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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 21 KB, 512x512, Gijinka_Sandshrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8087612 No.8087612 [Reply] [Original]

The old one seems to have saged.

Designs, coaplays, ideas and suggestions!

>> No.8087616

I have a few designs I've been working on for cosplay, hoping for some opinions?

I'm not sure where exactly to go with teddiursa, I'm making a friend an ursaring kigu and decides to use the extra fabric for teddiursa to match him. I have maybe 1.5 yards of fleece left, but I'm pretty small so I should have enough for at least something. I also have a brown wig and I'll make ears if I go a non-hoodie route.

>> No.8087617
File: 861 KB, 960x1282, 2015-01-29-12-32-21_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand I dropped my pic already.

>10/10 amazing art

>> No.8087620
File: 973 KB, 960x1280, 2015-01-29-12-33-46_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second one is mawile, I just started thinking about this one so its just a first idea. Trying to keep it within my skill level as well.

>> No.8087665
File: 123 KB, 312x407, Teddiursa+and+Ursaring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon but your designs look so plain and boring. They might be cute in an artwork but for a cosplay it's very boring.

Also, how would you use leftover fabric of ursaring for teddiursa? They have a completely different fur color.

>> No.8087679

Mawile is just wearing clothing already, I'd go with that.
While I agree that Teddiursa is generic I also don't have any better idea for it. Ursaring gives me lots of ideas but Teddirusa is just a teddy.

>> No.8087719

I'm not really concerned about being 100% color accurate tbh that color orange would look like trash on almost anyone anyway.

The only gijinkas I found are really plain too, I was just hoping to do something with this leftover fabric (and my friend really wants me to cosplay something Pokemon with him)

I am 100% open to ideas though.

>> No.8087728
File: 431 KB, 1489x963, spongebobgijinka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a lot of gijinka images but this has to be one of the strangest gijinkas I've ever seen. (File name if you can't figure it out)

>> No.8087735

It took me several minutes to figure out who everyone was.

>> No.8087739

patrick's shorts gave it away for me

>> No.8087751

Really? Shitty as they look they all have small design details like squid hair or crab eye hair pins.

>> No.8087770
File: 191 KB, 499x287, tumblr_inline_nikbhbxkNh1r0a6eg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I don't care at all about what you just said"
"I'm open to ideas though"
>mfw you just turned down help
>why are you bothering asking for more if you're not going to listen

>> No.8087775

>the only thing I said is that I have no ideas because google is bringing up the same plain shit and I don't care about the color being right on

The only suggestion I was given was "its too plain" and "the color is wrong."

I'm open to ideas. Neither of those things are ideas.

>> No.8087780

Not that anon but you didn't give any damn help at all.

>> No.8087921
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x1500, ae3979b3ceee379d59701193a4d5ccbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8087938

Left to right
mr crabs

>> No.8088054
File: 72 KB, 500x550, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about something like this? (not shiny obviously)

>> No.8088090
File: 729 KB, 1280x1280, normal_set_by_bluc-d64yu23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Teddiursa

>> No.8088130
File: 328 KB, 700x516, tumblr_mvxdoh4YLd1r55u7vo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teddiursa again

>> No.8089845

I guess this could work? (Altough I'd spring on the chance to make and wear hakama if I did mawile) If seifuku maybe have the skirt go below knee and/or flare out a bit.

The other two teddiursa examples are really cute but I love the hoodie with bear paw sleeves!

>> No.8089891
File: 5 KB, 189x310, skitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted to do a sailor fuku skitty gijinka and there's a con in a month so why not now, I thought.
Here's my doode idea, but I'm not sure what to do about the tail. Either I just make the skitty tail and let it hang and flop around or I... do without for comfort and lazy reasons?

Thoughts? How about sleeve length?
The wig is finished though, the round fringe turned out ok.

>> No.8089993

You can make a wire+belt combo with the tail and wear it underneath your skirt. Just remember to wear a cute pair of bloomers in case the tail lifts up your skirt. Either way, the tail is pretty much the "thing" you know Skitty of, so don't leave it out of the final costume.

>> No.8090004
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1280, 1422161986285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me

>> No.8090005

Right, that's true, of course I should incldude the tail. Thanks.

>> No.8090046

pants arnt mil issuee u fuck

>> No.8090371

Do you have pictures of your wig?

>> No.8090410

I'm thinking the hoode from the second and the shorts from the first. Darkwe brown OTKs and lighter brown suede engineer type boots.

>> No.8091074
File: 22 KB, 301x318, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only pic I've got. The round fringe is as good as it gets I think, rest of the wig is to be teased and rolled in/up to make a shorter and rounder shape.

>> No.8091105
File: 61 KB, 320x320, WaruMonzaemon_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Gijinka design of to cosplay....

someone able to design that?

>> No.8091155
File: 493 KB, 859x606, sable_and_kicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to put together a Sable and Kicks cosplay together for me and my boyfriend. The outfits will be easy to tackle, but I'm at loss with what to do for wigs, especially Sable's. I'm inexperienced with wigs but I'm willing to learn about styling them.

After googling for Sable cosplay pictures, I don't want to throw on just a long wavy brown wig, or end up with thin greasy-looking spiky wig. Is it possible to make a long fluffy spiky wig? If I can get some wig advice and suggestions, that'd be awesome. I sort of picture using a lot of long wefts to cover carved foam for fuller looking spikes...

>> No.8091190

I was thinking about cosplaying mega kangaskhan with my little cousin. We're both girls. Any suggestions?

>> No.8091192
File: 32 KB, 300x306, kangaskhan-mega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.8091195
File: 48 KB, 433x431, 12 layer-step-cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just googled layer cut. I'd go with something like this. And then you can just decide on how stylized you want the hair to look, depending on wether you want more natural hair or sharp, "cartoony" spikes. I usually look up kingdom hearts cosplayers for references on spiky hairstyle wigs.
Oh and do something more fun than sideswept bangs for sable.

>> No.8091198

this should basically be easy enough to cut and/or style as a beginner, just be careful and take your time with the curls and cutting.

>> No.8091209

Oh wow, I really like the look of that, thank you! I wouldn't have thought of that. Do you think one wig would be enough, or should I pick up some wefts in case to sew in for extra volume?

>do something more fun than sideswept bangs for sable
Oh yea, I'm going to doodle for something soon, I sort of want to play with having some bangs collected in the middle, and the sides shaping the face like how her hairline looks.

>> No.8091230

I'm always buying two wigs in case I mess up one (hasn't happened yet tough) or if I suspect I might need wefts or extra layers somehow. Look for something cheap on ebay most of them usually look fine, and if price isn't an issue spring for a fancier one.
But I'd say the spikes/hair is a major part of her look so ending up with something thin or frumpy that doesn't show in pictures would suck.
Wigs are fun, go for big and gaudy!

I like your idea on the bangs.

>> No.8091719
File: 133 KB, 885x750, tumblr_ndpdhu3yVk1rpavaio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do a gijinka cosplay of Gnar from LoL soon, but I don't like slutty gijinka designs but all designs I see show their midriff and I don't want that. Any inspiration for a non-slutty Gnar?

>> No.8091772


>> No.8091856
File: 10 KB, 161x80, butts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually if you look at the sprites, their colors are quite similar. Not exactly the same, but close enough to get away with using the same fabric. Pokemon change shades just about every single generation anyway.

Here, this is Diamond and Pearl, you can barely even tell the difference between their main colors, and their light accent ring/moon colors are identical. It's only their shading that's drastically different, and that wouldn't matter in a costume anyway.

>> No.8093905

go home /k/

>> No.8094293

Any FNAF? I kind of want to cosplay Bonnie.

>> No.8094339

Wow, those bangs look great. What was your process?

>> No.8094438
File: 204 KB, 600x800, Cowslip - Venusaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cowslip has a bunch of amazing Pokemon gijinkas, I really like what she comes up with.

>> No.8097738

thanks, they were really really easy.
Cut almost the standard M-shape, just with a lot more thickness and length in the middle than normal.
The rest depends on styling, make as round and puffy of a shape as possible and got2b spray in place.

>> No.8097746


>> No.8098070

>you can barely even tell the difference between their main colors
are you male?

>> No.8098688

Stop trying. They don't sell fleece in any normal fabric store in two colors THAT similar, anon. Ursaring is a tad more vibrant and a tad greenish. They're not super different. Easily close enough for the same fabric.

>> No.8098715

>see if favorite Pokemon was done
>don't see them
Based Croagunk needs more love.

>> No.8098757

Are you male as well?

>> No.8098854
File: 45 KB, 400x452, 1421550793657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi im making a Kirby cosplay and was wondering if I should put kirbys face on the sweater I have for it ? I will have a few props from kirby games as well

>> No.8098974
File: 119 KB, 330x249, Raticate0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any suggestions for a Raticate gijinka? preferably for a male, but little artwork of either gender seem to exist.

Was thinking something like OP's pic, brown hoodie with the ears and possibly whiskers attached. zipped up or zipless and baggy to better capture the sort of round/pear shape Raticate and real rodents have. maybe a pink belt to show the tail

Was thinking about making two rat teeth shaped daggers out of foam, to represent Hyper and Super Fang respectively. Maybe give the costume a more menacing look given his reputation as an evil / Team Rocket Pokemon.

>> No.8099180

>I was proven wrong and I can't handle it like an adult

>> No.8099286

Maybe suggest it to her? I have a feeling she'd do more if people actually suggested things to her.

>> No.8101494
File: 59 KB, 229x250, suicune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted to do a suicune gijinka for the longest time, but I was looking for something to make mine unique.

They released this image from Pokken Tournament and I loved the way her(his?) head piece looks like it's made out of ice. I'm going to try and do something like this for my eventual gijinka.

>> No.8101503

no, but I would get a kirby shaped backpack or something

>> No.8101537
File: 604 KB, 1700x1300, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick doodle of Keroro and Tamama

>> No.8101543

As... wrestlers..?

>> No.8101570

Tbh I have no idea haha

>> No.8102096

You must be colour blind, and I don't want to say it meanly. But it's plainly obvious that in those pictures/sprites you posted their colour scheme is completely different: Ursaring has colder tones while Teddyursa has warmer.
And while making a gijinka, why the heck would you use the sprites as reference? Games have a more limited colour pallet and you can see the difference in the original concept art better.
Ursaring and Teddyursa are not the same colour nor can you use the same fabric for them imo.