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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8088209 No.8088209 [Reply] [Original]

post your unpopular opinions. can be cosplay or lolita related. ill start.

>i like seeing fatties in cosplay
>i think yaya han is a great person
>i like that cosplay is going mainstream

>> No.8088229

>I think Yaya is a good person because she called me and my friends pretty when we met her in and elevator (FYI we were crossplaying).
>I think fat people can be good cosplayers
>Skinny people are really ugly.
> It's better if 20 year olds cosplay magical girls because if actual 10 year olds did it they woul look so ugly and weird.

>> No.8088252

>I think Yaya is lovely. Met her at a con, she was lovely, talked costume technicalities with me.
>I don't like skinny skinny skimpy costumes because often the cosplayers are shapeless. Curves look nice.
>I like the attention from Skimpy costumes, but I think it's a bit trashy if you only do a costume because it's skimpy.
>I like the drama in my community
>I love the craft, and it makes me stressed to see someone half ass it, I'll be pissed because it's easy.
>I get mad because people never fucking research.
>I don't like new, inexperienced people getting into cosplay too fast, because it stresses me to see shitty costumes.

>> No.8088264

>Tartan is ugly
>Old school is ugly

>> No.8088276

>>i like seeing fatties in good cosplay

fixed it for ya

>> No.8088287

>I love old school and would wear it everyday if I was still into lolita
>I wish cosplay porn wasn't a thing because it's always of the characters I do not ever want to think of in sexual situations
>Or down by people I wish I hadn't seen naked when I was just trying to look for good cosplay of said character
>Since cosplay is getting mainstream, I hope more experienced cosplayers start to take on newer ones to teach them better ways

>> No.8088306

>Brand does not equal quality if you can't even wash the damn dress in fear of it bleeding color or melting prints.

>> No.8088341

>sometimes there is a good reason for buying a replica.
>you can be fat and make a wonderful cosplay
>you can be fat and make a good Lolita too.
>the majority of angelic pretty dresses are ugly, at least to me anyway

>> No.8088348

>There's nothing wrong with buying a costume or someone making one for you

depends on the circle, but
>I think that people are so much better when they stick to their body shape and age for cosplay. People can be free to do whatever they want, but you can't force me to like your 50 year old 18 stone Daenerys cosplay

>> No.8088355

>>I think that people are so much better when they stick to their body shape and age for cosplay. People can be free to do whatever they want, but you can't force me to like your 50 year old 18 stone Daenerys cosplay

this. all of this

>> No.8088374

>>There's nothing wrong with buying a costume or someone making one for you
this. that's what most cosplayers do in Japan

>> No.8088382

>I don't like wigs for buzzcut and super short slicked back looks. It looks awkward.

>People can look like shit no matter if their fat or skinny.

>> No.8088384

>sometimes there is a good reason for buying a replica.
this is "unpopular opinions", not "opposite of reality"

>> No.8088419

>I don't like wigs for buzzcut and super short slicked back looks. It looks awkward.
That's not really an unpopular opinion.

I actually really like when real hair is used well, at least when it concerns relatively realistic hairstyles.

Also all of this.

>> No.8088433

>SNK was the worst anime i've ever watched with some of the ugliest character designs ever so i don't know why so many people cosplayed from it

>> No.8088550

Because the gay porn is plentiful.

>> No.8088815

> I think Lor is actually quite pretty.

> I don't care if a lolita is fat, as long as she can co-ord well.

>> No.8088840

Agreed with both opinions. Some people don't have the skills to make their own costume so it's better to buy one. It's more nice to see a good cosplay you've bought than a shitty costume you've done yourself.

Noncosplay one
>i think big bang theory is a good show

>not using brand is okay
>unless it's fucking horrible
>and makes you look like ita

>> No.8088848

>I want OTT classic to die. Classic is supposed to be elegant and sophisticated.
>I wish lolitas would stick to normal looking wigs; pastel wigs and those long frizzy wigs look stupid.
>Krad Lanrete's jellyfish print is ugly. So is Medusa.
>Nun lolita is stupid and costume-y. I especially hate nameless poem.
>Veils don't look good with lolita 90% of the time.
>Moitie's florals are better than their prints.

>> No.8088852

>I wish OTT sweet would just fucking stop.
>I wish more people would call out the famous cosplayers on not reading or watching or playing anything they cosplay from
>I want Heroes of Cosplay to keep filming so I can laugh at more stupid famewhores that keep signing themselves up for this shit for the sake of exposure

>> No.8088871

>I think current sweet (mainly the print boom) looks horrible compared to old school sweet
>I wish OTT anything would die. So many newfags think regular coords are casual or too plain because of it.

>> No.8088872

>I want to be cosfamous and make a living off prints and get flown out to cons as a guest

>> No.8088901

>I wish the cosplay scene had more people who are better educated and have proper careers so I can find a wife through this hobby

>> No.8088910

>I don't think tattoos add to cosplay
>cosplay deviants/strip tease cosplay needs to die. I don't like that people don't seem to hate it as much as I do.

>> No.8088919

>I wish OTT anything would die. So many newfags think regular coords are casual or too plain because of it.

This has been happening since like 2002.

>> No.8088938

>Sweet Lolita doesn't look like ageplay, but it still looks stupid a lot of the time
>Prints are overrated
>if the print/item is no longer being produced, a replica isn't a big deal and people should calm the fuck down
>plastic jewelry ala AP is disgusting
>there is too much emphasis on comms and socializing. Just because I dress like you, doesn't mean I want to be around you
>tea party shoes are ugly.

>> No.8088942

>i think lolita fashion is for kids
>i hate lolis and their matchmatch mentality
>i dislike people who start shit cuz "muh drama".

>> No.8088965

>Fucking hate tartan
>Hate oldschool as well
>only brand I actually like is AP
>I wish split wigs would make a comback
>I want people to just get along
>I don't really care for CDC

>> No.8088966

>i think Yaya is nice
>met her once at a con and she was extremely nice, complimented my cosplay, took a pic with me and urged me to keep cosplaying

>> No.8088973

I don't think fat girls should wear sweet lolita. Chubby girls can look okay, but honestly fat girls should stay away from it. Why would you purposefully dress in clothes that don't flatter you?
I also think people forcing themselves into clothes that don't fit properly is ita as hell.

>> No.8088994

I'm right there with you, old school is such a solid crystallization of the aesthetic, and it's simple enough that it's flexible for everyday wear.
My unpopular opinion:
>Doll Delight is actually kind of brilliant, definitely not all lolita(though clearly influenced) but she totally captures the image of a scaled up child's fashion doll from the late 80s-early 90s with a creepy twist.
The hideousness of the prints she uses plays well with the proportions of the garments

>> No.8089055

Fat girls shouldn't wear lolita, period.

>> No.8089056

>lolis and matchmatch

Me too anon. I wear Lolita but don't get long with most other ones because they're too into matchy bullshit and "themes" and wouldn't know real fashion if it smacked them with a purse.

>> No.8089068

There are way too many uggos and frumpy bitches in Lolita. Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with trying to look good. But a pretty dress and cords will not save a 5/10 face. Learn to contour and do makeup, get plastic surgery, or do a fashion that is more flattering. I'll take an cute/pretty oak or a fatty any day over a skinny petite dogface that fits in Moitie.

>> No.8089078

Tell me about it. I hate looking at a awesome coords but then it's ruined because the girls face is hideous.

>> No.8089079

This so much.

>> No.8089080

> i'm in it for the gay porn
> bad eyebrows are a rule breaker on whether a girl dressing up is OK or not
> attack on titan obliterated smaller fandoms and i'm a bit bitter

>> No.8089083

Lolita is not for ugly girls

>> No.8089179

I fucking hate closeup pics of faces. There are very few people in the world who look pretty, and I can guarantee you 99.92% of people taking selfies are not pretty. It's even worse when they use selfie apps to 'smooth' out that skin and instead look like a mentally disabled doll.

Someone mentioned up above how dogfaces shouldn't be in the fashion. I don't mind, but don't shove your fucking shitface at me shopped into uncanny valley by whatever fucking app that's out nowadays if you don't want me judging for your unfortunate genetics.

>> No.8090618

Eh, I have to agree.

>> No.8090651

These. Except
>only brand I actually like is AP
>I wish split wigs would make a comback
No thank you.

>> No.8090668

Gold shoes are tacky and ugly, regardless of brand. The only ok pair is that one flat matte pair with cross straps, those Bodyline ones especially are so fucking ugly. Blindingly shiny and cheap looking.

>> No.8090721

>I really like fawn makeup
>I don't mind if people tan for a cosplay, but I don't like it when they paint their skin darker for it
>con photographers are really over-rated
>every single con video looks the same; swoops and spins, armor and skimpy women
>I don't consider high school uniforms as cosplays
>i dislike pink wigs

>> No.8091752

Eh, I just prefer AP over Baby tbh, I like the prints better. But that's just my opinion

>> No.8091767

I don't like macarons
Unless I've just never had a good one, they always seem so dry

>> No.8091776

>I think chubbier girls look really nice in lolita, especially sweet (but obviously if it's a good coord, just like any other lolita)
>I think some people go a little too overboard with certain rules, like shades not matching perfectly

I think this is also unpopular depending on who you ask/which community you're in (/cgl/ vs younger FB or tumblr lolitas)
>I hope plain, non OTT coords come back into style again/people would stop acting like a coord is bad just because it isn't OTT. I hate how most of the popular coords on tumblr or CoF are the super OTT ones and the more simple ones don't get as much attention, even though they look just as nice.

>> No.8091778

>tea is awful
>no really fuck your leaf water

>> No.8091782

sage for no unpopular opinion but it sounds like you've never had a good one? they shouldn't be dry, they should be moist, soft, and chewy, not dry or crunchy.

>> No.8091786

The majority of guys in Ouji are way too ugly and/or manly for the style. If you're that kind of guy wear aristocrat.

>> No.8091936
File: 50 KB, 616x454, 2014-New-Sweet-Bow-T-Strap-Thick-font-b-Heel-b-font-Pointed-Toe-Women-Pumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less clunky tea party shoes, more dainty cute shoes
>more "high heeled" shoes. Not like 6", more like attached photo.

>> No.8091971

>>it's perfectly fine to paint your skin whatever color the character happens to be, including all shades of brown and black
>>I also think that people who take real issue in this are more or less stupid.

>> No.8092008

>Sweet lolita that's OTT or uses wigs with unnatural hair colors looks like a costume, and sweet lolitas who dress like that sound stupid complaining when they look that way
>Tattoos and piercings in lolita can look super cute
>Tall girls make better lolitas, and I don't care if their skirts are a few inches short as long as it's not mid-thigh or higher without an underskirt

>> No.8092009

> I don't like wigs in cosplay.
> I like plain color tights in lolita

>> No.8092016

The second one isn't unpopular

>> No.8092017

I am so fucking sick of printed dresses. If I want artwork, I'll buy some and frame it on my wall, not wear it on a garment. It seems as if more and more of the fashion is just focused on prints these days, not the actual dresses themselves.

>> No.8092029
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>tea is meh, i own teapots for decoration. not tea.
>sweet looks really good on medium skin tones
>i dont like old school
>i want sashes to comeback... i still love them...
>i dont think you should have your bare knees showing. if your dress is short put tights on or long socks... just cover your knees i dont care how.
>i dont think hello batty & milky fawn are cute at all.
>dreamy baby room is adorable
>circle lenses in lolita are a waste of time
>you dont /need/ bloomers
>nameless poem isnt anything special
>cotton candy shop is ugly! i dont see why some like it so much! the colors clash like crazy! its not as a bad as whipped magic but getting there.

>> No.8092031

i fucking hate tartan too, anon

>> No.8092036


>tea is meh, i own teapots for decoration. not tea.
>tea is meh

I swear on me mum ill wack u in the gabber m9.

>> No.8092042

>Dislikes: People's knees.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/C3xkyUqC8-k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.8092044

Agreed, 100%.

>> No.8092051

>i think tea snobs are annoying as well as people who say you can't really love something until you've eaten/played/drunk all of it
>I think a lot of Lolitas try too hard to be seen as posh and end up looking ridiculous because they go a bit too far with their delusions
>a lot of wigs praised for good quality look rather fake and plasticky and completely ruin a costume for me, I don't know how people think they look good
>I think skimpy cosplays are overplayed and can't understand guys still falling for the vaginal Jew
>Conventionally cute and pretty girls in Lolita are boooooring, give me some more interesting faces. Less Carolyn Jones and more Anjelica Huston please

>> No.8092054

sauce on those shoes?

>> No.8092056

Fite me irl cunt I'll box you around
I'll knock ur gob off I swear on me nans grave

>> No.8092058

I hate lolitas who wan't to be lovelies and pretend to be a dolly or little lady. Stop try to be some outdated stereotype of things that never were. It's a fashion, not a delusion.

>> No.8092060


What if I like OTT sweet but could care less if people said it was a costume?

>> No.8092063

holy shit. ive never related to something so much. ive never even seen this scene and i love iasip.

also this isnt lolita related at all but i just have to say
i love jean skirts. i really do. if i couldnt wear lolita and had to wear """normal""" clothes each day all id be wearing is jean skirts.

>> No.8092069


also, these shoes are super cute. source?

>> No.8092073

>Less Carolyn Jones and more Anjelica Huston please

fuck yeah, anon, i agree 100%

>> No.8092080

>i think that only asians can look "normal" in ott sweet, other girls can have a good coord but they still look weird af
>i hate unnatural colored wigs
>i think that combat boots/sneakers can look good in lolita
>i love maxipad headdresses

>> No.8092084

then you're cool in my book, anon

>> No.8092086


I kind of agree about the shoes. I think sneakers can especially look good with more fairy kei or OTT sweet lolita.

>> No.8092102

It looks like it's already been mentioned several times here, but-

>I think Yaya is a sweet person. In my experience, she was nothing but nice, even at a small Texas convention where the other big names looked bored and tired.

>I think chubby lolitas are cute. I don't even normally have that much of a preference on body types, I've always gone more for personalities, but a little chubby+cute frilly things= adorable to me.

> I've never felt butthurt over black cosplayers playing asian/white characters. That would be as weird for me as saying that white people shouldn't cosplay asian characters. A good cosplay is a good cosplay, and I've never liked the opinion that they should be shoehorned into only wearing costumed that match their level of skin pigment.

Guy, here. Slightly interested in more mature boy-style looks, but I'm mostly only here because convention talk makes me nostalgic.

>> No.8092106

I just grabbed a pic from aliexpress. A lot of the same taobao shops that carry knockoff tea parties also carry nice cute shoes that people don't seem to buy.

>> No.8092113

I would love to be part of lolita but the idea of having/going to tea parties sounds stupid.

I think punk lolita is tacky.

>> No.8092116

I'm on mobile but http://m.aliexpress.com/item/1666239616.html

>> No.8092130

>I'm disappointed by most cosplayers I see, they're almost always gross skinnyfats or just regular fats
>I find nothing wrong with buying pre-made or commissioned costumes, as long as you give credit
>I don't give a shit about slutified cosplays, just don't pretend you had a hard time making it or designing it
>I don't follow any cosplay pages because every single cosplayer I tried following annoyed the shit out of me, and I assume most are that way

>> No.8092136

So much with the posh thing. I feel like a lot of the people I've tried to talk to in my comm default into the fakey fake way of talking. It's annoying and makes the conversation awkward. The last two small meets I felt like I had to keep initiating the conversation because if I didn't there was always awkward silence. Talk like normal human beings please.

>> No.8092145

>I feel like lolita fashion discourages creativity and innovation
>New York or London fashion week would destroy lolita's sensibilities. Their heads would explode from screaming ITAAAA at famous designers.

>> No.8092152
File: 38 KB, 306x423, article-2258359-16C902A8000005DC-907_306x423[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello lovelies~

>> No.8092186
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They're also all over ebay

So is related pic

>> No.8092194

bless this

I'm so sick of veils and nun-coords. It's really off putting. Why would you dress up in a religious theme?

>> No.8092195


>> No.8092213

>I like JNiggs.

>> No.8092220

>I think black people should alter the design for white characters they want to cosplay. My biggest pet peeve is black cosplayers who cosplay white characters with blond hair and blue eyes, because they just look bad.

>> No.8092243

Black person here, I agree, somewhat. You can wear a blond wig and blue contacts, but for the love of all that is holy, make sure it flatters your skin tone. Neon yellow wigs never look good on darker skin colours, and those bright blue contacts that some white people can get away with just make black people look like they're possessed. You may have to spend more time tracking down necessities, but it will benefit you so, so much.

>> No.8092251

This forever. I hate dry-cleaning.

>> No.8092262

Don't be a birch, not all of us can afford topiary and some of us are just a bit straggly.

>> No.8092266

this, this is what I like

>> No.8092290

>80% of classic coords look boring
>light colours in classic =/= "classic-sweet"

>> No.8092310

>I like OTT but I wish the trend would not be so dominating for the whole fashion
>I wish more simple outfits would come back in style
>wigs are overrated. If you have decent hair it's usually much nicer to use one's own hair than to slap on a wig
>learn to do some fucking basic hairstyles instad of slapping on a cheap wig. Seriously - burando for several hundred dollars, 2+ hours on make up and $100+ make up products but too lazy to learn how to do a simple nice updo?
>several layers of too long underskirts just look stupid

>> No.8092422

>several layers of too long underskirts just look stupid

This so much. I hate that noobs are starting to think underskirts are mandatory. They're not. Never have been, never will be.

>> No.8092496

> I'm in lolita for the feminine and girly aspects of it, not for any of it's historical or old-timey influences. I don't really like the dresses or looks that are obviously influenced from times much earlier than the 1920's. I like lolita that looks more modern.
>I think lolita dresses look cuter when they hit a few inches above the knee, but you should wear tights or very high socks so there is no weird tiny patch of skin where your socks end and skirt begins, like a very sad unintentional zettai ryouiki.
> I also love mostly bare legs in lolita, like very short frilled ankle socks and a skirt that ends above the knee. It looks more casual than long socks or tights and more appropriate for everyday wear.
> All AP-style sweet prints on black backgrounds look so, so bad.

>> No.8092505

My hair isn't bad or anything, but it's incredibly hard to style into anything that isn't a ponytail or straight and down.
>want a braided style?
fuck you little hairs sticking out everywhere
>want curly/wavy hair?
fuck you it's only lasting for 30 minutes and takes you 2 hours

>> No.8092533

I think wigs are nice for when your real hair is just completely unsuitable for lolita. Like having really short hair, or having it dyed green, but I agree, natural hair helps make lolita look less like a costume and more like everyday wear.

>> No.8092545

I agree to most of your stuff even if my main style is sweet.
Also i find ugly as sin that Mozarabic Chant print, i don't know why most lolita find it pretty while there are way better classic prints around.
>dreamy baby room is adorable
So i'm not the only one!
I'm the same about what i like in Lolita fashion, even if classic looks cute when historical influenced, i love more modern styled lolita with bright pastels, reds or black with prints.
Now my unpopular opinions
>underskirts look most of the time ugly and not lolita at all
>i think sweet look better with less poof and a-line petticoats
>i dislike the exaggerated OTT trend with layers of chiffon and the stellar prices
>i love most of the sugary vomit pastel prints with animals or toys
>i like creepy cute and punk lolita
>also otome but with red/pastels and less muted tones
>the religious-nun theme is annoying
>i like gothic or classic usually when it's with solid pieces

>> No.8092561

>Logos on dresses, clothing or jewelry is just idiotic, like some kind of Nike sponsorship.
>Most prints look like cheap shit and are a mess to look at.
>Classic should go back to its roots.
>An incredibly expensive subculture aimed at girls in their teens that glorifies materialism is unethical.

>> No.8092574

>I can't see any real problem with changing your skin color using good makeup to simulate another skin color

I get it. There's history. But I don't even see a problem with blacks going the white/asian color route. I've just never seen it done well. I figure there is a reason for that though. Makes me want to see it happen just because I know how hard it is to make it look good even when it's blue/green/red.

>> No.8092645

But it's not aimed at girls in their teens. It's aimed at girls who are 20+

>> No.8092663
File: 14 KB, 250x261, notsureifretarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8092759

I wholeheartedly agree with your first point. I don't know why people think it's cool to turn themselves into walking advertisements unless the logo is out of the way. I'm okay with a logo being printed or embroidered on the sleeve, but not a giant Nike swoosh across my chest.

>> No.8092818

I actually believe that's a more popular opinion than it would seem, it's just people are afraid of having "RACIST!!" screamed at them if they express it

Insensitive? Maybe to some. Racist? Hell no.

>> No.8092822

>i fucking hate wardrobe posts, they just make everyone jelly and cause tension within the comm, i'm so glad january's over
>i wish ero lolita was commonly acceptable
>if you don't have godiva hair, you need a wig. unless you're running errands or something.
>painting your skin for the sake of trying to look like another race is just baiting at this point. It's completely unnecessary for good cosplay, it never looks good, and you'll be rustling every non-white person you walk by.

>> No.8092831

>Hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.8092877

I agree completely

>> No.8092895

>I'm not into ageplay, but I kinda want to see some Lolita porn. Like actual Lolita, with a decent coord (even if it is bodyline).
>I'm so ashamed. Even my Victorian Maiden dresses are ashamed of me.

>> No.8092897

>people think Yaya is a nice person because they met her in person and she was nice to them
It's called controlling your image.
I make a point to stop by her booth and get a picture with her. She's always been pleasant and polite. It doesn't mean I think she's a good person.

>> No.8092914

>tfw been thinking about making some shibari lolita fetish clips
>even have some burando (Innocent World, ironically)
>don't want to be called an ita whore and be bitched about by other lolis

>> No.8092917

>salopettes should not be considered lolita

>> No.8092929

Me too, anon. I'm into BDSM and lolita. I understand not wanting Lolita to be so closely associated with ageplay, but it seems like many people have gone off the deep end being terrified of sexuality (even with those of us who aren't really public about it)

>> No.8092966


Guy into D/s here. Believe it or not, there are actually plenty of guys in the scene that have a thing for their subs dressing in "innocent" clothing. It doesn't have anything to do with age-play, there's just a specific kink for having a sub who is normally very sexual dress up in hyper effeminate/modest clothing and taking them out on dates with either harnesses or toys under said innocent clothing.

Alright, done with being a creeper. Hope that gives you some confidence.

>> No.8092977

You seriously think lolita is incredibly expensive? Have you tried actual fashion?

>> No.8092992

In Japan I think it's aimed at teen girls, they should be wearing more "mature" clothing by the time they are in their 20's. Japan is still very conformist and you have to be like every other "normal" adult. Most people in Japan think even teens who wear lolita are strange but they can get away with it becuase people will think they are going through some stupid teenage phase.

>> No.8092994

Kek, I know, don't worry. I'm quite experienced as a sub. I just clarified "not ageplay" because most lolitas don't get that kink or submissive doesn't automatically equal ageplay.

But I still want lolita porn. But only if her coord is good.

>> No.8092995


>An incredibly expensive subculture aimed at girls in their teens that glorifies materialism is unethical.

Yeah and I'm sure you live a 100% perfectly ethical life.

I find people who are self-righteous on vague abstract ideas such as these fall into their own traps sooner or later.

>> No.8092996


>tfw my ultimate sex dream is to get tied up while wearing burando and have the clothing removed from me piece by piece
>tfw I'd totally fap to your video anon

>> No.8093002

>I hate polyester organdy. It sometimes looks nice in the stock photos but in real life it's horribly shiny and cheap looking.

>> No.8093003

>ballgags and burando

>> No.8093069

This probably isn't unpopular, but the Plus Sized Lolita FB group is full of fucking morons. One bitch had no clue to measure themselves, and someone else didn't know how to take a fucking flat measurement on a goddamned skirt! Jesus fucking christ you fat asses, put down the goddamned doughnut and pick up some fucking common sense. JESUS.

>> No.8093071


>> No.8093116

I wish I was in that group just to laugh. I keep hearing how fucking stupid they all are. Can us non-plus size girls join?

>> No.8093125

I'm pretty sure you can. Have fun anon.

>> No.8093136

>if I can get away with it I will use my real hair for cosplay (but haven't yet)
>i wish people under 20 weren't allowed to cosplay because they shit me
>i am so sick of seeing 30 thousand "How do I make X" or "how do I make this entire costume"...I know you're supposed to be nice and tell people, but fuck learn to google first
>i like a lot of the "professional" cosplayers like yaya, jnig, vampy bit me etc because they look nice in their costumes and shit - don't care if they claim to "make" them or not

>> No.8093141

>Having cosplay guests at conventions just furthers the myth that anyone can get famous by dressing up in funny costumes, when in reality it's a skim few who happen to be better at networking and marketing than craftsmanship, or they've been around long enough that people just know who they are because they're like cosplay draculas- seemingly unaging and still performing the same kitschy "bleh, I vant to suck your blood" routine they've been doing since 1606

>> No.8093150
File: 93 KB, 720x960, 10945772_402955149873976_5417920859753253983_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can anyone think this is Lolita (or any licensed characters from mainstream society)

>I hate half-ass cosplay/lolita you either or all the way or none at all

>I don't care if your feet hurt, if your character is wearing 4 inch heel boots, you better fucking wear those boots instead of sneakers

>I don't know what's considered a "fatty-chan" I'm considered obese, however I don't have major rolls and I know when to accept defeat on a dress and go custom.

>I get annoyed with jr hs kids thinking there hot shit because they are "cosplaying" when they aren't putting the effort other than getting a russia coat and that's it.

>Strollers in an overcrowded con is the worst experience

>I don't think bonnets look good at all (like the large ones)

>I have more :O

>> No.8093156
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I specifically meant Huston as Morticia Addams, as opposed to Jones' Morticia

>> No.8093157

I agree with this too.

>> No.8093160

There's like one unpopular opinion in there. Try harder.

>> No.8093161

I don't know how unpopular this actually is but:
>unless your revealing costume has some sort of gimmick about it that actually makes it impressive, you're basically wearing a bikini in public for attention and while I don't condone creepy behavior all I can say is "what did you expect?"

>> No.8093219

>this fucking argument again
lolita is not haute couture. To the typical person, it is expensive. Stop being stupid.

>> No.8093632

>I hate fatties
I have nothing unpopular.

>> No.8093649

>I think that crosses on dresses are creepy and horrible and ruin good prints
>I wish every coord could have a flower crown
>I really hate people who bitch about making your skin darker for a cosplay when it is ok to go lighter (hypocrites)
>I do not like any lolita shoes but boots
>I think cosplay nowadays is pretty shit and either is too cringe worthy, too mainstream or too hyped

>> No.8093668

>tfw i want to do gentle femdom as lolita
I'm not really into BDSM (i have some fetishes but aren't that weird or S/M related) but oh well i would like to be a bit dominating without doing extreme stuff. I would like to see my partner with a collar and a leash, not hitting him... just the pleasure to see me in sweet lolita while he is with a spiky collar and leather pants and nothing else.
>too chicken to ask to do this
>most guys want lolitas to be submissive

>> No.8093860

If you think a 300 dollar dress is expensive, maybe you should find a different hobby.

(or stick to secondhand and taobao)

>> No.8093892


The first pair


My pair


>> No.8093980

>you can cosplay even if you haven't watched/read/played the series, as long as you do your research and you do it because the design is cool, not because it's popular/skimpy
> Your weight doesn't matter neither in cosplay nor lolita, as long as you can dress to your size
> Erololita to me is a thing, though rarely seen done well
> Every damn colour doesn't have to match in lolita, as long as you stay in the general colour scheme
> Wigs don't fit into fairy kei
> OTT sweet looks like someone ate pieces of plastic and barfed on a person
> Bonnets are ugly
> Plain or old school coords are not ita/boring
> I like star clips

>> No.8093993

Pfft. Save your breath. I have almost 100 brand dresses and they are not the cheap kind.

>> No.8094031

You are seriously fucking delusional if you don't think $300 for a dress is expensive, especially for young women during a time in their life when they're just starting out and should be thinking about saving for the future and getting themselves out of educational debt, grow the fuck up.

>> No.8094064

eat a dick

>> No.8094074

I can't stand kimonotime, I don't know why but she bugs me. The only way I can validate this to anyone is by saying she was pretty dumb with the X Factor thing but even that is really divisive.

>> No.8094190

They'll never listen, anon. I'm guessing most would shop at Nordies or Dillard's at best if not looking for Lolita things and more likely Target or Walmart (or worse).
They just don't get it.

>> No.8094195

The point is, youre not part of the 1%, or even the top 10%. Do you even own any Hermes? If not, then shut up. You cant afford it , either apparently.

>> No.8094198

>I think that people are so much better when they stick to their body shape and age for cosplay. People can be free to do whatever they want, but you can't force me to like your 50 year old 18 stone Daenerys cosplay

Likely this one isn't doing it for anyone's approval or acceptance but just for fun. Many people couldn't care less if you 'like' their costume. I know better seamstresses who fit this description in LARP and costuming circles than many young and pretty girls wearing shitty handmade disasters. And I laugh to myself when I see them and whisper, 'You go, Granny'

>> No.8094200

You are right, these are all very unpopular opinions. And with good reasons.

>> No.8094202

Oh, btw, saving 6 months in wages just to buy your precious CHANEL dont count.

>> No.8094211

tinyurl com /qxodczp

good enough?

>> No.8094213

Anon means that spending $300 on a dress in this hobby is pretty normal and if you think $300 sounds expensive, look into indie/taobao brands or find a different hobby. It's not "$300 isn't a lot of money" it's "this hobby revolves around wearing dresses that often cost this much, plus accessories on top of that for additional cost"

Honestly I feel the same way. A $300-$500 dress is not in my budget right now, so I stick with secondhand and indie. But I don't bitch and moan about how burando is so expensive. Lolita is a pricey hobby, complaining about the cost of it is like walking onto a new car lot and complaining that all the cars are over $5000. No shit, sherlock.

>> No.8094214

Until you can commission from a French haute couture design house, youre just like everyone else. They dont just take money, but also consider status. Get off your high horse.

>> No.8094215

Not Hermes but a bit of designer, yep. Even if I didnt, that doesn't make Lolita any higher on the low-medium-high end of the spectrum, burando is squarely mid-priced at best. Pretending it's so preciously expensive is just dumb. If you even shop anywhere there are designer shops, you know this. Btssb shoes vs Loubou, Milk bags vs Westwood or even better MK bags? ...oh please.

>> No.8094225

Owning Hermes is not a measure of being in the top 1% because Hermes, as many other luxury brands, sell exclusivity and not true quality. They sell the image that comes with owning a Hermes item. You only see them on nouveau riche yanks, celebrities and people who are into fashion as opposed to just buying clothes as a utility.
At least here, if you really are in the top 1% or however you prefer to call it, you get bespoke pieces straight from your tailor and are most likely loyal to a brand that is renowned for its quality as opposed to branding/image. Those are fairly unknown to the common public.
You also have people who choose to forego all that and dress like your regular hipster for the sake of fitting in, youths especially.

>> No.8094226

This is how I feel too. I cannot afford to buy brand new burando so when I do have the money (which isn't often), I honestly buy second hand or indie brands.

No one is expecting you to have a huge wardrobe, build it as you can but don't whine about the expense, it's a hobby not a life.

>> No.8094228

My point is, to the average person. I am emphasizing average here, it is expensive. I am not complaining about the pricing, mind you.

>> No.8094230

But that's just it, even RTW designer goods often cost more than Lolita gear. I LIKE Lolita, I'm not saying it is cheap or cheaply made, but it's NOT designer price nor quality. I was not comparing it to couture, just designer stuff you can buy at the Galleria or Neiman's.

>> No.8094245

>No one is expecting you to have a huge wardrobe, build it as you can but don't whine about the expense, it's a hobby not a life.

Exactly. I feel like so many newbies think that all these girls who post massive wardrobes will be secretly judging them for only having 3 non-burando dresses, when that couldn't be further from the truth. We all start somewhere.

>> No.8094261

The point isn't who can afford what (hopefully everyone shops within their budget) but what 'expensive' is in the realm of goods. Pretending brand lolita is comparable to designer goods is just, well...odd to me. Big price difference and big quality difference. That doesn't make Lolita any less special or good. But it is what it is. (Or in this case, isn't what it isn't?)

>> No.8094267

I prefer small meets over large ones because i want to be able to wear lolita like i would normal clothes. Large crowds only draw more attention.

>> No.8094273

Honestly, I find many judge and for many reasons. There will be some tsk'ing that the 3 dresses are/aren't burando, I'm sure. Some tut-tutting that such a noob would post a 'wardrobe' of 3 dresses and a wanna-be saying she wished she had ANY dresses.

>> No.8094280

You are mistaken. I am totally against comparing lolita brand with actual designer because they dont even come close to each other. Whenever i see someone mentioning, "lolita is expensive, but not as expensive as (luxury brand), LOLOL." I just roll my eyes. Just the ignorance of it all.

>> No.8094395

me 100%

>> No.8094866

MK is a bad example here. They're like the wannabe white trash bag. Try Balenciaga, Lanvin, McQueen, or Mulberry.

>> No.8094962

I think lor is pretty

>> No.8095360

I used MK as example because even at Dillard's they are more a more expensive 'designer' bag than burando bags and see, everyone (who knows a bit) thinks they are trashy, lol.

>> No.8095382

>I'm not hot to help noobs (or critique them)
>I hate knee high socks with anything but old school looks
>I think most burando/offbrand Lolita bags look cheap and tacky
>I really do not like the Kawaii Fashion School episodes on YouTube at all
>I think it's kind of tacky to have a closet full of second-hand lolita clothes and still pretend to be oh-so-princessy when you are basically just wearing cast-off thrifted clothing
>I think anyone too fat for 1/2 shirred burando doesn't look very good in Lolita, period

>> No.8095390

Mainstream designers are overpriced and barely better than department store brands. I have no idea why this "lulita brands r liek designurs" arguments persists, it's irrelevant as fuck.

>> No.8095446

>white pants are unpractical as fuck.

>> No.8095447

If you need a payment plan to pay for something, don't buy the item and don't embarrass yourself in public by asking for it.

>> No.8095471

Lol I almost always pay on payment plan or on hold because this way I have two invoices so I can show the cheaper one to my customs office.
> "of course this fantastic dolly dress only was 30 euro, it's used!"
>"oh, of couse ma'am!"

>> No.8095472


I only ever ask by PM if I want a payment plan, and I think I've only ever needed one twice in my life when dream items showed up after I'd just bought a dream item.

>> No.8095486
File: 144 KB, 500x275, kermit-meme-112414png_1qq16n1pph2ky139ki81oqxxiw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most pastels look like ageplay
>most bonnets look like a costume
>tea parties amd other flat shoes look like ageplay
>socks that aren't ankle socks for summer or OTKs look like ageplay
>OTT classic and sweet lolita, veils, madonna crowns and cupcake/antler/icecream cone headdresses look just as costume-y as cosplay
>casual lolita or anything that still looks like you're wearing an eccentric fashion rather than a costume is the best lolita

>> No.8095872
File: 12 KB, 275x183, yeah boiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bonnets are hideous
>waist ties on dresses are pointless and most look clunky/awful
>star clips are stupid
>most wigs geared for lolita look fake (GLW, Arda, Lockshop)
>OTT classic is a clusterfuck and obnoxious
>animal ears in sweet lolita is no different than bat wings or demon horns in gothic and is therefore acceptable
>most old school dresses look like outdated cat lady auntie's creations
>madonna crowns are not creative and need to die
>krad dresses/nameless poem are FUCKING OVERRATED
>visible tattoos in lolita are distracting

Now for the most unpopular of all:
>I want AP to pump out more equine prints like DDC, CDC, and SDD

>> No.8095978

>casual lolita or anything that still looks like you're wearing an eccentric fashion rather than a costume is the best lolita

A million times this, casual really is best, less is more.

>> No.8095995

That's a good idea I admit.

Don't you have a credit card or some credit limit on your debit card?

>> No.8096015

Done correctly, yes. A shame it's so often sloppy, unfinished coord that doesn't follow the rules 'cause it's casualllllll' . That needs to stop.

>> No.8096024

I asked for a credit plan once mostly because I didn't want to overdraw my card. I was getting paid the next week and didn't want my dress to slip away.

>> No.8096035

I will be the only person today not sad about Monty Oum dying. He hasn't made a decent animation since the one with the dancing Halo girl, and that wasn't even that great. His ego was bigger than can be justified and he was up his own ass about everything. Sad that he died but it's not a big loss.

>> No.8096044
File: 1.36 MB, 926x782, sweets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of sweet lolita isn't fashion, it's age play.

And don't start any of that shit about classic lolita being age play because it's grandma clothing. Those classic lolitas are emulating the way your grandma looked when she was young, not what she looks like now in her diapers with her lovely grey and purple locks.

>> No.8096083

Grosssssss, I really hate Sweet.
Especially that kind of sweet.
And this is an opinion thread yet everyone keeps bickering .

>> No.8096093

Obviously you don't have to feel sad about the death of someone you don't even know (especially when they have the rep of being a jerk), but I just wanted to point out that when someone dies you're supposed to feel sad for those that are left behind, not necessarily the deceased themselves.

>> No.8096104

But sometimes you're just happy the person is not alive anymore

>> No.8096240

>yumi king sucks butt

>> No.8096274

This is unpopular how?

>> No.8096287

That's a little different from the people who constantly ask for payment plans on every piece of their second-hand wardrobe. Thank goodness for non-refundable payments via personal PayPal. That's the only way I'll accept a payment plan.

>> No.8096293

I'd like to see good fatty cosplays.
>I'm a unicorn hunter too.

>> No.8096337

I hate flats in lolita. I love both clunky platforms and heels, but flats (especially teaparties) need to gtfo. I don't care if you have fucked up feet, wear something flattering.

Underrated post.

>> No.8096355

Very unpopular opinion: I think girls who get hairstyles like the green pixie cut you mentioned should just stay out of lolita. Same for big tattoos that can't easily be covered up or lots of facial piercings. If you want to put that kind of effort and money into looking punk/grunge/whatever that's fine, but please stick to that style. When punk girls plop on a cheap eBay wig and a lolita dress and pretend to be kawaii lolis for a day I can't take them seriously and it feels so awkward to have them at meets. I have sympathy for girls who have very difficult to style hair, but girls who pour money, time and effort into looking as unfeminine as possible obviously aren't really interested in being good lolitas so IMO they might as well stop.

>> No.8096414

>RHS are the ugliest things

>> No.8096433

> Girls who only wear lolita 5 times out of the year for meetups only, and wear jeans and t-shirts otherwise are treating it like some costume.

>Nun lolita is also pretty much a costume.

>> No.8096455

> Girls who only wear lolita 5 times out of the year for meetups only, and wear jeans and t-shirts otherwise are treating it like some costume.
I never got this. I only wear cocktail dresses like 2-3 times a year, but it's no one considers it a costume. Why does quantity of wears matter with lolita then? Are you somehow implying that it is a costume by default, and to 'uncostumize' it, you need to wear it every day all day?

>> No.8096466

Yes, this. I love seeing coords that look like actual everyday (if eccentric) clothes much more than OTT.

>> No.8096508

>OTT anything, especially sweet, looks like costumey garbage most of the time
>practically nobody looks good in those muumuu sack dresses
>bonnets are almost invariably ugly-looking
>OTT sweet in general is embarrassing to be associated with
>weirdass headpieces - like mini teacups and shit like that - are costumey

>> No.8096516


There are much nicer people than MO who die every day.

It's hard to summon up a lot of feelings for him when he's a stranger that I wouldn't have known through the internet, and hasn't really influenced me. It's like someone saying a fanfic author I liked when I was 15 died. Actually, it's exactly what it is.

>> No.8096635
File: 43 KB, 400x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weapons check regulations should really be laxed, 99.99% of people won't try anything. I mean think about it, you're in a convention full of *armed nerds who spend quite a considerable amount of time playing COD and aching to "be a hero", worst case scenario a shooter gets swarmed with said COD nerds trying to do "muh takedowns" and one eventually gets him (if the con cops don't first), best case scenario nobody abuses the lax regulations and ushers in a new era of super-realistic props
>Con Parties are fun
>TF2 Cosplayers are as autistic as homestuck cosplayers(some are even more)
>Somebody who looks like the character>Someone who has a better cosplay, I don't care if 300 pound black Mikasa has 1:1 perfect 3D gear, the one with the accurate Hair and Body takes it
>Bringing your DS and battling at cons is super fun, especially when people bet money or pokemon, won a shiny psyduck that way (can post story if wanted)
>If you go to cons for the sole purpose of getting laid you're a loser, if you go for fun and cosplay but make getting laid a secondary goal it still can be a little bit weird but still acceptable
>I don't feel for roommates begging for food because "they didn't have the money", you're an adult how about you make sure you have enough before you go to con, no ones putting a gun to your head and making you go, yeah if it's that bad I'll slide you a breakfast bar or something but if you want me to spot you for dinner because all your buddies are going? Lolnope

>> No.8096668

This is an *un*popular opinion thread...

>> No.8096685

>weapons check regulations
I always thought that was less about people attempting to "do something" than it was to prevent idiots from making swords or scythes out of real materials like metal that could result in accidentally hurting someone or poking out an eye.

>> No.8097681

Actually it's aimed at people who are 20+, do you really think they'll sell these expensive dresses to teens who don't have jobs? Many famous (japanese and western) lolitas are hitting their mid-20s to 30s

>> No.8097691

Yes...yes they are.
But I love them and that's a fact!

>> No.8097693

Lol not really unpopular anon

>> No.8097733


Exactly. They have a tendency to be NEETs with trust funds, or 20-30's who need an exciting, colorful hobby to combat a boring day job.

>> No.8097749

You're kind of forgetting that it's alt.fash nonetheless, thus normalfag rules generalizations don't really apply to it. Lolita is kind of a way to get away from that forcing into maturity at ~20.

>> No.8097764


>> No.8097766

Me too! fucking slept with rolls in my hair, so it would last more than two hours.

>> No.8097787

After reading this thread i've realised i must have a very unpopular opinion because i Love sweet Lolita and out of the 30 dress i own, 26 of them are print dresses.
I got into Lolita because of the amazing prints, i didn't realise people hated them that much.

>> No.8097841

>unpopular opinion thread
The general consensus on /cgl/ is often different from the general consensus in the lolita community as a whole. Obviously sweet/prints are still extremely popular outside of /cgl/.

I personally don't hate prints themselves, but I don't like how they're so often the focus of a dress or entire outfit. If a popular print dress has an awkward or unflattering bodice nobody cares, because omg it's that print everyone likes! With non-print pieces there is much more emphasis on the entire package, which is what I prefer.

>> No.8097977
File: 134 KB, 486x685, enhanced-buzz-10355-1365600472-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree, his style was dreadful

>> No.8098074

Not an opinion but I'm both a lolita and a lolicon. (Absolutely not into it for ageplay, though.)

>> No.8098083

I adore it when chubbier girls wear sweet. I feel like it suits them the best. It's the cutest thing in the world when done correctly (which unfortunately tends to be pretty rare.)

>> No.8098088

OG Ouji right there.

>> No.8098095

I dress lolita not often (i have few burando pieces yet and i don't go out much) but i love to choose not normalfag clothing for daily or lazy days. I dress with cute spooky stuff, not elegant goth styles. I don't consider it a costume because i wear AP pieces in a casual/non lolita way during warm seasons (no petti for example) and so i feel like these girls aren't really "lolita" themselves because they consider it like a costume rather than clothing outside of meets. At least get some casual pieces or wear lolita items as non lolita outfits.
I'm not a lolita lifestyler yet but i dislike how some consider it like a cosplay.
Do you mean being attracted to lolis?
I would love to dye my hair blue but what i wear its usually pink, red or black so totally unsuitable. But some bright unnatural colors could look good only with sweet if done right or choose a muted pastel color.

>> No.8098100

i think voldie is beautiful, wouldn't mind starring into those amazing green eyes of hers...fucking her slowly....would even finish in and wife when done.

>> No.8098158

Same, even though I'm quite skinny myself. You need a bit of chub to fill out most AP, BABY and Meta pieces. Girls who have round faces and just enough squish to them to fit into the sweet brands are the cutest. Not girls who are so big they're bursting out of the clothing, though.

>> No.8098194

God bless. Though neon yellow wigs look horrible on everyone imo.

>i hate it when people match their eyebrow colour exactly to their wig colour

Real talk, if your wig is extremely bright, like a baby pink or straight up white, go a shad or two darker for your eyebrows. With super dark wigs go a shade lighter.

>> No.8098486

I really like the 'nun-like' lolita look when it's not too OTT. I'm not even remotely religious but stained glass, veils, some of the smaller sunburst crowns... love it. Some day I'll get Nameless Poem even though everyone's sick of seeing it.

>> No.8098488

Arda puts too much fiber in their wig bangs, making them hard to cut and exacerbating raccoon eyes in mediocre or bad lighting.

>> No.8098495

I think cosplay should be about fun more than anything.

>> No.8098497

I only get on cgl when I'm taking a long shit

>> No.8098511

i know this is the unpopular opinions thread, but think about what you're saying. 'fun' is subjective so while you could be having fun weebing out and wearing a shit closet cosplay and ebay wig, i could be having fun by being a total bitch and pouring my drink on your head and telling you to kill yourself. fun is never going to mean the same thing for everyone. for some fun is crafting, for others fun is roleplaying, so when you think about it, cosplay is already about fun, just not -your- fun.

>> No.8098520

Seconded, thirded, printed out and hung on my wall. Ffs.

>> No.8098526

Get them slightly layered to cup your forehead, at a salon. They usually charge barely nothing if you take the wig in when getting another service like cut/color, etc. Like $10.

>> No.8098604

I hate cross body sashes or echarpes with lolita fashion.
No. No. No.
So out of place.

>> No.8099332
File: 1.93 MB, 320x180, ifoundaseagull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I think it's kind of tacky to have a closet full of second-hand lolita clothes and still pretend to be oh-so-princessy when you are basically just wearing cast-off thrifted clothing

You sound like a decent person.

>> No.8099349

>I don't give a shit about being "princessy" or kawaii or any of that crap. I'm a lady. I also don't wear sweet, so that may be part of it.

>> No.8099411

I hate those shiny star clips with a passion

>> No.8099539
File: 1.02 MB, 757x776, True Dubs -- Hong Kong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pronounced OG and Ouji similarly.
>Kek'd, but then thought nothing of it.
>Checked post number

>> No.8101805

Con Organizer Here

>i like that cosplay is going mainstream
>I hate people who think they're important when they're not
>I hate people who go to cons mainly to drink/party
>I hate how shitty cons keep getting more attendees anyway

>> No.8101937

Seconded so much!

>> No.8101941

>I'm a lady
[citation needed]

>> No.8102131

He looks like he tucks.

>> No.8102145

what do you mean by too fast? don't they have to start from somewhere?

>> No.8102221

>I don't hate Yaya or J.Nig
>Though I respect Yaya more because of her skills
>I hate sweet
>old school lolita is horrible
>I don't understand why people don't like ballet flats with lolita, those are better than fugly plateform shoes.

>> No.8103628

>blue contacts make black people look like their possessed

So true. However I've never managed to find a pair of blue contacts that were opaque and good looking with brown eyes.

>> No.8103637

Dulller shades of blue work fine. You can also get grey contacts with blue makeup.

>> No.8103638

Lots of people are getting sick of sweet. Thats why so many accept that this year will have a classic boom.

>> No.8103641

>cosplay is just for fun
>I don't care if you have a good cosplay, or a good body, or anything like that, I just like that you tried and decided to show your love for a show

>TFW these are unpopular opinions

>> No.8103663
File: 576 KB, 245x170, kristen bell sloth gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monty Oum died wat

>> No.8103790

I really hate milky cross. I don't understand how sweet prints on dark/black dresses came to exist in the first place, they looks ugly as fuck every single time.
Also people asking for help with their coords really need to learn how to pose without their shoulders hunched over like quasimodo

>> No.8103797

>cosplay is just for fun
is only an unpopular opinion on /cgl/. Tumblr, Reddit and Facebook love to say this over and over again.

>> No.8103800

My friends always say cosplay is just for fun but then they post rants on FB/tumblr post-con bitching that no one wanted their picture and that other cosplayers are elitists.
Well I guess not really "friends" I just worry I'll start shit if I unfriend/unfollow them.

>> No.8103885

I hate the new special snowflake fad of claiming some made up identity. I feel like there are legitimate people who are born one gender and mentally cannot connect with it and then there are all these dumbass 15 year olds claiming to be fucking flowers and shit and demanding you refer to them with fae/zer/xe pronouns.

>> No.8103958

because of certain colored cosplayers I hate this 28 days of black cosplay and want the month to end.

>> No.8103960

This is not an unpopular opinion Anon. The majority feel that shit is stupid too, don't worry.

>> No.8103961

that's not an unpopular opinion and only assholes do it

>> No.8104078

I'm new to /cgl/ and I don't know why people hate on yaya han.

>inb4 lurk more

[spoiler]i lust over her so hard that I find porn stars that looks like her and fap imagining that i'm fucking yaya han. I wish she had a nip slip or something.

>> No.8104095

Still love gothic lolita wigs

>> No.8104115

I actually like fandom coords as long as they fit the basic rules and guidelines. And to the people who complain about it being a costume, IMO it's just the same as a normalfag wearing a graphic tee or having accessories with the fandom they like.

>> No.8105953

I hate noflutter's designs and the cosplays that come with it. They look so tacky and frumpy in real life.

>> No.8106050

even mid range mass produced designer goods are about the same as the lolita price point if not a little higher.
it's true lolita shouldn't be compared to couture but you obviously don't know what couture is either.

>> No.8106064

>i love alt outfits by fanartists because they can be really cute and creative sometimes
>but i hate 90% of those marvel super heros evening dresses photosets on tumblr bc they're usually terribly designed with a clusterfuck of design elements and a bunch of people going 'OMG I WANT TO COSPLAY THIS'
>i think a few of the people in palace of princes seem over self congratulatory for how well they dress

>> No.8106073

> Do yoy mean being attracted to lolis ?
Yeah, something like that.

>> No.8106075

>Non-anime cosplay at anime conventions really annoys me.
>TBH I'm so tired of how most anime conventions are just general nerd conventions instead.
>I don't mind shitty cosplay if the person doing it isn't pretending they're any good or posts pictures online.
>people who hide their powerlevel at all costs are insecure as fuck

>> No.8106103

I think the fact that lolita is considered non-conformist fashion in Japan actually makes it *more* appealing to foreign hipster lolitas