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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 302 KB, 2048x640, lolcosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8080977 No.8080977 [Reply] [Original]

What LoL cosplays are you guys planning?

Do you like the LoL cosplay group?

>> No.8081491

I'm planning on starting Vayne pretty soon, but I've never sewn knit fabrics and I'm scared! I have no friends to cosplay LoL with me either, it'll be my first time without a group.

>> No.8081519

Currently working on Spirit Guard Udyr. However I'm probably only going to wear it when I get a little more buff.

>> No.8082166

Working on an Order of the Lotus Karma for an upcoming con this year. Last year I did 2 Annie cosplays, and hopefully this fall I can start on Rocket Girl Tristana

>> No.8082179

I'm in the rough planning stages of a Caitlyn cosplay (because I picked up the game again and she's my boo), but I'm kind of intimidated by the gun due to my huge prop novice status.

>> No.8082188
File: 116 KB, 900x529, the_king_and_queen_by_firesorc-d4pe6rl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do Frostfire Annie, Nami, Karma, Janna, and Queen Ashe with my husband as King Tryndamere. I'll probably do Janna first since she's easy.

>> No.8082236

The LoL cosplay group is a bunch of SJWs and attention whores that do non-canon cosplay. I couldn't take that shit on my feed anymore so I left. No one was allowed to say anything remotely critical without getting instabanned.

>> No.8082246

>Ashe randomly in the middle of the green section despite having no green in her design and clearly not even wearing her sherwood skin

>> No.8082282

I cosplayed Panda Annie last year, and now that Sweetheart Annie is a thing, I'll have to work on that, but I'm going to wait until the finalized model/textures move to live from PBE first.

>> No.8082301

Ugh I know right, myself as well as a bunch of my friends are all banned over polite concrit

>> No.8082309

The worst part isn't even their political ideology or their pathetic responses to even minimum criticism; Most of those stupid fuckers don't even play League.

>> No.8082438

I'm working on Sweetheart Annie right now, but I kind of hate myself for the fabric choice I made

>> No.8082507


Amen to both of you. Does anyone know of a FB League cosplay group that isn't just asspats??

>> No.8082508

Wooops, meant to quote>8082309

>> No.8082529

I haven't played league since I got into the Heroes of the Storm Alpha.

>> No.8082579

Only cosplay groups I joined on FB are the regional ones and the marketplace ones :( Sorry, anon.

>> No.8082581

Just finished up my new splash art Shen cosplay, and I really want to do new splash art Shaco, but I am a little apprehensive atm.

>> No.8082648

Most FB cosplay groups are full of asspats, not just the League ones.

>> No.8082686

Pretty much this.

I've been in the LoL cosplay group for awhile, and I just gave up on con crits. Everyone's so easy to offend.

Everyone's thoughts on Pool Party cosplay/ Loiza's skin ideas?

>> No.8082762

Link to images please?

>> No.8082831

Battle bunny lux because she needs a girly skin

>> No.8082949


Pretty much every Akali skin and a couple of Ahri ones just because I usually main them.

>> No.8083132
File: 2.54 MB, 2760x4000, loiza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8083144

They are literally all the same body and faces, my god.

>> No.8083148
File: 69 KB, 679x960, loizachristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, pretty much. It's super difficult to differentiate the characters.There's a couple that are easy like Nami, Lulu, etc. Most of them look way too alike.

She's also working on a bunch of Christmas themed skins.

>> No.8083153
File: 101 KB, 960x639, loizapopstarcosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8083161
File: 68 KB, 1513x765, ashe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Ashe skin looks cool as hell.

>> No.8083252
File: 69 KB, 960x624, 10313412_10203259642237663_2205555474860807358_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The christmas skins are more different to each other I think. I really love both the christmas Lulu and christmas Lux

I also fell in love with most of the Lulu skins for the fan skin contest... Like this Christmas Lulu Though I don't think it would be very recognizable to cosplay

>> No.8083310

Have a while to finish Syndra for my next con or fix up Popstar Ahri. Thinking about doing Headhunter Caitlyn next. My mind is tossing around a lot of ideas on putting everything together with that one.

>> No.8083843


Isn't it kind of weird to do a cutesy outfit for characters who don't have this skin officially? I'm interested in doing something like this but I'm not sure if it would be a bad idea or not...

>> No.8083857

Wow Dragon Knight became a woman and got a bow and a really shitty texture.

>> No.8083895

Bad idea.

>> No.8083942

Definitely bad.
All these fan skins are shit

>> No.8084046

best cosplay friend and i are doing two pair cosplays. i chose one, she chose the other. we're going as officer caitlyn and officer vi.

i don't know very much about lol, but i'm sort of excited about cute skimpy outfits? i'm also sort of afraid i'll get judged for being a whore though.

god help me

>> No.8084115

Pretty bad bait

>> No.8084125


no, but actually...

>> No.8084144

People really hate when you do this shit. Especially with the dumbass popstar "skins."

>> No.8084148

Honestly, if you're going to do anything, keep it in character. There's nothing that ruins an OC design more than when you have a cutesy/sexy design like >>8083132, and include champs like Poppy without changing the design to suit them

>> No.8084479

serious q to all in this thread: do you play LoL?

I'm asking because I just went to PAX South and the majority of cosplayers there were League cosplayers by far.

Also, I was cosplaying from a lesser known MOBA of which I've played very little of - the barrier entry to be good at these games (100 hrs plus) is just too much for me.


>> No.8084498

The only MOBA I play is League. Haven't tried any other ones, but this one takes up way too much time on its own anyways.

>> No.8084943

I played a lot before my laptop shut down whenever I started a game. Still haven't got around to buy a new computer, but I have played, and I will start again when i buy myself a new computer

>> No.8085069

made me mad enough to post/10

>> No.8085135

Yeah I play. Fun to me but I've never really considered how much time is factored into play to be considered 'good'? I have friends with 200 wins that can be better than friends with 1,000+.
I'll play with my friends no matter their level or rank. I dont want to turn away potential fans of a game because someone or another friend they've played with is toxic and has too high expectations for someone who is like level 20. I'm fine playing solo or helping people with the in's and out's.
Now on the cosplay side, yeah you get those people who jump to cosplay designs but dont play the game..it's weird because we're both spending a lot of time, effort and money on our cosplays and if I go up to that person and want to make conversation like 'Hey what do you think about the removal of DFG?' They're clueless. So it's pretty lame imo.
Sorry for the rambling anon, haha.

>> No.8085660
File: 151 KB, 1003x160, Screenshot 2015-01-28 02.48.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>8082188 and all the characters I want to cosplay (minus Ashe, that's more of a couple thing since my husband plays Tryndamere) are characters I own and play. I've been playing on and off for a couple of years.

>> No.8086879
File: 96 KB, 720x960, 10933998_843565029039194_8318974924128941650_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8086893


>> No.8087180
File: 91 KB, 615x960, 10603699_1523846064512567_5285290258269673570_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mi yi cosplay :3

>> No.8087182
File: 304 KB, 1215x717, Heimerdinger_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat based Heimerdinger

>> No.8087203

Ahri is alright but this heimer is a god what the fuck.

Yes, but I am genuinely fucking terrible. Played a lot S3, dropped it when my laptop started getting like 15/20 fps max, and just picked it back up with the new laptop. Currently trying to get less shit.

>> No.8087253
File: 2.21 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my Sweetheart Annie wig today. It's so much more purple than I thought it would be. The product picture was Ice Blue. I have ordered a silver wig too, but the convention is in 3 weeks so I don't know if it will arrive on time. Any ideas on how to fix this wig? (it will be cut and styled, but that color...)

>> No.8087256

Yes. At the bottom of gold. Mostly play with friends though.

>> No.8087387

I really like thet Heimerdinger. That wig is just too awesome. But that Ahri looks so shit. Also she has only one tail??

>> No.8087395

Planning to do at least Sandstorm Katarina, Battle Bunny Riven and normal Soraka this year. And gonna start Ghost Bride Morgana as bigger project once I have time.

I'm part of one local LoL cosplay group but they are pretty shit-tier all since League isn't that popular here yet. Cosplayed last year mostly alone.

Yeah I play. Been playing bit over year now. Was Silver 3 last season so I'm still quite nub. Then I have smurf on other server so I can play with friends who I know are lurking this thread too (hi faggots post your plans)

>> No.8087480

I've been playing since season 1, and cosplaying since then too.
First year was at AX, and literally only like 3 of us were level 30.

>> No.8088583

I don't think that it's possible to lighten the wig.

>> No.8088598

There was an Inori wig tutorial where they lightened it by coloring the strands individually with a white paint marker. I don't think it'll work for an all-over look though. Either refund, or just photoshop it.

>> No.8088602

They're Twinzik cosplay on facebook for more kewl kousplay

>> No.8089154


Ahri looks like she has one tail when she runs and they all smooth together.

So I figure she's fine. She added the volume for it, so I think she was going for "moving ahri" and her blended-together tails

>> No.8089177

I have Garen finished. Planning to do male sivir and Darius later on in the year

>> No.8089196

Let's hope my silver wig arrives in time then

>> No.8089224
File: 82 KB, 740x1110, tashapoptart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably it but seems still pretty lazy to me.

Maybe she got inspired by Tasha's Popstar Ahri or something.

>> No.8089238

tbh it looks better. All of those cosplays with a ton of ugly cheap tales all over the place look bad.

>> No.8089289
File: 138 KB, 1215x717, _rw4263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, okay, you got me, (at least I think I know who you are because of your rank).

Been playing for a few months, level 14 and I still am pretty nub and main AP champs, although Riven and Vi have gotten more fun to play, too. Planning to cosplay Debonair Vi, Diana and I want to take Challenger Ahri as my next big background project (I'm dreading those tails already...)

>> No.8089323


When she's moving (i.e. running or casting her ult) she keeps them together. I guess that makes sense for a fox to keep her balance right with "one" tail instead of nine.


>> No.8089332
File: 104 KB, 1017x786, popstar_ahri_by_missmaddytaylor-d6t5p1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the colors so off though? Don't match the splash art either.

>> No.8089358

Has anyone ever done a Zilean? The clock looks like a bitch to make.

>> No.8089372


Okay, like >>8089289 I think I might know you, too.... There are so many projects coming up for this year already so I'm afraid my LoL costumes'll have to wait. I started playing about two years ago, but I didn't have too many people to play with so I took a long break. I used to main Lux, but I'm trying to learn to play with Ahri and try to learn to play with different types of champions, not just mages and supports.

On the cosplay side, I'd love to make Sona, especially after her splash upgrade. I adore her in the game, and the costume is somehow really elegant and appealing. Making the etwahl would also give some challenge, so yay?

>> No.8089376

I love this Ahri's makeup and wig, but the fabric choices are odd. And why only one tail?

>> No.8089384

Quit about a year ago.

I suggest you don't ever get started unless you have a looooot of free time. And 100+ hours is nowhere near enough to be good at the game. Expect more like... 2000+ hours at the very least. But yeah, the game is way more fun within your first couple hundred games where you have no idea what you're doing. Then it becomes an ego grind unless you're playing with friends.

Also, shit is like monopoly. Don't play it with your friends unless you guys are really close or expect massive butthurt.

>> No.8089480
File: 83 KB, 638x960, blackvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy makes me cringe so hard.

>> No.8089487
File: 81 KB, 638x960, ArcadeLux-ArcticMoonCosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the girl in the middle is supposed to be Arcade Lux? This is exactly why nobody likes custom skins

>> No.8089505

Nothing seems to be Arcade-y about it.

>> No.8089506
File: 80 KB, 641x960, 10390396_595723590532881_122281564840966012_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I saw that a few days ago and my friend and I couldnt figure it out.
Christ, I hate when people do non canon skins and get mad when no one recognizes them. Like that one girl who did burlesque Jinx or some shit.

>> No.8089545
File: 212 KB, 2048x1366, Janna-ElvirithCosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. That's retarded.

I think pic related is pretty, but wtf is up with her nose? Is that just bad contouring?

Also, I really want to cosplay Janna, but I'm pretty chubby. Working on that now, though.

>> No.8089612

Or Lux-y about it.

>> No.8089622

>cellulite: the cosplay

>> No.8089635

his gloves were dope as shit though. they were perfection.

>> No.8089927

Seriously, for this being Twinzik, Hopie's Ahri looks like shit. Expected a lot more out of her.

>> No.8090007

could be argued that its a commentary on idol culture

>> No.8090034

I appreciate this comment.

>> No.8090583

Can't complain on his gloves, they are perfection.