a couple of weeks ago and something I've noticed is that normalfag Americans are particularly badly dressed.

>> No.8108356


Actually my sole negative experience was in gothic. Admittedly I was badly dressed, it was a "gosurori" stage costume not in my size, and I had to stop by a mall to get gloves. Never seen salespeople so grudging to sell me stuff before.

In contrast most of my sweet stuff is super well-received, the most out-of-place one is when I wore AP with a cake-shaped minihat to meet a friend, who wasn't feeling well so she didn't dress up, so basically it's just me in sweet lolita in the whole cafe. Nothing but surprised happy smiles from patrons and staff the entire time.

You might have a point about people being meaner towards girls who don't look 1000% well put-together, though. When I'm late sometimes I do my hair and makeup in the nearest public toilet, and I have noticed a huge difference in reaction between before putting on hair and makeup, and after putting on hair and makeup. People are generally nicer to me when I look nicer.

>> No.8108366

One thing I always hate with lolita is when someone asks if I made the dress and say no, they act all disgusted/or disappointed. I'm sorry I didn't make my clothes? But really it feels as crazy as asking a normal person if they made their own clothes.

>> No.8108371

That's the thing though. Lolita communities ARE fundamentally built around "we dress the same", why make it something it's not? If you have friends who happen to wear lolita and want to put on frills to host a charity event, go for it, but count me out if my local comm suddenly became all about *collecting in lolita for cancer*

>> No.8108455

>me at Union Square waiting for the 4 Train to go Uptown to the MET wearing Meta's Girlie Stuff
>old balding guy starts hitting on me
>he says, "Hey sexy lady"
>immediately move to another part of the platform
>see two girls that were standing next to me previously walk over too
>talk to them on train
>turns out they moved too cause he went on a misogynist rant after I left

This is the worst experience I have ever faced when I wore lolita. Of course New York does has its face share of weirdos and elderly neckbeards.

>> No.8108525

In my group we went to a small" Fairies in the city" event where people said" we added a lot to the atmosphere" of it. We made a lot of kids happy just by being in the place.

>> No.8108533

Comms are generally just for weak people who don't have enough confidence to wear lolita themselves.

>> No.8108545

I know the local comm is raising money for/participating in a walk for raising awareness/research funds for something. While I think it's really cool that they're doing it (and apparently raised a lot last year as well) I REALLY hope they don't show up to the walk in lolita. That's just in poor taste IMO. The walk isn't about them.

But to get back on topic, I actually haven't had too many negative experiences in lolita. Some stares and some leers, but most people have been surprisingly nice to me and have given me lots of compliments. I feel lucky, especially after reading some of these horror stories.

>> No.8108552

but people dress up to walks all the time.

>> No.8108572

Wow I hope she is gone

>> No.8108660

Any advice wearings lolita at uni?

>> No.8108726

keep it super toned down with low poof
Pretty much ask yourself "can this pass as a normal but nice outfit?"

>> No.8108736

> wears shitty, half-assed coord with all offbrand items to school
> still gets a ton of compliments
> mainly because of the "fluffy skirt"

>> No.8108737

Depends on you, you can basically wear whatever you want. My advice would be something more casual otome-like or classic and no bonnets, princess sleeves or other OTT things.
Expect to be the fashionable cutie sitting amogst lazy top-knots with uggs.

>> No.8108743

I wouldn't say prints are a no-go, but something like Loyal Rosette would be better than Dreamy Baby Room.

>> No.8108759

Classic tends to go down better, but I've never gotten shit for wearing lolita to uni and I've worn bittersweet and classic, mostly.

>> No.8108762

Somehow that's true, my mom and my aunt even dress up for work even though my mom has to change into dentist's clothes at work anyway.
Can't even tell why, but russian women care a lot about their apperance. I do, too but when I get up early for classes I'll go "fuck that, uggs it is.".
I don't get why leggins and uggs are such a bad thing, they are comfy as hell and I certainly can't dress up all the time. But everybody who says it's anything other than for the comfort is a dirty liar.

>> No.8108765

I actually get the most complements on my meta typewriter squirrel print. The only time I've ever had something negative happen is when I got lost and missed the last buss home and was waiting at a gas station for a cab when a cop mistook me for a hooker. I was wearing a pink baby dress and RHS though so I don't blame her for it.

>> No.8108774

America has pretty shit fashion, at least in the west. It's either frumpy mom shit, jeans with embellished ugly pockets, or leggings with uggs.

>> No.8108873

Jeeesus. Anime societies are weird demographically. Even though I reckon more girls (most of which are entirely sane) than guys are into anime IRL, anime societies always full of guys with just a handful of girls who are all varying degrees of crazy. To be fair to the crazy girls, a lot of the guys are awkward fucks too, but it's a pity so few normal girls go. The anime society at my uni was big but so bad I quit going, and at my friend's uni it's pretty similar.

>university has a programme enabling you to get extra course credits for studying a language
>already pretty advanced in two European languages, and English
>took a Chinese course but they only do it to intermediate level so now I've finished it and have to pick a new one
>taking remedial classes for the European languages I know already would be boring
>don't want to pick any new European languages because I already have one Romance language and one Germanic language so I'm bored of that now
>really want to take Japanese
>literallly entire class is weebs

Literally the entire class. My country doesn't really have any Japanese immigrant population, so everyone who took the class is a weeb. And not a weeb with ability to hide their power level either, the sort of person who will wear their cosplays in public.

>> No.8108874

I've always been scared of getting posted to People of Walmart.

>> No.8108876

I posted a negative reply and I've only ever gone out in classic and gothic, try again.

Also I'm a Britfag.

>> No.8108883

Well, if it was one of those pink breast cancer things where everyone wears bizarre and very pink clothes anyway, I don't think lolita would be entirely out of place.

>> No.8108886

>a cop mistook me for a hooker
What happened?

>> No.8108888

Oh, since I didn't notice this when I posted, I'm not >>8108660. I already wear lolita to uni sometimes, which is part of the reason I'm worried about taking a Japanese class with people who still think glomping is a good idea.

>> No.8108951

>Going to Wal-Mart
>In Lolita

No, just don't. There are better places to wear lolita other than Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is an awful place. I haven't been to a Wal-Mart in five years.

>> No.8108966

>I don't get why leggins and uggs are such a bad thing
It less of a "ewww leggins and uggs you are a gross person" for me. It all depends on how you act. If you wear that and tell me I look stupid for wearing a cute dress, I'll laugh in your face. If you act like your outfit is hot shit, then I'll laugh. But honestly, I don't really care unless you act like that.

>> No.8109084

Or super thin and see-through clothing in general, stupid tribal print leggings, or those stupid half t-shirts with the super short skirts.

>> No.8109085

I usually wear toned down gothic or classic lolita, and I get more compliments than insults. Sometimes I see people stare at me, but they're usually like "meh" and continue what they're doing.

> then again I go to a community college

>> No.8109111

Do whatever you want, no one cares. Expect some stares but every uni has their few weird dressed people. Students usually don't care or chalk you up as one of the weirdos but most won't think twice about it. Your docents also won't care as long as you don't act like shit and do your assignments and no matter what you wear they've probably seen worse.

Storytime: Last summer going barefoot was a BIG thing in my Uni. Everyone went barefoot through the grass, dirt, lecture halls, class rooms, library, everywhere... Absolutley disgusting. I'd much rather see a nice Lolita than that.

>> No.8109118

I don't purposely dress up to go there, I just kind of end up there in lolita. Gotta shop where the cheap food is, besides my local Amish store.

>> No.8109125

Unfortunately that's true yeah. But that goes for anyone. Although, no matter how nicely I dress up, if I'm not wearing makeup people are still mean.

>> No.8109130

Like I said, anyone pretending uggs and leggings are fashionable is a fool. They are comfy, that's all.

>> No.8109135

It's not bad but I always see American muh heritage students going to lectures in pyjamas or leggings stretched out so thin that you can see their knickers.
At least wear trousers or something, doesn't have to be the height of fashion but going in leggings or pyjama bottoms is the same as going barefoot to me.

>> No.8109154

I'm kind of hesitant to wear lolita for this exact reason. I live in a very tiny southern town filled with a lot of close minded people. I terrified of what might happen if I dared to try.

>> No.8109182

Don't worry anon! I live in a pretty small town too down south, and it's been fine. Stares, sure, but no mean comments at all (I wear sweet, not OTT. Haven't worn it in awhile though.) Just look confident.

>> No.8109284

>wearing at uni a non lolita item, AP Lyrical Party salopette in black with plain sheer tights, flats, AP simple cutsew and a red loliable cardigan
>mfw no one noticed or said anything
>not sure if it's a good thing or i'm invisible
What about salos or mini skirts with AP prints? I never had negative comments wearing them and also no petti so not lolita.
Ew, that is gross. Neither at home i dress that shitty.

>> No.8110118

Firstly, don't call it "loli"

>> No.8110121

It doesn't get much more formal than wearing a $400 dress, $100 blouse, $120 pair of shoes, $30 pair of socks, handbag $150, $40 hair bow and accessories in the range of $150 all up.

>> No.8110124

Then why don't you go an buy some brand and fuck that? Because the girl in the clothes doesn't appear to be that important to you.

>> No.8110131

Wear what the hell you like as long as you're prepared for the reactions and it's still appropriate for the situation. Dissection lab, for example, is NOT a good place for frills (or even nice normal clothes) because cadaver stank will get all over you. I was a mallgoth for the first half of my uni years and used to show up to lectures with dog collars/leashes/shitty homemade bondage pants and no fucks were given.

>> No.8110166

>Studying fine arts fashion.
>takes business classes to complement fashion degree.
>wants to start own J-fash and lolita brand, decides complementary language for overseas production will be handy.
>Chinese wont fit in time table. Decide to take Japanese instead.
>Nervous to wear lolita to Japanese class. So many weebs.
>Nervousness justified. Enter lecture theater, gets squealed at by weebs.
>Weeb runs at me, imminent glomp trajectory.
>Don't have time to move out of way.
>Panic ensues
> weeb glomps
> Proceed to freak out and yell "don't touch me!" Push her off.
> She stumbles and falls down lecture theater stairs.
> Breaks her arm.
> Freak out and don't know what to do. So sits down at desk, gets note book out.

Feeling so guilty, but so Danger-chan.

>> No.8110308

different anon but
>lives in miami
>this made me snort

>> No.8110320

I don't care if this is real or not, but omg

>> No.8110327

Formal = black or white tie for men, morning coat for day and sorry, no. Most Lolita would not be dressy enough for either except if for black tie you wore something like very OTT Classic. White tie almost always calld for long gown or ballgown. It's not the cost of your clothes that matters in those scenarios, it's the style- appropriateness. Especially if your date/partner has to do ANY of that for work or with co-workers.

>> No.8110334

Ugh, this. I hate the pajamas in public thing and please, for our eyes' sake, don't wear leggings solo outside the gym unless your top completely covers your torso back and front. They aren't pants.

>> No.8110345

and you expect us to believe that no one noticed her arm was broken?

>> No.8110350

This is true in the south often as well, even with women who have money. Expensive highlights and blowout, stubby French polish acrylic nails designer bag, leather boots, spendy jeans that they often get tailored, floppy cardigan, gold jewelry, nude lipgloss and self-tan, sunglasses. It's like some sort of creepy civilian fashion uniform. I moved here 6 years ago, still seeing it every day.

>> No.8110358

Well I think the scrounging for used stuff that people do, crying about the expense, lolifing everything in sight then turning around and saying 'It's such a luxury fashion' 'it's a lifestyle' etc. is a bit weird.

>> No.8110362

I remember this girl in high school used to wear lolita outfits every Friday and everyone made fun of her.

Frankly though I don't remember her outfits ever looking that good even in terms of lolita fashion.

>> No.8110468

You think that nobody noticed her tumble down the stairs either? Of course they saw it happen, and that her arm was broken. She was surrounded at the bottom of the stairs by her equally weeb friends, the lecturer and other students. I was in shock, I had no idea what to do. I was like, do I leave? But that will make it look even worse? Go help? She was all crazy touching me, and it would just be awkward if I was hovering over her while people where fussing. At this point I just shut down and got my books out. Then I realised that I didn't actually care and that she was crazy.

Not sure if I can show my face in class again though. I don't want to have to group work with people who potentially think I'm the worst person in the world.

>> No.8111237

Haha, I was gonna say this but I thought the moment had passed.

>> No.8111242

Pretty much this. I mean, jfc >>8110166, I'm the original Japanese class anon and this sounds like the stuff of my nightmares.

>> No.8111247

Do it anon, for the sake of your brand.

Also if you're not a weeb maybe the lecturer will like you.

>> No.8111285

I just want to say thank you to whoever that anon was that replied to the "Do you watch anime?" question with "I don't know what anime is."

It saved my life.
>Sitting on intercity train to go home
>In a "bittersweet" coord
>Some guy follows me on, sits behind me
>He starts talking to me
>Have earmuffs and earbuds, can hardly hear him
>He says he admires me and I remind him of his favorite anime
>"Hey do you watch anime?"
>"Sorry, I don't know what that is."
>Proceeds to explain, continue to ignore
>He gets creepier, asking where I live, why I'm on the train, where I'm from, what's my name, etc.
>Give him false, quick info, continue to look forward and away from him
>After explaining more about anime or something to me, he goes quiet and gets off on a station WAY before he said he was getting off
>thank you blessed anon

He looked like the kind of kid to shoot up a school though. White, almost homeless looking, he said he was like 25? short blonde hair and the worst furrow I've seen since AHS season 1.

>> No.8111308

>Amish store

Just shop there for everything. The ladies running the registers are usually so sweet and compliment me on my dresses.

I even buy all my sewing shit at an Amish-run store because they know what the fuck they're doing and can offer advice on almost anything I need.

>> No.8112006

I haven't worn lolita at my current university, but when I was in highschool I took some classes at the local community college and I had a meet after so I showed up in full frills. The only person who cared was someone else from my highschool who was also taking classes (and was in mine). My psych professor thought it was the coolest thing she ever saw, but ignored it until class ended.

Personally, for uni I settle for a more otome-esque style since I don't like wearing lolita unless my hair/makeup is on-point, even for casual coords. Not to mention I'm really busy and have a ton of lab courses, so it's just not practical for me.

>> No.8112018

sage for unrelated, but I accidentally did this to someone at a con. They went to glomp me and I dodged, and they broke their ankle. At first I thought she only sprained it so I ran away, but she posted about me later on the con forums and how her ankle was broken. Oops, but her fault for basically assaulting me with all 400 pounds of her.

>> No.8112064

My experiences with sweet I generally had a lot more children staring in awe and adults giving sideways/ questionable looks.. I find young children seem to love sweet but adults you can almost feel the disgust. Though Ive worn classic a fair bit too and there is no where near the same amount of negativity.. people here seem to ignore it more cos the colours arent as in your face. Ive noticed old ladies really like classic.. I get the usual "are you in a play?" or "are you going to church". They always say classic looks lovely though.

>Have you ever got bullied for wearing lolita?

Not really.. or not that I have bothered to take any notice of. The few times I wore it to school when I was in highschool some of the other kids would say things but I'm one of those people who cares little of others opinions so it was more "lol pleb, my tights cost more than your whole outfit". I haven't had any negative experiences really.. Probably the worst thing that ever happened I was walking alone dressed in sweet and someone drove really slowly past and yelled something at me.. but I was too much in my own world to even hear what they said soooo..

>How do you deal with people's reactions?

Yeah, again Im not really one to care much about it. Sometimes if Im in a shitty mood and someone says something snarky Ill shout something just as snarky back, but otherwise its yeah, whatever, good on you for having an opinion. If its a nice comment though Ill usually stop to talk cos why not?

>> No.8112085

Did you respond to her on the forum?

>> No.8112087

you should have reported her to the con heads for attempted 400 pounds glompage, then she wouldn't have anything on you (and could even be banned)

>> No.8112109

Nope, way too nervous.

I really should have, but I was 14 at the time and wasn't really sure what to do so I just ran away in panic. It's okay, though. The way she complained people on the forum yelled at her for even attempting to trying to glomp someone.

>> No.8112119

I haven't worn lolita in public alone a lot but the weirdest thing that has happened is that I was on the train to a meet up and this older lady asked me if I was a Peruvian folk dancer. (context, I was wearing velvet classic).

The worse reaction I've gotten is from my dad who says I am wearing it to attract pedophiles... I am 21... all I own is classic (and not OTT).

>> No.8112249

It shocks and upsets me how many people think that wearing a skirt is 'Too formal' or 'Too juvenile' or any number of ridiculous things when dresses were the norm only, what, 40-50 years ago?


>> No.8112770

Where can I find a qt black lolita chick in the Orlando area?

>> No.8112800

This so much.
Sure, dressing up all frilly isn't the norm today but damn, people act as if everyone that ever lived has been born in Jeans. People used to wer different clothes, colours and had different attitudes. >>8112119

>The worse reaction I've gotten is from my dad who says I am wearing it to attract pedophiles... I am 21... all I own is classic (and not OTT).
I will never ever understand this argument ever. Reading this alone makes me mad already for so many reasons.

My mother tried to argue the same way once she heard the fashion was called "Lolita" but after I went on a rant about what the book is really about, the misinterpretations et cetera she never tried to argue with me again (probably because she knew I actually read the book and just didn't want to hear another way too long monologue about this topic again).

>> No.8112805

What is the book really about? I only saw the movie remake.
I mean, I know it's about some guy falling for a young girl, but is there some deeper meaning than the obvious?

>> No.8112813

The book is narrated by the perspective of Humbert and it makes Lola look like a very sensual young girl who was asking for it when in fact she was just a normal preteen doing what normal preteens do, and this is how the book shoud have been interpreted; most people can't see the "deeper meaning" and all they get from the book is "middle aged dad with a strange fetish gets seduced and used by a twelve years old hoe".

>> No.8112816

It's just the standard lazy "the girl is responsible" thinking people jump to. The common misconception is that Lolita is a willing seducer of Humbert, instead of a child being manipulated, since people take Humbert's word at face value instead of realising that he's the world's most unreliable narrator. But this is mostly a view taken by people who haven't read the book. Nabokov makes it pretty clear who the predators are.

>> No.8112817

Ah, okay. I also always saw it more like you described it, I didn't know there's people who think Lolita was a hoe. But I guess most people don't think that far anyway, they just know that Lolita means young, possibly underage, sexually active girl.

>> No.8112823

Anon >>8112805 explained it pretty well.
If you actually read the book it's pretty clear it's not Lolita seducing Humbert but it's rather him abusing her in the worst way possible. It's disgusting and sickening but a well told story.

Not only is is shocking to see how many people don't actually read the book yet claim to know what it's about, it's even more shocking and disgusting how many people go with the "middle aged man seduced by twelve year old lewd sexy girl!!1" explanation. Like, even if you haven't read the book you should have enough common sense in you not to assume it's totally normal and awwright for middle aged men to claim that a minor that barely hit puberty "seduced" them. Oh, those poor defensless pedophiles not being able to resists all the sexy tempting pre-teens that are just asking for it right?

And here we are with Lolita Fashion; and since all things women do is for the mens obviously, dressing like a cute girl totes means you are pedo bait.
(Despite the fact that pedos are into children and not grown women dressing frilly and the fact that I have yet to see all the little girls that dress like Lolitas do. Seriously, I never really got this association that Lolita=dressing like toddlers, Have this people ever seen little girls?)

>> No.8112826
File: 201 KB, 1200x740, lolita-kubrick-movie-image-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People think that because of movie adaptations with grown women playing seductive girls.

>> No.8112827

In my experience, most people think of "lolita" as a cute name for a jailbait seductress, out to trap those poor weak men with ephebophile tendencies.

I've gotten the "lolitas [fashion wearers] are just out to attract pedohiles!!!1" reaction from a classmate in university, once. I really don't understand it. Pedophiles are attracted to children. Why would they be interested in adult women wearing frilly clothes? Even if the frilly clothes remind someone of something a child might wear, once they come off the body underneath them is still that of a grown woman.

On the other hand, the classical Lolita/jailbait archetype is an underage girl who dresses and acts provocatively to make people believe she's older/more mature than she really is. Pedos would be attracted to her because she's physically and mentally very young, but they can shift the blame over to her for "misleading them" by pretending to be an adult.
IMO if anyone is trying to pander to pedophiles it's those parents who put their children in skintight sweatpants with words like "sexxxy" or "juicy" on the butt, or toddler pageant moms. People who dress their children up like they're much older than they really are.

>> No.8112837

I guess people confuse Lolitas with ageplayers? They don't really get it, but as another anon said, they automatically connect clothes to sexual expression.

>> No.8113247

As much as this term is thrown around in the lolita community (usually meant to insult AP fans), I'd beg to differ that your average normie doesn't have an idea that ageplay even exists. Even the mere idea that an adult may have childish interests or collections might seem strange and unthinkable for some people, let alone acting like a child to get your rocks off. I'd rather think that they'd hop on the concept of pandering toward pedophiles before ageplay.

>> No.8113278

Average normie IRL, sure. Rando on the internet? That's a different story.

>> No.8113280

Yeah, I don't think the majority of people knows what ageplay is. I only found out once I got into Lolita and the term was thrown around (mostly at Sweet Lolita).

I'm not into ageplay but I always find this accusation so stupid... People be bitching about normalfags calling them pedobait, yet once AP releases something pink with stuffed animal prints is "OMG all of you are ageplayers!!!!1" So tired of this and I'm not even a Sweet Lolita. Also I can't imagine most of the actual age players would wear Lolita for ageplaying.

>> No.8113316

Wear whatever the fuck you want. I get creeped on and harassed regardless so I have just stopped caring

>> No.8113330

A Crystal Dream Carnival fullset would still be inappropiate for your bf's company christmas party.
It's not the pprce that matters, some jeans amd t-shirts cost about $200 together.

>> No.8113336

Nah, my grandma and older ladies are really into it. She even had a custom sailor op made for my mother as a child but alas, she was a tomboy. My grandma is the only one who really 'gets it'.

>> No.8113369

I understand if you felt he was dangerous, but I don't get why so many people will give false names and addresses to people. I'll just straight-up tell them it's an inappropriate question, since who the fuck tells people their address?

>> No.8113384

>I was too much in my own world to even hear what they said soooo
I wish I could do this. I used to walk round with earphones in, but since I've moved to a big city I've realised it's dangerous to do so because people can sneak up on me. I'm considering buying some over-ear headphones to wear, but not actually playing music on them while walking about, but although that'd still send off the signal that I'm not up for talking it wouldn't stop me hearing catcalls.

>> No.8113401

When I was on a school trip this girl ended up talking to some of the teachers about different books, Lolita was brought up in a discussion about whether it was ever okay to ban books from libraries, and the girl mentioned that there was a style called "gothic lolita" in Japan. She started going on about how the whole point of it was to dress like a little girl and it was really weird and "aren't Japanese people weird with their grown women trying to seduce paedophiles!" The teachers took her comments totally at face value and when I started arguing with her she acted like I was an idiot who had no idea what I was talking about, because of course she is the global authority on a style she's barely heard of. I didn't want to tell them that I knew better than her because I *wore* lolita fashion after all the head-nodding at that spiel, and they were refusing to believe what I said about the fashion since they assumed I was just too naive to properly know about it, so I gave up trying to argue with her and left.

>> No.8113402

Not sure about that, usually people who like to judge others have more than enough knowlwdge about all kinds of kinks. That's why they judge on the outside, they're uncomfortable with their own sexual deviance.

>> No.8113411

Not lolita-related, but if you're getting that much trouble you should report it (even anonymously) to someone at your uni. Even if nothing gets done about your specific case, if you're not the only one that complained the university as a whole might take future issues more seriously.

>> No.8113417

I don't think that's true. Most people in the BDSM community seem fairly open-minded. Creepy, sexist, racist or inconsiderate of others, perhaps. But open-minded.

But then again I suppose severely repressed people wouldn't be in the community, so it's a moot point.

>> No.8113445


>> No.8113476

Yeah, that's because their comfortable with their sexuality.

>> No.8113579

>Why kill the magic in your child's heart so freaking fast?
I'm not in favor of fucking up people who are gullible, which covers all of children, and some of the mentally ill.
She could've explained it better, perhaps, but the woman was also right about you. You are just a person who's dressed up in a public place where the occasion isn't formal.

>> No.8113592

Do it. You can explain to the lecturer what happened (that a compete stranger tried to embrace you at high speed, and your immediate instinct was that you were being attacked that reacted accordingly), and give that exact same explanation to anybody who tries to give you shit. If they give an excuse "but she was just trying to HUG you", ask them if they hug complete strangers at the supermarket. It's not socially acceptable, and they have to learn that.

Individuals like that make coursework in Japanese classes very unpleasant for their classmates, who are taking the course for academics or even for business purposes. They do distracting stuff, too, like reading Teen Titan fanfiction on their laptops during lectures.

If I were the lecturer, I'd be totally on your side (because in normal society you don't suddenly hug a stranger), and as cold as it sounds, I'd be relieved if I had to deal with one less student like that. If her and her whole anime gang left the class in protest, I would praise the gods and buy you a drink at the end of the semester.

>> No.8113602

God, you dumb bitches. Because as a pedophile, I can't fuck children. If I do, I go to jail. Anything to do with my fetish, and I go to jail. But if you're legal and look like a child, well then I'm game. Because now I can live out my fantasy without the risk of getting caught doing something society deems as bad.

>> No.8113608
File: 96 KB, 1024x1024, oryourmoneyback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8113610

Obvious bait is obvious, plz try harder

>> No.8113614

Should them showed her videos or something

>> No.8113669

I've seen it posted in threads here!

>> No.8113771

For it to really be bait, I think it has to pass the point where you wont be surprised if it was true. I can totally believe it if >>8113602 was an actual pedo. If guys are willing to fuck poor plastic representations of human women, then I can believe what he said was true. If a guy was exclusively attracted to those things from Avatar, he'd still probably fuck a girl dipped in blue.

>> No.8113791

We were on a coach, and I didn't want to out myself as a lolita when they'd just been slagging it off.

>> No.8114195

I completely agree, but I'd also add it's to show off to others who can appreciate the clothing.

>> No.8114204

If you were on a coach how did you leave?

>> No.8114218

I live in a small town in the appalachian mountains, and I wear OTT sweet, all I've gotten is compliments. Just stop giving a fuck and walk with confidence and a smile! :)

>> No.8116621

No, not crazy at all, esp. when a lot of his theories boiled down to something like "the reason you like the color pink so much is because you subconsciously are attracted to your mother's vagina". Because thinking everything little thing we do is rooted in a desire for incestual relationships isn't crazy at all. *eyeroll* He probably fucked up enough gullible dopes back in his time.

>> No.8116623

If it is a female that makes the halloween comment, you should then respond with "Oh yeah? Then why are you dressed like a cheap whore?".

>> No.8116641

RE: the halloween comment, I usually go with
>That's funny, because it looks like you forgot to take off your mask.

>> No.8116654

My friend and I were walking around downtown and this guy had a camera. I assumed he was there because Obama was visiting my city and he was staying in a hotel nearby. But he took a blatantly obvious photo while saying "NICE!!" and continued on his merry way.

And last year, we held ILD in the lawn area of golden gate park. We'd mind our own business and didn't bother anyone, but it felt like I was part of a zoo exhibit. People would point and sneak pictures like we wouldn't notice. One guy tried to take a sneaky picture with an iPad, and a concerned mom asked us if we were part of a cult. One of those segway tours drive by us and the entire group slowed down while driving past us as well. I never understood why it's so damn hard to ask for a picture.

>> No.8119533

>I never understood why it's so damn hard to ask for a picture.
Probably embarassment. Doesn't help that lolita makes people look like dolls either (good looking ones at least, otherwise the contrast between mature face and cutesy clothes is jarring).

>> No.8119660 [DELETED] 

/b/tard here, you people are aome of the cringiest shit out here. Do you seriously dress as weaboo pedophile fetishes in public? Please reflect on your life decisions.

>> No.8119685

Are you pretending to be a /b/tard by complaining about people dressing as pedo-bait? This is like the exact opposite of anything anyone from /b/ would ever say.

>> No.8119695

where are you even coming from to think that?

>> No.8119871

>/b/tard here
Haha as if a true /b/tard would have enough time to type this between fapping and asking for hawt nudes and more "pedo bait".
6/10 made me reply.

>> No.8119891

nother /b/tard here. They have porn comics called Loli of young children. It's just /b/, never seen or heard of it outside of there. So it's probably just there own fucked up heads.

>> No.8119980

Most people around where I live would assume you are an azalea maid.

>> No.8120017

Just saw a girl in lolita while out to eat at a steakhouse with my boyfriend. Her coord was pretty shitty, honestly, and included a teal North Face jacket, gold shoes, a wrinkled deflated dress, hipster glasses, a frizzy black wig, and a flower crown. I hope she reads this because she gave us many keks.

>> No.8120073

Are you new to the internet? It's not just /b/

>> No.8121939



>> No.8122091
File: 29 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.520727521_2qhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hear lolitas in tea party talk about their meetings sadomasochism.