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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8090301 No.8090301 [Reply] [Original]

So /cgl/, What's the worst con you've been to?

>> No.8090335
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>> No.8090338

don't tell me you actually went there

>> No.8090738
File: 63 KB, 475x322, valhallacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valhallacon was far and away the worst convention I have ever been to, I don't know how they are getting a second year. It was seriously bad.
They have three guests this year, none notable for anything significant. One of them is just the con chair of another convention. Why is he a *guest*?

All of their cosplay guests last year were just average run of the mill cosplayers that just haaaaappened to be friends with Valhalla's con director. And nobody saw the majority of them all weekend anyways.

The facility was terrible, it was a dusty unfinished building with construction everywhere. It didn't feel safe at all. There was no room for anything, the artist alley was terribly laid out, the game room was sparse.

The cosplay contest was an absolute joke. Only one of the judges, Cosmo Moore, was actually qualified to be judging anything. I don't know why they picked the other two, I guess just because again, they were bffs with the con director.

I could go on and on, but it was just terrible, even for a first year convention. I don't know what they thought they were doing with a "viking themed con" but it failed miserably. At least they didn't offer me an extra hour in the ballpit.

>> No.8090746

This OhayoCon is off to a bad start And the content just sounds bad. I missed the cgl meetup.

>> No.8090751

So I actually went to Dashcon. (Not the previous Anon though). I went as my friend thought it would be interesting and it was near her birthday so I made it my treat for her. It was fucking horrible. All of the panels were 20+ minutes late, the only place to get food was the awkwardly giant room with the ball pit it in, and the homestucks had taken over the only comfortable places to sit down.
We also participated in the Superwholock hunt because it was free and we had no panels we wanted to attend. That was also horrible, as almost none of the 'actors' knew their characters and just read off the the sheet they were given by the con staff. 0/10 would not go back.

>> No.8090896

Anime reactor

>Was sick half of the weekend because my dumb ass decided to cosplay as Rock Lee
>In the middle of nowhere
>Roommates had a really cramped room and the air conditioner was broken and remained on in November
>Weed smoke everywhere
>Purple Hotel was shitty
>Roaches, cracks, etc.
>No guests, no game room
>A few good cosplay outfits
>Hotel closed to health violations a few months later

We didn't have a ballpit but hey it was still bad.

>> No.8091344

Colossalcon the year before they moved to Kalahari was terrible. The staff screamed at me for standing on the tape instead of behind it, threatening to throw my group out. No one was allowed to sit in the hotel lobby. The dealers room was poorly managed and their highlights were Vic magina.

By far the worst though was Shinbokucon 2012. They didn't have an under 13 rate so for two people and a six year old we paid $60 for entrance to a one day con. It smelled terrible and no panels and half the con was pro wrestling.

>> No.8091761

Shit, thought this was an ohayocon thread.

First time at a Midwest convention and I'm not too impressed yet. Also why are there so many furries?

>> No.8091941

There are a number that show up every year.

I'm making an assumption here, but they're probably Anthrocon goers, seeing as that's a giant furry con and relatively close over in Pittsburgh (about 100 miles away). Takes place in the summer so Ohayo is probably just a side con they do between their own conventions.

>> No.8094505 [DELETED] 
File: 2.26 MB, 3264x2448, 20150130_000509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who cosplayed as this Star-Lord while lip singing and dancing to his music that he played with his mp3 speaker. that was my entertainment.

>> No.8094529

Stop selfposting. It's pretty obvious when both images of you posted in the last 20 minutes have the same resolution and camera quality on top of you needing attention enough to make a new thread about yourself. >>8094492

>> No.8095897



If memory serves they closed down forever due to mismanagement and drug use and underaged drinking everywhere

>> No.8100351


>> No.8100417

I tried to go to a con a few years ago. Jack O Con. My husband and I bought Saturday passes so we could leave the baby with Grandma for a day. We got there to find out they'd already been shut down.
Something about underage drinking. Something about religious folk being mad about LGBT people there. I don't know the real story, but there are a couple articles out there from artists talking about how nothing was set up and none of their rooms were ready when they were told they'd be. I'm glad I missed that shit show.

>> No.8101024

Comic & Media Expo in AZ. AZ cons tend to suck in general but this one was just horrible. I got a free pass and figured why the hell not. It was just so boring panels sucked. Guest weren't that great and there was nothing to do.