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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8090856 No.8090856 [Reply] [Original]

Any bad experiences with VA's at cons? Mostly looking for dirt on McEggnogg, the last thread was entertaining.

>> No.8090898

Can't wait to see him at Sakura-con this year.

>> No.8091078

Christ, that's hrrifing... He looked like a decent and sane guy... guess being sorrounded by crazy fujoshi weaboos can mess up with your head

>> No.8091081

Not gonna lie, had the biggest laugh at that picture. He actually looks PAINED. Just look at his eyes. Ahahahaha

>> No.8091082

>vic mcdick
>decent and sane guy
anon pls

>> No.8091083

He looks like an ageing drag queen, what a mess.

>> No.8091092

He should marry PT

>> No.8092416

once my friend met ashly burch and she said she was extremely rude and signed a print and told her to go away

>> No.8092449

this is the best i ever seen

>> No.8092467

>go to look up how old this guy is
>wikipedia article legitimately does not have his date of birth anywhere

>> No.8092480

According to Google:
>Born: August 27, 1962 (age 52)

>> No.8092487


Hes born Aug 27 1962 so 52

>> No.8092492

I was a fan of his a decade ago and he or his fans were militant about removing it.

>> No.8092493

My experience with Vic McNuggets was this:

He was on a panel with 4 other VAs of varying careers. One VA had just done a few voices in games, whereas another VA had done a LOT of voices for big projects for many decades, since the 1940s.

Two things bothered me:
1. It was a general "Voice Actors" panel, Q&A for all of the guests. McFilet kept monopolizing the panel, interrupting other guests (including the gentleman mentioned above, who has TONS of amazing experience in VA). You would ask one VA a question, and McNoying would respond/interject his 2 cents.

2. At the end McFlurry did stay to chitchat with fans, which is great! However I found it funny he barely acknowledged a young handicapped girl and yet really chatted up this young pretty girl. It was to the point that he turned his back to the handicapped girl to talk to the pretty girl for an obnoxious amount of time.

>> No.8092603

Is it me or does a lot of his "voices" sound like edward elric from FMA. I don't want dubs often but the few times I did, I was disappointed.

When will people actually start standing up to companies and let them know they don't like this guy. Last time I check, 16 year olds aren't buying dvd sets, we are.

>> No.8092634

For 52 he doesn't look bad. I don't find him attractive, but he doesn't "look 50"

>> No.8092660

Vic threads give me life
it made me miss old cgl a bit.
A lot of trips though, so I'd assume this was before you guys got all retarded about them.

>> No.8092681

a lot of VA suffer from same voice syndrome. for some it's their trademark (cough Rie Kugimiya). for others it's a curse

>> No.8092732

I met Scott McNeil at metrocon last year
>Be me at metro
>phone goes off
>ringtone is "shambala" by three dog night
>Scott said he's a fan of three dog night and says he thought no one my age listened to them
>Tell him I'm a huge fan of three dog night and him
>He and I chat for a few minutes
>Says he has to head to his panel
>After he leaves some con security asshole tries to play cop and ream my asshole about talking to Scott and how "Mr.McNeil" is a very busy man and shouldn't have to bother with "obsessed fans"
>Basically tell dude to bite it, Scott came over and started talking to me
>Says he doesn't buy it
>"We can still catch his panel, how about you and I go over there and ASK him who started the conversation"
>Con security guy backs off, says "He'll be watching me"

Scott was a cool guy, it's just that Metro's security is 90% autistic douchebags

>> No.8092761

Scott's great and I make it a point to see him at Metrocon every year, he puts up so gracefully with a lot of weirdos.

>> No.8092763

More like Sakura-con, every year

>> No.8092766

>he puts up so gracefully with a lot of weirdos

He really does, I can kinda see why the security was a little on edge at first, but once I told them what happened that should've been the end of it instead of deputy autist trying to play bad cop with me

>> No.8092778
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This picture made me let out a tiny scream. Those eyes make me feel so dirty...

>> No.8092784

He was unrecognizable when he did Malabar from League of Legends.

>> No.8092821

That seems like something she would say as a joke. But then again who knows. I'm too afraid of meeting my VA/ idols in general, i don't want them to be dicks.

>> No.8092839

Only thing different sounding from Vic was his Broly.
Same voice syndrome is a problem.
You don't really have to have a lot of variation, just have connections nowadays to be a V.A.

>> No.8092845

His website never fails to crack me up
its stuck in the 90s jesus christ

>> No.8092902

never understood why this guy gets so much hate.
ive met him multiple times and he seems like a total fucking bro. didnt seem like a douche like most people say he is.
maybe you should just stop acting like a stupid crazy fan when meeting voice actors. i know most people pester voice actors to get them to say stupid shit in certain character voices. fucking stupid.

>> No.8092911

He is a total pedophile/creep
He bit my friends ear and kissed my cheek one year and we were both 16. Pushes his "religion" on everyone.
He is just really really creepy.

>> No.8092919

let's see where do we start.
Turned a panel into a Easter Sunday church sermon.
Has hit on/probably slept with young girl fans that are well under age
Constantly says all the characters he plays are straight and will defend that fact hardcore. Talking mostly about Fai on this one.
Is an over used dick who sounds almost the same on every character.

>> No.8092927

Who's some of your English favs? I might have been them before.

>> No.8092967
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He's a pretty good cosplayer when he actually cosplays characters that are suitable for him.

>> No.8093080

JY Bosh is so guilty of this.

>> No.8093890


What are you expecting from Florida? Or anywhere in the south for that matter.

>> No.8094279
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>> No.8094331

This just popped up on my dash as I looked at this. What the fuck anon. Can I not escape?

>> No.8094362

>I have no idea who he is

>> No.8094585

You mean malzahar?

>> No.8094613
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>Be 16 and love anime
>Mocking Vic's antics is a way of bonding with my nerdy friends
>Be old as fuck now
>tfw seeing Vic doing this depraved shit makes you nostalgic

>> No.8094631

Didn't he make that godawful commercial for this con?

>> No.8094654

There is nothing God awful about GIRUGAMESH

But yeah I showed that commercial to my friend and he thought it was from a media class and a joke.

>> No.8094669

Will Vic ever make another commercial?

Will his next commercial ever top GIRUGAMESH?

>> No.8094920

I have a few VA stories, however they have been pleasant experiences.

>sac anime winter 2011 during JYB panel.
>cosplaying izaya from durarara!! That JYB voices
>JYB starts singing about Izaya, I take that as my cue to stand up and troll him a little.
>talk with him through his little number, mainly about my jacket.
>feeling smug, sit down for the rest of the panel.
>talk to him afterwards and he says he was trying hard not to crack up.
>fastforward to mechacon 2011.
>didn't even know he was there.
>he sees me and asks if I was the same person as sac anime
> "uh! Yeah! Nice to see you"
> talk for a few minutes.
> fast forward to the next week back at sac anime.
> see him AGAIN. By now he knows my name.
> explained I really wasn't stalking him.
>good times

>> No.8094925

Saw Vic one time coming out of a bathroom. I loudly say "is that Vic mcnugget? Wow he is super short!"

He turned when I said Vic but quickly turned when I said his last name wrong. Poor whittle baby.

>> No.8094930

>Wow he is super short!
I know! I saw him coming out of his signing at Colossal last year. I was so surprised at what a manlet he was.

>> No.8094997

True. I attend Metrocon every year to hang and drink with Scott. Great man.

Volunteers and a few of the staff are royal dickheads. Especially weapons check. They let some cosplayer be the head checker. WTF are they even thinking?

Though Vic did get banned by Metrocon thank god. His Ego could fill three convention centers.

>> No.8095104

This is my damn life anon and I'm so glad I'm not alone.

>> No.8095123

Vic got banned from Metro? Holy shit, that's awesome. Where'd you hear that?

>> No.8095132

>fanexpo 2014
>go for my first signing holding my legend of korra bluray
>starstruck immediately by all the voice actors
>there are long lines for every actor
>try to find Steve Blum. Had a tiny crush on his voice for years
>am surprised an slightly appalled but eh. My chance.
>he was very nice and I tried hard not to stutter when speaking
> I ask for a photo, he happily obliges
>He takes away my bending for a photo

He was very cool and nice.I was surprised at the lack of line despite his fairly high profile characters.

>> No.8095157

Another experience at fanexpo

>still giddy from Steve blum
>with attack on titan bluray in hand, step into line for Trina nishimura
>before my friend and I get her to sign our things, she compliments our costumes (I'm lucina from fire emblem, my friend as Hawke from dragon age) and asks us a bunch of questions
>I made both so I'm flustered at her compliments
>she signs our things and kisses my friend on his cheek.He blushes like mad
>we thank her and turn to go on our way, when she stops us
>she hands us a couple of hall cosplay awards saying that she loved our cosplays
>my friend has to drag me away as at that point I was goo

I don't know about Vic, but both if my experiences were quite pleasant.

>> No.8095159
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My thing is like... he's just a guy having fun with his job. Yeah he's old and yeah he's probably done some shit that crossed the line, but everyone's losing their shit making fun of him for these pictures, and honestly I wish more voice actors loved their job as much as Vic does. Yeah he monopolized panels sometimes, and yeah he's gotten a little too touchy with fans but I legitimately think it's just because he's really fucking excited to be a voice actor and have so many fans.

Unpopular opinion. Maybe it's because I'm a budding voice actor myself, but I had to give my two cents.

>> No.8095160


Yeah, Scott McNeil is a pretty cool dude. Apparently he loves to pick up con ladies which got him in some trouble a couple of times.

>> No.8095167
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Also he's not the only VA that cosplays his characters sometimes so I don't know why he's suddenly getting so much shit for it lmao

>> No.8095189

Yeah, I know that one. He wanted to date one of my friends and I was all for it, but she backed out because she's terrified of committing...and relationships....and people for that matter.

Now she just hides on tumblr....Poor girl. Scott and her would have been quite the pair.

>> No.8095231

My friends and I also met Steve Blum at AUSA. There wasn't a big line either?
Anyways, when we got up there, he was super cool and said something as Guilmon and Tom, commented on our lame cosplay, and basically made the three of us melt like butter.

>> No.8095234

He didn't say our cosplay was lame by the way! I meant that our cosplays weren't great, but he made a nice comment and asked about them and what series they were from when he didn't have to haha.

>> No.8095444

I lean more towards this opinion about him honestly. I think he's ridiculous, but that's what makes him who he is. It's hard to tell with so many Vic myths what's real or not. Obviously from the pictures, he's crossed the line a few times and being a diva with con staff is inexcusable. For some of the other stuff about him though, I think it's hilarious and he's in part of what's made the voice actor popularity boom the way that it does in western cons.

>> No.8095453

Anyone have any experiences with Crispin Freeman? I love that man so I'm hoping anybody's met him or taken his voice acting workshops. Also requesting Christopher Robin Miller experiences if there are any. Why won't my fave English VAs come to the West Coast? it's always VAs I don't care about that come over here.

>> No.8095512

Met Crispin a few times at cons and had drinks with him at one I volunteered at. He is a sweetheart , extremely polite and nice. Really into mythology and really passionate about what he does. Grade A guy honestly.

Dresses awfully though.

>> No.8095552

Wow that's shocking with no line for him. Wonder if some other actors/Va's were having autograph signings at the same time. I know AMKE that he'll be at AMKE but I wonder if we'll have a crazy ass line.

>> No.8095615

my mom is 6 years older than him... yikes

>> No.8095616

Vic was at the same fancy boat bar me and my friends were chilling in after an expo, I was the only girl in the group and he was sat only a few feet away, every time I looked he was staring me down. We were much more interested in chilling with the black power ranger.

>> No.8095629

I've run into Vic at conventions a number of times but I remember one time I was at a very small convention hanging out in the lobby in the morning. I just remember out of the corner of my eye seeing a man with his feet proper up on a white leather sofa. His shoes were still on but it was still rude as fuck to the hotel staff and lo and behold it was Vic Mignogna sitting there with his feet up.

>> No.8095677

Does the thaught.. you know.. make you want to touch yourself?

>> No.8095692

He did a voice for Yu Yu Hakusho in one episode where I did not recognize him. I think it was Ura Urashima.

>> No.8095696

Also Bui. But he didn't speak much in the series so I forgot about him too. It was pretty deep too.

>> No.8095741

About "once voice" syndrome many VAs. have a wide range of voices that they have at their disposal however it is up to the anime's director on what voice they want to use. The reason why you hear VAs use their "normal voices" over and over again is they're being told to do so.

Also keep in mind that voice acting is more about expressing the proper emotions out as opposed to just having a huge range.

>> No.8095811

I remember going to a small local con a few years ago and Vic had a panel on Saturday and Sunday. His Saturday panel was mainly about all the VA work he has done and him talking about voice work he has done for anime, video games, cartoons, etc. The second panel on Sunday was about religion. The description of the panel was basically that you can come to this panel and pray and talk about god with Vic and other religious shit like that. I was 14 at the time and I was a huge fan of his so I ended up going to the panel anyways even though I wasn't religious.

>> No.8095820

I hate Vic so much. Every panel he's in runs over time. If memory serves the ACEN 2012(?) Masquerade got cut short because he and his crew wouldn't get their asses out of the ballroom and his legions of fangirls wouldn't move either.

Talked to a dude at Anime Iowa who worked in production and said Vic is an absolute bastard who revels in fan pussy.

>> No.8095823


>Also keep in mind that voice acting is more about expressing the proper emotions out as opposed to just having a huge range.

Steve Blum said this at a VO panel several years back. I asked him if you need a wide range in order to be a success, he said that while it can certainly help, you can absolutely get work if you, y'know, know how to act.

>> No.8095831


>see Steve Blum, Melissa Fahn, and Beau Billingsley at a Bebop panel
>they're all super nice, taking questions on open mic
>guy stands up, looks at Steve, says

"This is the stairway to heaven...y'know that, don't ya?"

>blank stares all around
>Steve: I'm sorry, what's your question?

"That's--it's the line from the mushroom episode, you're supposed to say 'obnoxious little frog'."

>Steve apologetically says it's been years and years since he recorded that line and he can't remember every quote offhand
>guy looks like a dweebazoid in front of hundreds of people

cringed pretty hard.

>> No.8096026

Creating voices is a small fraction. It's not that you need a wide range of characters. Look at how screen actors can play different characters but still sound the same and that's because they change how they say lines, the emotions involved along with the speed and inflections. It is no different from voice actors with the exception is that a voice actor does can not use their body to aid in the portrayal of the character and relies on audio alone.

Changing your voice does help with playing more characters but its not as essential as just being a damn good actor

>> No.8096054

I gotta admit, he looks great for his age. I think Scott McNeil is also in his 50's and could still pass for someone in their late 40's.

>> No.8096061

Cringed 1/4 of the way into that story and had to stop. Oh my god, I hate panels sometimes.

>> No.8096173

except when he did Renton in Eureka7
and at least JYB is a cool guy


>> No.8096191

Does anyone still have that drawing of Vic in the horrible yellow pants purple vest combo?

>> No.8096690

I've met only a few voice actors, and while no bad experiences, the nicest of them all was J Michael Tatum. He was extremely polite and never looked pained or upset, and he was always willing to answer any questions. Been hoping to meet him again for a very long time.

>> No.8096750
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>> No.8096753

>tfw saying his last name wrong all my life
>Still mad he voiced Junpei

>> No.8096908
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure if this counts but it's about Little Kuriboh and his most resent wife Marianne Miller

This was a couple years ago at a small con in MN (Im sure it wasnt Anime Expo)

I just remember going to the LK panel which already had a giant line 2 hours prier. It was just a Q and A really, but his wife happened to be there. LK was pretty funny, kind, and over all genuine. His wife seemed the opposite almost, I just remember her just being a huge bitch, the thing that really bugged me is if any thin girl or boy tried to leave she would signal them out (and not just super thin even average american thin) she would scream to "eat a sandwich" and every other she would say "Just kidding Im a fat ass" or something to justify it right as they left out the door
The panel ended up lasting 2 hours and I sat all the way through just so I wouldnt be signaled out.

she was just a horrible fat bitch in general, I heared guys outside mention how attractive she was, it just boggles my mind how so because she was pretty ugly on top of being a bitch, I guess guys like edgy girls

Random pic from "LK wife" google search is related, Woman on far left is her

>> No.8096915

Ugh I hate when panellers yell at people who leave. Just ignore them, you are disrupting your panel!

>> No.8096931 [DELETED] 

I heard his other wife died from child birth or something or is that a shitty rumor

>> No.8096943

no they just divorced. jesus anon where did you hear that anyway? dude doesn't have any kids. just cats.

LK's a huge dickwad anyway though. when psyguy was outed as a pedophile he didn't say shit, even though he works with him a lot. like cool. good job. glad to know you support pedos.

>> No.8096947

He's not a big name or anything but the one time I met Chris Niosi, he was a jerk to me and my friends. LK is too nice and talented to be working with that guy.

>> No.8096951

I remember her giving off lame vibes myself actually, when I saw him in Vegas back in 2011. During the panel she'd just sit there and make really mean faces. Always glaring at everyone. Guess it's no surprise she's actually as unpleasant as she looks.

LK though is a treasure and the nicest dude. I actually couldn't find his panel before running into him, and he was just like "no problem! follow me! :D" and ugh, super cool dude.

>> No.8096961

I've met Johhny Yong Bosch, Cristina Vee, Cassandra Lee Morris, and Matthew Mercer at this panel thing they did called Vox Reax.

They did a lot of cool stuff. In addition to regular Q&A stuff, they also did a musical Q&A, showed some dub bloopers, raided people's cell phones, and JYB broke some cinder blocks.

Johnny is super funny, and super nice and chill. While everyone was chilling waiting for the panel to go around, he walked up to me, shook my hand, and introduced himself. He did the same to everyone, but it was a really nice gesture.

Matt Mercer was awesome. He called my friend on the phone and asked him if he was wearing pants. My friend said yes, so he told him to come where we were with his pants on so that he could take his pants off and be pantsless with us.

Cristina and Cassandra are both sweethearts too. Really passionate about their work and funny as well.

10/10 experience with all of them

>> No.8096972


Guys, you should have noticed the type of dude you're talking to can be described in your posts too.

>he seems like a total fucking bro
>*tips fedora* M'gnogna

>> No.8097087

JMT is my hero and i was so happy he was the first voice actor I ever met.
his 18+ panel was HILARIOUS and overall he just seems like an awesome dude.

there was a hentai dubbing panel in the room beside ours and whenever they would get too noisy we would all scream "pussyfart" on his command.
good times.

>> No.8097099
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Apparently tumblr's trying to get Vic removed from the English release of Free! Eternal Summer because he's homophobic and thinks that yaoi fans are attention seekers. No one seems to realize it's already in production, and their little petition will only serve to delay or cancel the release.

>> No.8097105

I laughed my ass off when they announced the dub VAs and the angry fangirls were screaming about him being a homophobe so HOW DARE HE voice their precious Rin!
because Free is OBVIOUSLY about a bunch of gay boys
its actually not
its just implied gayness
nothing actually gay happens
these people are morons

>> No.8097257

who cares? that's old news

>> No.8097282

They all sound awesome. Cassandra's voice always sounds so sweet in her roles, so hearing the pleasantness matches how she is in real life is nice to hear. It's also good to hear that becoming a professional voice actress didn't go to Cristina's head, since she spent so many years doing fandubs.

>> No.8097521

Has anybody ever met Jason Liebrecht?

It doesn't seem like he goes to many cons, and I've always liked his work. Anybody have stories/experiences with him?

>> No.8097621

Can we get more stories that don't necessarily involve Mangina? I like hearing about his downfall like anyone else, but I know there are other assholes in the industry.

>> No.8097629

Free is pretty obviously yaoibait, though, and it's stupid to argue otherwise. Guys get buttmad over their 2D waifus all the time so it's pretty unsurprising that girls are behaving similarly.

But still
>those fucking idiots caring about dubs at all

>> No.8097683

I initially waited for another time to see him because there was a pretty big line. I ended up catching him just as he was packing stuff up and he saw me standing there. He motioned me to come forward, we talked a bit and he was real nice about it even though he was just about to leave, and we shook hands when I left.

I like Steve Blum.

>> No.8097820

Yea that was pretty cringeworthy. Alot of voice actors don't remember alot of the lines from their shows especially if it's been years since they've seen the show. They're not always as attached to the shows like we are. When we come up and express our gratitude for voicing "character A", the VA's just are baffled that something they spewed into the microphone many years ago had that much of an impact.

>> No.8097926

At otakon 2012 I had gotten stress sick on Friday and was unable to keep food down so I stayed home (we were commuting, Baltimore isn't that far away) and my friends had JYB and Stephanie Shea call me on the phone. I was able to go on Saturday and got to meet Johnny and he asked me if I was feeling better and we just kinda talked for a bit. Cool guy, I really want to meet him again

>> No.8098159

Anyone got Greg ayres stores?

>> No.8098311


>free is pretty obviously yaoibait

I'm amazed anyone could argue otherwise. It's complete fujo fuel. I still stoke the fires of happiness within my heart remembering the outrage from dudes who thought "KyoAni sold out."

>> No.8098328

Anyone ever meet Travis Willingham?

>> No.8098341

I wish more panels had pre-submitted questions. I know it robs people of the chance to talk to their favorite person, but it would cut down on so much bullshit and you might actually learn interesting things about the guest instead of listening to some weeb gush about how much they love them for 5 minutes before muttering some incomprehensible cringeworthy question.

>> No.8098356

>Steve didn't say the line after to make the kid feel less shitty

Unrelated but I hate his shit same voice. He does generic side characters that appear for only five minutes and they stand out like all holy fucking Hell.

>> No.8098370


Nah...Nerdlingers may dominate the conversation at open-mics, but I think you get a lot more spontaneity and genuineness out of your guests when they don't know what they're gonna get asked.


In his defense, have you heard his character demo reel? He's actually incredibly flexible if he's doing something big and different, but he has a very recognizable "general human being" voice, so unless he's playing an over-the-top cartoon like Goofy you'll recognize him every time.

>> No.8098381

She looks like a total bitch, imo.

>> No.8098385

Aw, I was just about to ask about Cristina Vee. Glad to hear that's she's sweet.

>> No.8098394

>Ben Diskin at Anime Conji
>Literally no lines to see him because everyone would rather see Vic Mceggnog
>Feel bad
>Get an autograph and some selfies with him

>> No.8098426

Ben is going to be their guest this year if you want to see him again

>> No.8098427

I actually didn't know he was Bui. Bui's voice is so deep that it seems out of Vic's range and I wouldn't be shocked if it was edited to be that deep.
But to be honest, if Vic McDingDong did deeper voices like Bui more often as opposed to his normal/whiny boy I would actually like to hear him instead of finding him unbearable like I do now.

>> No.8098442
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>AUSA 2010, only going for Friday (friend invited another friend and I, but I could only go one day)
> Patrick Seitz is having a signing, but his plane is delayed and won't make it until Saturday
>Pass on merch of his Sengoku Basara character onto friend to get signed (Basara 3 and the anime dub had just come out)
>She sees him the next day
>He signs my merch and friend gets a pic for me
>He and Chris Sabat talk to her for like 10 minutes
>Before going, she asks Pat Seitz to say "Catch of the day"
>He laughs and says it
>Chris Sabat asks "What about me?"
>"You can say 'catch of the day' too"
>"Catch of the day... too."

I wasn't there to witness it, but apparently they were super great. I'm still sad I haven't gotten to see Pat since then ;_;

>> No.8098449

Oh yeah, I knew that already. I'll probably swing by and meet up with him again.

>> No.8098509
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You're welcome.

>> No.8098721

Yeah, I met him a couple of years ago. He's a pretty nice and funny guy. I couldn't go to his autograph thing, but I got him to sign my Knuckles plush at the end of a panel.

>> No.8099517

>tfw you remember your husbando's voice also belongs to Knuckles

True suffering. Thanks, though, anon. I'm glad he's a chill guy.

>> No.8099579

LK is the most precious of precious. God bless his soul.

>> No.8099659

>their little petition will only serve to delay or cancel the release.
More like do nothing. FUNi will be "Fuck you, we're going to make money off this shit." I'll never understand the whole "dubs ruin everything" mentality in a post-VHS era.

>> No.8099664

Greg Ayres, from what I can remember, is supposed to be a real piece of work.

>> No.8099676

I don't see how you can read all the stories about him creeping on underage girls and just shrug it off as him having fun. He's clearly cosplaying to get more attention from his young fandom, not because he loves the characters/show so much. It's gross.

>> No.8099706

Vic McEggnog is a pedophile /thread

Also, I met Ogata Megumi a few years ago!

She was having a concert at the same time as FanExpo in like 2008 or 2009 or something, and there were like a grand total of maybe 15 people that came since everyone was so preoccupied with the con (it was like a $10 concert too) so she did a few songs, did a few of her signature voices, then talked to everyone for a little (as well as she could, understandably she's not too good at English) and shook everyone's hand and it was rad. 11/10 would meet again.

>> No.8099730
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Pat's a really nice guy. When I was younger (I think it was my 3rd con), I ended up missing one of his panels (got there just as it ended) thanks to my dad. He still signed my book though, despite me being a can of spaghettio's while talking to him.

>> No.8099770

I've always wondered how Jeremy Shada is at cons. He's one of the few truly young VA's, so do cons baby him? Is he allowed to wander around? Is he nice?

>> No.8099774
File: 567 KB, 1280x801, star-trek-continues-main-cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gene Roddenberry's son even said he made a good Kirk. It still blows my mind that his fanshow is getting such fantastic reviews.

It probably hasn't helped his ego at all.

>> No.8101244

A friend several years ago at AWA had to run some food for him. Vic here wanted some Taco Bell, so the guy went to go get him some taco bell. Traffic was bad so he was unable to get it for him by the time his panel started so the guy gave it to him during the panel, and Vic just put it off to the side.

The guy thought this was weird so asked him afterwards if everything was okay. Vic looked at him and just said "The time for tacos has passed" and didn't touch the tacos again.
He's a really weird guy.

>> No.8101308

that's a shame, sure she didn't catch her at a bad time? I've always heard good things about her.

>> No.8101349

Gross, throws up. Why would you do this...

>> No.8101788

Not the anon you're replying to but i'm going to chalk it up to her having an off day. I got an autograph from her at a con in November last year and she was super sweet. She was also sick and still did a video for my friend.

>> No.8101803
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>darth vader coffee mug between his legs

>> No.8101824
File: 53 KB, 604x556, my_sides_theyre_gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these vic threads for some reason, maybe because they're guaranteed to have the-weeaboo-cringe-story but with the same man

>> No.8101949

may have been around when her partner died for all we know, everyone's allowed an off day.
I'm actually kind of jealous, waiting the day she comes to a con in my country

>> No.8101960

> Be 2008
> vic mcnuggets is signing autographs
> waiting for friend with other friend
> I ask who this guy even is
> *whispers* that's vic mcnogna, you know from that parody, vic mcderpaderp
>he hears me
>he stares right at me
>im still laughing

>> No.8102044


I love Trek, but I've only managed to watch one episode of Continues and I couldn't stand it. I think perhaps my hatred for McNgngngng overpowers my love for Trek.

>> No.8104145

This is fucking amazing
Especially the noises it makes when you hover over to an icon.

>> No.8104157


I can't handle this anime vic

>> No.8104428

Why did Vic get banned from Metrocon?

>> No.8104435

>Apparently he loves to pick up con ladies which got him in some trouble a couple of times.
I don't see why this is a bad thing. As long as they're not underage and he's not raping anybody what's wrong with hookups?

>> No.8104465

Met Tiffany Grant in an elevator at ACen 00 or 01. She was dressed up as Chocolate--suspenders, no shirt, all that. I didn't even realize it was her until she started talking, at which point I fanboyed out. She took my fawning like a champ and even did a couple Asuka lines. Seemed really cool.

>> No.8104476

That doesn't suprise me, I remember at the hentai dubbing panel at AB last year he hit on this one chick that went up there, obviously wanted to fuck her, lel.

>> No.8104776

>mfw there are people who actually watch dubs

>> No.8104785
File: 11 KB, 298x292, 1357240705028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you don't know how to use mfw
>mfw you think that subs are superior like a damn weeb when it's a matter of opinion.

>> No.8104789

>when it's a matter of opinion
>watching cartoons with shitty dubs lacking the proper emotion of the carefully rehearsed original voices that the director intended you to listen to

>> No.8104797

i have like no proof of this story but i heard it a while ago from an old friend who used to be a ranger SO APPARENTLY??

>friend and her acquaintance or on vic forums a lot
>13 yrs old
>troll shows up
>they get mad at the troll, in a 13 y/o fashion
>vic messages them
>"thank u for defending me xoxo i'll give u free tickets to next sakuracon"
>only acquaintance gets tickets, not my friend
>friend is pissy as hell
>another person?? ranger?? comes around
>she is bi and havin a sexuality crisis
>friend angrily says "idk go talk to vic about it"
>bi chick does
>"being bi is wrong and other various homophobic garbage u r going to hell"
>bi chick kills herself

>> No.8104804

I doubt this is true.

>> No.8104805

It's still a matter of opinion. FMA actually had a decent dub along with: Ghost in the Shell, Dragon ball Z, Kenshin, No Need for Tenchi, and Gundam.

I can point out a lot of bad subs too, i.e. Inuyasha with Kagome's voice. There is no such thing as "All subs are superior," especially if you hear Teddie's damn voice from Persona 4 in Japanese.

10/10 for making me respond. If you're not a troll then you're a really stupid arse weeb then.

>> No.8104810

i vaguely agree with them. i used to think the way you did though, but then i realized that the nostalgia factor really clouds your judgement. there are a lot of okay dubs, and a lot of horrible ones, but people tend to think they sound better the first way they heard them.

>> No.8104811

>Ghost in the Shell

If you like monotone voices that literally strip the entire movie of every shred of emotion, then maybe?

Dubs are always worse than the original. You're literally refusing to watch something the way the creators intended, why not just let Americans go in and redraw scenes too to make them more "western" for your sensitive and sheltered sensibilities? It's the same fucking thing.

>> No.8104819

There are some dubs that are good! But most aren't, simply because the voice acting field in the US is pathetically easy to get into, vs the upkeep you're supposed to do as a VA in Japan. Japanese VAs are often also actors, comedians, or singers, etc.

Aside of a dub being good or not, there's are other reasons to watch them. You can multitask while watching a dub, whereas with subbed anime you have to pay close attention. Dubs are easier to watch with groups of people, and easier to watch for those with dyslexia.

Also you missed the best dub: Cromartie High School.

>> No.8104825

>You're literally refusing to watch something the way the creators intended,

I'm watching what the creator did intend for me to see. Cept I'm listening to something else.

Also the creator when making the anime didn't really intend for people to view it with subtitles on the bottom. Technically the most accurate viewing experience would be dub as people watching the original in Japan would not be reading any subtitles.

>> No.8104827

>there's are
oops. *there are

>> No.8104831

I agree. There are ok dubs and there are crappy ones but I'm saying that not all subs are better/good and it's a matter of opinion along with what the original material is. Like in video games I don't mind some dub voices considering that a lot of sub voices are just really ear splitting but then there are games that I rather just play the original voices.

Star ocean 2 is a prime example. The dubs are hilariously awesome.

>Dubs are always worse than the original.

Yeah you're a weeb then or a really stupid shitposting troll. Not all dubs are worse than the original. I pointed out one that you happily ignored. Persona 4 Teddie's voice is horrible compared to the dub one because he has the KUMA tic that he constantly says over and over and over again that nobody likes. Rise's voice is also annoying along with Kanji's Japanese voice. Ken's English voice on the other hand is bad compared to his Japanese voice.

>> No.8104833

>I'm watching what the creator did intend for me to see. Cept I'm listening to something else.


The people who made the anime also carefully selected the voice actors for the characters they're portraying and then worked with them to get the emotions and delivery of lines right.

You're just throwing all of that out the window.

>Also the creator when making the anime didn't really intend for people to view it with subtitles on the bottom. Technically the most accurate viewing experience would be dub as people watching the original in Japan would not be reading any subtitles.

Wow you're retarded.

>> No.8104837


>Technically the most accurate viewing.

If you want to be technical the most accurate viewing isn't subs but watching the whole thing in Japanese without subtitles. Anything else is inferior.

>> No.8104883

>Hosting karaoke at a small first year con.
>Friday night, first time ever hosting.
>Fun guy who is funny and sings like a boss comes up multiple times.
>We duet "Always" by Erasure (this was right after Robot Unicorn Attack got big).
>Go back to my room after the show and leaf through the con's guest book.
>"Hey...that's that 'Mercer' guy I sang with."
>Jaw hits the floor.

And that's how I met Matt Mercer. He's a great dude. We see each other every time he comes to town for cons and we're in touch on Facebook. He's good people.

>> No.8104904

Saaammee here. It takes a lot to make me not want to watch something star trek. Pretty much Enterprise and that are the only things I flat out hate.

>> No.8104930

As a fellow subs snob let me tell you about Space Dandy in english

It is the fucking best.
Deal with it.

>> No.8104981

>Rie Kugimiya

Rie Kugimiya does not have same voice syndrome at all. She has an amazingly wide range. You only think she has one voice because you only notice her when she is doing the shitty tsundere thing.

>> No.8105024

I don't know much about how the VO business is in Japan, but at least in the states, anime is almost always run on a very shoe-string budget, because it's more niche. Since they can't skimp on recording quality, that means that most anime are actually pushed out really quickly and that actors often don't find out who they're voicing or about their character until twenty minutes before they record. There are exceptions, particularly if the creator is more hands-on and wants to squeeze more from the performers, but that's generally the way it is in a lot of other VO genres like commercials, too. You get a very bare-bones audition, maybe get call-backs if they can afford to prolong the recording process, and then, if you're actually cast, are often forced to record in isolation without being able to see the full script. You're usually given the lines out of order, too, so it's up to you to give the lines the proper emotion, with the performance director as your only lifeline for context.

It's really hard to perform well in those conditions, especially if the director or production team on site don't give a shit. That's why the best voice actors are often the best improv actors, instead of the best theatre or film actors. I know Japanese productions usually record as an ensemble, which can make good performances easier to do. The only time that ever really happens in the states, on the other hand, is for American cartoons.

He was pretty active in cosplay communities a while back before becoming a voice actor, so I'm not surprised he's still awesome at cons.

>> No.8105039

Vic was at Hal-con a couple of years ago, he had two panels. One for his VA, and another for his Star Trek stuff. For the most part he was very engaging, fun, and humble and grateful. HOWEVER. He spent like a half hour talking about his Christmas CD, and then went on to sing this batshit insane song about brotherly love that he had written about the Erich bros. While a fan vid played in the background. The Star Trek panel was supposed to start right after his VA panel, and all the audience members were supposed to vacate (all the Star Trek fans were lined up outside the room to get in). But he begged in a weird baby voice to let the VA audience stay and staff allowed them, so the Star Trek fans didn't get in.

Later I got my picture taken with him, and he hugged me so hard I couldn't breathe.

>> No.8105054
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Not a VA but
>lining up to see Shinichiro Watanabe
>see Robert Picardo with no line
>he'll leave before I'd see Watanabe
>but I can't leave the Watanabe line because it's literally capped right behind me
>ended up staying in line and had to watch the best character from Star Trek leave his table and I'll never see again

>> No.8105785

She's actually a huge Asuka nerd and loves all the fan stuff. Think she even did some vocaroo clips for either /co/ or /a/ a year or so back. I wish I still had the link to her collection video too. It's a hilarious contrast from the JP VA who hates everything to do with the show.

>> No.8106631

Maybe during the apex of the boom years when shows were being pumped out like an assembly line, but not now. Many actors that get cast these days find out months in advance if they've been picked for a role, and more often than not it hinges on who's going to be available rather than who would be best for the role.

>> No.8106870
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Only real experience I had with a VA was a good one, Jon St John (voice of Duke Nukem). He was a fucking amazingly friendly and fun guy when he came to Toracon, he was taking pictures and signing shit in hallways and answering questions his whole panel, and even after the panel he was going out in the hallway with people and recording answering machines and crank call stuff in the Duke voice for them, no charge, he offered it in the panel.

He also knew about the Ventrilo Harassment "Balls Balls Balls of Steel" thing and loved it and had it on his phone as a text sound effect.

>> No.8106894
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Mmm, dat Grant Imahara tho...

>> No.8106896

>Dubs are always worse than the original

You have clearly not tried to watch .hack//sign in Japanese as compared to English. Even Japan thinks the English version was better.

With that said, you're right that there are some dubs that just horribly fuck up a show. But there are a fair handful that make it work quite well.

You can't paint with a broad brush across every anime ever.

>> No.8107563
File: 229 KB, 806x992, mary_elizabeth_mcglynn_v_c__by_vgafanatic-d238ogu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any experiences with Mary Elizabeth McGlynn?

She's one of my favorite VAs but I know nothing about her rep at cons.

>> No.8107585

It's because people say it's 'queerbaiting' or something.

>> No.8107600
File: 181 KB, 884x1092, JESUS CHRIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


McGlynn and Epcar are the only two worth meeting.

Everyone else is a steaming pile of self-righteous egotistical garbage. Most specifically, Vic, Crispin, and McNeil.

The absolute worst place to meet these people is an Anime con. If you get lucky, some of them will wind up at the bigger ones like SDCC, DragonCon, or something that is not just Anime. That way you can meet them on days they haven't spent the entire time fending off hordes of autists.

>> No.8107701

Actually the "smaller" cons work well for this. Richard Epcar and his wife Ellyn Stern were at Toracon a couple years back, they were very friendly and the local crowd wasn't full of ridiculous shitballs.

Toracon generally gets around 2500 people over two days, it's busy but not massively stupid.

>> No.8107715

I met her on Sunday at ALA 2012. She was obviously very tired and probably hungover from the night before. She was next to Jonny Yong Bosch so she had to deal with the weebiest of the weebs for the entire session. But despite all that crap she was still extremely nice to me. Talked about her career a bit and even asked some questions about me and what I liked to do outside of cosplay. 10/10 would wait in line thirty minutes behind chatty Avatard for again.

>> No.8107719

Mary Elizabeth McGlynn made Japan Expo best expo

>> No.8107720

sweetest lady A+ 10/10 would go see again

>> No.8107723


>doing Karaoke in the consuite, back when our con had a consuite
>eagerly awaiting my turn, going to sing "Rain" from Cowboy Bebop
>Karaoke host comes over to me

"Hey dude, sorry, we had to give your song to someone else"

>random lady gets up and sings a pretty fucking good cover of Rain
>"everybody give it up for Mary Elizabeth McGlynn!"
>the fucking Cowboy Bebop dub director/voice of Julia stole my song from Cowboy Bebop

>> No.8107728

She's sung a shitload of music for several series and just about every english song ever for Silent Hill, she's amazing.

>> No.8107740


I couldn't really resent her when she did such a good job. Better than my bass-baritone ass ever could.


Seriously? That's awesome. My favorite VAs are the ones who love what they do and love the fandom surrounding their work.

>> No.8107743


why are you in this thread


>> No.8108230

I'm super jealous! She's one I definitely want to meet!

>> No.8109257 [DELETED] 

She's also the voice of the Major from Ghost in the Shell if I remember correctly.

>> No.8109266

Anybody know what happened to Crispin Freeman?

>> No.8110508
File: 433 KB, 250x169, receipts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waitwait, gonna need some detail on that.

He was at Megacon last year and we stumbled on his bizarre Star Trek vanity project with Todd Haberkorn, it was enlightening.

>> No.8110549

They probably see it as unprofessional, not surprising really.

>> No.8110592

> 2015
> Being this weeaboo

I've been watching subbed and dubbed well over 13 years at this point and moderately understand Japanese. I'd agree with you to some extent around 2001 but most dubs should really be viewed on a case by case basis. California dubs are pretty consistent since their cost of production and access to a wide pool of actors more or less ensures they get a good product. Funimation can be hit or miss but their hit dubs are pretty good. Sentai is a complete crapshoot.

It's dumb to have the same mentality about dubs that people did in the VHS era. There is consistently less bad Japanese acting in most anime but it still exists.

>> No.8110596

he sounds more like a purist elitist pretentious fuck than a weeb.

>> No.8110613

To be fair the rabidness of the otaku along with her sex tape scandal would be enough to turn anyone off of fame.

>> No.8110615

The year he got ban hammered at Metrocon.

> Ignored the con heads
> Set up autograph line without permission
> Did an impromptu concert when there wasn't one on the schedule
> While there was a party being thrown for him, he didn't bother to show up
> Scoot McNeil came with a bruised back and was a total bro the entire time
> Vic came after his concert, basically flipped off the person running the party, and then retreated to his room
> Apparently ordered expensive room service and charged it to the Metrocon budget, which nearly put them in the red
> Was a total diva the entire weekend
> Is not allowed to come back to Metrocon for his shit that he pulled that weekend.

>> No.8110617

She had a panel with Epcar at ALA a few years ago. She seemed very polite and wasn't like "Eww, weeaboos".

>> No.8110618

What do you mean? He ok?

>> No.8110635

Whoa whoa whoa!

Run that by me again.

Tiffany Grant had a sex tape scandal!? When did that happen!?

>> No.8110714

I met the english voice actor for ryoko from KLK a while back. Cute/nice girl really chill seeming, did not know she was also Aladdin in Magi and pacman

>> No.8110743

No. Her seiyuu. Grant hasn't really hated her role as Asuka as far as I know

>> No.8111076

Damn, that's amazing. Thank goodness he's not coming back to waste a guest slot.

>> No.8111437


>her vocaroo clips are easily found on google
>...but none of them work

fuck everything

>> No.8111664

Fucking Hetalia has the best dub, it goes from being okay to batshit insane. The dub for it is hilarious and makes me want to watch it again.

>> No.8111701

There was this small con called Kin-yoobi con a while back that Vic was at. I heard he was famous so I checked out his panel.First he dispelled rumors about someone sliding yaoi under his hotel room door and him getting pissy, then he showed everyone his custom FMA iPhone thing and was talking about auctioning it on ebay.

Then some bitch said it was her birthday, so Vic wanted to sing happy birthday for her. Apparently though it was a hundred other chicks' birthday that month too, so he wrote down all their full names and sung to all of them.

>> No.8112010

Baccano! If you ever want to see a dub which is soooooo much better than the dub

>> No.8112464


Oh shit, Baccano! is so great.

>What's going on in the dining car? Am I gonna get to kill people? Are people dying?! Which one is it?! Hey, I'm getting excited! Yesyesyesyesyes!

>> No.8116539

The fact that even just in this picture the other two are posing and she seems to be actively trying to ruin it by both standing in the way, avoiding looking at the camera, and looking annoyed says a lot about her personality.

>> No.8116545

He's nice! I am super shy but when I got an autograph from him he complimented my cosplay and dancing (we had a dance thing earlier) and he had a lot of great stories.

Just don't bring him anything bootlegged to sign because he will point it out, as he's very anti-bootleg. He won't do it in a mean spirited way but you might end up feeling like a bit of a heel.

>> No.8116552

literally never heard of this guy. just looks like some weeboo

>> No.8116553

>Saying subs have more emotion when you don't even speak the goddamn language.

Yeah, I don't remember her name but there's a VA who came to a panel once and told us all how she didn't realize her favorite anime had really shitty acting until she actually learned to fluently speak Japanese. You're just a fucking weeb with a shitty superiority complex. sit down and stfu

>> No.8116556

10/10 that's exactly true you'll pretty much always prefer the first way you heard them, dub or sub, unless they were horrendous.

>> No.8116567


>> No.8117286
File: 16 KB, 445x250, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you finally find a DVD of the second anime you ever saw as a kid
>tfw the dub is worse than you remembered
>tfw you know enough Japanese and enough about voice acting to know the sub even worse than that

I wish I was young and ignorant again.

>> No.8117301

Which anime?

>> No.8117347


Green Legend Ran. Saw it on The Sci Fi Channel's when I visited my cousins in the 90s. It has not aged well.

>> No.8119678

I met him at a con in Miami. He was pretty nice, obviously really flustered with the con scene and attention he was getting.

>> No.8119719

The creator of cowboy bebop once said the dub was everything he imagined/superior to the original sub.
So don't be so quick to say it is something the creators did not intend.
Creators of other anime's have also applauded the works of some dubs, even crediting that certain scenes voice acting was better than the japanese version.

>> No.8119950


Shit, if I remember right, the original producers/directors helped pick FLCL's English cast and assisted with localization.

>> No.8120050

you must be new, or im old. almost every anime in this millennium has had him in in it

>> No.8120101

I saw Vic Mignogna at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.8120115

wow what a dick

>> No.8120118

Nice pasta.

>> No.8120119

>falling for it
this is a copypasta, used with vic, jnig, the works

>> No.8120121

Underage b8

>> No.8120606
File: 39 KB, 100x100, laughinghotdog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LK is probably one of the kindest, sweetest humans I've had the joy to be around. Marianne is a nice person, or at least can be (aside from several things) and I think she's just protective of her husband.

>> No.8120796

When I met them they were both nice, Marianne seemed a bit reserved but I felt it was more due to LK's overwhelming fame compared to hers. It's a real shame about the whole Psy thing but I almost feel, especially with his personal issues, LK may have been too scared of being hated by his people for calling Psy out to say anything. I used t listen to Whachow back in the day and had to stop cause I grew to hate him quite fast.

>> No.8120806

Vic got hit in the face by one of my friends some years ago. She was cosplaying Yoko, he jokingly asked "are those real?" and touched her tits. He was lucky her boyfriend wasn't around at that time.

>> No.8121094

>the psy thing

I never found out what really happened, and I certainly didn't know it concerned LK at all, care to explain? something about Psy being a creep?

>> No.8121186

LK is seriously such a friendly dude. I got a photo with him last Kami-con, but I don't remember his wife being there.

>> No.8121801

That's amazing

>> No.8122196

Has anyone met Tara Strong?
I used to think she was cool and talented but now she remidns me of a big old slut butt so I'm just curious

>> No.8122275

She is an absolute sweet heart!!
My best friend down in Cali asked me once if there was one voice actor I would love to talk to it would be Tara Strong.

I got a call one day from him, picked up the phone and it was Tara Strong on the other end. I started to cry because of how shocked I was.
I was on the phone with her for about 20 minutes just talking about voice acting, any advice she had since she came from the Toronto area (Canada), I told her she was my childhood when it came to voice talents and how much I really look up to her work. She was just an absolute sweet heart and a real pleasure to talk to. I would love to meet her in person.

>> No.8122308

I remember a few years ago hearing that Vic tried to get the Dealers room at Ikkicon shut down an hour early because it was right next to the room where his concert was and he didn't want anyone hearing him practice.

I assume they didn't do it but I never heard about whatever aftermath. I think the year before that, he just showed up to Ikkicon uninvited and tried to elbow his way into people's shit.

>> No.8122585

ghost stories

>> No.8123284

>the voice acting field in the US is pathetically easy to get into

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.8125041
File: 163 KB, 689x450, 1272749195251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wanna know what gets me Jazzed?

Also here's a picture of Ladd's english VA

>> No.8125172

I'm watching this now.
Holy shit you weren't kidding. And I'm use to bad dubs from nostalgic anime.

>> No.8125264

Who was Psy again?

I met him at Swampcon a year ago. ONE OF THE NICEST PEOPLE EVER I SWEAR. ;~;

>> No.8125553

I've had run-ins with Caitlin Glass. She's really nice and fun to talk to.

First time was unexpected. It was at a Dinner Theater in Texas, and she had some lines spoken from outside the theatre. Saw her photo hanging by the door, but didn't register the face. I heard her lines, had an OH MY GOD moment, looked in the playbill and it said to catch her as Winry Rockbell on Toonami.

Second time was last A-Kon. I was Naked Snake and a friend was a genderbent Killer Bee Cammy. We were riding the elevator down, and hadn't noticed her in the corner. Partway down she asks if friend is Cammy, and asks why his cosplay "lacked buttfloss." Small talk ensued. Friend hadn't registered her; I explained that was Cammy's VA. Couple more encounters happened same day.

I think another time was a grocery store or something. Nothing fun.

>tl;dr I've met Caitlin Glass a few times. She's really sweet.

>> No.8125562

LK is a nice guy. I feel really bad because he's depressed as much as he is. His wife is alright. A friend wanted a pic with him a few years back, and she was kinda scowling in the background. It was pretty funny since I saw that before I handed it over to said friend.

Allegations of years of molestation, lying to everyone, and faking apologies one too many times. There's a massive callout on Tumblr, a la Bill Cosby scandal.

Did Whachow and webcomics. Lot of coattailing. I think he's a nice guy, but fuck around where no one should, and got in way over his head. He handled it awkwardly. I feel bad since everyone has criminalized him, all things considered. I understand why it's important for folks to know he is the way he is, but gatdamn, if they weren't ready to crucify him. I doubt he'll go to cons for a good while.

>> No.8125608

Best time Vic ever cosplayed - he cosplayed Scott McNeil. They were both at the con together - I think it was Animefest but I might be wrong. It was either the year before o the year after Hurricane Katrina.

>> No.8126187

Hillary Haag is the sweetest person ever. She seemed more nervous than Menchi when I met her.

>> No.8126221

I met Troy Baker at the Marvel Universe Live show; a friend won tickets and we actually sat next to him. Only I didn't realize it was him until I screamed 'Whooo go Hawkeye!' and he screamed back 'You're welcome!'

fucking shit myself

But I ended up seeing him the next day and he was so cool about. He's really such a nerd and a sweetheart, I can't wait to see him at Mega this year.

>> No.8126246


Here's a good one. Greg is super flamboyantly gay, and really hates it when people use the word "faggot." But he'll use the word all the time himself.

So a bunch of people got 3DSs and changed their names to Greg Ayres, set their greeting to "I'm a faggot" and hung around by the green room where they knew he would be. Oh boy, did he get pissed.

He is also a horrible DJ, and any con he goes to he demands to headline the rave, despite him being really bad at it. I'm talking, mix Sandstorm into Green Day bad.

>> No.8126289

Fun fact: Matt Mercer plays D&D 3.5 as a GM with Marsha Ray (Margaret, PQ and P4Ultimax).

Funner fact: he has a 「Stand」 that he named "Critical Charisma".

Matt Mercer > Troy Baker.

>> No.8126296


>> No.8128451

So he's into JoJo? I'd assume so since he is the voice of Jotaro in the dub.

>> No.8131390

I met Monica Rials when she came to the volunteer room at AMKE2011, got her autograph and she signed a card for my friend who didn't come, so that was really nice.
I got a picture with Little Kuriboh and my friend he was really nice to us.

>> No.8132719

I met Tiffany Grant at AWA 1999 in a Karaoke room. She was cosplaying Asuka, and sang "Cruel Angel's Thesis".

>> No.8133446

Absolutely, Troy is a giant sweetheart. He stayed 2 hours late at a con i went to just so he could sign everything people wanted and take pics with them even though staff was telling him not to. He'd hug everyone and he was beaming the entire day.